def generate_plan(self, behavior): plan = drc.footstep_plan_t() plan.utime = 0 plan.params = drc.footstep_plan_params_t() plan.params.behavior = behavior plan.footsteps = [] plan.num_steps = 10 for j in range(plan.num_steps): goal = drc.footstep_t() goal.utime = 0 goal.pos = drc.position_3d_t() goal.pos.translation = drc.vector_3d_t() goal.params = drc.footstep_params_t() if 1 <= j <= 2: # this works in Python! goal.pos.translation.x = 0 goal.pos.translation.y = 0 goal.pos.translation.z = 0 goal.pos.rotation = drc.quaternion_t() goal.pos.rotation.x = 0 goal.pos.rotation.y = 0 goal.pos.rotation.z = 0 goal.pos.rotation.w = 1 else: goal.pos.translation.x = 0.15 * j + (0.5 - random.random()) * 0.15 goal.pos.translation.y = random.random() * 0.15 * j + ( 0.5 - random.random()) * 0.2 goal.pos.translation.z = (0.5 - random.random()) * 0.2 goal.pos.rotation = drc.quaternion_t() goal.pos.rotation.x = random.random() goal.pos.rotation.y = random.random() goal.pos.rotation.z = random.random() goal.pos.rotation.w = random.random() = j + 1 goal.is_right_foot = j % 2 == 0 goal.is_in_contact = True goal.fixed_x = True goal.fixed_y = True goal.fixed_z = True goal.fixed_roll = True goal.fixed_pitch = True goal.fixed_yaw = True goal.params.step_speed = 1.5 goal.params.step_height = random.random() * 0.25 goal.params.bdi_step_duration = 2.0 goal.params.bdi_sway_duration = 0 goal.params.bdi_lift_height = random.random() * 0.15 goal.params.bdi_toe_off = 0 goal.params.bdi_knee_nominal = 0 goal.num_terrain_pts = 3 goal.terrain_path_dist = [0, 0.1, 0.2] goal.terrain_height = [0, random.random() * 0.15, 0] plan.footsteps.append(goal) return plan
def encode_footstep_plan(footsteps, params): plan = drc.footstep_plan_t() plan.num_steps = len(footsteps) plan.footsteps = [step.to_footstep_t() for step in footsteps] if params is not None: plan.params = params else: plan.params = drc.footstep_plan_params_t() plan.iris_region_assignments = [-1 for f in footsteps] return plan
def generate_plan(self, behavior): plan = drc.footstep_plan_t() plan.utime = 0 plan.params = drc.footstep_plan_params_t() plan.params.behavior = behavior plan.footsteps = [] plan.num_steps = 10 for j in range(plan.num_steps): goal = drc.footstep_t() goal.utime = 0 goal.pos = drc.position_3d_t(); goal.pos.translation = drc.vector_3d_t() goal.params = drc.footstep_params_t() if 1 <= j <= 2: # this works in Python! goal.pos.translation.x = 0 goal.pos.translation.y = 0 goal.pos.translation.z = 0 goal.pos.rotation = drc.quaternion_t() goal.pos.rotation.x = 0 goal.pos.rotation.y = 0 goal.pos.rotation.z = 0 goal.pos.rotation.w = 1 else: goal.pos.translation.x = 0.15 * j + (0.5 - random.random()) * 0.15 goal.pos.translation.y = random.random() * 0.15 * j + (0.5 - random.random()) * 0.2 goal.pos.translation.z = (0.5 - random.random()) * 0.2 goal.pos.rotation = drc.quaternion_t() goal.pos.rotation.x = random.random() goal.pos.rotation.y = random.random() goal.pos.rotation.z = random.random() goal.pos.rotation.w = random.random() = j+1 goal.is_right_foot = j % 2 == 0 goal.is_in_contact = True goal.fixed_x = True goal.fixed_y = True goal.fixed_z = True goal.fixed_roll = True goal.fixed_pitch= True goal.fixed_yaw = True goal.params.step_speed = 1.5 goal.params.step_height = random.random() * 0.25 goal.params.bdi_step_duration = 2.0 goal.params.bdi_sway_duration = 0 goal.params.bdi_lift_height = random.random() * 0.15 goal.params.bdi_toe_off = 0 goal.params.bdi_knee_nominal = 0 goal.num_terrain_pts = 3 goal.terrain_path_dist = [0, 0.1, 0.2] goal.terrain_height = [0, random.random() * 0.15, 0] plan.footsteps.append(goal) return plan
