Exemple #1
def merge(opts, args, gui = None):
  writeGerberHeader = writeGerberHeader22degrees
  global GUI
  GUI = gui

  skipDisclaimer = 0
  for opt, arg in opts:
    if opt in ('--octagons',):
      if arg=='rotate':
        writeGerberHeader = writeGerberHeader0degrees
      elif arg=='normal':
        writeGerberHeader = writeGerberHeader22degrees
        raise RuntimeError, 'Unknown octagon format'
    elif opt in ('--random-search',):
      config.AutoSearchType = RANDOM_SEARCH
    elif opt in ('--full-search',):
      config.AutoSearchType = EXHAUSTIVE_SEARCH
    elif opt in ('--rs-fsjobs',):
      config.RandomSearchExhaustiveJobs = int(arg)
    elif opt in ('--search-timeout',):
      config.SearchTimeout = int(arg)
    elif opt in ('--place-file',):
      config.AutoSearchType = FROM_FILE
      config.PlacementFile = arg
    elif opt in ('--no-trim-gerber',):
      config.TrimGerber = 0
    elif opt in ('--no-trim-excellon',):
      config.TrimExcellon = 0
    elif opt in ('-s', '--skipdisclaimer'):
      skipDisclaimer = 1
      raise RuntimeError, "Unknown option: %s" % opt

  if len(args) > 2 or len(args) < 1:
    raise RuntimeError, 'Invalid number of arguments'

  if (skipDisclaimer == 0):
  # Load up the Jobs global dictionary, also filling out GAT, the
  # global aperture table and GAMT, the global aperture macro table.
  updateGUI("Reading job files...")

  # Force all X and Y coordinates positive by adding absolute value of minimum X and Y
  # KHK: name contains the names of the individual "jobs". A job represents one printed curcuit board.
  # KHK: Jobs is a dictionary, which is generated in config.py, the name of the individual pcb is used as key in the dictionary.
  # KHK: "jobs.Job is a specific instance xyz" - jobs.Job is a class with its onw methods, i.e. fixcoordinates() etc. - can be interpreted as a Gerber layer of a job. 
  # KHK: name, job are arbitrary temporary variables used as index to store the key and value of the dictionary
  for name, job in config.Jobs.iteritems():
    min_x, min_y = job.mincoordinates()
    shift_x = shift_y = 0
    if min_x < 0: shift_x = abs(min_x)
    if min_y < 0: shift_y = abs(min_y)
    if (shift_x > 0) or (shift_y > 0):
      job.fixcoordinates( shift_x, shift_y )

  # Display job properties                                                                
  for job in config.Jobs.values():
    print 'Job %s:' % job.name,
    if job.Repeat > 1:
      print '(%d instances)' % job.Repeat
    print '  Extents: (%d,%d)-(%d,%d)' % (job.minx,job.miny,job.maxx,job.maxy)
    # add metric support (1/1000 mm vs. 1/100,000 inch)
    if config.Config['measurementunits'] == 'inch':
      print '  Size: %f" x %f"' % (job.width_in(), job.height_in())
      print '  Size: %5.3fmm x %5.3fmm' % (job.width_in(), job.height_in())

  # Trim drill locations and flash data to board extents
  if config.TrimExcellon:
    updateGUI("Trimming Excellon data...")
    print 'Trimming Excellon data to board outlines ...'
    for job in config.Jobs.values():

  if config.TrimGerber:
    updateGUI("Trimming Gerber data...")
    print 'Trimming Gerber data to board outlines ...'
    for job in config.Jobs.values():

  # We start origin at (0.1", 0.1") just so we don't get numbers close to 0
  # which could trip up Excellon leading-0 elimination.
  # I don't want to change the origin. If this a code bug, then it should be fixed (SDD)
  OriginX = OriginY = 0 #0.1

  # Read the layout file and construct the nested list of jobs. If there
  # is no layout file, do auto-layout.
  updateGUI("Performing layout...")
  print 'Performing layout ...'
  if len(args) > 1:
    Layout = parselayout.parseLayoutFile(args[1])

    # Do the layout, updating offsets for each component job.
    X = OriginX + config.Config['leftmargin']
    Y = OriginY + config.Config['bottommargin']

    for row in Layout:
      row.setPosition(X, Y)
      Y += row.height_in() + config.Config['yspacing']

    # Construct a canonical placement from the layout
    Place = placement.Placement()

    del Layout

  elif config.AutoSearchType == FROM_FILE:
    Place = placement.Placement()
    Place.addFromFile(config.PlacementFile, config.Jobs)
    # Do an automatic layout based on our tiling algorithm.
    tile = tile_jobs(config.Jobs.values())

    Place = placement.Placement()
    Place.addFromTiling(tile, OriginX + config.Config['leftmargin'], OriginY + config.Config['bottommargin'])

  (MaxXExtent,MaxYExtent) = Place.extents()
  MaxXExtent += config.Config['rightmargin']
  MaxYExtent += config.Config['topmargin']

  # Start printing out the Gerbers. In preparation for drawing cut marks
  # and crop marks, make sure we have an aperture to draw with. Use a 10mil line.
  # If we're doing a fabrication drawing, we'll need a 1mil line.
  OutputFiles = []

    fullname = config.MergeOutputFiles['placement']
  except KeyError:
    fullname = 'merged.placement.txt'

  # For cut lines
  AP = aptable.Aperture(aptable.Circle, 'D??', config.Config['cutlinewidth'])
  drawing_code_cut = aptable.findInApertureTable(AP)
  if drawing_code_cut is None:
    drawing_code_cut = aptable.addToApertureTable(AP)

  # For crop marks
  AP = aptable.Aperture(aptable.Circle, 'D??', config.Config['cropmarkwidth'])
  drawing_code_crop = aptable.findInApertureTable(AP)
  if drawing_code_crop is None:
    drawing_code_crop = aptable.addToApertureTable(AP)

  # For fiducials
  drawing_code_fiducial_copper = drawing_code_fiducial_soldermask = None
  if config.Config['fiducialpoints']:
    AP = aptable.Aperture(aptable.Circle, 'D??', config.Config['fiducialcopperdiameter'])
    drawing_code_fiducial_copper = aptable.findInApertureTable(AP)
    if drawing_code_fiducial_copper is None:
      drawing_code_fiducial_copper = aptable.addToApertureTable(AP)
    AP = aptable.Aperture(aptable.Circle, 'D??', config.Config['fiducialmaskdiameter'])
    drawing_code_fiducial_soldermask = aptable.findInApertureTable(AP)
    if drawing_code_fiducial_soldermask is None:
      drawing_code_fiducial_soldermask = aptable.addToApertureTable(AP)

  # For fabrication drawing.
  AP = aptable.Aperture(aptable.Circle, 'D??', 0.001)
  drawing_code1 = aptable.findInApertureTable(AP)
  if drawing_code1 is None:
    drawing_code1 = aptable.addToApertureTable(AP)

  updateGUI("Writing merged files...")
  print 'Writing merged output files ...'

