Exemple #1
 def _fetch_CDN_(self, resp):
     if 'alt="Upgrade to Pornhub Premium to enjoy this video."' in resp:
         #upgrade to premium message with nothing to fetch just remove that link from file and move on
         return True
     if 'var player_quality_' in resp:
         p720 = resp.find('var player_quality_720p = \'')
         if p720 == -1:
             p420 = resp.find('var player_quality_480p = \'')
             if p420 == -1:
                 p240 = resp.find('var player_quality_240p = \'')
                 if p240 == -1:
                     #nothing is there
                         "\n[None] No Video Format could be found -- Removing the Link"
                     return True
                     print("[FETCHED -- 240px]")
                     start = p240 + 27
                     end = resp.find('\'', p240 + 30)
                 print("[FETCHED -- 420px]")
                 start = p420 + 27
                 end = resp.find('\'', p420 + 30)
             print("[FETCHED -- 720px]")
             start = p720 + 27
             end = resp.find('\'', p720 + 30)
         #print resp[start:end]
         file_name = BeautifulSoup(resp, "html.parser")
         file_name = str(file_name.title.string)
         file_name = file_name.translate(None, "'*:\"\/?<>|")
         download = Download(resp[start:end], "%s.mp4" % (file_name))
         download = download.now()
         if download:
             return True
         return False
Exemple #2
	def _fetch_CDN_(self,resp):		
		if 'alt="Upgrade to Pornhub Premium to enjoy this video."' in resp:
			#upgrade to premium message with nothing to fetch just remove that link from file and move on
			return True
		if 'var player_quality_' in resp:			
			p720 = resp.find('var player_quality_720p = \'')
			if p720 == -1:
				p420 = resp.find('var player_quality_480p = \'')
				if p420 == -1:
					p240 = resp.find('var player_quality_240p = \'')
					if p240 == -1:
						#nothing is there
						print("\n[None] No Video Format could be found -- Removing the Link")
						return True
						print("[FETCHED -- 240px]")
						start = p240 + 27
						end = resp.find('\'',p240+30)
					print("[FETCHED -- 420px]")
					start = p420 + 27
					end = resp.find('\'',p420+30)
				print("[FETCHED -- 720px]")
				start = p720 + 27
				end = resp.find('\'',p720+30)
			#print resp[start:end]				
			file_name = BeautifulSoup(resp,"html.parser")
			file_name = str(file_name.title.string)
			file_name = file_name.translate(None,"'*:\"\/?<>|")
			download = Download(resp[start:end],"%s.mp4"%(file_name))
			download = download.now()			
			if download:				
				return True
			return False
Exemple #3
    def _fetch_CDN_(self, resp):
        resp = str(resp)
        if str(resp).find(
                "alt=\"Upgrade to Pornhub Premium to enjoy this video.\""
        ) != -1:
            # There is nothing to fetch, then "Upgrade to Pornhub Premium" appears
            return True
        import re
        regex = r"(var flashvars_)(.*?)(=)(.*?)(};)"
        match = re.findall(regex, resp)[0][3]
        json = f"{match.strip()}{'}'}"
        json = re.sub('("embedCode":"<iframe src=)(.*?)(iframe>",)', '', json)
        json = re.sub('({"disable_sharebar")(.*?)("mediaDefinitions":)', '',
        json = re.sub('(,"video_unavailable_country")(.*)("})', '', json)
        json = jsonpickle.decode(
                                                     "\"").replace("//", "/"))
        definition, link = "", ""
        l_1080, l_720, l_480, l_280 = None, None, None, None
        for d in json:
            q = int(d["quality"])
            if q == 1080:
                l_1080 = d["videoUrl"]
            if q == 720:
                l_720 = d["videoUrl"]
            if q == 480:
                l_480 = d["videoUrl"]
            if q == 280:
                l_280 = d["videoUrl"]

        config = {
            "download": {
                "1080": True,
                "720": True,
                "480": True,
                "280": True
        if not os.path.exists("./config.json"):
            with open("./config.json", "w") as cfg:
                    '{"download":{"1080":true, "720":true, "480":true, "280":true}}'
            with open("./config.json", "r+") as cfg:
                config = jsonpickle.decode(cfg.read())

        if l_1080 is not None and config["download"]["1080"]:
            link = l_1080
            definition = "_1080P"
            print("Found video in 1080P")
        elif l_720 is not None and config["download"]["720"]:
            link = l_720
            definition = "_720P"
            print("Found video in 720")
        elif l_480 is not None and config["download"]["480"]:
            link = l_480
            definition = "_480P"
            print("Found video in 480")
        elif l_280 is not None and config["download"]["280"]:
            link = l_280
            definition = "_280P"
            print("Found video in 280")
            print("No video found")
            return True
        file_name = BeautifulSoup(resp, "html.parser")
        file_name = str(file_name.title.string)
        for bc in "'*:\"\/?<>|":
            file_name = file_name.replace(bc, " ")
        file_name = file_name.replace(" - Pornhub.com", "")
        download = Download(link, f"{file_name}{definition}.mp4")
        download = download.now()
        if download:
            return True
        return False