Exemple #1
def calculate_combined_result(includedJSON,excludedJSON,startTime,endTime,ifo):
    Calculate the result of the union of the active times for the included flag less the intersection of that result with the union of the excluded flags
    Inputs are 2 lists of python dictionaries representing the JSON (already have run json.loads() on the JSON), a start time, and end time, and the ifo name (it does not make sense to include/exclude across multiple ifos)

    startTime : `int`
        Ex: 999999999
    endTime : `int`
        Ex: 999999999
    ifo : `string`
        Ex: 'L1'

    for flag in includedJSON:
        active_segments=segments.segmentlist([segments.segment(x[0],x[1]) for x in active_list])
    for flag in excludedJSON:
        active_segments=segments.segmentlist([segments.segment(x[0],x[1]) for x in active_list])
    # Now, total_active_list contains a segmentlist object with segments spanning the expected result     # includedJSON and excludedJSON contain lists of JSON text blobs (not parsed with json.loads yet)

    ## Note:  About known segments for the result:  We just report the start and end time of the period queried!  If you wanted to report the actual validity of multiple segments, it's somewhat undefined if the excluded ones and/or some of the included flags aren't known about for a time when the included ones are;  Technically since exclusion trumps all inclusions, if an excluded segment is known and active at any given time, the result is known for that time explicitly.

    ## Now we have to build the JSON for this flag
    # JSON flag objects looks like this (each is a dictionary!):
    #  {
    #    "ifo" : "ifo",
    #    "name" : "flag",
    #    "version" : n,
    #    "comment" : "description",     #    "provenance_url" : "aLog URL",
    #    "deactivated" : false|true,
    #    "active_indicates_ifo_badness" : true|false|null,
    #    // known segments returned for both /active and /known URIs, no segments are returned for the /metadata or /report/flags queries
    #    // aka S6 summary segments
    #    "known" : [ [ts,te], [ts,te], ... ]
    #    // active segments returned only for /active URI:
    #    "active" : [ [ts,te], [ts,te], ... ]
    #    // \textcolor{red}{Comment: or "segment" : [ [ts,te,value], [ts,te,value], ...] (where value can be -1,0 or +1)}
    #    // inactive == (known - active)
    #    // unknown == (all_time - known)
    #  },
    ## Make the json-ready flag dictionary for the combined result:
    ifo=ifo # replicating old behavoir from ligolw_segment_query
    # Note: This just uses the ifo of the last excluded flag!
    return result_flag
Exemple #2
def calculate_combined_result(includedJSON, excludedJSON, startTime, endTime,
    Calculate the result of the union of the active times for the included flag less the intersection of that result with the union of the excluded flags
    Inputs are 2 lists of python dictionaries representing the JSON (already have run json.loads() on the JSON), a start time, and end time, and the ifo name (it does not make sense to include/exclude across multiple ifos)

    startTime : `int`
        Ex: 999999999
    endTime : `int`
        Ex: 999999999
    ifo : `string`
        Ex: 'L1'

    total_active_list = segments.segmentlist([])
    for flag in includedJSON:
        active_list = flag['active']
        active_segments = segments.segmentlist(
            [segments.segment(x[0], x[1]) for x in active_list])
        total_active_list = total_active_list + active_segments
    for flag in excludedJSON:
        active_list = flag['active']
        active_segments = segments.segmentlist(
            [segments.segment(x[0], x[1]) for x in active_list])
        total_active_list = total_active_list - active_segments
    # Now, total_active_list contains a segmentlist object with segments spanning the expected result     # includedJSON and excludedJSON contain lists of JSON text blobs (not parsed with json.loads yet)

    ## Note:  About known segments for the result:  We just report the start and end time of the period queried!  If you wanted to report the actual validity of multiple segments, it's somewhat undefined if the excluded ones and/or some of the included flags aren't known about for a time when the included ones are;  Technically since exclusion trumps all inclusions, if an excluded segment is known and active at any given time, the result is known for that time explicitly.
    result_known_segment_list = segments.segmentlist(
        [segments.segment(startTime, endTime)])

