def draw(self): if self.state == CUTTINGVERTICAL or self.state == CUTTINGHORIZONTAL: cutButton = pg.Rect(self.myRect.topLeftX, self.myRect.topLeftY - 100, 140, 80) if cutButton.collidepoint( (, if self.myRect.mouse.leftMouseReleasedThisFrame: self.buttonPressed = True # Drawing menu button pg.draw.rect(self.screen, (8, 41, 255), cutButton) if self.state == CUTTINGVERTICAL: draw_text("Cut Horizontal", self.button_font, (0, 0, 0), self.screen, self.myRect.topLeftX + 70, self.myRect.topLeftY - 60) elif self.state == CUTTINGHORIZONTAL: draw_text("Finalize Cuts", self.button_font, (0, 0, 0), self.screen, self.myRect.topLeftX + 70, self.myRect.topLeftY - 60) if self.state == CUTTINGVERTICAL and self.myRect.isCollidingWithPoint(, pg.draw.line(self.screen, colors.DARKBLUE, [, self.myRect.topLeftY], [, self.myRect.bottomRightY], 5) elif self.state == CUTTINGHORIZONTAL and self.myRect.isCollidingWithPoint(, pg.draw.line(self.screen, colors.DARKBLUE, [self.myRect.topLeftX,], [self.myRect.bottomRightX,], 5)
def draw(self): if self.currentState == self.CHECKCUTS: pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, (8, 41, 255), self.proceed_button) if self.lastCuts == 0: draw_text('Proceed to shading vertically', self.button_font, (0, 0, 0), self.screen, self.WIDTH / 2, int((self.HEIGHT / 2 + 180) + 25)) elif self.lastCuts == 1: draw_text('Proceed to marking', self.button_font, (0, 0, 0), self.screen, self.WIDTH / 2, int((self.HEIGHT / 2 + 180) + 25)) if self.currentState == self.SHADINGVERTICALLY: pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, (8, 41, 255), self.proceed_button) draw_text('Proceed to cutting horizontally', self.button_font, (0, 0, 0), self.screen, self.WIDTH / 2, int((self.HEIGHT / 2 + 180) + 25)) ##if self.error_detect == True: ## while (self.timer <= 300): ## pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, (255, 255, 255), self.pop_up) ## draw_text('Shading Vert', self.message_font_s, (0,0,0), self.screen, (int)(self.WIDTH/2), (self.HEIGHT-560)) elif self.currentState == self.MARKING: pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, (8, 41, 255), self.proceed_button) draw_text('Proceed to answer submission', self.button_font, (0, 0, 0), self.screen, self.WIDTH / 2, int((self.HEIGHT / 2 + 180) + 25)) elif self.currentState == self.ANSWERSUBMISSION: pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, (8, 41, 255), self.submitAnswerButton) draw_text('Submit Answer', self.button_font, (0, 0, 0), self.screen, self.submitAnswerButtonX + 100, self.submitAnswerButtonY + 25)
def draw(self): if self.currentState == self.CHECKCUTS: pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, (8, 41, 255), self.proceed_button) if self.lastCuts == 0: draw_text('Proceed to shading vertically', self.button_font, (0, 0, 0), self.screen, self.WIDTH / 2, int((self.HEIGHT / 2 + 180) + 25)) elif self.lastCuts == 1: draw_text('Proceed to shading horizontally', self.button_font, (0, 0, 0), self.screen, self.WIDTH / 2, int((self.HEIGHT / 2 + 180) + 25)) if self.currentState == self.SHADINGVERTICALLY: pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, (8, 41, 255), self.proceed_button) draw_text('Proceed to cutting horizontally', self.button_font, (0, 0, 0), self.screen, self.WIDTH / 2, int((self.HEIGHT / 2 + 180) + 25)) elif self.currentState == self.SHADINGHORIZONTALLY: pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, (8, 41, 255), self.proceed_button) draw_text('Proceed to answer submission', self.button_font, (0, 0, 0), self.screen, self.WIDTH / 2, int((self.HEIGHT / 2 + 180) + 25)) elif self.currentState == self.ANSWERSUBMISSION: pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, (8, 41, 255), self.submitAnswerButton) draw_text('Submit Answer', self.button_font, (0, 0, 0), self.screen, self.submitAnswerButtonX + 100, self.submitAnswerButtonY + 25)
def drawFraction(self, numerator, denominator, xPos): draw_text(str(numerator), self.font, (0, 0, 0), self.screen, xPos, self.numeratorY + self.yOffset) pygame.draw.line(self.screen, colors.BLACK, [xPos - 10, self.fractionDividerY + self.yOffset], [xPos + 10, self.fractionDividerY + self.yOffset], 3) draw_text(str(denominator), self.font, (0, 0, 0), self.screen, xPos, self.denominatorY + self.yOffset)
def draw(self): # DISPLAY TEMPORARY VERTICAL BLUE GUIDELINES IF MOUSE X CLOSE TO FRACTION CUT X AND Draw text if self.isShowingVerticalGuidelines == True: #draw_text("YOOO",self.message_font,colors.BLACK,self.myRect.screen,200,200) xLength = self.myRect.width xSpacing = xLength / self.verticalGuidelinesCount for i in range(1, self.verticalGuidelinesCount): xPosition = int(xSpacing * i + self.myRect.topLeftX) pg.draw.line(self.myRect.screen, colors.DARKBLUE, [xPosition, self.myRect.topLeftY], [xPosition, self.myRect.bottomRightY], 5) # draw fraction text for i in range(0, self.verticalGuidelinesCount): xPosition = int(xSpacing * i + self.myRect.topLeftX) xOffset = int(10 + (self.myRect.width / (self.verticalGuidelinesCount + 1) * .5)) yOffset = -20 # #draw_text("1/" + str(self.verticalGuidelinesCount),self.message_font,colors.BLACK,self.myRect.screen,xPosition + xOffset,self.myRect.topLeftY + yOffset) draw_text("1", self.message_fontS, colors.BLACK, self.myRect.screen, xPosition + xOffset, self.myRect.topLeftY + yOffset - 20) pg.draw.line(self.myRect.screen, colors.BLACK, [ xPosition + xOffset - 10, self.myRect.topLeftY + yOffset - 10 ], [ xPosition + xOffset + 10, self.myRect.topLeftY + yOffset - 10 ], 2) draw_text(str(self.verticalGuidelinesCount), self.message_fontS, colors.BLACK, self.myRect.screen, xPosition + xOffset, self.myRect.topLeftY + yOffset) # DISPLAY TEMPORARY HORIZONTAL BLUE GUIDELINES IF MOUSE Y CLOSE TO FRACTION CUT Y and draw txt if self.isShowingHorizontalGuidelines == True: yLength = self.myRect.height ySpacing = yLength / self.horizontalGuidelinesCount for i in range(1, self.horizontalGuidelinesCount): yPosition = int(ySpacing * i + self.myRect.topLeftY) pg.draw.line(self.myRect.screen, colors.DARKBLUE, [self.myRect.topLeftX, yPosition], [self.myRect.bottomRightX, yPosition], 5) for i in range(0, self.horizontalGuidelinesCount): yPosition = int(ySpacing * i + self.myRect.topLeftY) yOffset = int(10 + (self.myRect.height / (self.horizontalGuidelinesCount + 1) * .5)) xOffset = -25 # #draw_text("1/" + str(self.horizontalGuidelinesCount),self.message_font,colors.BLACK,self.myRect.screen,self.myRect.topLeftX + xOffset,yPosition + yOffset) draw_text("1", self.message_fontS, colors.BLACK, self.myRect.screen, self.myRect.topLeftX + xOffset, yPosition + yOffset - 30) pg.draw.line(self.myRect.screen, colors.BLACK, [ self.myRect.topLeftX + xOffset - 10, yPosition + yOffset - 15 ], [ self.myRect.topLeftX + xOffset + 10, yPosition + yOffset - 15 ], 2) draw_text(str(self.horizontalGuidelinesCount), self.message_fontS, colors.BLACK, self.myRect.screen, self.myRect.topLeftX + xOffset, yPosition + yOffset)
