def _insert_answer(connection: Connection,
                   answer: dict,
                   submission_id: str,
                   survey_id: str) -> Insert:
    Insert an answer from a submission into either the answer or
    answer_choice table. Don't forget to use a transaction!

    :param connection: a SQLAlchemy Connection
    :param answer: a dictionary of the answer values
    :param submission_id: the UUID of the submission
    :param survey_id: the UUID of the survey
    :return: the Insert object. Execute this!
    # Add a few fields to the answer dict
    value_dict = answer.copy()
    value_dict['submission_id'] = submission_id
    value_dict['survey_id'] = survey_id
    question = question_select(connection, value_dict['question_id'])
    value_dict['type_constraint_name'] = question.type_constraint_name
    value_dict['sequence_number'] = question.sequence_number
    value_dict['allow_multiple'] = question.allow_multiple
    # determine whether this is a choice selection
    is_mc = question.type_constraint_name == 'multiple_choice'
    is_type_exception = value_dict.get('is_type_exception')
    if is_mc and not is_type_exception:
        value_dict['question_choice_id'] = value_dict.pop('answer')
        # Might want to change 'answer_choice_metadata' to 'answer_metadata'...
        answer_metadata = value_dict.pop('answer_metadata')
        value_dict['answer_choice_metadata'] = answer_metadata
        insert = answer_choice_insert
        insert = answer_insert
    return insert(**value_dict)
Exemple #2
 def testQuestionSelect(self):
     survey_id = connection.execute(
         survey_table.c.survey_title == 'test_title')).first().survey_id
     question_id = get_questions_no_credentials(
         connection, survey_id).first().question_id
     question = question_select(connection, question_id)
     self.assertEqual(question.question_id, question_id)
def _jsonify(connection: Connection,
             answer: object,
             question_id: str) -> object:
    This function returns a "nice" representation of an answer which can be
    serialized as JSON.

    :param connection: a SQLAlchemy Connection
    :param answer: a submitted value
    :param type_constraint_name: the UUID of the question
    :return: the nice representation
    type_constraint_name = question_select(connection,
    if type_constraint_name in {'location', 'facility'}:
        geo_json = connection.execute(func.ST_AsGeoJSON(answer)).scalar()
        return json_decode(geo_json)['coordinates']
    elif type_constraint_name in {'date', 'time'}:
        return maybe_isoformat(answer)
    elif type_constraint_name == 'decimal':
        return float(answer)
    elif type_constraint_name == 'multiple_choice':
        question_choice = question_choice_select(connection, answer)
        return question_choice.choice
        return answer
def bar_graph(connection: Connection,
              question_id: str,
              auth_user_id: str=None,
              email: str=None,
              limit: [int, None]=None,
              count_order: bool=False) -> dict:
    Get a list of the number of times each submission value appears. You must
    provide either an auth_user_id or e-mail address.

    :param connection: a SQLAlchemy Connection
    :param question_id: the UUID of the question
    :param auth_user_id: the UUID of the user
    :param email: the e-mail address of the user.
    :param limit: a limit on the number of results
    :param count_order: whether to order from largest count to smallest
    :return: a JSON dict containing the result [[values], [counts]]
    user_id = _get_user_id(connection, auth_user_id, email)

    allowable_types = {'text', 'integer', 'decimal', 'multiple_choice', 'date',
                       'time', 'location', 'facility'}

    question = question_select(connection, question_id)

    tcn = _get_type_constraint_name(allowable_types, question)

    # Assume that you only want to consider the non-other answers
    original_table, column_name = _table_and_column(tcn)
    table = original_table.join(
        original_table.c.question_id == question_table.c.question_id

    conds = [question_table.c.question_id == question_id,
             survey_table.c.auth_user_id == user_id]
    column = get_column(original_table, column_name)

    column_query = select(
        [column, sqlcount(column)]
    ordering = desc(sqlcount(column)) if count_order else column
    ordered_query = column_query.order_by(ordering)

    result = connection.execute(

    result = _return_sql(connection, result, question.survey_id, user_id,
    bar_graph_result = [[_jsonify(connection, r[0], question_id), r[1]] for r
                        in result]
    response = json_response(
        _return_sql(connection, bar_graph_result, question.survey_id,
                    user_id, question_id))
    response['query'] = 'bar_graph'
    return response
def time_series(connection: Connection,
                question_id: str,
                auth_user_id: str=None,
                email: str=None) -> dict:
    Get a list of submissions to the specified question over time. You must
    provide either an auth_user_id or e-mail address.

