def __init__(self, studid, name, group): if len(studid) == 0: raise StudentError("Bad ID") if len(name) == 0: raise StudentError("Invalid Name") self.studid = studid = name = group
def setName(self, newname): ''' Updates the name of a given student, replacing the name of this student with the string newname ''' if len(newname) == 0: raise StudentError("Invalid Name") = newname
def setID(self, newid): ''' Updates the ID of a given student, replacing the ID with the string newid ''' if len(newid) == 0: raise StudentError("Bad ID") self.studid = newid
def removeById(self, idstring): ''' removes the assignment having the given ID ''' for counter in range(0, len(self)): if self._data[counter].getKeyID() == idstring: return self._data.pop(counter) raise StudentError("Assignment not found")
def findByStudID(self, idstring): ''' returns the assignment with the given student id ''' for counter in range(0, len(self)): if self._data[counter].getID() == idstring: return self._data.pop(counter) raise StudentError("Assignment not found")
def add(self, Student): ''' adds a new student to the repository input: Student object ''' if self.findById(Student.getID()) != None: raise StudentError("Duplicate ID") else: self._data.append(Student)
def opt3(self): ''' finds a student by ID ''' print("Give ID:") sid = input() if(len(self._sthandler._studrepo) == 0): raise StudentError ("No students in the list") print(self._sthandler.findStud(sid))
def remove(self, Student): ''' removes a student based on it's object. uses removeById method input: Student - the object to be removed no output ''' if self.findById(Student.getID()) == None: raise StudentError("Student ID not found; cannot delete") else: return (self.removeById(Student.getID()))
def opt15(self): try: switch = self._redoswitch.pop() except: raise StudentError("No operation to redo!") if switch == 0: self._sthandler.redo() elif switch == 1: self._ashandler.redo() self._undoswitch.append(switch)
def opt4(self): ''' finds an assignment by ID ''' print("Give ID:") kid = input() temp = deepcopy(self._ashandler.findAssign(kid)) if(temp == None): raise StudentError("No assignments in the list") print(temp)
def updateById(self, studid): ''' updates certain info of a student ''' a = self.findIndex(self.findById(studid)) if a == None or self.findById(studid) == None: raise StudentError("Student not found") print("Input new name:") self._data[a].setName(input()) print("Input new group:") self._data[a].setGroup(int(input())) return self._data[a]
def removeById(self, idstring): ''' removes a student from the repo based on the id input: the ID of the student wanting to be removed output: the Student object that has been removed ''' temp = None for counter in range(0, len(self._data)): if self._data[counter - 1].getID() == idstring: temp = self._data.pop(counter - 1) if temp == None: raise StudentError("Student to be removed not found!") else: return temp
def updateByID(self, kid): temp = self.findById(kid) if temp == None: raise StudentError("No assignment found") ''' Updates the deadline, grade and description of an assignment, finding it by its ID ''' print("Input new Deadline:") temp.setDead(input()) print("Input new Grade:") temp.setGrade(int(input())) print("Input new Description") temp.setDesc(input()) return temp
def opt2(self): ''' adds an assignment ''' newassign = self._ashandler.addAssign() tempstud = self._sthandler.findStud(newassign.getID()) if tempstud == None: self._ashandler.removeAssign(newassign.getID()) #removes object if there is no student to assign to raise StudentError("No student to assign to") else: self._linkhandler.makeLink(newassign,tempstud) print("Adding Successful") self._undoswitch.append(1) self._redoswitch = []
def takeInput(self): ''' Takes input and calls controllers ''' while True: self.showMain() opt = input() if opt == '1': self.opt1() elif opt == '2': self.opt2() elif opt == '3': self.opt3() elif opt == '4': self.opt4() elif opt == '5': self.opt5() elif opt == '6': self.opt6() elif opt == '7': self.opt7() elif opt == '8': self.opt8() elif opt =='9': self.opt9() elif opt =='10': self.opt10() elif opt == '11': self.opt11() elif opt == '12': self.opt12() elif opt == '15': #used to show links, lol templist = self._linkhandler.printLinks() for cr in range (0,len(templist)): print(str(templist[cr])) elif opt =='13': self.opt14() elif opt =='14': self.opt15() elif opt == '0': return 0 else: raise StudentError("Invalid Command") self._ashandler._assignrepo.writetofile() self._sthandler._studrepo.writetofile()
def sortStudentsABC(self, listStud, listAssign): ''' Sorts a list of Student objects alphabetically input: listStud - list of students output: listStud - list of students (sorted) ''' if len(listStud) <= 0 or len(listAssign) <= 0: raise StudentError("No students or no assignments") for counter in range(0, len(listStud)): for counter2 in range(counter, len(listStud)): if listStud[counter].getName() > listStud[counter2].getName(): aux = listStud[counter] listStud[counter] = listStud[counter2] listStud[counter2] = aux return listStud
def redo(self): if self._redoop == []: raise StudentError("No operations to redo") operation = self._redoop.pop() if isinstance(operation, AddOperation): self._studrepo.add(operation.getObject()) elif isinstance(operation, RemoveOperation): self._studrepo.remove(operation.getObject()) elif isinstance(operation, UpdateOperation): self._studrepo.remove(operation.getOldObject()) self._studrepo.add(operation.getNewObject()) self._undoop.append(operation)
def addStud(self): ''' adds a new student to the repository calls add function in the repository ''' print("Student Name:") tempName = input() print("Student ID:") tempID = input() print("Student Group:") try: tempGroup = int(input()) except: raise StudentError("Invalid group!") newStud = Student(tempID, tempName, tempGroup) self._studrepo.add(newStud) self._undoop.append(AddOperation(newStud)) self._redoop = []
def undo(self): if self._undoop < 0: raise StudentError("No operations to undo") operation = self._undoop.pop() if isinstance(operation, AddLink): operation.getRepo().removeLink(operation.getLink())