def OnKeyPress(self, evt): """ :param evt: 窗口响应键盘鼠标事件句柄(ctrl+r 运行) :return: 调用TestRunAuto函数执行生成的default.py脚本 """ log_flag = 0 # 此处控制ctrl+r执行代码是否需要记录log, 默认不需要 key_code = evt.GetKeyCode() if key_code == 18: # Ctrl+R cmd = '\n'.join([ '# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-', 'from dcntestlibrary.dcnlibrary.dreceiver import *', 'from dcntestlibrary.dcnlibrary.lib_all import * ', self.GetValue() ]) path = os.path.join(self.local_dir, '') with open(path, 'w+') as f: f.writelines(cmd) if self.Parent.thread and self.Parent.thread.isAlive(): printRes( '[One test is running,please stop it and then start a new one!]' ) else: self.Parent.TestRunAuto(path, log_flag) evt.Skip() # 释放句柄 以方便后面的脚本执行
def printCheckStepDebug(test_name, step, *res_1): """ # 检查测试例step对错,打印 如果fail则暂停脚本 :param test_name: test name :param step: step 1 2 :param res_1: other args :return: 0 or 1 """ time.sleep(0.5) _res = 0 global FILEDSTEPLIST for i in res_1: if i == 0: printRes('[res = ' + str(i) + ']Check res = 0,OK!') else: printResError('[res = ' + str(i) + ']Check res = 0,Failed!') _res = 1 if _res == 1: FILEDSTEPLIST.append(step) if wx.FindWindowById(10).nowrunning not in wx.FindWindowById(10).faillist: if wx.FindWindowById(10).nowrunning != '': wx.FindWindowById(10).faillist.append(wx.FindWindowById(10).nowrunning) printResError(test_name + ' ' + step + ' is FAILED!') wx.MessageBox('该Step不通过,已停止脚本保留现场') wx.FindWindowById(10).PauseTestAuto() else: printRes(test_name + ' ' + step + ' is PASSED!') time.sleep(0.5) return _res
def CheckLineList(data, checklist, **flag): """ ################################################################################## # # CheckLineList :检查表项中是否含有指定的多行 # # args: # data: 要检查匹配的值 # checklist : 需要匹配的字符串列表,类型为由元组组成的列表[(tuple),(tuple),(tuple)] # **flag: 可选的标志位[RS:列敏感] # # return: # 成功:返回0 # 失败:返回-1 # # addition: # # examples: # data: # 1 00-00-01-00-00-02 DYNAMIC Hardware Ethernet1/0/1 # 1 00-00-01-00-00-03 DYNAMIC Hardware Ethernet1/0/1 # 1 00-00-01-00-00-04 DYNAMIC Hardware Ethernet1/0/1 # 1 00-00-01-00-00-05 DYNAMIC Hardware Ethernet1/0/1 # 1 00-00-01-00-00-06 DYNAMIC Hardware Ethernet1/0/1 # # checklist1 = [] # checklist1.append(('00-00-01-00-00-02','DYNAMIC')) # checklist1.append(('00-00-01-00-00-03','DYNAMIC')) # checklist1.append(('00-00-01-00-00-06','DYNAMIC')) # # CheckLineList(data,checklist1) # return 0 # CheckLineList(data,checklist1,RS=True) # return -1 ################################################################################### modified by yanwh 2017/12/28 给rx赋予初始值,用isinstance的方式判断数据类型取代之前的type方式,兼容支持string和unicode类型 :param data: 要检查匹配的值 :param checklist: 需要匹配的字符串列表,类型为由元组组成的列表[(tuple),(tuple),(tuple)] :param flag: 可选的标志位[RS:列敏感] :return: 成功:返回0 失败:返回-1 """ res, rx = 0, -1 if not isinstance(checklist, list): printRes('Error:Require a list type!') return -3 for checkline in checklist: if isinstance(checkline, tuple): rx = CheckLine(data, *checkline, **flag) elif isinstance(checkline, str): rx = CheckLine(data, checkline, **flag) if rx == -1: res = -1 return res
