def inference_time(): seq_name = './data/DROWv2-data/test/run_t_2015-11-26-11-55-45.bag.csv' scans = np.genfromtxt(seq_name, delimiter=',')[:, 2:] # inference time use_gpu = True model_names = ("DR-SPAAM", "DROW", "DROW-T5") ckpts = ("./ckpts/dr_spaam_e40.pth", "./ckpts/drow_e40.pth", "./ckpts/drow5_e40.pth") for model_name, ckpt in zip(model_names, ckpts): detector = Detector(model_name=model_name, ckpt_file=ckpt, gpu=use_gpu, stride=1) detector.set_laser_spec(angle_inc=np.radians(0.5), num_pts=450) t_list = [] for i in range(60): s = scans[i:i + 5] if model_name == "DROW-T5" else scans[i] t0 = time.time() dets_xy, dets_cls, instance_mask = detector(s) t_list.append(1e3 * (time.time() - t0)) t = np.array(t_list[10:]).mean() print("inference time (model: %s, gpu: %s): %f ms (%.1f FPS)" % (model_name, use_gpu, t, 1e3 / t))
def __init__(self): self._read_params() self._detector = Detector(model_name="DR-SPAAM", ckpt_file=self.weight_file, gpu=True, stride=self.stride) self._init()
def __init__(self): self._read_params() self._detector = Detector( self.weight_file, model=self.detector_model, gpu=True, stride=self.stride, panoramic_scan=self.panoramic_scan, ) self._init()
def __init__(self): self._read_params() self._detector = Detector( self.weight_file, model=self.detector_model, gpu=torch.cuda.is_available(), stride=self.stride, panoramic_scan=self.panoramic_scan, ) self._init()
class DrSpaamDetector: def __init__(self, num_pts, ang_inc_degree=0.5, tracking=False, gpu=True, ckpt=default_ckpts): # Detector class wraps up preprocessing, inference, and postprocessing for DR-SPAAM. # Checkout the comment in the code for meanings of the parameters. if not os.path.exists(ckpt): raise ValueError("the checkpoint file for DR-SPAAM is not valid") self.detector = Detector(model_name="DR-SPAAM", ckpt_file=ckpt, gpu=gpu, stride=1, tracking=tracking) # set angular grid (this is only required once) ang_inc = np.radians( ang_inc_degree) # angular increment of the scanner # num_pts = 450 # number of points in a scan self.detector.set_laser_spec(ang_inc, num_pts) def detect(self, scan): """ :param scan: 1D numpy array with positive values :return: """ dets_xy, dets_cls, instance_mask = self.detector(scan) # get detection if len(dets_xy): dets_xy = np.stack([dets_xy[:, 1], dets_xy[:, 0]]).T # confidence threshold cls_thresh = 0.2 cls_mask = dets_cls.squeeze() > cls_thresh dets_xy = dets_xy[cls_mask] dets_cls = dets_cls[cls_mask] return dets_xy, dets_cls def get_tracklets(self): tracklets = self.detector.get_tracklets() return [[np.stack(tr)[:, ::-1] for tr in tracklets[0]], tracklets[1]]
def __init__(self, num_pts, ang_inc_degree=0.5, tracking=False, gpu=True, ckpt=default_ckpts): # Detector class wraps up preprocessing, inference, and postprocessing for DR-SPAAM. # Checkout the comment in the code for meanings of the parameters. if not os.path.exists(ckpt): raise ValueError("the checkpoint file for DR-SPAAM is not valid") self.detector = Detector(model_name="DR-SPAAM", ckpt_file=ckpt, gpu=gpu, stride=1, tracking=tracking) # set angular grid (this is only required once) ang_inc = np.radians( ang_inc_degree) # angular increment of the scanner # num_pts = 450 # number of points in a scan self.detector.set_laser_spec(ang_inc, num_pts)
