def add_line(self, position=0, spacing=0.1, tag=f"default_line"): """ Add a line to the mesh position: Position spacing: Positive spacing at this location tag: a tag for matching contacts The spacing option is *positive spacing* to the next line that you have added. Additional lines are spaced from the first line using ps to the next specified line. The spacing of the lines are gradually spaced out to meet the spacing line of the next added line. So if you have thre lines:: x=0.0 spacing=0.1 x=1.0 spacing=1.0 x=10.0 spacing=1.0 The positions of the nodes should be about: 10 nodes from `0.0 um` to `0.1 um` and 10 nodes from `1.0 um` to `10.0 um` and no nodes from 10 up. The purpose of this is to have tight mesh spacing in areas where it is important. If you had tight spacing everywhere, it could make the simulation much slower. """ add_1d_mesh_line(, pos=position * self.scale, ps=spacing * self.scale, tag=tag)
def simple_mesh(meshname='default_mesh', region='default_region', material='Si', top='top', bottom='bottom', thickness=10, spacing=0.1): """ Creates a simple 1D mesh made of Si with metal contacts :param meshname: :param region: :param material: :param top: :param bottom: :param thickness: in nm, specify the thickness of the resistor :param spacing: :return: """ thickness = thickness * 1E-4 spacing = spacing * 1E-4 # convert nm to cm ds.create_1d_mesh(mesh=meshname) ds.add_1d_mesh_line(mesh=meshname, pos=0, ps=spacing, tag=top) ds.add_1d_mesh_line(mesh=meshname, pos=thickness, ps=spacing, tag=bottom) ds.add_1d_region(mesh=meshname, tag1=top, tag2=bottom, region=region, material=material) ds.add_1d_contact(material='metal', mesh=meshname, name=f"{top}_contact", tag=top) ds.add_1d_contact(material='metal', mesh=meshname, name=f"{bottom}_contact", tag=bottom) ds.finalize_mesh(mesh=meshname) return meshname, region, top, bottom
def CreateMesh2(device, region): create_1d_mesh(mesh="dio") add_1d_mesh_line(mesh="dio", pos=0, ps=1e-7, tag="top") add_1d_mesh_line(mesh="dio", pos=0.5e-5, ps=1e-8, tag="mid") add_1d_mesh_line(mesh="dio", pos=1e-5, ps=1e-7, tag="bot") add_1d_contact(mesh="dio", name="top", tag="top", material="metal") add_1d_contact(mesh="dio", name="bot", tag="bot", material="metal") add_1d_region(mesh="dio", material="Si", region=region, tag1="top", tag2="bot") finalize_mesh(mesh="dio") create_device(mesh="dio", device=device)
def p_n_junction(meshname='default_mesh', region1='p_region', region2='n_region', material1='CdS', material2='CdTe', thickness1=0.2, thickness2=2, spacing=0.05, top='top', interface='interface', bottom='bottom'): thickness1 = thickness1 * 1E-4 thickness2 = thickness2 * 1E-4 spacing = spacing * 1E-4 # convert nm to cm ds.create_1d_mesh(mesh=meshname) ds.add_1d_mesh_line(mesh=meshname, pos=0, ps=spacing/10, tag=top) ds.add_1d_mesh_line(mesh=meshname, pos=thickness1, ps=spacing/50, tag=interface) ds.add_1d_region(mesh=meshname, tag1=top, tag2=interface, region=region1, material='Si') ds.add_1d_mesh_line(mesh=meshname, pos=thickness1+thickness2, ps=spacing, tag=bottom) ds.add_1d_region(mesh=meshname, tag1=interface, tag2=bottom, region=region2, material='InAs') ds.add_1d_contact(material='metal', mesh=meshname, name=f"{top}_contact", tag=top) ds.add_1d_contact(material='metal', mesh=meshname, name=f"{bottom}_contact", tag=bottom) ds.add_1d_interface(mesh=meshname, tag=interface, name=interface) ds.finalize_mesh(mesh=meshname) return meshname