def drawFractionMixed(self, leadco, numerator, denominator, xPos): if (numerator != 0): draw_text(str(leadco), self.font, (0, 0, 0), self.screen, xPos - 20, self.fractionDividerY + self.yOffset) draw_text(str(numerator), self.font, (0, 0, 0), self.screen, xPos, self.numeratorY + self.yOffset) pygame.draw.line(self.screen, colors.BLACK, [xPos - 10, self.fractionDividerY + self.yOffset], [xPos + 10, self.fractionDividerY + self.yOffset], 3) draw_text(str(denominator), self.font, (0, 0, 0), self.screen, xPos, self.denominatorY + self.yOffset) else: draw_text(str(leadco), self.font, (0, 0, 0), self.screen, xPos - 20, self.fractionDividerY + self.yOffset)
def drawError(self): while (timer <= 300): pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, (255, 255, 255), self.pop_up) if self.currentState == self.SHADINGVERTICALLY: draw_text('Shading Vert', self.message_font_s, (0, 0, 0), self.screen, (int)(self.WIDTH / 2), (self.HEIGHT - 560)) elif self.currentState == self.SHADINGHORIZONTALLY: draw_text('Are you sure you would like to quit?', self.message_font_s, (0, 0, 0), self.screen, (int)(self.WIDTH / 2), (self.HEIGHT - 560)) elif self.currentState == self.MOVING: draw_text('Are you sure you would like to quit?', self.message_font_s, (0, 0, 0), self.screen, (int)(self.WIDTH / 2), (self.HEIGHT - 560)) timer += 1
def quit_message(): click = False m1x = 0 # Get error if you don't set value for mx and my here m1y = 0 # Maybe pass as parameter for main_prog() isProgramRunning = True while isProgramRunning: m1x, m1y = pygame.mouse.get_pos() # Get mouse position # Create pop up window pop_up = pygame.Rect(int(WIDTH/3), 120, 400, 350) # Create yes and no buttons with rect yes_button = pygame.Rect(int((WIDTH/2))-100, int(HEIGHT/3), 200, 50) no_button = pygame.Rect(int((WIDTH/2))-100, int(HEIGHT/2), 200, 50) # Check if mouse is on a button when clicked if no_button.collidepoint((m1x, m1y)): # Calls main program if start is selected if click: main_menu() if yes_button.collidepoint((m1x, m1y)): # Quits game on quit button click if click: pygame.quit() # Drawing the buttons and text for pop-up pygame.draw.rect(screen, (255, 255, 255), pop_up) draw_text('Are you sure you would like to quit?', message_font_s, (0,0,0), screen, (int)(WIDTH/2), (HEIGHT-560)) pygame.draw.rect(screen, (8, 41, 255), yes_button) draw_text('Yes', button_font, (0,0,0), screen, (int)(WIDTH/2), (HEIGHT-442)) pygame.draw.rect(screen, (8, 41, 255), no_button) draw_text('No', button_font, (0,0,0), screen, (int)(WIDTH/2), (HEIGHT-325)) # Main event loop for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: pygame.quit() if event.type == KEYDOWN: if event.key == K_ESCAPE: pygame.quit() if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if event.button == 1: click = True pygame.display.update() clock.tick(60)
def draw(self): # draw fraction if state mgr in submitting answer or finished state AND its subtraction or multx if (self.stateManager.getCurrentState() == "Submitting Answer" or self.stateManager.getCurrentState() == "Finished"): if self.stateManager.getCurrentState() == "Submitting Answer": pg.draw.rect(self.screen, colors.WHITE, self.numeratorRect) #draw numerator box pg.draw.rect(self.screen, colors.WHITE, self.denomRect) #draw denominator box if self.numeratorValue != None: draw_text( str(self.numeratorValue), self.numberFont, colors.BLACK, self.screen, self.numeratorRectX + int(self.numberRectWidth / 2), self.numeratorRectY + int(self.numberRectHeight / 2)) #draw numerator value if self.denominatorValue != None: draw_text( str(self.denominatorValue), self.numberFont, colors.BLACK, self.screen, self.denomRectX + int(self.numberRectWidth / 2), self.denomRectY + int(self.numberRectHeight / 2)) #draw denominator value if self.numeratorValue == None and self.denominatorValue == None and self.stateManager.getCurrentState( ) == "Finished": pass else: pg.draw.line(self.screen, (0, 0, 0), [self.divideLineStartX, self.divideLineY], [self.divideLineEndX, self.divideLineY], 5) # draw dividing line # special cases for addition and div ---> draw whole rect if self.operation_type == self.ADD or self.operation_type == self.DIV: if self.stateManager.getCurrentState() == "Submitting Answer": pg.draw.rect(self.screen, colors.WHITE, self.wholeRect) if self.wholeValue != None: draw_text(str(self.wholeValue), self.numberFont, colors.BLACK, self.screen, self.wholeRectX + int(self.numberRectWidth / 2), self.wholeRectY + int(self.numberRectHeight / 2)) #draw wole value # only draw blinky blink if if answer is in process of submitting answer, not in finished state, no div if (self.stateManager.getCurrentState() == "Submitting Answer"): if self.operation_type == self.ADD or self.operation_type == self.DIV: pass else: draw_text('Enter Answer Here:', self.enterAnswerHere_font, (0, 0, 0), self.screen, self.startX, self.startY) if self.selectionIndex == 0 and self.blinkClock >= 30: # numerator selected pg.draw.line(self.screen, (0, 0, 0), [ self.numeratorRectX + self.blinkyXOffset1, self.numeratorRectY + self.blinkyYoffset ], [ self.numeratorRectX + self.blinkyXOffset2, self.numeratorRectY + self.blinkyYoffset ], 5) elif self.selectionIndex == 1 and self.blinkClock >= 30: #denom selected pg.draw.line(self.screen, (0, 0, 0), [ self.denomRectX + self.blinkyXOffset1, self.denomRectY + self.blinkyYoffset ], [ self.denomRectX + self.blinkyXOffset2, self.denomRectY + self.blinkyYoffset ], 5) elif self.selectionIndex == 2 and self.blinkClock >= 30: #denom selected pg.draw.line(self.screen, (0, 0, 0), [ self.wholeRectX + self.blinkyXOffset1, self.wholeRectY + self.blinkyYoffset ], [ self.wholeRectX + self.blinkyXOffset2, self.wholeRectY + self.blinkyYoffset ], 5) # FOR MULTX AND SUBTRACTION: # if (self.operation_type == self.MULT or self.operation_type == self.SUB): if (self.stateManager.getCurrentState() == "Finished"): if self.hasCorrectAnswer == True and self.hasReducedAnswer == True: draw_text('Great Job!', self.enterAnswerHere_font, (0, 0, 0), self.screen, self.feedbackTextX, self.feedbackTextY) self.screen.blit(self.checkmark, (self.numeratorRectX + self.spriteXOffset, self.numeratorRectY + self.spriteYOffset)) elif self.hasCorrectAnswer == True: draw_text('Correct, but can be simplified.', self.enterAnswerHereSimp_font, (0, 0, 0), self.screen, self.feedbackTextX, self.feedbackTextY) self.screen.blit(self.checkmark, (self.numeratorRectX + self.spriteXOffset, self.numeratorRectY + self.spriteYOffset)) else: draw_text('Press Restart to try again', self.enterAnswerHere_font, (0, 0, 0), self.screen, self.feedbackTextX, self.feedbackTextY) self.screen.blit(self.x, (self.numeratorRectX + self.spriteXOffset, self.numeratorRectY + self.spriteYOffset)) if self.operation_type != self.ADD: draw_text('Your Visual Answer:', self.enterAnswerHere_font, (0, 0, 0), self.screen, int(self.WIDTH / 2), 35) else: draw_text('Your Visual Answer:', self.enterAnswerHere_font, (0, 0, 0), self.screen, int(self.WIDTH / 2) - 275, 50) # drawing the addition and equals sign if self.operation_type == self.ADD: draw_text('+', self.operation_font, (0, 0, 0), self.screen, 200, 386) if self.stateManager.getCurrentState( ) == "Submitting Answer" or self.stateManager.getCurrentState( ) == "Finished": draw_text('=', self.operation_font, (0, 0, 0), self.screen, 545, 386) else: draw_text('=', self.operation_font, (0, 0, 0), self.screen, 690, 386) # draw mixed fraction input guide text if self.operation_type == self.ADD: if self.stateManager.getCurrentState() == "Submitting Answer": draw_text('Enter Answer Here as Mixed Fraction', self.guideFont, (0, 0, 0), self.screen, self.startX, self.startY - 20) draw_text('If answer < 1, leave leftmost box as blank or 0', self.guideFontSmall, (0, 0, 0), self.screen, self.startX, self.startY + 3) if self.operation_type == self.DIV: if self.stateManager.getCurrentState() == "Submitting Answer": draw_text('Enter Answer Here as Mixed Fraction:', self.guideFont, (0, 0, 0), self.screen, self.startX - 35, self.startY - 20) draw_text('If answer < 1, leave leftmost box as blank or 0', self.guideFontSmall, (0, 0, 0), self.screen, self.startX - 35, self.startY + 3)
