def main():
    world = Maze(maze_data, HALF_WIDTH, HALF_HEIGHT)

    for shark_count in range(151)[10::10]:
    # Initialize Items
        sharks = Shark.create_random(shark_count, world, 0)
        robert = Robot(world, 0,0)
        robots = [robert]
        no_particles = []

        # Write to File
        my_file = open("%sSharksDistFromLine.txt" %(shark_count), "w")

        # Header describing model
        my_file.write("Line Start: %s, Line End: %s" %(LINE_START, LINE_END))
        my_file.write("NumSharks: %s, K_att: %s, K_rep: %s, Sigma_Rand: %s, Speed/ts: %s" %(shark_count, K_ATT, K_REP, SIGMA_RAND, Shark.speed))

        att_line = LineString([LINE_START, LINE_END])

        # Let sharks move towards attraction line first
        for time_step in range(300):
            move(world, robots, sharks, att_line, no_particles, SIGMA_RAND, K_ATT, K_REP)

        # while True:
        for _ in range(3):
            for time_step in range(TIME_STEPS):
                # ---------- Show current state ----------
                if SHOW_VISUALIZATION:
                    world.show_att_line(LINE_START, LINE_END)

                move(world, robots, sharks, att_line, no_particles, SIGMA_RAND, K_ATT, K_REP)
                for shark in sharks:
                    # my_file.write("%s, %s," % (shark.x, shark.y))
                    my_file.write("%s, " %(distance_from_line(shark, att_line)))

                print time_step

def main():
    world = Maze(MAZE_DATA)


    # Initialize particles, robots, means and sharks
    particles_list = []
    for _ in range(TRACK_COUNT):
        particles_list.append(Particle.create_random(PARTICLE_COUNT, world))
    robots = Robot.create_random(ROBOT_COUNT, world)
    sharks = Shark.create_random(SHARK_COUNT, world, TRACK_COUNT)

    # Initialize error lists
    error_x1 = []
    error_y1 = []

    # Filter for time step
    for time_step in range(TIME_STEPS):

        means_list = []
        for i, particles in enumerate(particles_list):
            particles_list[i] = estimate(robots, sharks[i], particles, world, error_x1, error_y1)
            means_list.append(compute_particle_mean(particles, world))

        # Move robots, sharks and particles
        move(world, robots, sharks, particles_list, sp.SIGMA_RAND, sp.K_ATT, sp.K_REP)

        # Show current state
            show(world, robots, sharks, particles_list, means_list)


    # Plot actual vs. estimated into graph
    errorPlot(error_x1, error_y1)
        control_theta = min(max(control_theta, - MAX_CONTROL), MAX_CONTROL)
        self.h += control_theta

        # Calculate cartesian distance
        dx = math.cos(self.h) * speed
        dy = math.sin(self.h) * speed

        # Checks if, after advancing, shark is still in the box
        if checker is None or checker(self, dx, dy):
            self.move_by(dx, dy)
            return True
        return False

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------

world = Maze(maze_data)

# Initialize Sharks
sharks = Shark.create_random(SHARK_COUNT, world)
print "length of shark", len(sharks)
print sharks
robert = Robot(world)

while True:

    # ---------- Show current state ----------
def main():
    mat_contents = sio.loadmat('tracks.mat')

    t_LoL = mat_contents['t']
    x_LoL = mat_contents['x']
    y_LoL = mat_contents['y']

    num_sharks = len(x_LoL)
    time_steps = len(x_LoL[0])

    # Initialize Objects
    world = Maze(maze_data, HALF_WIDTH, HALF_HEIGHT)
    sharks = Shark.create_random(num_sharks, world, x_LoL, y_LoL, t_LoL, num_sharks)
    robots = sp.Robot.create_random(0, world)
    particles_list = [sp.Particle.create_random(PARTICLE_COUNT, world)]

    # Actual Line (from Kim)
    # y = -0.2168x + 0.113
    act_line_start = (-HALF_WIDTH, -0.2168*-HALF_WIDTH + 0.113)
    act_line_end = (HALF_WIDTH, -0.2168* HALF_WIDTH + 0.113)
    act_att_line = att_pf.LineString([act_line_start, act_line_end])

