Exemple #1
def data_to_projects(connection, data):
    result = []
    for row in data:
        p = Project(row['id'])
        p.name = row['name']
        p.target_date = dovetail.util.condition_date(row['target_date'])
        p.est_start_date = dovetail.util.condition_date(row['est_start_date'])
        p.est_end_date = dovetail.util.condition_date(row['est_end_date'])
        p.value = row['value']
        p.work = work_db.select_work_for_project(connection, row['id'])
        p.key_work = work_db.select_key_work_for_project(connection, row['id'])
    return result
Exemple #2
def select_project(connection, project_id):
    result = Project(project_id)
    data = connection.execute(
            database.projects.c.id == project_id)).first()

    result.name = data['name']
    # NOTE: We don't need to condition them because we're not doing an explicit select
    # SqlAlchemy takes care of the date manipulation for us
    result.target_date = data['target_date']
    result.est_end_date = data['est_end_date']
    result.participants = people_db.select_project_participants(
        connection, project_id)
    result.work = work_db.select_work_for_project(connection, project_id)
    return result