  for layername in config.LayerList.keys():
    lname = layername
    if lname[0]=='*':
      lname = lname[1:]

      fullname = config.MergeOutputFiles[layername]
    except KeyError:
      fullname = 'merged.%s.ger' % lname
    #print 'Writing %s ...' % fullname
    fid = file(fullname, 'wt')
    # Determine which apertures and macros are truly needed
    apUsedDict = {}
    apmUsedDict = {}
    for job in Place.jobs:
      apd, apmd = job.aperturesAndMacros(layername)

    # Increase aperature sizes to match minimum feature dimension                         
    if config.MinimumFeatureDimension.has_key(layername):
      print '  Thickening', lname, 'feature dimensions ...'
      # Fix each aperture used in this layer
      for ap in apUsedDict.keys():
        new = config.GAT[ap].getAdjusted( config.MinimumFeatureDimension[layername] )
        if not new: ## current aperture size met minimum requirement
        else:       ## new aperture was created
          new_code = aptable.findOrAddAperture(new) ## get name of existing aperture or create new one if needed
          del apUsedDict[ap]                        ## the old aperture is no longer used in this layer
          apUsedDict[new_code] = None               ## the new aperture will be used in this layer
          # Replace all references to the old aperture with the new one
          for joblayout in Place.jobs:
            job = joblayout.job ##access job inside job layout 
            temp = []
            if job.hasLayer(layername):
              for x in job.commands[layername]:
                if x == ap:
                  temp.append(new_code) ## replace old aperture with new one
                  temp.append(x)        ## keep old command
              job.commands[layername] = temp

    if config.Config['cutlinelayers'] and (layername in config.Config['cutlinelayers']):

    if config.Config['cropmarklayers'] and (layername in config.Config['cropmarklayers']):
    if config.Config['fiducialpoints']:
      if ((layername=='*toplayer') or (layername=='*bottomlayer')):
        apUsedDict[drawing_code_fiducial_copper] = None
      elif ((layername=='*topsoldermask') or (layername=='*bottomsoldermask')):
        apUsedDict[drawing_code_fiducial_soldermask] = None

    # Write only necessary macro and aperture definitions to Gerber file
    writeApertureMacros(fid, apmUsedDict)
    writeApertures(fid, apUsedDict)

    #for row in Layout:
    #  row.writeGerber(fid, layername)

    #  # Do cut lines
    #  if config.Config['cutlinelayers'] and (layername in config.Config['cutlinelayers']):
    #    fid.write('%s*\n' % drawing_code_cut)    # Choose drawing aperture
    #    row.writeCutLines(fid, drawing_code_cut, OriginX, OriginY, MaxXExtent, MaxYExtent)

    # Finally, write actual flash data
    for job in Place.jobs:
      updateGUI("Writing merged output files...")
      job.writeGerber(fid, layername)

      if config.Config['cutlinelayers'] and (layername in config.Config['cutlinelayers']):
        fid.write('%s*\n' % drawing_code_cut)    # Choose drawing aperture
        #print "writing drawcode_cut: %s" % drawing_code_cut
        job.writeCutLines(fid, drawing_code_cut, OriginX, OriginY, MaxXExtent, MaxYExtent)

    if config.Config['cropmarklayers']:
      if layername in config.Config['cropmarklayers']:
        writeCropMarks(fid, drawing_code_crop, OriginX, OriginY, MaxXExtent, MaxYExtent)

    if config.Config['fiducialpoints']:
      if ((layername=='*toplayer') or (layername=='*bottomlayer')):
        writeFiducials(fid, drawing_code_fiducial_copper, OriginX, OriginY, MaxXExtent, MaxYExtent)
      elif ((layername=='*topsoldermask') or (layername=='*bottomsoldermask')):
        writeFiducials(fid, drawing_code_fiducial_soldermask, OriginX, OriginY, MaxXExtent, MaxYExtent)
# KHK Patch Begin: added for Seeed Studio to generate an outline for all panelized gerber files

    if config.Config['outlinelayers'] and (layername in config.Config['outlinelayers']):
      writeOutline(fid, OriginX, OriginY, MaxXExtent, MaxYExtent)

# KHK Patch End: added for Seeed Studio to generate an outline for all panelized gerber files


  # Write board outline layer if selected
  fullname = config.Config['outlinelayerfile']
  if fullname and fullname.lower() != "none":
    #print 'Writing %s ...' % fullname
    fid = file(fullname, 'wt')

    # Write width-1 aperture to file
    # add metric support
    if config.Config['measurementunits'] == 'inch':
      AP = aptable.Aperture(aptable.Circle, 'D10', 0.001)
      AP = aptable.Aperture(aptable.Circle, 'D10', 0.25) # we'll use 0.25 mm - same as Diptrace

    # Choose drawing aperture D10

    # Draw the rectangle
    fid.write('X%07dY%07dD02*\n' % (util.in2gerb(OriginX), util.in2gerb(OriginY)))        # Bottom-left
    fid.write('X%07dY%07dD01*\n' % (util.in2gerb(OriginX), util.in2gerb(MaxYExtent)))     # Top-left
    fid.write('X%07dY%07dD01*\n' % (util.in2gerb(MaxXExtent), util.in2gerb(MaxYExtent)))  # Top-right
    fid.write('X%07dY%07dD01*\n' % (util.in2gerb(MaxXExtent), util.in2gerb(OriginY)))     # Bottom-right
    fid.write('X%07dY%07dD01*\n' % (util.in2gerb(OriginX), util.in2gerb(OriginY)))        # Bottom-left


  # Write scoring layer if selected
  fullname = config.Config['scoringfile']
  if fullname and fullname.lower() != "none":
    #print 'Writing %s ...' % fullname
    fid = file(fullname, 'wt')

    # Write width-1 aperture to file
    AP = aptable.Aperture(aptable.Circle, 'D10', 0.001)

    # Choose drawing aperture D10

    # Draw the scoring lines
    scoring.writeScoring(fid, Place, OriginX, OriginY, MaxXExtent, MaxYExtent)


  # Get a list of all tools used by merging keys from each job's dictionary
  # of tools.
  if 0:
    Tools = {}
    for job in config.Jobs.values():
      for key in job.xcommands.keys():
        Tools[key] = 1

    Tools = Tools.keys()
    toolNum = 0

    # First construct global mapping of diameters to tool numbers
    for job in config.Jobs.values():
      for tool,diam in job.xdiam.items():
        if config.GlobalToolRMap.has_key(diam):

        toolNum += 1
        config.GlobalToolRMap[diam] = "T%02d" % toolNum

    # Cluster similar tool sizes to reduce number of drills
    if config.Config['drillclustertolerance'] > 0:
      config.GlobalToolRMap = drillcluster.cluster( config.GlobalToolRMap, config.Config['drillclustertolerance'] )
      drillcluster.remap( Place.jobs, config.GlobalToolRMap.items() )

    # Now construct mapping of tool numbers to diameters
    for diam,tool in config.GlobalToolRMap.items():
      config.GlobalToolMap[tool] = diam