    ## Now we have to build the JSON for this flag
    # JSON flag objects looks like this (each is a dictionary!):
    #  {
    #    "ifo" : "ifo",
    #    "name" : "flag",
    #    "version" : n,
    #    "comment" : "description",     #    "provenance_url" : "aLog URL",
    #    "deactivated" : false|true,
    #    "active_indicates_ifo_badness" : true|false|null,
    #    // known segments returned for both /active and /known URIs, no segments are returned for the /metadata or /report/flags queries
    #    // aka S6 summary segments
    #    "known" : [ [ts,te], [ts,te], ... ]
    #    // active segments returned only for /active URI:
    #    "active" : [ [ts,te], [ts,te], ... ]
    #    // \textcolor{red}{Comment: or "segment" : [ [ts,te,value], [ts,te,value], ...] (where value can be -1,0 or +1)}
    #    // inactive == (known - active)
    #    // unknown == (all_time - known)
    #  },
    ## Make the json-ready flag dictionary for the combined result:
    ifo = ifo  # replicating old behavoir from ligolw_segment_query
    # Note: This just uses the ifo of the last excluded flag!
    name = 'RESULT'
    version = 1
    known_segments = result_known_segment_list
    active_segments = total_active_list
    result_flag = jsonhelper.buildFlagDict(ifo, name, version, known_segments,
    return result_flag
Exemple #3
def calculate_versionless_result(jsonResults,startTime,endTime,ifo_input=None):
    Construct output segments lists from multiple JSON objects.
    The jsonResults input is a list of json ojbects and
    are expected to be in order of decreasing versions.
    for resultin in jsonResults:
        # old : flagDict=result['flags'][0] # Our queries above each return 1 flag
        version = int(result['version'])
        if str(deactivated_state) in ["False","false"]:
            known_segments=segments.segmentlist([segments.segment(x[0],x[1]) for x in known_list]) # make a segment list object to do arithmetic
            active_segments=segments.segmentlist([segments.segment(x[0],x[1]) for x in active_list]) # make a segment list object to do arithmetic
            if debug:
                print("Active results for version %d" % version)
            # Now I have 2 dictionaries of known and active segments with versions as keys in case I want/need them later...
            # This next step might seem a bit confusing:
            # We need to take the active segments for this version only during times that were not known by higher segment versions
            # Thus we need to take the intersection (& operator) of the unknown segments across all higher versions with the known segments for this version, then take the intersection of that result with the active segments for this version, and then add that to the current list of total active segments... phew:
            total_active_list |= (total_query_time-total_known_list)&known_segments&active_segments
            if debug:
                import pdb
                print("Running pdb to see what is in total_active_list")
            # The S6 clients want to know about the range of times affected by a given version explicitly, so those are calculated here:
            # Note that the order matters here!  we use the total_known_list from the previous iteration of the loop step to figure out which active segments to use in this iteration of the loop, so the above line must come before the next
            total_known_list |= known_segments
    if ifo_input==None:
        if len(jsonResults)==0:
            import exceptions
            exceptions.RuntimeError("No versions for flag in versionless query")
    else:  #Only use ifo_input if we can't extract the ifo from the json result (usually because json result is empty)
    name='RESULT' # Fix!!! Executive decision to make this clear that this is not a specific IFO:FLAG:VERSION resource, but rather a contrived result
    version=1 # Fix!!! Executive decision to make this match what old clients expect
    # I would prefer that this is more clear that this is not a specific IFO:FLAG:VERSION resource, but rather a contrived result, possibly by making it version 0
    return result_flag,affected_results
Exemple #4
def calculate_versionless_result(jsonResults,
    Construct output segments lists from multiple JSON objects.
    The jsonResults input is a list of json ojbects and
    are expected to be in order of decreasing versions.
    debug = False
    active_results = {}
    segment_known_results = {}
    affected_results = {}
    total_active_list = segments.segmentlist([])
    total_query_time = segments.segmentlist(
        [segments.segment(startTime, endTime)])
    total_known_list = segments.segmentlist([])
    for resultin in jsonResults:
        result = resultin
        # old : flagDict=result['flags'][0] # Our queries above each return 1 flag
        version = int(result['version'])
        deactivated_state = result['metadata']['deactivated']
        if str(deactivated_state) in ["False", "false"]:
            known_list = result['known']
            known_segments = segments.segmentlist([
                segments.segment(x[0], x[1]) for x in known_list
            ])  # make a segment list object to do arithmetic
            segment_known_results[version] = known_segments
            active_list = result['active']
            active_segments = segments.segmentlist([
                segments.segment(x[0], x[1]) for x in active_list
            ])  # make a segment list object to do arithmetic
            active_results[version] = active_segments
            if debug:
                print "Active results for version %d" % version
                print active_results[version]
            # Now I have 2 dictionaries of known and active segments with versions as keys in case I want/need them later...
            # This next step might seem a bit confusing:
            # We need to take the active segments for this version only during times that were not known by higher segment versions
            # Thus we need to take the intersection (& operator) of the unknown segments across all higher versions with the known segments for this version, then take the intersection of that result with the active segments for this version, and then add that to the current list of total active segments... phew:
            total_active_list |= (total_query_time - total_known_list
                                  ) & known_segments & active_segments
            if debug:
                import pdb
                print "Running pdb to see what is in total_active_list"
            # The S6 clients want to know about the range of times affected by a given version explicitly, so those are calculated here:
            affected_results[version] = (total_query_time -
                                         total_known_list) & known_segments
            # Note that the order matters here!  we use the total_known_list from the previous iteration of the loop step to figure out which active segments to use in this iteration of the loop, so the above line must come before the next
            total_known_list |= known_segments
    if ifo_input == None:
        if len(jsonResults) == 0:
            import exceptions
                "No versions for flag in versionless query")
            ifo = result['ifo']
    else:  #Only use ifo_input if we can't extract the ifo from the json result (usually because json result is empty)
            ifo = result['ifo']
            ifo = ifo_input
    name = 'RESULT'  # Fix!!! Executive decision to make this clear that this is not a specific IFO:FLAG:VERSION resource, but rather a contrived result
    version = 1  # Fix!!! Executive decision to make this match what old clients expect
    # I would prefer that this is more clear that this is not a specific IFO:FLAG:VERSION resource, but rather a contrived result, possibly by making it version 0
    result_flag = jsonhelper.buildFlagDict(ifo, name, version,
                                           total_known_list, total_active_list)
    return result_flag, affected_results