Exemple #1
    def test_evil_K_2_2(self):
        couplers = [((0, 0, 0, i), (1, 0, 0, i)) for i in range(4)]
        couplers += [((0, 0, 1, i), (0, 1, 1, i)) for i in range(4)]
        couplers += [((0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1, 0))]
        proc = processor(couplers,

        emb = proc.tightestNativeBiClique(1, 1)
        verify_biclique(proc, emb, 1, 1, 1, 1)

        for _ in range(100):  # this should be plenty
            proc = processor(couplers,
            emb = proc.tightestNativeBiClique(1, 1)
            if emb is not None:
        verify_biclique(proc, emb, 1, 1, 1, 1)
Exemple #2
    def setUp(self):

        M = 12
        N = 7
        L = 4

        eden_qubits = [(x, y, u, k) for x in range(M) for y in range(N)
                       for u in (0, 1) for k in range(L)]

        # one K_12, contains K_{8,8}
        Cliq1 = {(0, 0), (1, 0), (2, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (0, 2)}

        # another K_12
        Cliq2 = {(1, 4), (0, 5), (0, 6), (1, 5), (1, 6), (2, 5)}

        # K_{12,16} after deleting all horizontal qubits in alternating rows
        Rect1 = {(x, y) for x in range(4, 7) for y in range(7)}
        kill1 = {}

        # deleting those alternating rows
        Rect2 = {(x, y) for x in range(4, 7) for y in range(1, 7, 2)}
        kill2 = {(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3)}

        # K_{12,12} after deleting all u=1,k=3
        Rect3 = {(x, y) for x in range(8, 12) for y in range(3)}
        kill3 = {(1, 3)}

        # K_{8,16}
        Rect4 = {(x, y) for x in range(8, 12) for y in range(4, 6)}
        kill4 = {}

        XYFilter = Cliq1 | Cliq2 | Rect1 | Rect2 | Rect3 | Rect4

        def xyfilt(tup):
            x, y, u, k = tup
            return (x, y) in XYFilter

        eden_qubits = filter(xyfilt, eden_qubits)

        for rect, kill in zip((Rect1, Rect2, Rect3, Rect4),
                              (kill1, kill2, kill3, kill4)):

            def killf(tup):
                x, y, u, k = tup
                return ((x, y) not in rect) or ((u, k) not in kill)

            eden_qubits = filter(killf, eden_qubits)
            eden_qubits = list(eden_qubits)  # need to run the function now

        eden_qubits = set(eden_qubits)
        eden_couplers = [
            (q, n) for q in eden_qubits
            for n in set(_chimera_neighbors(M, N, L, q)) & eden_qubits
            ((x, y, 0, 0), (x, y, 1, 0)) for x, y in ((2, 2), (2, 3), (3, 3)))

        eden_couplers = [_bulk_to_linear(M, N, L, c) for c in eden_couplers]
        self.eden_proc = eden_proc = processor(eden_couplers, M=M, N=N, L=L)
        eden_proc._linear = False
Exemple #3
    def setUp(self):
        M = 6
        N = 6
        L = 4

        eden_qubits = [(x, y, u, k) for x in range(M) for y in range(N)
                       for u in (0, 1) for k in range(L)]
        dead_qubits = [(3, 3, 1, 2), (4, 3, 0, 0), (4, 3, 1, 0), (5, 3, 1, 0),
                       (3, 4, 0, 1), (3, 4, 1, 0), (3, 4, 1, 2), (4, 4, 0, 0),
                       (4, 4, 1, 1), (3, 5, 0, 0), (3, 5, 0, 1), (3, 5, 0, 2)]
        XYFilter = [(0, 2), (1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 0), (2, 1), (2, 2), (3, 0),
                    (3, 1), (3, 2), (3, 3), (3, 4), (3, 5), (4, 0), (4, 1),
                    (4, 2), (4, 3), (4, 4), (5, 0), (5, 1), (5, 2), (5, 3)]