def request_handler(channel, data): request = drc.footstep_plan_request_t.decode(data) # ----- Send LCM message based on received info ----- # Create Footstep planner and get solution f = FootstepPlanner(2) # Create Atlas object print("----------------------------------") pm = PackageMap() model = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.sep, "home", "rahuly", "Data", "drake-new", "drake-distro", "drake", "examples", "atlas", "urdf", "atlas_minimal_contact.urdf")) pm.PopulateUpstreamToDrake(model) robot = rbtree.RigidBodyTree( model, package_map=pm, floating_base_type=rbtree.FloatingBaseType.kQuaternion) t = request.initial_state.pose.translation r = request.initial_state.pose.rotation q = [t.x, t.y, t.z] + [r.w, r.x, r.y, r.z] + list( request.initial_state.joint_position) q = tuple(q) v = [0] * 6 + list(request.initial_state.joint_velocity) v = tuple(v) kinsol = robot.doKinematics(q, v) r_startpos = robot.transformPoints( kinsol, np.zeros((3, 1)), robot.findFrame("r_foot_sole").get_frame_index(), 0) l_startpos = robot.transformPoints( kinsol, np.zeros((3, 1)), robot.findFrame("l_foot_sole").get_frame_index(), 0) print("r_startpos: " + str(r_startpos)) print("l_startpos: " + str(l_startpos)) print("----------------------------------") f.setStartRL(r_startpos, l_startpos) f.setGoal( [request.goal_pos.translation.x, request.goal_pos.translation.y]) f.setReachable([(0, -0.2), (0.5, 0), (0, 0.2), (-0.3, 0)], 0.3) # f.setNominal(0.5) f.solveProgram() # Package solution into footstep_plan_t plan = drc.footstep_plan_t() # - Footsteps plan.num_steps = 2 * f.numFootsteps for fNum in range(0, f.numFootsteps): # -- Right Footstep rstep = drc.footstep_t() rstep.pos.rotation.w = 1 rspos = np.array([[f.footsteps[2 * fNum][0]], [f.footsteps[2 * fNum][1]], [0]]) # rs = np.array([f.footsteps[2*fNum][0], f.footsteps[2*fNum][1], 0]) rs = robot.transformPoints( kinsol, rspos, robot.FindBody("r_foot").get_body_index(), robot.findFrame("r_foot_sole").get_frame_index()) print("Right: " + str(rs)) rstep.pos.translation.x = rs[0] rstep.pos.translation.y = rs[1] rstep.pos.translation.z = rs[2] # pos.rotation ?? = 2 * fNum rstep.is_right_foot = True rstep.params = request.default_step_params plan.footsteps.append(rstep) # -- Left Footstep lstep = drc.footstep_t() lstep.pos.rotation.w = 1 lspos = np.array([[f.footsteps[2 * fNum + 1][0]], [f.footsteps[2 * fNum + 1][1]], [0]]) # ls = np.array([f.footsteps[2*fNum+1][0], f.footsteps[2*fNum+1][1], 0]) ls = robot.transformPoints( kinsol, lspos, robot.FindBody("l_foot").get_body_index(), robot.findFrame("l_foot_sole").get_frame_index()) print("Left: " + str(ls)) lstep.pos.translation.x = ls[0] lstep.pos.translation.y = ls[1] lstep.pos.translation.z = ls[2] # pos.rotation ?? = 2 * fNum + 1 lstep.is_right_foot = False lstep.params = request.default_step_params plan.footsteps.append(lstep) # - IRIS Regions plan.num_iris_regions = request.num_iris_regions plan.iris_regions = request.iris_regions plan.iris_region_assignments = [-1] * plan.num_steps # - Params: AFTER WE HAVE REQUESTS WORKING plan.params = request.params # Send footstep_plan_t lc.publish("FOOTSTEP_PLAN", plan.encode())