def transform(e):
    name = shorten(e.tag)
    assert e.tail is None

    if name == 't':
        assert len(e) == 0
        return e.text

    elif name == 'instrText':
        assert len(e) == 0
        if e.text.startswith(' SEQ ') or e.text.startswith(' REF '):
            return '{' + e.text + '}'
        return None

    elif name in {'pPr', 'rPr', 'sectPr', 'tblPr', 'tblPrEx', 'trPr', 'tcPr', 'numPr'}:
        # Presentation data.
        return parse_pr(e)

    elif name == 'pPrChange':
        # A diff to a previous version of the document.
        return None

    elif name in {'{}posOffset',
        # Layout data
        return None

    elif name == 'delText' or name == 'delInstrText':
        assert ALLOW_CHANGES
        return None

        assert e.text is None

        # Transform all children.
        css = {}
        c = []
        def add(ht):
            if isinstance(ht, dict):
            elif isinstance(ht, list):
                for item in ht:
            elif isinstance(ht, str) and c and isinstance(c[-1], str):
                # Merge adjacent strings.
                c[-1] += ht
            elif ht is not None:

        for k in e:
        if not css:
            css = None

        if name == 'document':
            [body_e] = c
            return html(

        elif name == 'body':
            return body(*c)

        elif name == 'r':
            if css is None:
                return c
                # No amount of style matters if there's no text here.
                if len(c) == 0:
                    return None
                elif len(c) == 1 and isinstance(c[0], str) and c[0].strip() == '':
                    return c[0] or None

                result = span(*c)
       = css
                if css and '@cls' in css:
                    result.attrs['class'] = css['@cls']
                    del css['@cls']
                return result

        elif name == 'p':
            if len(c) == 0:
                return None

            result = p(*c)
            if css and '@cls' in css:
                result.attrs['class'] = css['@cls']
                del css['@cls']
   = css
            return result

        elif name == 'pict':
            return div(*c, class_='w-pict')

        elif name == 'sym':
            assert not c
            attrs = {shorten(k): v for k, v in e.items()}
            if len(attrs) == 2 and attrs['font'] == 'Symbol' and 'char' in attrs:
                _symbols = {
                    'F02D': '\u2212', # minus sign
                    'F070': '\u03C0', # greek small letter pi
                    'F0A3': '\u2264', # less-than or equal to
                    'F0A5': '\u221e', # infinity
                    'F0B3': '\u2265', # greater-than or equal to
                    'F0B4': '\u00d7', # multiplication sign
                    'F0B8': '\u00f7', # division sign
                    'F0B9': '\u2260', # not equal to
                    'F0CF': '\u2209', # not an element of
                    'F0D4': '\u2122', # trade mark sign
                    'F0E4': '\u2122'  # trade mark sign (again)
                ch = _symbols.get(attrs['char'], '\ufffd') # U+FFFD, replacement character
                if ch == '\ufffd':
                    ch += ' (' + attrs['char'] + ')'
                return ch
            return None

        elif name == 'tab':
            assert not c
            assert not e.keys()
            return '\t'

        elif name == 'br':
            assert not c
            assert set(e.keys()) <= {'{}type'}
            br_type = e.get('{}type')
            if br_type is None:
                return br()
                assert br_type == 'page'
                return hr()

        elif name == 'lastRenderedPageBreak':
            # This means "the last time we actually rendered this document to
            # pages, there was a page break here". Theoretically, this could be
            # used to show PDF page numbers in the HTML, but it's not worth it.
            # Everyone uses section numbers anyway.
            return None

        elif name == 'noBreakHyphen':
            # This appears 4 times in the document. The first 3 times it is a
            # mistake and U+2212 MINUS SIGN would be more appropriate. The last
            # time, a plain old hyphen would be better.
            return '\u2011'  #non-breaking hyphen

        elif name in {'bookmarkStart', 'bookmarkEnd', 'commentRangeStart', 'commentRangeEnd'}:
            return None

        elif name == 'tbl':
            assert not e.keys()
            tbl = table(*c, class_="real-table")
            if css:
                if '-ooxml-border-insideH' in css:
                    # borders between rows
                    row_border = css['-ooxml-border-insideH']
                    del css['-ooxml-border-insideH']
                if '-ooxml-border-insideV' in css:
                    # borders between columns
                    col_border = css['-ooxml-border-insideV']
                    del css['-ooxml-border-insideV']
       = css
            return figure(tbl)