    # Initialize error lists and file
    my_file = open("catalina_error_squared.txt", "w")

    # Header describing model
    my_file.write("x, y for all sharks, line break represents next time step")
    my_file.write("z_t = sum of (distance of shark_i)")

    error_list = []

    for time_step in range(TIME_STEPS):
        # TODO: Consolidate and
        # Calculate mean position
        p_means_list = []

        for i, particles in enumerate(particles_list):
            particles_list[i] = att_pf.estimate(particles, world, sharks)

        m1, m2, m_num_sharks = att_pf.compute_particle_means(particles, world)
        # TODO

        move(world, sharks, particles_list, time_step)

        # Find total error (performance metric) and add to list
        est_line = att_pf.LineString([m1, m2])

        est_error_sum = 0
        act_error_sum = 0
        raw_error_sum = 0

        for shark in sharks:
            est_error_sum += ((att_pf.distance_from_line(shark, est_line))) ** 2
            act_error_sum += ((att_pf.distance_from_line(shark, act_att_line))) ** 2
            # raw_error_sum += (distance_from_line(shark, est_line) - distance_from_line(shark, attraction_line))**2

        # error = math.sqrt(raw_error_sum/track_count)
        est_error = att_pf.math.sqrt(est_error_sum / num_sharks)
        act_error = att_pf.math.sqrt(act_error_sum / num_sharks)


        # ---------- Show current state ----------
  , robots, sharks, particles_list, p_means_list, m1, m2, act_att_line)

        print time_step

    for item in error_list:
        my_file.write(str(item) + ",")
Exemple #5
    def move(self, maze):
        Move the robot. Note that the movement is stochastic too.
        while True:
            self.step_count += 1
            if self.advance_by(self.speed, noisy=True,
                checker=lambda r, dx, dy: maze.is_free(r.x+dx, r.y+dy)):
            # Bumped into something or too long in same direction,
            # chose random new direction

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------

world = Maze(maze_data)

# initial distribution assigns each particle an equal probability
particles = Particle.create_random(PARTICLE_COUNT, world)
robbie = Robot(world)

while True:
    # Read robbie's sensor
    r_d, r_d_x, r_d_y = robbie.read_sensor(world)

    # Update particle weight according to how good every particle matches
    # robbie's sensor reading
    for p in particles:
        if world.is_free(*p.xy):
            p_d = world.distance(r_d_x, r_d_y, p.x, p.y)
        Move the robot. Note that the movement is stochastic too.
        while True:
            self.step_count += 1
            xx, yy = add_noise(0.02, self.x + self.dx, self.y + self.dy)
            if maze.is_free(xx, yy) and self.step_count % 60 != 0:
                self.x, self.y = xx, yy
            # Bumped into something or too long in same direction,
            # chose random new direction

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------

world = Maze(maze_data)

# initial distribution assigns each particle an equal probability
robot = Robot(world)
state = Particle.create_random(N, world)

StdDev = 1.4
estimate = False

while True:

    # draw the state
Exemple #7
start = getStart()
#noisyHeadings = getNoisyHeadings()
#noisyDistances = getNoisyDistances()
#orientations = getOrientations()
distances = getNoisyDistances()
headings = getNoisyHeadings()

maze_data,offset_x,offset_y = getRFID()

ranges = getRanges()
# print(ranges)

world = Maze(maze_data)

# initial distribution assigns each particle an equal probability
particles = Particle.create_random(PARTICLE_COUNT, world)
robbie = Robot(world)

count = 0

maxParticle = Particle(-100, -100,

while count < len(headings):
    # Read robbie's sensor
        Move the robot. Note that the movement is stochastic too.
        while True:
            self.step_count += 1
            xx, yy = add_noise(0.02, self.x + self.dx, self.y + self.dy)
            if maze.is_free(xx, yy) and self.step_count % 30 != 0:
                self.x, self.y = xx, yy
            # Bumped into something or too long in same direction,
            # chose random new direction

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------

world = Maze(maze_data)

particles = Particle.create_random(PARTICLE_COUNT, world)
robbie = Robot(world)

while True:
    # Read robbie's sensor
    r_d = robbie.read_sensor(world)

