def run(root, *args, **kwargs): name = args[0].strip() if args else None if name: args = list(args) args.pop(0) mounting = root.project['mounting'].get(name) if mounting: logger.success(u'Prepare mounting <b>%s</b> to be created.' % else: logger.error(u'Mounting <b>%s</b> unknow.' % name) exit(1) else: mounting = root.mounting if not mounting.is_localhost: logger.cmd('Create machine <b>%s</b>' % (mounting.docker_machine_name, )) logger.cmd('With driver <b>%s</b>' % (mounting.get_machine_driver(), )) cmd = root.bash( mounting.docker_machine_bin, 'rm', mounting.docker_machine_name,, *args, is_system=True) else: logger.warning(mounting.LOCAL_MACHINE_WARNING)
def run_command(self, name, *args): commands = self['commands'] commands < self.mounting['commands'] if name in commands: command = commands[name] logger.cmd('Run custom command <b>%s</b>' % (, )) for line in command.commands: if line == name: logger.error('Comand loop error: <b>%s</b>' % (line, )) else: # TODO: Improve with @mounting detection and Split by | and < or > if self.root.current_mounting and line.split( )[-1][0] != '@': local_args = tuple(args) + ( '@%s' % self.root.current_mounting, ) else: local_args = tuple(args) for name, value in self.compose.environment: line = line.replace('${%s}' % (name), value) logger.cmd('Run %s %s' % (line, " ".join(local_args))) cmd_args = tuple(line.split()) + local_args cmd = self.root.bash('docker-emperor', *cmd_args, compose=self.compose, is_system=True) if not cmd.is_success: break return True return False
def run(root, *args, **kwargs): root.run_command('machine:start', internal=True) mounting = root.mounting hosts = mounting.get_machine_hosts() if hosts: for host in hosts: ip_address = '' logger.cmd('Set host <b>%s</b> mapped at %s in /etc/hosts.' % (host, ip_address)) cmd = root.bash( "docker", "run", "-t", "-i" , "-v", "%s/managehosts:/bin/managehosts" % root.bin_root, "-v", "/etc/hosts:/etc/host_hosts", "-v", "/etc/hosts.bak:/etc/host_hosts.bak", "busybox", "sh", "/bin/managehosts" , "add %s %s %s" % (host, ip_address,, mounting=mounting, is_system=True ) if cmd.is_success: logger.success('Host <b>%s</b> has been set on %s.' % (host, mounting, ))
def run(root, *args, **kwargs): logger.cmd('Command aliases for <b>%s</b> : \r' % for aliase in root.project['aliases']: logger.choice(' <b>%s</b>%s%s' % (, ' ' * (20 - len(, aliase))
def run(root, *args, **kwargs): if not root.mounting.is_running: if root.mounting.is_startable: logger.cmd('Start mounting <b>%s</b>' % (, )) cmd = root.bash(root.mounting.docker_machine_bin, 'start',, *args, sys=True) if root.mounting.is_running: root.logger.success('Machine <b>%s</b> started.' % (, )) else: root.logger.warning('Machine <b>%s</b> is not startable.' % (, )) return root.mounting.is_running # class Command(): # def run(self, *args, **kwargs): # if not self.interna # self.success('Machine <b>%s</b> started.' % (, ))
def run(root, *args, **kwargs): logger.cmd('Down project <b>%s</b>' % (, )) cmd = root.bash(root.compose.bin, 'down', '--remove-orphans', compose=root.compose, is_system=True) if cmd.is_success: logger.success('<b>%s</b> is down.' % (, ))
def run(root, *args, **kwargs): logger.cmd('Run project <b>%s</b>' % (, )) root.run_command('machine:start', internal=True) cmd = root.bash(root.compose.bin, 'run', *args, compose=root.compose, is_system=True) if cmd.is_success: logger.success('<b>%s</b> is started.' % (, ))
def run(root, *args, **kwargs): logger.cmd('Rebuild <b>%s</b>' % (, )) root.project.machine.start() cmd = root.bash(root.project.compose.bin, '--no-cache', 'build', *args, compose=root.compose, is_system=True) if cmd.is_success: logger.success('<b>%s</b> rebuilt.' % (, ))
def run(root, *args, **kwargs): root.run_command('machine:start', internal=True) if '--set-hosts' in args: root.run_command('hosts:set', internal=True) args = filter(lambda s: s != '--set-hosts', args) else: logger.cmd('Hosts mapping ignored.') logger.cmd('Up project <b>%s</b>' % (, )) cmd = root.bash(root.compose.bin, 'up', *args, compose=root.compose, is_system=True) if cmd.is_success: logger.success('<b>%s</b> is up.' % (, )) if root.mounting['hosts']: for host in root.mounting['hosts']: logger.success('Project is accessible by http://%s.' % (host, ))
def run(root, *args, **kwargs): logger.cmd('Sync files for project <b>%s</b>' % (, )) root.run_command('machine:start', internal=True) if not root.mounting.is_localhost: # ex. docker-machine scp -r -d . virtualbox:/home/docker/ for file in root.mounting['files']: cmd = root.bash( root.mounting.docker_machine_bin, 'scp', '--quiet', '-r', '-d', file, '{}:{}'.format( root.mounting.docker_machine_name,, root.mounting['workdir']), is_system=True, ) print(cmd.cmd_line) else: logger.warning(root.mounting.LOCAL_MACHINE_WARNING)
def run(root, *args, **kwargs): logger.cmd('Active mounting <b>%s</b>' % (, ))
def run(root, *args, **kwargs): logger.cmd('Run project <b>%s</b>' % (, )) root.run_command('machine:start', internal=True) root.run_command('down', internal=True) root.run_command('up', *args, internal=True)
def run(root, *args, **kwargs): logger.cmd('Removing all docker containers..') root.bash('docker rm $(docker ps -a -q) -f', compose=root.compose, is_system=True)