Exemple #1
    def __init__(self):
        """ Initiate DbHelper, Logs and config
        XplPlugin.__init__(self, 'xplgw')
        MQAsyncSub.__init__(self, self.zmq, 'xplgw',
                            ['client.conversion', 'client.list'])

        self.log.info(u"XPL manager initialisation...")
        self._db = DbHelper()
        self.pub = MQPub(zmq.Context(), 'xplgw')
        self.stats = None
        self.client_xpl_map = {}
        self.client_conversion_map = {}
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self, stop):
        """ prepare an empty package list 
        ### init vars
        self._stop = stop
        self._clients = {}
        self._clients_with_details = {}

        ### init logger
        log = logger.Logger('manager')
        self.log = log.get_logger('manager')
        self.log.info(u"Clients initialisation")
        self._pub = MQPub(zmq.Context(), 'manager')

        ### Check for dead clients
        thr_check_dead_clients = Thread(None,
Exemple #3
    def __init__(self, name, stop_cb = None, is_manager = False, parser = None,
                 daemonize = True, test = False):
        Create XplPlugin instance, which defines system handlers
        @param name : The name of the current plugin
        @param stop_cb : Additionnal method to call when a stop request is received
        @param is_manager : Must be True if the child script is a Domogik Manager process
        You should never need to set it to True unless you develop your own manager
        @param parser : An instance of ArgumentParser. If you want to add extra options to the generic option parser,
        create your own ArgumentParser instance, use parser.add_argument and then pass your parser instance as parameter.
        Your options/params will then be available on self.options and self.args
        @param daemonize : If set to False, force the instance *not* to daemonize, even if '-f' is not passed
        on the command line. If set to True (default), will check if -f was added.
        BasePlugin.__init__(self, name, stop_cb, parser, daemonize)
        self.log.info(u"Starting plugin '%s' (new manager instance)" % name)
        self.log.info(u"Python version is {0}".format(sys.version_info))
        if self.options.test_option:
            self.log.info(u"The plugin is starting in TEST mode. Test option is {0}".format(self.options.test_option))
        self._name = name
        self._test = test   # flag used to avoid loading json in test mode
        Calculate the MQ name
        - For a core component this is just its component name (self._name)
        - For a plugin this is plugin-<self._name>-self.hostname

        The reason is that the core components need a fixed name on the mq network,
        if a plugin starts up it needs to request the config on the network, and it needs to know the worker (core component)
        to ask the config from.

        Because of the above reason, every item in the core_component list can only run once
        if self._name in CORE_COMPONENTS:
            self._mq_name = self._name
            self._mq_name = "plugin-{0}.{1}".format(self._name, self.get_sanitized_hostname())

        # MQ publisher and REP
        self.zmq = zmq.Context()
        self._pub = MQPub(self.zmq, self._mq_name)

        # MQ : start the thread which sends the status each N seconds
        thr_send_status = threading.Thread(None,

        ### MQ
        # for stop requests
        MQRep.__init__(self, self.zmq, self._mq_name)

        self.helpers = {}
        self._is_manager = is_manager
        cfg = Loader('domogik')
        my_conf = cfg.load()
        self._config_files = CONFIG_FILE
        self.config = dict(my_conf[1])
        self.libraries_directory = self.config['libraries_path']
        self.packages_directory = "{0}/{1}".format(self.config['libraries_path'], PACKAGES_DIR)
        self.resources_directory = "{0}/{1}".format(self.config['libraries_path'], RESOURCES_DIR)
        self.products_directory = "{0}/{1}_{2}/{3}".format(self.packages_directory, "plugin", self._name, PRODUCTS_DIR)

        # Get pid and write it in a file
        self._pid_dir_path = self.config['pid_dir_path']

        if len(self.get_sanitized_hostname()) > 16:
            self.log.error(u"You must use 16 char max hostnames ! %s is %s long" % (self.get_sanitized_hostname(), len(self.get_sanitized_hostname())))

        # Create object which get process informations (cpu, memory, etc)
        # TODO : activate
        # TODO : use something else that xPL ?????????
        #self._process_info = ProcessInfo(os.getpid(),
        #                                 TIME_BETWEEN_EACH_PROCESS_STATUS,
        #                                 self._send_process_info,
        #                                 self.log,
        #                                 self.myxpl)

        self.dont_run_ready = False

        # for all no core elements, load the json
        # TODO find a way to do it nicer ??
        if self._name not in CORE_COMPONENTS and self._test == False:

        # init an empty devices list
        self.devices = []
        # init an empty 'new' devices list
        self.new_devices = []

        # check for products pictures
        if self._name not in CORE_COMPONENTS and self._test == False:

        # init finished
        self.log.info(u"End init of the global Plugin part")
Exemple #4
class Plugin(BasePlugin, MQRep):
    Global plugin class, manage signal handlers.
    This class shouldn't be used as-it but should be extended by no xPL plugin or by the class xPL plugin which will be used by the xPL plugins
    This class is a Singleton

    def __init__(self, name, stop_cb = None, is_manager = False, parser = None,
                 daemonize = True, test = False):
        Create XplPlugin instance, which defines system handlers
        @param name : The name of the current plugin
        @param stop_cb : Additionnal method to call when a stop request is received
        @param is_manager : Must be True if the child script is a Domogik Manager process
        You should never need to set it to True unless you develop your own manager
        @param parser : An instance of ArgumentParser. If you want to add extra options to the generic option parser,
        create your own ArgumentParser instance, use parser.add_argument and then pass your parser instance as parameter.
        Your options/params will then be available on self.options and self.args
        @param daemonize : If set to False, force the instance *not* to daemonize, even if '-f' is not passed
        on the command line. If set to True (default), will check if -f was added.
        BasePlugin.__init__(self, name, stop_cb, parser, daemonize)
        self.log.info(u"Starting plugin '%s' (new manager instance)" % name)
        self.log.info(u"Python version is {0}".format(sys.version_info))
        if self.options.test_option:
            self.log.info(u"The plugin is starting in TEST mode. Test option is {0}".format(self.options.test_option))
        self._name = name
        self._test = test   # flag used to avoid loading json in test mode
        Calculate the MQ name
        - For a core component this is just its component name (self._name)
        - For a plugin this is plugin-<self._name>-self.hostname

        The reason is that the core components need a fixed name on the mq network,
        if a plugin starts up it needs to request the config on the network, and it needs to know the worker (core component)
        to ask the config from.

        Because of the above reason, every item in the core_component list can only run once
        if self._name in CORE_COMPONENTS:
            self._mq_name = self._name
            self._mq_name = "plugin-{0}.{1}".format(self._name, self.get_sanitized_hostname())

        # MQ publisher and REP
        self.zmq = zmq.Context()
        self._pub = MQPub(self.zmq, self._mq_name)

        # MQ : start the thread which sends the status each N seconds
        thr_send_status = threading.Thread(None,

        ### MQ
        # for stop requests
        MQRep.__init__(self, self.zmq, self._mq_name)

        self.helpers = {}
        self._is_manager = is_manager
        cfg = Loader('domogik')
        my_conf = cfg.load()
        self._config_files = CONFIG_FILE
        self.config = dict(my_conf[1])
        self.libraries_directory = self.config['libraries_path']
        self.packages_directory = "{0}/{1}".format(self.config['libraries_path'], PACKAGES_DIR)
        self.resources_directory = "{0}/{1}".format(self.config['libraries_path'], RESOURCES_DIR)
        self.products_directory = "{0}/{1}_{2}/{3}".format(self.packages_directory, "plugin", self._name, PRODUCTS_DIR)