        elif name == 'tr':
            return tr(*c)

        elif name == 'tc':
            result = td(*c)
   = css
            return result

            return c
Exemple #2
def transform(e):
    name = shorten(e.tag)
    assert e.tail is None

    if name == 't':
        assert len(e) == 0
        return e.text

    elif name == 'instrText':
        assert len(e) == 0
        if e.text.startswith(' SEQ ') or e.text.startswith(' REF '):
            return '{' + e.text + '}'
        return None

    elif name in {
            'pPr', 'rPr', 'sectPr', 'tblPr', 'tblPrEx', 'trPr', 'tcPr', 'numPr'
        # Presentation data.
        return parse_pr(e)

    elif name == 'pPrChange':
        # A diff to a previous version of the document.
        return None

    elif name in {
        # Layout data
        return None

    elif name == 'delText' or name == 'delInstrText':
        assert ALLOW_CHANGES
        return None

        assert e.text is None

        # Transform all children.
        css = {}
        c = []

        def add(ht):
            if isinstance(ht, dict):
            elif isinstance(ht, list):
                for item in ht:
            elif isinstance(ht, str) and c and isinstance(c[-1], str):
                # Merge adjacent strings.
                c[-1] += ht
            elif ht is not None:

        for k in e:
        if not css:
            css = None

        if name == 'document':
            [body_e] = c
            return html(head(), body_e)

        elif name == 'body':
            return body(*c)

        elif name == 'r':
            if css is None:
                return c
                # No amount of style matters if there's no text here.
                if len(c) == 0:
                    return None
                elif len(c) == 1 and isinstance(c[0],
                                                str) and c[0].strip() == '':
                    return c[0] or None

                result = span(*c)
       = css
                if css and '@cls' in css:
                    result.attrs['class'] = css['@cls']
                    del css['@cls']
                return result

        elif name == 'p':
            if len(c) == 0:
                return None

            result = p(*c)
            if css and '@cls' in css:
                result.attrs['class'] = css['@cls']
                del css['@cls']
   = css
            return result

        elif name == 'pict':
            return div(*c, class_='w-pict')

        elif name == 'sym':
            assert not c
            attrs = {shorten(k): v for k, v in e.items()}
            if len(attrs
                   ) == 2 and attrs['font'] == 'Symbol' and 'char' in attrs:
                _symbols = {
                    'F02D': '\u2212',  # minus sign
                    'F070': '\u03C0',  # greek small letter pi
                    'F0A3': '\u2264',  # less-than or equal to
                    'F0A5': '\u221e',  # infinity
                    'F0B3': '\u2265',  # greater-than or equal to
                    'F0B4': '\u00d7',  # multiplication sign
                    'F0B8': '\u00f7',  # division sign
                    'F0B9': '\u2260',  # not equal to
                    'F0CF': '\u2209',  # not an element of
                    'F0D4': '\u2122',  # trade mark sign
                    'F0E4': '\u2122'  # trade mark sign (again)
                ch = _symbols.get(attrs['char'],
                                  '\ufffd')  # U+FFFD, replacement character
                if ch == '\ufffd':
                    ch += ' (' + attrs['char'] + ')'
                return ch
            return None

        elif name == 'tab':
            assert not c
            assert not e.keys()
            return '\t'

        elif name == 'br':
            assert not c
            assert set(e.keys()) <= {
            br_type = e.get(
            if br_type is None:
                return br()
                assert br_type == 'page'
                return hr()

        elif name == 'lastRenderedPageBreak':
            # This means "the last time we actually rendered this document to
            # pages, there was a page break here". Theoretically, this could be
            # used to show PDF page numbers in the HTML, but it's not worth it.
            # Everyone uses section numbers anyway.
            return None

        elif name == 'noBreakHyphen':
            # This appears 4 times in the document. The first 3 times it is a
            # mistake and U+2212 MINUS SIGN would be more appropriate. The last
            # time, a plain old hyphen would be better.
            return '\u2011'  #non-breaking hyphen

        elif name in {
                'bookmarkStart', 'bookmarkEnd', 'commentRangeStart',
            return None