        def xyfilt(tup):
            x, y, u, k = tup
            return (x, y) in XYFilter

        eden_qubits = filter(xyfilt, set(eden_qubits) - set(dead_qubits))
        eden_qubits = set(eden_qubits)
        eden_couplers = [
            (q, n) for q in eden_qubits
            for n in set(_chimera_neighbors(M, N, L, q)) & eden_qubits
        eden_couplers = [_bulk_to_linear(M, N, L, c) for c in eden_couplers]
        eden2_proc = processor(eden_couplers, M=M)
        eden2_proc._linear = False

        self.eden2_proc = eden2_proc
Exemple #4
def find_clique_embedding(k, m, n=None, t=None, target_edges=None):
    """Find an embedding for a clique in a Chimera graph.

    Given a target :term:`Chimera` graph size, and a clique (fully connect graph),
    attempts to find an embedding.

        k (int/iterable):
            Clique to embed. If k is an integer, generates an embedding for a clique of size k
            labelled [0,k-1].
            If k is an iterable, generates an embedding for a clique of size len(k), where
            iterable k is the variable labels.

        m (int):
            Number of rows in the Chimera lattice.

        n (int, optional, default=m):
            Number of columns in the Chimera lattice.

        t (int, optional, default 4):
            Size of the shore within each Chimera tile.

        target_edges (iterable[edge]):
            A list of edges in the target Chimera graph. Nodes are labelled as
            returned by :func:`~dwave_networkx.generators.chimera_graph`.

        dict: An embedding mapping a clique to the Chimera lattice.

        The first example finds an embedding for a :math:`K_4` complete graph in a single
        Chimera unit cell. The second for an alphanumerically labeled :math:`K_3`
        graph in 4 unit cells.

        >>> from dwave.embedding.chimera import find_clique_embedding
        >>> embedding = find_clique_embedding(4, 1, 1)
        >>> embedding  # doctest: +SKIP
        {0: [4, 0], 1: [5, 1], 2: [6, 2], 3: [7, 3]}

        >>> from dwave.embedding.chimera import find_clique_embedding
        >>> embedding = find_clique_embedding(['a', 'b', 'c'], m=2, n=2, t=4)
        >>> embedding  # doctest: +SKIP
        {'a': [20, 16], 'b': [21, 17], 'c': [22, 18]}

    _, nodes = k

    m, n, t, target_edges = _chimera_input(m, n, t, target_edges)

    embedding = processor(target_edges, M=m, N=n, L=t).tightestNativeClique(len(nodes))

    if not embedding:
        raise ValueError("cannot find a K{} embedding for given Chimera lattice".format(k))

    return dict(zip(nodes, embedding))
Exemple #5
def _pegasus_fragment_helper(m=None, target_graph=None):
    # This is a function that takes m or a target_graph and produces a
    # `processor` object for the corresponding Pegasus graph, and a function
    # that translates embeddings produced by that object back to the original
    # pegasus graph.  Consumed by `find_clique_embedding` and
    # `find_biclique_embedding`.

    # Organize parameter values
    if target_graph is None:
        if m is None:
            raise TypeError("m and target_graph cannot both be None.")
        target_graph = pegasus_graph(m)

    m = target_graph.graph['rows']  # We only support square Pegasus graphs

    # Deal with differences in ints vs coordinate target_graphs
    if target_graph.graph['labels'] == 'nice':
        back_converter = pegasus_coordinates.pegasus_to_nice
        back_translate = lambda embedding: {
            key: [back_converter(p) for p in chain]
            for key, chain in embedding.items()
    elif target_graph.graph['labels'] == 'int':
        # Convert nodes in terms of Pegasus coordinates
        coord_converter = pegasus_coordinates(m)