    # Update particle weight according to how good every particle matches
    # robbie's sensor reading
    for p in particles:
        if world.is_free(*p.xy):
            p_d = p.read_sensor(world)
            p.w = w_gauss(r_d, p_d)
# Smaller maze

maze_data = ( ( 2, 0, 1, 0, 0 ),
              ( 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 ),
              ( 1, 1, 1, 0, 0 ),
              ( 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ),
              ( 0, 0, 2, 0, 1 ))

# 0 - empty square
# 1 - occupied square
# 2 - occupied square with a beacon at each corner, detectable by the robot

import maze_generator as mg
maze_data = mg.generateMazeData()
world = Maze(maze_data)
ROBOT_HAS_COMPASS = True  # Does the robot know where north is? If so, it

# makes orientation a lot easier since it knows which direction it is facing.
# If not -- and that is really fascinating -- the particle filter can work
# out its heading too, it just takes more particles and more time. Try this
# with 3000+ particles, it obviously needs lots more hypotheses as a particle
# now has to correctly match not only the position but also the heading.

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Some utility functions
def rms(list):
    sum = 0
    for term in list:
    def move(self, maze):
        Move the robot. Note that the movement is stochastic too.
        while True:
            self.step_count += 1
            if self.advance_by(self.speed, noisy=True,
                checker=lambda r, dx, dy: maze.is_free(r.x+dx, r.y+dy)):
            # Bumped into something or too long in same direction,
            # chose random new direction

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------

world = Maze(maze_data)

# initial distribution assigns each particle an equal probability
particles = Particle.create_random(PARTICLE_COUNT, world)
robbie = Robot(world)
sharkie = Shark(world)
robert = Robot(world)

while True:
    # Read robbie's sensor
    # robot_wall_dist = robbie.read_sensor(world)
    shark_dist_robot1 = sharkie.read_distance_sensor(robbie)[0]
    shark_angle_robot1 = sharkie.read_angle_sensor(robbie)
    shark_dist_robot2 = sharkie.read_distance_sensor(robert)[0]
    shark_angle_robot2 = sharkie.read_angle_sensor(robert)
    def move(self, maze):
        Move the robot. Note that the movement is stochastic too.
        while True:
            self.step_count += 1
            if self.advance_by(self.speed, noisy=True,
                checker=lambda r, dx, dy: maze.is_free(r.x+dx, r.y+dy)):
            # Bumped into something or too long in same direction,
            # chose random new direction

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------

world = Maze(maze_data)

# initial distribution assigns each particle an equal probability
particles = Particle.create_random(PARTICLE_COUNT, world)
robbie = Robot(world)

while True:
    # Read robbie's sensor
    r_d = robbie.read_sensor(world)

    if r_d is not None:

        # Update particle weight according to how good every particle matches
        # robbie's sensor reading
        for p in particles:
            self.step_count += 1
            if self.advance_by(self.speed,
                               checker=lambda r, dx, dy: maze.is_free(
                                   r.x + dx, r.y + dy)):
            # Bumped into something or too long in same direction,
            # chose random new direction
            )  #well, i didn't see any sentimental functionality in here, I guess it
            #will be triggered when bumped into wall right? as author mention above

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------

world = Maze(maze_data)

# initial distribution assigns each particle an equal probability
particles = Particle.create_random(PARTICLE_COUNT, world)
robbie = Robot(world)

while True:
    # Read robbie's sensor
    r_d = robbie.read_sensor(world)

    # Update particle weight according to how good every particle matches
    # robbie's sensor reading
    for p in particles:
        if world.is_free(
Exemple #13

    return keep

def sus(particles):
    weight_sum = sum([p.w for p in particles])
    n = len(particles)
    p = weight_sum/n
    start = random.uniform(0, p)
    pointers = [start + i*p for i in range(n)]
    return rws(particles, pointers)

world = Maze(maze_data)

# initial distribution assigns each particle an equal probability
particles = Particle.create_random(PARTICLE_COUNT, world)
nao = Robot(world)

while True:
    # Read Robot's sensor
    r_d = nao.read_sensor(world)

    weight_sum = 0
    for particle in particles:

        d = particle.read_sensor(world)
        while True:
            self.step_count += 1
            if self.advance_by(self.speed,
                               checker=lambda r, dx, dy: maze.is_free(
                                   r.x + dx, r.y + dy)):
            # Bumped into something or too long in same direction,
            # chose random new direction