def createUserProblem(): click = False m1x = 0 # Get error if you don't set value for mx and my here m1y = 0 # Maybe pass as parameter for main_prog() isProgramRunning = True global program_OperationType # operationSymbol is for drawing purposes in main loop operationSymbol = "" if program_OperationType == MULTIPLICATION: operationSymbol = "x" elif program_OperationType == SUBTRACTION: operationSymbol = "-" elif program_OperationType == DIVISION: operationSymbol = chr(247) elif program_OperationType == ADDITION: operationSymbol = "+" problemFont = pygame.font.SysFont('Arial', 64) errorFont = pygame.font.SysFont('Arial',20) #to ensure only 1 rect can be selected at once, string var, n1 n2 d1 d2 selectedRect = "" selectionClock = 0 #for blinking to highlight to user which number is selected selectionIndex = -1 #init numerator and denominator values as a list #n1, d1, n2, d2 fractionValues = [1,1,1,1] validationResult = "" while isProgramRunning: m1x, m1y = pygame.mouse.get_pos() # Get mouse position # Main event loop for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: isProgramRunning = False break if event.type == KEYDOWN: if event.key == K_ESCAPE: pygame.quit() if event.key == pygame.K_1 and selectionIndex != -1: fractionValues[selectionIndex] = 1 elif event.key == pygame.K_2 and selectionIndex != -1: fractionValues[selectionIndex] = 2 elif event.key == pygame.K_3 and selectionIndex != -1: fractionValues[selectionIndex] = 3 elif event.key == pygame.K_4 and selectionIndex != -1: fractionValues[selectionIndex] = 4 elif event.key == pygame.K_5 and selectionIndex != -1: fractionValues[selectionIndex] = 5 elif event.key == pygame.K_6 and selectionIndex != -1: fractionValues[selectionIndex] = 6 if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if event.button == 1: click = True #-----------LOGIC------------- # Create back and start button rects backButtonX = 50 backButtonY = HEIGHT - 100 back_button = pygame.Rect(backButtonX, backButtonY, 200, 50) startButtonX = WIDTH - 250 startButtonY = HEIGHT - 100 start_button = pygame.Rect(startButtonX, startButtonY, 200, 50) # Create error msg rect errorRectX = WIDTH / 2 errorRectY = HEIGHT - 100 errorRectWidth = 600 errorRectHeight = 50 errorRect = pygame.Rect(int(errorRectX - errorRectWidth/2),errorRectY,errorRectWidth,errorRectHeight) #operation rect operationRectWidth = 100 operationRectHeight = 100 operationRectX = int(WIDTH / 2) - int(operationRectWidth / 2) operationRectY = int(HEIGHT / 2) - int(operationRectHeight / 2) operationRect = pygame.Rect(operationRectX,operationRectY,operationRectWidth,operationRectHeight) #create numerator and denmon rects boxWidth = 100 boxHeight = 100 numer1RectX = operationRectX - 100 numer1RectY = operationRectY - 52 numer1Rect = pygame.Rect(numer1RectX,numer1RectY,boxWidth,boxHeight) denom1RectX = numer1RectX denom1RectY = operationRectY + 52 denom1Rect = pygame.Rect(denom1RectX,denom1RectY,boxWidth,boxHeight) numer2RectX = operationRectX + 100 numer2RectY = numer1RectY numer2Rect = pygame.Rect(numer2RectX,numer2RectY,boxWidth,boxHeight) denom2RectX = numer2RectX denom2RectY = denom1RectY denom2Rect = pygame.Rect(numer2RectX,denom1RectY,boxWidth,boxHeight) # Check if mouse is on a button when clicked if back_button.collidepoint((m1x, m1y)): # go back to main menu if click: main_menu() break if start_button.collidepoint((m1x, m1y)): # begin main loop if click: validationResult = isValidProblem(fractionValues[0],fractionValues[1],fractionValues[2],fractionValues[3],program_OperationType) if validationResult == True: #the problem is good so start main loop problemGenerator.setProblemCreationType(USERPROBLEM) problemGenerator.fractionValues = fractionValues problemGenerator.getProblemUserGen() main_prog() isProgramRunning = False break # for selecting n1 n2 d1 d2 if numer1Rect.collidepoint((m1x,m1y)): if click: selectedRect = "n1" selectionIndex = 0 selectionClock = 30 if numer2Rect.collidepoint((m1x,m1y)): if click: selectedRect = "n2" selectionIndex = 2 selectionClock = 30 if denom1Rect.collidepoint((m1x,m1y)): if click: selectedRect = "d1" selectionIndex = 1 selectionClock = 30 if denom2Rect.collidepoint((m1x,m1y)): if click: selectedRect = "d2" selectionIndex = 3 selectionClock = 30 # check for collisions with operationRect and set operation type accordingly if operationRect.collidepoint((m1x,m1y)): if click: if program_OperationType == MULTIPLICATION: program_OperationType = SUBTRACTION operationSymbol = "-" elif program_OperationType == SUBTRACTION: program_OperationType = DIVISION operationSymbol = chr(247) elif program_OperationType == DIVISION: operationSymbol = "+" program_OperationType = ADDITION elif program_OperationType == ADDITION: operationSymbol = "x" program_OperationType = MULTIPLICATION #----------- BEGIN DRAW, END LOGIC-------------------# # draw back and start buttons and corresponding text background_img = pygame.image.load(resource_path("assets/testBG1.png")) screen.blit(background_img, (0, 0)) draw_text('Create Your Problem', title_font, (0,0,0), screen, int(WIDTH/2), int(HEIGHT/12)) pygame.draw.rect(screen, (8, 41, 255), back_button) draw_text('Back', button_font, (0,0,0), screen, backButtonX + 100, backButtonY + 25) pygame.draw.rect(screen, (8, 41, 255), start_button) draw_text('Start', button_font, (0,0,0), screen, startButtonX + 100, startButtonY + 25) #draw error rect and validation errors pygame.draw.rect(screen,colors.TEXTBOX,errorRect) draw_text(validationResult,errorFont,(255,0,0),screen,errorRectX,errorRectY + 25) # draw operation rect pygame.draw.rect(screen,colors.TEXTBOX,operationRect) draw_text(operationSymbol, problemFont, (0,0,0), screen, operationRectX + 50, operationRectY + 50) # draw numerator and denominator rects pygame.draw.rect(screen,colors.TEXTBOX,numer1Rect) pygame.draw.rect(screen,colors.TEXTBOX,denom1Rect) pygame.draw.rect(screen,colors.TEXTBOX,numer2Rect) pygame.draw.rect(screen,colors.TEXTBOX,denom2Rect) # draw fraction divider to left and right of operationRect pygame.draw.line(screen,(0,0,0), [operationRectX - 100, operationRectY + int(operationRectHeight/2)], [operationRectX,operationRectY + int(operationRectHeight/2)], 