def minimum_resources(task: ElasticTask, allocation_priority: NonElasticResourcePriority) -> Tuple[int, int, int]:
        Find the optimal non_elastic speeds of the task

        :param task: The task to use
        :param allocation_priority: The non-elastic value function to value the speeds
        :return: non_elastic speeds
        model = CpoModel('non_elasticSpeedsPrioritisation')
        loading_speed = model.integer_var(min=1, name='loading speed')
        compute_speed = model.integer_var(min=1, name='compute speed')
        sending_speed = model.integer_var(min=1, name='sending speed')

        model.add(task.required_storage / loading_speed +
                  task.required_computation / compute_speed +
                  task.required_results_data / sending_speed <= task.deadline)

        model.minimize(allocation_priority.evaluate(loading_speed, compute_speed, sending_speed))

        model_solution = model.solve(log_output=None)
        assert model_solution.get_solve_status() == SOLVE_STATUS_FEASIBLE or \
               model_solution.get_solve_status() == SOLVE_STATUS_OPTIMAL, \
               (model_solution.get_solve_status(), task.__str__())
        assert 0 < model_solution.get_value(loading_speed) and \
               0 < model_solution.get_value(compute_speed) and \
               0 < model_solution.get_value(sending_speed), \
               (model_solution.get(loading_speed), model_solution.get(compute_speed), model_solution.get(sending_speed))

        return model_solution.get_value(loading_speed), \
            model_solution.get_value(compute_speed), \
def elastic_feasible_allocation(
        task_server_allocations: Dict[Server, List[ElasticTask]],
        time_limit: int = 60
) -> Optional[Dict[ElasticTask, Tuple[int, int, int]]]:
    Checks whether a task to server allocation is a feasible solution to the problem

    :param task_server_allocations: The current task allocation
    :param time_limit: The time limit to solve the problem within
    :return: An optional dictionary of the task to the tuple of resource speeds
    model = CpoModel("Allocation Feasibility")

    loading_speeds: Dict[ElasticTask, CpoVariable] = {}
    compute_speeds: Dict[ElasticTask, CpoVariable] = {}
    sending_speeds: Dict[ElasticTask, CpoVariable] = {}

    for server, tasks in task_server_allocations.items():
        for task in tasks:
            loading_speeds[task] = model.integer_var(
                name=f'Task {} loading speed')
            compute_speeds[task] = model.integer_var(
                name=f'Task {} compute speed')
            sending_speeds[task] = model.integer_var(
                name=f'Task {} sending speed')

            model.add((task.required_storage / loading_speeds[task]) +
                      (task.required_computation / compute_speeds[task]) +
                      (task.required_results_data /
                       sending_speeds[task]) <= task.deadline)

                for task in tasks) <= server.storage_capacity)
                for task in tasks) <= server.computation_capacity)
            sum((loading_speeds[task] + sending_speeds[task])
                for task in tasks) <= server.bandwidth_capacity)

    model_solution = model.solve(log_output=None, TimeLimit=time_limit)
    if model_solution.get_solve_status() == SOLVE_STATUS_FEASIBLE:
        return {
            task: (model_solution.get_value(loading_speeds[task]),
            for tasks in task_server_allocations.values() for task in tasks
        return None
    def allocate(self, task: ElasticTask,
                 server: Server) -> Tuple[int, int, int]:
        Determines the resource speed for the task on the server but finding the smallest

        :param task: The task
        :param server: The server
        :return: A tuple of resource speeds
        Initial version that attempts brute force however too computationally expensive when the discretisation of the 
            server resources is too high
        return min(((s, w, r)
                    for s in range(1, server.available_bandwidth + 1)
                    for w in range(1, server.available_computation + 1)
                    for r in range(1, server.available_bandwidth - s + 1)
                    if task.required_storage * w * r + s * task.required_computation * r +
                    s * w * task.required_results_data <= task.deadline * s * w * r),
                   key=lambda bid: self.resource_evaluator(task, server, bid[0], bid[1], bid[2]))"""
        # TODO possible to use KKT
        model = CpoModel('resource allocation')

        loading = model.integer_var(min=1, max=server.available_bandwidth - 1)
        compute = model.integer_var(min=1, max=server.available_computation)
        sending = model.integer_var(min=1, max=server.available_bandwidth - 1)

            task.required_storage * compute * sending +
            loading * task.required_computation * sending +
            loading * compute * task.required_results_data <= task.deadline *
            loading * compute * sending)
        model.add(loading + sending <= server.available_bandwidth)

            self.resource_evaluator(task, server, loading, compute, sending))
        model_solution = model.solve(log_output=None)