    :param connection: a SQLAlchemy Connection
    :param question_id: the UUID of the question
    :param auth_user_id: the UUID of the user
    :param email: the e-mail address of the user.
    :return: a JSON dict containing the result [[times], [values]]
    user_id = _get_user_id(connection, auth_user_id, email)

    allowable_types = {'text', 'integer', 'decimal', 'multiple_choice', 'date',
                       'time', 'location'}

    question = question_select(connection, question_id)

    tcn = _get_type_constraint_name(allowable_types, question)

    # Assume that you only want to consider the non-other answers
    original_table, column_name = _table_and_column(tcn)
    table = original_table.join(
        original_table.c.survey_id == survey_table.c.survey_id
        original_table.c.submission_id == submission_table.c.submission_id
    column = get_column(original_table, column_name)

    where_stmt = select(
        [column, submission_table.c.submission_time]
        original_table.c.question_id == question_id
        survey_table.c.auth_user_id == user_id

    result = _return_sql(
        connection.execute(where_stmt.order_by('submission_time asc')),
        question.survey_id, auth_user_id, question_id)
    tsr = [[r.submission_time.isoformat(),
            _jsonify(connection, r[column_name], question_id)]
           for r in result]
    time_series_result = tsr
    response = json_response(
        _return_sql(connection, time_series_result, question.survey_id,
                    user_id, question_id))
    response['query'] = 'time_series'
    return response
def _get_fields(connection: Connection, answer: RowProxy) -> dict:
    Extract the relevant fields for an answer (from the answer or
    answer_choice table).

    :param connection: a SQLAlchemy connection
    :param answer: A record in the answer or answer_choice table
    :return: A dictionary of the fields.
    tcn = answer.type_constraint_name
    question_id = answer.question_id
    question = question_select(connection, question_id)
    result_dict = {'question_id': question_id,
                   'question_title': question.question_title,
                   'sequence_number': question.sequence_number,
                   'type_constraint_name': tcn,
                   'is_type_exception': _get_is_type_exception(answer)}
        # Get the choice for a multiple choice question
        choice_id = answer.question_choice_id
        result_dict['answer'] = choice_id
        result_dict['answer_choice_metadata'] = answer.answer_choice_metadata
        result_dict['answer_id'] = answer.answer_choice_id

        choice = question_choice_select(connection, choice_id)
        result_dict['choice'] = choice.choice
        result_dict['choice_number'] = choice.choice_number
    except AttributeError:
        # The answer is not a choice
        question = question_select(connection, answer.question_id)
        if answer.is_type_exception:
            tcn = 'text'
        result_dict['answer'] = _jsonify(connection, answer, tcn)
        result_dict['answer_metadata'] = answer.answer_metadata
        result_dict['answer_id'] = answer.answer_id
        result_dict['choice'] = None
        result_dict['choice_number'] = None
    return result_dict
def _scalar(connection: Connection,
            question_id: str,
            sql_function: GenericFunction,
            auth_user_id: str=None,
            email: str=None,
            is_type_exception: bool=False,
            allowable_types: set={'integer', 'decimal'}) -> Real:
    Get a scalar SQL-y value (max, mean, etc) across all submissions to a
    question. You must provide either an auth_user_id or e-mail address.