def CreateMesh(device, region, meshname='diode'): ''' Meshing ''' create_1d_mesh(mesh=meshname) add_1d_mesh_line(mesh=meshname, pos=0, ps=1e-7, tag="top") add_1d_mesh_line(mesh=meshname, pos=0.5e-5, ps=1e-9, tag="mid") add_1d_mesh_line(mesh=meshname, pos=1e-5, ps=1e-7, tag="bot") add_1d_contact(mesh=meshname, name="top", tag="top", material="metal") add_1d_contact(mesh=meshname, name="bot", tag="bot", material="metal") add_1d_region(mesh=meshname, material="Si", region=region, tag1="top", tag2="bot") finalize_mesh(mesh=meshname) create_device(mesh=meshname, device=device)
'N_val': 1.8E19, 'mobility_n': 25, 'mobility_p': 100, 'p_doping': 0, 'n_doping': 1.1E18 } # Devsim requires you create the entire mesh first include interfaces before specifying regions # Create mesh ds.create_1d_mesh(mesh=meshname) # n1 top_tag = f"top_{CdS_region}" interface_tag = f"bot_{CdS_region}" bottom_tag = f"bot_{CdTe_region}" ds.add_1d_mesh_line(mesh=meshname, pos=0, ps=spacing, tag=top_tag) # add_1d_mesh_line(mesh=meshname, pos=n1_thick/2, ps=spacing, tag="mid_n1") ds.add_1d_mesh_line(mesh=meshname, pos=CdS_thickness, ps=spacing, tag=interface_tag) ds.add_1d_region(mesh=meshname, material="CdS", region=CdS_region, tag1=top_tag, tag2=interface_tag) ds.add_1d_contact(mesh=meshname, name=top_tag, tag=top_tag, material="metal") # b # add_1d_mesh_line(mesh=meshname, pos=n1_thick, ps=spacing, tag="top_b") ds.add_1d_mesh_line(mesh=meshname, pos=CdS_thickness + CdTe_thickness,
for i in get_contact_list(device=device): if circuit_contacts and i in circuit_contacts: CreateSiliconDriftDiffusionAtContact(device, region, i, True) else: CreateSiliconDriftDiffusionAtContact(device, region, i) #---- Start ---- device = "MyDevice" region = "MyRegion" # Make a mesh for this device and region # CreateMesh(device=device, region=region) meshname = 'diode' create_1d_mesh(mesh=meshname) add_1d_mesh_line(mesh=meshname, pos=0, ps=1e-7, tag="top") add_1d_mesh_line(mesh=meshname, pos=0.5e-5, ps=1e-9, tag="mid") add_1d_mesh_line(mesh=meshname, pos=1e-5, ps=1e-7, tag="bot") add_1d_contact(mesh=meshname, name="top", tag="top", material="metal") add_1d_contact(mesh=meshname, name="bot", tag="bot", material="metal") add_1d_region(mesh=meshname, material="Si", region=region, tag1="top", tag2="bot") finalize_mesh(mesh=meshname) create_device(mesh=meshname, device=device) SetSiliconParameters(device, region, 300) set_parameter(device=device, region=region, name="taun", value=1e-8) set_parameter(device=device, region=region, name="taup", value=1e-8)
spacing = min([n1_thick, b_thick, n2_thick]) * 0.1 b_doping = 5E15 n_eg = 0.121 # eV n_affinity = 0.052 # less than chi of InAs b_eg = 1.636 # eV b_affinity = 1.569 # less than chi of InAs affinities = [n_affinity, b_affinity, n_affinity] n_band_gap = 0.121 # eV b_band_gap = 1.636 # eV # Devsim requires you create the entire mesh first include interfaces before specifying regions # Create mesh ds.create_1d_mesh(mesh=meshname) # n1 ds.add_1d_mesh_line(mesh=meshname, pos=0, ps=spacing, tag="top_n1") # add_1d_mesh_line(mesh=meshname, pos=n1_thick/2, ps=spacing, tag="mid_n1") ds.add_1d_mesh_line(mesh=meshname, pos=n1_thick, ps=spacing, tag="bot_n1") ds.add_1d_region(mesh=meshname, material="InAs", region=n1_region, tag1="top_n1", tag2="bot_n1") ds.add_1d_contact(mesh=meshname, name="top_n1", tag="top_n1", material="metal") # b # add_1d_mesh_line(mesh=meshname, pos=n1_thick, ps=spacing, tag="top_b") ds.add_1d_mesh_line(mesh=meshname, pos=n1_thick + (b_thick / 2), ps=spacing, tag="mid_b") ds.add_1d_mesh_line(mesh=meshname,