        if model_solution.get_solve_status() != SOLVE_STATUS_FEASIBLE and \
                model_solution.get_solve_status() != SOLVE_STATUS_OPTIMAL:
                f'Resource allocation fail - status: {model_solution.get_solve_status()} '
                f'for {str(task)} and {str(server)}')
            raise Exception(
                f'Resource allocation for a task is infeasible, '
                f'model solution is {model_solution.get_solve_status()}. '
                f'The task setting is {} and '
                f'the server setting has available bandwidth of {server.available_bandwidth} and '
                f'available computation of {server.available_computation} '
                f'(storage: {server.available_storage})')
        return model_solution.get_value(loading), model_solution.get_value(
            compute), model_solution.get_value(sending)
Exemple #4
def ALBP(TaskTime, nbStations, PrecedenceTasks):
    """ Prepare the data for modeling """
    # tasks set
    TASKS = range(len(TaskTime))
    # workstations set
    WORKSTATIONS = range(nbStations)

    """ Build the model """
    # Create CPO model
    myModel = CpoModel()

    # Assign tasks to workstation
    WhichWorkstation = myModel.integer_var_list(len(TaskTime), 0, nbStations - 1)

    # Cycle time
    CycleTime = myModel.integer_var(max(TaskTime), sum(TaskTime))

    # Add station load constraints
    for k in WORKSTATIONS:
        myModel.add(sum(TaskTime[i] * (WhichWorkstation[i] == k) for i in TASKS) <= CycleTime)

    # Add precedence constraints
    for i in TASKS:
        for j in PrecedenceTasks[i]:
            myModel.add(WhichWorkstation[j] <= WhichWorkstation[i])

    # Create model objective

    """ Solve model """
    solution = myModel.solve(FailLimit=100000, TimeLimit=10)

    """ Print solution """
    return solution
Exemple #5
def test_cplex():
    model = CpoModel('test')
    x = model.integer_var(name='x')
    model.minimize(5 * x**2 - 10 * x + 1)

    solution = model.solve()
    assert solution.get_solve_status() == SOLVE_STATUS_OPTIMAL
Exemple #6
def convert_fixed_task(tasks: List[Task]):
    Converts tasks to fixed tasks

        tasks: List of tasks

    Returns: List of fixed tasks
    fixed_tasks = []
    for task in tasks:
        model = CpoModel('FixedTask')

        loading_speed = model.integer_var(min=1, name='loading speed')
        compute_speed = model.integer_var(min=1, name='compute speed')
        sending_speed = model.integer_var(min=1, name='sending speed')

        model.add((task.required_storage / loading_speed) +
                  (task.required_computation / compute_speed) +
                  (task.required_results_data / sending_speed) <= (
                      task.deadline - task.auction_time))

        model.minimize(1.2**loading_speed + 1.2**compute_speed +

        model_solution = model.solve(log_output=None, TimeLimit=3)

        if model_solution.get_solve_status(
        ) != SOLVE_STATUS_FEASIBLE or model_solution.get_solve_status(
            print(f'Error: {model_solution.get_solve_status()}')

    return fixed_tasks
def solve(storage_budget: List[float], query_size: List[float],
          query_latency: List[List[float]]):
    Solve result placement with ILP.
    :param storage_budget: (1 x n_storage) array of storage budgets.
    :param query_size: (1 x n_query) array of sizes of query.
    :param query_latency: (n_query x n_storage) array of latencies for each query when placed on
        each storage.
    n_storage = len(storage_budget)
    n_query = len(query_size)

    # Init variables
    mdl = CpoModel()
    X = [[
        mdl.integer_var(min=0, max=1, name="C" + str(i) + str(j))
        for j in range(n_storage)
    ] for i in range(n_query)]

    # Objective: minimize delay
    obj = mdl.sum([
        X[i][j] * query_latency[i][j] for j in range(n_storage)
        for i in range(n_query)

    # Constraint 1: cannot exceed mem size
    for j in range(n_storage):
            mdl.sum([X[i][j] * query_size[i]
                     for i in range(n_query)]) <= storage_budget[j])

    # Constraint 2: each query at least placed somewhere
    for i in range(n_query):
        mdl.add(mdl.sum([X[i][j] for j in range(n_storage)]) == 1)

    print('Solving model....')
    msol = mdl.solve(TimeLimit=10)

    if msol:
        sol = [[msol[X[i][j]] for j in range(n_storage)]
               for i in range(n_query)]
        print('Solution found:')
        print('No solution found')
Exemple #8
def cplex_makespan_model(n: int, m: int, durations, machines) -> CpoModel:
    # n number of jobs, m machines
    # 1 line for un job with tasks on m machines

    naive = np.sum(durations)

    mdl = CpoModel()

    #Une variable est l'intervalle de durée pour une tache
    x = [[
        mdl.interval_var(size=durations[i, j], name="O{}-{}".format(i, j))
        for j in range(m)
    ] for i in range(n)]