        # Get pid and write it in a file
        self._pid_dir_path = self.config['pid_dir_path']

        if len(self.get_sanitized_hostname()) > 16:
            self.log.error(u"You must use 16 char max hostnames ! %s is %s long" % (self.get_sanitized_hostname(), len(self.get_sanitized_hostname())))

        # Create object which get process informations (cpu, memory, etc)
        # TODO : activate
        # TODO : use something else that xPL ?????????
        #self._process_info = ProcessInfo(os.getpid(),
        #                                 TIME_BETWEEN_EACH_PROCESS_STATUS,
        #                                 self._send_process_info,
        #                                 self.log,
        #                                 self.myxpl)

        self.dont_run_ready = False

        # for all no core elements, load the json
        # TODO find a way to do it nicer ??
        if self._name not in CORE_COMPONENTS and self._test == False:

        # init an empty devices list
        self.devices = []
        # init an empty 'new' devices list
        self.new_devices = []

        # check for products pictures
        if self._name not in CORE_COMPONENTS and self._test == False:

        # init finished
        self.log.info(u"End init of the global Plugin part")

    def check_configured(self):
        """ For a plugin only
            To be call in the plugin __init__()
            Check in database (over queryconfig) if the key 'configured' is set to True for the plugin
            if not, stop the plugin and log this
        self._config = Query(self.zmq, self.log)
        configured = self._config.query(self._name, 'configured')
        if configured == '1':
            configured = True
        if configured != True:
            self.log.error(u"The plugin is not configured (configured = '{0}'. Stopping the plugin...".format(configured))
            self.force_leave(status = STATUS_NOT_CONFIGURED)
            return False
        self.log.info(u"The plugin is configured. Continuing (hoping that the user applied the appropriate configuration ;)")
        return True

    def _load_json(self):
        """ Load the plugin json file
            self.log.info(u"Read the json file and validate id".format(self._name))
            pkg_json = PackageJson(pkg_type = "plugin", name = self._name)
            # check if json is valid
            if pkg_json.validate() == False:
                # TODO : how to get the reason ?
                self.log.error(u"Invalid json file")
                self.force_leave(status = STATUS_INVALID)
                # if valid, store the data so that it can be used later
                self.log.info(u"The json file is valid")
                self.json_data = pkg_json.get_json()
            self.log.error(u"Error while trying to read the json file : {1}".format(self._name, traceback.format_exc()))
            self.force_leave(status = STATUS_INVALID)

    def get_config(self, key):
        """ Try to get the config over the MQ. If value is None, get the default value
        value = self._config.query(self._name, key)
        if value == None or value == 'None':
            self.log.info(u"Value for '{0}' is None or 'None' : trying to get the default value instead...".format(key))
            value = self.get_config_default_value(key)
        self.log.info(u"Value for '{0}' is : {1}".format(key, value))
        return self.cast_config_value(key, value)

    def get_config_default_value(self, key):
        """ Get the default value for a config key from the json file
            @param key : configuration key
        for idx in range(len(self.json_data['configuration'])):
            if self.json_data['configuration'][idx]['key'] == key:
                default = self.json_data['configuration'][idx]['default']
                self.log.info(u"Default value required for key '{0}' = {1}".format(key, default))
                return default

    def cast_config_value(self, key, value):
        """ Cast the config value as the given type in the json file
            @param key : configuration key
            @param value : configuration value to cast and return
            @return : the casted value
        for idx in range(len(self.json_data['configuration'])):
            if self.json_data['configuration'][idx]['key'] == key:
                type = self.json_data['configuration'][idx]['default']
                self.log.info(u"Casting value for key '{0}' in type '{1}'...".format(key, type)) 
                return self.cast(value, type)

        # no cast operation : return the value
        if value == "None":
            return None
        return value

    def cast(self, value, type):
        """ Cast a value for a type
            @param value : value to cast
            @param type : type in which you want to cast the value
            if type == "boolean":
                # just in case, the "True"/"False" are not already converted in True/False
                # this is (currently) done on queryconfig side
                if value == "True":
                    return True
                elif value ==  "False":
                    return False
            # type == choice : nothing to do
            if type == "date": 
                self.log.error(u"TODO : the cast in date format is not yet developped. Please request fritz_smh to do it")
            if type == "datetime": 
                self.log.error(u"TODO : the cast in date format is not yet developped. Please request fritz_smh to do it")
            # type == email : nothing to do
            if type == "float":
                return float(value)
            if type == "integer":
                return float(value)
            # type == ipv4 : nothing to do
            # type == multiple choice : nothing to do
            # type == string : nothing to do
            if type == "time": 
                self.log.error(u"TODO : the cast in date format is not yet developped. Please request fritz_smh to do it")
            # type == url : nothing to do

            # if an error occurs : return the default value and log a warning
            self.log.warning(u"Error while casting value '{0}' to type '{1}'. The plugin may not work!! Error : {2}".format(value, type, traceback.format_exc()))
            return value
        return value

    def get_device_list(self, quit_if_no_device = False):
        """ Request the dbmgr component over MQ to get the devices list for this client
            @param quit_if_no_device: if True, exit the plugin if there is no devices
        self.log.info(u"Retrieve the devices list for this client...")
        mq_client = MQSyncReq(self.zmq)
        msg = MQMessage()
        msg.add_data('type', 'plugin')
        msg.add_data('name', self._name)
        msg.add_data('host', self.get_sanitized_hostname())
        result = mq_client.request('dbmgr', msg.get(), timeout=10)
        if not result:
            self.log.error(u"Unable to retrieve the device list")
            return []
            device_list = result.get_data()['devices']
            if device_list == []:
                self.log.warn(u"There is no device created for this client")
                if quit_if_no_device:
                    self.log.warn(u"The developper requested to stop the client if there is no device created")
                    return []
            for a_device in device_list:
                self.log.info(u"- id : {0}  /  name : {1}  /  device type id : {2}".format(a_device['id'], \
                                                                                    a_device['name'], \
                # log some informations about the device
                # notice that even if we are not in the XplPlugin class we will display xpl related informations :
                # for some no xpl plugins, there will just be nothing to display.

                # first : the stats
                self.log.info(u"  xpl_stats features :")
                for a_xpl_stat in a_device['xpl_stats']:
                    self.log.info(u"  - {0}".format(a_xpl_stat))
                    self.log.info(u"    Static Parameters :")
                    for a_feature in a_device['xpl_stats'][a_xpl_stat]['parameters']['static']:
                        self.log.info(u"    - {0} = {1}".format(a_feature['key'], a_feature['value']))
                    self.log.info(u"    Dynamic Parameters :")
                    for a_feature in a_device['xpl_stats'][a_xpl_stat]['parameters']['dynamic']:
                        self.log.info(u"    - {0}".format(a_feature['key']))

                # then, the commands
                self.log.info(u"  xpl_commands features :")
                for a_xpl_cmd in a_device['xpl_commands']:
                    self.log.info(u" - {0}".format(a_xpl_cmd))
                    self.log.info(u" + Parameters :")
                    for a_feature in a_device['xpl_commands'][a_xpl_cmd]['parameters']:
                        self.log.info(u" - {0} = {1}".format(a_feature['key'], a_feature['value']))

            self.devices = device_list
            return device_list

    def device_detected(self, device_type, type, feature, data):
        """ The plugin developpers can call this function when a device is detected
            This function will check if a corresponding device exists and : 
            - if so, do nothing
            - if not, add the device in a 'new devices' list
                 - if the device is already in the 'new devices list', does nothing
                 - if not : add it into the list and send a MQ message : an event for the UI to say a new device is detected

