Exemple #1
def test_pad_list():
    xs = [[1, 2, 3], [1, 2], [1, 2, 3, 4]]
    xs = list(map(lambda x: Variable(torch.LongTensor(x)), xs))
    xpad = pad_list(xs, -1)

    es = [[1, 2, 3, -1], [1, 2, -1, -1], [1, 2, 3, 4]]
    assert xpad.data.tolist() == es
Exemple #2
def test_ctc_loss():
    import torch
    from warpctc_pytorch import CTCLoss

    from e2e_asr_attctc_th import pad_list

    n_out = 7
    n_batch = 3
    input_length = numpy.array([11, 17, 15], dtype=numpy.int32)
    label_length = numpy.array([4, 2, 3], dtype=numpy.int32)
    np_pred = [numpy.random.rand(il, n_out).astype(
        numpy.float32) for il in input_length]
    np_target = [numpy.random.randint(
        0, n_out, size=ol, dtype=numpy.int32) for ol in label_length]

    # NOTE: np_pred[i] seems to be transposed and used axis=-1 in e2e_asr_attctc.py
    ch_pred = F.separate(F.pad_sequence(np_pred), axis=-2)
    ch_target = F.pad_sequence(np_target, padding=-1)
    ch_loss = F.connectionist_temporal_classification(
        ch_pred, ch_target, 0, input_length, label_length).data

    th_pred = pad_list([torch.autograd.Variable(torch.from_numpy(x))
                        for x in np_pred]).transpose(0, 1)
    th_target = torch.autograd.Variable(
    th_ilen = torch.autograd.Variable(torch.from_numpy(input_length))
    th_olen = torch.autograd.Variable(torch.from_numpy(label_length))
    # NOTE: warpctc_pytorch.CTCLoss does not normalize itself by batch-size while chainer's default setting does
    th_loss = (CTCLoss()(th_pred, th_target, th_ilen,
                         th_olen) / n_batch).data.numpy()[0]
    numpy.testing.assert_allclose(th_loss, ch_loss, 0.05)
Exemple #3
def test_attn_loss():
    import torch

    from e2e_asr_attctc_th import pad_list
    from e2e_asr_attctc_th import torch_is_old

    n_out = 7
    _eos = n_out - 1
    n_batch = 3
    label_length = numpy.array([4, 2, 3], dtype=numpy.int32)
    np_pred = numpy.random.rand(n_batch,
                                max(label_length) + 1,
    # NOTE: 0 is only used for CTC, never appeared in attn target
    np_target = [
        numpy.random.randint(1, n_out - 1, size=ol, dtype=numpy.int32)
        for ol in label_length

    eos = numpy.array([_eos], 'i')
    ys_out = [F.concat([y, eos], axis=0) for y in np_target]

    # padding for ys with -1
    # pys: utt x olen
    # NOTE: -1 is default ignore index for chainer
    pad_ys_out = F.pad_sequence(ys_out, padding=-1)
    y_all = F.reshape(np_pred, (n_batch * (max(label_length) + 1), n_out))
    ch_loss = F.softmax_cross_entropy(y_all, F.concat(pad_ys_out, axis=0))

    # NOTE: this index 0 is only for CTC not attn. so it can be ignored
    # unfortunately, torch cross_entropy does not accept out-of-bound ids
    th_ignore = 0
    th_pred = torch.autograd.Variable(torch.from_numpy(y_all.data))
    th_target = pad_list([
        for t in ys_out
    ], th_ignore)
    th_loss = torch.nn.functional.cross_entropy(th_pred,

    # NOTE: warpctc_pytorch.CTCLoss does not normalize itself by batch-size while chainer's default setting does
    loss_data = th_loss.data[0] if torch_is_old else float(th_loss)
    numpy.testing.assert_allclose(loss_data, ch_loss.data, 0.05)
Exemple #4
def test_train_acc():
    import torch

    from e2e_asr_attctc_th import pad_list
    from e2e_asr_attctc_th import th_accuracy

    n_out = 7
    _eos = n_out - 1
    n_batch = 3
    label_length = numpy.array([4, 2, 3], dtype=numpy.int32)
    np_pred = numpy.random.rand(n_batch,
                                max(label_length) + 1,
    # NOTE: 0 is only used for CTC, never appeared in attn target
    np_target = [
        numpy.random.randint(1, n_out - 1, size=ol, dtype=numpy.int32)
        for ol in label_length

    eos = numpy.array([_eos], 'i')
    ys_out = [F.concat([y, eos], axis=0) for y in np_target]