        # A function to convert our final coordinate embedding to an ints embedding
        back_translate = lambda embedding: {
            key: list(coord_converter.iter_pegasus_to_linear(chain))
            for key, chain in embedding.items()
        back_translate = lambda embedding: embedding

    # collect edges of the graph produced by splitting each Pegasus qubit into six pieces
    fragment_edges = list(fragmented_edges(target_graph))

    # Find clique embedding in K2,2 Chimera graph
    embedding_processor = processor(fragment_edges,
                                    M=m * 6,
                                    N=m * 6,

    # Convert chimera fragment embedding in terms of Pegasus coordinates
    defragment_tuple = get_tuple_defragmentation_fn(target_graph)

    def embedding_to_pegasus(nodes, emb):
        emb = map(defragment_tuple, emb)
        emb = dict(zip(nodes, emb))
        emb = back_translate(emb)
        return emb

    return embedding_processor, embedding_to_pegasus
Exemple #6
 def test_qubits_and_couplers(self):
     M = N = L = 2
     qubits = {(x, y, u, k)
               for x in range(M) for y in range(N) for u in range(2)
               for k in range(L)}
     couplers = [(p, q) for q in qubits
                 for p in _chimera_neighbors(M, N, L, q)]
     proc = processor(couplers, M=M, N=N, L=L, linear=False)._proc0
     for q in proc:
         assert proc[q] == set(_chimera_neighbors(
             M, N, L, q)), "Neighborhood is wrong!"
     assert not qubits, "qubits are missing from proc"
Exemple #7
 def test_proclimit_cornercase(self):
     couplers = [((0, y, 1, i), (0, y + 1, 1, i)) for y in range(2)
                 for i in range(4)]
     couplers += [((0, y, 1, i), (0, y, 0, j)) for y in range(3)
                  for i in range(4) for j in range(4) if i != 0 or j != y]
     emb = None
     count = 0
     while emb is None and count < 100:
         proc = processor(couplers,
         emb = proc.tightestNativeBiClique(3, 9, chain_imbalance=None)
         count += 1
     verify_biclique(proc, emb, 3, 9, 3, 1)
Exemple #8
    def test_objectives(self):
        couplers = [((0, 0, 0, i), (1, 0, 0, i)) for i in range(4)]
        couplers += [((0, 0, 1, i), (0, 1, 1, i)) for i in range(4)]
        couplers += [((0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1, 0))]
        proc = processor(couplers,

        empty = proc._subprocessor(
            proc._proc0)  # an eden_processor with all qubits disabled
        emb = proc.tightestNativeBiClique(0, 0)
        proc._processors = [empty] + proc._processors + [empty]
        verify_biclique(proc, emb, 0, 0, 0, 0)

        empty.largestNativeBiClique = lambda *a, **k: (None, None)
        emb = proc.largestNativeBiClique()
        verify_biclique(proc, emb, 1, 1, 1, 1)
Exemple #9
def find_clique_embedding(k, m=None, target_graph=None):
    """Find an embedding of a k-sized clique on a Pegasus graph (target_graph).

    This clique is found by transforming the Pegasus graph into a K2,2 Chimera graph and then
    applying a Chimera clique finding algorithm. The results are then converted back in terms of
    Pegasus coordinates.

    Note: If target_graph is None, m will be used to generate a m-by-m Pegasus graph. Hence m and
    target_graph cannot both be None.

        k (int/iterable/:obj:`networkx.Graph`): Number of members in the requested clique; list of nodes;
          a complete graph that you want to embed onto the target_graph
        m (int): Number of tiles in a row of a square Pegasus graph
        target_graph (:obj:`networkx.Graph`): A Pegasus graph

        dict: A dictionary representing target_graphs's clique embedding. Each dictionary key
        represents a node in said clique. Each corresponding dictionary value is a list of pegasus
        coordinates that should be chained together to represent said node.

