def main(config_path): # arguments with open(config_path) as json_file: arg = json.load(json_file) robot = dorna() robot.connect(arg["ip"], arg["port"]) # go home arg = {"cmd": "jmove", "rel": 0, "id": robot.rand_id(), "j0": 0, "j1": 0, "j2": 0, "j3": 0, "j4": 0, "vel": 50, "accel": 300, "jerk": 1000} print("going to start ->")**arg) # random points i = 0 while True: j0, j1, j2, j3, j4 = random_joint() arg = {"cmd": "jmove", "rel": 0, "id": i+1, "j0": j0, "j1": j1, "j2": j2, "j3": j3, "j4": j4} print("command", i, " arg: ", arg) trk =, **arg) trk.complete() i += 1 robot.close()
def main(config_path): # arguments with open(config_path) as json_file: arg = json.load(json_file) robot = dorna() robot.connect(arg["ip"], arg["port"]) robot.wait(in0=1) robot.close()
def main(config_path): # arguments with open(config_path) as json_file: arg = json.load(json_file) robot = dorna() robot.connect(arg["ip"], arg["port"]) robot.play_script("script.txt") robot.wait(id=1000, stat=2) # end of script robot.close()
def main(config_path): # arguments with open(config_path) as json_file: arg = json.load(json_file) robot = dorna() robot.connect(arg["ip"], arg["port"]) # start position print("going to start ->") arg = { "rel": 0, "id": robot.rand_id(), "j0": 1, "j1": 1, "j2": 0, "j3": 0, "j4": 0 } robot.jmove(**arg) # come 200 mm back toward x print("go back in x direction") arg = { "rel": 1, "id": robot.rand_id(), "x": -200, "vel": 500, "accel": 2000, "jerk": 4000 } trk = robot.lmove(True, **arg) trk.complete() # random points i = 0 while True: arg = { "rel": 0, "id": i + 1, "x": 300 + 1 * random(), "y": -100 + 1 * random(), "z": 206.404 - 100 + 1 * random() } print("command", i, " arg: ", arg) trk = robot.lmove(True, **arg) trk.complete() i += 1 robot.close()
def main(ip, port): robot = dorna() robot.connect(ip, port) # go home arg = { "cmd": "rmove", "rel": 0, "id": robot.rand_id(), "j0": 0, "j1": 0, "j2": 0, "j3": 0, "j4": 0, "vel": 0.5, "accel": 0.3, "jerk": 0.1 } print("going home ->")**arg) # random points i = 0 while True: j0 = -90 + random() * 180 j1 = -45 + random() * 135 j2 = max(-90, -2.7 * j1 - 60) + random() * (90 - max(-90, -2.7 * j1 - 60)) j3 = -90 + random() * 180 j4 = 0 arg = { "cmd": "rmove", "rel": 0, "id": i + 1, "j0": j0, "j1": j1, "j2": j2, "j3": j3, "j4": j4 } print("command", i, " arg: ", arg)**arg) robot.wait(id=arg["id"], stat=2) i += 1
def main(config_path): # arguments with open(config_path) as json_file: arg = json.load(json_file) # tik start = time.time() robot = dorna() robot.connect(arg["ip"], arg["port"]) for cmd in 10 * [ "alarm", "motor", "toollength", "input", "output", "pwm", "adc", "version", "uid" ]: arg = {"cmd": cmd, "id": robot.rand_id()} print(arg) trk =, **arg) trk.complete() # tok print(time.time() - start) # close connection robot.close()
def main(ip, port): robot = dorna() robot.connect(ip, port) # go home print("go toward home") arg = {"rel": 0, "id": robot.rand_id(), "j0": 1, "j1": 1, "j2": 0, "j3": 0, "j4": 0} robot.jmove(**arg) # come 200 mm back toward x print("go back in x direction") arg = {"rel": 1, "id": robot.rand_id(), "x": -200, "vel": 1000, "accel": 20000, "jerk": 40000} robot.lmove(**arg) robot.wait(id=arg["id"]) # random points i = 0 while True: arg = {"rel": 0, "id": i + 1, "x": 300 + 1 * random(), "y": -100 + 1 * random(), "z": 206.404 - 100 + 1 * random()} print("command", i, " arg: ", arg) robot.lmove(**arg) robot.wait(id=arg["id"]) i += 1
if __name__ == '__main__': import json from camera import camera from dorna2 import dorna # camera object with open("config.json") as json_file: arg = json.load(json_file) camera = camera(arg) camera.on() # robot object and tool length is 60.58 ip, port = "", 443 robot = dorna() robot.connect(ip, port){"cmd":"toollength","id":10, "toollength":60.58}) #robot.wait(id=10, stat=2) # sync T, B = camera_robot_base_fixed(camera, robot) robot.close() """ [[ 1.00971726 0.00405274 0.00299815] [ 0.01345001 -1.00985097 0.00201243] [-0.07225321 -0.03746375 0.09055587]] [[369.61834328 26.00728476 -42.64390858]]
def wait_input(ip, port): robot = dorna() robot.connect(ip, port) robot.wait(in0=1) robot.close()