    # Tools is just a list of tool names
    Tools = config.GlobalToolMap.keys()

  fullname = config.Config['fabricationdrawingfile']
  if fullname and fullname.lower() != 'none':
    if len(Tools) > strokes.MaxNumDrillTools:
      raise RuntimeError, "Only %d different tool sizes supported for fabrication drawing." % strokes.MaxNumDrillTools

    #print 'Writing %s ...' % fullname
    fid = file(fullname, 'wt')
    writeApertures(fid, {drawing_code1: None})
    fid.write('%s*\n' % drawing_code1)    # Choose drawing aperture

    fabdrawing.writeFabDrawing(fid, Place, Tools, OriginX, OriginY, MaxXExtent, MaxYExtent)

  # Finally, print out the Excellon
    fullname = config.MergeOutputFiles['drills']
  except KeyError:
    fullname = 'merged.drills.xln'
  #print 'Writing %s ...' % fullname
  fid = file(fullname, 'wt')


  # Ensure each one of our tools is represented in the tool list specified
  # by the user.
  for tool in Tools:
      size = config.GlobalToolMap[tool]
      raise RuntimeError, "INTERNAL ERROR: Tool code %s not found in global tool map" % tool
    writeExcellonTool(fid, tool, size)

    #for row in Layout:
    #  row.writeExcellon(fid, size)
    for job in Place.jobs:
        job.writeExcellon(fid, size)
  updateGUI("Closing files...")

  # Compute stats
  jobarea = 0.0
  #for row in Layout:
  #  jobarea += row.jobarea()
  for job in Place.jobs:
    jobarea += job.jobarea()
  totalarea = ((MaxXExtent-OriginX)*(MaxYExtent-OriginY))

  ToolStats = {}
  drillhits = 0
  for tool in Tools:
    #for row in Layout:
    #  hits = row.drillhits(config.GlobalToolMap[tool])
    #  ToolStats[tool] += hits
    #  drillhits += hits
    for job in Place.jobs:
      hits = job.drillhits(config.GlobalToolMap[tool])
      ToolStats[tool] += hits
      drillhits += hits

    fullname = config.MergeOutputFiles['toollist']
  except KeyError:
    fullname = 'merged.toollist.drl'
  #print 'Writing %s ...' % fullname
  fid = file(fullname, 'wt')

  print '-'*50
  # add metric support (1/1000 mm vs. 1/100,000 inch)
  if config.Config['measurementunits'] == 'inch':
    print '     Job Size : %f" x %f"' % (MaxXExtent-OriginX, MaxYExtent-OriginY)
    print '     Job Area : %.2f sq. in.' % totalarea
    print '     Job Size : %.2fmm x %.2fmm' % (MaxXExtent-OriginX, MaxYExtent-OriginY)
    print '     Job Area : %.0f mm2' % totalarea

  print '   Area Usage : %.1f%%' % (jobarea/totalarea*100)
  print '   Drill hits : %d' % drillhits
  if config.Config['measurementunits'] == 'inch':
    print 'Drill density : %.1f hits/sq.in.' % (drillhits/totalarea)
    print 'Drill density : %.2f hits/cm2' % (100*drillhits/totalarea)

  print '\nTool List:'
  smallestDrill = 999.9
  for tool in Tools:
    if ToolStats[tool]:
      if config.Config['measurementunits'] == 'inch':
        fid.write('%s %.4fin\n' % (tool, config.GlobalToolMap[tool]))
        print '  %s %.4f" %5d hits' % (tool, config.GlobalToolMap[tool], ToolStats[tool])
        fid.write('%s %.4fmm\n' % (tool, config.GlobalToolMap[tool]))
        print '  %s %.4fmm %5d hits' % (tool, config.GlobalToolMap[tool], ToolStats[tool])
      smallestDrill = min(smallestDrill, config.GlobalToolMap[tool])

  if config.Config['measurementunits'] == 'inch':
    print "Smallest Tool: %.4fin" % smallestDrill
    print "Smallest Tool: %.4fmm" % smallestDrill

  print 'Output Files :'
  for f in OutputFiles:
    print '  ', f

  if (MaxXExtent-OriginX)>config.Config['panelwidth'] or (MaxYExtent-OriginY)>config.Config['panelheight']:
    print '*'*75
    print '*'
    # add metric support (1/1000 mm vs. 1/100,000 inch)
    if config.Config['measurementunits'] == 'inch':
      print '* ERROR: Merged job exceeds panel dimensions of %.1f"x%.1f"' % (config.Config['panelwidth'],config.Config['panelheight'])
      print '* ERROR: Merged job exceeds panel dimensions of %.1fmmx%.1fmm' % (config.Config['panelwidth'],config.Config['panelheight'])
    print '*'
    print '*'*75

  # Done!
  return 0
Exemple #2
def merge(opts, args, gui=None):
    writeGerberHeader = writeGerberHeader22degrees

    global GUI
    GUI = gui

    skipDisclaimer = 0

    for opt, arg in opts:
        if opt in ('--octagons', ):
            if arg == 'rotate':
                writeGerberHeader = writeGerberHeader0degrees
            elif arg == 'normal':
                writeGerberHeader = writeGerberHeader22degrees
                raise RuntimeError, 'Unknown octagon format'
        elif opt in ('--random-search', ):
            config.AutoSearchType = RANDOM_SEARCH
        elif opt in ('--full-search', ):
            config.AutoSearchType = EXHAUSTIVE_SEARCH
        elif opt in ('--rs-fsjobs', ):
            config.RandomSearchExhaustiveJobs = int(arg)
        elif opt in ('--search-timeout', ):
            config.SearchTimeout = int(arg)
        elif opt in ('--place-file', ):
            config.AutoSearchType = FROM_FILE
            config.PlacementFile = arg
        elif opt in ('--no-trim-gerber', ):
            config.TrimGerber = 0
        elif opt in ('--no-trim-excellon', ):
            config.TrimExcellon = 0
        elif opt in ('-s', '--skipdisclaimer'):
            skipDisclaimer = 1
            raise RuntimeError, "Unknown option: %s" % opt

    if len(args) > 2 or len(args) < 1:
        raise RuntimeError, 'Invalid number of arguments'

    if (skipDisclaimer == 0):

    # Load up the Jobs global dictionary, also filling out GAT, the
    # global aperture table and GAMT, the global aperture macro table.
    updateGUI("Reading job files...")

