def applyTransforms(self, x, y):
     R = numpy.eye(2)
     r_o = numpy.zeros(2)
     tx, ty = 0, 0
     sx, sy = 1.0, 1.0
     if 'transform=' in self.header:
         if 'rotate(' in self.header:
             rotateParms = map(float, extractParms(self.header, 0, 'rotate(', ', ', ')'))
             if len(rotateParms) == 3:
                 rotateDegrees, rx, ry = rotateParms
                 assert len(rotateParms) == 1
                 rotateDegrees, rx, ry = rotateParms[0], 0.0, 0.0
             rads = numpy.pi * rotateDegrees / 180
             R = numpy.array([ [ cos(rads), -sin(rads)], [ sin(rads), cos(rads)] ])
             r_o = numpy.array([ rx, ry])
         if 'translate(' in self.header:
             tx, ty = map(float, extractParms(self.header, 0, 'translate(', ', ', ')'))
         if 'scale(' in self.header:
             scaleParms = map(float, extractParms(self.header, 0, 'scale(', ', ', ')'))
             if len(scaleParms) == 2:
                 sx, sy = scaleParms
                 sx, sy = scaleParms[0], scaleParms[0]
         if 'matrix(' in self.header: #"matrix(1.25,0,0,-1.25,-348.3393,383.537)"
             sx, shear_1, shear_2, sy, tx, ty = map(float, extractParms(self.header, 0, 'matrix(', ', ', ')'))
             if not shear_1 == 0 and shear_2 == 0:
                 raise NotImplementedError(" not shear_1 == 0 and shear_2 == 0! header %s" % self.header)
     p = numpy.array( [sx*x + tx, sy*y + ty] )
     point = dot(R, p-r_o) +r_o
     if self.parent != None:
         return self.parent.applyTransforms(*point)
         return point[0], point[1]
    def Transforms(self, cumalative=True, T=None, c=None):
        'y = dot(T,x) + c'
        if T is None:
            T = numpy.eye(2)
            c = numpy.zeros(2)
        R = numpy.eye(2)
        r_o = numpy.zeros(2)
        tx, ty = 0, 0
        sx, sy = 1.0, 1.0

        if 'transform=' in self.header:
            if 'matrix(' in self.header:  #"matrix(1.25,0,0,-1.25,-348.3393,383.537)"
                t_11, t_12, t_21, t22, c1, c2 = map(
                    float, extractParms(self.header, 0, 'matrix(', ', ', ')'))
                T_e = numpy.array([[t_11, t_12], [t_21, t22]])
                c_e = numpy.array([c1, c2])
                T = dot(T_e, T)
                c = dot(T_e, c) + c_e
            if 'translate(' in self.header:
                tx, ty = map(
                    float, extractParms(self.header, 0, 'translate(', ', ',

            if 'scale(' in self.header:
                scaleParms = map(
                    float, extractParms(self.header, 0, 'scale(', ', ', ')'))
                if len(scaleParms) == 2:
                    sx, sy = scaleParms
                    sx, sy = scaleParms[0], scaleParms[0]
            if 'rotate(' in self.header:
                rotateParms = map(
                    float, extractParms(self.header, 0, 'rotate(', ', ', ')'))
                if len(rotateParms) == 3:
                    rotateDegrees, rx, ry = rotateParms
                    assert len(rotateParms) == 1
                    rotateDegrees, rx, ry = rotateParms[0], 0.0, 0.0
                rads = numpy.pi * rotateDegrees / 180
                R = numpy.array([[cos(rads), -sin(rads)],
                                 [sin(rads), cos(rads)]])
                r_o = numpy.array([rx, ry])
        T_e = numpy.array([[sx, 0.0], [0.0, sy]])
        c_e = numpy.array([tx, ty])
        T = dot(T_e, T)
        c = dot(T_e, c) + c_e
        # z = dot(R, y - r_o) + r_o
        # z = dot(R, dot(T,x) + c - r_o) + r_o
        T = dot(R, T)
        c = dot(R, c) - dot(R, r_o) + r_o
        if self.parent != None and cumalative:
