def test_save_mesh_value_collection(tempdir, encoding, data_type): dtype_str, dtype = data_type mesh = UnitCubeMesh(MPI.comm_world, 4, 4, 4) tdim = mesh.topology.dim meshfn = MeshFunction(dtype_str, mesh, mesh.topology.dim, False) = "volume_marker" mp = cpp.mesh.midpoints(mesh, tdim, range(mesh.num_entities(tdim))) for i in range(mesh.num_cells()): if mp[i, 1] > 0.1: meshfn.values[i] = 1 if mp[i, 1] > 0.9: meshfn.values[i] = 2 for mvc_dim in range(0, tdim + 1): mvc = MeshValueCollection(dtype_str, mesh, mvc_dim) tag = "dim_{}_marker".format(mvc_dim) = tag mesh.create_connectivity(mvc_dim, tdim) mp = cpp.mesh.midpoints(mesh, mvc_dim, range(mesh.num_entities(mvc_dim))) for e in range(mesh.num_entities(mvc_dim)): if (mp[e, 0] > 0.5): mvc.set_value(e, dtype(1)) filename = os.path.join(tempdir, "mvc_{}.xdmf".format(mvc_dim)) with XDMFFile(mesh.mpi_comm(), filename, encoding=encoding) as xdmf: xdmf.write(meshfn) xdmf.write(mvc) with XDMFFile(mesh.mpi_comm(), filename) as xdmf: read_function = getattr(xdmf, "read_mvc_" + dtype_str) mvc = read_function(mesh, tag)
def test_save_mesh_value_collection(tempdir, encoding, data_type): dtype_str, dtype = data_type mesh = UnitCubeMesh(MPI.comm_world, 4, 4, 4) tdim = mesh.topology.dim meshfn = MeshFunction(dtype_str, mesh, mesh.topology.dim, False) = "volume_marker" for c in Cells(mesh): if c.midpoint()[1] > 0.1: meshfn[c] = dtype(1) if c.midpoint()[1] > 0.9: meshfn[c] = dtype(2) for mvc_dim in range(0, tdim + 1): mvc = MeshValueCollection(dtype_str, mesh, mvc_dim) tag = "dim_{}_marker".format(mvc_dim) = tag mesh.create_connectivity(mvc_dim, tdim) for e in MeshEntities(mesh, mvc_dim): if (e.midpoint()[0] > 0.5): mvc.set_value(e.index(), dtype(1)) filename = os.path.join(tempdir, "mvc_{}.xdmf".format(mvc_dim)) with XDMFFile(mesh.mpi_comm(), filename, encoding=encoding) as xdmf: xdmf.write(meshfn) xdmf.write(mvc) with XDMFFile(mesh.mpi_comm(), filename) as xdmf: read_function = getattr(xdmf, "read_mvc_" + dtype_str) mvc = read_function(mesh, tag)
def test_append_and_load_mesh_value_collections(tempdir, encoding, data_type): dtype_str, dtype = data_type mesh = UnitCubeMesh(MPI.comm_world, 2, 2, 2) mesh.create_connectivity_all() for d in range(mesh.geometry.dim + 1): mesh.create_global_indices(d) mvc_v = MeshValueCollection(dtype_str, mesh, 0) = "vertices" mvc_e = MeshValueCollection(dtype_str, mesh, 1) = "edges" mvc_f = MeshValueCollection(dtype_str, mesh, 2) = "facets" mvc_c = MeshValueCollection(dtype_str, mesh, 3) = "cells" mvcs = [mvc_v, mvc_e, mvc_f, mvc_c] filename = os.path.join(tempdir, "appended_mvcs.xdmf") with XDMFFile(mesh.mpi_comm(), filename) as xdmf: for mvc in mvcs: global_indices = mesh.topology.global_indices(mvc.dim) for ent in range(mesh.num_entities(mvc.dim)): assert (mvc.set_value(ent, global_indices[ent])) xdmf.write(mvc) mvc_v_in = MeshValueCollection(dtype_str, mesh, 0) mvc_e_in = MeshValueCollection(dtype_str, mesh, 1) mvc_f_in = MeshValueCollection(dtype_str, mesh, 2) mvc_c_in = MeshValueCollection(dtype_str, mesh, 3) with XDMFFile(mesh.mpi_comm(), filename) as xdmf: read_function = getattr(xdmf, "read_mvc_" + dtype_str) mvc_v_in = read_function(mesh, "vertices") mvc_e_in = read_function(mesh, "edges") mvc_f_in = read_function(mesh, "facets") mvc_c_in = read_function(mesh, "cells") mvcs_in = [mvc_v_in, mvc_e_in, mvc_f_in, mvc_c_in] for (mvc, mvc_in) in zip(mvcs, mvcs_in): mf = MeshFunction(dtype_str, mesh, mvc, 0) mf_in = MeshFunction(dtype_str, mesh, mvc_in, 0) diff = mf_in.values - mf.values assert numpy.all(diff == 0)