Exemple #1
 def test_homebrew_spells(self):
     char = Character()
     class MySpell(spells.Spell):
         name="my spell!"
     self.assertIsInstance(char.spells[0], spells.Spell)
     self.assertEqual(char.spells[0].name, "my spell!")
 def test_speed(self):
     # Check that the speed pulls from the character's race
     char = Character(race='lightfoot halfling')
     self.assertEqual(char.speed, '25')
     # Check that a character with no race defaults to 30 feet
     char = Character()
     char.race = None
     self.assertEqual(char.speed, '30')
Exemple #3
 def test_st_bonus_all(self):
     char = Character()
     my_item = MyMagicItem(owner=char)
     char.magic_items = [my_item]
     # Test an item that confers no saving throw bonus
     bonus = my_item.st_bonus()
     self.assertEqual(bonus, 0)
     # Now test with positive ST bonus
     my_item.st_bonus_all = 2
     bonus = my_item.st_bonus()
     self.assertEqual(bonus, 2)
Exemple #4
 def test_proficiencies_text(self):
     char = Character()
     char._proficiencies_text = ('hello', 'world')
     self.assertEqual(char.proficiencies_text, 'Hello, world.')
     # Check for extra proficiencies
     char.proficiencies_extra = ("it's", "me")
     self.assertEqual(char.proficiencies_text, "Hello, world, it's, me.")
     # Check that race proficienceis are included
     elf = race.HighElf()
     char.race = elf
     expected = "Hello, world, longswords, shortswords, shortbows, longbows, it's, me."
     self.assertEqual(char.proficiencies_text, expected)
Exemple #5
 def test_st_bonus_by_ability(self):
     char = Character(strength=10)
     my_item = MyMagicItem(owner=char)
     char.magic_items = [my_item]
     # Test an item with nonsense ability
     with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
     # Test that the st_bonus_all is used if the specific ability is not listed
     my_item.st_bonus_all = 2
     bonus = my_item.st_bonus(ability="strength")
     self.assertEqual(bonus, 2)
     # Test a specific st_bonus
     my_item.st_bonus_strength = 3
     bonus = my_item.st_bonus(ability="strength")
     self.assertEqual(bonus, 3)
Exemple #6
 def test_set_attrs(self):
     char = Character()
     self.assertEqual(char.name, 'Inara')
     # Check that the weapons get loaded as objects not string
     self.assertEqual(len(char.weapons), 1)
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(char.weapons[0], Shortsword))
     # Check that armor and shield gets set_attrs
     char.set_attrs(armor='light leather armor', shield='shield')
     self.assertFalse(isinstance(char.armor, str))
     self.assertFalse(isinstance(char.shield, str))
     # Check that race gets set to an object
     char.set_attrs(race='high elf')
     self.assertIsInstance(char.race, race.HighElf)
 def test_proficiencies_text(self):
     char = Character()
     char._proficiencies_text = ('hello', 'world')
     self.assertIn('hello', char.proficiencies_text.lower())
     self.assertIn('world', char.proficiencies_text.lower())
     # Check for extra proficiencies
     char._proficiencies_text += ("it's", "me")
     self.assertIn("it's", char.proficiencies_text.lower())
     self.assertIn('me', char.proficiencies_text.lower())
     # Check that race proficienceis are included
     elf = race.HighElf()
     char.race = elf
     expected = ("hello", "world", "longswords", "shortswords", "shortbows",
                 "longbows", "it's", "me")
     for e in expected:
         self.assertIn(e, char.proficiencies_text.lower())
    def test_resolve_mechanic(self):
        # Test a well defined mechanic
        NewSpell = Character._resolve_mechanic("mage_hand", None)
        self.assertTrue(issubclass(NewSpell, spells.Spell))

        # Test an unknown mechanic
        def new_spell(**params):
            return spells.Spell

        NewSpell = Character._resolve_mechanic("hocus_pocus", spells.Spell)
        self.assertTrue(issubclass(NewSpell, spells.Spell))

        # Test direct resolution of a proper subclass
        class MySpell(spells.Spell):

        NewSpell = Character._resolve_mechanic(MySpell, spells.Spell)
 def test_is_proficient(self):
     char = Character(classes=['Wizard'])
     sword = Shortsword()
     # Check for not-proficient weapon
     # Check if we're proficient in the weapon
     char.weapon_proficiencies = [Shortsword]
     # Now try it with a racial proficiency
     char.weapon_proficiencies = tuple()
     char.race = race.HighElf()
Exemple #10
 def test_homebrew_infusions(self):
     char = Character(classes="artificer")
     class MyInfusion(infusions.Infusion):
         name="my infusion!"
     # Pass an already created infusion class
     self.assertIsInstance(char.infusions[0], infusions.Infusion)
     self.assertEqual(char.infusions[0].name, "my infusion!")
     # Pass a previously undefined infusion
     char = Character(classes="artificer")
     self.assertIsInstance(char.infusions[0], infusions.Infusion)
     self.assertEqual(char.infusions[0].name, "Spam Infusion")
 def test_proficiencies(self):
     char1 = Character(name='Multiclass',
                       classes=['wizard', 'fighter'],
                       levels=[5, 4])
     for svt in ('intelligence', 'wisdom'):
         self.assertIn(svt, char1.saving_throw_proficiencies)
     char2 = Character(name='Multiclass',
                       classes=['wizard', 'rogue'],
                       levels=[5, 4])
     char3 = Character(name='Multiclass',
                       classes=['rogue', 'wizard'],
                       levels=[4, 5])
     sword = Shortsword()
     # multiclassing into Rogue doesn't give simple weapon proficiency
 def test_proficiencies(self):
     char1 = Character(name="Multiclass",
                       classes=["wizard", "fighter"],
                       levels=[5, 4])
     for svt in ("intelligence", "wisdom"):
         self.assertIn(svt, char1.saving_throw_proficiencies)
     char2 = Character(name="Multiclass",
                       classes=["wizard", "rogue"],
                       levels=[5, 4])
     char3 = Character(name="Multiclass",
                       classes=["rogue", "wizard"],
                       levels=[4, 5])
     sword = Shortsword()
     # multiclassing into Rogue doesn't give simple weapon proficiency
 def test_wield_shield(self):
     char = Character(dexterity=16)
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(char.shield, Shield), msg=char.shield)
     # Now make sure the armor class is correct
     self.assertEqual(char.armor_class, 15)
     # Try passing an Armor object directly
     self.assertEqual(char.armor_class, 15)
 def test_equip_armor(self):
     char = Character(dexterity=16)
     char.wear_armor('leather armor')
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(char.armor, Armor))
     # Now make sure the armor class is correct
     self.assertEqual(char.armor_class, 14)
     # Try passing an Armor object directly
     self.assertEqual(char.armor_class, 14)
     # Test equipped armor with max dexterity mod_str
     char.armor.dexterity_mod_max = 1
     self.assertEqual(char.armor_class, 12)
 def test_spellcasting(self):
     char = Character(name='Multiclass',
                      classes=['wizard', 'fighter'],
                      levels=[5, 4])
     self.assertEqual(len(char.spellcasting_classes), 1)
     char = Character(name='Multiclass',
                      classes=['wizard', 'fighter'],
                      subclasses=[None, 'Eldritch Knight'],
                      levels=[5, 4])
     self.assertEqual(len(char.spellcasting_classes), 2)
     # equivalent spellcasting level: 6
     self.assertEqual(char.spell_slots(spell_level=1), 4)
     self.assertEqual(char.spell_slots(spell_level=2), 3)
     self.assertEqual(char.spell_slots(spell_level=3), 3)
     self.assertEqual(char.spell_slots(spell_level=4), 0)
 def test_spellcasting(self):
     char = Character(name="Multiclass",
                      classes=["wizard", "fighter"],
                      levels=[5, 4])
     self.assertEqual(len(char.spellcasting_classes), 1)
     char = Character(
         classes=["wizard", "fighter"],
         subclasses=[None, "Eldritch Knight"],
         levels=[5, 4],
     self.assertEqual(len(char.spellcasting_classes), 2)
     # equivalent spellcasting level: 6
     self.assertEqual(char.spell_slots(spell_level=1), 4)
     self.assertEqual(char.spell_slots(spell_level=2), 3)