            return self.parent.Transforms(T=T, c=c)
            return T, c
 def Transforms( self, cumalative=True, T=None, c=None):
     'y = dot(T,x) + c'
     if T is None:
         T = numpy.eye(2)
         c = numpy.zeros(2)
     R = numpy.eye(2)
     r_o = numpy.zeros(2)
     tx, ty = 0, 0
     sx, sy = 1.0, 1.0
     if 'transform=' in self.header:
         if 'matrix(' in self.header: #"matrix(1.25,0,0,-1.25,-348.3393,383.537)"
             t_11, t_12, t_21, t22, c1, c2 = map(float, extractParms(self.header, 0, 'matrix(', ', ', ')'))
             T_e = numpy.array([[ t_11, t_12], [t_21, t22]])
             c_e = numpy.array([c1,c2])
             T = dot( T_e, T )
             c = dot( T_e, c) + c_e
         if 'translate(' in self.header:
             tx, ty = map(float, extractParms(self.header, 0, 'translate(', ', ', ')'))
         if 'scale(' in self.header:
             scaleParms = map(float, extractParms(self.header, 0, 'scale(', ', ', ')'))
             if len(scaleParms) == 2:
                 sx, sy = scaleParms
                 sx, sy = scaleParms[0], scaleParms[0]
         if 'rotate(' in self.header:
             rotateParms = map(float, extractParms(self.header, 0, 'rotate(', ', ', ')'))
             if len(rotateParms) == 3:
                 rotateDegrees, rx, ry = rotateParms
                 assert len(rotateParms) == 1
                 rotateDegrees, rx, ry = rotateParms[0], 0.0, 0.0
             rads = numpy.pi * rotateDegrees / 180
             R = numpy.array([ [ cos(rads), -sin(rads)], [ sin(rads), cos(rads)] ])
             r_o = numpy.array([ rx, ry])
     T_e = numpy.array([[ sx, 0.0], [0.0, sy]])
     c_e = numpy.array([tx,ty])
     T = dot( T_e, T )
     c = dot( T_e, c) + c_e
     # z = dot(R, y - r_o) + r_o
     # z = dot(R, dot(T,x) + c - r_o) + r_o
     T = dot(R,T)
     c = dot(R,c) - dot(R,r_o) + r_o
     if self.parent != None and cumalative:
         return self.parent.Transforms(T=T, c=c)
         return T, c
 def scaling2(self, s=1.0):
     'other scaling works only for drawingObject.ViewResult groups...'
     if 'transform=' in self.header:
         if 'scale(' in self.header:
             scaleParms = map(float, extractParms(self.header, 0, 'scale(', ', ', ')'))
             if len(scaleParms) == 2:
                 sx, sy = scaleParms
                 sx, sy = scaleParms[0], scaleParms[0]
             s = s * sx
         elif 'matrix(' in self.header: #"matrix(1.25,0,0,-1.25,-348.3393,383.537)"
             sx, shear_1, shear_2, sy, tx, ty = map(float, extractParms(self.header, 0, 'matrix(', ', ', ')'))
             assert shear_1 == 0 and shear_2 == 0
             s = s *sx
     if self.parent != None:
         return self.parent.scaling2(s)
         return s
 def scaling(self):
     sx = 1.0
     if 'scale(' in self.header:
         sx = map(float, extractParms(self.header, 0, 'scale(', ',', ')'))[0]
     if len(self.children) == 1:
         sx_child = self.children[0].scaling()
         sx_child = 1.0
     return sx * sx_child
 def scaling(self):
     sx = 1.0
     if 'scale(' in self.header:
         sx = map(float, extractParms(self.header, 0, 'scale(', ',',
     if len(self.children) == 1:
         sx_child = self.children[0].scaling()
         sx_child = 1.0
     return sx * sx_child
 def applyTransforms(self, x, y):
     R = numpy.eye(2)
     r_o = numpy.zeros(2)
     tx, ty = 0, 0
     sx, sy = 1.0, 1.0
     if 'transform=' in self.header:
         if 'rotate(' in self.header:
             rotateParms = map(
                 float, extractParms(self.header, 0, 'rotate(', ', ', ')'))
             if len(rotateParms) == 3:
                 rotateDegrees, rx, ry = rotateParms
                 assert len(rotateParms) == 1
                 rotateDegrees, rx, ry = rotateParms[0], 0.0, 0.0
             rads = numpy.pi * rotateDegrees / 180
             R = numpy.array([[cos(rads), -sin(rads)],
                              [sin(rads), cos(rads)]])
             r_o = numpy.array([rx, ry])
         if 'translate(' in self.header:
             tx, ty = map(
                 float, extractParms(self.header, 0, 'translate(', ', ',
         if 'scale(' in self.header:
             scaleParms = map(
                 float, extractParms(self.header, 0, 'scale(', ', ', ')'))
             if len(scaleParms) == 2:
                 sx, sy = scaleParms
                 sx, sy = scaleParms[0], scaleParms[0]
         if 'matrix(' in self.header:  #"matrix(1.25,0,0,-1.25,-348.3393,383.537)"
             sx, shear_1, shear_2, sy, tx, ty = map(
                 float, extractParms(self.header, 0, 'matrix(', ', ', ')'))
             if not shear_1 == 0 and shear_2 == 0:
                 raise NotImplementedError(
                     " not shear_1 == 0 and shear_2 == 0! header %s" %
     p = numpy.array([sx * x + tx, sy * y + ty])
     point = dot(R, p - r_o) + r_o
     if self.parent != None:
         return self.parent.applyTransforms(*point)
         return point[0], point[1]
 def scaling2(self, s=1.0):
     'other scaling works only for drawingObject.ViewResult groups...'
     if 'transform=' in self.header:
         if 'scale(' in self.header:
             scaleParms = map(
                 float, extractParms(self.header, 0, 'scale(', ', ', ')'))
             if len(scaleParms) == 2:
                 sx, sy = scaleParms
                 sx, sy = scaleParms[0], scaleParms[0]
             s = s * sx
         elif 'matrix(' in self.header:  #"matrix(1.25,0,0,-1.25,-348.3393,383.537)"
             sx, shear_1, shear_2, sy, tx, ty = map(
                 float, extractParms(self.header, 0, 'matrix(', ', ', ')'))
             assert shear_1 == 0 and shear_2 == 0
             s = s * sx
     if self.parent != None:
         return self.parent.scaling2(s)
         return s
 def __init__(self, element):
     assert isinstance(element, SvgXMLTreeNode)
     self.points = []
     self.lines = []
     points_raw = list(map( float, element.parms['points'].replace(',',' ').split() ))
     X = []
     Y = []
     for i in range(len(points_raw)/2):
         _x = points_raw[i*2]
         _y = points_raw[i*2 + 1]
         x, y =  element.applyTransforms( _x, _y )
         self.points.append( SvgPathPoint( _x, _y, x, y ) )
     for i in range(len(X)-1):
         self.lines.append( SvgPathLine( X[i], Y[i], X[i+1], Y[i+1] ) )
Exemple #10
 def __init__(self, element):
     assert isinstance(element, SvgXMLTreeNode)
     self.points = []
     self.lines = []
     points_raw = list(
         map(float, element.parms['points'].replace(',', ' ').split()))
     X = []
     Y = []
     for i in range(len(points_raw) / 2):
         _x = points_raw[i * 2]
         _y = points_raw[i * 2 + 1]
         x, y = element.applyTransforms(_x, _y)
         self.points.append(SvgPathPoint(_x, _y, x, y))
     for i in range(len(X) - 1):
         self.lines.append(SvgPathLine(X[i], Y[i], X[i + 1], Y[i + 1]))
    def __init__( self, element):
        assert isinstance(element, SvgXMLTreeNode)
        self.points = []
        self.lines = []
        self.arcs = []
        self.bezierCurves = []
        self.elements = [] # for preserving order of path elements, pen movements are not considered elements since they do not result in a direct visual effect
        dParmsXML_org = element.parms['d'].replace(',',' ')
        #<spacing corrections>
        dParmsXML = ''
        for a,b in zip(dParmsXML_org[:-1], dParmsXML_org[1:]):
            if a in 'MmLlAaCcQZzHhVv':
                if len(dParmsXML) > 0 and dParmsXML[-1] != ' ':
                    dParmsXML = dParmsXML + ' '
                dParmsXML = dParmsXML + a
                if b != ' ':
                    dParmsXML = dParmsXML + ' '
            elif a != ' ' and a != 'e' and b == '-':
                dParmsXML = dParmsXML + a + ' '
                dParmsXML = dParmsXML + a
        if b in 'MmLlAaCcQZzHhVv' and dParmsXML[-1] != ' ':
            dParmsXML = dParmsXML + ' '
        dParmsXML = dParmsXML + b
        #<spacing corrections>
        parms = dParmsXML.replace(',',' ').strip().split()
        _pen_x = 0
        _pen_y = 0
        j = 0
        pathDescriptor = None
        while j < len(parms):
            if parms[j] in list('MmLlAaCcQZzHhVv,'):
                pathDescriptor = parms[j]
            else: #using previous pathDescriptor
                if pathDescriptor == None:
                    raise RuntimeError('pathDescriptor == None! unable to parse path "%s" with d parms %s' % (element.XML[element.pStart: element.pEnd], parms))
                parms.insert(j, pathDescriptor.replace('m','l').replace('M','L'))
            if parms[j] == 'M' or parms[j] == 'm':
                if parms[j] == 'M':
                    _pen_x, _pen_y = float(parms[j+1]), float(parms[j+2])
                else: #m
                    _pen_x = _pen_x + float(parms[j+1])
                    _pen_y = _pen_y + float(parms[j+2])
                pen_x, pen_y = element.applyTransforms( _pen_x, _pen_y )
                _path_start_x , _path_start_y = _pen_x, _pen_y
                path_start_x , path_start_y = pen_x, pen_y
                self.points.append( SvgPathPoint( _pen_x, _pen_y, pen_x, pen_y ) )
                j = j + 3   
            elif parms[j] in 'LlZzVvHh':
                if  parms[j] in 'Ll':
                    if parms[j] == 'L':
                        _end_x, _end_y = float(parms[j+1]), float(parms[j+2])
                        _end_x = _pen_x + float(parms[j+1])
                        _end_y = _pen_y + float(parms[j+2])
                    end_x, end_y = element.applyTransforms( _end_x, _end_y )
                    self.points.append( SvgPathPoint( _end_x, _end_y, end_x, end_y ) )
                    j = j + 3
                elif parms[j] in  'VvHh':
                    if parms[j] == 'V':
                        _end_x, _end_y = _pen_x, float(parms[j+1])
                    elif parms[j] == 'v':
                        _end_x = _pen_x
                        _end_y = _pen_y + float(parms[j+1])
                    elif parms[j] == 'H':
                        _end_x, _end_y = float(parms[j+1]), _pen_y
                    elif parms[j] == 'h':
                        _end_x = _pen_x + float(parms[j+1])
                        _end_y = _pen_y 
                    end_x, end_y = element.applyTransforms( _end_x, _end_y )
                    self.points.append( SvgPathPoint( _end_x, _end_y, end_x, end_y ) )
                    j = j + 2
                else: #parms[j] == 'Z':
                    _end_x, _end_y = _path_start_x , _path_start_y
                    end_x, end_y = path_start_x , path_start_y
                    j = j + 1
                self.lines.append( SvgPathLine( pen_x, pen_y, end_x, end_y ) )
                self.elements.append( self.lines[-1] )
                _pen_x, _pen_y = _end_x, _end_y
                pen_x, pen_y = end_x, end_y

            elif parms[j] == 'A' or parms[j] == 'a':