def newweb_init(host, port='11999'): try: profile = webdriver.FirefoxProfile() profile.accept_untrusted_certs = True url = 'http://' + host + ':' + port + '/wd/hub' driver = webdriver.Remote(command_executor=url, desired_capabilities=DesiredCapabilities.FIREFOX, browser_profile=profile) return driver except (TimeoutException, Exception) as e: printRes(str({'status': False, 'Message': str(e)})) return None
def PrintLogInfoAuto(self, msg=''): """ alt+t 打印时间 :param msg: 要打印到屏幕的信息 :return: """ page_list = self.GetPages() for page in page_list: sut = str(page) printScr(sut, msg) printRes(msg)
def CheckLineInOneRow(data, checklist, **flag): patten = [] if not isinstance(checklist, list): printRes('Error:Require a list type!') return -3 for checkline in checklist: if isinstance(checkline, tuple): for i in checkline: patten.append(i) elif isinstance(checkline, str): patten.append(checkline) patten.append('\n') patten = tuple(patten) res = CheckLine(data, PM=False, *patten, **flag) return res
def CheckNoLineList(data, checklist, **flag): res = 0 # if type(checklist) != type([]): if not isinstance(checklist, list): printRes('Error:Require a list type!') return -3 for checkline in checklist: rx = 0 # rx = CheckNoLine(data,*checkline,**flag) # if type(checkline) == type(()): if isinstance(checkline, tuple): rx = CheckLine(data, *checkline, **flag) # elif type(checkline) == type(''): elif isinstance(checkline, str): rx = CheckLine(data, checkline, **flag) if rx == 0: res = -1 return res
def CheckLineInOrder(data, checklist, **flag): patten = [] if not isinstance(checklist, list): # if type(checklist) != type([]): printRes('Error:Require a list type!') return -3 for checkline in checklist: # if type(checkline) == type(()): if isinstance(checkline, tuple): for i in checkline: patten.append(i) elif isinstance(checkline, str): # elif type(checkline) == type(''): patten.append(checkline) patten = tuple(patten) res = CheckLine(data, ML=True, *patten, **flag) return res
def printCheckStep(test_name, step, *res_1): """ 检查测试例step对错,打印并记录 :param test_name: test name :param step: 步骤 step 1 2 :param res_1: other args :return: 0 or 1 success or fail """ time.sleep(0.5) _res = 0 global FILEDSTEPLIST for i in res_1: if i == 0: printRes('[res = ' + str(i) + ']Check res = 0,OK!') else: printResError('[res = ' + str(i) + ']Check res = 0,Failed!') _res = 1 if _res == 1: FILEDSTEPLIST.append(step) if wx.FindWindowById(10).nowrunning not in wx.FindWindowById(10).faillist: if wx.FindWindowById(10).nowrunning != '': wx.FindWindowById(10).faillist.append(wx.FindWindowById(10).nowrunning) printResError(test_name + ' ' + step + ' is FAILED!') if LoadErrorStopConfig(): def errorPause(): """ 遇错暂停 :return: """ window = wx.FindWindowByName('Main') window.PauseTestAuto() errorPause() else: printRes(test_name + ' ' + step + ' is PASSED!') time.sleep(0.5) return _res
def GetValueBetweenTwoValuesInData(data, beforevalue, behindvalue, mode='line'): if mode == 'line': temp1 = str(beforevalue) + '(.*)' + str(behindvalue) temp2 =, data) if temp2 is not None: temp3 = # strinfo = 'The value between ' + beforevalue + ' and ' + behindvalue + ' is: ' + temp3 # printRes(strinfo) return temp3 else: strinfo = 'There may be no value between ' + beforevalue + ' and ' + behindvalue printRes(strinfo) printRes('The data is:') printRes(data) printRes('The beforevalue is:') printRes(beforevalue) printRes('The behindvalue is:') printRes(behindvalue) return 0 if mode == 'moreline': temp1 = str(beforevalue) + '([\s\S]+)' + str(behindvalue) temp2 =, data) if temp2 is not None: temp3 = # strinfo = 'The value between ' + beforevalue + ' and ' + behindvalue + ' is: ' + temp3 # printRes(strinfo) return temp3 else: strinfo = 'There may be no value between ' + beforevalue + ' and ' + behindvalue printRes(strinfo) printRes('The data is:') printRes(data) printRes('The beforevalue is:') printRes(beforevalue) printRes('The behindvalue is:') printRes(behindvalue) return 0
def CheckLine(data, *args, **flag): """ ################################################################################## # # CheckLine :检查表项中是否含有指定行 # # args: # data: 要检查匹配的值 # *args : 需要匹配的字符串,以逗号分隔 # **flag: 可选的标志位[RS:列敏感] # # return: # 成功:返回0 # 失败:返回-1 # # addition: # # examples: # 在某一行中按先后顺序存在1、2、5 # CheckLine('1 2 3 4 5','1','2') # return 0 # # 列敏感 # CheckLine('1 2 3 4 5','1','2',RS = True) # return 0 # CheckLine('1 2 3 4 5','1','5',RS = True) # return -1 # CheckLine('1 2 3 4 5','1','','','','5',RS = True) # return 0 ################################################################################### :param data: 要检查匹配的值 :param args: 需要匹配的字符串,以逗号分隔 :param flag: 可选的标志位[RS:列敏感] :return: 成功:返回0, 失败:返回-1 """ rowSensitive = False printMatch = True moreLine = False ignoreCase = False for j in list(flag.keys()): if j == 'RS': rowSensitive = flag[j] elif j == 'PM': printMatch = flag[j] elif j == 'ML': moreLine = flag[j] elif j == 'IC': ignoreCase = flag[j] if not rowSensitive: pat = '.*?' patstr = '.*?' else: pat = '\s*' patstr = '\s*' for i in args: if i == '': i = '[\S]+' patstr += str(i) + pat if moreLine: compilerule = re.compile(patstr, re.S) elif ignoreCase: compilerule = re.compile(patstr, re.I) else: compilerule = re.compile(patstr) match = if match: try: if printMatch: printRes('[Match Line:]' + str( res = 0 except BaseException as e: print(e) res = -2 else: if printMatch: printResWarn('[Match Line Fail:]' + patstr) res = -1 return res
def printGlobal(title, switch, msg='', logprefix=''): """ 方案脚本控制-开始计时/结束计时,统计执行信息 说明:此处的函数实现不合理,但是为了兼容原有的实现方式不得已保留,后续可对此进行重构 :param title: s1 s2 :param switch:控制start stop end tlend :param msg: 打印的信息 :param logprefix: 日志前缀 :return: None """ global TESTNAME global TESTNUM global tempTESTNUM global TOTALTESTNUM global tempTOTALTESTNUM global RERUNTESTNUM global FAILLIST global TOTALFAILLIST global STARTTIME global TOTALSTARTTIME global RERUNSTARTTEME global ENDTIME global TOTALENDTIME global RERUNENDTIME global TESTID TESTNAME = title thistime = mainWin = wx.FindWindowById(10) affirm_tl_operate = # 获取跟testlink服务器交互句柄 if (switch == 'start') or (switch == 'Start'): TESTID = time.strftime("%Y%m%d", time.localtime()) + str(int(time.time())) mainWin.dbInfo['id'] = TESTID