def send_document_for_signing(loan_id, signer_name, signer_email): APP_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) access_token = 'eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjY4MTg1ZmYxLTRlNTEtNGNlOS1hZjFjLTY4OTgxMjIwMzMxNyJ9.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.wrcjGaFQTDAZ2NpYcT4i40hboJyc4s1NGNodhN0VEEWh-XuM5cmHJJQECEueGf3UA9taUjupFbI86JxMkpx9GqebBBNCT6UyHBq0GPbhy85nR2ktgYi6ZbcBJvxiLdWwd3IkrC0a-4GVAgqdp1pXVe79f4nPMmRzCvKMIsdlUUVcQCacPU7hgHNuZhwwPikQKO1WDEBCD8epv4qbil4_Er73It3-DNMNYa4yqaaQ64rb_xTOAwYZ4Ua3w6gW2Vot6zBIt-Gm1Go8GgDrzrAxES5W0e6DtQMUq48q9Kiba5YhdnZSXLC1yJIb2ma_p0j1NYW-Pu0WMjjK8Y_-4B6RpQ' account_id = '5959504' file_name_path = 'documents/approval_letter.pdf' base_path = '' # Create the component objects for the envelope definition... with open(os.path.join(APP_PATH, file_name_path), "rb") as file: content_bytes = base64_file_content = base64.b64encode(content_bytes).decode('ascii') document = Document( # create the DocuSign document object document_base64=base64_file_content, name='Approval Letter', # can be different from actual file name file_extension='pdf', # many different document types are accepted document_id=1 # a label used to reference the doc ) # Create the signer recipient model signer = Signer( # The signer email=signer_email, name=signer_name, recipient_id="1", routing_order="1") # Create a sign_here tab (field on the document) sign_here = SignHere( # DocuSign SignHere field/tab document_id='1', page_number='1', recipient_id='1', tab_label='SignHereTab', x_position='195', y_position='147') # Add the tabs model (including the sign_here tab) to the signer signer.tabs = Tabs(sign_here_tabs=[ sign_here ]) # The Tabs object wants arrays of the different field/tab types # Next, create the top level envelope definition and populate it. envelope_definition = EnvelopeDefinition( email_subject="Please sign this Approval Letter for your loan.", documents=[ document ], # The order in the docs array determines the order in the envelope recipients=Recipients( signers=[signer] ), # The Recipients object wants arrays for each recipient type status="sent" # requests that the envelope be created and sent. ) # send envelope request api_client = ApiClient() = base_path api_client.set_default_header("Authorization", "Bearer " + access_token) envelope_api = EnvelopesApi(api_client) results = envelope_api.create_envelope( account_id, envelope_definition=envelope_definition) return results
def make_envelope(file, sender, signer_name, signer_email, token): content_bytes = base64_file_content = base64.b64encode(content_bytes).decode('ascii') document = Document(document_base64=base64_file_content, name='DocuScan Terms', file_extension='html', document_id=1) signer = Signer(email=signer_email, name=signer_name, recipient_id='1', routing_order='1') envelope_definition = EnvelopeDefinition( email_subject='Please sign these terms', documents=[document], recipients=Recipients(signers=[signer]), status='sent') api_client = ApiClient() = '' api_client.set_default_header('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + token) envelope_api = EnvelopesApi(api_client) results = envelope_api.create_envelope( sender['accounts'][0]['account_id'], envelope_definition=envelope_definition) return results
def create_api_client(base_path, access_token): """Create api client and construct API headers""" api_client = ApiClient() = base_path api_client.set_default_header(header_name="Authorization", header_value=f"Bearer {access_token}") return api_client
def get_api_client_by_jwt_authorization_flow(): """ This method create a ApiClient object and configure it using JWT authorization flow. """ api_client = ApiClient() = DS_CONFIG['base_path'] # IMPORTANT NOTE: # the first time you ask for a JWT access token, you should grant access by making the following call # get DocuSign OAuth authorization url: oauth_login_url = api_client.get_jwt_uri(DS_CONFIG['integrator_key'], DS_CONFIG['redirect_uri'], DS_CONFIG['oauth_base_url']) # open DocuSign OAuth authorization url in the browser, login and grant access # web_browser.open_new_tab(oauth_login_url) print(oauth_login_url) # END OF NOTE # configure the ApiClient to asynchronously get an access token and store it # Get the application Path app_path_keys = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)).replace( 'stable', 'keys/') app_path_keys += DS_CONFIG['private_key_filename'] api_client.configure_jwt_authorization_flow(app_path_keys, DS_CONFIG['oauth_base_url'], DS_CONFIG['integrator_key'], DS_CONFIG['user_admin_id'], 3600) return api_client
