Exemple #1
    def update_field(self, item, name, value=NO_ARG, action=ItemUpdate.PUT,
        Update the value of a single field

        Note that this method bypasses field validators and will ignore any
        special behavior around Composite fields.

        item : :class:`~flywheel.models.Model`
            The model to update
        name : str
            The name of the field to update
        value : object, optional
            The new value for the field. Default will use the value currently
            on the model.
        action : str, optional
            PUT, ADD, or DELETE. (default PUT)
        constraints : list, optional
            List of constraints that must pass for the update to complete.
            Format is the same as query filters (e.g. Model.fieldname > 5)

        if value is NO_ARG:
            if action == ItemUpdate.DELETE:
                value = None
            elif action == ItemUpdate.ADD:
                raise ValueError("Must specify a value when using the "
                                 "actions ADD or DELETE")
                value = getattr(item, name)

        keywords = {}
        if constraints is not None:
            for constraint in constraints:

        updates = [
            ItemUpdate(action, name, item.field_(name).ddb_dump_for_query(value))

        ret = self.dynamo.update_item(
            item.meta_.ddb_tablename(self.namespace), item.pk_dict_,
            updates, returns=UPDATED_NEW, **keywords)
        with item.partial_loading_():
            for key, val in six.iteritems(ret):
                item.set_ddb_val_(key, val)
            # If we didn't see the field in the response,
            # it must have been deleted.
            if name not in ret:
                item.set_ddb_val_(name, None)

Exemple #2
    def sync(self, items, raise_on_conflict=None, consistent=False, constraints=None):
        Sync model changes back to database

        This will push any updates to the database, and ensure that all of the
        synced items have the most up-to-date data.

        items : list or :class:`~flywheel.models.Model`
            Models to sync
        raise_on_conflict : bool, optional
            If True, raise exception if any of the fields that are being
            updated were concurrently changed in the database (default set by
        consistent : bool, optional
            If True, force a consistent read from the db. This will only take
            effect if the sync is only performing a read. (default False)
        constraints : list, optional
            List of more complex constraints that must pass for the update to
            complete. Must be used with raise_on_conflict=True. Format is the
            same as query filters (e.g. Model.fieldname > 5)

        exc : :class:`dynamo3.CheckFailed`
            If raise_on_conflict=True and the model changed underneath us

        if raise_on_conflict is None:
            raise_on_conflict = self.default_conflict in ('update', 'raise')
        if constraints is not None and not raise_on_conflict:
            raise ValueError("Cannot pass constraints to sync() when raise_on_conflict is False")
        if isinstance(items, Model):
            items = [items]
        refresh_models = []
        for item in items:
            # Look for any mutable fields (e.g. sets) that have changed
            for name in item.keys_():
                if name in item.__dirty__ or name in item.__incrs__:
                field = item.meta_.fields.get(name)
                if field is None:
                    value = item.get_(name)
                    if Field.is_overflow_mutable(value):
                        if value != item.cached_(name):
                elif field.is_mutable:
                    cached_var = item.cached_(name)
                    if field.resolve(item) != cached_var:
                        for related in item.meta_.related_fields[name]:

            if not item.__dirty__ and not item.__incrs__:
            fields = item.__dirty__

            # If the model has changed any field that is part of a composite
            # field, FORCE the sync to raise on conflict. This prevents the
            # composite key from potentially getting into an inconsistent state
            _raise_on_conflict = raise_on_conflict
            for name in itertools.chain(item.__incrs__, fields):
                for related_name in item.meta_.related_fields.get(name, []):
                    field = item.meta_.fields[related_name]
                    if field.composite:
                        _raise_on_conflict = True

            keywords = {}
            constrained_fields = set()
            if _raise_on_conflict and constraints is not None:
                for constraint in constraints:

            updates = []
            # Set dynamo keys
            for name in fields:
                field = item.meta_.fields.get(name)
                value = getattr(item, name)
                kwargs = {}
                if _raise_on_conflict and name not in constrained_fields:
                    kwargs = {'eq': item.ddb_dump_cached_(name)}
                update = ItemUpdate.put(name, item.ddb_dump_field_(name),

            # Atomic increment fields
            for name, value in six.iteritems(item.__incrs__):
                kwargs = {}
                # We don't need to ddb_dump because we know they're all native
                if isinstance(value, SetDelta):
                    update = ItemUpdate(value.action, name, value.values)
                    update = ItemUpdate.add(name, value)

            # Perform sync
            ret = self.dynamo.update_item(
                item.meta_.ddb_tablename(self.namespace), item.pk_dict_,
                updates, returns=ALL_NEW, **keywords)

            # Load updated data back into object
            with item.loading_(self):
                for key, val in six.iteritems(ret):
                    item.set_ddb_val_(key, val)


        # Handle items that didn't have any fields to update

        # If the item isn't known to exist in the db, try to save it first
        for item in refresh_models:
            if not item.persisted_:
                    self.save(item, overwrite=False)
                except CheckFailed:
        # Refresh item data
        self.refresh(refresh_models, consistent=consistent)