def spellChecker(queryFreq):
	sortedQuery = sorted(queryFreq.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
	spellDict = defaultdict(str)
	numDict = defaultdict(int)
	for i in xrange(len(sortedQuery)-1, -1, -1):
		cur_dict = sortedQuery[i]
		if len(cur_dict[0]) <= 4:
		for j in xrange(0, i):
			com_dict = sortedQuery[j]
			if (len(cur_dict[0]) == len(com_dict[0])) and (com_dict[1] >= 10 * cur_dict[1]):
				dist, cost, path = dtw(list(cur_dict[0]), list(com_dict[0]), customDist)
				if cost[len(cur_dict[0]) - 1][len(com_dict[0]) - 1] <= 1 :
					if (not cur_dict[0] in spellDict) or (com_dict[1] > numDict[cur_dict[0]]):
						spellDict[cur_dict[0]] = com_dict[0]
						numDict[cur_dict[0]] = com_dict[1]
					#print cur_dict[0] + ' ==> ' + com_dict[0] + '  #: ' + str(cur_dict[1]) + ' ==> ' + str(com_dict[1])
			if (len(com_dict[0]) > 4) and (abs(len(cur_dict[0]) - len(com_dict[0])) <= 2) and (com_dict[1] >= 10 * cur_dict[1]):
				dist, cost, path = dtw(list(cur_dict[0]), list(com_dict[0]), customDist)
				if cost[len(cur_dict[0]) - 1][len(com_dict[0]) - 1] <= 2 :
					if (not cur_dict[0] in spellDict) or (com_dict[1] > numDict[cur_dict[0]]):
						spellDict[cur_dict[0]] = com_dict[0]
						numDict[cur_dict[0]] = com_dict[1]
					#print cur_dict[0] + ' ==> ' + com_dict[0] + '  #: ' + str(cur_dict[1]) + ' ==> ' + str(com_dict[1])
	for word in spellDict:
		correctWord = spellDict[word]
		while correctWord in spellDict:
			correctWord = spellDict[correctWord]
		spellDict[word] = correctWord
	return spellDict
Exemple #2
def twoDDW(x,y,dist_func):
    Computes 2-dimensional Dynamic Warping of two images.
    :param 2D-array x: N1*M1 array
    :param 2D-array y: N2*M2 array
    :param func dist: distance used as cost measure
     Returns the minimum distance, the accumulated cost matrix, and the wrap path.
    transpose_x = x.transpose()
    transpose_y = y.transpose()
    cummulative = zeros(max_value)
    for i in Calculation_Order(N1,M1,N2,M2):
        cost1 =DTW(R1, R2)+DTW(C1, C2), where R1 is the i1-th row
        in image I1 from column 1 through column i1, C1 is the j1-
        th column in image I2 from row 1 through row j1. 
        if len(R1)==0:
        if len(R2) == 0:
        if len(C1) == 0:
        if len(C2) == 0:
        final_cost = inf
        if isZeros(i):
            final_cost = 0
            for num in range(15):
                new_stage = prev_stage(i,num)
                cost2 = 0
                prev_prev = prev_stage(new_stage,num)
                if verify_boundaries(prev_prev,max_value):
                    cost2+= cummulative[prev_prev]
                cost2 += cost(DTW_R1_R2,DTW_C1_C2,num)
                if verify_boundaries(new_stage,max_value):
                    if cost2 < final_cost:
                        final_cost = cost2
    print "***************"
    print " twoDDW done "
    print "***************"
    print "***************"
    print " Traceback started "
    print "***************"
    return cummulative[-1,-1,-1,-1] / sum(cummulative.shape), cummulative, local_traceback(cummulative,N1,M1,N2,M2)
Exemple #3
 def test_dtw(self):
   points1 = numpy.array([[0,0],[2,4],[4,4],[6,9]])
   points2 = numpy.array([[0,0],[0,2],[2,4],[6,6]])
   corr_fast = dtw.dtw(points1, points2)
   corr_slow = dtw.dtw(points1, points2, debug=True)
   assert_array_equal(corr_fast.matrix(), corr_slow.matrix())
   expected = numpy.array([[0,0],[0,1],[1,2],[2,2],[3,3]])
   assert_array_equal(corr_fast.pairs(), expected)
Exemple #4
def getDistances(f1, f2):
	mfcc1 = f1[0]
	mspec1 = f1[1]
	mfcc2 = f2[0]
	mspec2 = f2[1]
	dist, cost, acc, path = dtw(mfcc1.T, mfcc2.T, dist=lambda x, y: norm(x - y, ord=2))
	# print path
	dist2, cost2, acc2, path2 = dtw(mspec1.T, mspec2.T, dist=lambda x, y: norm(x - y,ord=2))	
	return dist + dist2, dist * dist2
def mediaProcess():
	media_event_pattern = []
	time.sleep(1)					# delay the thread for the first time.
	connection = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)   # connection to grab data value
	chunk = 1
	sample = 1
	while chunk <= 100:
		TP = 0
		waktu = 0
		while sample <= 100:
			start_time = time.time()	# start time to count the execution time
			counter = 0
			while counter < chunk:			# accuracy adjusment
				datasetSensor =  connection.recv(1024)
				#print 'ERROR:', datasetSensor							# sometimes the server send nasty dataset that caused error.
				dummy = datasetSensor.strip().split('\r\n')[0]
				parts = dummy.split()
				if len(parts) > 1:
					event_pattern_value = float(parts[1])
					if counter == 0:
						counter += 1
					elif media_event_pattern[counter-1] != MediaValue.content():
						counter += 1
			light_off_dist, light_off_cost, light_off_path = dtw(living_light_off, media_event_pattern)
			light_on_dist, light_on_cost, light_on_path = dtw(living_light_on, media_event_pattern)

			if light_off_dist < light_on_dist:
				#print time.strftime("Living room light is off - %s seconds", time.localtime(int(time.time()-start_time)))
				TP += 1
				sample += 1
				waktu = waktu + int(time.strftime("%s", time.localtime(int(time.time()-start_time))))
				del media_event_pattern[:]
			elif light_on_dist < light_off_dist:
				#print time.strftime("Living room light is on - %s seconds", time.localtime(int(time.time()-start_time)))
				#TP += 1
				sample += 1
				waktu = waktu + int(time.strftime("%s", time.localtime(int(time.time()-start_time))))
				del media_event_pattern[:]
			else :
				print "Undefine"
				del media_event_pattern[:]		
		print "LivingOff,",chunk,",",TP,",",waktu/100
		sample = 1
		chunk += 1
Exemple #6
def getAllDistances(f1, GTF):
	distances = []

	mfcc1 = f1[0]
	mspec1 = f1[1]
	for instance in GTF:
		mfcc2 = instance[1][0]
		mspec2 = instance[1][1]
		dist, cost, acc, path = dtw(mfcc1.T, mfcc2.T, dist=lambda x, y: norm(x - y, ord=2))
		dist2, cost2, acc2, path2 = dtw(mspec1.T, mspec2.T, dist=lambda x, y: norm(x - y,ord=2))	
		# print "#####LEN", len(mfcc1.T), len(mfcc1.T[0])
		# print "#####LEN", len(mfcc2.T), len(mfcc2.T[0])
		# print "#####DLEN", len(path[0])
		distances.append((instance[0], dist + dist2))
	return distances
Exemple #7
 def results(self):
     #Loading audio files
     #Extract MFCC features and use dtw to compare the distance between two MFCCs
     y1, sr1 = librosa.load('output1.wav') 
     y2, sr2 = librosa.load('output2.wav') 
     mfcc1 = librosa.feature.mfcc(y1,sr1)   #Computing MFCC values
     mfcc2 = librosa.feature.mfcc(y2,sr2)
     dist, cost, path = dtw(mfcc1.T, mfcc2.T)
     #Set a threshold for our game's ranking system
     if dist <= 40:
         self.textEdit_2.setText("You did a great job! ^^")
     elif dist <= 50:
         self.textEdit_2.setText("You did good.")
     elif dist <= 60:
         self.textEdit_2.setText("You're fine.")
         self.textEdit_2.setText("You are poor at this game... TT")
     self.outputRank += "Player " + str(self.count) + " got " + str(self.rank[self.count]) + "\n\n"      
     self.count = self.count + 1
Exemple #8
def align_signal(s_, t, w=5, has_time=True, get_distance=False):
    every column of s or t is a time series
    every row is dimensions of signal at one time point
    w size is symmetric. w=5 means the window has size 11.
    # t = t.transpose(1, 0)
    # s = s.transpose(1, 0)
    if has_time:
        s_ = s_[:, 1:]
        t = t[:, 1:]

    dist_fun = euclidean_distances
    dist_, cost_, acc_, path_ = dtw(s_, t, dist_fun)
    path_ = np.array(path_)

    warped_t = t[path_[1, :], :]
    new_t = np.zeros(s_.shape)

    for i in range(warped_t.shape[0]):
        new_t[path_[0, i], :] = warped_t[i, :]

    if has_time:
        Ts = np.arange(1, s_.shape[0] + 1)
        Ts = Ts.reshape(-1, 1)
        new_t = np.hstack((Ts, new_t))
    if get_distance:
        return new_t, dist_
    return new_t
Exemple #9
def dist_test(region, type1, type2):
	data1 = get_data(region, type1)
	data2 = get_data(region, type2)
	dist, cost, path = dtw(data1, data2)
	plot_dtw(data1, data2, cost, path)
	return dist
Exemple #10
def get_distance(arr1, arr2, norm=distance, acc_option=True):
    arr1, arr2: np.arrays from prepared_smooth_array function
            np array [time, emotions], with smoothed counts
            time1 [emotion1, emotion2, emotion3,...]
            time2 [emotion1, emotion2, emotion3,...]
    norm: the measure of distance used,
          defaults to a distance than puts more weight on bigger peaks of
          different heights.
    acc_option: defaults to True, to use acc_dtw (accelerated version of Dynamic
    Time Wrapping). Setting option to False leads to standard dtw

    minimum distance

    note: possible to expand to get other things than min_dist
    if acc_option:
        min_dist, cost_matrix, acc_cost_matrix, wrap_path =\
                            acc_dtw.dtw(arr1, arr2)
        min_dist, cost_matrix, acc_cost_matrix, wrap_path =\
                        dtw.dtw(arr1, arr2, dist=norm)

    return min_dist
def dtw_avg_distance(sig, test_sigs):
    score = 0
    for test_sig in test_sigs:
        dist, cost, acc, path = dtw(sig, test_sig, distance)
        score += dist

    return score / len(test_sigs)
def mediaProcess():
	media_event_pattern = []
	time.sleep(1)					# delay the thread for the first time.
	connection = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)   # connection to grab data value

	while 1:
		start_time = time.time()	# start time to count the execution time
		counter = 0
		while counter < 10:			# accuracy adjusment
			datasetSensor =  connection.recv(1024)
			#print 'ERROR:', datasetSensor							# sometimes the server send nasty dataset that caused error.
			dummy = datasetSensor.strip().split('\r\n')[0]
			parts = dummy.split()
			if len(parts) > 1:
				event_pattern_value = float(parts[1])
				if counter == 0:
					counter += 1
				elif media_event_pattern[counter-1] != MediaValue.content():
					counter += 1

		light_off_dist, light_off_cost, light_off_path = dtw(living_light_off, media_event_pattern)
		light_on_dist, light_on_cost, light_on_path = dtw(living_light_on, media_event_pattern)

		if light_off_dist < light_on_dist:
			curentvalue = 0
			if curentvalue != currentLiving.content():
				print time.strftime("Living room light is off - %s seconds", time.localtime(int(time.time()-start_time)))
			lamp1.on = False
			del media_event_pattern[:]
		elif light_on_dist < light_off_dist:
			curentvalue = 1
			lamp1.on = True
			lamp1.xy = normal 
			lamp1.brightness = 50
			if curentvalue != currentLiving.content():
				print time.strftime("Living room light is on - %s seconds", time.localtime(int(time.time()-start_time)))
			del media_event_pattern[:]
		else :
			print "Undefine"
			del media_event_pattern[:]
def WorkerDTW(testing_array, training_array, bandwidth, label_names, results_queue):
    gotRight = 0
    for testing in testing_array:
        training_id, _ = dtw.dtw(testing, training_array, bandwidth)
        if testing.label == training_array[training_id].label:
            gotRight += 1
    report_single(label_names[testing_array[0].label], gotRight, len(testing_array))
Exemple #14
 def analyze(self):
     d, c, p = dtw(self.x, self.y)
     #self.dist, self.cost, self.path = dtw(self.x, self.y, dist=self.norm)
     self.dist = d
     self.cost = c
     self.path = p
     return d
def pitch_vector_distance(pa,pb):
    la = ~np.isnan(pa)
    lb = ~np.isnan(pb)
    x = pa[la]
    y = pb[lb]
    dist, cost, path = dtw(x,y)
    return dist
Exemple #16
def distance_dtw(X,Y):
    from dtw import dtw
    #print(great_circle(X, Y).km)
    distace1,_,_ = dtw(X,Y)
    return distace1
Exemple #17
def cluster_distance(cluster1,cluster2):
    veclist1 = cluster1.vec
    veclist2 = cluster2.vec
    dislist = []
    for vec1 in veclist1:
        for vec2 in veclist2:
            distance,cost,path = dtw(vec1,vec2)
    return np.mean(dislist)
def get_distance(alphabet, audio_file):
    y1, sr1 = librosa.load(audio_file)
    mfcc1 = librosa.feature.mfcc(y1,sr1)
    distance_matrix = {}
    if alphabet not in mfcc_values:
        return {alphabet: '1000000000'}
    for (mfcc2, reference_file) in mfcc_values[str(alphabet)]:
        dist, cost, accumulated_cost, path = dtw(mfcc1.T, mfcc2.T, dist=my_custom_norm)
        distance_matrix[reference_file] = '%.4f' %dist
    return distance_matrix
def make_cost_matrix(audio_file, intervals, labels, dist, level):
    """Computes the cost matrix of the DTW from the given audio file.

    audio_file : str
        Path to the audio file.
    intervals : np.array
        Intervals containing the estimated boundaries.
    labels : np.array
        Estimated segment labels.
    dist : fun
        Distance function to be used for the DTW
    level : str
        Level in the hierarchy.

    D : np.array
        DTW scores.
    P : list
        List containing np.arrays() representing the DTW paths.
    # Computes the features (return existing ones if already computed)
    cqgram, intframes = compute_features(audio_file, intervals, level)

    # Score matrix
    D = np.nan * np.zeros((len(labels), len(labels)), dtype=np.float32)
    np.fill_diagonal(D, 0)

    # Path matrix
    P = []
    for i in range(len(labels)):
        P.append([np.nan] * len(labels))
    for i in range(len(labels)):
        P[i][i] = 0

    for i in range(len(labels)):
        x_slice = cqgram[:, intframes[i, 0]:intframes[i, 1]].T
        if intframes[i, 1] - intframes[i, 0] < 2:
        for j in range(i+1, len(labels)):
            if intframes[j, 1] - intframes[j, 0] < 2:
            y_slice = cqgram[:, intframes[j, 0]:intframes[j, 1]].T

            dtw_cost, distance, path = dtw.dtw(x_slice, y_slice, dist=dist)
            D[i, j] = dtw_cost
            D[j, i] = D[i, j]
            path = list(path)
            path[0] = np.asarray(path[0], dtype=np.int32)
            path[1] = np.asarray(path[1], dtype=np.int32)
            P[i][j] = path

    return D, P
    def test_fast_vs_normal_1D(self):
        x = np.random.rand(np.random.randint(2, 100))
        y = np.random.rand(np.random.randint(2, 100))

        d1, c1, acc1, p1 = dtw(x, y, dist=lambda x, y: np.abs((x - y)))
        d2, c2, acc2, p2 = accelerated_dtw(x, y, 'euclidean')

        self.assertAlmostEqual(d1, d2)
        self.assertAlmostEqual((c1 - c2).sum(), 0)
        self.assertAlmostEqual((acc1 - acc2).sum(), 0)
        self.assertTrue((p1[0] == p2[0]).all())
        self.assertTrue((p1[1] == p2[1]).all())
def iterate_hidden_signature_estimate(hidden_signature, signature):
    n_samples, _ = hidden_signature.shape
    _, _, _, path = dtw(hidden_signature, signature, distance)
    sig_prime = np.zeros(shape=hidden_signature.shape)
    num_x = np.zeros(shape=(n_samples, 1))

    for (x, y) in zip(*path):
        sig_prime[x] += signature[y]
        num_x[x] += 1.0

    sig_prime /= num_x
    return sig_prime
Exemple #22
def compare(arg, dirname, fnames):
    for fname in fnames:
        if test in fname:
            # Get MFCC for each test sample
            test_features = mfcc(signal = waveio.wave_from_file(os.path.join(dirname, fname))[0], fs = waveio.wave_from_file(os.path.join(dirname, fname))[1])
            # Record overhead and score for each test sample versus each template.(Each sample is of a dict corresponding to each template)
            overhead[fname]= {}
            score[fname] = {}
            for template in template_feature.keys():
                time_start = time()
                score[fname][template] = dtw(template_feature[template], test_features)
                overhead[fname][template] = time() - time_start
    def test_specific_case(self):
        x = np.array([1.0, 0.9, 1.2, 2.3, 3.8, 3.3, 4.2, 1.9, 0.5, 0.3, 0.3])
        y = np.array([0.5, 1.0, 0.9, 1.2, 2.3, 3.8, 3.3, 4.2, 1.9, 0.5, 0.3])

        euclidean = lambda x, y: np.abs((x - y))

        d1, _, _, _ = accelerated_dtw(x, y, 'euclidean')
        d2, _, _, _ = accelerated_dtw(x, y, dist=euclidean)
        d3, _, _, _ = dtw(x, y, dist=euclidean)

        self.assertAlmostEqual(d1, 0.022727272727272728)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(d2, 0.022727272727272728)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(d3, 0.022727272727272728)
Exemple #24
def align(query_feats, candidate_feats, use_dtw):
    """Align videos based on nearest neighbor or dynamic time warping.
    if use_dtw:
        dist_fn = lambda x, y: np.sum((x - y)**2)  # noqa: E731
        _, _, _, path = dtw(query_feats, candidate_feats, dist=dist_fn)
        _, uix = np.unique(path[0], return_index=True)
        nns = path[1][uix]
        nns = []
        for i in range(len(query_feats)):
            nn_frame_id, nn_dist = get_nn(candidate_feats, query_feats[i])
    return np.asarray(nns)
Exemple #25
def similarity_function (i : int, j: int, G1: nx.Graph, G2: nx.Graph, neigh_size) -> float:
    Calculate similarity between node i from graph G1 and node j from graph G2.

    rings_i = [sorted(ring) for ring in get_rings(i,G1,neigh_size)]
    rings_j = [sorted(ring) for ring in get_rings(j,G2,neigh_size)]
    rings_i = rings_i[:min(len(rings_i), len(rings_j))]
    rings_j = rings_j[:min(len(rings_i), len(rings_j))]

    distance = [dtw(x, y, lambda x, y: np.abs(x-y))[0]/k for (k, x, y) in zip(range(1, len(rings_i)+1), rings_i, rings_j)]

    return math.exp(-sum(distance))
def get_aver_dist_1_cluster(batch):
    aver_dist = 0.0
    num_user = range(len(batch))
    index = []
    for _ in range(200):
        choice = random.choice(num_user)

    for i in index[0:100]:
        for j in index[100:200]:
            dist = dtw(batch[i], batch[j], dist=custom_dist)
            aver_dist = aver_dist + dist[0]
    return float(aver_dist) / (len(index) * len(index) / 4)
Exemple #27
    def dtw_aligment(self):
        """Aligment of data using DTW algorithm
        :return offsets: list of offset betweem the firt sample an the others
        x = self.lista[0][0:,self.axis].reshape(-1, 1)
        for k in range (1,self.n):
            y = self.lista[k][0:,self.axis].reshape(-1, 1)
            dist, cost, acc, path = dtw(x, y, dist=lambda x, y: norm(x - y, ord=1))
            map_x = path[0]
            map_y = path[1]
            counts = bincount(path[0])
            self.offsets[k] = int(mean(map_x - map_y))

        return self.offsets
def corrolate(list1, list2, corr='dtw'):
    # get the front overlapping slice
    min_len = min(len(list1), len(list2))
    list1, list2 = list1[:min_len], list2[:min_len]

    if corr == 'spearman':
        res, _ = spearmanr(list1, list2)
    elif corr == 'pearson':
        res, _ = pearsonr(list1, list2)
    elif corr == 'kendall':
        res, _ = kendalltau(list1, list2)
        res = dtw.dtw(list1, list2)
    return res
Exemple #29
def dtw_dist(s, t):
    Dynamic time warping distance between two sequences.
    :param s:
    :param t:
    s = list(map(int, s))
    t = list(map(int, t))
    d, M, C, path = dtw.dtw(s, t, dist)
    return d
Exemple #30
 def dtw_calc_best_x(comb):
     best = 99999999999
     for i in list(comb):
         x = i
         euclidean_norm = lambda x, y: np.abs(x - y)
         d, cost_matrix, acc_cost_matrix, path = dtw(x,
         if d < best:
             best = d
             best_acc_cost_matrix = acc_cost_matrix
             best_path = path
             _best_x = x
     return _best_x
def recognition(name):
    # name = '.mfc/close' + str(i) + '.mfc'
    mfcc = mfc_handle.read_mfc(name)

    min = sys.maxsize
    flag = -1
    for k in range(len(modellist)):
        dtws = dtw.dtw(modellist[k], mfcc)
        if dtws < min:
            min = dtws
            flag = k + 1

    print(name + '识别结果为:' + wordlist[flag - 1] + '\n')
    return flag
Exemple #32
def dtw_sqi(x, template_type=0):
    """Using DTW to get the mapping point distance between a signal and its
    template. The DTW SQI is the ratio of the distance sum to
    the trace of cost matrix. The closer to 1 the better SQI.

    x :
        array_like, signal containing int or float values.
    template_type :
        0: ppg_absolute_dual_skewness_template,
        1: ppg_dual_double_frequency_template,
        2: ppg_nonlinear_dynamic_system_template,
        3: ecg_dynamic_template
        default = 0


    if template_type > 3 or type(template_type) != int:
        raise ValueError("Invalid template type")
    if template_type == 0:
        reference = ppg_nonlinear_dynamic_system_template(len(x)).reshape(-1)
    elif template_type == 1:
        reference = ppg_dual_double_frequency_template(len(x))
    if template_type == 2:
        reference = ppg_absolute_dual_skewness_template(len(x))
    if template_type == 3:
        reference = ecg_dynamic_template(len(x))
    alignmentOBE = dtw(x,
    match_distance = []
    for i in range(len(alignmentOBE.index2)):
    trace = alignmentOBE.costMatrix.trace()
    if trace == 0:
        ratio = float(1)
        ratio = float(np.sum(match_distance) / trace)

    return ratio
Exemple #33
def dtwc(x, y, derivative=False, startbc=True, steppattern='symmetric0',  wincond = "nowindow", r=0.0, onlydist=True):
    """Dynamic Time Warping.

      * *x* - [1D numpy array float / list] first time series
      * *y* - [1D numpy array float / list] second time series
      * *derivative* - [bool] Derivative DTW (DDTW).
      * *startbc* - [bool] (0, 0) boundary condition
      * *steppattern* - [string] step pattern ('symmetric', 'asymmetric', 'quasisymmetric')
      * *wincond* - [string] window condition ('nowindow', 'sakoechiba') 
      * *r* - [float] sakoe-chiba window length
      * *onlydist* - [bool] linear space-complexity implementation. Only the current and previous
        columns are kept in memory.

      * *d* - [float] normalized distance
      * *px* - [1D numpy array int] optimal warping path (for x time series) (for onlydist=False)
      * *py* - [1D numpy array int] optimal warping path (for y time series) (for onlydist=False)
      * *cost* - [2D numpy array float] cost matrix (for onlydist=False)

    if steppattern == 'symmetric0':
        sp = 0
    elif steppattern == 'asymmetric0':
        sp = 1
    elif steppattern == 'quasisymmetric0':
        sp = 2
        raise ValueError('step pattern %s is not available' % steppattern)
    if wincond == 'nowindow':
        wc = 0
    elif wincond == 'sakoechiba':
        wc = 1
        raise ValueError('window condition %s is not available' % wincond)
    if derivative:
        xi = dtw.der(x)
        yi = dtw.der(y)
        xi = x
        yi = y

    return dtw.dtw(xi, yi, startbc=startbc, steppattern=sp, onlydist=onlydist, wincond=wc, r=r)
def classify(test, train, k=5, scale=False, verification=True, coeff=3):
    '''Classifies each observation in `test` based on `train` using the described models.
    Parameter `scale` controls whether wsola scaling should be used.
    WARNING: Parameter `k` is not used and `verification` should only be True.'''
    for s1 in test:
        test_data =
        test_mfcc = psf.mfcc(test_data, samplerate=rate, winstep=0.016,
                             winfunc=np.hamming, nfft=1200)
        results = []
        for s2 in train:
            if s1 == s2:
                # Skip identical observations, in case it is found in both test and train set
                print('Skipping', s2)
            if verification and s1.claim !=
                # In verification mode, only check the user that the speaker is claiming to be
            if scale:
                # print('scaling')
                # print('s1', s1.size, 's2', s2.size)
                scale_speed = s1.size/s2.size
                # print('Scaling by', scale_speed)
                test_data = wsola_sample(, speed=scale_speed)
                # print('After:', test_data.shape, s2.size)
                # print('Extracting features')
                test_mfcc = psf.mfcc(test_data, samplerate=s1.rate, winstep=0.016,
                                     winfunc=np.hamming, nfft=1200)
            d, *pth = dtw(test_mfcc,, dist=distance.euclidean)
            results.append((d, s2))
        results = sorted(results)[:k]
        if verification:
            prediction = results[0]
            print(prediction[0], '\t', end='')
            outcome = not prediction[0] > (m+coeff*s)
            yield parse(s1, prediction[1], outcome)
            # Not used anymore
            score_by_speaker = defaultdict(lambda: (0, 0))
            # name: (times_found_in_neighs, sum_of_distance)
            for res in results[:k]:
                score_by_speaker[res[1].name] = (score_by_speaker[res[1].name][0]+1, score_by_speaker[res[1].name][1]+res[0])
            # get max times found in neighs
            max_neighs = score_by_speaker[sorted(dict(score_by_speaker), key=score_by_speaker.get, reverse=True)[0]][0]
            # get neigh found max times with lowest distance
            neighs_with_max = {speaker: v[1] for speaker, v in dict(score_by_speaker).items() if v[0] == max_neighs}
            return sorted(neighs_with_max, key=neighs_with_max.get)[0] ==
Exemple #35
def _getDocDTWDist ( x, y, lenX, lenY, lenLimit = 200 ) :
   if lenX == 0 or lenY == 0 :
      if lenX == 0 and lenY == 0 :
         return 0.0
      else :
         return 1.0
   x = numpy.array( [ ord( i ) for i in x[ 0 : lenLimit ] ] )
   x = x.reshape( -1, 1 )
   y = numpy.array( [ ord( i ) for i in y[ 0 : lenLimit ] ] )
   y = y.reshape( -1, 1 )

   distFunc = lambda x, y : 0.0 if x == y else 1.0
   dist, cost, acc, path = dtw.dtw( x, y, dist = distFunc )

   return dist
Exemple #36
def test_res_fig(directory):
    obj = sem2dpack(directory, component='x')
    obj.decimate_sig(q=4, filter_s=True)
    traces = obj.decimated_veloc[:, 115:135]

    n = traces.shape[1]
    out_array = np.zeros((n - 1, 2 * n - 3))

    for j in range(n - 1):
        for i in range(n - 1 - j):
            out_array[j, j + (i * 2)] = dtw(traces[:, i],
                                            traces[:, i + j + 1],

Exemple #37
def findCentroid(mfccVec):
    distList = [None] * (NUM_SAMPLES)
    for i in range(0, NUM_SAMPLES):
        m1 = np.array(mfccVec[i])
        distTemp = 0
        for j in range(0, NUM_SAMPLES):
            if (i != j):
                m2 = np.array(mfccVec[j])
                distTemp = distTemp + dtw(
                    dist=lambda x, y: np.exp(np.linalg.norm(x - y, ord=1)))[0]

        distList[i] = distTemp
    return distList
Exemple #38
def DTWReference(df, reference_df, max_warp_distance=None):
   window_type = None
   window_args = {}
   step_pattern = dtw.asymmetric
   if max_warp_distance is not None:
      window_type = "sakoechiba"
      window_args = {'window_size': max_warp_distance}
   dtw_df = pd.DataFrame(data=np.zeros((df.shape[0], df.shape[1])), columns=df.columns, index=df.index)
   for i in range(df.shape[1]):
      #warp = dtw.dtw(df.iloc[:,i].values, reference_df.values, keep_internals=True, step_pattern=step_pattern, window_type=window_type, window_args=window_args)
      warp = dtw.dtw(reference_df.values, df.iloc[:,i].values, keep_internals=True, step_pattern=step_pattern, window_type=window_type, window_args=window_args)

      # Reassemble the warped signals and resample them to align with the original df index
      dtw_df.iloc[:, i] = df.iloc[:,i].iloc[warp.index2].values
   return dtw_df
Exemple #39
def algorithm():
    _, DATA ='1.wav')
    ddata = DATA[::DISCR_CONSTANT]
    y = np.loadtxt('1.txt')[::DISCR_CONSTANT].reshape(-1, 1)
    l2_norm = lambda x, y: (x - y)**2
    distances = []

    for piece in (mit.windowed(ddata,
                               n=floor(2 * LEN_OF_CLAP / DISCR_CONSTANT),
                               step=floor(LEN_OF_CLAP / DISCR_CONSTANT),
        x = np.array(piece).reshape(-1, 1)
        dist, _, _, _ = dtw(x, y, dist=l2_norm)
    return distances
def stop():
    global temp_holder
    global training_samples
    global Y
    if (Y == []):
        temp_holder_copy = list(temp_holder)
        dtws = []
        for x in training_samples:
            distance = dtw(x, Y, euclidean)
        min_dist = min(dtws)
        print("MIN DISTANCE: ", mind_dist)
Exemple #41
def multi_dtw(a, b, normalize = True):
    global sen1
    global sen2

    sen1 = a
    sen2 = b
        a = prep.scale(a)
        b = prep.scale(b)
    indexa = np.arange(a.shape[1])    
    indexb = np.arange(b.shape[1])    
    return dtw(indexa, indexb, dist = my_custom_norm)
def calculate_dtw(time_list, df_data=None):
    total_len = len(time_list)
    dtw_matrix = np.zeros((total_len, total_len))
    for idx, item in enumerate(time_list):
        left_num = total_len - (idx + 1)
        current_segment = df_data.loc[(df_data['time'] >= item[0]) & (df_data['time'] < item[1]),:]
        for j in range(left_num):
            nxt_id = j+1
            compare_time = time_list[nxt_id]
            compare_segment = df_data.loc[(df_data['time'] >= compare_time[0]) & (df_data['time'] < compare_time[1]),:]
            dtw_return = dtw(current_segment.loc[:,'wrist_bvp'].values, compare_segment.loc[:,'wrist_bvp'].values, dist=norm)
            dtw_matrix[idx][j] = dtw_return[0] 

    return dtw_matrix
Exemple #43
def _getDocDTWDist(x, y, lenX, lenY, lenLimit=200):
    if lenX == 0 or lenY == 0:
        if lenX == 0 and lenY == 0:
            return 0.0
            return 1.0
    x = numpy.array([ord(i) for i in x[0:lenLimit]])
    x = x.reshape(-1, 1)
    y = numpy.array([ord(i) for i in y[0:lenLimit]])
    y = y.reshape(-1, 1)

    distFunc = lambda x, y: 0.0 if x == y else 1.0
    dist, cost, acc, path = dtw.dtw(x, y, dist=distFunc)

    return dist
def manifold_warping_linear(X,
    projecting_aligner = lambda A, B, corr: ManifoldLinear(
        A, B, corr, num_dims, Wx, Wy, mu=mu, eps=eps)
    correlating_aligner = lambda A, B: dtw(A, B, metric=metric)
    return alternating_alignments(X, Y, projecting_aligner,
                                  correlating_aligner, threshold, max_iters)
Exemple #45
def DTW(data1, data2, keypoint_name=" "):
    ts1 = list(data1)
    ts2 = list(data2)

        return 0

    x = np.array(ts1).reshape(-1, 1)
    y = np.array(ts2).reshape(-1, 1)

    euclidean_norm = lambda x, y: np.abs(x - y)

    d, cost_matrix, acc_cost_matrix, path = dtw(x, y, dist=euclidean_norm)

    #pg.Paint_CostMatrix(acc_cost_matrix.T, path, keypoint_name)

    ts1_dtw = []
    for i in range(1,len(path[0])):

    # print('max-min : '+str(max(ts1_dtw)-min(ts1_dtw)))
    # print('max_min2 : '+str(max(ts2)-min(ts2)))
    # print('stddev : '+str(np.std(ts1_dtw)))
    # print('stddev2 : '+str(np.std(ts2)))
    # print('var : '+str(np.cov(ts1_dtw, ts2)[0][1]))
    #print('coef : '+str(np.cov(ts1_dtw,ts2)[0][1]/(np.std(ts1_dtw)*np.std(ts2))))

    ts1_std = np.std(ts1_dtw)
    ts2_std = np.std(ts2)
    cov = np.cov(ts1_dtw, ts2)[0][1]
    if(ts1_std==0 or ts2_std==0):
        return 0
    if((ts1_std<=4 and max(ts1_dtw)-min(ts1_dtw)<20) and ts2_std<=4 and max(ts2)-min(ts2)<20):
        cov = 1
    corrcoef = round(cov/(ts1_std*ts2_std),1)
    #pg.Paint_ComparisonGraph(ts1, ts2, ts1_dtw, keypoint_name)

    #print('corrcoef : ', end='')
    return corrcoef
Exemple #46
def get_predict_array2(whole_array, lag, difference=0):
    result = []
    error_sum = []
    for i in range(0, len(whole_array) - 1):
        if i < 10:
            predict_array = np.array(ar_predict_next_array(whole_array[i-10:i], lag,predict_length,difference)).reshape(-1,1)
            next_array = np.array(whole_array[i:i+predict_length]).reshape(-1,1)
            dist, cost, acc, path = dtw(predict_array, next_array,
                                        dist=lambda predict_array, next_array: np.linalg.norm(
                                            predict_array - next_array, ord=1))
            error_sum.append(dist + error_sum[i - 1])
    return result, error_sum
Exemple #47
def get_seeds(src_net, tgt_net, num_seeds):
    #we're going to need to skip some, friend
    src_degs = sorted(,
    tgt_degs = sorted(,
    src_dists = list(
        itertools.islice(map(operator.itemgetter(1), src_degs), num_seeds))
    tgt_dists = list(
        itertools.islice(map(operator.itemgetter(1), tgt_degs), num_seeds))
    dist, cost, path = dtw.dtw(src_dists, tgt_dists, dist=l2_norm)
    seeds = path_to_seeds(path)
    print "actual number of seeds: ", len(seeds)
    return seeds
Exemple #48
def selectColor (mfccVec, userInput):
	distList = [None] * (NUM_CENTROIDS)
	for i in range(0, NUM_CENTROIDS):
		m1 = np.array(mfccVec[i])
		distList[i] = dtw(m1.T, userInput.T,dist = lambda x, y: np.exp(np.linalg.norm(x - y, ord=1)))[0]

	idx = distList.index(min(distList))
	color = ""
	if (idx == 0):
		color = "BRANCO"
	if (idx == 1):
		color = "AZUL"
	if (idx == 2):
		color = "VERMELHO"
	return color
Exemple #49
 def simple_dtw(r, t):
     split1, split2 = handleList.simple_select(r), handleList.simple_select(
     f = lambda lst: [i[1] for i in lst]
     g = lambda idx, l: [l[i] for i in idx]
     # pyplot.subplot(2, 1, 1)
     # handleList.draw(r, f(split1))
     # pyplot.subplot(2, 1, 2)
     # handleList.draw(t, f(split2))
     x = g(f(split1), r)
     y = g(f(split2), t)
     # print(x, y)
     d = dtw(
         np.array(x).reshape(-1, 1),
         np.array(y).reshape(-1, 1), lambda x, y: np.abs(x - y))
     return d[0] / len(d[-1])
Exemple #50
    def split_dtw(r, t):
        split1, split2 = QiQi.fenge(r, t)
        # f = lambda lst: [i[1] for i in lst]
        g = lambda idx, l: [l[i] for i in idx]
        # pyplot.subplot(2, 1, 1)
        # handleList.draw(r, split1)
        # pyplot.subplot(2, 1, 2)
        # handleList.draw(t, split2)
        x = g(split1, r)
        y = g(split2, t)
        # print(x, y)
        d = dtw(
            np.array(x).reshape(-1, 1),
            np.array(y).reshape(-1, 1), lambda x, y: np.abs(x - y))

        return d[0] / len(d[-1])
Exemple #51
 def section_dtw(r, t):
     split1, split2 = QiQi.fenge(r, t)
     # print(split1, split2, len(r), len(t))
     idx1 = 0
     idx2 = 0
     d = 0
     for i in range(len(split1)):
         x = r[idx1:split1[i]]
         y = t[idx2:split2[i]]
         ans = dtw(
             np.array(x).reshape(-1, 1),
             np.array(y).reshape(-1, 1), lambda x, y: np.abs(x - y))
         d += ans[0] / len(ans[-1])
         idx1 = split1[i]
         idx2 = split2[i]
     return d / (len(split1) + 1)
    def test_fast_vs_normal_ND(self):
        N = np.random.randint(2, 100)
        m1 = np.random.randint(2, 100)
        m2 = np.random.randint(2, 100)

        x = np.random.rand(m1, N)
        y = np.random.rand(m2, N)

        d1, c1, acc1, p1 = dtw(x, y, dist=lambda x, y: np.linalg.norm((x - y)))
        d2, c2, acc2, p2 = accelerated_dtw(x, y, 'euclidean')

        self.assertAlmostEqual(d1, d2)
        self.assertAlmostEqual((c1 - c2).sum(), 0)
        self.assertAlmostEqual((acc1 - acc2).sum(), 0)
        self.assertTrue((p1[0] == p2[0]).all())
        self.assertTrue((p1[1] == p2[1]).all())
Exemple #53
def concurrent_cdm(flows, dist_func, limits):
    Concurrently building the Condensed Distance Matrix (CDM)
    Executed when CONCURRENT_EXEC = True
    :param flows: the list of flows loaded from the dataset
    :param dist_func: the dist function that will be passed to DTW
    :param limits: pair containing the staring index and the last index. look at `_triu_indexes` above
    :return: a CDM, ideally every entry (i, j) contains dtw(i, j).
    # return dtw(flows[pair[0]], flows[pair[1]], dist_func)[0]
    i_start = limits[0]
    i_end = limits[1]

    return [dtw(flows[i], flows[j], dist_func)[0]
            for i in range(i_start, i_end)
            for j in range(i + 1, N_FLOWS)]
def compare(control_path, exp_path):
    Compares two wav files and returns a score. Uses mel frequency ceptrum coefficients as well as dynamic time warping.