def embedded_signing_ceremony(signer_email, signer_name, signer_id, signer_file_path, signer_file_name, form_filled_type): with open(os.path.join(APP_PATH, signer_file_path), "rb") as file: content_bytes = base64_file_content = base64.b64encode(content_bytes).decode('ascii') document = Document(document_base64 = base64_file_content, name = signer_file_name, file_extension = 'pdf', document_id = 1) signer = Signer(email = signer_email, name = signer_name, recipient_id = "1", routing_order = "1", client_user_id = signer_id) sign_here = SignHere(document_id = '1', page_number = '1', recipient_id = '1', tab_label = 'SignHereTab', x_position = '300', y_position = '650') signer.tabs = Tabs(sign_here_tabs = [sign_here]) envelope_definition = EnvelopeDefinition( email_subject = "Please sign this document sent from the Python SDK", documents = [document], recipients = Recipients(signers = [signer]), status = "sent" ) api_client = ApiClient() = base_path api_client.set_default_header("Authorization", "Bearer " + access_token) envelope_api = EnvelopesApi(api_client) results = envelope_api.create_envelope(account_id, envelope_definition=envelope_definition) envelope_id = results.envelope_id recipient_view_request = RecipientViewRequest(authentication_method = "email", client_user_id = signer_id, recipient_id = '1', return_url = base_url + form_filled_type, user_name = signer_name, email = signer_email) results = envelope_api.create_recipient_view(account_id, envelope_id, recipient_view_request = recipient_view_request) return results.url
def send_document_for_signing(): """ Sends the document <file_name> to be signed by <signer_name> via <signer_email> """ # Create the component objects for the envelope definition... with open(os.path.join(APP_PATH, file_name_path), "rb") as file: content_bytes = base64_file_content = base64.b64encode(content_bytes).decode('ascii') document = Document( # create the DocuSign document object document_base64=base64_file_content, name='Example document', # can be different from actual file name file_extension='pdf', # many different document types are accepted document_id=1 # a label used to reference the doc ) # Create the signer recipient model signer = Signer( # The signer email=signer_email, name=signer_name, recipient_id="1", routing_order="1") # Create a sign_here tab (field on the document) sign_here = SignHere( # DocuSign SignHere field/tab document_id='1', page_number='1', recipient_id='1', tab_label='SignHereTab', x_position='195', y_position='147') # Add the tabs model (including the sign_here tab) to the signer signer.tabs = Tabs(sign_here_tabs=[ sign_here ]) # The Tabs object wants arrays of the different field/tab types # Next, create the top level envelope definition and populate it. envelope_definition = EnvelopeDefinition( email_subject="Please sign this document sent from the Python SDK", documents=[ document ], # The order in the docs array determines the order in the envelope recipients=Recipients( signers=[signer] ), # The Recipients object wants arrays for each recipient type status="sent" # requests that the envelope be created and sent. ) # Ready to go: send the envelope request api_client = ApiClient() = base_path api_client.set_default_header("Authorization", "Bearer " + access_token) envelope_api = EnvelopesApi(api_client) results = envelope_api.create_envelope( account_id, envelope_definition=envelope_definition) return results
def envelope_obj(): api_client = ApiClient() privatekey = os.path.join(settings.BASE_DIR, "keys", "private_key") = settings.DOCU_BASE_URL api_client.configure_jwt_authorization_flow(privatekey, settings.DOCU_OAUTH_BASE_URL, settings.DOCU_INTEGRATOR_KEY, settings.DOCU_ACCOUNT_USERNAME, 5001) return EnvelopesApi(api_client)