    # Display job properties
    for job in config.Jobs.values():
        print 'Job %s:' % job.name,
        if job.Repeat > 1:
            print '(%d instances)' % job.Repeat
        print '  Extents: (%d,%d)-(%d,%d)' % (job.minx, job.miny, job.maxx,
        # add metric support (1/1000 mm vs. 1/100,000 inch)
        if config.Config['measurementunits'] == 'inch':
            print '  Size: %f" x %f"' % (job.width_in(), job.height_in())
            print '  Size: %5.3fmm x %5.3fmm' % (job.width_in(),

    # Trim drill locations and flash data to board extents
    if config.TrimExcellon:
        updateGUI("Trimming Excellon data...")
        print 'Trimming Excellon data to board outlines ...'
        for job in config.Jobs.values():

    if config.TrimGerber:
        updateGUI("Trimming Gerber data...")
        print 'Trimming Gerber data to board outlines ...'
        for job in config.Jobs.values():

    # We start origin at (0.1", 0.1") just so we don't get numbers close to 0
    # which could trip up Excellon leading-0 elimination.
    # I don't want to change the origin. If this a code bug, then it should be fixed (SDD)
    OriginX = OriginY = 0  #0.1

    # Read the layout file and construct the nested list of jobs. If there
    # is no layout file, do auto-layout.
    updateGUI("Performing layout...")
    print 'Performing layout ...'
    if len(args) > 1:
        Layout = parselayout.parseLayoutFile(args[1])

        # Do the layout, updating offsets for each component job.
        X = OriginX + config.Config['leftmargin']
        Y = OriginY + config.Config['bottommargin']

        for row in Layout:
            row.setPosition(X, Y)
            Y += row.height_in() + config.Config['yspacing']

        # Construct a canonical placement from the layout
        Place = placement.Placement()

        del Layout

    elif config.AutoSearchType == FROM_FILE:
        Place = placement.Placement()
        Place.addFromFile(config.PlacementFile, config.Jobs)
        # Do an automatic layout based on our tiling algorithm.
        tile = tile_jobs(config.Jobs.values())

        Place = placement.Placement()
        Place.addFromTiling(tile, OriginX + config.Config['leftmargin'],
                            OriginY + config.Config['bottommargin'])

    (MaxXExtent, MaxYExtent) = Place.extents()
    MaxXExtent += config.Config['rightmargin']
    MaxYExtent += config.Config['topmargin']

    # Start printing out the Gerbers. In preparation for drawing cut marks
    # and crop marks, make sure we have an aperture to draw with. Use a 10mil line.
    # If we're doing a fabrication drawing, we'll need a 1mil line.
    OutputFiles = []

        fullname = config.MergeOutputFiles['placement']
    except KeyError:
        fullname = 'merged.placement.txt'

    # For cut lines
    AP = aptable.Aperture(aptable.Circle, 'D??', config.Config['cutlinewidth'])
    drawing_code_cut = aptable.findInApertureTable(AP)
    if drawing_code_cut is None:
        drawing_code_cut = aptable.addToApertureTable(AP)

    # For score lines
    AP = aptable.Aperture(aptable.Circle, 'D??',
    drawing_code_score = aptable.findInApertureTable(AP)
    if drawing_code_score is None:
        drawing_code_score = aptable.addToApertureTable(AP)

    # For crop marks
    AP = aptable.Aperture(aptable.Circle, 'D??',
    drawing_code_crop = aptable.findInApertureTable(AP)
    if drawing_code_crop is None:
        drawing_code_crop = aptable.addToApertureTable(AP)

    # For fiducials
    drawing_code_fiducial_copper = drawing_code_fiducial_soldermask = None
    if config.Config['fiducialpoints']:
        AP = aptable.Aperture(aptable.Circle, 'D??',
        drawing_code_fiducial_copper = aptable.findInApertureTable(AP)
        if drawing_code_fiducial_copper is None:
            drawing_code_fiducial_copper = aptable.addToApertureTable(AP)
        AP = aptable.Aperture(aptable.Circle, 'D??',
        drawing_code_fiducial_soldermask = aptable.findInApertureTable(AP)
        if drawing_code_fiducial_soldermask is None:
            drawing_code_fiducial_soldermask = aptable.addToApertureTable(AP)

    # For fabrication drawing.
    AP = aptable.Aperture(aptable.Circle, 'D??', 0.001)
    drawing_code1 = aptable.findInApertureTable(AP)
    if drawing_code1 is None:
        drawing_code1 = aptable.addToApertureTable(AP)

    updateGUI("Writing merged files...")
    print 'Writing merged output files ...'

    for layername in config.LayerList.keys():
        lname = layername
        if lname[0] == '*':
            lname = lname[1:]

            fullname = config.MergeOutputFiles[layername]
        except KeyError:
            fullname = 'merged.%s.ger' % lname
        #print 'Writing %s ...' % fullname
        fid = file(fullname, 'wt')

        # Determine which apertures and macros are truly needed
        apUsedDict = {}
        apmUsedDict = {}
        for job in Place.jobs:
            apd, apmd = job.aperturesAndMacros(layername)

        # Increase aperature sizes to match minimum feature dimension
        if config.MinimumFeatureDimension.has_key(layername):

            print '  Thickening', lname, 'feature dimensions ...'

            # Fix each aperture used in this layer
            for ap in apUsedDict.keys():
                new = config.GAT[ap].getAdjusted(
                if not new:  ## current aperture size met minimum requirement
                else:  ## new aperture was created
                    new_code = aptable.findOrAddAperture(
                    )  ## get name of existing aperture or create new one if needed
                    del apUsedDict[
                        ap]  ## the old aperture is no longer used in this layer
                        new_code] = None  ## the new aperture will be used in this layer

                    # Replace all references to the old aperture with the new one
                    for joblayout in Place.jobs:
                        job = joblayout.job  ##access job inside job layout
                        temp = []
                        if job.hasLayer(layername):
                            for x in job.commands[layername]:
                                if x == ap:
                                    )  ## replace old aperture with new one
                                    temp.append(x)  ## keep old command
                            job.commands[layername] = temp

        if config.Config['cutlinelayers'] and (
                layername in config.Config['cutlinelayers']):
            apUsedDict[drawing_code_cut] = None

        if config.Config['scoringlinelayers'] and (
                layername in config.Config['scoringlinelayers']):
            apUsedDict[drawing_code_score] = None

        if config.Config['cropmarklayers'] and (
                layername in config.Config['cropmarklayers']):
            apUsedDict[drawing_code_crop] = None

        if config.Config['fiducialpoints']:
            if ((layername == '*toplayer') or (layername == '*bottomlayer')):
                apUsedDict[drawing_code_fiducial_copper] = None
            elif ((layername == '*topsoldermask')
                  or (layername == '*bottomsoldermask')):
                apUsedDict[drawing_code_fiducial_soldermask] = None

        # Write only necessary macro and aperture definitions to Gerber file
        writeApertureMacros(fid, apmUsedDict)
        writeApertures(fid, apUsedDict)

        #for row in Layout:
        #  row.writeGerber(fid, layername)

        #  # Do cut lines
        #  if config.Config['cutlinelayers'] and (layername in config.Config['cutlinelayers']):
        #    fid.write('%s*\n' % drawing_code_cut)    # Choose drawing aperture
        #    row.writeCutLines(fid, drawing_code_cut, OriginX, OriginY, MaxXExtent, MaxYExtent)

        # Finally, write actual flash data
        for job in Place.jobs:

            updateGUI("Writing merged output files...")
            job.writeGerber(fid, layername)

            if config.Config['cutlinelayers'] and (
                    layername in config.Config['cutlinelayers']):
                fid.write('%s*\n' %
                          drawing_code_cut)  # Choose drawing aperture
                #print "writing drawcode_cut: %s" % drawing_code_cut
                job.writeCutLines(fid, drawing_code_cut, OriginX, OriginY,
                                  MaxXExtent, MaxYExtent)