def follow_chess(): """ T = np.matrix([[ 1.00971726, 0.00405274, 0.00299815], [ 0.01345001, -1.00985097, 0.00201243], [-0.07225321, -0.03746375, 0.09055587]]) B = np.matrix([[369.61834328, 26.00728476, -42.64390858]]) """ T = np.matrix([[1.00362522e+00, -6.08170296e-03, 2.14515751e-02], [-1.16490803e-02, -1.01397851e+00, 2.47533302e-04], [2.87219177e-01, -1.45933692e-01, 1.07591355e-01]]) B = np.matrix([[142.69219896, 81.35848784, -47.9392697]]) # camera object with open("config.json") as json_file: arg = json.load(json_file) camera = dcamera(arg) camera.on() # robot object and tool length is 60.58 ip, port = "", 443 robot = dorna() robot.connect(ip, port) stop = False while not stop: # img data depth_frame, ir_frame, color_frame, depth_img, ir_img, color_img, depth_int = camera.get_all( ) # find corners and reshape them ret, corners = camera.chess_corner(color_img, (3, 3)) corners = np.ravel(corners).reshape(-1, 2) corners = corners.tolist() corner_index = [0] if ret: i = 0 for j in corner_index: xyz =[j], depth_frame, depth_int) xyz_robot = xyz * T + B #xyz_robot = xyz_robot[0] cv2.putText(color_img, str(i), (int(corners[j][0]), int(corners[j][1])), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, (0, 255, 0), 2, cv2.LINE_AA) cv2.imshow("color", color_img) cv2.waitKey(0) i = i + 1 print(xyz) print(xyz * T) print(xyz_robot) #print({"x": xyz_robot[0,0], "y": xyz_robot[0,1], "z": xyz_robot[0,2]+30})"lmove", rel=0, x=xyz_robot[0, 0], y=xyz_robot[0, 1], z=xyz_robot[0, 2] + 5, a=-90, vel=200)"sleep", time=5)"lmove", rel=0, x=336.77, y=227.855, z=261.62, a=-66.888, id=10) robot.wait(id=10, stat=2) else: print("No chess board was detected. Try again...") continue # make sure camera data is useful key = input("repeat? (y/n)") if key == "n": stop = True robot.close()
def follow_coin_copy(): min_height = 570 min_distance = 60 num_seg = 10 T = np.matrix([[1.00362522e+00, -6.08170296e-03, 2.14515751e-02], [-1.16490803e-02, -1.01397851e+00, 2.47533302e-04], [2.87219177e-01, -1.45933692e-01, 1.07591355e-01]]) B = np.matrix([[142.69219896, 81.35848784, -47.9392697]]) # camera object with open("config.json") as json_file: arg = json.load(json_file) camera = dcamera(arg) camera.on() # robot object and tool length is 60.58 ip, port = "", 443 robot = dorna() robot.connect(ip, port) stop = False point_list = [] step_list = [] # get current robot xyz sys = dict(robot.sys) xyz_final = np.array([sys[x] for x in ["x", "y", "z"]]) circle = False circle_prev = False j = 0 while not stop: # take img depth_frame, ir_frame, color_frame, depth_img, ir_img, color_img, depth_int = camera.get_all( ) # find corners and reshape them circle = find_circle(color_img) # number of circles and their size if len(circle) == 0: continue s = [] for c in circle: if c[2] > 18: xyz =[0:2], depth_frame, depth_int) if xyz[2] > min_height: s.append(c) break if not len(s): continue circle = s # circle position if circle_prev: if np.linalg.norm( np.array(circle[0][0:2]) - np.array(circle_prev[0][0:2])) < 20: continue # update circle_prev circle_prev = list(circle) # go toward circle #xyz =[0][0:2], depth_frame, depth_int) xyz_circle_robot = xyz * T + B xyz_circle_robot = np.array(xyz_circle_robot).flatten() distance = np.floor(np.linalg.norm(xyz_final - xyz_circle_robot)) # floor distance if distance < min_distance: cmd = { "cmd": "lmove", "rel": 0, "x": xyz_circle_robot[0], "y": xyz_circle_robot[1], "id": 101, "cont": 0, "corner": 80 }**cmd) print(json.dumps(cmd)) xyz_final = np.array(xyz_circle_robot) else: end = xyz_final + (min_distance / distance) * (xyz_circle_robot - xyz_final) pnts = [] for i in range(num_seg): end = xyz_final + ( (min_distance * (i + 1)) / (num_seg * distance)) * (xyz_circle_robot - xyz_final) pnts.append([end[0], end[1], 100 + i]) cmd = { "cmd": "lmove", "rel": 0, "x": end[0], "y": end[1], "id": 100 + i, "cont": 1, "corner": 80 }**cmd) print(json.dumps(cmd)) xyz_final = np.array(end) while True: time.sleep(0.005) try: sys = dict(robot.sys) if (sys["id"] >= 101 and sys["stat"] == 2) or sys["stat"] < 0: break except Exception as ex: pass j += 1 robot.close()
def play_file(ip, port): robot = dorna() robot.connect(ip, port) robot.play_file("script.txt") robot.wait(id=1000, stat=2) robot.close()