def get_para_filter(filter_name, per_document, n_paragraphs): filter_name = ('tfidf' if per_document else 'linear') if filter_name is None else filter_name if filter_name == "tfidf": para_filter = TopTfIdf(NltkPlusStopWords(punctuation=True), n_paragraphs) elif filter_name == "truncate": para_filter = FirstN(n_paragraphs) elif filter_name == "linear": para_filter = ShallowOpenWebRanker(n_paragraphs) else: raise ValueError() return para_filter
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Evaluate a model on TriviaQA data') parser.add_argument('model', help='model directory') parser.add_argument('-p', '--paragraph_output', type=str, help="Save fine grained results for each paragraph in csv format") parser.add_argument('-o', '--official_output', type=str, help="Build an offical output file with the model's" " most confident span for each (question, doc) pair") parser.add_argument('--no_ema', action="store_true", help="Don't use EMA weights even if they exist") parser.add_argument('--n_processes', type=int, default=None, help="Number of processes to do the preprocessing (selecting paragraphs+loading context) with") parser.add_argument('-i', '--step', type=int, default=None, help="checkpoint to load, default to latest") parser.add_argument('-n', '--n_sample', type=int, default=None, help="Number of questions to evaluate on") parser.add_argument('-a', '--async', type=int, default=10) parser.add_argument('-t', '--tokens', type=int, default=400, help="Max tokens per a paragraph") parser.add_argument('-g', '--n_paragraphs', type=int, default=15, help="Number of paragraphs to run the model on") parser.add_argument('-f', '--filter', type=str, default=None, choices=["tfidf", "truncate", "linear"], help="How to select paragraphs") parser.add_argument('-b', '--batch_size', type=int, default=200, help="Batch size, larger sizes might be faster but wll take more memory") parser.add_argument('--max_answer_len', type=int, default=8, help="Max answer span to select") parser.add_argument('-c', '--corpus', choices=["web-dev", "web-test", "web-verified-dev", "web-train", "open-dev", "open-train"], default="web-verified-dev") args = parser.parse_args() model_dir = ModelDir(args.model) model = model_dir.get_model() if args.corpus.startswith('web'): dataset = TriviaQaWebDataset() corpus = dataset.evidence if args.corpus == "web-dev": test_questions = dataset.get_dev() elif args.corpus == "web-test": test_questions = dataset.get_test() elif args.corpus == "web-verified-dev": test_questions = dataset.get_verified() elif args.corpus == "web-train": test_questions = dataset.get_train() else: raise RuntimeError() else: dataset = TriviaQaOpenDataset() corpus = dataset.evidence if args.corpus == "open-dev": test_questions = dataset.get_dev() elif args.corpus == "open-train": test_questions = dataset.get_train() else: raise RuntimeError() splitter = MergeParagraphs(args.tokens) per_document = not args.corpus.startswith("open") filter_name = args.filter if filter_name is None: if args.corpus.startswith("open"): filter_name = "linear" else: filter_name = "tfidf" print("Selecting %d paragraphs using %s method per %s" % (args.n_paragraphs, filter_name, ("question-document pair" if per_document else "question"))) if filter_name == "tfidf": para_filter = TopTfIdf(NltkPlusStopWords(punctuation=True), args.n_paragraphs) elif filter_name == "truncate": para_filter = FirstN(args.n_paragraphs) elif filter_name == "linear": para_filter = ShallowOpenWebRanker(args.n_paragraphs) else: raise ValueError() n_questions = args.n_sample if n_questions is not None: test_questions.sort(key=lambda x:x.question_id) np.random.RandomState(0).shuffle(test_questions) test_questions = test_questions[:n_questions] print("Building question/paragraph pairs...") # Loads the relevant questions/documents, selects the right paragraphs, and runs the model's preprocessor if per_document: prep = ExtractMultiParagraphs(splitter, para_filter, model.preprocessor, require_an_answer=False) else: prep = ExtractMultiParagraphsPerQuestion(splitter, para_filter, model.preprocessor, require_an_answer=False) prepped_data = preprocess_par(test_questions, corpus, prep, args.n_processes, 1000) data = [] for q in for i, p in enumerate(q.paragraphs): if q.answer_text is None: ans = None else: ans = TokenSpans(q.answer_text, p.answer_spans) data.append(DocumentParagraphQuestion(q.question_id, p.doc_id, (p.start, p.end), q.question, p.text, ans, i)) # Reverse so our first batch will be the largest (so OOMs happen early) questions = sorted(data, key=lambda x: (x.n_context_words, len(x.question)), reverse=True) print("Done, starting eval") if args.step is not None: if args.step == "latest": checkpoint = model_dir.get_latest_checkpoint() else: checkpoint = model_dir.get_checkpoint(int(args.step)) else: checkpoint = model_dir.get_best_weights() if checkpoint is not None: print("Using best weights") else: print("Using latest checkpoint") checkpoint = model_dir.get_latest_checkpoint() test_questions = ParagraphAndQuestionDataset(questions, FixedOrderBatcher(args.batch_size, True)) evaluation = trainer.test(model, [RecordParagraphSpanPrediction(args.max_answer_len, True)], {args.corpus:test_questions}, ResourceLoader(), checkpoint, not args.no_ema, args.async)[args.corpus] if not all(len(x) == len(data) for x in evaluation.per_sample.values()): raise RuntimeError() df = pd.DataFrame(evaluation.per_sample) if args.official_output is not None: print("Saving question result") # I didn't store the unormalized filenames exactly, so unfortunately we have to reload # the source data to get exact filename to output an official test script fns = {} print("Loading proper filenames") if args.corpus == 'web-test': source = join(TRIVIA_QA, "qa", "web-test-without-answers.json") elif args.corpus == "web-dev": source = join(TRIVIA_QA, "qa", "web-dev.json") else: raise NotImplementedError() with open(join(source)) as f: data = json.load(f)["Data"] for point in data: for doc in point["EntityPages"]: filename = doc["Filename"] fn = join("wikipedia", filename[:filename.rfind(".")]) fn = normalize_wiki_filename(fn) fns[(point["QuestionId"], fn)] = filename answers = {} scores = {} for q_id, doc_id, start, end, txt, score in df[["question_id", "doc_id", "para_start", "para_end", "text_answer", "predicted_score"]].itertuples(index=False): filename = dataset.evidence.file_id_map[doc_id] if filename.startswith("web"): true_name = filename[4:] + ".txt" else: true_name = fns[(q_id, filename)] key = q_id + "--" + true_name prev_score = scores.get(key) if prev_score is None or prev_score < score: scores[key] = score answers[key] = txt with open(args.official_output, "w") as f: json.dump(answers, f) if per_document: group_by = ["question_id", "doc_id"] else: group_by = ["question_id"] # Print a table of scores as more paragraphs are used df.sort_values(group_by + ["rank"], inplace=True) f1 = compute_model_scores(df, "predicted_score", "text_f1", group_by) em = compute_model_scores(df, "predicted_score", "text_em", group_by) table = [["N Paragraphs", "EM", "F1"]] table += list([str(i+1), "%.4f" % e, "%.4f" % f] for i, (e, f) in enumerate(zip(em, f1))) print_table(table) output_file = args.paragraph_output if output_file is not None: print("Saving paragraph result") if output_file.endswith("json"): with open(output_file, "w") as f: json.dump(evaluation.per_sample, f) elif output_file.endswith("pkl"): with open(output_file, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(evaluation.per_sample, f) elif output_file.endswith("csv"): df.to_csv(output_file, index=False) else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized file format")