                # The arc command begins with the x and y radius and ends with the ending point of the arc. 
                # Between these are three other values: x axis rotation, large arc flag and sweep flag.
                rX, rY, xRotation, largeArc, sweep, _end_x, _end_y = list(map( float, parms[j+1:j+1 + 7] ))
                #print(_end_x, _end_y)
                if parms[j] == 'a':
                    _end_x = _pen_x + _end_x
                    _end_y = _pen_y + _end_y
                    #print(_end_x, _end_y)
                end_x, end_y = element.applyTransforms( _end_x, _end_y )
                if not ( _pen_x == _end_x and _pen_y == _end_y ) and rX != 0 and rY != 0:
                    self.points.append( SvgPathPoint(_end_x, _end_y, end_x, end_y) )
                        self.arcs.append( SvgPathArc( element, _pen_x, _pen_y,  rX, rY, xRotation, largeArc, sweep, _end_x, _end_y ) )
                    except SvgParseError as e:
                        printWarning( 2, 'failed to parse arc: msg %s' % str(e) )
                _pen_x, _pen_y = _end_x, _end_y
                pen_x, pen_y = end_x, end_y
                j = j + 8

            elif parms[j] == 'C' or parms[j] == 'c' or parms[j] =='Q': #Bézier curve 
                if parms[j] == 'C' or parms[j] == 'c':
                    #cubic Bézier curve from the current point to (x,y) using 
                    # (x1,y1) as the control point at the beginning of the curve and (x2,y2) as the control point at the end of the curve.
                    if parms[j] == 'C':
                        _x1, _y1, _x2, _y2, _end_x, _end_y = list(map( float, parms[j+1:j+1 + 6] ))
                    else: #parms[j] == 'c':
                        _x1, _y1, _x2, _y2, _end_x, _end_y = numpy.array(map( float, parms[j+1:j+1 + 6] )) + numpy.array([_pen_x,_pen_y]*3)
                    P = [ [pen_x, pen_y], element.applyTransforms(_x1, _y1), element.applyTransforms(_x2, _y2), element.applyTransforms(_end_x, _end_y) ]
                    j = j + 7
                elif parms[j] == 'Q': # quadratic Bézier curve from the current point to (x,y) using (x1,y1) as the control point. 
                    # Q (uppercase) indicates that absolute coordinates will follow; 
                    # q (lowercase) indicates that relative coordinates will follow. 
                    # Multiple sets of coordinates may be specified to draw a polybézier. 
                    # At the end of the command, the new current point becomes the final (x,y) coordinate pair used in the polybézier.
                    _x1, _y1, _end_x, _end_y = list(map( float, parms[j+1:j+1 + 4] ))
                    j = j + 5
                    P = [ [pen_x, pen_y], element.applyTransforms(_x1, _y1), element.applyTransforms(_end_x, _end_y) ]
                self.bezierCurves.append( SvgPathBezierCurve(P) )
                end_x, end_y = P[-1]
                self.points.append(  SvgPathPoint(_end_x, _end_y, end_x, end_y) )
                raise RuntimeError('unable to parse path "%s" with d parms %s' % (element.XML[element.pStart: element.pEnd], parms))
FF	0	3F	240	255	0	63
FF	AA	BF	241	255	170	191
BD	0	2E	242	189	0	46
BD	7E	8D	243	189	126	141
81	0	1F	244	129	0	31
81	56	60	245	129	86	96
68	0	19	246	104	0	25
68	45	4E	247	104	69	78
4F	0	13	248	79	0	19
4F	35	3B	249	79	53	59
33	33	33	250	51	51	51
50	50	50	251	80	80	80
69	69	69	252	105	105	105
82	82	82	253	130	130	130
BE	BE	BE	254	190	190	190
FF	FF	FF	255	255	255	255'''

dxf_colours = numpy.zeros([ 256, 3 ])

for line in color_table_text.split('\n'):
    parts = line.split()
    ind = int(parts[3])
    r,g,b = map(int, parts[4:])
    dxf_colours[ind] = r,g,b

def colorLookup(r,g,b):
    clr = numpy.array([r,g,b])
    errors = [ numpy.linalg.norm( clr - row) for row in dxf_colours ]
    min_ind = errors.index( min(errors) )
    return min_ind, dxf_colours[min_ind]
Exemple #13
    def __init__(self, element):