            ### TODO : implement a req/rep MQ message to allow UI to get the new devices list

            @param device_type : device_type of the detected device
            @param data : data about the device (address or any other configuration element of a device for this plugin)
            @param type : xpl_stats, xpl_commands
            @param feature : a xpl_stat or xpl_command feature
        self.log.debug(u"Device detected : device_type = {0}, data = {1}".format(device_type, data))
        #self.log.debug(u"Already existing devices : {0}".format(self.devices))
        # browse all devices to find if the device exists
        found = False
        for a_device in self.devices:
            # first, search for device type
            if a_device['device_type_id'] == device_type:
                params = a_device[type][feature]['parameters']['static']
                found = True
                for key in data:
                    for a_param in params:
                        if key == a_param['key'] and data[key] != a_param['value']:
                            found = False
                if found:
        if found:
            self.log.debug(u"The device already exists : id={0}.".format(a_device['id']))
            self.log.debug(u"The device doesn't exists in database")
            # add the device feature in the new devices list : self.new_devices[device_type][type][feature] = data
            self.log.debug(u"Check if the device has already be marked as new...")
            found = False
            for a_device in self.new_devices:
                if a_device['device_type_id'] == device_type and \
                   a_device['type'] == type and \
                   a_device['feature'] == feature:

                   if data == a_device['data']:
                        found = True
            if found == False:
                new_device ={'device_type_id' : device_type,
                             'type' : type,
                             'feature' : feature,
                             'data' : data}
                self.log.info(u"New device feature detected and added in the new devices list : {0}".format(new_device))

                # publish new devices update
                                     {"type" : "plugin",
                                      "name" : self._name,
                                      "host" : self.get_sanitized_hostname(),
                                      "client_id" : "plugin-{0}.{1}".format(self._name, self.get_sanitized_hostname()),
                                      "devices" : self.new_devices})

                # TODO : later (0.4.0+), publish one "new device" notification with only the new device detected

                self.log.debug(u"The device has already been detected since the plugin startup")

    def get_parameter(self, a_device, key):
        """ For a device feature, return the required parameter value
            @param a_device: the device informations
            @param key: the parameter key
            self.log.debug(u"Get parameter '{0}'".format(key))
            for a_param in a_device['parameters']:
                if a_param == key:
                    value = self.cast(a_device['parameters'][a_param]['value'], a_device['parameters'][a_param]['type'])
                    self.log.debug(u"Parameter value found: {0}".format(value))
                    return value
            self.log.warning(u"Parameter not found : return None")
            return None
            self.log.error(u"Error while looking for a device parameter. Return None. Error: {0}".format(traceback.format_exc()))
            return None

    def get_parameter_for_feature(self, a_device, type, feature, key):
        """ For a device feature, return the required parameter value
            @param a_device: the device informations
            @param type: the parameter type (xpl_stats, ...)
            @param feature: the parameter feature
            @param key: the parameter key
            self.log.debug(u"Get parameter '{0}' for '{1}', feature '{2}'".format(key, type, feature))
            for a_param in a_device[type][feature]['parameters']['static']:
                if a_param['key'] == key:
                    value = self.cast(a_param['value'], a_param['type'])
                    self.log.debug(u"Parameter value found: {0}".format(value))
                    return value
            self.log.warning(u"Parameter not found : return None")
            return None
            self.log.error(u"Error while looking for a device feature parameter. Return None. Error: {0}".format(traceback.format_exc()))
            return None

    def check_for_pictures(self):
        """ if some products are defined, check if the corresponding pictures are present in the products/ folder
        self.log.info(u"Check if there are pictures for the defined products")
        ok = True
        ok_product = None
        if self.json_data.has_key('products'):
            for product in self.json_data['products']:
                ok_product = False
                for ext in PRODUCTS_PICTURES_EXTENSIONS:
                    file = "{0}.{1}".format(product['id'], ext)
                    if os.path.isfile("{0}/{1}".format(self.get_products_directory(), file)):
                        ok_product = True
                if ok_product:
                    self.log.debug(u"- OK : {0} ({1})".format(product['name'], file))
                    ok = False
                    self.log.warning(u"- Missing : {0} ({1}.{2})".format(product['name'], product['id'], PRODUCTS_PICTURES_EXTENSIONS))
        if ok == False:
            self.log.warning(u"Some pictures are missing!")
            if ok_product == None:
                self.log.info(u"There is no products defined for this plugin")

    def ready(self, ioloopstart=1):
        """ to call at the end of the __init__ of classes that inherits of this one
            In the XplPLugin class, this function will be completed to also activate the xpl hbeat
        if self.dont_run_ready == True:

        ### send plugin status : STATUS_ALIVE
        # TODO : why the dbmgr has no self._name defined ???????
        # temporary set as unknown to avoir blocking bugs
        if not hasattr(self, '_name'):
            self._name = "unknown"

        ### Instantiate the MQ
        # nothing can be launched after this line (blocking call!!!!)
        self.log.info(u"Start IOLoop for MQ : nothing else can be executed in the __init__ after this! Make sure that the self.ready() call is the last line of your init!!!!")
        if ioloopstart == 1:

    def on_mdp_request(self, msg):
        """ Handle Requests over MQ
            @param msg : MQ req message
        self.log.debug(u"MQ Request received : {0}" . format(str(msg)))

        ### stop the plugin
        if msg.get_action() == "plugin.stop.do":
            self.log.info(u"Plugin stop request : {0}".format(msg))
        elif msg.get_action() == "helper.list.get":
            self.log.info(u"Plugin helper list request : {0}".format(msg))
        elif msg.get_action() == "helper.help.get":
            self.log.info(u"Plugin helper help request : {0}".format(msg))
        elif msg.get_action() == "helper.do":
            self.log.info(u"Plugin helper action request : {0}".format(msg))
        elif msg.get_action() == "device.new.get":
            self.log.info(u"Plugin new devices request : {0}".format(msg))
    def _mdp_reply_helper_do(self, msg):
        contens = msg.get_data()
        if 'command' in contens.keys():
            if contens['command'] in self.helpers.keys():
                if 'parameters' not in contens.keys():
                    contens['parameters'] = {}
                    params = []
                    params = []
                    for key, value in contens['parameters'].items():
                        params.append( "{0}='{1}'".format(key, value) )
                command = "self.{0}(".format(self.helpers[contens['command']]['call'])
                command += ", ".join(params)
                command += ")"
                result = eval(command)
                # run the command with all params
                msg = MQMessage()
                msg.add_data('command', contens['command'])
                msg.add_data('parameters', contens['parameters'])
                msg.add_data('result', result)

    def _mdp_reply_helper_help(self, data):
        content = data.get_data()
        if 'command' in contens.keys():
            if content['command'] in self.helpers.keys():
                msg = MQMessage()
                msg.add_data('help', self.helpers[content['command']]['help'])

    def _mdp_reply_plugin_stop(self, data):
        """ Stop the plugin
            @param data : MQ req message

            First, send the MQ Rep to 'ack' the request
            Then, change the plugin status to STATUS_STOP_REQUEST
            Then, quit the plugin by calling force_leave(). This should make the plugin send a STATUS_STOPPED if all is ok

            Notice that no check is done on the MQ req content : we need nothing in it as it is directly addressed to a plugin
        # check if the message is for us
        content = data.get_data()
        if content['name'] != self._name or content['host'] != self.get_sanitized_hostname():

        ### Send the ack over MQ Rep
        msg = MQMessage()
        status = True
        reason = ""
        msg.add_data('status', status)
        msg.add_data('reason', reason)