    :param connection: a SQLAlchemy Connection
    :param question_id: the UUID of the question
    :param sql_function: the SQL function to execute
    :param auth_user_id: the UUID of the user
    :param email: the e-mail address of the user
    :param is_type_exception: whether to look at the "other"/"don't
                              know"/etc responses
    :return: the result of the SQL function
    :raise InvalidTypeForAggregationError: if the type constraint name is bad
    user_id = _get_user_id(connection, auth_user_id, email)

    question = question_select(connection, question_id)

    conds = [question_table.c.question_id == question_id,
             survey_table.c.auth_user_id == user_id]

    if is_type_exception:
        original_table = answer_table
        column_name = 'answer_text'
        tcn = _get_type_constraint_name(allowable_types, question)
        original_table, column_name = _table_and_column(tcn)

    table = original_table.join(
        original_table.c.question_id == question_table.c.question_id
    if is_type_exception:

    column = get_column(original_table, column_name)

    result = connection.execute(select([sql_function(column)]).select_from(

    return _return_sql(connection, result, question.survey_id, user_id,
 def get(self, question_id: str):
     question = question_select(self.db, question_id)
     answers = get_answers_for_question(self.db, question_id)
     time_data, bar_data, map_data = None, None, None
     if question.type_constraint_name in {'integer', 'decimal'}:
             data = time_series(self.db, question_id,
             time_data = data['result']
         except NoSubmissionsToQuestionError:
     if question.type_constraint_name in {'text', 'integer', 'decimal',
                                          'date', 'time', 'location',
             data = bar_graph(self.db, question_id, email=self.current_user)
             bar_data = data['result']
         except NoSubmissionsToQuestionError:
     if question.type_constraint_name in {'location', 'facility'}:
         map_data = list(self._get_map_data(answers))
     self.render('visualization.html', time_data=time_data,
Exemple #9
def _create_questions(connection: Connection,
                      questions: list,
                      survey_id: str,
                      submission_map: dict=None) -> Iterator:
    Create the questions of a survey. If this is an update to an existing
    survey, it will also copy over answers to the questions.

    :param connection: the SQLAlchemy Connection object for the transaction
    :param questions: a list of dictionaries, each containing the values
                      associated with a question
    :param survey_id: the UUID of the survey
    :param submission_map: a dictionary mapping old submission_id to new
    :return: an iterable of the resultant question fields
    for number, question in enumerate(questions, start=1):
        values = question.copy()
        values['sequence_number'] = number
        values['survey_id'] = survey_id

        existing_q_id = values.pop('question_id', None)

        executable = question_insert(**values)
        tcn = values['type_constraint_name']
        exceptions = [('question_type_constraint_name_fkey',
        result = execute_with_exceptions(connection, executable, exceptions)
        result_ipk = result.inserted_primary_key
        q_id = result_ipk[0]

        choices = list(_create_choices(connection,

        if existing_q_id is not None:
            question_fields = {'question_id': q_id,
                               'sequence_number': result_ipk[1],
                               'allow_multiple': result_ipk[2],
                               'type_constraint_name': result_ipk[3],
                               'survey_id': survey_id}
            for answer in get_answers_for_question(connection, existing_q_id):
                new_tcn = result_ipk[3]
                old_tcn = question_select(connection,
                if new_tcn != old_tcn:

                answer_values = question_fields.copy()
                answer_values['answer_metadata'] = answer.answer_metadata
                new_submission_id = submission_map[answer.submission_id]

                is_type_exception = _get_is_type_exception(answer)
                answer_values['is_type_exception'] = is_type_exception
                if is_type_exception:
                    answer_values['answer'] = answer.answer_text
                    answer_values['answer'] = answer['answer_' + new_tcn]

                allow_other = values['logic']['allow_other']
                allow_dont_know = values['logic']['allow_dont_know']
                with_type_exception = allow_other or allow_dont_know

                if new_tcn == 'multiple_choice' and not with_type_exception:
                answer_values['submission_id'] = new_submission_id

        q_to_seq_number = values['question_to_sequence_number']
        yield {'question_id': q_id,
               'type_constraint_name': tcn,
               'sequence_number': values['sequence_number'],
               'allow_multiple': values['allow_multiple'],
               'choice_ids': choices,
               'question_to_sequence_number': q_to_seq_number}
Exemple #10
 def wrapper(self, question_id: str, *args):
     question = question_select(self.db, question_id)
     authorized_email = get_email_address(self.db, question.survey_id)
     if self.current_user != authorized_email:
         raise tornado.web.HTTPError(404)
     return method(self, question_id, *args)