def get_api_client_by_access_token(): """ This method create a ApiClient object and configure it using Token Access Control. """ api_client = ApiClient() = DS_CONFIG['base_path'] api_client.set_default_header("Authorization", "Bearer " + DS_CONFIG['access_token']) return api_client
def get_envelopes_api(): """ Lists the user's envelopes created in the last 10 days """ # # Step 2. Get and display the results # api_client = ApiClient() = base_path api_client.set_default_header("Authorization", "Bearer " + access_token) envelope_api = EnvelopesApi(api_client) return envelope_api
def list_envelopes(): """ Lists the user's envelopes created in the last 10 days """ # # Step 1. Prepare the options object # from_date = # # Step 2. Get and display the results # api_client = ApiClient() = base_path api_client.set_default_header("Authorization", "Bearer " + access_token) envelope_api = EnvelopesApi(api_client) results = envelope_api.list_status_changes(account_id, from_date = from_date) return results
def embedded_signing_ceremony(): """ The document <file_name> will be signed by <signer_name> via an embedded signing ceremony. """ # # Step 1. The envelope definition is created. # One signHere tab is added. # The document path supplied is relative to the working directory # # Create the component objects for the envelope definition... with open(os.path.join(APP_PATH, file_name_path), "rb") as file: content_bytes = base64_file_content = base64.b64encode(content_bytes).decode('ascii') document = Document( # create the DocuSign document object document_base64=base64_file_content, name='Example document', # can be different from actual file name file_extension='pdf', # many different document types are accepted document_id=1 # a label used to reference the doc ) # Create the signer recipient model signer = Signer( # The signer email=signer_email, name=signer_name, recipient_id="1", routing_order="1", client_user_id= client_user_id, # Setting the client_user_id marks the signer as embedded ) sign_here = SignHere( # DocuSign SignHere field/tab document_id='1', page_number='1', recipient_id='1', tab_label='SignHereTab', x_position='195', y_position='147') # Add the tabs model (including the sign_here tab) to the signer signer.tabs = Tabs(sign_here_tabs=[ sign_here ]) # The Tabs object wants arrays of the different field/tab types # Next, create the top level envelope definition and populate it. envelope_definition = EnvelopeDefinition( email_subject="Please sign this document sent from the Python SDK", documents=[ document ], # The order in the docs array determines the order in the envelope recipients=Recipients( signers=[signer] ), # The Recipients object wants arrays for each recipient type status="sent" # requests that the envelope be created and sent. ) # # Step 2. Create/send the envelope. # api_client = ApiClient() = base_path api_client.set_default_header("Authorization", "Bearer " + access_token) envelope_api = EnvelopesApi(api_client) results = envelope_api.create_envelope( account_id, envelope_definition=envelope_definition) # # Step 3. The envelope has been created. # Request a Recipient View URL (the Signing Ceremony URL) # envelope_id = results.envelope_id recipient_view_request = RecipientViewRequest( authentication_method=authentication_method, client_user_id=client_user_id, recipient_id='1', return_url=base_url + '/dsreturn', user_name=signer_name, email=signer_email) results = envelope_api.create_recipient_view( account_id, envelope_id, recipient_view_request=recipient_view_request) # # Step 4. The Recipient View URL (the Signing Ceremony URL) has been received. # Redirect the user's browser to it. # return results.url