5) pygame.draw.line(screen,(0,0,0), [operationRectX + 100, operationRectY + int(operationRectHeight/2)], [operationRectX + 200,operationRectY + int(operationRectHeight/2)], 5) if selectionClock > 30: # draw line to show user which numer/denom they are currently selecting if selectedRect == "n1": pygame.draw.line(screen,(0,0,0),[numer1RectX + 20,numer2RectY+80],[numer1RectX+80,numer2RectY+80],4) elif selectedRect == "n2": pygame.draw.line(screen,(0,0,0),[numer2RectX + 20,numer2RectY+80],[numer2RectX+80,numer2RectY+80],4) elif selectedRect == "d1": pygame.draw.line(screen,(0,0,0),[denom1RectX + 20,denom1RectY+80],[denom1RectX+80,denom1RectY+80],4) elif selectedRect == "d2": pygame.draw.line(screen,(0,0,0),[denom2RectX + 20,denom2RectY+80],[denom2RectX+80,denom2RectY+80],4) if selectionClock >= 60: selectionClock = 0 # draw correct number text for each numerator and denominator #n1 draw_text(str(fractionValues[0]), problemFont, (0,0,0), screen, numer1RectX+50, numer1RectY+50) #d1 draw_text(str(fractionValues[1]), problemFont, (0,0,0), screen, denom1RectX+50, denom1RectY+50) #n2 draw_text(str(fractionValues[2]), problemFont, (0,0,0), screen, numer2RectX+50, numer2RectY+50) #d2 draw_text(str(fractionValues[3]), problemFont, (0,0,0), screen, denom2RectX+50, denom2RectY+50) # finally update screen and tick clock, reset click click = False pygame.display.update() selectionClock += 1 clock.tick(60) pygame.quit()
def main_menu(): global program_CuttingType global program_OperationType global program_problemCreationType click = False m1x = 0 # Get error if you don't set value for mx and my here m1y = 0 # Maybe pass as parameter for main_prog() isProgramRunning = True #for button states isDivHover = isDivClicked = isMultHover = isMultClicked = isSubHover = isSubClicked = False isAddHover = isAddClicked = False if program_OperationType == MULTIPLICATION: isMultClicked = True elif program_OperationType == DIVISION: isDivClicked = True elif program_OperationType == SUBTRACTION: isSubClicked = True elif program_OperationType == ADDITION: isAddClicked = True isRandomHover = isRandomClicked = isUserHover = isUserClicked = False if program_problemCreationType == RANDOMPROBLEM: isRandomClicked = True elif program_problemCreationType == USERPROBLEM: isUserClicked = True isHoverStart = False isHoverQuit = False while isProgramRunning: # Main event loop for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: isProgramRunning = False break if event.type == KEYDOWN: if event.key == K_ESCAPE: isProgramRunning = False break if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if event.button == 1: click = True screen.fill((255, 245, 112)) # Fill background # screen.blit(background_img, (int((WIDTH-864)/2), 0)) screen.blit(background_img,(0,0)) m1x, m1y = pygame.mouse.get_pos() # Get mouse position title_bar = pygame.Rect(0, 0, 1200, 100) startY = 164 operationButtonsY = startY + 40 operationButtonWidth = 200 operationButtonHeight = 50 operationButtonXBuffer = 10 multiplicationButtonX = int(WIDTH/2 - operationButtonWidth - operationButtonXBuffer) multiplicationButton = pygame.Rect(multiplicationButtonX,operationButtonsY,operationButtonWidth,operationButtonHeight) divisionButtonX = int(WIDTH/2 + operationButtonXBuffer) divisionButton = pygame.Rect(divisionButtonX,operationButtonsY,operationButtonWidth,operationButtonHeight) subtractionButtonX = multiplicationButtonX - operationButtonWidth - operationButtonXBuffer * 2 subtractionButton = pygame.Rect(subtractionButtonX,operationButtonsY,operationButtonWidth,operationButtonHeight) additionButtonX = int(WIDTH/2 + operationButtonXBuffer) + operationButtonWidth + operationButtonXBuffer * 2 additionButton = pygame.Rect(additionButtonX,operationButtonsY,operationButtonWidth,operationButtonHeight) problemTypeY = operationButtonsY + 100 problemButtonsY = problemTypeY + 40 problemButtonWidth = 200 problemButtonHeight = 50 problemButtonXBuffer = 10 randomProblemButtonX = int(WIDTH/2 - problemButtonWidth - problemButtonXBuffer) randomProblemButton = pygame.Rect(randomProblemButtonX,problemButtonsY,problemButtonWidth,problemButtonHeight) userProblemButtonX = int(WIDTH/2 + problemButtonXBuffer) userProblemButton = pygame.Rect(userProblemButtonX,problemButtonsY,problemButtonWidth,problemButtonHeight) startQuitButtonY = problemButtonsY + 140 startQuitButtonWidth = 250 startQuitButtonHeight = 80 startQuitButtonXBuffer = 40 startButtonX = int(WIDTH/2 + startQuitButtonXBuffer) startButton = pygame.Rect(startButtonX,startQuitButtonY,startQuitButtonWidth,startQuitButtonHeight) quitButtonX = int(WIDTH/2 - startQuitButtonWidth - startQuitButtonXBuffer) quitButton = pygame.Rect(quitButtonX,startQuitButtonY,startQuitButtonWidth,startQuitButtonHeight) if (multiplicationButton.collidepoint((m1x,m1y))): isMultHover = True if click: isMultClicked = True isDivClicked = False isSubClicked = False isAddClicked = False program_OperationType = MULTIPLICATION else: isMultHover = False if (divisionButton.collidepoint((m1x,m1y))): isDivHover = True if click: isDivClicked = True isMultClicked = False isSubClicked = False isAddClicked = False program_OperationType = DIVISION else: isDivHover = False if (subtractionButton.collidepoint((m1x,m1y))): isSubHover = True if click: isSubClicked = True isMultClicked = False isDivClicked = False isAddClicked = False program_OperationType = SUBTRACTION else: isSubHover = False if (additionButton.collidepoint((m1x,m1y))): isAddHover = True if click: isAddClicked = True isMultClicked = False isSubClicked = False isDivClicked = False program_OperationType = ADDITION else: isAddHover = False if (randomProblemButton.collidepoint((m1x,m1y))): isRandomHover = True if click: isRandomClicked =True isUserClicked = False program_problemCreationType = RANDOMPROBLEM else: isRandomHover = False if (userProblemButton.collidepoint((m1x,m1y))): isUserHover = True if click: isUserClicked =True isRandomClicked = False program_problemCreationType = USERPROBLEM else: isUserHover = False if (startButton.collidepoint((m1x,m1y))): isStartHover = True if click: if program_problemCreationType == RANDOMPROBLEM: problemGenerator.setProblemCreationType(RANDOMPROBLEM) main_prog() elif program_problemCreationType == USERPROBLEM: createUserProblem() else: isStartHover = False if (quitButton.collidepoint((m1x,m1y))): isQuitHover = True if click: quit_message() else: isQuitHover = False # Drawing the buttons and text for menu pygame.draw.rect(screen, colors.TITLEBAR, title_bar) pygame.draw.rect(screen, (0, 0, 0), title_bar, 7) draw_text('Fraction Visualization', title_font, (0,0,0), screen, int(WIDTH/2), int(HEIGHT/12)) draw_text('Operation', pygame.font.SysFont('Arial', 48), (0,0,0), screen, WIDTH/2, startY) #draw operation buttons and their tet if (isMultClicked == False and isMultHover == False): pygame.draw.rect(screen, colors.BUTTONSTANDARD, multiplicationButton) elif (isMultClicked == True): pygame.draw.rect(screen, colors.BUTTONCLICKED, multiplicationButton) elif (isMultHover == True): pygame.draw.rect(screen, colors.BUTTONHOVER, multiplicationButton) draw_text("Multiplication",button_font,(0,0,0),screen, multiplicationButtonX + int(operationButtonWidth/2), operationButtonsY+int(operationButtonHeight/2)) if (isDivClicked == False and isDivHover == False): pygame.draw.rect(screen, colors.BUTTONSTANDARD, divisionButton) elif (isDivClicked == True): pygame.draw.rect(screen, colors.BUTTONCLICKED, divisionButton) elif (isDivHover == True): pygame.draw.rect(screen, colors.BUTTONHOVER, divisionButton) draw_text("Division",button_font,(0,0,0),screen, divisionButtonX + int(operationButtonWidth/2), operationButtonsY+int(operationButtonHeight/2)) if (isSubClicked == False and isSubHover == False): pygame.draw.rect(screen, colors.BUTTONSTANDARD, subtractionButton) elif (isSubClicked == True): pygame.draw.rect(screen, colors.BUTTONCLICKED, subtractionButton) elif (isSubHover == True): pygame.draw.rect(screen, colors.BUTTONHOVER, subtractionButton) draw_text("Subtraction",button_font,(0,0,0),screen, subtractionButtonX + int(operationButtonWidth/2), operationButtonsY+int(operationButtonHeight/2)) if (isAddClicked == False and isAddHover == False): pygame.draw.rect(screen, colors.BUTTONSTANDARD, additionButton) elif (isAddClicked == True): pygame.draw.rect(screen, colors.BUTTONCLICKED, additionButton) elif (isAddHover == True): pygame.draw.rect(screen, colors.BUTTONHOVER, additionButton) draw_text("Addition",button_font,(0,0,0),screen, additionButtonX + int(operationButtonWidth/2), operationButtonsY+int(operationButtonHeight/2)) draw_text('Problem Type', pygame.font.SysFont('Arial', 48), (0,0,0), screen, WIDTH/2, problemTypeY) if (isRandomClicked == False and isRandomHover == False): pygame.draw.rect(screen, colors.BUTTONSTANDARD, randomProblemButton) elif (isRandomClicked == True): pygame.draw.rect(screen, colors.BUTTONCLICKED, randomProblemButton) elif (isRandomHover == True): pygame.draw.rect(screen, colors.BUTTONHOVER, randomProblemButton) draw_text("Random",button_font,(0,0,0),screen, randomProblemButtonX + int(problemButtonWidth/2), problemButtonsY+int(problemButtonHeight/2)) if (isUserClicked == False and isUserHover == False): pygame.draw.rect(screen, colors.BUTTONSTANDARD, userProblemButton) elif (isUserClicked == True): pygame.draw.rect(screen, colors.BUTTONCLICKED, userProblemButton) elif (isUserHover == True): pygame.draw.rect(screen, colors.BUTTONHOVER, userProblemButton) draw_text("Create Your Own",button_font,(0,0,0),screen, userProblemButtonX + int(problemButtonWidth/2), problemButtonsY+int(problemButtonHeight/2)) if isStartHover == False: pygame.draw.rect(screen, colors.BUTTONSTANDARD, startButton) else: pygame.draw.rect(screen, colors.BUTTONHOVER, startButton) draw_text("Start",pygame.font.SysFont('Arial', 40),(0,0,0),screen, startButtonX + int(startQuitButtonWidth/2), startQuitButtonY+int(startQuitButtonHeight/2)) if isQuitHover == False: pygame.draw.rect(screen, colors.BUTTONSTANDARD, quitButton) else: pygame.draw.rect(screen, colors.BUTTONHOVER, quitButton) draw_text("Quit",pygame.font.SysFont('Arial', 40),(0,0,0),screen, quitButtonX + int(startQuitButtonWidth/2), startQuitButtonY+int(startQuitButtonHeight/2)) click = False pygame.display.update() clock.tick(60) pygame.quit()
def main_prog(): # init objects every state will have mouse = MouseHandler() drawablesController = DrawablesController() colorPicker = None trashCan = None # create state manager depending on operation type selected in menu: if program_OperationType == MULTIPLICATION: stateManager = StateManagerMult(program_CuttingType,screen) stateManager.setMouse(mouse) # link state manager and mouse stateManager.setDrawablesController(drawablesController) # link state manager and drawables controller testRectangle = Rectangle(WIDTH/2,HEIGHT/2,350,350,screen,drawablesController,True,mouse,stateManager, 1) cutter = testRectangle.getCutter() # need to get cutter here for draw call colorPicker = ColorPicker(screen,WIDTH,HEIGHT,mouse,stateManager,drawablesController) stateManager.setColorPicker(colorPicker) elif program_OperationType == ADDITION: stateManager = StateManagerAdd(program_CuttingType,screen) stateManager.setMouse(mouse) # link state manager and mouse stateManager.setDrawablesController(drawablesController) # link state manager and drawables controller # Create rectangles and their respective cutters testRectangle = Rectangle((int)(WIDTH/3),HEIGHT/3,270,270,screen,drawablesController,True,mouse,stateManager, 1) cutter = testRectangle.getCutter() # need to get cutter here for draw call testRectangle2 = Rectangle((int)(WIDTH/3),HEIGHT-(HEIGHT/4.5)+15,270,270,screen,drawablesController,True,mouse,stateManager, 2) cutter2 = testRectangle2.getCutter() testRectangle3 = Rectangle(WIDTH-(int)(WIDTH/5.7),HEIGHT/3,270,270,screen,drawablesController,True,mouse,stateManager, 3) cutter3 = testRectangle3.getCutter() testRectangle4 = Rectangle(WIDTH-(int)(WIDTH/5.7),HEIGHT-(HEIGHT/4.5)+15,270,270,screen,drawablesController,True,mouse,stateManager, 4) cutter4 = testRectangle4.getCutter() colorPicker = ColorPicker(screen,WIDTH,HEIGHT,mouse,stateManager,drawablesController) stateManager.setColorPicker(colorPicker) elif program_OperationType == SUBTRACTION: stateManager = StateManagerSub(program_CuttingType,screen) stateManager.setMouse(mouse) # link state manager and mouse stateManager.setDrawablesController(drawablesController) # link state manager and drawables controller testRectangle = Rectangle((int)((WIDTH/3)),HEIGHT/2-30,280, 280,screen,drawablesController,True,mouse,stateManager, 1) cutter = testRectangle.getCutter() # need to get cutter here for draw call testRectangle2 = Rectangle((int)((WIDTH/3)*2),HEIGHT/2-30,280,280,screen,drawablesController,True,mouse,stateManager, 2) cutter2 = testRectangle2.getCutter() # need to get cutter here for draw call colorPicker = ColorPicker(screen,WIDTH,HEIGHT,mouse,stateManager,drawablesController) trashCan = TrashCan(screen,WIDTH,HEIGHT,mouse,stateManager,drawablesController) stateManager.setColorPicker(colorPicker) stateManager.setTrashCan(trashCan) elif program_OperationType == DIVISION: # For division, rectangles are created later because the number of rectangles depends on the fractions stateManager = StateManagerDiv(program_CuttingType,screen) stateManager.setMouse(mouse) # link state manager and mouse stateManager.setDrawablesController(drawablesController) # link state manager and drawables controller colorPicker = ColorPicker(screen,WIDTH,HEIGHT,mouse,stateManager,drawablesController) stateManager.setColorPicker(colorPicker) positionSet = 0 # init problemDisplay here, every operation will have problemDisplay = ProblemDisplay(screen,WIDTH,HEIGHT,stateManager,program_OperationType) # set up problemGenerator here because it needs to know problemDisplay problemGenerator.setProblemDisplay(problemDisplay) problemGenerator.setOperationType(program_OperationType) # Checks whether a new problem needs to be created or just reset the current problem if problemGenerator.needsNewProblem == True: problemGenerator.getProblem() problemGenerator.needsNewProblem = False else: problemGenerator.resetCurrentProblem() # Creating division rectangles down here because we first need to know what the problem answer will be stateManager.cpuDenomAns = problemGenerator.problemDisplay.denominatorAnswer stateManager.cpuNumerAns = problemGenerator.problemDisplay.numeratorAnswer if program_OperationType == DIVISION: extraRect = False answerCeiling = math.ceil(problemGenerator.problemDisplay.numeratorAnswer/problemGenerator.problemDisplay.denominatorAnswer) fractionReciprocal = problemGenerator.problemDisplay.denominator2/problemGenerator.problemDisplay.numerator2 if fractionReciprocal < answerCeiling: extraRect = True if extraRect is True: testRectangle = Rectangle((int)((WIDTH/4))-50,HEIGHT/2-30,280, 280,screen,drawablesController,True,mouse,stateManager, 1) cutter = testRectangle.getCutter() # need to get cutter here for draw call testRectangle2 = Rectangle((int)((WIDTH/4)*2),HEIGHT/2-30,280,280,screen,drawablesController,True,mouse,stateManager, 2) cutter2 = testRectangle2.getCutter() # need to get cutter here for draw call stateManager.hasThreeSquares = True # The third rectangle is created in stateManagerDiv when in moving state else: testRectangle = Rectangle((int)((WIDTH/3)),HEIGHT/2-30,280, 280,screen,drawablesController,True,mouse,stateManager, 1) cutter = testRectangle.getCutter() # need to get cutter here for draw call testRectangle2 = Rectangle((int)((WIDTH/3)*2),HEIGHT/2-30,280,280,screen,drawablesController,True,mouse,stateManager, 2) cutter2 = testRectangle2.getCutter() # need to get cutter here for draw call # bring in userAnswerSystem userAnswerSystem = UserAnswerSystem(screen, stateManager, WIDTH, HEIGHT,problemDisplay) isProgramRunning = True check = False click = False # To check if Main Menu button is clicked keyDown = None # for passing information to userAnswerSystem # main loop while isProgramRunning: # main event loop -- user keyboard/mouse input here for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: isProgramRunning = False break if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if event.button == 1: check = True click = True if mouse.isHeld == False: mouse.setHeld(True) else: mouse.setHeld(False) if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP: if event.button == 1: mouse.leftMouseReleasedThisFrame = True check = False #setClick(check) click = False #hold = False if event.type == KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_1: keyDown = "1" elif event.key == pygame.K_2: keyDown = "2" elif event.key == pygame.K_3: keyDown = "3" elif event.key == pygame.K_4: keyDown = "4" elif event.key == pygame.K_5: keyDown = "5" elif event.key == pygame.K_6: keyDown = "6" elif event.key == pygame.K_7: keyDown = "7" elif event.key == pygame.K_8: keyDown = "8" elif event.key == pygame.K_9: keyDown = "9" elif event.key == pygame.K_0: keyDown = "0" elif event.key == pygame.K_BACKSPACE: keyDown = "Backspace" #---------UPDATE BEGIN-------UPDATE ALL OBJECTS mouse.update(check) if program_OperationType == MULTIPLICATION: stateManager.update(testRectangle.myCutter) elif program_OperationType == DIVISION: if (stateManager.cpuNumerAns/stateManager.cpuDenomAns) > 2: stateManager.update(testRectangle.myCutter, testRectangle2.myCutter) else: stateManager.update(testRectangle.myCutter, testRectangle2.myCutter) elif program_OperationType == SUBTRACTION: stateManager.update(testRectangle.myCutter, testRectangle2.myCutter) if TrashCan != None: trashCan.update() elif program_OperationType == ADDITION: stateManager.update(testRectangle.myCutter, testRectangle2.myCutter, testRectangle3.myCutter, testRectangle4.myCutter) for rect in drawablesController.rectangles: rect.update(mouse) for cm in drawablesController.cutmarkers: cm.update(mouse.isClick) if colorPicker != None: colorPicker.update() userAnswerSystem.update(mouse.leftMouseReleasedThisFrame,keyDown) if program_OperationType == DIVISION: if stateManager.hasThreeSquares is True: if positionSet == 0: secondLeft, secondTop = stateManager.getSecondBorderPos() positionSet = 1 borderTop, borderLeft, numBoundaries = stateManager.getBorderPos() borderHeight = testRectangle2.height borderWidth = (testRectangle2.width/problemGenerator.problemDisplay.denominator2)*problemGenerator.problemDisplay.numerator2 else: numBoundaries = 0 borderTop, borderLeft, numBoundaries = stateManager.getBorderPos() borderHeight = testRectangle2.height borderWidth = (testRectangle2.width/problemGenerator.problemDisplay.denominator2)*problemGenerator.problemDisplay.numerator2 elif program_OperationType == ADDITION: border1Top, border1Left = stateManager.border1Top, stateManager.border1Left borderHeight, borderWidth = testRectangle3.height, testRectangle3.width if stateManager.twoWholes is True: border2Top, border2Left = stateManager.border2Top, stateManager.border2Left elif program_OperationType == MULTIPLICATION: borderTop, borderLeft = stateManager.borderTop, stateManager.borderLeft borderHeight, borderWidth = testRectangle.height, testRectangle.width elif program_OperationType == SUBTRACTION: borderTop, borderLeft = stateManager.borderTop, stateManager.borderLeft borderHeight, borderWidth = testRectangle.height, testRectangle.width # ---------UPDATE END---------------------------------- # ---------DRAW BEGIN-------------------------------- # Menu button and logic to go back to main screen and get new problem menu_button = pygame.Rect(WIDTH-100, 0, 100, 50) if menu_button.collidepoint((, if click: problemGenerator.needsNewProblem = True main_menu() isProgramRunning = False break restart_button = pygame.Rect(WIDTH-220, 0, 100, 50) if restart_button.collidepoint((, if click: main_prog() isProgramRunning = False break newProblem_button = pygame.Rect(WIDTH - 370, 0 , 130, 50) if newProblem_button.collidepoint((, if click: if problemGenerator.program_problemCreationType == problemGenerator.USERPROBLEM: createUserProblem() problemGenerator.needsNewProblem = True main_prog() isProgramRunning = False break if program_OperationType == ADDITION: if stateManager.currentState == stateManager.CHECKCUTS or stateManager.currentState == stateManager.CHECKCUTS2 or stateManager.currentState == stateManager.CHECKCUTS3: undoCut_button = pygame.Rect(WIDTH/3-testRectangle.width+5, HEIGHT/3, 130, 50) undoCut_button2 = pygame.Rect(WIDTH/3-testRectangle.width+5, HEIGHT/3*2+100, 130, 50) undoCut_button3 = pygame.Rect(WIDTH/3*2-75, HEIGHT/3, 130, 50) undoCut_button4 = pygame.Rect(WIDTH/3*2-75, HEIGHT/3*2+175, 130, 50) if undoCut_button.collidepoint((, if click: if stateManager.lastCuts == 0: stateManager.undoCutsVert(1, cutter) elif stateManager.lastCuts == 1: stateManager.undoCutsHoriz(1, cutter) if undoCut_button2.collidepoint((, if click: if stateManager.lastCuts == 0: stateManager.undoCutsVert(2, cutter2) elif stateManager.lastCuts == 1: stateManager.undoCutsHoriz(2, cutter2) if undoCut_button3.collidepoint((, if click: if stateManager.lastCuts == 2: stateManager.undoCutsVert(3, cutter3) elif stateManager.lastCuts == 3: stateManager.undoCutsHoriz(3, cutter3) if undoCut_button4.collidepoint((, if