    # padding for ys with -1
    # pys: utt x olen
    # NOTE: -1 is default ignore index for chainer
    pad_ys_out = F.pad_sequence(ys_out, padding=-1)
    y_all = F.reshape(np_pred, (n_batch * (max(label_length) + 1), n_out))
    ch_acc = F.accuracy(y_all, F.concat(pad_ys_out, axis=0), ignore_label=-1)

    # NOTE: this index 0 is only for CTC not attn. so it can be ignored
    # unfortunately, torch cross_entropy does not accept out-of-bound ids
    th_ignore = 0
    th_pred = torch.autograd.Variable(torch.from_numpy(y_all.data))
    th_ys = [
        torch.autograd.Variable(torch.from_numpy(numpy.append(t, eos))).long()
        for t in np_target
    th_target = pad_list(th_ys, th_ignore)
    th_acc = th_accuracy(th_pred, th_target, th_ignore)

    numpy.testing.assert_allclose(ch_acc.data, th_acc)
Exemple #5
    def forward(self,
        '''E2E forward (unsupervised)

        :param data:
        # utt list of frame x dim
        xs = [d[1]['feat'] for d in data]
        tids = [d[1]['tokenid'].split() for d in data]
        ys = [np.fromiter(map(int, t), dtype=np.int64) for t in tids]

        # sort by length
        sorted_index = sorted(range(len(xs)), key=lambda i: -len(xs[i]))
        xs, xlens = self.sort_variables(xs, sorted_index)
        ys, ylens = self.sort_variables(ys, sorted_index)

        # ys = [base.to_cuda(self, Variable(torch.from_numpy(y))) for y in ys]
        if supervised or not self.training:
            # forward encoder for speech
            xpad = base.pad_list(xs)
            hxpad, hxlens = self.enc(xpad, xlens)
            if self.batchnorm:
                hxpack = pack_padded_sequence(hxpad, hxlens, batch_first=True)
                hxpack = PackedSequence(self.batchnorm(hxpack.data),
                hxpad, hxlens = pad_packed_sequence(hxpack, batch_first=True)

            # CTC loss
            loss_ctc = self.ctc(hxpad, hxlens, ys)

            # forward decoders
            loss_att, acc, att_t = self.dec(hxpad, hxlens, ys)
            return loss_ctc, loss_att, acc

            # loss_speech, att_s = self.dec_s(hxpad, hxlens, xpad, xlens)
            # forward encoder for text
            y_sorted_index = sorted(range(len(ys)), key=lambda i: -len(ys[i]))
            ys = [ys[i] for i in y_sorted_index]
            ylens = [ylens[i] for i in y_sorted_index]
            ypad = base.pad_list(ys, 0)
            hypad, hylens = self.enc_t(ypad, ylens)

            # forward common encoder
            hypad, hylens = self.forward_common(hypad, hylens)
            hypack = pack_padded_sequence(hypad, hylens, batch_first=True)

            if self.unsupervised_loss is not None and self.unsupervised_loss != "None":
                xpad = base.pad_list(xs)
                hxpad, hxlens = self.enc(xpad, xlens)
                hxpack = pack_padded_sequence(hxpad, hxlens, batch_first=True)
                if self.batchnorm:
                    hxpack = PackedSequence(self.batchnorm(hxpack.data),
                    hypack = PackedSequence(self.batchnorm(hypack.data),

                if only_encoder:
                    return hxpack, hypack

                if self.unsupervised_loss == "variance":
                    loss_unsupervised = torch.cat((hxpack.data, hypack.data),
                if self.unsupervised_loss == "gauss":
                    loss_unsupervised = gauss_kld(hxpack.data, hypack.data)
                if self.unsupervised_loss == "gausslogdet":
                    loss_unsupervised = gauss_kld(hxpack.data,
                if self.unsupervised_loss == "mmd":
                    loss_unsupervised = mmd(hxpack.data, hypack.data)
                if self.unsupervised_loss == "gan":
                    loss_unsupervised = discriminator(hxpack.data, hypack.data)
                loss_unsupervised = 0.0
                if only_encoder:
                    xpad = base.pad_list(xs)
                    hxpad, hxlens = self.enc(xpad, xlens)
                    hxpack = pack_padded_sequence(hxpad,
                    return hxpack, hypack

            # 3. forward decoders
            loss_text, acc, att_t = self.dec(hypad, hylens, ys)
            # loss_speech, att_s = self.dec_s(hxpad, hxlens, xpad, xlens)
            return loss_text, loss_unsupervised, acc