def verify(request): username, verify_hash = (request.GET.get("username", None), request.GET.get("verify", None)) u = UserProfile.find(username) if not u: msg = "Sorry, that email — {0} — is not in our database.".format(username) else: if u.verified: msg = "We believe that this email — {0} — is already activated." else: if u.verify_hash == verify_hash: u.verified = True u.api_key = uuid.uuid4().hex body = settings.POST_VERIFICATION_MAIL_BODY_TEMPLATE.render( Context({ "api_key": u.api_key }) ) EmailMessage('cloud.js API key', body, to=[username]).send() msg = ('A mail with the API key has been sent to your email' + ' account. You can also <a href="/">login</a> and submit' + ' jobs from the web interface now.') else: msg = 'Sorry, invalid attempt.' return render_to_response("message.html", {"message": msg})
def home(request): if request.user.is_authenticated(): user = UserProfile.objects.get(username=request.user.username) jobs = Job.objects.filter(owner=user.username) return render_to_response("home.html", {"user": user, "jobs": jobs, "job_form": JobSubmitForm()}, RequestContext(request)) if request.method == 'POST': form = LoginForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): cd = form.cleaned_data email, password = cd['email'], cd['password'] user = UserProfile.find(email) if user: if user.check_password(password): user.backend = 'mongoengine.django.auth.MongoEngineBackend' login(request, user) if request.GET.get('next', None): return redirect(request.GET['next']) return redirect('/') return HttpResponse("invalid login") return redirect('/') return render_to_response("login.html", {"login_form": LoginForm(), "registration_form": RegistrationForm()}, RequestContext(request))
def login_view(request, next_page=None): tpl_vars = {'header': 'page', 'logged': False, 'signupform': SignupForm()} if request.method == 'POST': loginform = LoginForm(request.POST) tpl_vars['loginform'] = loginform if loginform.is_valid(): cd = loginform.cleaned_data username, password = cd['username'], cd['password'] user = UserProfile.find(username) if user: if user.check_password(password): user.backend = 'mongoengine.django.auth.MongoEngineBackend' login(request, user) if next_page: return redirect(next_page) return redirect('/') loginform.errors['username'] = ['invalid username/password'] return render_to_response('twtapp/login.html', RequestContext(request, tpl_vars)) # Invalid form data return render_to_response('twtapp/login.html', RequestContext(request, tpl_vars)) # We don't have a POST(so, it's most probably, a GET!) if request.GET.get('next', None): tpl_vars['hidden_next'] = request.GET['next'] tpl_vars['loginform'] = LoginForm() return render_to_response('twtapp/login.html', RequestContext(request, tpl_vars))
def signup(request): tpl_vars = { 'header': 'page', 'logged': False, 'signupform': SignupForm() } if request.method == 'POST': signupform = SignupForm(request.POST) if signupform.is_valid(): cd = signupform.cleaned_data username, password = cd['username'], cd['password'] if not UserProfile.find(username): user = UserProfile.objects.create(username=username, email='{0}' .format(username)) user.set_password(password) return login_view(request) signupform.errors['username'] = ['Oops! That id seems to be taken!'] tpl_vars['signupform'] = signupform return render_to_response('twtapp/login.html', RequestContext(request, tpl_vars))