        # Draw the scoring lines
        if config.Config['scoringlinelayers'] and layername in config.Config[
            fid.write('%s*\n' % drawing_code_score)  # Choose scoring aperture
            scoring.writeScoring(fid, Place, OriginX, OriginY, MaxXExtent,

        if config.Config['cropmarklayers']:
            if layername in config.Config['cropmarklayers']:
                writeCropMarks(fid, drawing_code_crop, OriginX, OriginY,
                               MaxXExtent, MaxYExtent)

        if config.Config['fiducialpoints']:
            # If we are generating fiducials along the score lines,
            #  and we have not yet done so, we need to generate those now, pass in None as the file
            #  to prevent it actually writing out scoring lines and just generate the fiducials
            if config.Config['fiducialpoints'] == 'scoring':
                scoring.writeScoring(None, Place, OriginX, OriginY, MaxXExtent,
            if ((layername == '*toplayer') or (layername == '*bottomlayer')):
                writeFiducials(fid, drawing_code_fiducial_copper, OriginX,
                               OriginY, MaxXExtent, MaxYExtent)
            elif ((layername == '*topsoldermask')
                  or (layername == '*bottomsoldermask')):
                writeFiducials(fid, drawing_code_fiducial_soldermask, OriginX,
                               OriginY, MaxXExtent, MaxYExtent)


    # Write board outline layer if selected
    fullname = config.Config['outlinelayerfile']
    if fullname and fullname.lower() != "none":
        #print 'Writing %s ...' % fullname
        fid = file(fullname, 'wt')

        # Write width-1 aperture to file
        # add metric support
        if config.Config['measurementunits'] == 'inch':
            AP = aptable.Aperture(aptable.Circle, 'D10', 0.001)
            AP = aptable.Aperture(aptable.Circle, 'D10',
                                  0.25)  # we'll use 0.25 mm - same as Diptrace

        # Choose drawing aperture D10

        # Draw the rectangle
            'X%07dY%07dD02*\n' %
            (util.in2gerb(OriginX), util.in2gerb(OriginY)))  # Bottom-left
            'X%07dY%07dD01*\n' %
            (util.in2gerb(OriginX), util.in2gerb(MaxYExtent)))  # Top-left
            'X%07dY%07dD01*\n' %
            (util.in2gerb(MaxXExtent), util.in2gerb(MaxYExtent)))  # Top-right
            'X%07dY%07dD01*\n' %
            (util.in2gerb(MaxXExtent), util.in2gerb(OriginY)))  # Bottom-right
            'X%07dY%07dD01*\n' %
            (util.in2gerb(OriginX), util.in2gerb(OriginY)))  # Bottom-left


    # Write scoring layer if selected
    fullname = config.Config['scoringfile']
    if fullname and fullname.lower() != "none":
        #print 'Writing %s ...' % fullname
        fid = file(fullname, 'wt')

        # Write width-1 aperture to file
        AP = aptable.Aperture(aptable.Circle, 'D10', 0.001)

        # Choose drawing aperture D10

        # Draw the scoring lines
        scoring.writeScoring(fid, Place, OriginX, OriginY, MaxXExtent,


    # Get a list of all tools used by merging keys from each job's dictionary
    # of tools.
    if 0:
        Tools = {}
        for job in config.Jobs.values():
            for key in job.xcommands.keys():
                Tools[key] = 1

        Tools = Tools.keys()
        toolNum = 0

        # First construct global mapping of diameters to tool numbers
        for job in config.Jobs.values():
            for tool, diam in job.xdiam.items():
                if config.GlobalToolRMap.has_key(diam):

                toolNum += 1
                config.GlobalToolRMap[diam] = "T%02d" % toolNum

        # Cluster similar tool sizes to reduce number of drills
        if config.Config['drillclustertolerance'] > 0:
            config.GlobalToolRMap = drillcluster.cluster(
                config.GlobalToolRMap, config.Config['drillclustertolerance'])
            drillcluster.remap(Place.jobs, config.GlobalToolRMap.items())

        # Now construct mapping of tool numbers to diameters
        for diam, tool in config.GlobalToolRMap.items():
            config.GlobalToolMap[tool] = diam

        # Tools is just a list of tool names
        Tools = config.GlobalToolMap.keys()

    fullname = config.Config['fabricationdrawingfile']
    if fullname and fullname.lower() != 'none':
        if len(Tools) > strokes.MaxNumDrillTools:
            raise RuntimeError, "Only %d different tool sizes supported for fabrication drawing." % strokes.MaxNumDrillTools

        #print 'Writing %s ...' % fullname
        fid = file(fullname, 'wt')
        writeApertures(fid, {drawing_code1: None})
        fid.write('%s*\n' % drawing_code1)  # Choose drawing aperture

        fabdrawing.writeFabDrawing(fid, Place, Tools, OriginX, OriginY,
                                   MaxXExtent, MaxYExtent)


    # Finally, print out the Excellon
        fullname = config.MergeOutputFiles['drills']
    except KeyError:
        fullname = 'merged.drills.xln'
    #print 'Writing %s ...' % fullname
    fid = file(fullname, 'wt')


    # Ensure each one of our tools is represented in the tool list specified
    # by the user.
    for tool in Tools:
            size = config.GlobalToolMap[tool]
            raise RuntimeError, "INTERNAL ERROR: Tool code %s not found in global tool map" % tool

        writeExcellonTool(fid, tool, size)

        #for row in Layout:
        #  row.writeExcellon(fid, size)
        for job in Place.jobs:
            job.writeExcellon(fid, size)


    updateGUI("Closing files...")

    # Compute stats
    jobarea = 0.0
    #for row in Layout:
    #  jobarea += row.jobarea()
    for job in Place.jobs:
        jobarea += job.jobarea()

    totalarea = ((MaxXExtent - OriginX) * (MaxYExtent - OriginY))

    ToolStats = {}
    drillhits = 0
    for tool in Tools:
        ToolStats[tool] = 0
        #for row in Layout:
        #  hits = row.drillhits(config.GlobalToolMap[tool])
        #  ToolStats[tool] += hits
        #  drillhits += hits
        for job in Place.jobs:
            hits = job.drillhits(config.GlobalToolMap[tool])
            ToolStats[tool] += hits
            drillhits += hits

        fullname = config.MergeOutputFiles['toollist']
    except KeyError:
        fullname = 'merged.toollist.drl'
    #print 'Writing %s ...' % fullname
    fid = file(fullname, 'wt')

    print '-' * 50
    # add metric support (1/1000 mm vs. 1/100,000 inch)
    if config.Config['measurementunits'] == 'inch':
        print '     Job Size : %f" x %f"' % (MaxXExtent - OriginX,
                                             MaxYExtent - OriginY)
        print '     Job Area : %.2f sq. in.' % totalarea
        print '     Job Size : %.2fmm x %.2fmm' % (MaxXExtent - OriginX,
                                                   MaxYExtent - OriginY)
        print '     Job Area : %.0f mm2' % totalarea