def test_inference_speed_on_jrdb(): data_handle = JRDBHandle( split="train", cfg={ "data_dir": "./data/JRDB", "num_scans": 1, "scan_stride": 1 }, ) ckpt_file = "./ckpts/ckpt_jrdb_ann_drow3_e40.pth" detector_drow3 = Detector(ckpt_file, model="DROW3", gpu=True, stride=_STRIDE, panoramic_scan=True) detector_drow3.set_laser_fov(360) ckpt_file = "./ckpts/ckpt_jrdb_ann_dr_spaam_e20.pth" detector_dr_spaam = Detector(ckpt_file, model="DR-SPAAM", gpu=True, stride=_STRIDE, panoramic_scan=True) detector_dr_spaam.set_laser_fov(360) frame_inds = np.random.randint(0, len(data_handle), size=(_FRAME_NUM, )) # sample random frames, discard beginning frames, where PyTorch is searching # for optimal algorithm frame_inds = np.random.randint(0, len(data_handle), size=(_FRAME_NUM + 20, )) for n, detector in zip(["DROW3", "DR-SPAAM"], [detector_drow3, detector_dr_spaam]): t_list = [] for frame_idx in frame_inds: data_dict = data_handle[frame_idx] scan_r = data_dict["laser_data"][-1, ::-1] # to DROW frame t0 = time.time() dets_xy, dets_cls, _ = detector(scan_r) t_list.append(time.time() - t0) t_ave = np.array(t_list[20:]).mean() print(f"{n} on JRDB: {1.0 / t_ave:.1f} FPS " f"({t_ave:.6f} seconds per frame)")
def play_sequence(): # scans seq_name = './data/DROWv2-data/test/run_t_2015-11-26-11-22-03.bag.csv' # seq_name = './data/DROWv2-data/val/run_2015-11-26-15-52-55-k.bag.csv' scans_data = np.genfromtxt(seq_name, delimiter=',') scans_t = scans_data[:, 1] scans = scans_data[:, 2:] scan_phi = u.get_laser_phi() # odometry, used only for plotting odo_name = seq_name[:-3] + 'odom2' odos = np.genfromtxt(odo_name, delimiter=',') odos_t = odos[:, 1] odos_phi = odos[:, 4] # detector ckpt = './ckpts/dr_spaam_e40.pth' detector = Detector(model_name="DR-SPAAM", ckpt_file=ckpt, gpu=True, stride=1) detector.set_laser_spec(angle_inc=np.radians(0.5), num_pts=450) # scanner location rad_tmp = 0.5 * np.ones(len(scan_phi), dtype=np.float) xy_scanner = u.rphi_to_xy(rad_tmp, scan_phi) xy_scanner = np.stack(xy_scanner, axis=1) # plot fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) _break = False def p(event): nonlocal _break _break = True fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', p) # video sequence odo_idx = 0 for i in range(len(scans)): # for i in range(0, len(scans), 20): plt.cla() ax.set_aspect('equal') ax.set_xlim(-15, 15) ax.set_ylim(-15, 15) # ax.set_title('Frame: %s' % i) ax.set_title('Press any key to exit.') ax.axis("off") # find matching odometry while odo_idx < len(odos_t) - 1 and odos_t[odo_idx] < scans_t[i]: odo_idx += 1 odo_phi = odos_phi[odo_idx] odo_rot = np.array( [[np.cos(odo_phi), np.sin(odo_phi)], [-np.sin(odo_phi), np.cos(odo_phi)]], dtype=np.float32) # plot scanner location xy_scanner_rot = np.matmul(xy_scanner, odo_rot.T) ax.plot(xy_scanner_rot[:, 0], xy_scanner_rot[:, 1], c='black') ax.plot((0, xy_scanner_rot[0, 0] * 1.0), (0, xy_scanner_rot[0, 1] * 1.0), c='black') ax.plot((0, xy_scanner_rot[-1, 0] * 