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( '--n_processes', type=int, default=1, help= "Number of processes to do the preprocessing (selecting paragraphs+loading context) with" ) parser.add_argument('-a', '--async', type=int, default=10) parser.add_argument('-t', '--tokens', type=int, default=400, help="Max tokens per a paragraph") parser.add_argument('-n', '--n_sample', type=int, default=None, help="Number of questions to evaluate on") parser.add_argument('-g', '--n_paragraphs', type=int, default=15, help="Number of paragraphs to run the model on") parser.add_argument('-f', '--filter', type=str, default=None, choices=["tfidf", "truncate", "linear"], help="How to select paragraphs") parser.add_argument( '-c', '--corpus', choices=[ "en_dev", "en_test", "fr_dev", "fr_test", "de_dev", "de_test", "ru_dev", "ru_test", "pt_dev", "pt_test", "zh_dev", "zh_test", "pl_dev", "pl_test", "uk_dev", "uk_test", "ta_dev", "ta_test", "fr_trans_en_dev", "fr_trans_en_test", "de_trans_en_dev", "de_trans_en_test", "ru_trans_en_dev", "ru_trans_en_test", "pt_trans_en_dev", "pt_trans_en_test", "zh_trans_en_dev", "zh_trans_en_test", "pl_trans_en_dev", "pl_trans_en_test", "uk_trans_en_dev", "uk_trans_en_test", "ta_trans_en_dev", "ta_trans_en_test" ], required=True) args = parser.parse_args() corpus_name = args.corpus[:args.corpus.rfind("_")] eval_set = args.corpus[args.corpus.rfind("_") + 1:] dataset = XQADataset(corpus_name) if eval_set == "dev": test_questions = dataset.get_dev() elif eval_set == "test": test_questions = dataset.get_test() else: raise AssertionError() corpus = dataset.evidence splitter = MergeParagraphs(args.tokens) per_document = args.corpus.startswith( "web") # wiki and web are both multi-document filter_name = args.filter if filter_name is None: # Pick default depending on the kind of data we are using if per_document: filter_name = "tfidf" else: filter_name = "linear" print("Selecting %d paragraphs using method \"%s\" per %s" % (args.n_paragraphs, filter_name, ("question-document pair" if per_document else "question"))) if filter_name == "tfidf": para_filter = TopTfIdf(NltkPlusStopWords(punctuation=True), args.n_paragraphs) elif filter_name == "truncate": para_filter = FirstN(args.n_paragraphs) elif filter_name == "linear": para_filter = ShallowOpenWebRanker(args.n_paragraphs) else: raise ValueError() n_questions = args.n_sample if n_questions is not None: test_questions.sort(key=lambda x: x.question_id) np.random.RandomState(0).shuffle(test_questions) test_questions = test_questions[:n_questions] preprocessor = WithIndicators() print("Building question/paragraph pairs...") # Loads the relevant questions/documents, selects the right paragraphs, and runs the model's preprocessor if per_document: prep = ExtractMultiParagraphs(splitter, para_filter, preprocessor, require_an_answer=False) else: prep = ExtractMultiParagraphsPerQuestion(splitter, para_filter, preprocessor, require_an_answer=False) prepped_data = preprocess_par(test_questions, corpus, prep, args.n_processes, 1000) data = [] for q in for i, p in enumerate(q.paragraphs): if q.answer_text is None: ans = None else: ans = TokenSpans(q.answer_text, p.answer_spans) data.append( DocumentParagraphQuestion(q.question_id, p.doc_id, (p.start, p.end), q.question, p.text, ans, i)) # Reverse so our first batch will be the largest (so OOMs happen early) questions = sorted(data, key=lambda x: (x.n_context_words, len(x.question)), reverse=True) # dump eval data for bert import pickle pickle.dump(questions, open("%s_%d.pkl" % (args.corpus, args.n_paragraphs), "wb"))
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Evaluate a model on TriviaQA data') parser.add_argument('model', help='model directory') parser.add_argument( '-p', '--paragraph_output', type=str, help="Save fine grained results for each paragraph in csv format") parser.add_argument('-o', '--official_output', type=str, help="Build an offical output file with the model's" " most confident span for each (question, doc) pair") parser.add_argument('--no_ema', action="store_true", help="Don't use EMA weights even if they exist") parser.add_argument( '--n_processes', type=int, default=None, help= "Number of processes to do the preprocessing (selecting paragraphs+loading context) with" ) parser.add_argument('-i', '--step', type=int, default=None, help="checkpoint to load, default to latest") parser.add_argument('-n', '--n_sample', type=int, default=None, help="Number of questions to evaluate on") parser.add_argument('-a', '--async', type=int, default=10) parser.add_argument('-t', '--tokens', type=int, default=400, help="Max