    print '   Area Usage : %.1f%%' % (jobarea / totalarea * 100)
    print '   Drill hits : %d' % drillhits
    if config.Config['measurementunits'] == 'inch':
        print 'Drill density : %.1f hits/sq.in.' % (drillhits / totalarea)
        print 'Drill density : %.2f hits/cm2' % (100 * drillhits / totalarea)

    print '\nTool List:'
    smallestDrill = 999.9
    for tool in Tools:
        if ToolStats[tool]:
            if config.Config['measurementunits'] == 'inch':
                fid.write('%s %.4fin\n' % (tool, config.GlobalToolMap[tool]))
                print '  %s %.4f" %5d hits' % (
                    tool, config.GlobalToolMap[tool], ToolStats[tool])
                fid.write('%s %.4fmm\n' % (tool, config.GlobalToolMap[tool]))
                print '  %s %.4fmm %5d hits' % (
                    tool, config.GlobalToolMap[tool], ToolStats[tool])
            smallestDrill = min(smallestDrill, config.GlobalToolMap[tool])

    if config.Config['measurementunits'] == 'inch':
        print "Smallest Tool: %.4fin" % smallestDrill
        print "Smallest Tool: %.4fmm" % smallestDrill

    print 'Output Files :'
    for f in OutputFiles:
        print '  ', f

    if (MaxXExtent - OriginX) > config.Config['panelwidth'] or (
            MaxYExtent - OriginY) > config.Config['panelheight']:
        print '*' * 75
        print '*'
        # add metric support (1/1000 mm vs. 1/100,000 inch)
        if config.Config['measurementunits'] == 'inch':
            print '* ERROR: Merged job exceeds panel dimensions of %.1f"x%.1f"' % (
                config.Config['panelwidth'], config.Config['panelheight'])
            print '* ERROR: Merged job exceeds panel dimensions of %.1fmmx%.1fmm' % (
                config.Config['panelwidth'], config.Config['panelheight'])
        print '*'
        print '*' * 75

    # Done!
    return 0
Exemple #3
        toolNum = 0

        # First construct global mapping of diameters to tool numbers
        for job in config.Jobs.values():
            for tool, diam in job.xdiam.items():
                if config.GlobalToolRMap.has_key(diam):

                toolNum += 1
                config.GlobalToolRMap[diam] = "T%02d" % toolNum

        # Cluster similar tools sizes to reduce number of drills
        if config.Config['drillclustertolerance'] > 0:
            config.GlobalToolRMap = drillcluster.cluster(
                config.GlobalToolRMap, config.Config['drillclustertolerance'])
            drillcluster.remap(Place.jobs, config.GlobalToolRMap.items())

        # Now construct mapping of tool numbers to diameters
        for diam, tool in config.GlobalToolRMap.items():
            config.GlobalToolMap[tool] = diam

        # Tools is just a list of tool names
        Tools = config.GlobalToolMap.keys()

    fullname = config.Config['fabricationdrawingfile']
    if fullname and fullname.lower() != 'none':
        if len(Tools) > strokes.MaxNumDrillTools:
            raise RuntimeError, "Only %d different tool sizes supported for fabrication drawing." % strokes.MaxNumDrillTools

Exemple #4
def merge(opts, gui=None):
    global GUI
    GUI = gui

    if opts.octagons == 'rotate':
        writeGerberHeader = gerber.writeHeader0degrees
        writeGerberHeader = gerber.writeHeader22degrees

    if opts.search == 'random':
        config.AutoSearchType = RANDOM_SEARCH
        config.AutoSearchType = EXHAUSTIVE_SEARCH

    config.RandomSearchExhaustiveJobs = opts.rs_esjobs
    config.SearchTimeout = opts.search_timeout

    if opts.no_trim_gerber:
        config.TrimGerber = False
    if opts.no_trim_excellon:
        config.TrimExcellon = False

    config.text = opts.text
    config.text_size = opts.text_size
    config.text_stroke = opts.text_stroke
    config.text_x = opts.text_x
    config.text_y = opts.text_y

    # Load up the Jobs global dictionary, also filling out GAT, the
    # global aperture table and GAMT, the global aperture macro table.
    updateGUI("Reading job files...")

    # Force all X and Y coordinates positive by adding absolute value of minimum X and Y
    for name, job in config.Jobs.items():
        min_x, min_y = job.mincoordinates()
        shift_x = shift_y = 0
        if min_x < 0:
            shift_x = abs(min_x)
        if min_y < 0:
            shift_y = abs(min_y)
        if (shift_x > 0) or (shift_y > 0):
            job.fixcoordinates(shift_x, shift_y)

    # Display job properties
    for job in config.Jobs.values():
        print("Job {:s}:".format(job.name))
        if job.Repeat > 1:
            print("({:d} instances)".format(job.Repeat))
        print("  Extents: ({:d},{:d})-({:d},{:d})".format(job.minx, job.miny, job.maxx, job.maxy))
        print("  Size: {:f}\" x {:f}\"".format(job.width_in(), job.height_in()))

    # Trim drill locations and flash data to board extents
    if config.TrimExcellon:
        updateGUI("Trimming Excellon data...")
        print("Trimming Excellon data to board outlines ...")
        for job in config.Jobs.values():

    if config.TrimGerber:
        updateGUI("Trimming Gerber data...")
        print("Trimming Gerber data to board outlines ...")
        for job in config.Jobs.values():

    # We start origin at (0.1", 0.1") just so we don't get numbers close to 0
    # which could trip up Excellon leading-0 elimination.
    OriginX = OriginY = 0.1

    # Read the layout file and construct the nested list of jobs. If there
    # is no layout file, do auto-layout.
    updateGUI("Performing layout...")
    print("Performing layout ...")
    if opts.layoutfile:
        # Construct a canonical placement from the manual layout (relative or absolute)
        Place = placement.Placement()
        Place.addFromFile(opts.layoutfile, OriginX + config.Config['leftmargin'], OriginY + config.Config['bottommargin'])
        # Do an automatic layout based on our tiling algorithm.
        tile = tile_jobs(config.Jobs.values())

        Place = placement.Placement()
        Place.addFromTiling(tile, OriginX + config.Config['leftmargin'], OriginY + config.Config['bottommargin'])

    (MaxXExtent, MaxYExtent) = Place.extents()
    MaxXExtent += config.Config['rightmargin']
    MaxYExtent += config.Config['topmargin']

    # Start printing out the Gerbers. In preparation for drawing cut marks
    # and crop marks, make sure we have an aperture to draw with. Use a 10mil line.
    # If we're doing a fabrication drawing, we'll need a 1mil line.
    OutputFiles = []

        fullname = config.MergeOutputFiles['placement']
    except KeyError:
        fullname = 'merged.placement.xml'

    # For cut lines
    AP = aptable.Aperture(aptable.Circle, 'D??', config.Config['cutlinewidth'])
    drawing_code_cut = aptable.findInApertureTable(AP, config.GAT)
    if drawing_code_cut is None:
        drawing_code_cut = aptable.addToApertureTable(AP, config.GAT)