    # Organize parameter values
    if target_graph is None:
        if m is None:
            raise TypeError("m and target_graph cannot both be None.")
        target_graph = pegasus_graph(m)

    m = target_graph.graph['rows']  # We only support square Pegasus graphs
    _, nodes = k

    # Deal with differences in ints vs coordinate target_graphs
    if target_graph.graph['labels'] == 'nice':
        fwd_converter = get_nice_to_pegasus_fn(m=m)
        back_converter = get_pegasus_to_nice_fn(m=m)
        pegasus_coords = [fwd_converter(*p) for p in target_graph.nodes]
        back_translate = lambda embedding: {
            key: [back_converter(*p) for p in chain]
            for key, chain in embedding.items()
    elif target_graph.graph['labels'] == 'int':
        # Convert nodes in terms of Pegasus coordinates
        coord_converter = pegasus_coordinates(m)
        pegasus_coords = map(coord_converter.tuple, target_graph.nodes)

        # A function to convert our final coordinate embedding to an ints embedding
        back_translate = lambda embedding: {
            key: list(coord_converter.ints(chain))
            for key, chain in embedding.items()
        pegasus_coords = target_graph.nodes
        back_translate = lambda embedding: embedding

    # Break each Pegasus qubits into six Chimera fragments
    # Note: By breaking the graph in this way, you end up with a K2,2 Chimera graph
    fragment_tuple = get_tuple_fragmentation_fn(target_graph)
    fragments = fragment_tuple(pegasus_coords)

    # Create a K2,2 Chimera graph
    # Note: 6 * m because Pegasus qubits split into six pieces, so the number of rows and columns
    #   get multiplied by six
    chim_m = 6 * m
    chim_graph = chimera_graph(chim_m, t=2, coordinates=True)

    # Determine valid fragment couplers in a K2,2 Chimera graph
    edges = chim_graph.subgraph(fragments).edges()

    # Find clique embedding in K2,2 Chimera graph
    embedding_processor = processor(edges,
    chimera_clique_embedding = embedding_processor.tightestNativeClique(

    # Convert chimera fragment embedding in terms of Pegasus coordinates
    defragment_tuple = get_tuple_defragmentation_fn(target_graph)
    pegasus_clique_embedding = map(defragment_tuple, chimera_clique_embedding)
    pegasus_clique_embedding = dict(zip(nodes, pegasus_clique_embedding))
    pegasus_clique_embedding = back_translate(pegasus_clique_embedding)

    if len(pegasus_clique_embedding) != len(nodes):
        raise ValueError("No clique embedding found")

    return pegasus_clique_embedding
Exemple #10
def find_clique_embedding(k, m, n=None, t=None, target_edges=None):
    """Find an embedding for a clique in a Chimera graph.

    Given the node labels or size of a clique (fully connected graph) and size or
    edges of the target :term:`Chimera` graph, attempts to find an embedding.

        k (int/iterable):
            Clique to embed. If k is an integer, generates an embedding for a
            clique of size k labelled [0,k-1]. If k is an iterable of nodes,
            generates an embedding for a clique of size len(k) labelled
            for the given nodes.

        m (int):
            Number of rows in the Chimera lattice.

        n (int, optional, default=m):
            Number of columns in the Chimera lattice.

        t (int, optional, default 4):
            Size of the shore within each Chimera tile.

        target_edges (iterable[edge]):
            A list of edges in the target Chimera graph. Nodes are labelled as
            returned by :func:`~dwave_networkx.generators.chimera_graph`.

        dict: An embedding mapping a clique to the Chimera lattice.

        The first example finds an embedding for a :math:`K_4` complete graph in a single
        Chimera unit cell. The second for an alphanumerically labeled :math:`K_3`
        graph in 4 unit cells.

