Exemple #1
    def get_gradient(self, data, params):

        (samples_and_r_scales, actions) = unzip(data)
        (samples, r_scales) = unzip(samples_and_r_scales)
        gradient = self._get_gradient(samples, r_scales, actions)

        self._compute_M_step(params, actions)

        return gradient
Exemple #2
    def get_objective(self, data, params):

        (samples, actions) = unzip(data)
        (rewards, r_scales) = unzip(samples)
        r_scales = np.array(r_scales)[:, np.newaxis]
        actions = np.array(actions)[:, np.newaxis]
        shifted_samples = np.array(rewards) + \
            np.hstack([r_scales, -r_scales])
        densities = self._get_densities(shifted_samples)
        terms = np.dot(densities, self.ps)

        return -np.mean(np.log(terms), axis=0)[0]
Exemple #3
    def _update_history(self, Xs, missing):

        normed = unzip(self.basis_pairs_t)[1]

        if self.filtering_history is None:
            self.filtering_history = [
                np.dot(X[-1, :], Phi) for (X, Phi) in zip(Xs, normed)
            if self.keep_basis_history:
                self.basis_history = [[
                    Phi[:, i][:, np.newaxis].T for i in xrange(self.k)
                ] for Phi in normed]
            for i in xrange(self.num_views):
                current = self.filtering_history[i]

                # TODO: put meaningful filler here; zeroes are not meaningful
                new = np.zeros((1, self.k))

                if not missing[i]:
                    new = np.dot(Xs[i][-1, :], normed[i])

                self.filtering_history[i] = np.vstack([current, new])

                # Update basis history
                if self.keep_basis_history:
                    for j in xrange(self.k):
                        current = self.basis_history[i][j]
                        new = np.copy(current[-1, :])

                        if not missing[i]:
                            new = normed[i][:, j]

                        self.basis_history[i][j] = np.vstack([current, new])
Exemple #4
def run_things_all_day_bb(data_dir, num_data, k, ds, pi_factors, lazy):

    ds = [int(d) for d in ds.split()]
    angles = [float(pf) * np.pi for pf in pi_factors.split()]
    pre_As = [np.random.randn(2 * d, d) for d in ds]
    As = [np.dot(pre_A.T, pre_A) for pre_A in pre_As]
    (_, Qs) = unzip([np.linalg.eig(A) for A in As])
    zipped = zip(ds, angles, Qs)
    dynamics = [get_rotation(d, a, Q, P_inv=Q.T) for (d, a, Q) in zipped]
    loaders = get_easy_DCCAPMLs(dynamics, num_data, k, ds, lazy=lazy)
    names = ['N', 'k', 'ds', 'pi_factors']
    vals = [
        str(k), '-'.join([str(d) for d in ds]),
        '-'.join([str(pf) for pf in pi_factors])
    dirname = get_ts('easy_cca' + '_' +
                     '_'.join([n + '-' + v for (n, v) in zip(names, vals)]))
    dirpath = os.path.join(data_dir, dirname)


    for (i, l) in enumerate(loaders):
        filename = 'view_' + str(i) + '.csv'
        filepath = os.path.join(dirpath, filename)

        np.savetxt(filepath, l.get_data(), delimiter=',')
Exemple #5
    def run(self):

        printerval = self.num_data / 10

        for t in range(self.num_data):

            zipped = zip(self.agvs, self.servers)

            for (agv, ds) in zipped:

            if self.delay is None or t % self.delay == 0:
                XPhis = [agv.get_projected() for agv in self.agvs]

                for agv in self.agvs:
                    for (n, XPhi) in enumerate(XPhis):
                        agv.update_neighbor_state(n, XPhi)

             new_tccs) = unzip([agv.get_update() for agv in self.agvs])

            if False:  #t % printerval == 0:
                print('tccs', new_tccs)

        zipped = zip(self.Phis, self.loaders)
        XPhis = [np.dot(get_zm_uv(dl.get_data()), Phi) for (Phi, dl) in zipped]
        tcc_mats = [
            np.dot(XPhis[n].T, XPhis[m]) for n in range(self.num_views)
            for m in range(n, self.num_views)
        tccs = [np.trace(tccm) / self.k for tccm in tcc_mats]