    #contrainte end max d'une tache calculée avant
    for i in range(n):
        for j in range(m):
            mdl.add(mdl.end_of(x[i][j]) <= naive)

    for i in range(n):  #for each job
        for j in range(m - 1):  #taches ordonnées
            mdl.add(mdl.end_before_start(x[i][j], x[i][j + 1]))

    # une machine ne peut faire qu'une tache à la fois
    listtaches = [[] for k in range(m)]
    for i in range(n):
        for j in range(m):
            listtaches[machines[i, j]].append(x[i][j])

    for k in range(m):

    makespan = mdl.integer_var(0, naive, name="makespan")
    # le makespan est le max des tps pour chaque job
    mdl.add(makespan == mdl.max([mdl.end_of(x[i][m - 1]) for i in range(n)]))


    return mdl, x
Exemple #9
context.solver.agent = 'local'
context.solver.local.execfile = '/home/a15001/cplex/cpoptimizer/bin/x86-64_linux/cpoptimizer'
from read import read_instance

matrix = read_instance()

mdl = CpoModel()

x = [[[0] * 9] * 9] * 9

for l in range(0, 8):
    for c in range(0, 8):
        for v in range(0, 8):
            x[l][c][v] = mdl.integer_var(0, 1)

for i in range(len(matrix)):
    for j in range(len(matrix[i])):
        if matrix[i][j] != 0:
            mdl.add(x[i][j][matrix[i][j] - 1] == 1)

# Restrição de linha
for c in range(0, 8):
    for v in range(0, 8):
        expr = 0
        for l in range(0, 8):
            expr = expr + x[l][c][v]
        mdl.add(expr == 1)
Exemple #10

# Size of the square

# Build the model

# Create CPO model
mdl = CpoModel()

# Create grid of variables
grid = [[mdl.integer_var(min=0, max=SQUARE_SIZE - 1, name="C_{}_{}".format(l, c)) for l in GRNG] for c in GRNG]

# Add alldiff constraints for lines
for l in GRNG:
    mdl.add(mdl.all_diff([grid[l][c] for c in GRNG]))

# Add alldiff constraints for columns
for c in GRNG:
    mdl.add(mdl.all_diff([grid[l][c] for l in GRNG]))

# Add alldiff constraints for diagonals
mdl.add(mdl.all_diff([grid[l][l] for l in GRNG]))
mdl.add(mdl.all_diff([grid[l][SQUARE_SIZE - l - 1] for l in GRNG]))

# Force first line to natural sequence
for c in GRNG:
Exemple #11
# Build the model

mdl = CpoModel()

# Create variables identifying which location serves each customer
cust = mdl.integer_var_list(nbCustomer, 0, nbLocation - 1, "CustomerLocation")

# Create variables indicating which plant location is open
open = mdl.integer_var_list(nbLocation, 0, 1, "OpenLocation")

# Create variables indicating load of each plant
load = [
    mdl.integer_var(0, capacity[p], "PlantLoad_" + str(p))
    for p in range(nbLocation)

# Associate plant openness to its load
for p in range(nbLocation):
    mdl.add(open[p] == (load[p] > 0))

# Add constraints
mdl.add(mdl.pack(load, cust, demand))

# Add objective
obj = mdl.scal_prod(fixedCost, open)
for c in range(nbCustomer):
    obj += mdl.element(cust[c], cost[c])
Exemple #12
from docplex.cp.model import CpoModel
from docplex.cp.model import CpoParameters

mdl = CpoModel(name='buses')
nbbus40 = mdl.integer_var(0, 1000, name='nbBus40')
nbbus30 = mdl.integer_var(0, 1000, name='nbBus30')
mdl.add(nbbus40 * 40 + nbbus30 * 30 >= 300)
mdl.minimize(nbbus40 * 500 + nbbus30 * 400)

param = CpoParameters()
param.TimeLimit = 20

#use parameters param for model mdl

msol = mdl.solve()

print(msol[nbbus40], " buses 40 seats")
print(msol[nbbus30], " buses 30 seats")

#read params from model mdl
param2 = mdl.get_parameters()

print("time limit = ", param2["TimeLimit"])
print("time limit = ", param2.get_attribute("TimeLimit"))

for i in param2:
    print(i, " = ", param2[i])
which gives
for i in range(0, len(macros[0].positionList_x)):
	print(str(macros[0].positionList_x[i]) + '\t' +  str(macros[0].positionList_y[i]))
# --------------------
#  Build Model
# --------------------

# Create Model
mdl = CpoModel()

# Create Variables - move steps
new_index_map = dict()
for macro in unique_macros:
    for term in macro.terms:
        new_index = mdl.integer_var(0, len(macro.positionList_x),
        new_index_map[] = new_index
# Create Variable - macro.cpo_center.x/y : fix to in constraint
for macro in macros:
	macro.cpo_center.x = mdl.integer_var(domain = (,
	macro.cpo_center.y = mdl.integer_var(domain = (,
# Apply possible movements in each term in each macro and update new cpo_location after movements
for macro in macros:
    for term in macro.terms:
        cplex_helpers.moveTermUpdate(mdl, macro, term, new_index_map)

# TODO: Rotation
# TODO: Multi-copies
Exemple #14
The problem involves choosing colors for the countries on a map in
such a way that at most four colors (blue, white, yellow, green) are
used and no neighboring countries are the same color. In this exercise,
you will find a solution for a map coloring problem with six countries:
Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands.

Please refer to documentation for appropriate setup of solving configuration.

from docplex.cp.model import CpoModel

# Create CPO model
mdl = CpoModel()

# Create model variables containing colors of the countries
Belgium = mdl.integer_var(0, 3, "Belgium")
Denmark = mdl.integer_var(0, 3, "Denmark")
France = mdl.integer_var(0, 3, "France")
Germany = mdl.integer_var(0, 3, "Germany")
Luxembourg = mdl.integer_var(0, 3, "Luxembourg")
Netherlands = mdl.integer_var(0, 3, "Netherlands")
ALL_COUNTRIES = (Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Luxembourg, Netherlands)

# Create constraints
mdl.add(Belgium != France)
mdl.add(Belgium != Germany)
mdl.add(Belgium != Netherlands)
mdl.add(Belgium != Luxembourg)
mdl.add(Denmark != Germany)
mdl.add(France != Germany)
mdl.add(France != Luxembourg)
Exemple #15
    l += 1
    while l < HEIGHT and PUZZLE[l][c] == ' ':
        l += 1
        res += 1
    return res

# Build the model

# Create CPO model
mdl = CpoModel()

# Create one binary variable for presence of bulbs in cells
bulbs = [[mdl.integer_var(min=0, max=1, name="C{}_{}".format(l, c)) for c in range(WIDTH)] for l in range(HEIGHT)]

# Force number of bulbs in black cells to zero
for l in range(HEIGHT):
    for c in range(WIDTH):
        if PUZZLE[l][c] != ' ':
            mdl.add(bulbs[l][c] == 0)

# Force number of bulbs around numbered cells
for l in range(HEIGHT):
    for c in range(WIDTH):
        v = PUZZLE[l][c]
        if v.isdigit():
            mdl.add(mdl.sum(bulbs[l2][c2] for l2, c2 in get_neighbors(l, c)) == int(v))

# Avoid multiple bulbs on adjacent empty cells
Exemple #16
    (0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7),

# Build the model

# Create CPO model
mdl = CpoModel()

# Grid range
GRNG = range(9)

# Create grid of variables
grid = [[
    mdl.integer_var(min=1, max=9, name="C" + str(l) + str(c)) for l in GRNG
] for c in GRNG]

# Add alldiff constraints for lines
for l in GRNG:
    mdl.add(mdl.all_diff([grid[l][c] for c in GRNG]))

# Add alldiff constraints for columns
for c in GRNG:
    mdl.add(mdl.all_diff([grid[l][c] for l in GRNG]))

# Add alldiff constraints for sub-squares
ssrng = range(0, 9, 3)
for sl in ssrng:
    for sc in ssrng:
vol = df.values.tolist()
vol_commu = [list(map(int,i)) for i in vol]
vol_commu = [[0 for _ in range(NUM_RESOURCES)] for _ in range(NUM_RESOURCES)]
vol_commu[0][1] = 10000
vol_commu[0][2] = 10000
# Build the model

# Create model
mdl = CpoModel()

# Create array of variables for subsquares
vx = [mdl.integer_var(min=0, max=max(WIDTH_REC,HEIGHT_REC), name="x" + str(i)) for i in range(NUM_RESOURCES)]
vy = [mdl.integer_var(min=0, max=max(WIDTH_REC,HEIGHT_REC), name="y" + str(i)) for i in range(NUM_RESOURCES)]
vz = [mdl.integer_var(min=0, max=1, name="z" + str(i)) for i in range(NUM_RESOURCES)]   # 0 non-rotate. 1 rotate
vxy = [[mdl.integer_var(min=0, max=1, name="xy_{}.{}".format(i, j)) for j in range(NUM_RESOURCES)] for i in range(NUM_RESOURCES)]
H = mdl.integer_var(min=0, max=HEIGHT_REC, name="H")

# Create dependencies between variables (add them one by one)
for i in range(NUM_RESOURCES):
    for j in range(NUM_RESOURCES):
        mdl.add((vx[i] + (1-vz[i])*SIZE_WIDTH[i] + vz[i]*SIZE_HEIGHT[i] <= WIDTH_REC))
for i in range(NUM_RESOURCES):
    for j in range(NUM_RESOURCES):
        mdl.add((vy[i] + (1-vz[i])*SIZE_HEIGHT[i] + vz[i]*SIZE_WIDTH[i] <= H))

for i in range(NUM_RESOURCES-1):
Exemple #18
                    str( + '_' + str(ses_idx)