1.0), (0, xy_scanner_rot[-1, 1] * 1.0), c='black') # plot points scan = scans[i] scan_x, scan_y = u.rphi_to_xy(scan, scan_phi + odo_phi) ax.scatter(scan_x, scan_y, s=1, c='blue') # inference dets_xy, dets_cls, instance_mask = detector(scan) # plot detection dets_xy_rot = np.matmul(dets_xy, odo_rot.T) cls_thresh = 0.5 for j in range(len(dets_xy)): if dets_cls[j] < cls_thresh: continue # c = plt.Circle(dets_xy_rot[j], radius=0.5, color='r', fill=False) c = plt.Circle(dets_xy_rot[j], radius=0.5, color='r', fill=False, linewidth=2) ax.add_artist(c) # plt.savefig('/home/dan/tmp/det_img/frame_%04d.png' % i) plt.pause(0.001) if _break: break
def play_sequence_with_tracking(): # scans seq_name = './data/DROWv2-data/train/lunch_2015-11-26-12-04-23.bag.csv' seq0, seq1 = 109170, 109360 scans, scans_t = [], [] with open(seq_name) as f: for line in f: scan_seq, scan_t, scan = line.split(",", 2) scan_seq = int(scan_seq) if scan_seq < seq0: continue scans.append(np.fromstring(scan, sep=',')) scans_t.append(float(scan_t)) if scan_seq > seq1: break scans = np.stack(scans, axis=0) scans_t = np.array(scans_t) scan_phi = u.get_laser_phi() # odometry, used only for plotting odo_name = seq_name[:-3] + 'odom2' odos = np.genfromtxt(odo_name, delimiter=',') odos_t = odos[:, 1] odos_phi = odos[:, 4] # detector ckpt = './ckpts/dr_spaam_e40.pth' detector = Detector(model_name="DR-SPAAM", ckpt_file=ckpt, gpu=True, stride=1, tracking=True) detector.set_laser_spec(angle_inc=np.radians(0.5), num_pts=450) # scanner location rad_tmp = 0.5 * np.ones(len(scan_phi), dtype=np.float) xy_scanner = u.rphi_to_xy(rad_tmp, scan_phi) xy_scanner = np.stack(xy_scanner, axis=1) # plot fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 8)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) _break = False def p(event): nonlocal _break _break = True fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', p) # video sequence odo_idx = 0 for i in range(len(scans)): plt.cla() ax.set_aspect('equal') ax.set_xlim(-10, 5) ax.set_ylim(-5, 15) # ax.set_title('Frame: %s' % i) ax.set_title('Press any key to exit.') ax.axis("off") # find matching odometry while odo_idx < len(odos_t) - 1 and odos_t[odo_idx] < scans_t[i]: odo_idx += 1 odo_phi = odos_phi[odo_idx] odo_rot = np.array( [[np.cos(odo_phi), np.sin(odo_phi)], [-np.sin(odo_phi), np.cos(odo_phi)]], dtype=np.float32) # plot scanner location xy_scanner_rot = np.matmul(xy_scanner, odo_rot.T) ax.plot(xy_scanner_rot[:, 0], xy_scanner_rot[:, 1], c='black') ax.plot((0, xy_scanner_rot[0, 0] * 1.0), (0, xy_scanner_rot[0, 1] * 1.0), c='black') ax.plot((0, xy_scanner_rot[-1, 0] * 1.0), (0, xy_scanner_rot[-1, 1] * 1.0), c='black') # plot points scan = scans[i] scan_x, scan_y = u.rphi_to_xy(scan, scan_phi + odo_phi) ax.scatter(scan_x, scan_y, s=1, c='blue') # inference dets_xy, dets_cls, instance_mask = detector(scan) # plot detection dets_xy_rot = np.matmul(dets_xy, odo_rot.T) cls_thresh = 0.3 for j in range(len(dets_xy)): if dets_cls[j] < cls_thresh: continue c = plt.Circle(dets_xy_rot[j], radius=0.5, color='r', fill=False, linewidth=2) ax.add_artist(c) # plot track cls_thresh = 0.2 tracks, tracks_cls = detector.get_tracklets() for t, tc in zip(tracks, tracks_cls): if tc >= cls_thresh and len(t) > 1: t_rot = np.matmul(t, odo_rot.T) ax.plot(t_rot[:, 0], t_rot[:, 1], color='g', linewidth=2) # plt.savefig('/home/dan/tmp/track3_img/frame_%04d.png' % i) plt.pause(0.001) if _break: break
