Exemple #1
def getIndex(
  mnemonic: str,
  password: str,
  skip: int
) -> int:
  seed: bytes = sha256(Bip39SeedGenerator(mnemonic).Generate(password)).digest()

  c: int = -1
  failures: int = 0
  while skip != -1:
    c += 1
        [44 + (1 << 31), 5132 + (1 << 31), 0 + (1 << 31), 0, c]

      #Since we derived a valid address, decrement skip.
      skip -= 1
      failures = 0
    except Exception:
      #Safety check to prevent infinite execution.
      failures += 1
      if failures == 100:
        raise Exception("Invalid mnemonic passed to getPrivateKey.")

  return c
Exemple #2
def getMnemonic(
  password: str = ""
) -> str:
  while True:
    res: str = Bip39MnemonicGenerator.FromWordsNumber(Bip39WordsNum.WORDS_NUM_24)
    seed: bytes = sha256(Bip39SeedGenerator(res).Generate(password)).digest()
      BIP32.derive(seed, [44 + (1 << 31), 5132 + (1 << 31), 0 + (1 << 31), 0])
      BIP32.derive(seed, [44 + (1 << 31), 5132 + (1 << 31), 0 + (1 << 31), 1])
    except Exception:
    return res
Exemple #3
def getChangePublicKey(
  mnemonic: str,
  password: str,
  skip: int
) -> bytes:
  seed: bytes = sha256(Bip39SeedGenerator(mnemonic).Generate(password)).digest()
  extendedKey: bytes = bytes()

  #Above's getIndex, yet utilizing the return value of derive
  c: int = -1
  failures: int = 0
  while skip != -1:
    c += 1
      extendedKey = BIP32.derive(
        [44 + (1 << 31), 5132 + (1 << 31), 0 + (1 << 31), 1, c]

      #Since we derived a valid address, decrement skip.
      skip -= 1
      failures = 0
    except Exception:
      #Safety check to prevent infinite execution.
      failures += 1
      if failures == 100:
        raise Exception("Invalid mnemonic passed to getPrivateKey.")

  return RistrettoScalar(extendedKey[:32]).toPoint().serialize()
Exemple #4
def getPrivateKey(
  mnemonic: str,
  password: str,
  skip: int
) -> bytes:
  seed: bytes = sha256(Bip39SeedGenerator(mnemonic).Generate(password)).digest()
  return BIP32.derive(
    [44 + (1 << 31), 5132 + (1 << 31), 0 + (1 << 31), 0, getIndex(mnemonic, password, skip)]
Exemple #5
def DerivationTest(rpc: RPC) -> None:
    #Start by testing BIP 32, 39, and 44 functionality in general.
    for _ in range(10):
        rpc.call("personal", "setWallet")

    #Set specific Mnemonics and ensure they're handled properly.
    for _ in range(10):
        mnemonic: str = getMnemonic()
        rpc.call("personal", "setWallet", {"mnemonic": mnemonic})
        verifyMnemonicAndAccount(rpc, mnemonic)

    #Create Mnemonics with passwords and ensure they're handled properly.
    for _ in range(10):
        password: str = os.urandom(32).hex()
        rpc.call("personal", "setWallet", {"password": password})
        verifyMnemonicAndAccount(rpc, password=password)

    #Set specific Mnemonics with passwords and ensure they're handled properly.
    for i in range(10):
        password: str = os.urandom(32).hex()
        #Non-hex string.
        if i == 0:
            password = "******"
        mnemonic: str = getMnemonic(password)
        rpc.call("personal", "setWallet", {
            "mnemonic": mnemonic,
            "password": password
        verifyMnemonicAndAccount(rpc, mnemonic, password)

    #setWallet, getMnemonic, getMeritHolderKey, getMeritHolderNick's non-existent case, and getAccount have now been tested.
    #This leaves getAddress with specific indexes.

    #Clear the Wallet.
    rpc.call("personal", "setWallet")

    #Start by testing specific derivation.
    password: str = "password since it shouldn't be relevant"
    for _ in range(10):
        mnemonic: str = getMnemonic(password)
        index: int = 100
        key: bytes
        while True:
                key = BIP32.derive(
                        password)).digest(), [
                            44 + (1 << 31), 5132 + (1 << 31), 0 +
                            (1 << 31), 0, index
            except Exception:
                index += 1

        rpc.call("personal", "setWallet", {
            "mnemonic": mnemonic,
            "password": password
        addr: str = bech32_encode(
                bytes([0]) + RistrettoScalar(key[:32]).toPoint().serialize(),
                8, 5))
        if rpc.call("personal", "getAddress", {"index": index}) != addr:
            raise TestError("Didn't get the correct address for this index.")

    #Test if a specific address is requested, it won't come up naturally.
    #This isn't explicitly required by the RPC spec, which has been worded carefully to leave this open ended.
    #The only requirement is the address was never funded and the index is sequential (no moving backwards).
    #The node offers this feature to try to make mixing implicit/explicit addresses safer, along with some internal benefits.
    #That said, said internal benefits are minimal or questionable, hence why the RPC docs are open ended.
    #This way we can decide differently in the future.
    rpc.call("personal", "setWallet")
    firstAddr: str = rpc.call("personal", "getAddress")
    #Explicitly get the first address.
    for i in range(256):
            rpc.call("personal", "getAddress", {"index": i})
        except TestError:
            if i == 255:
                raise Exception(
                    "The first 256 address were invalid; this should be practically impossible."
    if firstAddr == rpc.call("personal", "getAddress"):
        raise TestError("Explicitly grabbed address was naturally returned.")

    #Test error cases.

    #Mnemonic with an improper amount of entropy.
    #Runs multiple times in case the below error pops up for the sole reason the Mnemonic didn't have viable keys.
    #This should error earlier than that though.
    for _ in range(16):
                "personal", "setWallet", {
            raise Exception()
        except Exception as e:
            if str(e) != "-3 Invalid mnemonic or password.":
                raise TestError(
                    "Could set a Mnemonic with too little entropy.")

    #Mnemonic with additional spaces.
    rpc.call("personal", "setWallet")
    mnemonic: str = rpc.call("personal", "getMnemonic")
    rpc.call("personal", "setWallet",
             {"mnemonic": "   " + (" " * 2).join(mnemonic.split(" ")) + " "})
    if rpc.call("personal", "getMnemonic") != mnemonic:
        raise TestError(
            "Meros didn't handle a mnemonic with extra whitespace.")

    #Negative index to getAddress.
        rpc.call("personal", "getAddress", {"index": -1})
        raise Exception()
    except Exception as e:
        if str(e) != "-32602 Invalid params.":
            raise TestError("Could call getAddress with a negative index.")