        elif name == 'tbl':
            assert not e.keys()
            tbl = table(*c, class_="real-table")
            if css:
                if '-ooxml-border-insideH' in css:
                    # borders between rows
                    row_border = css['-ooxml-border-insideH']
                    del css['-ooxml-border-insideH']
                if '-ooxml-border-insideV' in css:
                    # borders between columns
                    col_border = css['-ooxml-border-insideV']
                    del css['-ooxml-border-insideV']
       = css
            return figure(tbl)

        elif name == 'tr':
            return tr(*c)

        elif name == 'tc':
            result = td(*c)
   = css
            return result

            return c
def transform_element(docx, e):
    name = shorten(e.tag)
    assert e.tail is None

    if name == 't':
        assert len(e) == 0
        return e.text

    elif name == 'instrText':
        assert len(e) == 0
        # To translate the Intl spec correctly would involve finding sequences
        # like:
        #     <r><fldChar fldCharType="begin" /></r>
        #     <r><instrText> REF _Ref277198209 \h </instrText></r>
        #     <r><fldChar fldCharType="separate" />
        #     ...
        #     <r><fldChar fldCharType="end" />
        # This might have other benefits, too, like making the table of
        # contents easier to find and making us less dependent upon the author
        # to remember to update fields before saving.
        if e.text.startswith(' REF '):
            # The REF field:
            return '{' + e.text + '}'
        return None

    elif name in {'pPr', 'rPr', 'sectPr', 'tblPr', 'tblPrEx', 'trPr', 'tcPr', 'numPr'}:
        # Presentation data.
        return parse_pr(e)

    elif name == 'pPrChange':
        # A diff to a previous version of the document.
        return None

    elif name in {'{}posOffset',
        # Layout data
        return None

    elif name == 'ins':
        assert ALLOW_CHANGES
        return [transform_element(docx, k) for k in e]

    elif name in ('del', 'delText', 'delInstrText', 'moveFrom'):
        assert ALLOW_CHANGES
        return None

    elif name == 'compat:AlternateContent':
        assert shorten(e[0].tag) == 'compat:Choice'
        return transform_element(docx, e[0])

    elif name == 'pic:pic':
        # DrawingML Pictures -
        # The actual image is given by e/pic:blipFill/a:blip/@r:embed
        # and the file word/_rels/document.xml.rels in the docx zip.
        image = img()
        for k in e:
            if shorten(k.tag) == 'pic:nvPicPr':  # "non-visual picture properties"
                for gk in k:
                    if shorten(k.tag) == 'pic:cNvPr':  # no idea
                        image.attrs['title'] = gk.get("name", '?')
        return image
        assert e.text is None

        # Transform all children.
        css = {}
        c = []
        def last_is_deleted():
            if len(c) == 0:
                return False
            last = c[-1]
            return (isinstance(last, Element)
                    and == 'p'
                    and is not None
                    and'-ooxml-deleted') == '1')

        def add(ht):
            if isinstance(ht, dict):
            elif isinstance(ht, list):
                for item in ht:
            elif isinstance(ht, str) and c and isinstance(c[-1], str):
                # Merge adjacent strings.
                c[-1] += ht
            elif (isinstance(ht, Element)
                  and c
                  and isinstance(c[-1], Element)
                  and last_is_deleted()):
                # Merge paragraphs that were joined by deleting the paragraph break.
                #print("Merging this:\n" + repr(c[-1]) + "into this:\n" + repr(ht))
                if == 'p':
                    c[-1] = ht.with_content(c[-1].content + ht.content)
                    del c[-1]
            elif ht is not None:

        for k in e:
            add(transform_element(docx, k))

        if last_is_deleted():
            del c[-1]

        if not css:
            css = None

        if name == 'document':
            [body_e] = c
            return html(

        elif name == 'body':
            return body(*c)

        elif name == 'r':
            if css is None:
                return c
                # No amount of style matters if there's no text here.
                if len(c) == 0:
                    return None
                elif len(c) == 1 and isinstance(c[0], str) and c[0].strip() == '':
                    return c[0] or None

                result = span(*c)
       = css
                if css and '@cls' in css:
                    result.attrs['class'] = css.pop('@cls')
                return result

        elif name == 'p':
            result = p(*c)
            if css and '@cls' in css:
                cls = css.pop('@cls')
                cls = 'Normal'
            result.attrs['class'] = cls
   = css
            return result