                # construct the variable domain using global index list time_seg_idx
                # fetch all indices for any day existing in visiting days (but
                # not the general treatment days, because they include doctors
                # team visits as well, and that should not be used for patient
                # visit purposes.)
                domain = []
                for day in days:
                    sub_domain = util.get_start_end_time_idx(
                        day, day, time_seg_idx)
                        list(range(sub_domain[0], sub_domain[-1] + 1)))

                vis.s_var = mdl.integer_var(name=name,

                # add binary variables for morning and afternoon possibility
                for day in days:
                    name = 'x_' + str( + '_' + str( + \
                        '_' + str(ses_idx) + '_' + str(day)

                    name = 'y_' + str( + '_' + str( + \
                        '_' + str(ses_idx) + '_' + str(day)


                # add day binary vars in a next for loop nested into this one
Exemple #19
import random
e_x,e_y = [5],[0]
SIZE_X = 10
SIZE_Y = 10
Nblack =  544
NWhite = SIZE_X * SIZE_Y - Nblack - 1
calc_white = 0
EXITS_X = list(e_x)
EXITS_Y = list(e_y)
mdl = CpoModel()
mass_v_str = []
mass_v = []
for i in range(SIZE_X):
    for j in range(SIZE_Y):
        if [i,j] != [*EXITS_X, *EXITS_Y]:
            v = mdl.integer_var(domain=(0,1), name='sq_' + str(i) + '_' + str(j))
            v = mdl.integer_var(domain=(0,0), name='sq_' + str(i) + '_' + str(j))
    mass_v_str = []
def checkin(indexes, mas):
      ind =  mas.index(indexes)
      return 0
      return 1
def get_neigh(mass,  i, j):
    Y_SIZE = len(mass[0])
    X_SIZE = len(mass)
    Result = []
Exemple #20

# Build the model

mdl = CpoModel()

# Create variables identifying which location serves each customer
cust = mdl.integer_var_list(nbCustomer, 0, nbLocation - 1, "CustomerLocation")

# Create variables indicating which plant location is open
open = mdl.integer_var_list(nbLocation, 0, 1, "OpenLocation")

# Create variables indicating load of each plant
load = [mdl.integer_var(0, capacity[p], "PlantLoad_" + str(p)) for p in range(nbLocation)]

# Associate plant openness to its load
for p in range(nbLocation):
      mdl.add(open[p] == (load[p] > 0))

# Add constraints
mdl.add(mdl.pack(load, cust, demand))

# Add objective
obj = mdl.scal_prod(fixedCost, open)
for c in range(nbCustomer):
    obj += mdl.element(cust[c], cost[c])

# Add KPIs
#===============CREATE MODEL===============
mdl = CpoModel(name = "bin-packing-variant")

#===============SETUP DECISION VARIABLES===============
#array of integer variables saying which bin an item goes into
wheres = []
bin_idx_of_dump_item = 0
for item in items:
    bin_list = ()
    for bin in bins[0:nb_bins]:
        if(alloc_constraint[,] == 1):
            bin_list += int(,
    #add the last bin (the big one)    
    bin_list += nb_bins,
    wheres.append(mdl.integer_var(domain=(bin_list), name = "whereItem"+str(
#===============SETUP CONSTRAINTS===============   
#one pack constraint for each dimension
for k in range(2):
    #each bin's load can range(0..bin size)
    loads = [mdl.integer_var(0,bins[int(].size[k], name="sizeBin"+str(",d"+str(k)) for bin in bins]
    mdl.add(mdl.pack(loads, wheres, [item.size[k] for item in items]))
#===============SETUP OBJECTIVE=============== 
#maximize number of items allocated to all bins EXCEPT the big bin
#nb_allocated_items = mdl.sum([(wheres[int(] != nb_bins) for item in items])

#maximize x_1 * x_2 * ... *x_n, where x_1, x_2,..., x_n is the number of items in bin 1, 2, ..., n
product_x = 1
for bin in bins[0:len(bins)-1]:
Exemple #22
def optimal_task_price(new_task: ElasticTask, server: Server, time_limit: int, debug_results: bool = False):
    Calculates the task price

    :param new_task: The new task
    :param server: The server
    :param time_limit: Time limit for the cplex
    :param debug_results: debug the results
    :return: task price and task speeds
    assert 0 < time_limit, f'Time limit: {time_limit}'
    assert new_task.required_storage <= server.storage_capacity
    model = CpoModel(f'{} Task Price')

