Exemple #1
 def region(self, value):
     if isinstance(value, list) and not isinstance(value, APIList):
         self._region = APIList(DynectSession.get_session, 'region', None,
     elif isinstance(value, APIList):
         self._region = value
     self._region.uri = self.uri
Exemple #2
 def keys(self, value):
     if isinstance(value, list) and not isinstance(value, APIList):
         self._keys = APIList(DynectSession.get_session, 'keys', None,
     elif isinstance(value, APIList):
         self._keys = value
     self._keys.uri = self.uri
Exemple #3
    def __init__(self, zone, *args, **kwargs):
        """Create a :class:`DNSSEC` object

        :param zone: the zone this service will be attached to
        :param keys: a list of :class:`DNSSECKey`'s for the service
        :param contact_nickname: Name of contact to receive notifications
        :param notify_events: A ``list`` of events that trigger notifications.
            Valid values are "create" (a new version of a key was created),
            "expire" (a key was automatically expired), or "warning" (early
            warnings (2 weeks, 1 week, 1 day) of events)
        super(DNSSEC, self).__init__()
        self.valid_notify_events = ('create', 'expire', 'warning')
        self._zone = zone
        self._contact_nickname = self._notify_events = None
        self._keys = APIList(DynectSession.get_session, 'keys')
        self._active = None
        self.uri = '/DNSSEC/{}/'.format(self._zone)
        if 'api' in kwargs:
            del kwargs['api']
        elif len(args) == 0 and len(kwargs) == 0:
            self._post(*args, **kwargs)
        self._keys.uri = self.uri
Exemple #4
 def _build(self, data):
     """Iterate over API data responses and update this object according to
     the data returned
     for key, val in data.items():
         if key == 'keys':
             self._keys = APIList(DynectSession.get_session, 'keys')
             for key_data in val:
                 key_data['key_type'] = key_data['type']
                 del key_data['type']
         elif key == 'active':
             self._active = Active(val)
             setattr(self, '_' + key, val)
     self.uri = '/DNSSEC/{}/'.format(self._zone)
     self._keys.uri = self.uri
Exemple #5
    def _build(self, data):
        """Build the neccesary substructures under this :class:`RTTM`"""
        for key, val in data.items():
            if key == 'region':
                self._region = APIList(DynectSession.get_session, 'region')
                for region in val:
                    code = region.pop('region_code', None)
                    pool = region.pop('pool', None)
                    status = region.pop('status', None)

                    r = RTTMRegion(self._zone, self._fqdn, code, pool,
                    r._status = status
            elif key == 'monitor':
                if self._monitor is not None:
                    self._monitor.zone = self._zone
                    self._monitor.fqdn = self._fqdn
                    proto = val.pop('protocol', None)
                    inter = val.pop('interval', None)
                    self._monitor = Monitor(proto, inter, **val)
            elif key == 'performance_monitor':
                if self._performance_monitor is not None:
                    self._performance_monitor.zone = self._zone
                    self._performance_monitor.fqdn = self._fqdn
                    proto = val.pop('protocol', None)
                    inter = val.pop('interval', None)
                    self._performance_monitor = PerformanceMonitor(proto,
            elif key == 'notify_events':
                self._notify_events = [item.strip() for item in val.split(',')]
            elif key == 'active':
                self._active = Active(val)
            elif key == "task_id" and not val:
                self._task_id = None
            elif key == "task_id":
                self._task_id = Task(val)
                setattr(self, '_' + key, val)
        self._region.uri = self.uri
Exemple #6
    def __init__(self, zone, fqdn, *args, **kwargs):
        """Create a :class:`RTTM` object

        :param auto_recover:  Indicates whether or not the service should
            automatically come out of failover when the IP addresses resume
            active status or if the service should remain in failover until
            manually reset. Must be one of 'Y' or 'N'
        :param ttl: Time To Live in seconds of records in the service. Must be
            less than 1/2 of the Health Probe's monitoring interval. Must be
            one of 30, 60, 150, 300, or 450.
        :param notify_events: A list of the events which trigger notifications.
            Must be one of 'ip', 'svc', or 'nosrv'
        :param syslog_server: The Hostname or IP address of a server to receive
            syslog notifications on monitoring events
        :param syslog_port: The port where the remote syslog server listens for
        :param syslog_ident: The ident to use when sending syslog notifications
        :param syslog_facility: The syslog facility to use when sending syslog
            notifications. Must be one of kern, user, mail, daemon, auth,
            syslog, lpr, news, uucp, cron, authpriv, ftp, ntp, security,
            console, local0, local1, local2, local3, local4, local5, local6, or
        :param syslog_delivery: The syslog delivery action type. 'all' will
            deliver notifications no matter what the endpoint state. 'change'
            (default) will deliver only on change in the detected endpoint
        :param region: A list of :class:`RTTMRegion`'s
        :param monitor: The :class:`Monitor` for this service
        :param performance_monitor: The performance monitor for the service
        :param contact_nickname: Name of contact to receive notifications
        :param syslog_probe_fmt: see below for format:
        :param syslog_status_fmt: see below for format:
        :param syslog_rttm_fmt: see below for format:
            Use the following format for syslog_xxxx_fmt paramaters.
            %hos	hostname
            %tim	current timestamp or monitored interval
            %reg	region code
            %sta	status
            %ser	record serial
            %rda	rdata
            %sit	monitoring site
            %rti	response time
            %msg	message from monitoring
            %adr	address of monitored node
            %med	median value
            %rts	response times (RTTM)
        :param recovery_delay: number of up status polling intervals to
            consider service up
        super(RTTM, self).__init__()
        self.valid_ttls = (30, 60, 150, 300, 450)
        self.valid_notify_events = ('ip', 'svc', 'nosrv')
        self.valid_syslog_facilities = ('kern', 'user', 'mail', 'daemon',
                                        'auth', 'syslog', 'lpr', 'news',
                                        'uucp', 'cron', 'authpriv', 'ftp',
                                        'ntp', 'security', 'console', 'local0',
                                        'local1', 'local2', 'local3', 'local4',
                                        'local5', 'local6', 'local7')
        self._zone = zone
        self._fqdn = fqdn
        self.uri = '/RTTM/{}/{}/'.format(self._zone, self._fqdn)
        self._auto_recover = self._ttl = self._notify_events = None
        self._syslog_server = self._syslog_port = self._syslog_ident = None
        self._syslog_facility = self._monitor = None
        self._performance_monitor = self._contact_nickname = None
        self._active = self._syslog_delivery = self._syslog_probe_fmt = None
        self._syslog_status_fmt = self._syslog_rttm_fmt = None
        self._recovery_delay = None
        self._region = APIList(DynectSession.get_session, 'region')
        self._task_id = None
        if 'api' in kwargs:
            del kwargs['api']
        elif len(args) == 0 and len(kwargs) == 0:
            self._post(*args, **kwargs)
        self._region.uri = self.uri