STARTTIME = thistime TESTNUM = 0 FAILLIST = [] res = printFormat(title + ' ' + switch + ' ' + str(thistime), msg) # 开始记录console的log if mainWin.logger: mainWin.logger = close_logger(mainWin.logger) mainWin.logger = DcnLog(log_base_path=mainWin.log_base_path, log_define_type='run', prefix_log_name=logprefix, console_name='console', test_name=TESTNAME).create_log() printAll(res) elif (switch == 'Rerunstart') or (switch == 'RerunStart'): TESTID = time.strftime("%Y%m%d", time.localtime()) + str(int(time.time())) mainWin.dbInfo['id'] = TESTID RERUNSTARTTEME = thistime RERUNTESTNUM = 0 tempTESTNUM = TESTNUM tempTOTALTESTNUM = TOTALTESTNUM FAILLIST = [] res = printFormat(title + ' ' + switch + ' ' + str(thistime), msg) printAll(res) if mainWin.logger: mainWin.logger = close_logger(mainWin.logger) mainWin.logger = DcnLog(log_base_path=mainWin.log_base_path, log_define_type='run', prefix_log_name=logprefix + '[ReRun]', console_name='console', test_name=TESTNAME).create_log() elif (switch == 'end') or (switch == 'End'): ENDTIME = thistime duration = timediff(STARTTIME, ENDTIME) res = printFormat(title + ' ' + switch + ' ' + str(thistime), 'TestCase Duration Time:' + duration) printAll(res) res_str = 'AutoTest Name :' + TESTNAME + '\n' + 'Start Time :' + str(STARTTIME) + '\n' + 'End Time :' + str( ENDTIME) + '\n' + 'Duration Time :' + str(duration) failnum = len(FAILLIST) printAll(res_str) printAll('TestCase : Total ' + str(TESTNUM) + '\n Pass ' + str( TESTNUM - failnum) + '\n Fail ' + str(failnum)) if failnum > 0: printstr = '' printAll('Failed TestCase :') for j in FAILLIST: printstr += str(j) + '\n' printAll(printstr) printAll('') mainWin.dbInfo['totalcases'] = str(TESTNUM) mainWin.dbInfo['passed'] = str(TESTNUM - failnum) mainWin.dbInfo['failed'] = str(failnum) mainWin.dbInfo['knownbugs'] = 'Not available' mainWin.dbInfo['unknowbugs'] = 'Not available' mainWin.dbInfo['failsummary'] = str(FAILLIST) mainWin.dbInfo['suggestions'] = 'Not available' mainWin.dbInfo['starttime'] = str(STARTTIME) mainWin.dbInfo['stoptime'] = str(ENDTIME) mainWin.dbInfo['totaltime'] = str(duration) time.sleep(3) printRes(res_str) printRes('TestCase : Total ' + str(TESTNUM) + '\n Pass ' + str( TESTNUM - failnum) + '\n Fail ' + str(failnum)) if failnum > 0: printstr = '' printResWarn('Failed TestCase :') for j in FAILLIST: printstr += str(j) + '\n' printResWarn(printstr) elif (switch == 'Rerunend') or (switch == 'RerunEnd'): TESTNUM = tempTESTNUM TOTALTESTNUM = tempTOTALTESTNUM RERUNENDTIME = thistime TOTALFAILLIST.extend(FAILLIST) printRes('TOTALFAILLIST={}'.format(TOTALFAILLIST)) duration = timediff(RERUNSTARTTEME, RERUNENDTIME) res = printFormat(title + ' ' + switch + ' ' + str(thistime), 'TestCase Duration Time:' + duration) printAll(res) res_str = 'AutoTest Name :' + TESTNAME + '\n' + 'Start Time :' + str( RERUNSTARTTEME) + '\n' + 'End Time :' + str(RERUNENDTIME) + '\n' + 'Duration Time :' + str(duration) failnum = len(FAILLIST) printAll(res_str) printAll('TestCase : Total ' + str(RERUNTESTNUM) + '\n Pass ' + str( RERUNTESTNUM - failnum) + '\n Fail ' + str(failnum)) if failnum > 0: printstr = '' printAll('Failed TestCase :') for j in FAILLIST: printstr += str(j) + '\n' printAll(printstr) duration = timediff(STARTTIME, RERUNENDTIME) res = printFormat(title + ' ' + switch + ' ' + str(thistime), 'TestCase Duration Time:' + duration) printAll(res) res_str = 'AutoTest Name :' + TESTNAME + '\n' + 'Start Time :' + str(STARTTIME) + '\n' + 'End Time :' + str( RERUNENDTIME) + '\n' + 'Duration Time :' + str(duration) printAll(res_str) printAll('TestCase : Total ' + str(TESTNUM) + '\n Pass ' + str( TESTNUM - failnum) + '\n Fail ' + str(failnum)) if failnum > 0: printstr = '' printAll('Failed TestCase :') for j in FAILLIST: printstr += str(j) + '\n' printAll(printstr) printAll('') mainWin.dbInfo['totalcases'] = str(TESTNUM) mainWin.dbInfo['passed'] = str(TESTNUM - failnum) mainWin.dbInfo['failed'] = str(failnum) mainWin.dbInfo['knownbugs'] = 'Not available' mainWin.dbInfo['unknowbugs'] = 'Not available' mainWin.dbInfo['failsummary'] = str(FAILLIST) mainWin.dbInfo['suggestions'] = 'Not available' mainWin.dbInfo['starttime'] = str(STARTTIME) mainWin.dbInfo['stoptime'] = str(ENDTIME) mainWin.dbInfo['totaltime'] = str(duration) time.sleep(3) printRes(res_str) printRes('TestCase : Total ' + str(TESTNUM) + '\n Pass ' + str( TESTNUM - failnum) + '\n Fail ' + str(failnum)) if failnum > 0: printstr = '' printResWarn('Failed TestCase :') for j in FAILLIST: printstr += str(j) + '\n' printResWarn(printstr) elif switch == 'TlEnd': if mainWin.logger: mainWin.logger = close_logger(mainWin.logger) mainWin.logger = DcnLog(log_base_path=mainWin.log_base_path, log_define_type='run', prefix_log_name=logprefix, console_name='summary', test_name=TESTNAME).create_log() # 创建一个汇总结果的日志文件summary printRes('TOTALFAILLIST{}'.format(TOTALFAILLIST)) TOTALENDTIME = thistime duration = timediff(TOTALSTARTTIME, TOTALENDTIME) res = printFormat(title + ' ' + switch + ' ' + str(thistime), 'TestCase Duration Time:' + duration) printAll(res) res_str = 'AutoTest Name :' + TESTNAME + '\n' + 'Start Time :' + str( TOTALSTARTTIME) + '\n' + 'End Time :' + str(TOTALENDTIME) + '\n' + 'Duration Time :' + str(duration) failnum = len(TOTALFAILLIST) printAll(res_str) printAll('TestCase : Total ' + str(TOTALTESTNUM) + '\n Pass ' + str( TOTALTESTNUM - failnum) + '\n Fail ' + str(failnum)) if failnum > 0: printstr = '' printAll('Failed TestCase :') for j in TOTALFAILLIST: printstr += str(j) + '\n' printAll(printstr) DcnCommonFtp(ftp_config=mainWin.ftp_config_file).upload( mainWin.logfiles) # 日志上传到用户指定服务器,指定服务器配置在config/ftpconfig.json try: if 'job_id' in and mainWin.logger and mainWin.logfiles: printResDebug('\ntestlink args are:\n{arg}'.format( arg=json.dumps(, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4, sort_keys=True))) DcnTestlinkFtp(, ip=mainWin.ftp_server_ip).upload( mainWin.logfiles) # 日志上传到testlink ftp服务器 recover_args() # testlink/args.py文件恢复初始状态 affirm_tl_operate.set_waffirm_end() # 关闭确认测试平台窗口 except Exception as ex: printResError('error %s' % ex) TOTALTESTNUM = 0 TOTALFAILLIST = []