click: if stateManager.lastCuts == 4: stateManager.undoCutsVert(4, cutter4) elif stateManager.lastCuts == 5: stateManager.undoCutsHoriz(4, cutter4) elif program_OperationType == DIVISION: if stateManager.currentState == stateManager.CHECKCUTS: if stateManager.hasThreeSquares: undoCut_button = pygame.Rect(WIDTH/5 - 55, HEIGHT/2 + testRectangle.height/2 - 30 , 130, 50) undoCut_button2 = pygame.Rect(WIDTH/2-65, HEIGHT/2 + testRectangle.height/2 - 30 , 130, 50) else: undoCut_button = pygame.Rect(WIDTH/3 - 60, HEIGHT/2 + testRectangle.height/2 - 30 , 130, 50) undoCut_button2 = pygame.Rect(WIDTH/3*2 - 65, (HEIGHT/2 + testRectangle.height/2)-30, 130, 50) if undoCut_button.collidepoint((, if click: if stateManager.lastCuts == 0: stateManager.undoCutsVert(1, cutter) else: stateManager.undoCutsHoriz(1, cutter) if undoCut_button2.collidepoint((, if click: if stateManager.lastCuts == 0: stateManager.undoCutsVert(2, cutter2) else: stateManager.undoCutsHoriz(2, cutter2) elif program_OperationType == SUBTRACTION: if stateManager.currentState == stateManager.CHECKCUTS: undoCut_button = pygame.Rect(WIDTH/3 - 65, (HEIGHT/2 + testRectangle.height/2)-30 , 130, 50) undoCut_button2 = pygame.Rect(WIDTH/3*2 - 65, (HEIGHT/2 + testRectangle.height/2)-30, 130, 50) if undoCut_button.collidepoint((, if click: if stateManager.lastCuts == 0: stateManager.undoCutsVert(1, cutter) else: stateManager.undoCutsHoriz(1, cutter) if undoCut_button2.collidepoint((, if click: if stateManager.lastCuts == 0: stateManager.undoCutsVert(2, cutter2) else: stateManager.undoCutsHoriz(2, cutter2) elif program_OperationType == MULTIPLICATION: if stateManager.currentState == stateManager.CHECKCUTS: undoCut_button = pygame.Rect(WIDTH/4, HEIGHT/2, 130, 50) if undoCut_button.collidepoint((, if click: if stateManager.lastCuts == 0: stateManager.undoCutsVert(cutter) else: stateManager.undoCutsHoriz(cutter) # drawing here screen.fill(colors.BGCOLOR) #fill screen bg # Drawing menu button pygame.draw.rect(screen, (8, 41, 255), menu_button) draw_text('Main Menu', button_font, (0,0,0), screen, WIDTH-50, 25) pygame.draw.rect(screen, (8, 41, 255), restart_button) draw_text('Restart', button_font, (0,0,0), screen, WIDTH-170, 25) pygame.draw.rect(screen, (8, 41, 255), newProblem_button) # for new prob button draw_text('New Problem', button_font, (0,0,0), screen, WIDTH-305, 25) # for new prob button # ALL LOGIC FOR DRAWING UNDO BUTTONS HERE if program_OperationType == ADDITION: if stateManager.currentState == stateManager.CHECKCUTS: pygame.draw.rect(screen, (8, 41, 255), undoCut_button) pygame.draw.rect(screen, (8, 41, 255), undoCut_button2) draw_text('Undo Cut', button_font, (0,0,0), screen, WIDTH/3 - testRectangle.width/1.5-20, (HEIGHT/3)+25) draw_text('Undo Cut', button_font, (0,0,0), screen, WIDTH/3 - testRectangle.width/1.5-20, (HEIGHT/3)*2+125) elif stateManager.currentState == stateManager.CHECKCUTS2: pygame.draw.rect(screen, (8, 41, 255), undoCut_button3) draw_text('Undo Cut', button_font, (0,0,0), screen, WIDTH/3*2-10, (HEIGHT/3)+25) elif stateManager.currentState == stateManager.CHECKCUTS3: pygame.draw.rect(screen, (8, 41, 255), undoCut_button4) draw_text('Undo Cut', button_font, (0,0,0), screen, WIDTH/3*2-10, (HEIGHT/3)*2+200) elif program_OperationType == DIVISION: if stateManager.currentState == stateManager.CHECKCUTS: pygame.draw.rect(screen, (8, 41, 255), undoCut_button) pygame.draw.rect(screen, (8, 41, 255), undoCut_button2) if stateManager.hasThreeSquares is True: draw_text('Undo Cut', button_font, (0,0,0), screen, WIDTH/4-55, (HEIGHT/2)+(testRectangle.height/2)) draw_text('Undo Cut', button_font, (0,0,0), screen, WIDTH/4*2, (HEIGHT/2)+(testRectangle.height/2)) else: draw_text('Undo Cut', button_font, (0,0,0), screen, WIDTH/3, (HEIGHT/2)+(testRectangle.height/2)) draw_text('Undo Cut', button_font, (0,0,0), screen, WIDTH/3*2, (HEIGHT/2)+(testRectangle.height/2)) elif program_OperationType == SUBTRACTION: if stateManager.currentState == stateManager.CHECKCUTS: pygame.draw.rect(screen, (8, 41, 255), undoCut_button) draw_text('Undo Cut', button_font, (0,0,0), screen, WIDTH/3, (HEIGHT/2)+(testRectangle.height/2)-5) pygame.draw.rect(screen, (8, 41, 255), undoCut_button2) draw_text('Undo Cut', button_font, (0,0,0), screen, WIDTH/3*2, (HEIGHT/2)+(testRectangle.height/2)-5) else: if stateManager.currentState == stateManager.CHECKCUTS: pygame.draw.rect(screen, (8, 41, 255), undoCut_button) draw_text('Undo Cut', button_font, (0,0,0), screen, WIDTH/4 + 65, (HEIGHT/2)+25) if stateManager.getCurrentState() != "Finished": state_message = "Current state: " + stateManager.getCurrentState() else: state_message = "" draw_textLeftToRight(state_message, button_font, (0,0,0), screen, 15, 15) tempRectList = list() for bgS in drawablesController.bgSquares: bgS.draw() if program_OperationType == MULTIPLICATION: for rect in drawablesController.rectangles: rect.draw() if program_OperationType == SUBTRACTION: for rect in drawablesController.rectangles: rect.draw() if rect.isMarked == True: rect.drawMark() if program_OperationType != MULTIPLICATION and program_OperationType != SUBTRACTION: for rect in drawablesController.rectangles: #move to rectangle class if rect.ownerID == 2: rect.draw() if rect.isShadedB: rect.drawBLines(rect.colorHatch) else: tempRectList.append(rect) for trect in tempRectList: trect.draw() if trect.isShadedV == True and trect.isShadedH != True: trect.drawVLines(trect.colorHatch) if trect.isShadedH == True and trect.isShadedV != True: trect.drawHLines(trect.colorHatch) if trect.isShadedB: trect.drawBLines(trect.colorHatch) for gl in drawablesController.guidelines: gl.draw() for cm in drawablesController.cutmarkers: cm.draw() cutter.draw() if program_OperationType == DIVISION or program_OperationType == SUBTRACTION: cutter2.draw() if stateManager.cpuNumerAns > stateManager.cpuDenomAns: pass if program_OperationType == ADDITION: cutter2.draw() cutter3.draw() cutter4.draw() stateManager.draw() if colorPicker != None: colorPicker.draw() problemDisplay.draw() userAnswerSystem.draw() # DRAW BORDER HERE TO HIGHLIGHT CURRENT SECTION if program_OperationType == DIVISION: if stateManager.hasThreeSquares is True: if stateManager.currentState == stateManager.MOVING or stateManager.currentState == stateManager.ANSWERSUBMISSION or stateManager.currentState == stateManager.DONE: pygame.draw.rect(screen, colors.GOLD, (borderLeft, borderTop, borderWidth, borderHeight), 4) # width = 4 pygame.draw.rect(screen, colors.GOLD, (secondLeft, secondTop, borderWidth, borderHeight), 4) # width = 4 else: if stateManager.currentState == stateManager.MOVING or stateManager.currentState == stateManager.ANSWERSUBMISSION or stateManager.currentState == stateManager.DONE: numBoundaries += 1 for i in range(numBoundaries): if i < stateManager.answerCeiling: pygame.draw.rect(screen, colors.GOLD, (borderLeft-((i)*borderWidth), borderTop, borderWidth, borderHeight), 4) # width = 4 elif program_OperationType == ADDITION: if stateManager.currentState == stateManager.MOVING or stateManager.currentState == stateManager.ANSWERSUBMISSION or