        ### Change the plugin status

        ### Try to stop the plugin
        # if it fails, the manager should try to kill the plugin

    def _mdp_reply_helper_list(self, data):
        """ Return a list of supported helpers
            @param data : MQ req message
        ### Send the ack over MQ Rep
        msg = MQMessage()
        msg.add_data('actions', self.helpers.keys())

    def _mdp_reply_device_new_get(self, data):
        """ Return a list of new devices detected
            @param data : MQ req message
        ### Send the ack over MQ Rep
        msg = MQMessage()
        msg.add_data('devices', self.new_devices)

    def _set_status(self, status):
        """ Set the plugin status and send it
        # when ctrl-c is done, there is no more self._name at this point...
        # why ? because the force_leave method is called twice as show in the logs : 
        # ^CKeyBoardInterrupt
        # 2013-12-20 22:48:41,040 domogik-manager INFO Keyoard Interrupt detected, leave now.
        # Traceback (most recent call last):
        #   File "./manager.py", line 1176, in <module>
        #     main()
        #   File "./manager.py", line 1173, in main
        # 2013-12-20 22:48:41,041 domogik-manager DEBUG force_leave called
        # 2013-12-20 22:48:41,044 domogik-manager DEBUG __del__ Single xpl plugin
        # 2013-12-20 22:48:41,045 domogik-manager DEBUG force_leave called

        if hasattr(self, '_name'):
            if self._name not in CORE_COMPONENTS:
                self._status = status

    def _send_status_loop(self):
        """ send the status each STATUS_HBEAT seconds
        # TODO : we could optimize by resetting the timer each time the status is sent
        # but as this is used only to check for dead plugins by the manager, it is not very important ;)
        while not self._stop.isSet():

    def _send_status(self):
        """ Send the plugin status over the MQ
        if hasattr(self, "_pub"):
            if self._name in CORE_COMPONENTS:
                #type = "core"
                type = "plugin"
            self.log.debug("Send plugin status : {0}".format(self._status))
                                 {"type" : type,
                                  "name" : self._name,
                                  "host" : self.get_sanitized_hostname(),
                                  "event" : self._status})

    def get_config_files(self):
       """ Return list of config files
       return self._config_files

    def get_products_directory(self):
       """ getter 
       return self.products_directory

    def get_libraries_directory(self):
       """ getter 
       return self.libraries_directory

    def get_packages_directory(self):
       """ getter 
       return self.packages_directory

    def get_resources_directory(self):
       """ getter 
       return self.resources_directory

    def get_data_files_directory(self):
       Return the directory where a plugin developper can store data files.
       If the directory doesn't exist, try to create it.
       After that, try to create a file inside it.
       If something goes wrong, generate an explicit exception.
       path = "{0}/{1}/{2}_{3}/data/" % (self.librairies_directory, PACKAGES_DIR, "plugin", self._name)
       if os.path.exists(path):
           if not os.access(path, os.W_OK & os.X_OK):
               raise OSError("Can't write in directory %s" % path)
               os.mkdir(path, '0770')
               self.log.info(u"Create directory %s." % path)
               raise OSError("Can't create directory %s." % path)
           tmp_prefix = "write_test";
           count = 0
           filename = os.path.join(path, tmp_prefix)
               filename = "{}.{}".format(os.path.join(path, tmp_prefix),count)
               count = count + 1
           f = open(filename,"w")
       except :
           raise IOError("Can't create a file in directory %s." % path)
       return path

    def register_helper(self, action, help_string, callback):
        if action not in self.helpers:
            self.helpers[action] = {'call': callback, 'help': help_string}

    def publish_helper(self, key, data):
        if hasattr(self, "_pub"):
            if self._name in CORE_COMPONENTS:
                type = "core"
                type = "plugin"
                                 {"origin" : self._mq_name,
                                  "key": key,
                                  "data": data})

    def _get_pid(self):
        """ Get current pid and write it to a file
        pid = os.getpid()
        pid_file = os.path.join(self._pid_dir_path,
                                self._name + ".pid")
        self.log.debug(u"Write pid file for pid '%s' in file '%s'" % (str(pid), pid_file))
        fil = open(pid_file, "w")

    def __del__(self):
        if hasattr(self, "log"):
            self.log.debug(u"__del__ Single plugin")
            # we guess that if no "log" is defined, the plugin has not really started, so there is no need to call force leave (and _stop, .... won't be created)

    def force_leave(self, status = False, return_code = None):
        """ Leave threads & timers

            In the XplPLugin class, this function will be completed to also activate the xpl hbeat
        if return_code != None:
            self.log.info("Return code set to {0} when calling force_leave()".format(return_code))

        # avoid ready() to be launched
        self.dont_run_ready = True
        # stop IOLoop
        #    IOLoop.instance().start()
        #    pass
        if hasattr(self, "log"):
            self.log.debug(u"force_leave called")
        # send stopped status over the MQ
        if status:

        # try to stop the thread
        except AttributeError:

        if hasattr(self, "_timers"):
            for t in self._timers:
                if hasattr(self, "log"):
                    self.log.debug(u"Try to stop timer %s"  % t)
                if hasattr(self, "log"):
                    self.log.debug(u"Timer stopped %s" % t)

        if hasattr(self, "_stop_cb"):
            for cb in self._stop_cb:
                if hasattr(self, "log"):
                    self.log.debug(u"Calling stop additionnal method : %s " % cb.__name__)
        if hasattr(self, "_threads"):
            for t in self._threads:
                if hasattr(self, "log"):
                    self.log.debug(u"Try to stop thread %s" % t)
                except RuntimeError:
                if hasattr(self, "log"):
                    self.log.debug(u"Thread stopped %s" % t)

        #Finally, we try to delete all remaining threads
        for t in threading.enumerate():
            if t != threading.current_thread() and t.__class__ != threading._MainThread:
                if hasattr(self, "log"):
                    self.log.info(u"The thread %s was not registered, killing it" % t.name)
                if hasattr(self, "log"):
                    self.log.info(u"Thread %s stopped." % t.name)

        if threading.activeCount() > 1:
            if hasattr(self, "log"):
                self.log.warn(u"There are more than 1 thread remaining : %s" % threading.enumerate())
Exemple #5
class Clients():
    """ The clients list
          client_id : for a domogik plugin : plugin-<name>.<hostname>
                      for an external member : <vendor id>-<device id>.<instance>
        { client_id = { 
                        xpl_source : vendorid-deviceid.instance
                        host : hostname or ip
                        type : plugin, ...
                        name : package name (onewire, ipx800, ...)
                        package_id : [type]+[name]
                        status : alive, stopped, dead, unknown
                        configured : True/False (plugins) or None (other types)
                        data : { 
          ... = {}

        The data part is related to the type

        WARNING : the 'primary key' is the client_id as you may have several clients with the same {type,name}
        So, all updates will be done on a client_id

    def __init__(self, stop):
        """ prepare an empty package list 
        ### init vars
        self._stop = stop
        self._clients = {}
        self._clients_with_details = {}

        ### init logger
        log = logger.Logger('manager')
        self.log = log.get_logger('manager')
        self.log.info(u"Clients initialisation")
        self._pub = MQPub(zmq.Context(), 'manager')