class DrSpaamROS: """ROS node to detect pedestrian using DROW3 or DR-SPAAM.""" def __init__(self): self._read_params() self._detector = Detector( self.weight_file, model=self.detector_model, gpu=True, stride=self.stride, panoramic_scan=self.panoramic_scan, ) self._init() def _read_params(self): """ @brief Reads parameters from ROS server. """ self.weight_file = rospy.get_param("~weight_file") self.conf_thresh = rospy.get_param("~conf_thresh") self.stride = rospy.get_param("~stride") self.detector_model = rospy.get_param("~detector_model") self.panoramic_scan = rospy.get_param("~panoramic_scan") def _init(self): """ @brief Initialize ROS connection. """ # Publisher topic, queue_size, latch = read_publisher_param("detections") self._dets_pub = rospy.Publisher(topic, PoseArray, queue_size=queue_size, latch=latch) topic, queue_size, latch = read_publisher_param("rviz") self._rviz_pub = rospy.Publisher(topic, Marker, queue_size=queue_size, latch=latch) # Subscriber topic, queue_size = read_subscriber_param("scan") self._scan_sub = rospy.Subscriber(topic, LaserScan, self._scan_callback, queue_size=queue_size) def _scan_callback(self, msg): if (self._dets_pub.get_num_connections() == 0 and self._rviz_pub.get_num_connections() == 0): return # TODO check the computation here if not self._detector.is_ready(): self._detector.set_laser_fov( np.rad2deg(msg.angle_increment * len(msg.ranges))) scan = np.array(msg.ranges) scan[scan == 0.0] = 29.99 scan[np.isinf(scan)] = 29.99 scan[np.isnan(scan)] = 29.99 # t = time.time() dets_xy, dets_cls, _ = self._detector(scan) # print("[DrSpaamROS] End-to-end inference time: %f" % (t - time.time())) # confidence threshold conf_mask = (dets_cls >= self.conf_thresh).reshape(-1) dets_xy = dets_xy[conf_mask] dets_cls = dets_cls[conf_mask] # convert to ros msg and publish dets_msg = detections_to_pose_array(dets_xy, dets_cls) dets_msg.header = msg.header self._dets_pub.publish(dets_msg) rviz_msg = detections_to_rviz_marker(dets_xy, dets_cls) rviz_msg.header = msg.header self._rviz_pub.publish(rviz_msg)
class DrSpaamROS(): """ROS node to detect pedestrian using DR-SPAAM.""" def __init__(self): self._read_params() self._detector = Detector(model_name="DR-SPAAM", ckpt_file=self.weight_file, gpu=True, stride=self.stride) self._init() def _read_params(self): """ @brief Reads parameters from ROS server. """ self.weight_file = rospy.get_param("~weight_file") self.conf_thresh = rospy.get_param("~conf_thresh") self.stride = rospy.get_param("~stride") def _init(self): """ @brief Initialize ROS connection. """ # Publisher topic, queue_size, latch = read_publisher_param("detections") self._dets_pub = rospy.Publisher(topic, PoseArray, queue_size=queue_size, latch=latch) topic, queue_size, latch = read_publisher_param("rviz") self._rviz_pub = rospy.Publisher(topic, Marker, queue_size=queue_size, latch=latch) # Subscriber topic, queue_size = read_subscriber_param("scan") self._scan_sub = rospy.Subscriber(topic, LaserScan, self._scan_callback, queue_size=queue_size) def _scan_callback(self, msg): if self._dets_pub.get_num_connections() == 0: return if not self._detector.laser_spec_set(): self._detector.set_laser_spec(angle_inc=msg.angle_increment, num_pts=len(msg.ranges)) scan = np.array(msg.ranges) scan[scan == 0.0] = 29.99 scan[np.isinf(scan)] = 29.99 scan[np.isnan(scan)] = 29.99 # t = time.time() dets_xy, dets_cls, _ = self._detector(scan) # print("[DrSpaamROS] End-to-end inference time: %f" % (t - time.time())) # confidence threshold conf_mask = (dets_cls >= self.conf_thresh).reshape(-1) # if not np.sum(conf_mask) > 0: # return dets_xy = dets_xy[conf_mask] dets_cls = dets_cls[conf_mask] # convert and publish ros msg dets_msg = detections_to_pose_array(dets_xy, dets_cls) dets_msg.header = msg.header self._dets_pub.publish(dets_msg) rviz_msg = detections_to_rviz_marker(dets_xy, dets_cls) rviz_msg.header = msg.header self._rviz_pub.publish(rviz_msg)
def test_detector(): data_handle = JRDBHandle( split="train", cfg={ "data_dir": "./data/JRDB", "num_scans": 10, "scan_stride": 1 }, ) # ckpt_file = "/home/jia/ckpts/ckpt_jrdb_ann_drow3_e40.pth" # d = Detector( # ckpt_file, model="DROW3", gpu=True, stride=1, panoramic_scan=True # ) ckpt_file = "/home/jia/ckpts/ckpt_jrdb_ann_dr_spaam_e20.pth" d = Detector(ckpt_file, model="DR-SPAAM", gpu=True, stride=1, panoramic_scan=True) d.set_laser_fov(360) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) _break = False if _INTERACTIVE: def p(event): nonlocal _break _break = True fig.canvas.mpl_connect("key_press_event", p) else: if os.path.exists(_SAVE_DIR): shutil.rmtree(_SAVE_DIR) os.makedirs(_SAVE_DIR) for i, data_dict in enumerate(data_handle): if _break: break # plot scans scan_r = data_dict["laser_data"][-1, ::-1] # to DROW frame scan_x, scan_y = u.rphi_to_xy(scan_r, data_dict["laser_grid"]) plt.cla() ax.set_aspect("equal") ax.set_xlim(_X_LIM[0], _X_LIM[1]) ax.set_ylim(_Y_LIM[0], _Y_LIM[1]) ax.set_xlabel("x [m]") ax.set_ylabel("y [m]") ax.set_title(f"Frame {data_dict['idx']}. Press any key to exit.") # ax.axis("off") ax.scatter(scan_x, scan_y, s=1, c="black") # plot annotation ann_xyz = [(ann["box"]["cx"], ann["box"]["cy"], ann["box"]["cz"]) for ann in data_dict["pc_anns"]] if len(ann_xyz) > 0: ann_xyz = np.array(ann_xyz, dtype=np.float32).T ann_xyz = jt.transform_pts_base_to_laser(ann_xyz) ann_xyz[1] = -ann_xyz[1] # to DROW frame for xyz in ann_xyz.T: c = plt.Circle( (xyz[0], xyz[1]), radius=0.4, color="red", fill=False, linestyle="--", ) ax.add_artist(c) # plot detection dets_xy, dets_cls, _ = d(scan_r) dets_cls_norm = np.clip(dets_cls, 0, 0.3) / 0.3 for xy, cls_norm in zip(dets_xy, dets_cls_norm): color = (1.0 - cls_norm, 1.0, 1.0 - cls_norm) c = plt.Circle((xy[0], xy[1]), radius=0.4, color=color, fill=False, linestyle="-") ax.add_artist(c) if _INTERACTIVE: plt.pause(0.1) else: plt.savefig( os.path.join(_SAVE_DIR, f"frame_{data_dict['idx']:04}.png")) if _INTERACTIVE: