def anaMcNiCuKa(spc, det, stdBase, maxCh=1200): props=spc.getProperties() e0 = props.getNumericProperty(epq.SpectrumProperties.BeamEnergy) lt = props.getNumericProperty(epq.SpectrumProperties.LiveTime) pc = props.getNumericProperty(epq.SpectrumProperties.FaradayBegin) wkDst = props.getNumericProperty(epq.SpectrumProperties.WorkingDistance) spc = jmg.cropSpec(spc, end=maxCh) unSpc = jmg.updateCommonSpecProps(spc, det, liveTime=lt, probeCur=pc, e0=e0, wrkDist=wkDst) dt2.display(unSpc) # define the transitions I want to measure tsNiKa = epq.XRayTransitionSet(epq.Element.Ni, epq.XRayTransitionSet.K_FAMILY) tsCuKa = epq.XRayTransitionSet(epq.Element.Cu, epq.XRayTransitionSet.K_FAMILY) trs = [tsNiKa, tsCuKa] relStd = "/%gkV/" % (e0) stdDir = stdBase + relStd niFile = stdDir + "Ni-sim.msa" cuFile = stdDir + "Cu-sim.msa" spc = dt2.wrap([0]) props=spc.getProperties() e0 = props.getNumericProperty(epq.SpectrumProperties.BeamEnergy) lt = props.getNumericProperty(epq.SpectrumProperties.LiveTime) pc = props.getNumericProperty(epq.SpectrumProperties.FaradayBegin) wkDst = props.getNumericWithDefault(epq.SpectrumProperties.WorkingDistance, wkDst) spc = jmg.cropSpec(spc, end=maxCh) niSpc = jmg.updateCommonSpecProps(spc, det, liveTime=lt, probeCur=pc, e0=e0, wrkDist=wkDst) dt2.display(niSpc) spc = dt2.wrap([0]) props=spc.getProperties() e0 = props.getNumericProperty(epq.SpectrumProperties.BeamEnergy) lt = props.getNumericProperty(epq.SpectrumProperties.LiveTime) pc = props.getNumericProperty(epq.SpectrumProperties.FaradayBegin) wkDst = props.getNumericWithDefault(epq.SpectrumProperties.WorkingDistance, wkDst) spc = jmg.cropSpec(spc, end=maxCh) cuSpc = jmg.updateCommonSpecProps(spc, det, liveTime=lt, probeCur=pc, e0=e0, wrkDist=wkDst) dt2.display(cuSpc) niStd = {"El":dt2.element("Ni"), "Spc":niSpc} cuStd = {"El":dt2.element("Cu"), "Spc":cuSpc} stds = [niStd, cuStd] theKR = jmg.compKRs(unSpc, stds, trs, det, e0) krNiCalc = theKR[0] krCuCalc = theKR[1] return [krNiCalc, krCuCalc]
lNm=[] lKCK=[] lKCuL=[] for i in range(500): tNmC = float(i+1) lNm.append(tNmC) sLay = [[c, tNmC/1.0e9], [cu, 100.0]] sSpc = mc3.multiFilm(sLay, det, e0=e0, withPoisson=True, nTraj=nTraj, dose=dose, sf=charF, bf=bremF, xtraParams={}) sp=sSpc.getProperties() sp.setTextProperty(epq.SpectrumProperties.SpectrumDisplayName,"%g-nm-C-on-Cu"% tNmC) sp.setNumericProperty(epq.SpectrumProperties.LiveTime, lt) sp.setNumericProperty(epq.SpectrumProperties.FaradayBegin, dose) sp.setNumericProperty(epq.SpectrumProperties.FaradayEnd, dose) # display(sSpc) a = jmg.compKRs(sSpc, stds, trs, det, e0) lKCK.append(a[0]) lKCuL.append(a[1]) print (i+1) # prepare the output file csvPath = csvDir + "/sim-C-on-Cu-%gkV.csv" % e0 f=open(csvPath, 'w') strLine = 'tNm, kCKa, kCuLa\n' f.write(strLine) l = len(lNm) for i in range(l): strLine = '%.1f, %.5f, %.5f\n' % (lNm[i], lKCK[i], lKCuL[i]) f.write(strLine) f.close()
