Exemple #1
def show_item(request, app_name='', model_name='', object_id=None, template='dorsale/show_item.html', _c=0):
    Display one object: `app_name.model_name(id=object_id)`.
    Render 404 if object is not available. Allow customization by `template`.

    Available variables in the template:
    :item: the requested object
    :item_type: ContentType of the requested object
    :form: ModelForm for this object
    :notes: Notes on this object
    if not object_id:
        return render_404(request, locals())
    object_model = get_model(app_name, model_name)
        item = object_model.objects.mine(request.user.id).get(pk=object_id)
        item_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(item)
        if hasattr(item, 'notes'):
            notes = item.notes.all()
        # else:
        #    notes = Note.objects.filter(content_type__pk=item_type.id, object_id=object_id)
        return render_404(request, locals())
    form = ModelFormFactory(object_model, user=request.user, instance=item, disabled=True)
    if not form.visible_fields() and _c < 3:  # sometimes it works only in the second try, why?
        return show_item(request, app_name, model_name, object_id, template, _c + 1)
    return render(request, template, locals())
Exemple #2
def show_item(request, app_name='', model_name='', object_id=None, template='dorsale/show_item.html', _c=0):
    Display one object: `app_name.model_name(id=object_id)`.
    Render 404 if object is not available. Allow customization by `template`.

    Available variables in the template:
    :item: the requested object
    :item_type: ContentType of the requested object
    :form: ModelForm for this object
    :notes: Notes on this object
    if not object_id:
        return render_404(request, locals())
    object_model = get_model(app_name, model_name)
        item = object_model.objects.mine(request.user.id).get(pk=object_id)
        item_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(item)
        if hasattr(item, 'notes'):
            notes = item.notes.all()
        # else:
        #    notes = Note.objects.filter(content_type__pk=item_type.id, object_id=object_id)
        return render_404(request, locals())
    form = ModelFormFactory(object_model, user=request.user, instance=item, disabled=True)
    if not form.visible_fields() and _c < 3:  # sometimes it works only in the second try, why?
        return show_item(request, app_name, model_name, object_id, template, _c + 1)
    return render_to_response(template, locals(), context_instance=RequestContext(request))