    # Add the new task to the list of server allocated tasks
    tasks = server.allocated_tasks + [new_task]

    # Create all of the resource speeds variables
    loading_speeds = {task: model.integer_var(min=1, max=task.loading_ub()) for task in tasks}
    compute_speeds = {task: model.integer_var(min=1, max=task.compute_ub()) for task in tasks}
    sending_speeds = {task: model.integer_var(min=1, max=task.sending_ub()) for task in tasks}

    # Create all of the allocation variables however only on the currently allocated tasks
    allocation = {task: model.binary_var(name=f'{} Task allocated') for task in server.allocated_tasks}

    # Add the deadline constraint
    for task in tasks:
        model.add((task.required_storage / loading_speeds[task]) +
                  (task.required_computation / compute_speeds[task]) +
                  (task.required_results_data / sending_speeds[task]) <= task.deadline)

    # Add the server resource constraints
    model.add(sum(task.required_storage * allocated for task, allocated in allocation.items()) +
              new_task.required_storage <= server.storage_capacity)
    model.add(sum(compute_speeds[task] * allocated for task, allocated in allocation.items()) +
              compute_speeds[new_task] <= server.computation_capacity)
    model.add(sum((loading_speeds[task] + sending_speeds[task]) * allocated for task, allocated in allocation.items()) +
              (loading_speeds[new_task] + sending_speeds[new_task]) <= server.bandwidth_capacity)

    # The optimisation function
    model.maximize(sum(task.price * allocated for task, allocated in allocation.items()))

    # Solve the model with a time limit
    model_solution = model.solve(log_output=None, TimeLimit=time_limit)

    # If the model solution failed then return an infinite price
    if model_solution.get_solve_status() != SOLVE_STATUS_FEASIBLE and \
            model_solution.get_solve_status() != SOLVE_STATUS_OPTIMAL:
        print(f'Cplex model failed - status: {model_solution.get_solve_status()} '
              f'for new {str(new_task)} and {str(server)}')
        return math.inf, {}

    # Get the max server profit that the model finds and calculate the task price through a vcg similar function
    new_server_revenue = model_solution.get_objective_values()[0]
    task_price = max(server.revenue - new_server_revenue + server.price_change, server.initial_price)

    # Get the resource speeds and task allocations
    speeds = {
        task: (model_solution.get_value(loading_speeds[task]),
               model_solution.get_value(allocation[task]) if task in allocation else True)
        for task in tasks

    debug(f'Sever: {} - Prior revenue: {server.revenue}, new revenue: {new_server_revenue}, '
          f'price change: {server.price_change} therefore task price: {task_price}', debug_results)

    return task_price, speeds
def CP_model_restricted(params):
    mdl = CpoModel()

    X = [mdl.integer_var(min=0, max=NUM_BINS) for item in range(NUM_ITEMS)]

    CP = mdl.integer_var_list(NUM_BINS, min=0, max=BIN_SIZE)

    for bin in range(NUM_BINS - 1):
        mdl.add(CP[bin] >= CP[bin + 1])

    mdl.add(pack(CP, [X[item] for item in range(NUM_ITEMS)], ITEM_SIZES))

    CC = [
        mdl.integer_var_list(NUM_COLORS, min=0, max=BIN_SIZE)
        for bin in range(NUM_BINS)

    for color in range(NUM_COLORS):
            distribute([CC[bin][color] for bin in range(NUM_BINS)], [
                X[item] for item in range(NUM_ITEMS) if COLORS[item] == color
            ], [bin for bin in range(NUM_BINS)]))

    for bin in range(NUM_BINS):

        TC = mdl.sum(CC[bin])
        MC = mdl.max(CC[bin])
        # mdl.add_kpi(TC, name="TC_{}".format(bin))
        # mdl.add_kpi(MC, name="MC_{}".format(bin))

        # mdl.add(
        #     (TC+mdl.mod(TC, 2))/2  >= MC
        # )
        # mdl.add(
        #     (TC - mdl.mod(TC, NUM_COLORS))/NUM_COLORS >= MC
        # )

        # mdl.add(
        #     mdl.sum(
        #         CC[bin][color] > 0 for color in range(NUM_COLORS)
        #     ) <= MAX_COLORS_IN_BIN
        # )

    for item in range(NUM_ITEMS):
        for item2 in range(item + 1, NUM_ITEMS):
            if COLORS[item] == COLORS[item2]:
                        X[item] == X[item2],
                            X[i] == X[item]
                            for i in range(item + 1, item2 + 1)
                            if COLORS[i] != COLORS[item]
                        # mdl.count([mdl.element(COLORS, i) for i in range(item, item2+1)], abs(COLORS[item] -1)) > 0

    # mdl.add(
    #     mdl.minimize(count_different(X))
    # )

    # bins_used = mdl.sum(CP[bin] > 0 for bin in range(NUM_BINS))
    # mdl.add(
    #     mdl.minimize(
    #         bins_used
    #     )
    # )

    mdl.add(mdl.minimize(mdl.max(X) + 1))

        msol = mdl.solve(TimeLimit=20)
        # print(ITEM_SIZES)
        # print(COLORS)