def simLineInMatrix(lin, linMat, blk, blkMat, nmLinWid, umBlock, nPts, trs, outDir, hdr, det, e0, lt, pc, withPoisson=True, nTraj=100, sf=True, bf=True, iDigits=5, bVerbose=False, xtraParams={}): """simLineInMatrix(lin, linMat, blk, blkMat, nmLinWid, umBlock, nPts, trs, outDir, hdr, det, e0, lt, pc, withPoisson=True, nTraj=nTraj, sf=True, bf=True, iDigits=5, bVerbose=False, xtraParams={}) Simulate a line of width `nmLinWid' nm at the center of a block of `umBlock' microns. The line is of material `lin' with a name `linMat'. The block is of material `blk' with a name `blkMat'. We analyze an list `trs' of transitions, writing the K-ratios to a .csv file with a header `hdr'. We use the detector `det', voltage `e0' (kV) and live time `lt' sec and probe current `pc' nA. This will compute the standard spectra, compute the spectra for nPts+1 from -nPts/2 ... 0 ...nPts/2 times the block size. It will then compute the K-ratios for each spectrum and write them to a file `name' in outDir with a header `hdr' that matches the transition order. """ # order is order of trs.. sc = 1.0e-6 # scale from microns to meters for positions lX = [] # an array for postions lKlin = [] # an array for the K-ratio of the line lKblk = [ ] # an array for the K-ratio of the block. Title correspond to hdr string # start clean dt2.DataManager.clearSpectrumList() # create the standards linStd = simulateBulkStandard(lin, linMat, det, e0, lt, pc, withPoisson=True, nTraj=nTraj, sf=True, bf=True, xtraParams={}) dt2.display(linStd) blkStd = simulateBulkStandard(blk, blkMat, det, e0, lt, pc, withPoisson=True, nTraj=nTraj, sf=True, bf=True, xtraParams={}) dt2.display(blkStd) lStd = {"El": dt2.element(linMat), "Spc": linStd} bStd = {"El": dt2.element(blkMat), "Spc": blkStd} stds = [lStd, bStd] # note: put the transitions in this order iCount = 0 for x in range(-nPts / 2, (nPts / 2) + 1, 1): xv = sc * x * umBlock / nPts lX.append(round(x * umBlock / nPts, iDigits)) monte = nm.MonteCarloSS() monte.setBeamEnergy(epq.ToSI.keV(e0)) # use a 1 nm probe beam = nm.GaussianBeam(1.0e-9) monte.setElectronGun(beam) beam.setCenter([xv, 0.0, -0.05]) # createBlock(double[] dims, double[] point, double phi, double theta, double psi) # createBlock - Create a block of: # dimensions specified in dims, # centered at point, # then rotated by the euler angles phi, theta, psi. block = nm.MultiPlaneShape.createBlock( [umBlock * 1.0e-6, umBlock * 1.0e-6, umBlock * 1.0e-6], [0.0, 0.0, 0.5 * umBlock * 1.0e-6], 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) matrix = monte.addSubRegion(monte.getChamber(), blk, block) monte.addSubRegion( matrix, lin, nm.MultiPlaneShape.createBlock( [1.0e-9 * nmLinWid, umBlock * 1.0e-6, umBlock * 1.0e-6], [0.0, 0.0, 0.5 * umBlock * 1.0e-6], 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) det.reset() # Add event listeners to model characteristic radiation chXR = nm3.CharacteristicXRayGeneration3.create(monte) xrel = nm3.XRayTransport3.create(monte, det, chXR) brXR = nm3.BremsstrahlungXRayGeneration3.create(monte) brem = nm3.XRayTransport3.create(monte, det, brXR) fxg3 = nm3.FluorescenceXRayGeneration3.create(monte, chXR) chSF = nm3.XRayTransport3.create(monte, det, fxg3) brSF = nm3.XRayTransport3.create( monte, det, nm3.FluorescenceXRayGeneration3.create(monte, brXR)) # here is where we run the simulation monte.runMultipleTrajectories(nTraj) spec = det.getSpectrum((lt * pc * 1.0e-9) / (nTraj * epq.PhysicalConstants.ElectronCharge)) props = spec.getProperties() props.setNumericProperty(epq.SpectrumProperties.LiveTime, lt) props.setNumericProperty(epq.SpectrumProperties.FaradayBegin, pc) props.setNumericProperty(epq.SpectrumProperties.FaradayEnd, pc) props.setNumericProperty(epq.SpectrumProperties.BeamEnergy, e0) spcName = "x = %.3f um" % x epq.SpectrumUtils.rename(spec, spcName) spec = epq.SpectrumUtils.addNoiseToSpectrum(spec, 1.0) # display(spec) a = jmg.compKRs(spec, stds, trs, det, e0) iCount += 1 print(iCount) lKlin.append(round(a[0], iDigits)) lKblk.append(round(a[1], iDigits)) basFile = "%gnm-%s-in-%gum-%s-%gkV-%g-Traj.csv" % ( nmLinWid, linMat, umBlock, blkMat, e0, nTraj) strOutFile = outDir + "/" + basFile f = open(strOutFile, 'w') strLine = hdr + '\n' f.write(strLine) for i in range(iCount): strLine = "%.5f" % lX[i] + "," strLine = strLine + "%.5f" % lKlin[i] + "," strLine = strLine + "%.5f" % lKblk[i] + "\n" f.write(strLine) f.close()
def simLineInMatrixLimScan(lin, linMat, blk, blkMat, nmLinWid, umBlock, nmScan, nPts, trs, outDir, hdr, det, e0, lt, pc, withPoisson=True, nTraj=100, sf=True, bf=True, iDigits=5, bVerbose=False, xtraParams={}): """simLineInMatrixLimScan(lin, linMat, blk, blkMat, nmLinWid, umBlock, nmScan, nPts, trs, outDir, hdr, det, e0, lt, pc, withPoisson=True, nTraj=nTraj, sf=True, bf=True, iDigits=5, bVerbose=False, xtraParams={}) Simulate a line of width `nmLinWid' nm at the center of a block of `umBlock' microns. The line is of material `lin' with a name `linMat'. The block is of material `blk' with a name `blkMat'. We step a total distance of nmScan across the center of the line. We analyze an list `trs' of transitions, writing the K-ratios to a .csv file with a header `hdr'. We use the detector `det', voltage `e0' (kV) and live time `lt' sec and probe current `pc' nA. This will compute the standard spectra, compute the spectra the scanned region. It will then compute the K-ratios for each spectrum and write them to a file `name' in outDir with a header `hdr' that matches the transition order. """ # order is order of trs.. sc = 1.0e-6 # scale from microns to meters for positions dose = lt * pc lX = [] # an array for postions lKlin = [] # an array for the K-ratio of the line lKblk = [ ] # an array for the K-ratio of the block. Title correspond to hdr string umLine = nmLinWid * 1.0e-3 # start clean dt2.DataManager.clearSpectrumList() # create the standards linStd = simulateBulkStandard(lin, linMat, det, e0, lt, pc, withPoisson=withPoisson, nTraj=nTraj, sf=sf, bf=bf, xtraParams={}) dt2.display(linStd) blkStd = simulateBulkStandard(blk, blkMat, det, e0, lt, pc, withPoisson=withPoisson, nTraj=nTraj, sf=sf, bf=sf, xtraParams={}) dt2.display(blkStd) lStd = {"El": dt2.element(linMat), "Spc": linStd} bStd = {"El": dt2.element(blkMat), "Spc": blkStd} stds = [lStd, bStd] # note: put the transitions in this order iCount = 0 for x in range(-nPts / 2, (nPts / 2) + 1, 1): xPosNm = x * nmScan / nPts lX.append(round(xPosNm, iDigits)) xtraParams = {} xtraParams.update( mc3.configureXRayAccumulators(trs, charAccum=sf, charFluorAccum=sf, bremFluorAccum=bf)) xtraParams.update(mc3.configureOutput(outDir)) xtraParams.update(mc3.configureBeam(xPosNm * 1.0e-09, 0, -0.099, 1.0)) spec = mc3.embeddedRectangle(lin, [umLine * sc, umBlock * sc, umBlock * sc], blk, 0, det, e0, withPoisson=withPoisson, nTraj=nTraj, dose=dose, sf=sf, bf=bf, xtraParams=xtraParams) props = spec.getProperties() props.setNumericProperty(epq.SpectrumProperties.LiveTime, lt) props.setNumericProperty(epq.SpectrumProperties.FaradayBegin, pc) props.setNumericProperty(epq.SpectrumProperties.FaradayEnd, pc) props.setNumericProperty(epq.SpectrumProperties.BeamEnergy, e0) spcName = "x = %.3f um" % x epq.SpectrumUtils.rename(spec, spcName) spec = epq.SpectrumUtils.addNoiseToSpectrum(spec, 1.0) # display(spec) a = jmg.compKRs(spec, stds, trs, det, e0) iCount += 1 print(iCount, xPosNm) lKlin.append(round(a[0], iDigits)) lKblk.append(round(a[1], iDigits)) basFile = "%gnm-%s-in-%gum-%s-%gkV-%g-Traj.csv" % ( nmLinWid, linMat, umBlock, blkMat, e0, nTraj) strOutFile = outDir + "/" + basFile f = open(strOutFile, 'w') strLine = hdr + '\n' f.write(strLine) for i in range(iCount): strLine = "%.3f" % lX[i] + "," strLine = strLine + "%.5f" % lKlin[i] + "," strLine = strLine + "%.5f" % lKblk[i] + "\n" f.write(strLine) f.close()
det, e0=e0, withPoisson=True, nTraj=nTraj, dose=dose, sf=charF, bf=bremF, xtraParams={}) sp = sSpc.getProperties() sp.setTextProperty(epq.SpectrumProperties.SpectrumDisplayName, "%g-nm-Au-on-Cu" % tNmAu) sp.setNumericProperty(epq.SpectrumProperties.LiveTime, lt) sp.setNumericProperty(epq.SpectrumProperties.FaradayBegin, dose) sp.setNumericProperty(epq.SpectrumProperties.FaradayEnd, dose) display(sSpc) a = jmg.compKRs(sSpc, stds, trs, det, e0) print(a[0]) print(a[1]) lKAuL.append(a[0]) lKCuK.append(a[1]) print(i + 1) # prepare the output file csvPath = csvDir + "/sim-Au-on-Cu-%g-kV-%g-steps-%g-nm.csv" % (e0, nSteps, tNmStep) f = open(csvPath, 'w') strLine = 'tNm, kAuLaMu, kAuLaStd, kCuKaMu, kCuKaStd\n' f.write(strLine) l = len(lNm) for i in range(l): strLine = '%.1f, %.5f, %.5f, %.5f, %.5f\n' % (
msg = "Simulating %g nm C on Fe at %g kV %g traj" % (tc, e0, nTraj) print(msg) spc = sim_amc_coated_mat(fe, det, e0, nTraj, lt=lt, pc=pc, tc=tc) display(spc) sName = "%g-nm-C-on-Fe-%g-kV-%g-traj" % (tc, e0, nTraj) fi = datDir + "/" fi += sName fi += ".msa" if bSaveSpc == True: endCycle = time.time() delta = (endCycle-startCycle)/60 tod = msg = "C layer %g of %g required %.3f min %s" % (i, nSpec, delta, tod) print msg res = jmg.compKRs(spc, stds, trs, det, e0) print(res) lNmC.append(tc) lkC.append(round(res[0], 5)) lkFe.append(round(res[1], 5)) nMeas = len(lkFe) f = open(csvFil, 'w') strLine = 't.nm, kC, kFe\n' f.write(strLine) for i in range(nMeas): strLine = "%g" % lNmC[i] + "," strLine = strLine + "%.5f" % lkC[i] + "," strLine = strLine + "%.5f" % lkFe[i] + "\n" f.write(strLine) f.close()