def embedded_signing_ceremony(): """ The document <file_name> will be signed by <signer_name> via an embedded signing ceremony. """ # # Step 1. The envelope definition is created. # One signHere tab is added. # The document path supplied is relative to the working directory # envDef = EnvelopeDefinition() envDef.email_subject = 'PLEASE GOD HELP ME, I NEED THIS WORKING!!' envDef.template_id = 'd5e617be-da0a-4431-9014-4575282f61d4' tRole = TemplateRole() tRole.role_name = 'Manager' = 'Manuel Galvez' = '*****@*****.**' tRole.client_user_id = clientUserId text_example = Text() text_example.tab_label = 'example' text_example.value = 'SIIII GRACIAS DIOS!! -- EXAMPLE' text_name = Text() text_name.tab_label = 'name' text_name.value = 'SIIII GRACIAS DIOS!! -- NAME' # text.document_id = '1' # text.page_number = '1' # text.recipient_id = '1' # text.x_position = '100' # text.y_position = '100' # text.scale_value = '0.5' tabs = Tabs() tabs.text_tabs = [text_example, text_name] tRole.tabs = tabs # Tabs(text_tabs=[Text(name='example', value='SIiiiiiii Gracias DIOS')]) envDef.template_roles = [tRole] name = TextCustomField(field_id='name', name='name', value='Manuel') last_name = TextCustomField(field_id='lastname', name='lastname', value='Galvez') testing = TextCustomField(field_id='testing', name='testing', value='Elks') manu = TextCustomField(field_id='manu', name='manu', value='manu') example = TextCustomField(field_id='example', name='example', value='Siiiiiiii') custom_fields = CustomFields( text_custom_fields=[example, name, last_name, testing, manu]) envDef.custom_fields = custom_fields '''recipients = Recipients() # Create the signer recipient model signer = Signer( # The signer email='*****@*****.**', name='Andres Vasquez', recipient_id="1", routing_order="1", client_user_id=clientUserId, # Setting the client_user_id marks the signer as embedded ) text = Text() text.document_id = '1' text.page_number = '1' text.recipient_id = '1' text.x_position = '100' text.y_position = '100' text.scale_value = '0.5' tabs = Tabs() tabs.text_tabs = [text] signer.tabs = tabs recipients.signers = [signer] envDef.recipients = recipients''' envDef.status = 'sent' api_client = ApiClient() = base_path api_client.set_default_header("Authorization", "Bearer " + access_token) envelope_api = EnvelopesApi(api_client) envelopeSummary = envelope_api.create_envelope(account_id, envelope_definition=envDef) envelope_id = envelopeSummary.envelope_id print("Envelope {} has been sent to {} : {}".format( envelope_id,, envelopeSummary)) '''recipient_view_request = RecipientViewRequest( authentication_method='None', client_user_id=clientUserId, recipient_id='1', return_url=base_url + '/dsreturn', user_name='Andres Vasquez', email='*****@*****.**' ) results = envelope_api.create_recipient_view(account_id, envelope_id, recipient_view_request=recipient_view_request)''' return '' #results.url
def embedded_signing_ceremony(): """ The document <file_name> will be signed by <signer_name> via an embedded signing ceremony. """ # # Step 1. The envelope definition is created. # One signHere tab is added. # The document path supplied is relative to the working directory # env_def = EnvelopeDefinition() env_def.email_subject = 'PLEASE GOD HELP ME, I NEED THIS WORKING!!' env_def.template_id = template_id t_role = TemplateRole() t_role.role_name = role_name = user_name = user_email t_role.client_user_id = client_user_id text_example = Text() text_example.tab_label = 'example' text_example.value = 'SIIII GRACIAS DIOS!! -- EXAMPLE' text_name = Text() text_name.tab_label = 'name' text_name.value = 'SIIII GRACIAS DIOS!! -- NAME' text_name2 = Text() text_name2.tab_label = 'name2' text_name2.value = 'SIIII GRACIAS DIOS!! -- NAME2' text = Text() text.document_id = '1' text.page_number = '1' text.recipient_id = '1' text.x_position = '100' text.y_position = '100' text.scale_value = '0.5' text.value = 'THANKS GOD!!' title_label = Title() title_label.tab_label = 'lablel_example' title_label.value = 'LendingFront' tabs = Tabs() tabs.text_tabs = [text_example, text_name, text_name2, text] tabs.title_tabs = [title_label] t_role.tabs = tabs env_def.template_roles = [t_role] env_def.status = environment_status # # Step 2. Create/send the envelope. # api_client = ApiClient() = base_path api_client.set_default_header("Authorization", "Bearer " + access_token) envelope_api = EnvelopesApi(api_client) envelope_summary = envelope_api.create_envelope( account_id, envelope_definition=env_def) envelope_id = envelope_summary.envelope_id print("Envelope {} has been sent to {}".format(envelope_id, return 'Works!'