     self.assertEqual(char.spell_slots(spell_level=3), 3)
     self.assertEqual(char.spell_slots(spell_level=4), 0)
 def test_constructor(self):
     char = Character(name="Multiclass",
                      classes=["wizard", "fighter"],
                      levels=[5, 4])
     self.assertIsInstance(char, Character)
 def test_load_char(self):
     char = Character.load({"name": "Dave", "sheet_type": "character"})
     self.assertFalse(hasattr(char, "sheet_type"),
                      "'sheet_type' not stripped from char props")
 def test_wield_weapon(self):
     char = Character()
     char.strength = 14
     char.weapon_proficiencies = [Shortsword]
     # Add a weapon
     self.assertEqual(len(char.weapons), 1)
     sword = char.weapons[0]
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(sword, Weapon))
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(sword, Shortsword))
     self.assertEqual(sword.attack_modifier, 4) # str + prof
     self.assertEqual(sword.damage, '1d6+2') # str
     # Check if dexterity is used if it's higher (Finesse weapon)
     char.weapons = []
     char.dexterity = 16
     sword = char.weapons[0]
     self.assertEqual(sword.attack_modifier, 5) # dex + prof
     # Check if race weapon proficiencies are considered
     char.weapons = []
     char.weapon_proficiencies = []
     char.race = race.HighElf()
     sword = char.weapons[0]
     self.assertEqual(sword.attack_modifier, 5)
 def test_hit_dice(self):
     # Test the getter
     char = Character()
     char.level = 2
     char.hit_dice_faces = 10
     self.assertEqual(char.hit_dice, '2d10')
 def test_constructor(self):
     char = Character(name="Inara")
 def test_proficiency_bonus(self):
     char = Character()
     char.level = 1
     self.assertEqual(char.proficiency_bonus, 2)
     char.level = 4
     self.assertEqual(char.proficiency_bonus, 2)
     char.level = 5
     self.assertEqual(char.proficiency_bonus, 3)
     char.level = 8
     self.assertEqual(char.proficiency_bonus, 3)
     char.level = 9
     self.assertEqual(char.proficiency_bonus, 4)
     char.level = 12
     self.assertEqual(char.proficiency_bonus, 4)
     char.level = 13
     self.assertEqual(char.proficiency_bonus, 5)
     char.level = 16
     self.assertEqual(char.proficiency_bonus, 5)
     char.level = 17
     self.assertEqual(char.proficiency_bonus, 6)
     char.level = 20
     self.assertEqual(char.proficiency_bonus, 6)
 def test_constructor(self):
     char = Character(name="Inara")
     self.assertIsInstance(char, Character)
 def test_level(self):
     char = Character(name='Multiclass',
                      classes=['wizard', 'fighter'],
                      levels=[5, 4])
     self.assertEqual(char.level, 9)
 def test_constructor(self):
     char = Character(name='Multiclass',
                      classes=['wizard', 'fighter'],
                      levels=[5, 4])
 def test_level(self):
     char = Character(name="Multiclass",
                      classes=["wizard", "fighter"],
                      levels=[5, 4])
     self.assertEqual(char.level, 9)
 def test_set_attrs(self):
     char = Character()
     self.assertEqual(char.name, "Inara")
     # Check that the weapons get loaded as objects not string
     self.assertEqual(len(char.weapons), 1)
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(char.weapons[0], Shortsword))
     # Check that armor and shield gets set_attrs
     char.set_attrs(armor="leather armor", shield="shield")
     self.assertFalse(isinstance(char.armor, str))
     self.assertFalse(isinstance(char.shield, str))
     # Check that race gets set to an object
     char.set_attrs(race="high elf")
     self.assertIsInstance(char.race, race.HighElf)
     # Check inspiration works