tokens per a paragraph") parser.add_argument('-g', '--n_paragraphs', type=int, default=15, help="Number of paragraphs to run the model on") parser.add_argument('-f', '--filter', type=str, default=None, choices=["tfidf", "truncate", "linear"], help="How to select paragraphs") parser.add_argument( '-b', '--batch_size', type=int, default=200, help="Batch size, larger sizes might be faster but wll take more memory" ) parser.add_argument('--max_answer_len', type=int, default=8, help="Max answer span to select") parser.add_argument('-c', '--corpus', choices=[ "web-dev", "web-test", "web-verified-dev", "web-train", "open-dev", "open-train", "wiki-dev", "wiki-test" ], default="web-verified-dev") parser.add_argument("-s", "--source_dir", type=str, default=None, help="where to take input files") parser.add_argument("--n_span_per_q", type=int, default=1, help="where to take input files") args = parser.parse_args() dataset_name = args.source_dir.split('/')[-1] model_name = args.model.split('/')[-1] ElasticLogger().write_log('INFO', 'Start Evaluation', context_dict={ 'model': model_name, 'dataset': dataset_name }) model_dir = ModelDir(args.model) model = model_dir.get_model() if args.corpus.startswith('web'): dataset = TriviaQaWebDataset() if args.corpus == "web-dev": test_questions = dataset.get_dev() elif args.corpus == "web-test": test_questions = dataset.get_test() elif args.corpus == "web-verified-dev": test_questions = dataset.get_verified() elif args.corpus == "web-train": test_questions = dataset.get_train() else: raise AssertionError() elif args.corpus.startswith("wiki"): dataset = TriviaQaWikiDataset() if args.corpus == "wiki-dev": test_questions = dataset.get_dev() elif args.corpus == "wiki-test": test_questions = dataset.get_test() else: raise AssertionError() else: dataset = TriviaQaOpenDataset(args.source_dir) if args.corpus == "open-dev": # just loading the pkl that was saved in build_span_corpus test_questions = dataset.get_dev() elif args.corpus == "open-train": test_questions = dataset.get_train() else: raise AssertionError() ### ALON debuging #test_questions = test_questions[0:5] corpus = dataset.evidence splitter = MergeParagraphs(args.tokens) per_document = args.corpus.startswith( "web") # wiki and web are both multi-document #per_document = True filter_name = args.filter if filter_name is None: # Pick default depending on the kind of data we are using if per_document: filter_name = "tfidf" else: filter_name = "linear" print("Selecting %d paragraphs using method \"%s\" per %s" % (args.n_paragraphs, filter_name, ("question-document pair" if per_document else "question"))) if filter_name == "tfidf": para_filter = TopTfIdf(NltkPlusStopWords(punctuation=True), args.n_paragraphs) elif filter_name == "truncate": para_filter = FirstN(args.n_paragraphs) elif filter_name == "linear": para_filter = ShallowOpenWebRanker(args.n_paragraphs) else: raise ValueError() n_questions = args.n_sample docqa.config.SPANS_PER_QUESTION = args.n_span_per_q #n_questions = 1 if n_questions is not None: test_questions.sort(key=lambda x: x.question_id) np.random.RandomState(0).shuffle(test_questions) test_questions = test_questions[:n_questions] print("Building question/paragraph pairs...") # Loads the relevant questions/documents, selects the right paragraphs, and runs the model's preprocessor if per_document: prep = ExtractMultiParagraphs(splitter, para_filter, model.preprocessor, require_an_answer=False) else: prep = ExtractMultiParagraphsPerQuestion(splitter, para_filter, model.preprocessor, require_an_answer=False) prepped_data = preprocess_par(test_questions, corpus, prep, args.n_processes, 1000) data = [] for q in for i, p in enumerate(q.paragraphs): if q.answer_text is None: ans = None else: ans = TokenSpans(q.answer_text, p.answer_spans) data.append( DocumentParagraphQuestion(q.question_id, p.doc_id, (p.start, p.end), q.question, p.text, ans, i)) # Reverse so our first batch will be the largest (so OOMs happen early) questions = sorted(data, key=lambda x: (x.n_context_words, len(x.question)), reverse=True) print("Done, starting