def compute(grid, space, schemeName, schemeArgs): # solve the pde df = space.interpolate([0], name="solution") scheme = create.scheme(schemeName, [a == b, *dbc], space, solver="cg", **schemeArgs, parameters=parameters) info = scheme.solve(target=df) # compute the error edf = exact - df err = [inner(edf, edf), inner(grad(edf), grad(edf))] errors = [math.sqrt(e) for e in integrate(grid, err, order=8)] return df, errors, info
def test(operator): model = [ equation, DirichletBC(uflSpace, [None, x[0]**2], 2), # bottom DirichletBC(uflSpace, [exact[0], None], 3), # top DirichletBC(uflSpace, [None, None], 4), # left DirichletBC(uflSpace, exact, 1) ] # right parameters = {"newton." + k: v for k, v in newtonParameter.items()} scheme = create.scheme(operator, model, spc, parameters=parameters) solution = spc.interpolate([0, 0], name="solution") scheme.solve(target=solution) l2errA = sqrt(integrate(grid, (solution - exact)**2, 5)) grid.hierarchicalGrid.globalRefine(2) # note: without the `clear` the code can fail since the new dofs in 'solution' can be nan solution.clear() scheme.solve(target=solution) l2errB = sqrt(integrate(grid, (solution - exact)**2, 5)) return solution, l2errA, l2errB
def test(space): if test_numpy: numpySpace =, grid, dimRange=1, order=1, storage='numpy') numpyScheme = create.scheme("galerkin", model, numpySpace) numpy_h = create.function("discrete", numpySpace, name="numpy") numpy_dofs = numpy_h.as_numpy # numpyScheme.solve(target = numpy_h) start = time.time() for i in range(testLoop): linOp = linearOperator(numpyScheme) numpyScheme.jacobian(numpy_h, linOp) numpy_mat = linOp.as_numpy end = time.time() # print( "numpy:", (end-start)/testLoop, flush=True ) # sys.stdout.flush() numpy_coo = numpy_mat.tocoo() # for i,j,v in zip(numpy_coo.row,numpy_coo.col, # print(i,j,v) # print("****************************",flush=True) if test_istl: istlSpace =, grid, dimRange=1, order=1, storage='istl') istlScheme = create.scheme("galerkin", model, istlSpace) istl_h = create.function("discrete", istlSpace, name="istl") istl_dofs = istl_h.as_istl # istlScheme.solve(target = istl_h) start = time.time() for i in range(testLoop): linOp = linearOperator(istlScheme) istlScheme.jacobian(istl_h, linOp) istl_mat = linOp.as_istl end = time.time() # print( "istl:", (end-start)/testLoop, flush=True ) # sys.stdout.flush() # there is no way yet to go from istl to scipy - would be nice to have # istl_coo = istl_mat.tocoo() # for i,j,v in zip(eigen_coo.row,eigen_coo.col, # print(i,j,v) # print("****************************",flush=True) if test_petsc: import petsc4py from petsc4py import PETSc petsc4py.init(sys.argv) petscSpace =, grid, dimRange=1, order=1, storage='petsc') petscScheme = create.scheme("galerkin", model, petscSpace) petsc_h = create.function("discrete", petscSpace, name="petsc") petsc_dofs = petsc_h.as_petsc # petscScheme.solve(target = petsc_h) linOp = linearOperator(petscScheme) petscScheme.jacobian(petsc_h, linOp) petsc_mat = linOp.as_petsc rptr, cind, vals = petsc_mat.getValuesCSR() petsc_coo = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix((vals, cind, rptr)).tocoo() start = time.time() for i in range(testLoop): linOp = linearOperator(petscScheme) petscScheme.jacobian(petsc_h, linOp) petsc_mat = linOp.as_petsc end = time.time() # print( "petsc:", (end-start)/testLoop, flush=True ) # sys.stdout.flush() ksp = PETSc.KSP() ksp.create(PETSc.COMM_WORLD) ksp.setType("cg") # ksp.getPC().setType("icc") petsc_h.clear() res = petsc_h.copy() petscScheme(petsc_h, res) petscScheme.jacobian(petsc_h, linOp) petsc_mat = linOp.as_petsc ksp.setOperators(petsc_mat, petsc_mat) ksp.setFromOptions() ksp.solve(res.as_petsc, petsc_h.as_petsc) # print("****************************",flush=True) # print(petsc_mat.size, petsc_mat.getSize(), petsc_mat.getSizes()) # print(petsc_mat.getType()) # print(type(petsc_mat)) # print(petscSpace.size) # print(petsc_mat.assembled) # rptr, cind, vals = petsc_mat.getValuesCSR() # petsc_coo = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix((vals,cind,rptr),shape=(100,100)).tocoo() # for i,j,v in zip(petsc_coo.row,petsc_coo.col, # print(i,j,v) if test_istl: try: # istl_coo does not exist assert (istl_coo.row == numpy_coo.row).all() assert (istl_coo.col == numpy_coo.col).all() assert np.allclose(, except: # print("issue between istl and numpy matrices") pass if test_petsc: try: assert (petsc_coo.row == numpy_coo.row).all() assert (petsc_coo.col == numpy_coo.col).all() assert np.allclose(, except: # print("issue between petsc and numpy matrices") pass
limiter(tmp, target) # <markdowncell> # Time stepping # Converting UFL forms to scheme # <codecell> if coupled: form = form_s + form_p tpModel = create.model("integrands", grid, form == 0) # tpModel.penalty = penalty # tpModel.timeStep = dt scheme = create.scheme( "galerkin", tpModel, spc, ("suitesparse", "umfpack"), parameters={"newton." + k: v for k, v in newtonParameters.items()}) else: uflSpace1 = Space((P.dimWorld, P.dimWorld), 1) u1 = TrialFunction(uflSpace1) v1 = TestFunction(uflSpace1) form_p = replace(form_p, { u: as_vector([u1[0], intermediate.s[0]]), v: as_vector([v1[0], 0.]) }) form_s = replace( form_s, { u: as_vector([solution[0], u1[0]]), intermediate: as_vector([solution[0], intermediate[1]]), v: as_vector([0., v1[0]])
# now generate the model code and compile model = create.model("elliptic", surface, equation, coefficients={ u_n: solution_n, u_0: solution_0 }) # Create volume Volume = (1 / 3) * inner(Nu(solution, solution_0), A1(solution)) intVolume = integrate(surface, Volume, order=1)[0] # create the solver using a standard fem scheme scheme = create.scheme("h1", SolutionSpace, model, solver="bicgstab") scheme.model.tau = deltaT scheme.model.x_0 = X_0 = Omega scheme.model.k_psi = K_PSI scheme.model.k_b = K_B scheme.model.p_0 = P_0 scheme.model.IntVolume = intVolume scheme.model.k_0 = K_0 scheme.model.l_0 = L_0 scheme.model.u_B = U_B # now loop through time and output the solution after each time step steps = int(finalT / deltaT) print("Begin time step") for n in range(1, steps + 1):
q = TestFunction(spcP) exact_u = as_vector([x[1] * (1. - x[1]), 0]) exact_p = as_vector([(-2 * x[0] + 2) * mu]) f = as_vector([ 0, ] * grid.dimension) f += nu * exact_u mainModel = (nu * dot(u, v) + mu * inner(grad(u) + grad(u).T, grad(v)) - dot(f, v)) * dx gradModel = -inner(p[0] * Identity(grid.dimension), grad(v)) * dx divModel = -div(u) * q[0] * dx massModel = inner(p, q) * dx preconModel = inner(grad(p), grad(q)) * dx # can also use 'operator' everywhere mainOp = create.scheme("galerkin", (mainModel == 0, DirichletBC(spcU, exact_u, 1)), spcU) gradOp = create.operator("galerkin", gradModel, spcP, spcU) divOp = create.operator("galerkin", divModel, spcU, spcP) massOp = create.scheme("galerkin", massModel == 0, spcP) preconOp = create.scheme("galerkin", preconModel == 0, spcP) = 0.1 = 0.01 velocity = spcU.interpolate([ 0, ] * spcU.dimRange, name="velocity") pressure = spcP.interpolate([0], name="pressure") rhsVelo = velocity.copy() rhsPress = pressure.copy()
inner( diffusiveFlux(u,grad(u)), outer(v, n) ) ) * ds a += mu / hS * inner(jump(u), jump(v)) * dS a += mu / hs * inner(u, v) * ds newtonParameter = { "tolerance": 1e-10, "verbose": "true", "linear.tolerance": 1e-11, "linear.preconditioning.method": "ilu", "linear.preconditioning.iterations": 1, "linear.preconditioning.relaxation": 1.2, "linear.verbose": "false" } scheme = create.scheme( "galerkin", a == 0, parameters={"newton." + k: v for k, v in newtonParameter.items()}) solution = space.interpolate([0], name="solution") scheme.solve(target=solution) solutionp = solution.copy(name="solutionp") def markp(element): return 1 if[0] < 0.5 else 2 spaceAdapt(space, markp, [solution, solutionp]) grid.writeVTK("pre-hplaplace", pointdata=[solution, solutionp], subsampling=3) scheme.solve(target=solutionp)
dt = Constant(0, "dt") # time step t = Constant(0, "t") # current time abs_du = sqrt(inner(grad(u), grad(u))) K = 2 / (1 + sqrt(1 + 4 * abs_du)) # a = (inner((u - u_h_n)/dt, v) + inner(K*grad(u), grad(v)))*dx a = (inner((u) / dt, v) + inner(u, v)) * dx exact = as_vector([ exp(-2 * t) * (initial - 1) + 1, ] * dimR) b = replace(a, {u: exact}) solverParam = {"newton.verbose": 0, "newton.linear.verbose": 0} scheme = create.scheme("galerkin", a == b, space, solver='cg', parameters=solverParam) scheme.setQuadratureOrders(quadOrder, quadOrder) scheme.model.dt = 0.05 grid.writeVTK('initial', pointdata={'initial': initial}) start = time.time() t = 0 A = linearOperator(scheme) while t < 1.0: scheme.model.t = t u_h_n.assign(u_h) scheme.solve(target=u_h)
polyGrid, order=1, dimRange=1, storage="istl", conforming=True) u = TrialFunction(space) v = TestFunction(space) x = SpatialCoordinate(space) exact = as_vector([(x[0] - x[0] * x[0]) * (x[1] - x[1] * x[1])]) Dcoeff = lambda u: 1.0 + u[0]**2 a = (Dcoeff(u) * inner(grad(u), grad(v))) * dx b = -div(Dcoeff(exact) * grad(exact[0])) * v[0] * dx dbcs = [dune.ufl.DirichletBC(space, exact, i + 1) for i in range(4)] scheme = create.scheme("vem", [a == b, *dbcs], space, gradStabilization=Dcoeff(u), solver="cg", parameters=parameters) solution = space.interpolate([0], name="solution") info = scheme.solve(target=solution) edf = exact - solution errors = [ math.sqrt(e) for e in integrate( polyGrid, [inner(edf, edf), inner(grad(edf), grad(edf))], order=5) ] print(errors) solution.plot(gridLines=None, colorbar="horizontal") # <markdowncell> # # Linear Elasticity # As final example we solve a linear elasticity equation usign a
hF = FacetArea(uflSpace.cell()) # he = FacetArea(uflSpace.cell()) / Min( avg('+'), avg('-') ) heInv = hF / avg(hT) exact = as_vector([cos(pi * x[0]) * cos(pi * x[1])]) ######### a = inner(grad(u - exact), grad(v)) * dx a += mu * hT * div(grad(u[0] - exact[0])) * div(grad(v[0])) * dx s = mu / heInv * inner(jump(grad(u[0])), jump(grad(v[0]))) * dS s += mu / hF * inner(u - exact, v) * ds model = create.model("integrands", grid, a + s == 0) scheme = create.scheme( "galerkin", model, spc, solver="cg", parameters={"newton." + k: v for k, v in newtonParameter.items()}) solA = spc.interpolate([0], name="solA") scheme.solve(solA) ######## a = div(grad(u[0] - exact[0])) * div(grad(v[0])) * dx s = mu * heInv * inner(jump(grad(u[0])), jump(grad(v[0]))) * dS s += mu / hF**3 * inner(u - exact, v) * ds model = create.model("integrands", grid, a + s == 0) scheme = create.scheme( "galerkin", model,