def get_api_client(): api_client = ApiClient() = BASE_PATH api_client.set_default_header('Authorization', f'Bearer {get_access_token()}') return api_client
def embedded_signing_ceremony(): """ The document <file_name> will be signed by <signer_name> via an embedded signing ceremony. """ # # Step 1. The envelope definition is created. # One signHere tab is added. # The document path supplied is relative to the working directory # '''with open(os.path.join(APP_PATH, file_name_path), "rb") as file: content_bytes =''' base64_file_content = '' #base64.b64encode(content_bytes).decode('ascii') # Create the document model '''document = Document( # create the DocuSign document object document_base64 = base64_file_content, name = 'Example document', # can be different from actual file name file_extension = 'pdf', # many different document types are accepted document_id = 1 # a label used to reference the doc )''' '''text_field = docusign.Text( tab_label='name', # tab_label must exactly match the field you created in the Docusign GUI value='Manuel' # value, as far as I can tell, must be a string. ) docusign.Tabs(text_tabs=[text_field])''' patient_first_name = TextCustomField(name='name', value='Allen', show='true', required='false') patient_last_name = TextCustomField(name='lastname', value='Elks', show='true', required='false') custom_fields = CustomFields( text_custom_fields=[patient_first_name, patient_last_name]) # envelope_definition.custom_fields = custom_fields # Custome fields custom_fields_old = CustomFields(['name'], ['Manuel']) # Create the signer recipient model signer = Signer( # The signer email=signer_email, name=signer_name, recipient_id="1", routing_order="1", client_user_id= client_user_id, # Setting the client_user_id marks the signer as embedded ) # Create a sign_here tab (field on the document) sign_here = SignHere( # DocuSign SignHere field/tab document_id='1', page_number='3', recipient_id='1', tab_label='SignHereTab', x_position='175', y_position='320') # Add the tabs model (including the sign_here tab) to the signer signer.tabs = Tabs(sign_here_tabs=[ sign_here ]) # The Tabs object wants arrays of the different field/tab types # Next, create the top level envelope definition and populate it. '''envelope_definition = EnvelopeDefinition( email_subject = "Please sign this document sent from the Python SDK", documents = [document], # The order in the docs array determines the order in the envelope recipients = Recipients(signers = [signer]), # The Recipients object wants arrays for each recipient type status = "sent", # requests that the envelope be created and sent. custom_fields = custom_fields )''' envDef = EnvelopeDefinition() envDef.email_subject = 'PLEASE GOD HELP ME, I NEED THIS WORKING!!' envDef.template_id = 'd5e617be-da0a-4431-9014-4575282f61d4' tRole = TemplateRole() tRole.role_name = 'Manager' = 'Manuel Alejandro Galvez' = '*****@*****.**' envDef.template_roles = [tRole] envDef.status = 'sent' envDef.custom_fields = custom_fields # # Step 2. Create/send the envelope. # api_client = ApiClient() = base_path api_client.set_default_header("Authorization", "Bearer " + access_token) envelope_api = EnvelopesApi(api_client) results = envelope_api.create_envelope(account_id, envelope_definition=envDef) # # Step 3. The envelope has been created. # Request a Recipient View URL (the Signing Ceremony URL) # envelope_id = results.envelope_id recipient_view_request = RecipientViewRequest( authentication_method=authentication_method, client_user_id=client_user_id, recipient_id='1', return_url=base_url + '/dsreturn', user_name=signer_name, email=signer_email) results = envelope_api.create_recipient_view(account_id, envelope_id) #recipient_view_request = recipient_view_request) # # Step 4. The Recipient View URL (the Signing Ceremony URL) has been received. # Redirect the user's browser to it. # return results.url