eval") if args.step is not None: if args.step == "latest": checkpoint = model_dir.get_latest_checkpoint() else: checkpoint = model_dir.get_checkpoint(int(args.step)) else: checkpoint = model_dir.get_best_weights() if checkpoint is not None: print("Using best weights") else: print("Using latest checkpoint") checkpoint = model_dir.get_latest_checkpoint() test_questions = ParagraphAndQuestionDataset( questions, FixedOrderBatcher(args.batch_size, True)) evaluation = trainer.test( model, [RecordParagraphSpanPrediction(args.max_answer_len, True)], {args.corpus: test_questions}, ResourceLoader(), checkpoint, not args.no_ema, args. async)[args.corpus] if not all(len(x) == len(data) for x in evaluation.per_sample.values()): raise RuntimeError() df = pd.DataFrame(evaluation.per_sample) if args.official_output is not None: print("Saving question result") fns = {} if per_document: # I didn't store the unormalized filenames exactly, so unfortunately we have to reload # the source data to get exact filename to output an official test script print("Loading proper filenames") if args.corpus == 'web-test': source = join(TRIVIA_QA, "qa", "web-test-without-answers.json") elif args.corpus == "web-dev": source = join(TRIVIA_QA, "qa", "web-dev.json") else: raise AssertionError() with open(join(source)) as f: data = json.load(f)["Data"] for point in data: for doc in point["EntityPages"]: filename = doc["Filename"] fn = join("wikipedia", filename[:filename.rfind(".")]) fn = normalize_wiki_filename(fn) fns[(point["QuestionId"], fn)] = filename answers = {} scores = {} for q_id, doc_id, start, end, txt, score in df[[ "question_id", "doc_id", "para_start", "para_end", "text_answer", "predicted_score" ]].itertuples(index=False): filename = dataset.evidence.file_id_map[doc_id] if per_document: if filename.startswith("web"): true_name = filename[4:] + ".txt" else: true_name = fns[(q_id, filename)] # Alon Patch for triviaqa test results true_name = true_name.replace('TriviaQA_Org/', '') key = q_id + "--" + true_name else: key = q_id prev_score = scores.get(key) if prev_score is None or prev_score < score: scores[key] = score answers[key] = txt with open(args.official_output, "w") as f: json.dump(answers, f) output_file = args.paragraph_output if output_file is not None: print("Saving paragraph result") df.to_csv(output_file, index=False) print("Computing scores") if per_document: group_by = ["question_id", "doc_id"] else: group_by = ["question_id"] # Print a table of scores as more paragraphs are used df.sort_values(group_by + ["rank"], inplace=True) df_scores = df.copy(deep=True) df_scores['predicted_score'] = df_scores['predicted_score'].apply( lambda x: pd.Series(x).max()) em = compute_ranked_scores(df_scores, "predicted_score", "text_em", group_by) f1 = compute_ranked_scores(df_scores, "predicted_score", "text_f1", group_by) table = [["N Paragraphs", "EM", "F1"]] table += list([str(i + 1), "%.4f" % e, "%.4f" % f] for i, (e, f) in enumerate(zip(em, f1))) table_df = pd.DataFrame(table[1:], columns=table[0]).drop(['N Paragraphs'], axis=1) ElasticLogger().write_log('INFO', 'Results', context_dict={'model': model_name, 'dataset': dataset_name, \ 'max_EM':table_df.max().ix['EM'], \ 'max_F1':table_df.max().ix['F1'], \ 'result_table': str(table_df)}) df_flat = [] for id, question in df.iterrows(): for text_answer, predicted_span, predicted_score in zip( question['text_answer'], question['predicted_span'], question['predicted_score']): new_question = dict(question.copy()) new_question.update({ 'text_answer': text_answer, 'predicted_span': predicted_span, 'predicted_score': predicted_score }) df_flat.append(new_question) results_df = pd.DataFrame(df_flat) #Alon: outputing the estimates for all the #results_df = results_df.groupby(['question_id', 'text_answer']).apply(lambda df: df.ix[df['predicted_score'].argmax()]).reset_index(drop=True) results_df.sort_values(by=['question_id', 'predicted_score'], ascending=False).set_index([ 'question_id', 'text_answer' ])[['question', 'predicted_score', 'text_em']].to_csv('results.csv') print_table(table)