        assert isinstance(element, SvgXMLTreeNode)
        self.points = []
        self.lines = []
        self.arcs = []
        self.bezierCurves = []
        self.elements = [
        ]  # for preserving order of path elements, pen movements are not considered elements since they do not result in a direct visual effect
        dParmsXML_org = element.parms['d'].replace(',', ' ')
        #<spacing corrections>
        dParmsXML = ''
        for a, b in zip(dParmsXML_org[:-1], dParmsXML_org[1:]):
            if a in 'MmLlAaCcQZzHhVv':
                if len(dParmsXML) > 0 and dParmsXML[-1] != ' ':
                    dParmsXML = dParmsXML + ' '
                dParmsXML = dParmsXML + a
                if b != ' ':
                    dParmsXML = dParmsXML + ' '
            elif a != ' ' and a != 'e' and b == '-':
                dParmsXML = dParmsXML + a + ' '
                dParmsXML = dParmsXML + a
        if b in 'MmLlAaCcQZzHhVv' and dParmsXML[-1] != ' ':
            dParmsXML = dParmsXML + ' '
        dParmsXML = dParmsXML + b
        #<spacing corrections>
        parms = dParmsXML.replace(',', ' ').strip().split()
        _pen_x = 0
        _pen_y = 0
        j = 0
        pathDescriptor = None
        while j < len(parms):
            if parms[j] in list('MmLlAaCcQZzHhVv,'):
                pathDescriptor = parms[j]
            else:  #using previous pathDescriptor
                if pathDescriptor == None:
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        'pathDescriptor == None! unable to parse path "%s" with d parms %s'
                        % (element.XML[element.pStart:element.pEnd], parms))
                    pathDescriptor.replace('m', 'l').replace('M', 'L'))

            if parms[j] == 'M' or parms[j] == 'm':
                if parms[j] == 'M':
                    _pen_x, _pen_y = float(parms[j + 1]), float(parms[j + 2])
                else:  #m
                    _pen_x = _pen_x + float(parms[j + 1])
                    _pen_y = _pen_y + float(parms[j + 2])
                pen_x, pen_y = element.applyTransforms(_pen_x, _pen_y)
                _path_start_x, _path_start_y = _pen_x, _pen_y
                path_start_x, path_start_y = pen_x, pen_y
                self.points.append(SvgPathPoint(_pen_x, _pen_y, pen_x, pen_y))
                j = j + 3

            elif parms[j] in 'LlZzVvHh':
                if parms[j] in 'Ll':
                    if parms[j] == 'L':
                        _end_x, _end_y = float(parms[j + 1]), float(parms[j +
                        _end_x = _pen_x + float(parms[j + 1])
                        _end_y = _pen_y + float(parms[j + 2])
                    end_x, end_y = element.applyTransforms(_end_x, _end_y)
                        SvgPathPoint(_end_x, _end_y, end_x, end_y))
                    j = j + 3
                elif parms[j] in 'VvHh':
                    if parms[j] == 'V':
                        _end_x, _end_y = _pen_x, float(parms[j + 1])
                    elif parms[j] == 'v':
                        _end_x = _pen_x
                        _end_y = _pen_y + float(parms[j + 1])
                    elif parms[j] == 'H':
                        _end_x, _end_y = float(parms[j + 1]), _pen_y
                    elif parms[j] == 'h':
                        _end_x = _pen_x + float(parms[j + 1])
                        _end_y = _pen_y
                    end_x, end_y = element.applyTransforms(_end_x, _end_y)
                        SvgPathPoint(_end_x, _end_y, end_x, end_y))
                    j = j + 2
                else:  #parms[j] == 'Z':
                    _end_x, _end_y = _path_start_x, _path_start_y
                    end_x, end_y = path_start_x, path_start_y
                    j = j + 1
                self.lines.append(SvgPathLine(pen_x, pen_y, end_x, end_y))
                _pen_x, _pen_y = _end_x, _end_y
                pen_x, pen_y = end_x, end_y

            elif parms[j] == 'A' or parms[j] == 'a':