        ### Check for dead clients
        thr_check_dead_clients = Thread(None,

    def _check_dead_clients(self):
        """ Check if some clients are dead
            If the last time a client n a alive state has been seen is greater than twice STATUS_HBEAT seconds, set the client as dead
        while not self._stop.isSet():
            now = time.time()
            for a_client in self._clients:
                # check if the client is dead only when the client is alive (or partially alive)
                if self._clients[a_client]['status'] in (STATUS_STARTING, STATUS_ALIVE, STATUS_STOP_REQUEST):
                    delta = now - self._clients[a_client]['last_seen']
                    if delta > 2*STATUS_HBEAT:
                        # client is dead!
                        self.set_status(a_client, STATUS_DEAD)

    #def add(self, host, type, name, client_id, xpl_source, data):
    def add(self, host, type, name, client_id, xpl_source, data, configured = None):
        """ Add a client to the list of clients
            @param host : client hostname or ip or dns
            @param type : client type
            @param name : client name
            @param client_id : client id
            @param data : client data : only for clients details
            @param configured : True/False : for a plugin : True if the plugin is configured, else False
                                None : for type != 'plugin'
        self.log.info(u"Add new client : host={0}, type={1}, name={2}, client_id={3}, data={4}".format(host, type, name, client_id, str(data)))
        client = { "host" : host,
                   "type" : type,
                   "name" : name,
                   "xpl_source" : xpl_source,
                   "package_id" : "{0}-{1}".format(type, name),
                   "pid" : 0,
                   "last_seen" : time.time(),
                   "status" : STATUS_UNKNOWN,
                   "configured" : configured}
        client_with_details = { "host" : host,
                   "type" : type,
                   "name" : name,
                   "xpl_source" : xpl_source,
                   "package_id" : "{0}-{1}".format(type, name),
                   "pid" : 0,
                   "last_seen" : time.time(),
                   "status" : STATUS_UNKNOWN,
                   "configured" : configured,
                   "data" : data}
        self._clients[client_id] = client
        self._clients_with_details[client_id] = client_with_details

    def set_configured(self, client_id, new_status):
        """ Set a new status to a client
        # the first time this function is called, the client is not already registered (on client startup)
        # so we need to handle this case to avoid a KeyError exception
        if client_id not in self._clients:
        old_status = self._clients[client_id]['configured']
        if old_status == new_status:
        self._clients[client_id]['configured'] = new_status
        self.log.info("The client 'configured' flag is now set to : {0}".format(new_status))

    def set_status(self, client_id, new_status):
        """ Set a new status to a client
        self.log.debug(u"Try to set a new status : {0} => {1}".format(client_id, new_status))
            self.log.error(u"Invalid status : {0}".format(new_status))
        old_status = self._clients[client_id]['status']
        # in all cases, set the 'last seen' time for the clients which are not dead
        if new_status == STATUS_DEAD:
            self._clients[client_id]['last_seen'] = time.time()
        if old_status == new_status:
            self.log.debug(u"The status was already {0} : nothing to do".format(old_status))
        self._clients[client_id]['status'] = new_status
        self._clients_with_details[client_id]['status'] = new_status
        self.log.info(u"Status set : {0} => {1}".format(client_id, new_status))

    def set_pid(self, client_id, pid):
        """ Set a pid to a client
        self.log.debug(u"Try to set the pid : {0} => {1}".format(client_id, pid))
        self._clients[client_id]['pid'] = pid
        self._clients_with_details[client_id]['pid'] = pid
        self.log.info(u"Pid set : {0} => {1}".format(client_id, pid))

    def get_list(self):
        """ Return the clients list
        return self._clients

    def get_detail(self):
        """ Return the clients details
        return self._clients_with_details

    def publish_update(self):
        """ Publish the clients list update over the MQ
        # MQ publisher
Exemple #6
    def __init__(self,
        Create XplPlugin instance, which defines system handlers
        @param name : The name of the current plugin
        @param stop_cb : Additionnal method to call when a stop request is received
        @param is_manager : Must be True if the child script is a Domogik Manager process
        You should never need to set it to True unless you develop your own manager
        @param parser : An instance of ArgumentParser. If you want to add extra options to the generic option parser,
        create your own ArgumentParser instance, use parser.add_argument and then pass your parser instance as parameter.
        Your options/params will then be available on self.options and self.args
        @param daemonize : If set to False, force the instance *not* to daemonize, even if '-f' is not passed
        on the command line. If set to True (default), will check if -f was added.
        BasePlugin.__init__(self, name, stop_cb, parser, daemonize)
        self.log.info(u"Starting plugin '%s' (new manager instance)" % name)
        self.log.info(u"Python version is {0}".format(sys.version_info))
        if self.options.test_option:
                u"The plugin is starting in TEST mode. Test option is {0}".
        self._name = name
        self._test = test  # flag used to avoid loading json in test mode
        Calculate the MQ name
        - For a core component this is just its component name (self._name)
        - For a plugin this is plugin-<self._name>-self.hostname

        The reason is that the core components need a fixed name on the mq network,
        if a plugin starts up it needs to request the config on the network, and it needs to know the worker (core component)
        to ask the config from.

        Because of the above reason, every item in the core_component list can only run once
        if self._name in CORE_COMPONENTS:
            self._mq_name = self._name
            self._mq_name = "plugin-{0}.{1}".format(
                self._name, self.get_sanitized_hostname())

        # MQ publisher and REP
        self.zmq = zmq.Context()
        self._pub = MQPub(self.zmq, self._mq_name)

        # MQ : start the thread which sends the status each N seconds
        thr_send_status = threading.Thread(None, self._send_status_loop,
                                           "send_status_loop", (), {})

        ### MQ
        # for stop requests
        MQRep.__init__(self, self.zmq, self._mq_name)

        self.helpers = {}
        self._is_manager = is_manager
        cfg = Loader('domogik')
        my_conf = cfg.load()
        self._config_files = CONFIG_FILE
        self.config = dict(my_conf[1])

        self.libraries_directory = self.config['libraries_path']
        self.packages_directory = "{0}/{1}".format(
            self.config['libraries_path'], PACKAGES_DIR)
        self.resources_directory = "{0}/{1}".format(
            self.config['libraries_path'], RESOURCES_DIR)
        self.products_directory = "{0}/{1}_{2}/{3}".format(
            self.packages_directory, "plugin", self._name, PRODUCTS_DIR)

        # Get pid and write it in a file
        self._pid_dir_path = self.config['pid_dir_path']

        if len(self.get_sanitized_hostname()) > 16:
                u"You must use 16 char max hostnames ! %s is %s long" %

        # Create object which get process informations (cpu, memory, etc)
        # TODO : activate
        # TODO : use something else that xPL ?????????
        #self._process_info = ProcessInfo(os.getpid(),
        #                                 TIME_BETWEEN_EACH_PROCESS_STATUS,
        #                                 self._send_process_info,
        #                                 self.log,
        #                                 self.myxpl)

        self.dont_run_ready = False

        # for all no core elements, load the json
        # TODO find a way to do it nicer ??
        if self._name not in CORE_COMPONENTS and self._test == False:

        # init an empty devices list
        self.devices = []
        # init an empty 'new' devices list
        self.new_devices = []