    # For crop marks
    AP = aptable.Aperture(aptable.Circle, 'D??', config.Config['cropmarkwidth'])
    drawing_code_crop = aptable.findInApertureTable(AP, config.GAT)
    if drawing_code_crop is None:
        drawing_code_crop = aptable.addToApertureTable(AP, config.GAT)

    # For fiducials
    drawing_code_fiducial_copper = drawing_code_fiducial_soldermask = None
    if config.Config['fiducialpoints']:
        AP = aptable.Aperture(aptable.Circle, 'D??', config.Config['fiducialcopperdiameter'])
        drawing_code_fiducial_copper = aptable.findInApertureTable(AP, config.GAT)
        if drawing_code_fiducial_copper is None:
            drawing_code_fiducial_copper = aptable.addToApertureTable(AP, config.GAT)
        AP = aptable.Aperture(aptable.Circle, 'D??', config.Config['fiducialmaskdiameter'])
        drawing_code_fiducial_soldermask = aptable.findInApertureTable(AP, config.GAT)
        if drawing_code_fiducial_soldermask is None:
            drawing_code_fiducial_soldermask = aptable.addToApertureTable(AP, config.GAT)

    if config.text:
        text_size_ratio = 0.5  # proportion of Y spacing to use for text (much of this is taken up by, e.g., cutlines)
        if not config.text_size:
            print("Computing text size based on Y spacing...")
        text_size = config.text_size if config.text_size else (config.Config['yspacing'] * 1000.0) * text_size_ratio
        if text_size < config.min_text_size:
            print("Warning: Text size ({0} mils) less than minimum ({1} mils), using minimum.".format(text_size, config.min_text_size))
        text_size = max(text_size, config.min_text_size)
        print("Using text size: {0} mils".format(text_size))

        # by default, set stroke proportional to the size based on the ratio of the minimum stroke to the minimum size
        if not config.text_stroke:
            print("Computing text stroke based on text size...")
        text_stroke = config.text_stroke if config.text_stroke else int((text_size / config.min_text_size) * config.min_text_stroke)
        if text_stroke < config.min_text_stroke:
            print("Warning: Text stroke ({0} mils) less than minimum ({1} mils), using minimum.".format(text_stroke, config.min_text_stroke))
        text_stroke = max(text_stroke, config.min_text_stroke)
        print("Using text stroke: {0} mils".format(text_stroke))

        AP = aptable.Aperture(aptable.Circle, 'D??', text_stroke / 1000.0)
        drawing_code_text = aptable.findInApertureTable(AP, config.GAT)
        if drawing_code_text is None:
            drawing_code_text = aptable.addToApertureTable(AP, config.GAT)

    # For fabrication drawing.
    AP = aptable.Aperture(aptable.Circle, 'D??', 0.001)
    drawing_code1 = aptable.findInApertureTable(AP, config.GAT)
    if drawing_code1 is None:
        drawing_code1 = aptable.addToApertureTable(AP, config.GAT)

    updateGUI("Writing merged files...")
    print("Writing merged output files ...")

    for layername in config.LayerList.keys():
        lname = layername
        if lname[0] == '*':
            lname = lname[1:]

            fullname = config.MergeOutputFiles[layername]
        except KeyError:
            fullname = "merged.{:s}.ger".format(lname)
        fid = open(fullname, 'wt')

        # Determine which apertures and macros are truly needed
        apUsedDict = {}
        apmUsedDict = {}
        for job in Place.jobs:
            apd, apmd = job.aperturesAndMacros(layername)

        # Increase aperature sizes to match minimum feature dimension
        if layername in config.MinimumFeatureDimension:

            print("  Thickening", lname, "feature dimensions ...")

            # Fix each aperture used in this layer
            for ap in list(apUsedDict.keys()):
                new = config.GAT[ap].getAdjusted(config.MinimumFeatureDimension[layername])
                if not new:  # current aperture size met minimum requirement
                else:       # new aperture was created
                    new_code = aptable.findOrAddAperture(new, config.GAT)  # get name of existing aperture or create new one if needed
                    del apUsedDict[ap]                         # the old aperture is no longer used in this layer
                    apUsedDict[new_code] = None                # the new aperture will be used in this layer

                    # Replace all references to the old aperture with the new one
                    for joblayout in Place.jobs:
                        job = joblayout.job  # access job inside job layout
                        temp = []
                        if job.hasLayer(layername):
                            for x in job.commands[layername]:
                                if x == ap:
                                    temp.append(new_code)  # replace old aperture with new one
                                    temp.append(x)         # keep old command
                            job.commands[layername] = temp

        if config.Config['cutlinelayers'] and (layername in config.Config['cutlinelayers']):
            apUsedDict[drawing_code_cut] = None

        if config.Config['cropmarklayers'] and (layername in config.Config['cropmarklayers']):
            apUsedDict[drawing_code_crop] = None

        if config.Config['fiducialpoints']:
            if ((layername == '*toplayer') or (layername == '*bottomlayer')):
                apUsedDict[drawing_code_fiducial_copper] = None
            elif ((layername == '*topsoldermask') or (layername == '*bottomsoldermask')):
                apUsedDict[drawing_code_fiducial_soldermask] = None

        if config.text:
            apUsedDict[drawing_code_text] = None

        # Write only necessary macro and aperture definitions to Gerber file
        gerber.writeApertureMacros(fid, apmUsedDict)
        gerber.writeApertures(fid, apUsedDict)

        # Finally, write actual flash data
        for job in Place.jobs:

            updateGUI("Writing merged output files...")
            job.writeGerber(fid, layername)

            if config.Config['cutlinelayers'] and (layername in config.Config['cutlinelayers']):
                fid.write("{:s}*\n".format(drawing_code_cut))    # Choose drawing aperture
                job.writeCutLines(fid, drawing_code_cut, OriginX, OriginY, MaxXExtent, MaxYExtent)

        if config.Config['cropmarklayers']:
            if layername in config.Config['cropmarklayers']:
                gerber.writeCropMarks(fid, drawing_code_crop, OriginX, OriginY, MaxXExtent, MaxYExtent)

        if config.Config['fiducialpoints']:
            if ((layername == '*toplayer') or (layername == '*bottomlayer')):
                gerber.writeFiducials(fid, drawing_code_fiducial_copper, OriginX, OriginY, MaxXExtent, MaxYExtent)
            elif ((layername == '*topsoldermask') or (layername == '*bottomsoldermask')):
                gerber.writeFiducials(fid, drawing_code_fiducial_soldermask, OriginX, OriginY, MaxXExtent, MaxYExtent)
        if config.Config['outlinelayers'] and (layername in config.Config['outlinelayers']):
            gerber.writeOutline(fid, OriginX, OriginY, MaxXExtent, MaxYExtent)

        if config.text:
            Y += row.height_in() + config.Config['yspacing']
            x = config.text_x if config.text_x else util.in2mil(OriginX + config.Config['leftmargin']) + 100  # convert inches to mils 100 is extra margin
            y_offset = ((config.Config['yspacing'] * 1000.0) - text_size) / 2.0
            y = config.text_y if config.text_y else util.in2mil(OriginY + config.Config['bottommargin'] + Place.jobs[0].height_in()) + y_offset  # convert inches to mils
            fid.write("{:s}*\n".format(drawing_code_text))    # Choose drawing aperture
            makestroke.writeString(fid, config.text, int(util.mil2gerb(x)), int(util.mil2gerb(y)), 0, int(text_size))