def embedded_signing_ceremony(): """ The document <file_name> will be signed by <signer_name> via an embedded signing ceremony. """ # # Step 1. The envelope definition is created. # One signHere tab is added. # The document path supplied is relative to the working directory # envDef = EnvelopeDefinition() envDef.email_subject = 'PLEASE GOD HELP ME, I NEED THIS WORKING!!' envDef.template_id = 'd5e617be-da0a-4431-9014-4575282f61d4' tRole = TemplateRole() tRole.role_name = 'Manager' = 'Lending Front' = '*****@*****.**' tRole.client_user_id = client_user_id text_example = Text() text_example.tab_label = 'example' text_example.value = 'SIIII GRACIAS DIOS!! -- EXAMPLE' text_name = Text() text_name.tab_label = 'name' text_name.value = 'SIIII GRACIAS DIOS!! -- NAME' text_name2 = Text() text_name2.tab_label = 'name2' text_name2.value = 'SIIII GRACIAS DIOS!! -- NAME2' text = Text() text.document_id = '1' text.page_number = '1' text.recipient_id = '1' text.x_position = '100' text.y_position = '100' text.scale_value = '0.5' text.value = 'THANKS GOD!!' title_label = Title() title_label.tab_label = 'lablel_example' title_label.value = 'LendingFront' tabs = Tabs() tabs.text_tabs = [text_example, text_name, text_name2, text] tabs.title_tabs = [title_label] tRole.tabs = tabs envDef.template_roles = [tRole] envDef.status = 'sent' name = TextCustomField(field_id='name', name='name', value='Manuel') last_name = TextCustomField(field_id='lastname', name='lastname', value='Galvez') testing = TextCustomField(field_id='testing', name='testing', value='Elks') manu = TextCustomField(field_id='manu', name='manu', value='manu') example = TextCustomField(field_id='example', name='example', value='Siiiiiiii') '''item_name = ListItem(text='name', value='Allen') item_lastname = ListItem(text='lastname', value='Galvez') item_testing = ListItem(text='testing', value='testing') item_manu = ListItem(text='manu', value='manu') listcf = ListCustomField(list_items=[item_name, item_lastname, item_testing, item_manu])''' custom_fields = CustomFields( text_custom_fields=[example, name, last_name, testing, manu]) envDef.custom_fields = custom_fields # envDef.recipients # print('*&**&*^&*&^%$#$%^&*(*&^%$#@!@#$%^&') print('') # # Step 2. Create/send the envelope. # api_client = ApiClient() = base_path api_client.set_default_header("Authorization", "Bearer " + access_token) envelope_api = EnvelopesApi(api_client) envelopeSummary = envelope_api.create_envelope(account_id, envelope_definition=envDef) envelope_id = envelopeSummary.envelope_id print("Envelope {} has been sent to {}".format(envelope_id, '''client_user_id = '2939' return_url = '' recipient_view_request = docusign.RecipientViewRequest() recipient_view_request.return_url = return_url recipient_view_request.client_user_id = client_user_id recipient_view_request.authentication_method = 'email' recipient_view_request.user_name = 'Manuel Galvez' = '*****@*****.**' view_url = envelope_api.create_recipient_view(account_id, envelope_id, recipient_view_request=recipient_view_request) ''' recipient_view_request = RecipientViewRequest( authentication_method='None', client_user_id=client_user_id, recipient_id='1', return_url=base_url + '/dsreturn', user_name='Lending Front', email='*****@*****.**') results = envelope_api.create_recipient_view( account_id, envelope_id, recipient_view_request=recipient_view_request) return results.url
def embedded_signing_ceremony(): """ The document <file_name> will be signed by <signer_name> via an embedded signing ceremony. """ # # Step 1. The envelope definition is created. # One signHere tab is added. # The document path supplied is relative to the working directory # env_def = EnvelopeDefinition() env_def.email_subject = 'PLEASE GOD HELP ME, I NEED THIS WORKING!!' # env_def.template_id = 'd5e617be-da0a-4431-9014-4575282f61d4' env_def.template_id = '57e2a00c-b8b5-415c-8c8b-db31d75e8253' t_role = TemplateRole() t_role.role_name = 'Cliente' = 'Alejandro Galvez' = '*****@*****.