        # check for products pictures
        if self._name not in CORE_COMPONENTS and self._test == False:

        # init finished
        self.log.info(u"End init of the global Plugin part")
Exemple #7
class Plugin(BasePlugin, MQRep):
    Global plugin class, manage signal handlers.
    This class shouldn't be used as-it but should be extended by no xPL plugin or by the class xPL plugin which will be used by the xPL plugins
    This class is a Singleton
    def __init__(self,
        Create XplPlugin instance, which defines system handlers
        @param name : The name of the current plugin
        @param stop_cb : Additionnal method to call when a stop request is received
        @param is_manager : Must be True if the child script is a Domogik Manager process
        You should never need to set it to True unless you develop your own manager
        @param parser : An instance of ArgumentParser. If you want to add extra options to the generic option parser,
        create your own ArgumentParser instance, use parser.add_argument and then pass your parser instance as parameter.
        Your options/params will then be available on self.options and self.args
        @param daemonize : If set to False, force the instance *not* to daemonize, even if '-f' is not passed
        on the command line. If set to True (default), will check if -f was added.
        BasePlugin.__init__(self, name, stop_cb, parser, daemonize)
        self.log.info(u"Starting plugin '%s' (new manager instance)" % name)
        self.log.info(u"Python version is {0}".format(sys.version_info))
        if self.options.test_option:
                u"The plugin is starting in TEST mode. Test option is {0}".
        self._name = name
        self._test = test  # flag used to avoid loading json in test mode
        Calculate the MQ name
        - For a core component this is just its component name (self._name)
        - For a plugin this is plugin-<self._name>-self.hostname

        The reason is that the core components need a fixed name on the mq network,
        if a plugin starts up it needs to request the config on the network, and it needs to know the worker (core component)
        to ask the config from.

        Because of the above reason, every item in the core_component list can only run once
        if self._name in CORE_COMPONENTS:
            self._mq_name = self._name
            self._mq_name = "plugin-{0}.{1}".format(
                self._name, self.get_sanitized_hostname())

        # MQ publisher and REP
        self.zmq = zmq.Context()
        self._pub = MQPub(self.zmq, self._mq_name)

        # MQ : start the thread which sends the status each N seconds
        thr_send_status = threading.Thread(None, self._send_status_loop,
                                           "send_status_loop", (), {})

        ### MQ
        # for stop requests
        MQRep.__init__(self, self.zmq, self._mq_name)

        self.helpers = {}
        self._is_manager = is_manager
        cfg = Loader('domogik')
        my_conf = cfg.load()
        self._config_files = CONFIG_FILE
        self.config = dict(my_conf[1])

        self.libraries_directory = self.config['libraries_path']
        self.packages_directory = "{0}/{1}".format(
            self.config['libraries_path'], PACKAGES_DIR)
        self.resources_directory = "{0}/{1}".format(
            self.config['libraries_path'], RESOURCES_DIR)
        self.products_directory = "{0}/{1}_{2}/{3}".format(
            self.packages_directory, "plugin", self._name, PRODUCTS_DIR)

        # Get pid and write it in a file
        self._pid_dir_path = self.config['pid_dir_path']

        if len(self.get_sanitized_hostname()) > 16:
                u"You must use 16 char max hostnames ! %s is %s long" %

        # Create object which get process informations (cpu, memory, etc)
        # TODO : activate
        # TODO : use something else that xPL ?????????
        #self._process_info = ProcessInfo(os.getpid(),
        #                                 TIME_BETWEEN_EACH_PROCESS_STATUS,
        #                                 self._send_process_info,
        #                                 self.log,
        #                                 self.myxpl)

        self.dont_run_ready = False

        # for all no core elements, load the json
        # TODO find a way to do it nicer ??
        if self._name not in CORE_COMPONENTS and self._test == False:

        # init an empty devices list
        self.devices = []
        # init an empty 'new' devices list
        self.new_devices = []

        # check for products pictures
        if self._name not in CORE_COMPONENTS and self._test == False:

        # init finished
        self.log.info(u"End init of the global Plugin part")

    def check_configured(self):
        """ For a plugin only
            To be call in the plugin __init__()
            Check in database (over queryconfig) if the key 'configured' is set to True for the plugin
            if not, stop the plugin and log this
        self._config = Query(self.zmq, self.log)
        configured = self._config.query(self._name, 'configured')
        if configured == '1':
            configured = True
        if configured != True:
                u"The plugin is not configured (configured = '{0}'. Stopping the plugin..."
            return False
            u"The plugin is configured. Continuing (hoping that the user applied the appropriate configuration ;)"
        return True

    def _load_json(self):
        """ Load the plugin json file
            self.log.info(u"Read the json file and validate id".format(
            pkg_json = PackageJson(pkg_type="plugin", name=self._name)
            # check if json is valid
            if pkg_json.validate() == False:
                # TODO : how to get the reason ?
                self.log.error(u"Invalid json file")
                # if valid, store the data so that it can be used later
                self.log.info(u"The json file is valid")
                self.json_data = pkg_json.get_json()
                u"Error while trying to read the json file : {1}".format(
                    self._name, traceback.format_exc()))

    def get_config(self, key):
        """ Try to get the config over the MQ. If value is None, get the default value
        value = self._config.query(self._name, key)
        if value == None or value == 'None':
                u"Value for '{0}' is None or 'None' : trying to get the default value instead..."
            value = self.get_config_default_value(key)
        self.log.info(u"Value for '{0}' is : {1}".format(key, value))
        return self.cast_config_value(key, value)

    def get_config_default_value(self, key):
        """ Get the default value for a config key from the json file
            @param key : configuration key
        for idx in range(len(self.json_data['configuration'])):
            if self.json_data['configuration'][idx]['key'] == key:
                default = self.json_data['configuration'][idx]['default']
                    u"Default value required for key '{0}' = {1}".format(
                        key, default))
                return default

    def cast_config_value(self, key, value):
        """ Cast the config value as the given type in the json file
            @param key : configuration key
            @param value : configuration value to cast and return
            @return : the casted value
        for idx in range(len(self.json_data['configuration'])):
            if self.json_data['configuration'][idx]['key'] == key:
                type = self.json_data['configuration'][idx]['default']
                    u"Casting value for key '{0}' in type '{1}'...".format(
                        key, type))
                return self.cast(value, type)

        # no cast operation : return the value
        if value == "None":
            return None
        return value

    def cast(self, value, type):
        """ Cast a value for a type
            @param value : value to cast
            @param type : type in which you want to cast the value
            if type == "boolean":
                # just in case, the "True"/"False" are not already converted in True/False
                # this is (currently) done on queryconfig side
                if value == "True":
                    return True
                elif value == "False":
                    return False
            # type == choice : nothing to do
            if type == "date":
                    u"TODO : the cast in date format is not yet developped. Please request fritz_smh to do it"
            if type == "datetime":
                    u"TODO : the cast in date format is not yet developped. Please request fritz_smh to do it"
            # type == email : nothing to do
            if type == "float":
                return float(value)
            if type == "integer":
                return float(value)
            # type == ipv4 : nothing to do
            # type == multiple choice : nothing to do
            # type == string : nothing to do
            if type == "time":
                    u"TODO : the cast in date format is not yet developped. Please request fritz_smh to do it"
            # type == url : nothing to do

            # if an error occurs : return the default value and log a warning
                u"Error while casting value '{0}' to type '{1}'. The plugin may not work!! Error : {2}"
                .format(value, type, traceback.format_exc()))
            return value
        return value

    def get_device_list(self, quit_if_no_device=False):
        """ Request the dbmgr component over MQ to get the devices list for this client
            @param quit_if_no_device: if True, exit the plugin if there is no devices
        self.log.info(u"Retrieve the devices list for this client...")
        mq_client = MQSyncReq(self.zmq)
        msg = MQMessage()
        msg.add_data('type', 'plugin')
        msg.add_data('name', self._name)
        msg.add_data('host', self.get_sanitized_hostname())
        result = mq_client.request('dbmgr', msg.get(), timeout=10)
        if not result:
            self.log.error(u"Unable to retrieve the device list")
            return []
            device_list = result.get_data()['devices']
            if device_list == []:
                self.log.warn(u"There is no device created for this client")
                if quit_if_no_device:
                        u"The developper requested to stop the client if there is no device created"
                    return []
            for a_device in device_list:
                self.log.info(u"- id : {0}  /  name : {1}  /  device type id : {2}".format(a_device['id'], \
                                                                                    a_device['name'], \
                # log some informations about the device
                # notice that even if we are not in the XplPlugin class we will display xpl related informations :
                # for some no xpl plugins, there will just be nothing to display.