        elif name == 'pict' or name == 'drawing':
            return div(*c, class_='w-pict')

        elif name == 'sym':
            assert not c
            attrs = {shorten(k): v for k, v in e.items()}
            if len(attrs) == 2 and attrs['font'] == 'Symbol' and 'char' in attrs:
                _symbols = {
                    'F02D': '\u2212', # minus sign
                    'F070': '\u03C0', # greek small letter pi
                    'F0A3': '\u2264', # less-than or equal to
                    'F0A5': '\u221e', # infinity
                    'F0B3': '\u2265', # greater-than or equal to
                    'F0B4': '\u00d7', # multiplication sign
                    'F0B8': '\u00f7', # division sign
                    'F0B9': '\u2260', # not equal to
                    'F0CF': '\u2209', # not an element of
                    'F0D4': '\u2122', # trade mark sign
                    'F0E4': '\u2122'  # trade mark sign (again)
                ch = _symbols.get(attrs['char'], '\ufffd') # U+FFFD, replacement character
                if ch == '\ufffd':
                    ch += ' (' + attrs['char'] + ')'
                return ch
            return None

        elif name == 'tab':
            assert not c
            assert not e.keys()
            return '\t'

        elif name == 'br':
            assert not c
            assert set(e.keys()) <= {'{}type'}
            br_type = e.get('{}type')
            if br_type is None:
                return br()
                assert br_type == 'page'
                return hr()

        elif name == 'lastRenderedPageBreak':
            # This means "the last time we actually rendered this document to
            # pages, there was a page break here". Theoretically, this could be
            # used to show PDF page numbers in the HTML, but it's not worth it.
            # Everyone uses section numbers anyway.
            return None

        elif name == 'noBreakHyphen':
            # This appears 4 times in the document. The first 3 times it is a
            # mistake and U+2212 MINUS SIGN would be more appropriate. The last
            # time, a plain old hyphen would be better.
            return '\u2011'  #non-breaking hyphen

        elif name in {'bookmarkStart', 'bookmarkEnd', 'commentRangeStart', 'commentRangeEnd'}:
            return None

        elif name == 'tbl':
            assert not e.keys()
            if len(c) == 0:
                return None
            tbl = table(*c)
   = css
            return figure(tbl)

        elif name == 'tr':
            if is_deleted(e, 'trPr'):
                return None
            return tr(*c)

        elif name == 'tc':
            if is_deleted(e, 'tcPr'):
                return None
            result = td(*c)
   = css
            return result

            return c
Exemple #4
def transform_element(docx, e):
    name = shorten(e.tag)
    assert e.tail is None

    if name == "t":
        assert len(e) == 0
        return e.text

    elif name == "instrText":
        assert len(e) == 0
        # To translate the Intl spec correctly would involve finding sequences
        # like:
        #     <r><fldChar fldCharType="begin" /></r>
        #     <r><instrText> REF _Ref277198209 \h </instrText></r>
        #     <r><fldChar fldCharType="separate" />
        #     ...
        #     <r><fldChar fldCharType="end" />
        # This might have other benefits, too, like making the table of
        # contents easier to find and making us less dependent upon the author
        # to remember to update fields before saving.
        if e.text.startswith(" REF "):
            # The REF field:
            return "{" + e.text + "}"
        return None

    elif name in {"pPr", "rPr", "sectPr", "tblPr", "tblPrEx", "trPr", "tcPr", "numPr"}:
        # Presentation data.
        return parse_pr(e)

    elif name == "pPrChange":
        # A diff to a previous version of the document.
        return None

    elif name in {
        # Layout data
        return None

    elif name == "ins":
        assert ALLOW_CHANGES
        return [transform_element(docx, k) for k in e]

    elif name in ("del", "delText", "delInstrText", "moveFrom"):
        assert ALLOW_CHANGES
        return None

    elif name == "compat:AlternateContent":
        assert shorten(e[0].tag) == "compat:Choice"
        return transform_element(docx, e[0])

    elif name == "pic:pic":
        # DrawingML Pictures -
        # The actual image is given by e/pic:blipFill/a:blip/@r:embed
        # and the file word/_rels/document.xml.rels in the docx zip.
        image = img()
        for k in e:
            if shorten(k.tag) == "pic:nvPicPr":  # "non-visual picture properties"
                for gk in k:
                    if shorten(k.tag) == "pic:cNvPr":  # no idea
                        image.attrs["title"] = gk.get("name", "?")
        return image
        assert e.text is None