**' t_role.client_user_id = client_user_id text_example = Text() text_example.tab_label = 'example' text_example.value = 'SIIII GRACIAS DIOS!! -- EXAMPLE' text_name = Text() text_name.tab_label = 'name' text_name.value = 'SIIII GRACIAS DIOS!! -- NAME' text_name2 = Text() text_name2.tab_label = 'name2' text_name2.value = 'SIIII GRACIAS DIOS!! -- NAME2' text = Text() text.document_id = '1' text.page_number = '1' text.recipient_id = '1' text.x_position = '100' text.y_position = '100' text.scale_value = '0.5' text.value = 'THANKS GOD!!' title_label = Title() title_label.tab_label = 'lablel_example' title_label.value = 'LendingFront' tabs = Tabs() tabs.text_tabs = [text_example, text_name, text_name2, text] tabs.title_tabs = [title_label] t_role.tabs = tabs env_def.template_roles = [t_role] env_def.status = 'sent' # # Step 2. Create/send the envelope. # api_client = ApiClient() = base_path api_client.set_default_header("Authorization", "Bearer " + access_token) envelope_api = EnvelopesApi(api_client) envelope_summary = envelope_api.create_envelope( account_id, envelope_definition=env_def) envelope_id = envelope_summary.envelope_id print("Envelope {} has been sent to {}".format(envelope_id, '''' recipient_view_request = RecipientViewRequest( authentication_method='None', client_user_id=client_user_id, recipient_id='1', return_url=base_url + '/dsreturn', user_name='Lending Front', email='*****@*****.**' ) results = envelope_api.create_recipient_view(account_id, envelope_id, recipient_view_request=recipient_view_request) return results.url ''' return ''
def embedded_signing_ceremony(): """ The document <file_name> will be signed by <signer_name> via an embedded signing ceremony. """ # # Step 1. The envelope definition is created. # One signHere tab is added. # The document path supplied is relative to the working directory # env_def = EnvelopeDefinition() env_def.email_subject = 'PLEASE GOD HELP ME, I NEED THIS WORKING!!' env_def.template_id = template_id t_role = TemplateRole() t_role.role_name = role_name = name = email t_role.client_user_id = client_user_id text_example = Text() text_example.tab_label = 'example' text_example.value = 'SIIII GRACIAS DIOS!! -- EXAMPLE' text_name = Text() text_name.tab_label = 'name' text_name.value = 'SIIII GRACIAS DIOS!! -- NAME' text_name2 = Text() text_name2.tab_label = 'name2' text_name2.value = 'SIIII GRACIAS DIOS!! -- NAME2' text = Text() text.document_id = '1' text.page_number = '1' text.recipient_id = '1' text.x_position = '100' text.y_position = '100' text.scale_value = '0.5' text.value = 'THANKS GOD!!' title_label = Title() title_label.tab_label = 'lablel_example' title_label.value = 'LendingFront' tabs = Tabs() tabs.text_tabs = [text_example, text_name, text_name2, text] tabs.title_tabs = [title_label] t_role.tabs = tabs # Create the signer recipient model signer = Signer( # The signer email=email, name=name, recipient_id="1", routing_order="1", client_user_id=client_user_id # Setting the client_user_id marks the signer as embedded ) # Create a sign_here tab (field on the document) sign_here = SignHere( # DocuSign SignHere field/tab document_id='1', page_number='3', recipient_id='1', tab_label='SignHereTab', x_position='175', y_position='320', ) # Add the tabs model (including the sign_here tab) to the signer signer.tabs = Tabs(sign_here_tabs=[ sign_here ]) # The Tabs object wants arrays of the different field/tab types recipients = Recipients() recipients.signers = [signer] env_def.recipients = recipients env_def.template_roles = [t_role] env_def.status = environment_status # # Step 2. Create/send the envelope. # api_client = ApiClient() = base_path api_client.set_default_header("Authorization", "Bearer " + access_token) # authentication_api = AuthenticationApi() # authentication_api.api_client = api_client # access_token = authentication_api.get_o_auth_token() # accessToken = api_client. GetOAuthToken(client_id, client_secret, true, AccessCode); # Console.WriteLine("Access_token: " + accessToken); envelope_api = EnvelopesApi(api_client) envelope_summary = envelope_api.create_envelope( account_id, envelope_definition=env_def) envelope_id = envelope_summary.envelope_id print("Envelope {} has been sent to {}".format(envelope_id, recipient_view_request = RecipientViewRequest( authentication_method=authentication_method, client_user_id=client_user_id, recipient_id='1', return_url=base_url + '/dsreturn', user_name=name, email=email) results = envelope_api.create_recipient_view( account_id, envelope_id, recipient_view_request=recipient_view_request) return results.url