                # first : the stats
                self.log.info(u"  xpl_stats features :")
                for a_xpl_stat in a_device['xpl_stats']:
                    self.log.info(u"  - {0}".format(a_xpl_stat))
                    self.log.info(u"    Static Parameters :")
                    for a_feature in a_device['xpl_stats'][a_xpl_stat][
                        self.log.info(u"    - {0} = {1}".format(
                            a_feature['key'], a_feature['value']))
                    self.log.info(u"    Dynamic Parameters :")
                    for a_feature in a_device['xpl_stats'][a_xpl_stat][
                        self.log.info(u"    - {0}".format(a_feature['key']))

                # then, the commands
                self.log.info(u"  xpl_commands features :")
                for a_xpl_cmd in a_device['xpl_commands']:
                    self.log.info(u" - {0}".format(a_xpl_cmd))
                    self.log.info(u" + Parameters :")
                    for a_feature in a_device['xpl_commands'][a_xpl_cmd][
                        self.log.info(u" - {0} = {1}".format(
                            a_feature['key'], a_feature['value']))

            self.devices = device_list
            return device_list

    def device_detected(self, device_type, type, feature, data):
        """ The plugin developpers can call this function when a device is detected
            This function will check if a corresponding device exists and : 
            - if so, do nothing
            - if not, add the device in a 'new devices' list
                 - if the device is already in the 'new devices list', does nothing
                 - if not : add it into the list and send a MQ message : an event for the UI to say a new device is detected

            ### TODO : implement a req/rep MQ message to allow UI to get the new devices list

            @param device_type : device_type of the detected device
            @param data : data about the device (address or any other configuration element of a device for this plugin)
            @param type : xpl_stats, xpl_commands
            @param feature : a xpl_stat or xpl_command feature
            u"Device detected : device_type = {0}, data = {1}".format(
                device_type, data))
        #self.log.debug(u"Already existing devices : {0}".format(self.devices))
        # browse all devices to find if the device exists
        found = False
        for a_device in self.devices:
            # first, search for device type
            if a_device['device_type_id'] == device_type:
                params = a_device[type][feature]['parameters']['static']
                found = True
                for key in data:
                    for a_param in params:
                        if key == a_param[
                                'key'] and data[key] != a_param['value']:
                            found = False
                if found:
        if found:
            self.log.debug(u"The device already exists : id={0}.".format(
            self.log.debug(u"The device doesn't exists in database")

            # add the device feature in the new devices list : self.new_devices[device_type][type][feature] = data
                u"Check if the device has already be marked as new...")
            found = False
            for a_device in self.new_devices:
                if a_device['device_type_id'] == device_type and \
                   a_device['type'] == type and \
                   a_device['feature'] == feature:

                    if data == a_device['data']:
                        found = True

            if found == False:
                new_device = {
                    'device_type_id': device_type,
                    'type': type,
                    'feature': feature,
                    'data': data
                    u"New device feature detected and added in the new devices list : {0}"

                # publish new devices update
                    'device.new', {

                # TODO : later (0.4.0+), publish one "new device" notification with only the new device detected

                    u"The device has already been detected since the plugin startup"

    def get_parameter(self, a_device, key):
        """ For a device feature, return the required parameter value
            @param a_device: the device informations
            @param key: the parameter key
            self.log.debug(u"Get parameter '{0}'".format(key))
            for a_param in a_device['parameters']:
                if a_param == key:
                    value = self.cast(a_device['parameters'][a_param]['value'],
                    self.log.debug(u"Parameter value found: {0}".format(value))
                    return value
            self.log.warning(u"Parameter not found : return None")
            return None
                u"Error while looking for a device parameter. Return None. Error: {0}"
            return None

    def get_parameter_for_feature(self, a_device, type, feature, key):
        """ For a device feature, return the required parameter value
            @param a_device: the device informations
            @param type: the parameter type (xpl_stats, ...)
            @param feature: the parameter feature
            @param key: the parameter key
                u"Get parameter '{0}' for '{1}', feature '{2}'".format(
                    key, type, feature))
            for a_param in a_device[type][feature]['parameters']['static']:
                if a_param['key'] == key:
                    value = self.cast(a_param['value'], a_param['type'])
                    self.log.debug(u"Parameter value found: {0}".format(value))
                    return value
            self.log.warning(u"Parameter not found : return None")
            return None
                u"Error while looking for a device feature parameter. Return None. Error: {0}"
            return None

    def check_for_pictures(self):
        """ if some products are defined, check if the corresponding pictures are present in the products/ folder
        self.log.info(u"Check if there are pictures for the defined products")
        ok = True
        ok_product = None
        if self.json_data.has_key('products'):
            for product in self.json_data['products']:
                ok_product = False
                for ext in PRODUCTS_PICTURES_EXTENSIONS:
                    file = "{0}.{1}".format(product['id'], ext)
                    if os.path.isfile("{0}/{1}".format(
                            self.get_products_directory(), file)):
                        ok_product = True
                if ok_product:
                    self.log.debug(u"- OK : {0} ({1})".format(
                        product['name'], file))
                    ok = False
                    self.log.warning(u"- Missing : {0} ({1}.{2})".format(
                        product['name'], product['id'],
        if ok == False:
            self.log.warning(u"Some pictures are missing!")
            if ok_product == None:
                self.log.info(u"There is no products defined for this plugin")

    def ready(self, ioloopstart=1):
        """ to call at the end of the __init__ of classes that inherits of this one
            In the XplPLugin class, this function will be completed to also activate the xpl hbeat
        if self.dont_run_ready == True:

        ### send plugin status : STATUS_ALIVE
        # TODO : why the dbmgr has no self._name defined ???????
        # temporary set as unknown to avoir blocking bugs
        if not hasattr(self, '_name'):
            self._name = "unknown"

        ### Instantiate the MQ
        # nothing can be launched after this line (blocking call!!!!)
            u"Start IOLoop for MQ : nothing else can be executed in the __init__ after this! Make sure that the self.ready() call is the last line of your init!!!!"
        if ioloopstart == 1:

    def on_mdp_request(self, msg):
        """ Handle Requests over MQ
            @param msg : MQ req message
        self.log.debug(u"MQ Request received : {0}".format(str(msg)))

        ### stop the plugin
        if msg.get_action() == "plugin.stop.do":
            self.log.info(u"Plugin stop request : {0}".format(msg))
        elif msg.get_action() == "helper.list.get":
            self.log.info(u"Plugin helper list request : {0}".format(msg))
        elif msg.get_action() == "helper.help.get":
            self.log.info(u"Plugin helper help request : {0}".format(msg))
        elif msg.get_action() == "helper.do":
            self.log.info(u"Plugin helper action request : {0}".format(msg))
        elif msg.get_action() == "device.new.get":
            self.log.info(u"Plugin new devices request : {0}".format(msg))

    def _mdp_reply_helper_do(self, msg):
        contens = msg.get_data()
        if 'command' in contens.keys():
            if contens['command'] in self.helpers.keys():
                if 'parameters' not in contens.keys():
                    contens['parameters'] = {}
                    params = []
                    params = []
                    for key, value in contens['parameters'].items():
                        params.append("{0}='{1}'".format(key, value))
                command = "self.{0}(".format(
                command += ", ".join(params)
                command += ")"
                result = eval(command)
                # run the command with all params
                msg = MQMessage()
                msg.add_data('command', contens['command'])
                msg.add_data('parameters', contens['parameters'])
                msg.add_data('result', result)

    def _mdp_reply_helper_help(self, data):
        content = data.get_data()
        if 'command' in contens.keys():
            if content['command'] in self.helpers.keys():
                msg = MQMessage()
                msg.add_data('help', self.helpers[content['command']]['help'])

    def _mdp_reply_plugin_stop(self, data):
        """ Stop the plugin
            @param data : MQ req message