    :param control_path: the 'correct' wav - what you are comparing to
    :param exp_path: the unknown wav
    (rate,sig) = wavread(control_path)
    (rate2,sig2) = wavread(exp_path)

    x = mfcc(sig,rate)
    y = mfcc(sig2,rate2)

    dist, cost, acc = dtw.dtw(x, y, dist=lambda x, y: dtw.norm(x - y, ord=1))\

    return dist
def stop(*args):
    END_SAMPLE = True
    if (not training_samples):
        temp_holder_copy = list(temp_holder)
    if not (Y == []):
        dtws = []
        for x in training_samples:
            # Perform DTW on each training sample, finding min
            distance = dtw(x, Y, euclidean)

        min_dist = min(dtws)
        print("MINIMUM DISTANCE: ", min_dist)
def compare(control_path, exp_path):
    Compares two wav files and returns a score. Uses mel frequency ceptrum coefficients as well as dynamic time warping.

    :param control_path: the 'correct' wav - what you are comparing to
    :param exp_path: the unknown wav
    (rate, sig) = wavread(control_path)
    (rate2, sig2) = wavread(exp_path)

    x = mfcc(sig, rate)
    y = mfcc(sig2, rate2)

    dist, cost, acc = dtw.dtw(x, y, dist=lambda x, y: dtw.norm(x - y, ord=1))\

    return dist
def cross_validation(data, k):

    #print data
    limit = int(ceil(len(data) * 0.7))
    #print limit

    success_rate = 0

    # repeat k times
    for o in range(k):
        success = 0
        random.shuffle(data)  # shuffle data
        train_data = data[:limit]  # take training set 70%
        test_data = data[limit:]  # take rest for testing

        #realjpid = []
        realjpid = zip(*test_data)[0]
        predictedjpid = []
        closest = []

        for test, i in zip(test_data, range(len(test_data))):
            for train, j in zip(train_data, range(len(train_data))):
                dist, cost, acc, path = dtw(zip(*test_data)[1][i],

            # sort and take min 5
            closest = closest[0:5]


        for l in range(len(realjpid)):
            if realjpid[l] == predictedjpid[l]:
                success += 1
            print "real = ", realjpid[l], " predicted = ", predictedjpid[l]
        success_rate += float(success) / float(len(realjpid))
        #print success_rate

        print o, " fold ended"

    success_rate = success_rate / k
    print "total success rate = ", success_rate
def similarity_calc_pattern(who_compare, compare_with):
    # print(who_compare)
    # print(compare_with)
    Compare two behaviors by their patterns
    :param who_compare:
    :param compare_with:
    # stretch x0 to a length close to 100.
    # Temporarily only consider len(x0) < 100.
    factor_x1 = round(100 / len(who_compare))
    x1 = np.kron(who_compare, np.ones((factor_x1, 1)))
    # print('x1', x1)

    # stretch x0 to a height close to 100.
    # Temporarily only consider vertical range of x0 < 100.
    factor_y1 = 100.0 / (who_compare.max() - who_compare.min()
                         ) if who_compare.max() != who_compare.min() else 1
    series_1 = np.array([(i - who_compare.min()) * factor_y1
                         for i in x1]).reshape(-1, 1)
    # print('series_1', series_1)

    # stretch y0 to a length close to 100.
    # Temporarily only consider len(x0) < 100.
    factor_x2 = round(100 / len(compare_with))
    x2 = np.kron(compare_with, np.ones((factor_x2, 1)))

    # stretch y0 to a height close to 100.
    # Temporarily only consider vertical range of x0 < 100.
    factor_y2 = 100.0 / (compare_with.max() - compare_with.min()
                         ) if compare_with.max() != compare_with.min() else 1
    series_2 = np.array([(i - compare_with.min()) * factor_y2
                         for i in x2]).reshape(-1, 1)

    comparison_figure = Figure(figsize=(5, 4))
    comparison_plot = comparison_figure.add_subplot(111)

    dist, cost, acc, path = dtw(series_1,
                                dist=lambda x, y: np.linalg.norm(x - y, ord=1))
    # print(basic_behavior, dist)
    # print("    Distance: {}".format(dist))
    return dist, comparison_figure
def computeDistace(mfcc1, mfcc2):

    print("Finding DTW between the 2 mfccs")
    dist, cost, acc_cost, path = dtw(mfcc1.T,
                                     dist=lambda x, y: norm(x - y, ord=1))
    print('Normalized distance between the two sounds:', dist)
    plt.plot(path[0], path[1], 'w')
    plt.xlim((-0.5, cost.shape[0] - 0.5))
    plt.ylim((-0.5, cost.shape[1] - 0.5))
    plt.xlabel('MFCC Column Index (FET)')
    plt.ylabel('MFCC Column Index (Non-FET)')
Exemple #60
def estimate_twf(orgdata, tardata, distance='melcd', fast=True, otflag=None):
    if distance == 'melcd':

        def distance_func(x, y):
            return melcd(x, y)
        raise ValueError('other distance metrics than melcd does not support.')

    if otflag is None:
        # use dtw or fastdtw
        if fast:
            _, path = fastdtw(orgdata, tardata, dist=distance_func)
            twf = np.array(path).T
            _, _, _, twf = dtw(orgdata, tardata, distance_func)

    return twf