        # Transform all children.
        css = {}
        c = []

        def last_is_deleted():
            if len(c) == 0:
                return False
            last = c[-1]
            return (
                isinstance(last, Element)
                and == "p"
                and is not None
                and"-ooxml-deleted") == "1"

        def add(ht):
            if isinstance(ht, dict):
            elif isinstance(ht, list):
                for item in ht:
            elif isinstance(ht, str) and c and isinstance(c[-1], str):
                # Merge adjacent strings.
                c[-1] += ht
            elif isinstance(ht, Element) and c and isinstance(c[-1], Element) and last_is_deleted():
                # Merge paragraphs that were joined by deleting the paragraph break.
                # print("Merging this:\n" + repr(c[-1]) + "into this:\n" + repr(ht))
                if == "p":
                    c[-1] = ht.with_content(c[-1].content + ht.content)
                    del c[-1]
            elif ht is not None:

        for k in e:
            add(transform_element(docx, k))

        if last_is_deleted():
            del c[-1]

        if not css:
            css = None

        if name == "document":
            [body_e] = c
            return html(head(), body_e)

        elif name == "body":
            return body(*c)

        elif name == "r":
            if css is None:
                return c
                # No amount of style matters if there's no text here.
                if len(c) == 0:
                    return None
                elif len(c) == 1 and isinstance(c[0], str) and c[0].strip() == "":
                    return c[0] or None

                result = span(*c)
       = css
                if css and "@cls" in css:
                    result.attrs["class"] = css.pop("@cls")
                return result

        elif name == "p":
            result = p(*c)
            if css and "@cls" in css:
                cls = css.pop("@cls")
                cls = "Normal"
            result.attrs["class"] = cls
   = css
            return result

        elif name == "pict" or name == "drawing":
            return div(*c, class_="w-pict")

        elif name == "sym":
            assert not c
            attrs = {shorten(k): v for k, v in e.items()}
            if len(attrs) == 2 and attrs["font"] == "Symbol" and "char" in attrs:
                _symbols = {
                    "F02D": "\u2212",  # minus sign
                    "F070": "\u03C0",  # greek small letter pi
                    "F0A3": "\u2264",  # less-than or equal to
                    "F0A5": "\u221e",  # infinity
                    "F0B3": "\u2265",  # greater-than or equal to
                    "F0B4": "\u00d7",  # multiplication sign
                    "F0B8": "\u00f7",  # division sign
                    "F0B9": "\u2260",  # not equal to
                    "F0CF": "\u2209",  # not an element of
                    "F0D4": "\u2122",  # trade mark sign
                    "F0E4": "\u2122",  # trade mark sign (again)
                ch = _symbols.get(attrs["char"], "\ufffd")  # U+FFFD, replacement character
                if ch == "\ufffd":
                    ch += " (" + attrs["char"] + ")"
                return ch
            return None

        elif name == "tab":
            assert not c
            assert not e.keys()
            return "\t"

        elif name == "br":
            assert not c
            assert set(e.keys()) <= {"{}type"}
            br_type = e.get("{}type")
            if br_type is None:
                return br()
                # assert br_type == 'page'
                return hr()

        elif name == "lastRenderedPageBreak":
            # This means "the last time we actually rendered this document to
            # pages, there was a page break here". Theoretically, this could be
            # used to show PDF page numbers in the HTML, but it's not worth it.
            # Everyone uses section numbers anyway.
            return None

        elif name == "noBreakHyphen":
            # This appears 4 times in the document. The first 3 times it is a
            # mistake and U+2212 MINUS SIGN would be more appropriate. The last
            # time, a plain old hyphen would be better.
            return "\u2011"  # non-breaking hyphen

        elif name in {"bookmarkStart", "bookmarkEnd", "commentRangeStart", "commentRangeEnd"}:
            return None

        elif name == "tbl":
            assert not e.keys()
            if len(c) == 0:
                return None
            tbl = table(*c)
   = css
            return figure(tbl)

        elif name == "tr":
            if is_deleted(e, "trPr"):
                return None
            return tr(*c)

        elif name == "tc":
            if is_deleted(e, "tcPr"):
                return None
            result = td(*c)
   = css
            return result

            return c