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------

world = Maze(maze_data)

# initial distribution assigns each particle an equal probability
particles = Particle.create_random(PARTICLE_COUNT, world)
robbie = Robot(world)
errorList = []
while INSData and len(INSData) > 20:
    insBuffer = [INSData.pop(0) for i in range(21)]
    beaconBuffer = {}
    startTime = insBuffer[0]['ts']
    endTime = insBuffer[20]['ts']
    groundTruth = None
    while gt[0]['ts'] < startTime:
        groundTruth = gt.pop(0)
    #"here we need to show the ground truth of car"
Exemple #15
from draw import Maze
import time
# Smaller maze
maze_data = ((2, 0, 1, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0, 1), (1, 1, 1, 0, 0),
             (1, 0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 2, 0, 1))

# 0 - empty square
# 1 - occupied square
# 2 - occupied square with a beacon at each corner, detectable by the robot

# maze_data = ( ( 1, 1, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 ),
#               ( 1, 2, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ),
#               ( 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1 ),
#               ( 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2 ),
#               ( 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, 0, 1, 0 ),
#               ( 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 2, 0 ),
#               ( 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ),
#               ( 1, 2, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 ),
#               ( 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ),
#               ( 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 2, 1, 1, 1, 0 ))

world = Maze(maze_data)

while True:
    def move(self, maze):
        Move the robot. Note that the movement is stochastic too.
        while True:
            self.step_count += 1
            if self.advance_by(self.speed, noisy=True,
                checker=lambda r, dx, dy: maze.is_free(r.x+dx, r.y+dy)):
            # Bumped into something or too long in same direction,
            # chose random new direction

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------

world = Maze(maze_data)

# initial distribution assigns each particle an equal probability
particles = Particle.create_random(PARTICLE_COUNT, world)
robbie = Robot(world)


while True:
    # Read robbie's sensor
    r_d = robbie.read_sensor(world)

    # Update particle weight according to how good every particle matches
    # robbie's sensor reading
    for p in particles:
Exemple #17
              ( 1, 2, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ),
              ( 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1 ),
              ( 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2 ),
              ( 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, 0, 1, 0 ),
              ( 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 2, 0 ),
              ( 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ),
              ( 1, 2, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 ),
              ( 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ),
              ( 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 2, 1, 1, 1, 0 ))

print 'Creating world map'
world_map = DummyGPSMap()

print 'Creating world'
world = Maze(world_map.get_maze_data())

print 'Drawing world'

print 'Showing the GPS path'
print world_map.get_center_line()

#print 'Reading sensor information'

#print 'Showing laser bounds'

raw_input("Press ENTER to exit")
    def move(self, maze):
        Move the robot. Note that the movement is stochastic too.
        while True:
            xx, yy = add_noise(0.02, self.x + self.dx, self.y + self.dy)
            if maze.is_free(xx, yy):
                self.x, self.y = xx, yy
            # Bumped into something, chose random new direction

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------

m = Maze(maze_data)

particles = Particle.create_random(PARTICLE_COUNT, m)
robbie = Robot(m)

while True:
    # Read robbie's sensor
    r_d = robbie.read_sensor(m)

    # Update particle weight according to how good every particle matches
    # robbie's sensor reading
    for p in particles:
        p_d = p.read_sensor(m)
        # This is just a gaussian I pulled out of my hat, near to
        # robbie's measurement => 1, further away => 0
        Move the robot. Note that the movement is stochastic too.
        while True:
            self.step_count += 2
            xx, yy = add_noise(0.02, self.x + self.dx, self.y + self.dy)
            if maze.is_free(xx, yy) and self.step_count % 30 != 0:
                self.x, self.y = xx, yy
            # Bumped into something or too long in same direction,
            # chose random new direction

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------

world = Maze(maze_data)

# initial distribution assigns each particle an equal probability
robot = Robot(world)
state = Particle.create_random(N, world)

StdDev = 1.4

while True:

    # draw the state

    # move randomly