l_nm_C = [] l_kC_mu = [] l_kC_unc = [] l_kFe_mu = [] l_kFe_unc = [] for tc in lNmCsim: sName = "%g-nm-C-on-Fe-%g-kV-%g-traj" % (tc, e0, nTraj) fi = datDir + "/" fi += sName fi += ".msa" # print(fi) spc = readSpectrum(fi) display(spc) kr = jmg.compKRs(spc, stds, trs, det, e0, digits=5) l_nm_C.append(tc) l_kC_mu.append(kr[0][0]) l_kC_unc.append(kr[0][1]) l_kFe_mu.append(kr[1][0]) l_kFe_unc.append(kr[1][1]) # print(kr) f=open(csvFil, 'w') strLine = 'nm_c,c_ka_mu,c_ka_unc,fe_la_mu,fe_la_unc\n' f.write(strLine) for i in range(nSpec): strLine = "%g" % l_nm_C[i] + "," strLine = strLine + "%.5f" % l_kC_mu[i] + "," strLine = strLine + "%.5f" % l_kC_unc[i] + "," strLine = strLine + "%.5f" % l_kFe_mu[i] + ","
def simLineInMatrixLimScan(lin, linMat, blk, blkMat, nmLinWid, umBlock,nmScan, nPts, trs, outDir, hdr, det, e0, lt, pc, withPoisson=True, nTraj=100, sf=True, bf=True, iDigits=5, bVerbose=False, xtraParams={}): """simLineInMatrixLimScan(lin, linMat, blk, blkMat, nmLinWid, umBlock, nmScan, nPts, trs, outDir, hdr, det, e0, lt, pc, withPoisson=True, nTraj=nTraj, sf=True, bf=True, iDigits=5, bVerbose=False, xtraParams={}) Simulate a line of width `nmLinWid' nm at the center of a block of `umBlock' microns. The line is of material `lin' with a name `linMat'. The block is of material `blk' with a name `blkMat'. We step a total distance of nmScan across the center of the line. We analyze an list `trs' of transitions, writing the K-ratios to a .csv file with a header `hdr'. We use the detector `det', voltage `e0' (kV) and live time `lt' sec and probe current `pc' nA. This will compute the standard spectra, compute the spectra the scanned region. It will then compute the K-ratios for each spectrum and write them to a file `name' in outDir with a header `hdr' that matches the transition order. """ # order is order of trs.. sc = 1.0e-6 # scale from microns to meters for positions dose = lt*pc lX = [] # an array for postions lKlin = [] # an array for the K-ratio of the line lKblk = [] # an array for the K-ratio of the block. Title correspond to hdr string umLine = nmLinWid * 1.0e-3 # start clean dt2.DataManager.clearSpectrumList() # create the standards linStd = simulateBulkStandard(lin, linMat, det, e0, lt, pc, withPoisson=withPoisson, nTraj=nTraj, sf=sf, bf=bf, xtraParams={}) dt2.display(linStd) blkStd = simulateBulkStandard(blk, blkMat, det, e0, lt, pc, withPoisson=withPoisson, nTraj=nTraj, sf=sf, bf=sf, xtraParams={}) dt2.display(blkStd) lStd = {"El":dt2.element(linMat), "Spc":linStd} bStd = {"El":dt2.element(blkMat), "Spc":blkStd} stds = [lStd, bStd] # note: put the transitions in this order iCount = 0 for x in range(-nPts/2, (nPts/2)+1, 1): xPosNm = x * nmScan / nPts lX.append(round(xPosNm, iDigits)) xtraParams={} xtraParams.update(mc3.configureXRayAccumulators(trs, charAccum=sf, charFluorAccum=sf, bremFluorAccum=bf)) xtraParams.update(mc3.configureOutput(outDir)) xtraParams.update(mc3.configureBeam(xPosNm*1.0e-09, 