    # Write board outline layer if selected
    fullname = config.Config['outlinelayerfile']
    if fullname and fullname.lower() != "none":
        fid = open(fullname, 'wt')

        gerber.writeOutline(fid, OriginX, OriginY, MaxXExtent, MaxYExtent)


    # Write scoring layer if selected
    fullname = config.Config['scoringfile']
    if fullname and fullname.lower() != "none":
        fid = open(fullname, 'wt')

        # Write width-1 aperture to file
        AP = aptable.Aperture(aptable.Circle, 'D10', 0.001)

        # Choose drawing aperture D10
        gerber.writeCurrentAperture(fid, 10)

        # Draw the scoring lines
        scoring.writeScoring(fid, Place, OriginX, OriginY, MaxXExtent, MaxYExtent, config.Config['xspacing'], config.Config['yspacing'])


    # Get a list of all tools used by merging keys from each job's dictionary
    # of tools.
    # Grab all tool diameters and sort them.
    allToolDiam = []
    for job in config.Jobs.values():
        for tool, diam in job.xdiam.items():
            if diam in config.GlobalToolRMap:

    # Then construct global mapping of diameters to tool numbers
    toolNum = 1
    for d in allToolDiam:
        config.GlobalToolRMap[d] = "T{:02d}".format(toolNum)
        toolNum += 1

    # Cluster similar tool sizes to reduce number of drills
    if config.Config['drillclustertolerance'] > 0:
        config.GlobalToolRMap = drillcluster.cluster(config.GlobalToolRMap, config.Config['drillclustertolerance'])
        drillcluster.remap(Place.jobs, list(config.GlobalToolRMap.items()))

    # Now construct mapping of tool numbers to diameters
    for diam, tool in config.GlobalToolRMap.items():
        config.GlobalToolMap[tool] = diam

    # Tools is just a list of tool names
    Tools = list(config.GlobalToolMap.keys())

    fullname = config.Config['fabricationdrawingfile']
    if fullname and fullname.lower() != 'none':
        if len(Tools) > strokes.MaxNumDrillTools:
            raise RuntimeError("Only {:d} different tool sizes supported for fabrication drawing.".format(strokes.MaxNumDrillTools))

        fid = open(fullname, 'wt')
        gerber.writeApertures(fid, {drawing_code1: None})
        fid.write("{:s}*\n".format(drawing_code1))    # Choose drawing aperture

        fabdrawing.writeFabDrawing(fid, Place, Tools, OriginX, OriginY, MaxXExtent, MaxYExtent)


    # Finally, print out the Excellon
        fullname = config.MergeOutputFiles['drills']
    except KeyError:
        fullname = "merged.drills.xln"
    fid = open(fullname, 'wt')

    excellon.writeheader(fid, [(x, config.GlobalToolMap[x]) for x in Tools], units='in')

    # Ensure each one of our tools is represented in the tool list specified
    # by the user.
    for tool in Tools:
            size = config.GlobalToolMap[tool]
            raise RuntimeError("INTERNAL ERROR: Tool code {:s} not found in global tool map".format(tool))

        # Write the tool name then all of the positions where it will be drilled.
        excellon.writetoolname(fid, tool)
        for job in Place.jobs:
            job.writeExcellon(fid, size)


    updateGUI("Closing files...")

    # Compute stats
    jobarea = 0.0
    for job in Place.jobs:
        jobarea += job.jobarea()

    totalarea = ((MaxXExtent - OriginX) * (MaxYExtent - OriginY))

    ToolStats = {}
    drillhits = 0
    for tool in Tools:
        ToolStats[tool] = 0
        for job in Place.jobs:
            hits = job.drillhits(config.GlobalToolMap[tool])
            ToolStats[tool] += hits
            drillhits += hits

        fullname = config.MergeOutputFiles['toollist']
    except KeyError:
        fullname = "merged.toollist.drl"
    fid = open(fullname, 'wt')

    print('-' * 50)
    print("     Job Size : {:f}\" x {:f}\"".format(MaxXExtent - OriginX, MaxYExtent - OriginY))
    print("     Job Area : {:.2f} sq. in.".format(totalarea))
    print("   Area Usage : {:.1f}%".format(jobarea / totalarea * 100))
    print("   Drill hits : {:d}".format(drillhits))
    print("Drill density : {:.1f} hits/sq.in.".format(drillhits / totalarea))

    print("\nTool List:")
    smallestDrill = 999.9
    for tool in Tools:
        if ToolStats[tool]:
            fid.write("{:s} {:.4f}in\n".format(tool, config.GlobalToolMap[tool]))
            print("  {:s} {:.4f}\" {:5d} hits".format(tool, config.GlobalToolMap[tool], ToolStats[tool]))
            smallestDrill = min(smallestDrill, config.GlobalToolMap[tool])

    print("Smallest Tool: {:.4f}in".format(smallestDrill))

    print("Output Files :")
    for f in OutputFiles:
        print("  ", f)

    if (MaxXExtent - OriginX) > config.Config['panelwidth'] or (MaxYExtent - OriginY) > config.Config['panelheight']:
        print('*' * 75)
        print("* ERROR: Merged job {:.3f}\"x{:.3f}\" exceeds panel dimensions of {:.3f}\"x{:.3f}\"".format(MaxXExtent - OriginX, MaxYExtent - OriginY, config.Config['panelwidth'], config.Config['panelheight']))
        print('*' * 75)

    # Done!
    return 0
Exemple #5
    toolNum = 0

    # First construct global mapping of diameters to tool numbers
    for job in config.Jobs.values():
      for tool,diam in job.xdiam.items():
        if config.GlobalToolRMap.has_key(diam):

        toolNum += 1
        config.GlobalToolRMap[diam] = "T%02d" % toolNum

    # Cluster similar tools sizes to reduce number of drills
    if config.Config['drillclustertolerance'] > 0:
      config.GlobalToolRMap = drillcluster.cluster( config.GlobalToolRMap, config.Config['drillclustertolerance'] )
      drillcluster.remap( Place.jobs, config.GlobalToolRMap.items() )

    # Now construct mapping of tool numbers to diameters
    for diam,tool in config.GlobalToolRMap.items():
      config.GlobalToolMap[tool] = diam

    # Tools is just a list of tool names
    Tools = config.GlobalToolMap.keys()

  fullname = config.Config['fabricationdrawingfile']
  if fullname and fullname.lower() != 'none':
    if len(Tools) > strokes.MaxNumDrillTools:
      raise RuntimeError, "Only %d different tool sizes supported for fabrication drawing." % strokes.MaxNumDrillTools