        >>> from dwave.embedding.chimera import find_clique_embedding
        >>> embedding = find_clique_embedding(4, 1, 1)
        >>> embedding  # doctest: +SKIP
        {0: [4, 0], 1: [5, 1], 2: [6, 2], 3: [7, 3]}

        >>> from dwave.embedding.chimera import find_clique_embedding
        >>> embedding = find_clique_embedding(['a', 'b', 'c'], m=2, n=2, t=4)
        >>> embedding  # doctest: +SKIP
        {'a': [20, 16], 'b': [21, 17], 'c': [22, 18]}

    import random

    _, nodes = k

    m, n, t, target_edges = _chimera_input(m, n, t, target_edges)

    # Special cases to return optimal embeddings for small k.  The general clique embedder uses chains of length
    # at least 2, whereas cliques of size 1 and 2 can be embedded with single-qubit chains.

    if len(nodes) == 1:
        # If k == 1 we simply return a single chain consisting of a randomly sampled qubit.

        qubits = set().union(*target_edges)
        qubit = random.choice(tuple(qubits))
        embedding = [[qubit]]

    elif len(nodes) == 2:
        # If k == 2 we simply return two one-qubit chains that are the endpoints of a randomly sampled coupler.

        if not isinstance(target_edges, abc.Sequence):
            target_edges = list(target_edges)
        edge = random.choice(target_edges)
        embedding = [[edge[0]], [edge[1]]]

        # General case for k > 2.

        embedding = processor(target_edges, M=m, N=n, L=t).tightestNativeClique(len(nodes))

    if not embedding:
        raise ValueError("cannot find a K{} embedding for given Chimera lattice".format(len(nodes)))

    return dict(zip(nodes, embedding))
Exemple #11
def find_biclique_embedding(a, b, m, n=None, t=None, target_edges=None):
    """Find an embedding for a biclique in a Chimera graph.

    Given a biclique (a bipartite graph where every vertex in a set in connected
    to all vertices in the other set) and a target :term:`Chimera` graph size or
    edges, attempts to find an embedding.

        a (int/iterable):
            Left shore of the biclique to embed. If a is an integer, generates
            an embedding for a biclique with the left shore of size a labelled
            [0,a-1]. If a is an iterable of nodes, generates an embedding for a
            biclique with the left shore of size len(a) labelled for the given

        b (int/iterable):
            Right shore of the biclique to embed.If b is an integer, generates
            an embedding for a biclique with the right shore of size b labelled
            [0,b-1]. If b is an iterable of nodes, generates an embedding for a
            biclique with the right shore of size len(b) labelled for the given

        m (int):
            Number of rows in the Chimera lattice.

        n (int, optional, default=m):
            Number of columns in the Chimera lattice.

        t (int, optional, default 4):
            Size of the shore within each Chimera tile.

        target_edges (iterable[edge]):
            A list of edges in the target Chimera graph. Nodes are labelled as
            returned by :func:`~dwave_networkx.generators.chimera_graph`.

        tuple: A 2-tuple containing:

            dict: An embedding mapping the left shore of the biclique to
            the Chimera lattice.

            dict: An embedding mapping the right shore of the biclique to
            the Chimera lattice.

        This example finds an embedding for an alphanumerically labeled biclique in a single
        Chimera unit cell.

        >>> from dwave.embedding.chimera import find_biclique_embedding
        >>> left, right = find_biclique_embedding(['a', 'b', 'c'], ['d', 'e'], 1, 1)
        >>> print(left, right)  # doctest: +SKIP
        {'a': [4], 'b': [5], 'c': [6]} {'d': [0], 'e': [1]}

    _, anodes = a
    _, bnodes = b

    m, n, t, target_edges = _chimera_input(m, n, t, target_edges)
    embedding = processor(target_edges, M=m, N=n, L=t).tightestNativeBiClique(len(anodes), len(bnodes))

    if not embedding:
        raise ValueError("cannot find a K{},{} embedding for given Chimera lattice".format(a, b))

    left, right = embedding
    return dict(zip(anodes, left)), dict(zip(bnodes, right))
Exemple #12
def find_clique_embedding(k, m=None, target_graph=None):
    """Find an embedding for a clique in a Pegasus graph.