        # print([msol[X[item]] for item in range(NUM_ITEMS)])

        Xs = np.array([msol[X[i]] for i in range(NUM_ITEMS)])
        if solution_checker(Xs, COLORS, ITEM_SIZES, BIN_SIZE, SEED,
            write_to_global_cp(msol, mdl, 'restricted_binary')

    except Exception as err:
Exemple #24
# Build the model

# Create CPO model
mdl = CpoModel()

# Configuration of the truck for each delivery
truckConfigs = mdl.integer_var_list(maxDeliveries, 0, nbTruckConfigs - 1,
# In which delivery is an order
where = mdl.integer_var_list(nbOrders, 0, maxDeliveries - 1, "where")
# Load of a truck
load = mdl.integer_var_list(maxDeliveries, 0, maxLoad, "load")
# Number of deliveries that are required
nbDeliveries = mdl.integer_var(0, maxDeliveries)
# Identification of which customer is assigned to a delivery
customerOfDelivery = mdl.integer_var_list(maxDeliveries, 0, nbCustomers,
# Transition cost for each delivery
transitionCost = mdl.integer_var_list(maxDeliveries - 1, 0, 1000,

# transitionCost[i] = transition cost between configurations i and i+1
for i in range(1, maxDeliveries):
    auxVars = (truckConfigs[i - 1], truckConfigs[i], transitionCost[i - 1])
    mdl.add(mdl.allowed_assignments(auxVars, CONFIGURATION_TRANSITION_COST))

# Constrain the volume of the orders in each truck
mdl.add(mdl.pack(load, where, volumes, nbDeliveries))
for i in range(0, maxDeliveries):
Exemple #25
nbKids = 300

# Indexes

busSize = 0
busCost = 1

for b in Buses:
    print("buses with ", b[busSize], " seats cost ", b[busCost])

mdl = CpoModel(name='buses')

#decision variables
mdl.nbBus = {
    b: mdl.integer_var(0, 1000, name="nbBus" + str(b[busSize]))
    for b in Buses

# Constraint
mdl.add(sum(mdl.nbBus[b] * b[busSize] for b in Buses) >= nbKids)

# Objective
mdl.minimize(sum(mdl.nbBus[b] * b[busCost] for b in Buses))

msol = mdl.solve()

# Dislay solution
for b in Buses:
    print(msol[mdl.nbBus[b]], " buses with ", b[busSize], " seats")
Exemple #26
# Indicate to constrain each square diagonal with all different symbols

# Build the model

# Create CPO model
mdl = CpoModel()

# Create grid of variables
grid = [[[
                    max=CUBE_SIZE - 1,
                    name="C_{}_{}_{}".format(x, y, z)) for x in GRNG
] for y in GRNG] for z in GRNG]

# Add constraints for each slice on direction x
for x in GRNG:
    # Add alldiff constraints for lines
    for l in GRNG:
        mdl.add(mdl.all_diff([grid[x][l][c] for c in GRNG]))

    # Add alldiff constraints for columns
    for c in GRNG:
        mdl.add(mdl.all_diff([grid[x][l][c] for l in GRNG]))

    # Add alldiff constraints for diagonals
Exemple #27
def get_neighbors(l, c):
    """ Build the list of neighbors of a given cell """
    res = []
    if c > 0: res.append((l, c - 1))
    if c < SIZE - 1: res.append((l, c + 1))
    if l > 0: res.append((l - 1, c))
    if l < SIZE - 1: res.append((l + 1, c))
    return res

# Create model
mdl = CpoModel()

# Create one binary variable for each colored cell
color = [[
    mdl.integer_var(min=0, max=1, name="C" + str(l) + "_" + str(c))
    for c in range(SIZE)
] for l in range(SIZE)]

# Forbid adjacent colored cells
for l in range(SIZE):
    for c in range(SIZE - 1):
        mdl.add((color[l][c] + color[l][c + 1]) < 2)
for c in range(SIZE):
    for l in range(SIZE - 1):
        mdl.add((color[l][c] + color[l + 1][c]) < 2)

# Color cells for digits occurring more than once
for l in range(SIZE):
    lvals = []  # List of values already processed
    for c in range(SIZE):
def elastic_optimal_solver(tasks: List[ElasticTask], servers: List[Server],
                           time_limit: Optional[int]):
    Elastic Optimal algorithm solver using cplex

    :param tasks: List of tasks
    :param servers: List of servers
    :param time_limit: Time limit for cplex
    :return: the results of the algorithm
    assert time_limit is None or 0 < time_limit, f'Time limit: {time_limit}'

    model = CpoModel('Elastic Optimal')