stateManager.currentState == stateManager.DONE or stateManager.currentState == stateManager.CUTTINGHORIZONTALLY3 or stateManager.currentState == stateManager.CUTTINGVERTICALLY3 or stateManager.currentState == stateManager.CHECKCUTS3: pygame.draw.rect(screen, colors.GOLD, (border1Left, border1Top, borderWidth, borderHeight), 4) if stateManager.twoWholes is True: pygame.draw.rect(screen, colors.GOLD, (border2Left, border2Top, borderWidth, borderHeight), 4) elif program_OperationType == MULTIPLICATION: if stateManager.currentState == stateManager.ANSWERSUBMISSION or stateManager.currentState == stateManager.DONE: pygame.draw.rect(screen, colors.GOLD, (borderLeft, borderTop, borderWidth, borderHeight), 4) elif program_OperationType == SUBTRACTION: if stateManager.currentState == stateManager.ANSWERSUBMISSION or stateManager.currentState == stateManager.DONE: pygame.draw.rect(screen, colors.GOLD, (borderLeft, borderTop, borderWidth, borderHeight), 4) if mouse.whoisHeld != None: mouse.whoisHeld.draw() #-----------------------------DRAW END--------------------------------------- mouse.leftMouseReleasedThisFrame = False keyDown = None #update screen and set framerate pygame.display.flip() clock.tick(fps) #end of main loop pygame.quit()
def draw(self): if (self.stateManager.getCurrentState() != "Finished"): # only draw two problem fractions and x symbol draw_text(self.operationSymbol, self.font, (0, 0, 0), self.screen, self.xMid, self.yDraw + self.yOffset) self.drawFraction(self.numerator1, self.denominator1, self.xMid - self.xOffset) self.drawFraction(self.numerator2, self.denominator2, self.xMid + self.xOffset) if (self.stateManager.getCurrentState() == "Shading Horizontally"): self.userdenominator = self.stateManager.get_answerDenom() elif (self.stateManager.getCurrentState() == "Finished"): if self.stateManager.operation_type == 2 or self.stateManager.operation_type == 4 or self.stateManager.operation_type == 3: # division or addition self.userdenominator = self.stateManager.get_answerDenom() self.usernumerator = self.stateManager.get_answerNumer() userAnswer = Fraction(self.usernumerator, self.userdenominator) cpuAnswer = Fraction(self.numeratorAnswer, self.denominatorAnswer) canreduce = False cpucanreduce = False ismixed = False cpuismixed = False if userAnswer.isImproper() == True and cpuAnswer.isImproper( ) == True: ismixed = True cpuismixed = True userAnswer.makeMixed() cpuAnswer.makeMixed() self.leadcoAnswer = cpuAnswer.getLeadC() # userAnswer.denominator = cpuAnswer.denominator elif userAnswer.canReduce() == True: canreduce = True # cpucanreduce = True elif cpuAnswer.canReduce(): cpucanreduce = True else: pass # userAnswer.denominator = cpuAnswer.denominator if canreduce == True: # user answer can be reduced so theres 7 total symbols userAnswerReduced = Fraction(userAnswer.getNum(), userAnswer.getDenom()) userAnswerReduced.finalReduce() cpuAnswerReduced = Fraction(cpuAnswer.getNum(), cpuAnswer.getDenom()) if cpuAnswerReduced.canReduce(): cpuAnswerReduced.finalReduce() # if user num and denom match known problem num and denom they got it right -> set isEqualSymbol to = if userAnswerReduced.getNum( ) == cpuAnswerReduced.getNum() and userAnswerReduced.getDenom( ) == cpuAnswerReduced.getDenom(): isEqualSymbol = '=' self.hasRightAnswer = True else: isEqualSymbol = '=/=' self.hasRightAnswer = False draw_text(isEqualSymbol, self.font, (0, 0, 0), self.screen, self.xMid, self.yDraw + self.yOffset) #draw stuff from left of equal sign moving left self.drawFraction(self.numerator2, self.denominator2, self.xMid - self.xOffset) draw_text(self.operationSymbol, self.font, (0, 0, 0), self.screen, self.xMid - self.xOffset * 2, self.yDraw + self.yOffset) self.drawFraction(self.numerator1, self.denominator1, self.xMid - self.xOffset * 3) #draw stuff from right of equal sign moving right self.drawFraction(userAnswer.getNum(), userAnswer.getDenom(), self.xMid + self.xOffset) draw_text('=', self.font, (0, 0, 0), self.screen, self.xMid + self.xOffset * 2, self.yDraw + self.yOffset) userAnswerReduced.finalReduce() self.drawFraction(userAnswerReduced.getNum(), userAnswerReduced.getDenom(), self.xMid + self.xOffset * 3) if self.hasRightAnswer: # draw checkmark self.drawSprite(self.checkmark, True, 0) else: self.drawSprite(self.x, True, 0) # draw x b/c user wrong elif ismixed == True or cpuismixed == True: # user answer is a mixed fraction so there will be 6 symbols tempUserAnswer = Fraction(self.usernumerator, self.userdenominator) tempCpuAnswer = Fraction(self.numeratorAnswer, self.denominatorAnswer) if tempUserAnswer.canReduce(): tempUserAnswer.finalReduce() if tempCpuAnswer.canReduce(): tempCpuAnswer.finalReduce() if userAnswer.getNum() == cpuAnswer.getNum( ) and userAnswer.getDenom() == cpuAnswer.getDenom( ) and userAnswer.getLeadC() == cpuAnswer.getLeadC() or ( self.usernumerator / self.userdenominator == 1 and self.numeratorAnswer / self.denominatorAnswer == 1 or (tempCpuAnswer.numerator == tempUserAnswer.numerator and tempCpuAnswer.denominator == tempUserAnswer.denominator)): isEqualSymbol = '=' self.hasRightAnswer = True else: isEqualSymbol = '=/=' self.hasRightAnswer = False #left side self.drawFraction(self.numerator2, self.denominator2, self.xMid - self.xOffset) draw_text(self.operationSymbol, self.font, (0, 0, 0), self.screen, self.xMid - self.xOffset * 2, self.yDraw + self.yOffset) self.drawFraction(self.numerator1, self.denominator1, self.xMid - self.xOffset * 3) #right side draw_text(isEqualSymbol, self.font, (0, 0, 0), self.screen, self.xMid, self.yDraw + self.yOffset) self.drawFractionMixed(userAnswer.getLeadC(), userAnswer.getNum(), userAnswer.getDenom(), self.xMid + self.xOffset) if self.hasRightAnswer: # draw checkmark self.drawSprite(self.checkmark, False, -50) else: self.drawSprite(self.x, False, -50) # draw x because user wrng else: #canreduce = False so there will be 5 symbols tempUserAnswer = Fraction(self.usernumerator, self.userdenominator) if tempUserAnswer.canReduce(): tempUserAnswer.finalReduce() if userAnswer.getNum( ) == self.numeratorAnswer and userAnswer.getDenom( ) == self.denominatorAnswer or ( self.usernumerator == 0 and self.numeratorAnswer == 0 or (tempUserAnswer.numerator == self.numeratorAnswer and tempUserAnswer.denominator == self.denominatorAnswer)): isEqualSymbol = '=' self.hasRightAnswer = True else: isEqualSymbol = '=/=' self.hasRightAnswer = False self.drawFraction( self.numerator2, self.denominator2, self.xMid ) # draw problem fraction 2 1st because itll be in middle draw_text(self.operationSymbol, self.font, (0, 0, 0), self.screen, self.xMid - self.xOffset, self.yDraw + self.yOffset) self.drawFraction(self.numerator1, self.denominator1, self.xMid - self.xOffset * 2) draw_text(isEqualSymbol, self.font, (0, 0, 0), self.screen, self.xMid + self.xOffset, self.yDraw + self.yOffset) self.drawFraction(userAnswer.getNum(), userAnswer.getDenom(), self.xMid + self.xOffset * 2) if self.hasRightAnswer: # draw checkmark self.drawSprite(self.checkmark, False, 0) else: self.drawSprite(self.x, False, 0) # draw x because user wrng