def repo(): """ Open repository view. """ project = get_config("project") organization = get_config("organization") click.launch(f"{organization}/{project}/_git/{get_repo_name()}")
def prs(): """ Open active PRs for repository view. """ project = get_config("project") organization = get_config("organization") click.launch( f"{organization}/{project}/_git/{get_repo_name()}/pullrequests?_a=active" )
def branches(): """ Open an overview of the repositories' branches. """ project = get_config("project") organization = get_config("organization") url = f"{organization}/{project}/_git/{get_repo_name()}/branches" click.launch(url)
def branch(branch_name): """ Open a specific BRANCH_NAME. """ project = get_config("project") organization = get_config("organization") click.launch( f"{organization}/{project}/_git/{get_repo_name()}?version=GB{branch_name}" )
def sprint(): """ Open current sprint view. """ iteration = get_config("iteration") team = get_config("team") project = get_config("project") organization = get_config("organization") # Iterations often have backslashes and spaces, which must be encoded to a URL iteration = quote(os.path.basename(iteration.replace("\\", "/"))) click.launch( f"{organization}/{project}/_sprints/taskboard/{team}/{iteration}")
def pipe(): """ Open latest pipeline runs for repository view. """ project = get_config("project") organization = get_config("organization") repo_pipes = run_command( f'az pipelines list --repository "{get_repo_name()}" --org "{organization}" -p "{project}"' ) if len(repo_pipes) == 0: console.print(f"{get_repo_name()} has no pipelines defined currently") return None pipeline_id = repo_pipes[0].get("id") click.launch(f"{organization}/{project}/_build?definitionId={pipeline_id}")
def board(): """ Open board view. """ iteration = get_config("iteration") area = get_config("area") team = get_config("team") project = get_config("project") organization = get_config("organization") console.print( "[dark_orange3]>[/dark_orange3] Opening the Azure board. Make sure to filter on:" ) iteration_short = os.path.basename(iteration.replace("\\", "/")) area_short = os.path.basename(area.replace("\\", "/")) console.print(f"\titeration = '{iteration_short}'") console.print(f"\tarea = '{area_short}'") click.launch(f"{organization}/{project}/_boards/board/t/{team}")
def policies(): """ Open repository policy settings. Will show the default branch policies by default. """ project = get_config("project") organization = get_config("organization") repo_name = get_repo_name() repo = run_command(f'az repos show --repository "{repo_name}"') repo_id = repo.get("id") assert len(repo_id) > 0 default_branch = repo.get("defaultBranch").split("/")[-1] assert len(default_branch) > 0 url = f"{organization}/{project}/_settings/repositories?repo={repo_id}" url += f"&_a=policiesMid&refs=refs%2Fheads%2F{default_branch}" click.launch(url)
def issues(): """ Open all active issues view. Alternatively, use `doing list --web`. """ iteration = get_config("iteration") area = get_config("area") project = get_config("project") organization = get_config("organization") query = work_item_query(assignee="", author="", label="", state="open", area=area, iteration=iteration, type="", story_points="") # More on hyperlink query syntax: # click.launch( f"{organization}/{project}/_workitems/?_a=query&wiql={quote(query)}")
def close(work_item_id): """Close a specific WORK_ITEM_ID. A '#' prefix is allowed. You can specify multiple IDs by separating with a space. """ organization = get_config("organization") state = "Closed" for id in work_item_id: id = str(id).lstrip("#") cmd = f"az boards work-item update --id {id} --state '{state}' " cmd += f"--org '{organization}'" result = run_command(cmd) assert result.get("fields").get("System.State") == state console.print( f"[dark_orange3]>[/dark_orange3] work item #{id} set to '{state}'")