0, -0.099, 1.0)) spec = mc3.embeddedRectangle(lin, [umLine*sc, umBlock*sc, umBlock*sc], blk, 0, det, e0, withPoisson=withPoisson, nTraj=nTraj, dose=dose, sf=sf, bf=bf, xtraParams=xtraParams) props = spec.getProperties() props.setNumericProperty(epq.SpectrumProperties.LiveTime, lt) props.setNumericProperty(epq.SpectrumProperties.FaradayBegin, pc) props.setNumericProperty(epq.SpectrumProperties.FaradayEnd, pc) props.setNumericProperty(epq.SpectrumProperties.BeamEnergy, e0) spcName = "x = %.3f um" % x epq.SpectrumUtils.rename(spec, spcName) spec = epq.SpectrumUtils.addNoiseToSpectrum(spec, 1.0) # display(spec) a = jmg.compKRs(spec, stds, trs, det, e0) iCount += 1 print(iCount, xPosNm) lKlin.append(round(a[0], iDigits)) lKblk.append(round(a[1], iDigits)) basFile ="%gnm-%s-in-%gum-%s-%gkV-%g-Traj.csv" % (nmLinWid, linMat, umBlock, blkMat, e0, nTraj) strOutFile = outDir + "/" + basFile f=open(strOutFile, 'w') strLine = hdr + '\n' f.write(strLine) for i in range(iCount): strLine = "%.3f" % lX[i] + "," strLine = strLine + "%.5f" % lKlin[i] + "," strLine = strLine + "%.5f" % lKblk[i] + "\n" f.write(strLine) f.close()
def simLineInMatrix(lin, linMat, blk, blkMat, nmLinWid, umBlock, nPts, trs, outDir, hdr, det, e0, lt, pc, withPoisson=True, nTraj=100, sf=True, bf=True, iDigits=5, bVerbose=False, xtraParams={}): """simLineInMatrix(lin, linMat, blk, blkMat, nmLinWid, umBlock, nPts, trs, outDir, hdr, det, e0, lt, pc, withPoisson=True, nTraj=nTraj, sf=True, bf=True, iDigits=5, bVerbose=False, xtraParams={}) Simulate a line of width `nmLinWid' nm at the center of a block of `umBlock' microns. The line is of material `lin' with a name `linMat'. The block is of material `blk' with a name `blkMat'. We analyze an list `trs' of transitions, writing the K-ratios to a .csv file with a header `hdr'. We use the detector `det', voltage `e0' (kV) and live time `lt' sec and probe current `pc' nA. This will compute the standard spectra, compute the spectra for nPts+1 from -nPts/2 ... 0 ...nPts/2 times the block size. It will then compute the K-ratios for each spectrum and write them to a file `name' in outDir with a header `hdr' that matches the transition order. """ # order is order of trs.. sc = 1.0e-6 # scale from microns to meters for positions lX = [] # an array for postions lKlin = [] # an array for the K-ratio of the line lKblk = [] # an array for the K-ratio of the block. Title correspond to hdr string # start clean dt2.DataManager.clearSpectrumList() # create the standards linStd = simulateBulkStandard(lin, linMat, det, e0, lt, pc, withPoisson=True, nTraj=nTraj, sf=True, bf=True, xtraParams={}) dt2.display(linStd) blkStd = simulateBulkStandard(blk, blkMat, det, e0, lt, pc, withPoisson=True, nTraj=nTraj, sf=True, bf=True, xtraParams={}) dt2.display(blkStd) lStd = {"El":dt2.element(linMat), "Spc":linStd} bStd = {"El":dt2.element(blkMat), "Spc":blkStd} stds = [lStd, bStd] # note: put the transitions in this order iCount = 0 for x in range(-nPts/2, (nPts/2)+1, 1): xv = sc*x*umBlock/nPts lX.append(round(x*umBlock/nPts, iDigits)) monte=nm.MonteCarloSS() monte.setBeamEnergy(epq.ToSI.keV(e0)) # use a 1 nm probe beam=nm.GaussianBeam(1.0e-9) monte.setElectronGun(beam) beam.setCenter([xv, 0.0,-0.05]) # createBlock(double[] dims, double[] point, double phi, double theta, double psi) # createBlock - Create a block of: # dimensions specified in dims, # centered at point, # then rotated by the euler angles phi, theta, psi. block = nm.MultiPlaneShape.createBlock([umBlock*1.0e-6, umBlock*1.0e-6, umBlock*1.0e-6],[0.0,0.0, 0.5*umBlock*1.0e-6],0.0,0.0,0.0) matrix = monte.addSubRegion(monte.getChamber(), blk, block) monte.addSubRegion(matrix, lin, nm.MultiPlaneShape.createBlock([1.0e-9*nmLinWid, umBlock*1.0e-6, umBlock*1.0e-6],[0.0, 0.0, 0.5*umBlock*1.0e-6],0.0,0.0,0.0)) det.reset() # Add event listeners to model characteristic radiation chXR = nm3.CharacteristicXRayGeneration3.create(monte) xrel = nm3.XRayTransport3.create(monte, det, chXR) brXR = nm3.BremsstrahlungXRayGeneration3.create(monte) brem = nm3.XRayTransport3.create(monte, det, brXR) fxg3 = nm3.FluorescenceXRayGeneration3.create(monte, chXR) chSF = nm3.XRayTransport3.create(monte, det, fxg3) brSF = nm3.XRayTransport3.create(monte, det, nm3.FluorescenceXRayGeneration3.create(monte, brXR)) # here is where we run the simulation monte.runMultipleTrajectories(nTraj) spec = det.getSpectrum((lt*pc*1.0e-9) / (nTraj * epq.PhysicalConstants.ElectronCharge)) props = spec.getProperties() props.setNumericProperty(epq.SpectrumProperties.LiveTime, lt) props.setNumericProperty(epq.SpectrumProperties.FaradayBegin, pc) props.setNumericProperty(epq.SpectrumProperties.FaradayEnd, pc) props.setNumericProperty(epq.SpectrumProperties.BeamEnergy, e0) spcName = "x = %.3f um" % x epq.SpectrumUtils.rename(spec, spcName) spec = epq.SpectrumUtils.addNoiseToSpectrum(spec, 1.0) # display(spec) a = jmg.compKRs(spec, stds, trs, det, e0) iCount += 1 print(iCount) lKlin.append(round(a[0], iDigits)) lKblk.append(round(a[1], iDigits)) basFile ="%gnm-%s-in-%gum-%s-%gkV-%g-Traj.csv" % (nmLinWid, linMat, umBlock, blkMat, e0, nTraj) strOutFile = outDir + "/" + basFile f=open(strOutFile, 'w') strLine = hdr + '\n' f.write(strLine) for i in range(iCount): strLine = "%.5f" % lX[i] + "," strLine = strLine + "%.5f" % lKlin[i] + "," strLine = strLine + "%.5f" % lKblk[i] + "\n" f.write(strLine) f.close()
msg = "Simulating %g nm C on Fe3C at %g kV %g traj" % (tc, e0, nTraj) print(msg) spc = sim_amc_coated_mat(fe3c, det, e0, nTraj, lt=lt, pc=pc, tc=tc) display(spc) sName = "%g-nm-C-on-Fe3C-%g-kV-%g-traj" % (tc, e0, nTraj) fi = basePath + "/" fi += sName fi += ".msa" if bSaveSpc == True: endCycle = time.time() delta = (endCycle - startCycle) / 60 tod = msg = "C layer %g of %g required %.3f min %s" % (i, nSpec, delta, tod) print msg res = jmg.compKRs(spc, stds, trs, det, e0) if (bVerbose): print(res) kc = res[0] kcMu = kc[0] if (bVerbose): print(kcMu) kfe = res[1] kfeMu = kfe[0] if (bVerbose): print(kfeMu) print(kc) print(kfe) lNmC.append(tc) lkC.append(kcMu)