    Given a clique (fully connected graph) and target Pegasus graph, attempts
    to find an embedding by transforming the Pegasus graph into a :math:`K_{2,2}`
    Chimera graph and then applying a Chimera clique-finding algorithm. Results
    are converted back to Pegasus coordinates.

        k (int/iterable/:obj:`networkx.Graph`): A complete graph to embed,
            formatted as a number of nodes, node labels, or a NetworkX graph.
        m (int): Number of tiles in a row of a square Pegasus graph. Required to
            generate an m-by-m Pegasus graph when `target_graph` is None.
        target_graph (:obj:`networkx.Graph`): A Pegasus graph. Required when `m`
            is None.

        dict: An embedding as a dict, where keys represent the clique's nodes and
        values, formatted as lists, represent chains of pegasus coordinates.

        This example finds an embedding for a :math:`K_3` complete graph in a
        2-by-2 Pegaus graph.

        >>> from dwave.embedding.pegasus import find_clique_embedding
        >>> print(find_clique_embedding(3, 2))    # doctest: +SKIP
        {0: [10, 34], 1: [35, 11], 2: [32, 12]}

    # Organize parameter values
    if target_graph is None:
        if m is None:
            raise TypeError("m and target_graph cannot both be None.")
        target_graph = pegasus_graph(m)

    m = target_graph.graph['rows']     # We only support square Pegasus graphs
    _, nodes = k

    # Deal with differences in ints vs coordinate target_graphs
    if target_graph.graph['labels'] == 'nice':
        fwd_converter = get_nice_to_pegasus_fn()
        back_converter = get_pegasus_to_nice_fn()
        pegasus_coords = [fwd_converter(*p) for p in target_graph.nodes]
        back_translate = lambda embedding: {key: [back_converter(*p) for p in chain]
                                      for key, chain in embedding.items()}
    elif target_graph.graph['labels'] == 'int':
        # Convert nodes in terms of Pegasus coordinates
        coord_converter = pegasus_coordinates(m)
        pegasus_coords = map(coord_converter.tuple, target_graph.nodes)

        # A function to convert our final coordinate embedding to an ints embedding
        back_translate = lambda embedding: {key: list(coord_converter.ints(chain))
                                      for key, chain in embedding.items()}
        pegasus_coords = target_graph.nodes
        back_translate = lambda embedding: embedding

    # Break each Pegasus qubits into six Chimera fragments
    # Note: By breaking the graph in this way, you end up with a K2,2 Chimera graph
    fragment_tuple = get_tuple_fragmentation_fn(target_graph)
    fragments = fragment_tuple(pegasus_coords)

    # Create a K2,2 Chimera graph
    # Note: 6 * m because Pegasus qubits split into six pieces, so the number of rows and columns
    #   get multiplied by six
    chim_m = 6 * m
    chim_graph = chimera_graph(chim_m, t=2, coordinates=True)

    # Determine valid fragment couplers in a K2,2 Chimera graph
    edges = chim_graph.subgraph(fragments).edges()

    # Find clique embedding in K2,2 Chimera graph
    embedding_processor = processor(edges, M=chim_m, N=chim_m, L=2, linear=False)
    chimera_clique_embedding = embedding_processor.tightestNativeClique(len(nodes))

    # Convert chimera fragment embedding in terms of Pegasus coordinates
    defragment_tuple = get_tuple_defragmentation_fn(target_graph)
    pegasus_clique_embedding = map(defragment_tuple, chimera_clique_embedding)
    pegasus_clique_embedding = dict(zip(nodes, pegasus_clique_embedding))
    pegasus_clique_embedding = back_translate(pegasus_clique_embedding)

    if len(pegasus_clique_embedding) != len(nodes):
        raise ValueError("No clique embedding found")

    return pegasus_clique_embedding