Exemple #6
    def update(self, Xs, Sxs, missing, etas):

        if self.basis_pairs_t is None:
            #print 'Initializing basis_pairs_t'
            # Initialization of optimization variables
            self.basis_pairs_t = agu.get_init_basis_pairs(Sxs, self.k)

        self.num_rounds += 1
        #print 'Updating history'
        self._update_history(Xs, missing)

        if self.verbose:
            print "\tGetting updated basis estimates"

        # Get updated canonical bases
        #print 'Setting basis_pairs_t1'
        self.basis_pairs_t1 = self._get_basis_updates(Xs, Sxs, missing, etas)

        (unn, normed) = unzip(self.basis_pairs_t1)

        #print 'Computing loss'
        loss = gu.misc.get_objective(Xs, normed)

        if self.verbose:
            print "\tObjective:", loss


        # Check for convergence
        unnormed_pairs = zip(unzip(self.basis_pairs_t)[0], unn)
        #print 'Checking for convergence'
        pre_converged = gu.misc.is_converged(unnormed_pairs, self.epsilons,

        # This is because bases are unchanged for missing data
        self.converged = [
            False if missing[i] else c for (i, c) in enumerate(pre_converged)

        # Update iterates
        self.basis_pairs_t = [(np.copy(unn_Phi), np.copy(Phi))
                              for unn_Phi, Phi in self.basis_pairs_t1]

        return (self.basis_pairs_t, loss)
Exemple #7
    def get_coordinate_counts(self, data):

        actions = unzip(data)[1]
        total = len(actions)
        acted = sum(actions)

        coord_counts = np.zeros(self.get_parameter_shape())

        coord_counts[0:2, :] = total
        coord_counts[2:, :] = acted

        return coord_counts
Exemple #8
    def _get_S_and_A_servers(self):

        (njks, phi_jks,
         self.nks) = unzip([n.get_fsvrg_params() for n in self.nodes])
        self.n = sum(self.nks)
        njs = sum(njks)
        phi_js = njs / self.n
        sjks = [(phi_js / phi_jk) for phi_jk in phi_jks]
        S_servers = [SDS(sjk) for sjk in sjks]
        omega_js = np.vstack((njk != 0).astype(float) for njk in njks)
        ajs = get_sp(omega_js / self.num_nodes, -1)
        A_server = SDS(ajs)

        return (S_servers, A_server)
Exemple #9
def get_gradients(Xs, basis_pairs):

    m = len(Xs)
    X_transforms = [(np.dot(X, unnormed), np.dot(X, normed))
                    for (X, (unnormed, normed)) in zip(Xs, basis_pairs)]

    info = zip(Xs, basis_pairs, X_transforms)
    for thang in info:
        X = thang[0]
        (unnormed_Phi, normed_Phi) = thang[1]
        (unnormed_Phi_X, normed_Phi_X) = thang[2]

        #print 'X', X
        #print 'unnormed_Phi', unnormed_Phi
        #print 'normed_Phi', normed_Phi
        #print 'unnormed_Phi_X', unnormed_Phi_X
        #print 'normed_Phi_X', normed_Phi_X