    # The resource speed variables and the allocation variables
    loading_speeds, compute_speeds, sending_speeds, task_allocation = {}, {}, {}, {}

    # Loop over each task to allocate the variables and add the deadline constraints
    max_bandwidth = max(server.bandwidth_capacity for server in servers)
    max_computation = max(server.computation_capacity for server in servers)
    runnable_tasks = [
        task for task in tasks if any(
            server.can_run_empty(task) for server in servers)
    for task in runnable_tasks:
        # Check if the task can be run on any server even if empty
        loading_speeds[task] = model.integer_var(
            min=1, max=max_bandwidth - 1, name=f'{} loading speed')
        compute_speeds[task] = model.integer_var(
            min=1, max=max_computation, name=f'{} compute speed')
        sending_speeds[task] = model.integer_var(
            min=1, max=max_bandwidth - 1, name=f'{} sending speed')

        model.add((task.required_storage / loading_speeds[task]) +
                  (task.required_computation / compute_speeds[task]) +
                  (task.required_results_data /
                   sending_speeds[task]) <= task.deadline)

        # The task allocation variables and add the allocation constraint
        for server in servers:
            task_allocation[(task, server)] = model.binary_var(
                name=f'{} Task - {} Server')
            sum(task_allocation[(task, server)] for server in servers) <= 1)

    # For each server, add the resource constraint
    for server in servers:
            sum(task.required_storage * task_allocation[(task, server)]
                for task in runnable_tasks) <= server.available_storage)
            sum(compute_speeds[task] * task_allocation[(task, server)]
                for task in runnable_tasks) <= server.available_computation)
            sum((loading_speeds[task] + sending_speeds[task]) *
                task_allocation[(task, server)]
                for task in runnable_tasks) <= server.available_bandwidth)

    # The optimisation statement
        sum(task.value * task_allocation[(task, server)]
            for task in runnable_tasks for server in servers))

    # Solve the cplex model with time limit
        model_solution: CpoSolveResult = model.solve(log_output=None,
    except CpoSolverException as e:
        print(f'Solver Exception: ', e)
        return None

    # Check that it is solved
    if model_solution.get_solve_status() != SOLVE_STATUS_FEASIBLE and \
            model_solution.get_solve_status() != SOLVE_STATUS_OPTIMAL:
        print(f'Optimal solver failed', file=sys.stderr)
        print_model(tasks, servers)
        return None

    # Generate the allocation of the tasks and servers
        for task in runnable_tasks:
            for server in servers:
                if model_solution.get_value(task_allocation[(task, server)]):
                        server, task,

        if abs(model_solution.get_objective_values()[0] -
               sum(t.value for t in tasks if t.running_server)) > 0.1:
                'Elastic optimal different objective values - '
                f'cplex: {model_solution.get_objective_values()[0]} and '
                f'running task values: {sum(task.value for task in tasks if task.running_server)}',
        return model_solution
    except (AssertionError, KeyError) as e:
        print('Error: ', e, file=sys.stderr)
Exemple #29
from docplex.cp.model import CpoModel

mdl = CpoModel(name='buses')

nbbus40 = mdl.integer_var(0, 6, name='nbBus40')
nbbus30 = mdl.integer_var(0, 6, name='nbBus30')
cost = mdl.integer_var(0, 1000000, name='cost')

mdl.add(cost == nbbus40 * 500 + nbbus30 * 400)
mdl.add(cost <= 4000)
mdl.add(nbbus40 * 40 + nbbus30 * 30 >= 300)

siter = mdl.start_search(SearchType='DepthFirst', Workers=1, TimeLimit=100)
# Parameters needed to avoid duplicate solutions

from pandas import *
dfsol = pandas.DataFrame()

for msol in siter:
    print(msol[nbbus40], " buses 40 seats")
    print(msol[nbbus30], " buses 30 seats")
    print("cost = ", msol[cost])
    dfsol = concat(
        [dfsol, DataFrame([msol[nbbus40], msol[nbbus30], msol[cost]])], axis=1)
dfsol.columns = ["sol1", "sol2", "sol3"]


which gives
    while l < HEIGHT and PUZZLE[l][c] == ' ':
        l += 1
        res += 1
    return res

# Build the model

# Create CPO model
mdl = CpoModel()

# Create one binary variable for presence of bulbs in cells
bulbs = [[
    mdl.integer_var(min=0, max=1, name="C{}_{}".format(l, c))
    for c in range(WIDTH)
] for l in range(HEIGHT)]

# Force number of bulbs in black cells to zero
for l in range(HEIGHT):
    for c in range(WIDTH):
        if PUZZLE[l][c] != ' ':
            mdl.add(bulbs[l][c] == 0)

# Force number of bulbs around numbered cells
for l in range(HEIGHT):
    for c in range(WIDTH):
        v = PUZZLE[l][c]
        if v.isdigit():