                # The arc command begins with the x and y radius and ends with the ending point of the arc.
                # Between these are three other values: x axis rotation, large arc flag and sweep flag.
                rX, rY, xRotation, largeArc, sweep, _end_x, _end_y = list(
                    map(float, parms[j + 1:j + 1 + 7]))
                #print(_end_x, _end_y)
                if parms[j] == 'a':
                    _end_x = _pen_x + _end_x
                    _end_y = _pen_y + _end_y
                    #print(_end_x, _end_y)
                end_x, end_y = element.applyTransforms(_end_x, _end_y)
                if not (_pen_x == _end_x
                        and _pen_y == _end_y) and rX != 0 and rY != 0:
                        SvgPathPoint(_end_x, _end_y, end_x, end_y))
                            SvgPathArc(element, _pen_x, _pen_y, rX, rY,
                                       xRotation, largeArc, sweep, _end_x,
                    except SvgParseError as e:
                        printWarning(2, 'failed to parse arc: msg %s' % str(e))
                _pen_x, _pen_y = _end_x, _end_y
                pen_x, pen_y = end_x, end_y
                j = j + 8

            elif parms[j] == 'C' or parms[j] == 'c' or parms[
                    j] == 'Q':  #Bézier curve
                if parms[j] == 'C' or parms[j] == 'c':
                    #cubic Bézier curve from the current point to (x,y) using
                    # (x1,y1) as the control point at the beginning of the curve and (x2,y2) as the control point at the end of the curve.
                    if parms[j] == 'C':
                        _x1, _y1, _x2, _y2, _end_x, _end_y = list(
                            map(float, parms[j + 1:j + 1 + 6]))
                    else:  #parms[j] == 'c':
                        _x1, _y1, _x2, _y2, _end_x, _end_y = numpy.array(
                            map(float, parms[j + 1:j + 1 + 6])) + numpy.array(
                                [_pen_x, _pen_y] * 3)
                    P = [[pen_x, pen_y],
                         element.applyTransforms(_x1, _y1),
                         element.applyTransforms(_x2, _y2),
                         element.applyTransforms(_end_x, _end_y)]
                    j = j + 7
                elif parms[
                        j] == 'Q':  # quadratic Bézier curve from the current point to (x,y) using (x1,y1) as the control point.
                    # Q (uppercase) indicates that absolute coordinates will follow;
                    # q (lowercase) indicates that relative coordinates will follow.
                    # Multiple sets of coordinates may be specified to draw a polybézier.
                    # At the end of the command, the new current point becomes the final (x,y) coordinate pair used in the polybézier.
                    _x1, _y1, _end_x, _end_y = list(
                        map(float, parms[j + 1:j + 1 + 4]))
                    j = j + 5
                    P = [[pen_x, pen_y],
                         element.applyTransforms(_x1, _y1),
                         element.applyTransforms(_end_x, _end_y)]
                end_x, end_y = P[-1]
                self.points.append(SvgPathPoint(_end_x, _end_y, end_x, end_y))

                raise RuntimeError(
                    'unable to parse path "%s" with d parms %s' %
                    (element.XML[element.pStart:element.pEnd], parms))
 def textChanged( self, arg1=None):
         self.dimensioningProcess.dimensionConstructorKWs[ ] = map(float, [v for v in self.textbox.toPlainText().split('\n') if len(v.strip())>0])
         #debugPrint(1, str(self.dimensioningProcess.dimensionConstructorKWs[ ]))
 def FreeCAD_parm_to_val( self, FreeCAD_parm ):
     return map(float, FreeCAD_parm.split('\n'))
 def val_to_FreeCAD_parm( self, val ):
     return '\n'.join(map(str, val))