                                     'appgrad.utils get_gradients',
                                     'appgrad.utils get_gradients',

    minus_term = sum(unzip(X_transforms)[1])

    drdb.check_for_large_numbers(minus_term, 'appgrad.utils get_gradients',

    diffs = [(m-1)*unnormed - \
             (minus_term - normed)
             for (unnormed, normed) in X_transforms]

    for diff in diffs:
        #print 'Diff', diff
        drdb.check_for_large_numbers(diff, 'appgrad.utils get_gradients',

    gradients = [
        np.dot(X.T, diff) / X.shape[0] for (X, diff) in zip(Xs, diffs)

    for g in gradients:
        drdb.check_for_large_numbers(g, 'appgrad.utils get_gradients',

    return gradients
Exemple #10
    def get_status(self):

        return {
            'k': self.k,
            'converged': self.converged,
            'bases': unzip(self.basis_pairs_t)[1],
            'num_views': self.num_views,
            'epsilons': self.epsilons,
            'num_rounds': self.num_rounds,
            'num_iters': self.num_iters,
            'has_been_fit': self.has_been_fit,
            'basis_pairs': self.basis_pairs_t,
            'basis_history': self.basis_history,
            'loss_history': self.loss_history,
            'filtering_history': self.filtering_history
Exemple #11
    def _compute_S_and_A_servers(self):

        (njks, phi_jks,
         self.nks) = unzip([n.get_fsvrg_params() for n in self.nodes])
        self.n = sum(self.nks)
        njs = sum(njks)
        phi_js = njs / self.n
        sjks = [(phi_js / phi_jk)[:, np.newaxis] for phi_jk in phi_jks]
        self.S_servers = [SDS(sjk) for sjk in sjks]

        for (n, S_s) in zip(self.nodes, self.S_servers):

        omega_js = np.vstack(
            (njk[:, np.newaxis] != 0).astype(float) for njk in njks)
        ajs = get_sp(omega_js / self.num_nodes, -1)

        self.A_server = SDS(ajs)
Exemple #12
    def compute_parameters(self):

        w_t = np.copy(self.init_params)

        for t in xrange(self.num_rounds):
            local_grads = [n.get_gradient(np.copy(w_t))
                           for n in self.nodes]
            grad_t = sum(local_grads) / self.num_nodes
            updates = [n.get_update(
                       for n in self.nodes]
            (ws, objectives) = unzip(updates)
            # TODO: Make sure this is a good place to project
            w_t = sum(ws) / self.num_nodes


        self.w = w_t
Exemple #13
    def compute_parameters(self):

        w_t = np.copy(self.init_params)

        for i in xrange(self.max_rounds):
            local_grads = [
                n.get_gradient(n.get_local(w_t)) for n in self.nodes
            grad_t = np.vstack(local_grads) / self.num_nodes

            updates = [
                n.get_update(np.copy(w_t), np.copy(grad_t)) for n in self.nodes
            (ws, objectives) = unzip(updates)
            agg = self._get_aggregate_grad(ws, w_t)
            w_t = w_t + agg

            self.objectives.append([o[-1] for o in objectives])

        self.w = w_t
Exemple #14
    def compute_parameters(self):

        w_t = np.copy(self.init_params)

        for i in xrange(self.max_rounds):
            grad_t = np.zeros_like(w_t)

            if i > 0:
                local_grads = [
                    n.get_gradient(n.get_local(w_t)) for n in self.nodes
                grad_t = np.vstack(local_grads) / self.num_nodes

            (S_servers, A_server) = self._get_S_and_A_servers()

            for (S_s, n) in zip(S_servers, self.nodes):
                n.set_global_info(w_t, grad_t)

            for j in xrange(2**i):
                self.num_rounds += 1

                for n in self.nodes:

                for n in self.nodes:

            updates = [n.get_update() for n in self.nodes]
            (ws, objectives) = unzip(updates)
            agg = self._get_aggregate_grad(ws, w_t, A_server)
            w_t = w_t + agg

            for (i, o) in enumerate(objectives):

        #for n in self.nodes:
        #    print n.objectives

        self.w = w_t
Exemple #15
    def get_bases(self):

        if not self.has_been_fit:
            raise Exception('Model has not yet been fit.')

        return unzip(self.basis_pairs_t)[1]