def prepare_random_catalog(randoms, z='redshift', w_sys=None, size=250000, z_low=0.18, z_upp=0.52): """Pre-compute the DeltaSigma profile for a downsampled random objects.""" # Randomly select a small sample of random objects random_use = np.random.choice(randoms, size=size, replace=False) # Assign a uniform distribution of redshift random_use[z] = np.random.uniform(low=z_low, high=z_upp, size=size) random_use = Table(random_use) # Add a systematic weight function is necessary if w_sys is None: random_use.add_column(Column(name='w_sys', data=np.ones(size))) random_pre = helpers.dsigma_table(random_use, 'lens', ra='ra', dec='dec', z=z, field='field', w_sys='w_sys') return random_pre
raise ValueError("nstar can only be specified for CFHT.") # %% if args.survey.lower() == 'kids': table_s = Table() for reg in [9, 12, 15, 23, 'S']: kv = 'kids', 'KV450_G{}'.format(reg)), hdu=1) table = dsigma_table(kv, 'source', survey='KiDS', version='KV450', verbose=reg == 9) for key in table.colnames: table[key].unit = None table = Table(table) table_s = vstack([table_s, table]) table_s = table_s[table_s['z'] > 0.25 - 1e-6] table_s = table_s[table_s['z'] < 1.2 + 1e-6] table_s = add_maximum_lens_redshift(table_s, dz_min=0.105) table_s['m'] = kids.multiplicative_shear_bias(table_s['z'], version='KV450')
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Calculate the lensing signal for a LWB-type analysis.') parser.add_argument('survey', help='the lens survey') args = parser.parse_args() cosmology = FlatLambdaCDM(100, 0.3) table_l = vstack(['boss', 'galaxy_DR12v5_CMASSLOWZTOT_South.fits.gz')),'boss', 'galaxy_DR12v5_CMASSLOWZTOT_North.fits.gz')) ]) table_l = dsigma_table(table_l, 'lens', z='Z', ra='RA', dec='DEC', w_sys=1) table_l = table_l[table_l['z'] >= 0.15] if args.survey.lower() == 'des': table_s = [] fname_list = [ 'mcal-y1a1-combined-riz-unblind-v4-matched.fits', 'y1a1-gold-mof-badregion_BPZ.fits', 'mcal-y1a1-combined-griz-blind-v3-matched_BPZbase.fits' ] columns_list = [[ 'e1', 'e2', 'R11', 'R12', 'R21', 'R22', 'region', 'ra', 'dec', 'flags_select', 'flags_select_1p', 'flags_select_1m', 'flags_select_2p', 'flags_select_2m'
def prepare_source_random(srcs, rand, calib=None, photoz_cut='medium', dz_min=0.1, cosmology=None, H0=70.0, Om0=0.3, comoving=False, n_jobs=4, r_min=0.15, r_max=11, n_bins=11, output=None, n_random=500000, verbose=True): """Prepare the lensing source, calibration, and random catalogs. Also precompute the DeltaSigma profiles for randoms if necessary, and define the cosmology model and the radial bins used for lensing profiles. """ # Define cosmology if cosmology is None: cosmology = FlatLambdaCDM(H0=H0, Om0=Om0) # Define radial bins rp_bins = np.logspace(np.log10(r_min), np.log10(r_max), n_bins) # Photo-z quality cuts if verbose: print("# Use the {:s} photo-z quality cut".format(photoz_cut)) if photoz_cut == 'basic': photoz_mask = (srcs['frankenz_model_llmin'] < 6.) elif photoz_cut == 'medium': photoz_mask = (srcs['frankenz_model_llmin'] < 6.) & (srcs['frankenz_photoz_risk_best'] < 0.25) elif photoz_cut == 'strict': photoz_mask = (srcs['frankenz_model_llmin'] < 6.) & (srcs['frankenz_photoz_risk_best'] < 0.15) else: raise Exception( "# Wrong photo-z quality cut type: [basic/medium/strict]") # Prepare the source catalog if verbose: print("\n# Prepare the lensing source catalog") srcs_use = helpers.dsigma_table(srcs[photoz_mask], 'source', survey='hsc', version='PDR2', field='field', z='frankenz_photoz_best', z_low='frankenz_photoz_err68_min', z_upp='frankenz_photoz_err68_max') # Add maximum usable redshift for lenses srcs_use = add_maximum_lens_redshift(srcs_use, dz_min=dz_min, z_err_factor=0, apply_z_low=True) # Prepare the calibration catalog if necessary if calib is not None: if verbose: print("\n# Prepare the lensing calibration catalog") # Photo-z quality cuts if photoz_cut == 'basic': photoz_mask = (calib['frankenz_model_llmin'] < 6.) elif photoz_cut == 'medium': photoz_mask = (calib['frankenz_model_llmin'] < 6.) & (calib['frankenz_photoz_risk_best'] < 0.25) elif photoz_cut == 'strict': photoz_mask = (calib['frankenz_model_llmin'] < 6.) & (calib['frankenz_photoz_risk_best'] < 0.15) else: raise Exception( "# Wrong photo-z quality cut type: [basic/medium/strict]") # Prepare the calibration catalog calib_use = helpers.dsigma_table(calib[photoz_mask], 'calibration', z='frankenz_photoz_best', z_true='z_true', z_low='frankenz_photoz_err68_min', w='w_source', w_sys='somw_cosmos_samplevaraince') # Add maximum usable redshift for lenses calib_use = add_maximum_lens_redshift(calib_use, dz_min=dz_min, z_err_factor=0, apply_z_low=True) else: calib_use = None # Prepare the random catalogs if verbose: print("\n# Prepare the random object catalog") rand_use = prepare_random_catalog(rand, size=n_random) # Pre-compute the DeltaSigma profiles for random objects if verbose: print("\n# Pre-compute the DeltaSigma profiles for random objects") rand_pre = add_precompute_results(rand_use, srcs_use, rp_bins, table_c=calib_use, cosmology=cosmology, comoving=comoving, n_jobs=n_jobs) # Remove the ones with no useful lensing information rand_pre['n_s_tot'] = np.sum(rand_pre['sum 1'], axis=1) rand_pre = rand_pre[rand_pre['n_s_tot'] > 0] if output is not None: srcs_use.write(output, path='source', format='hdf5') calib_use.write(output, path='calib', format='hdf5', append=True) rand_pre.write(output, path='random', format='hdf5', append=True) return else: return { 'cosmology': cosmology, 'rp_bins': rp_bins, 'source': srcs_use, 'calib': calib_use, 'random': rand_pre }
def prepare_lens_catalog(cat, src, rp_bins=None, calib=None, z_min=0.19, z_max=0.52, z='z', ra='ra', dec='dec', comoving=False, n_jobs=4, field=None, w_sys=None, r_max_mpc=2.0, verbose=True, col_used=None, cosmology=None): """Prepare the lens catalog: 1. Select lenses in the right redshift range defined by `z_min` < z <= `z_max`. 2. Match to the source catalog using the KDTree. Matching radius is defined as `r_max_mpc`. 3. Prepare the catalog for pre-computation: adding `field` and lense weight if necessary. """ # Generate a KDTree to match src_tree = catalog.catalog_to_kdtree(src, 'ra', 'dec') # Cosmology parameters if cosmology is None: cosmology = FlatLambdaCDM(H0=70.0, Om0=0.3) # Radial bins if rp_bins is None: rp_bins = np.logspace(np.log10(0.1), np.log10(20), 11) # Redshift cut cat_use = cat[(cat[z] > z_min) & (cat[z] <= z_max)] if len(cat_use) < 1: print("# No useful objects left after the redshift cut!") return if verbose: print("# {:d} / {:d} objects left after the redshift cut".format( len(cat_use), len(cat))) # Match to the source catalog # Maximum matching radius in deg r_max_deg = (cosmology.arcsec_per_kpc_proper(cat_use[z]) * (r_max_mpc * u.Mpc).to(u.kpc)).to( # Maximum matching radius in the 3-D Cartesian coordinates used by the KDTree r_max_3d = np.sqrt(2 - 2 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(r_max_deg))) # Get the KDTree of the lens catalog cat_kdtree = catalog.catalog_to_kdtree(cat_use, ra, dec) cat_index = list( itertools.chain( *src_tree.query_ball_tree(cat_kdtree, r=r_max_3d.max()))) cat_use = cat_use[np.unique(np.asarray(cat_index))] if len(cat_use) < 1: print("# No useful objects left after the source catalog match!") return if verbose: print("# {:d} / {:d} objects left after the source catalog match!". format(len(cat_use), len(cat))) # Add continued fields cat_use.rename_column(ra, 'ra') cat_use.rename_column(dec, 'dec') if field is None: cat_pre = add_continous_fields(cat_use, n_samples=10000, distance_threshold=1.0) field = 'field' # Add a place holder for systematic weight if necessary if w_sys is None: w_sys = 1.0 # Organize the columns need to be transfered if col_used is None: col_used = cat_pre.colnames for col in ['ra', 'dec', 'z', z, field, 'w_sys']: if col in col_used: col_used.remove(col) col_kwargs = {} for col in col_used: col_kwargs[col.lower()] = col # Get the catalog ready for dsigma cat_pre = helpers.dsigma_table(cat_pre, 'lens', ra='ra', dec='dec', z=z, field=field, w_sys=w_sys, **col_kwargs) # Pre-computation for the lenses cat_pre = add_precompute_results(cat_pre, src, rp_bins, table_c=calib, cosmology=cosmology, comoving=comoving, n_jobs=n_jobs) # Remove the ones with no useful lensing information cat_pre['n_s_tot'] = np.sum(cat_pre['sum 1'], axis=1) cat_pre = cat_pre[cat_pre['n_s_tot'] > 0] return cat_pre
'raw', fname), columns=columns), names=columns)) table_s = hstack(table_s) table_s = table_s[table_s['flags_select'] == 0] if survey == 'HSC': table_s = os.path.join(zebu.base_dir, 'lwb', 'hsc', 'raw', 'hsc_s16a_lensing.fits')) elif survey == 'KiDS': table_s = os.path.join(zebu.base_dir, 'lwb', 'kids', 'raw', 'KiDS_DR4.1_ugriZYJHKs_SOM_gold_WL_cat.fits')) table_s = dsigma_table(table_s, 'source', survey=survey) table_s = table_s[table_s['z'] < zebu.source_z_bins[survey.lower()][-1]] for z_l, color in zip(z_l_list, color_list): sigma_crit = critical_surface_density(z_l, table_s['z'], cosmology=zebu.cosmo) dz_list = np.linspace(0, 0.9, 91) - 0.005 error = np.zeros(len(dz_list)) for i, dz in enumerate(dz_list): use = table_s['z'] > z_l + dz w_ls = table_s['w'] / sigma_crit**2