def RIG_tree(d,  B, X_all, X_free, epsilon, x_0, R, t_limit=0.1):

    :param d: single dynamic step
    :param B: budget
    :param X_all: workspace
    :param X_free: free space
    :param epsilon: environment
    :param x_0: initial state
    :param R: nearest neighbor radius
    :param t_limit: time expansion can run for
    :return: a list of nodes and edges
    # Initialize cost C, information I, starting node x_0, node list V, edge list E, and tree T
    input_samples = cfg["samples"]

    I_init = initial_information(x_0, epsilon)      # Initial node information
    C_init = 0                                      # Initial node cost
    n_0 = Node(x_0, C_init, I_init, 0)              # Initial node
    V = [n_0]                                       # Node list
    V_closed = []                                   # Closed node list
    E = []                                          # Edge list

    # Sample configuration space of vehicle and find nearest node
    t_0 = process_time()
    while process_time() - t_0 < t_limit:
        print(process_time() - t_0)
        x_sample = sample(X_all)
        n_nearest = nearest(x_sample, list(set(V).difference(V_closed)))
        x_feasible = steer(n_nearest.get_position(), x_sample, d, input_samples, 'y.')

        # find near points to be extended
        # print("Full list: {}".format(V))
        # print("Closed list: {}".format(V_closed))
        # print("Open list: {}".format(list(set(V).difference(V_closed))))
        n_near = near(x_feasible, list(set(V).difference(V_closed)), R)

        for node in n_near:
            # extend towards new point
            x_new = steer(node.get_position(), x_feasible, d, input_samples)
            if no_collision(node.get_position(), x_new, X_free):
                I_new = information(node.get_information(), x_new, epsilon)
                C_x_new = evaluate_cost(node.get_position(), x_new)
                C_new = node.get_cost() + C_x_new
                k_new = node.get_time() + 1             # represents one time step, could be actual time
                n_new = Node(x_new, C_new, I_new, k_new)

                if prune(n_new):

                    # add edge and node
                    E.append((node, n_new))
                    if n_new.get_cost() > B:

            if cfg["plot_full"]:
                plot_expansion(x_sample, x_feasible, node.get_position(), x_new)

    return V, E
def RIG_tree(V, E, V_closed, X_all, X_free, epsilon, x_0, parameters):

    :param V: node list for a prebuilt tree
    :param E: edge list for a prebuilt tree
    :param V_closed: list of nodes that can't be expanded
    :param X_all: workspace
    :param X_free: free space
    :param epsilon: environment
    :param x_0: initial state
    :param parameters: dictionary of neccessary values: step size, budget, nearest neighbor radius, input samples, and
    time limit for expansion
    :return: a list of nodes and edges
    # Initialize cost C, information I, starting node x_0, node list V, edge list E, and tree T
    # np.random.seed(769)      # 50 with lambda = 0 shows a weird error where agents decides to ignore a good path
    d = parameters["step_size"]
    B = parameters["budget"]
    R = parameters["radius"]
    input_samples = parameters["samples"]
    t_limit = parameters["t_limit"]

    if not V:
        I_init = initial_information(x_0, epsilon)  # Initial node information
        C_init = 0  # Initial node cost
        n_0 = Node(x_0, C_init, I_init, 0)  # Initial node
        V = [n_0]  # Node list
        V_closed = []  # Closed node list
        E = []  # Edge list

    # Sample configuration space of vehicle and find nearest node
    t_0 = process_time()

    while process_time() - t_0 < t_limit:
        x_sample = sample(X_all, parameters)
        n_nearest = nearest(x_sample, list(set(V).difference(V_closed)))
        x_feasible = steer(n_nearest.get_position(), x_sample, d,
                           input_samples, 'y.')

        n_near = near(x_feasible, list(set(V).difference(V_closed)), R)
        I_best = 0
        node_best = None
        n_best = None

        for node in n_near:
            if node.get_time() >= parameters.get("budget"):

            # extend towards new point
            x_new = steer(node.get_position(), x_feasible, d, input_samples)

            if cfg["plot_full"]:
                plot_expansion(x_sample, x_feasible, node.get_position(),

            # node is in collision
            if collision(node.get_position(), x_new, X_free):

            C_x_new = evaluate_cost(node.get_position(), x_new)
            C_new = node.get_cost() + C_x_new

            # node is not in range of home
            # TODO: make this a cost instead of a cancel
            if not in_range_of_home(parameters["home"], x_new, C_new,

            I_new = information(node.get_information(), x_new, epsilon)
            # C_x_new = evaluate_cost(node.get_position(), x_new)
            # C_new = node.get_cost() + C_x_new
            k_new = node.get_time(
            ) + 1  # represents one time step, could be actual time
            n_new = Node(x_new, C_new, I_new, k_new)

            # node is not as good as another option
            if n_new.get_information() < I_best:

            node_best = node
            n_best = n_new

        if node_best and n_best:
            E.append((node_best, n_best))

            if n_best.get_cost() > B:

    return V, E, V_closed