            First, send the MQ Rep to 'ack' the request
            Then, change the plugin status to STATUS_STOP_REQUEST
            Then, quit the plugin by calling force_leave(). This should make the plugin send a STATUS_STOPPED if all is ok

            Notice that no check is done on the MQ req content : we need nothing in it as it is directly addressed to a plugin
        # check if the message is for us
        content = data.get_data()
        if content['name'] != self._name or content[
                'host'] != self.get_sanitized_hostname():

        ### Send the ack over MQ Rep
        msg = MQMessage()
        status = True
        reason = ""
        msg.add_data('status', status)
        msg.add_data('reason', reason)

        ### Change the plugin status

        ### Try to stop the plugin
        # if it fails, the manager should try to kill the plugin

    def _mdp_reply_helper_list(self, data):
        """ Return a list of supported helpers
            @param data : MQ req message
        ### Send the ack over MQ Rep
        msg = MQMessage()
        msg.add_data('actions', self.helpers.keys())

    def _mdp_reply_device_new_get(self, data):
        """ Return a list of new devices detected
            @param data : MQ req message
        ### Send the ack over MQ Rep
        msg = MQMessage()
        msg.add_data('devices', self.new_devices)

    def _set_status(self, status):
        """ Set the plugin status and send it
        # when ctrl-c is done, there is no more self._name at this point...
        # why ? because the force_leave method is called twice as show in the logs :
        # ^CKeyBoardInterrupt
        # 2013-12-20 22:48:41,040 domogik-manager INFO Keyoard Interrupt detected, leave now.
        # Traceback (most recent call last):
        #   File "./manager.py", line 1176, in <module>
        #     main()
        #   File "./manager.py", line 1173, in main
        # 2013-12-20 22:48:41,041 domogik-manager DEBUG force_leave called
        # 2013-12-20 22:48:41,044 domogik-manager DEBUG __del__ Single xpl plugin
        # 2013-12-20 22:48:41,045 domogik-manager DEBUG force_leave called

        if hasattr(self, '_name'):
            if self._name not in CORE_COMPONENTS:
                self._status = status

    def _send_status_loop(self):
        """ send the status each STATUS_HBEAT seconds
        # TODO : we could optimize by resetting the timer each time the status is sent
        # but as this is used only to check for dead plugins by the manager, it is not very important ;)
        while not self._stop.isSet():

    def _send_status(self):
        """ Send the plugin status over the MQ
        if hasattr(self, "_pub"):
            if self._name in CORE_COMPONENTS:
                #type = "core"
                type = "plugin"
            self.log.debug("Send plugin status : {0}".format(self._status))
                'plugin.status', {
                    "type": type,
                    "name": self._name,
                    "host": self.get_sanitized_hostname(),
                    "event": self._status

    def get_config_files(self):
        """ Return list of config files
        return self._config_files

    def get_products_directory(self):
        """ getter 
        return self.products_directory

    def get_libraries_directory(self):
        """ getter 
        return self.libraries_directory

    def get_packages_directory(self):
        """ getter 
        return self.packages_directory

    def get_resources_directory(self):
        """ getter 
        return self.resources_directory

    def get_data_files_directory(self):
       Return the directory where a plugin developper can store data files.
       If the directory doesn't exist, try to create it.
       After that, try to create a file inside it.
       If something goes wrong, generate an explicit exception.
        path = "{0}/{1}/{2}_{3}/data/" % (self.librairies_directory,
                                          PACKAGES_DIR, "plugin", self._name)
        if os.path.exists(path):
            if not os.access(path, os.W_OK & os.X_OK):
                raise OSError("Can't write in directory %s" % path)
                os.mkdir(path, '0770')
                self.log.info(u"Create directory %s." % path)
                raise OSError("Can't create directory %s." % path)
            tmp_prefix = "write_test"
            count = 0
            filename = os.path.join(path, tmp_prefix)
            while (os.path.exists(filename)):
                filename = "{}.{}".format(os.path.join(path, tmp_prefix),
                count = count + 1
            f = open(filename, "w")
            raise IOError("Can't create a file in directory %s." % path)
        return path

    def register_helper(self, action, help_string, callback):
        if action not in self.helpers:
            self.helpers[action] = {'call': callback, 'help': help_string}

    def publish_helper(self, key, data):
        if hasattr(self, "_pub"):
            if self._name in CORE_COMPONENTS:
                type = "core"
                type = "plugin"
            self._pub.send_event('helper.publish', {
                "origin": self._mq_name,
                "key": key,
                "data": data

    def _get_pid(self):
        """ Get current pid and write it to a file
        pid = os.getpid()
        pid_file = os.path.join(self._pid_dir_path, self._name + ".pid")
        self.log.debug(u"Write pid file for pid '%s' in file '%s'" %
                       (str(pid), pid_file))
        fil = open(pid_file, "w")

    def __del__(self):
        if hasattr(self, "log"):
            self.log.debug(u"__del__ Single plugin")
            # we guess that if no "log" is defined, the plugin has not really started, so there is no need to call force leave (and _stop, .... won't be created)

    def force_leave(self, status=False, return_code=None):
        """ Leave threads & timers

            In the XplPLugin class, this function will be completed to also activate the xpl hbeat
        if return_code != None:
                "Return code set to {0} when calling force_leave()".format(

        # avoid ready() to be launched
        self.dont_run_ready = True
        # stop IOLoop
        #    IOLoop.instance().start()
        #    pass
        if hasattr(self, "log"):
            self.log.debug(u"force_leave called")
        # send stopped status over the MQ
        if status:

        # try to stop the thread
        except AttributeError:

        if hasattr(self, "_timers"):
            for t in self._timers:
                if hasattr(self, "log"):
                    self.log.debug(u"Try to stop timer %s" % t)
                if hasattr(self, "log"):
                    self.log.debug(u"Timer stopped %s" % t)

        if hasattr(self, "_stop_cb"):
            for cb in self._stop_cb:
                if hasattr(self, "log"):
                    self.log.debug(u"Calling stop additionnal method : %s " %

        if hasattr(self, "_threads"):
            for t in self._threads:
                if hasattr(self, "log"):
                    self.log.debug(u"Try to stop thread %s" % t)
                except RuntimeError:
                if hasattr(self, "log"):
                    self.log.debug(u"Thread stopped %s" % t)

        #Finally, we try to delete all remaining threads
        for t in threading.enumerate():
            if t != threading.current_thread(
            ) and t.__class__ != threading._MainThread:
                if hasattr(self, "log"):
                        u"The thread %s was not registered, killing it" %
                if hasattr(self, "log"):
                    self.log.info(u"Thread %s stopped." % t.name)

        if threading.activeCount() > 1:
            if hasattr(self, "log"):
                self.log.warn(u"There are more than 1 thread remaining : %s" %