def e3crawl(endDate = None, daysSpanned = 2, minSize = 0, blackList = [], overwrite = False, maxNumRuns = None, dryRun = False): """ Crawl the raw data and process the files. """ logDate = datestr = date2str(logDate) timestr = logDate.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S-%f') logFilePath = os.path.join(E3PIPE_LOG_BASE, datestr, '%s.log' % timestr) logFolder = os.path.dirname(logFilePath) __utils__.createFolder(logFolder) logFileHandler = E3FileHandler(logFilePath) crawler = E3RunDbRawFileCrawler(endDate, daysSpanned, minSize, blackList, overwrite) if dryRun:'Just kidding, dry run :-)') return numFiles = maxNumRuns or len(crawler) curFile = 1 for filePath in crawler:'Processing file %d/%d: %s' % (curFile, numFiles, filePath)) _cmd = ' %s' % filePath exitCode = __utils__.cmd(_cmd) if maxNumRuns is not None and curFile >= maxNumRuns: break curFile += 1 logFileHandler.close()
def e3crawl(endDate=None, daysSpanned=2, minSize=0, blackList=[], overwrite=False, maxNumRuns=None, dryRun=False): """ Crawl the raw data and process the files. """ logDate = datestr = date2str(logDate) timestr = logDate.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S-%f') logFilePath = os.path.join(E3PIPE_LOG_BASE, datestr, '%s.log' % timestr) logFolder = os.path.dirname(logFilePath) __utils__.createFolder(logFolder) logFileHandler = E3FileHandler(logFilePath) crawler = E3RunDbRawFileCrawler(endDate, daysSpanned, minSize, blackList, overwrite) if dryRun:'Just kidding, dry run :-)') return numFiles = maxNumRuns or len(crawler) curFile = 1 for filePath in crawler:'Processing file %d/%d: %s' % (curFile, numFiles, filePath)) _cmd = ' %s' % filePath exitCode = __utils__.cmd(_cmd) if maxNumRuns is not None and curFile >= maxNumRuns: break curFile += 1 logFileHandler.close()
def e3mergeFiles(outputFilePath, *fileList, **kwargs): """ Merge a series of DST ROOT files. """ if kwargs.get('sort', True):'Sorting file list...') fileList = list(fileList) fileList.sort()'Done.') if len(fileList) < 2: abort('No files to merge') __utils__.createFolder(os.path.dirname(outputFilePath)) outputFile = E3OutputRootFile(outputFilePath, 'e3merge', kwargs['date'], kwargs['station']) if kwargs.get('mergeHeader', True): header = E3DstHeaderChain(*fileList) branches = kwargs.get('headerBranches', None) if branches is not None: header.selectBranches(*branches) _header = header.CloneTree() _header.Write() if kwargs.get('mergeEvents', True): events = E3DstEventChain(*fileList) branches = kwargs.get('eventBranches', None) if branches is not None: events.selectBranches(*branches) _events = events.CloneTree() _events.Write() if kwargs.get('mergeTrending', True): trending = E3DstTrendingChain(*fileList) branches = kwargs.get('trendingBranches', None) if branches is not None: trending.selectBranches(*branches) _trending = trending.CloneTree() _trending.Write() if kwargs.get('mergeWeather', True): weather = E3DstWeatherChain(*fileList) branches = kwargs.get('trendingBranches', None) if branches is not None: weather.selectBranches(*branches) _weather = weather.CloneTree() _weather.Write() outputFile.Close() return outputFilePath
def run(self): """ Run the data quality monitoring on a DST file. TODO: the way we distinguish between plots and alarms is actually ugly, we need to find a better way to handle this. """ if self.__OutputFolder is not None: createFolder(self.__OutputFolder) for item in DQM_BASELINE_LIST: if item is None: self.__ObjectList.append(item) elif len(item) == 2: plotName, kwargs = item self.draw(plotName, **kwargs) elif len(item) == 7: objName, alarmName, errMin, warnMin, warnMax, errMax,\ kwargs = item self.alarm(objName, alarmName, errMin, warnMin, warnMax, errMax, **kwargs) self.createReport() self.createSummary()
def fill(self): """ Fill the report. """ if self.__OutputFolder is not None: __utils__.createFolder(self.__OutputFolder) # Plots from the header tree. header = E3DstHeaderChain(self.__InputFilePath) numRuns = header.GetEntries() numEvents = 0 numHitEvents = 0 numTrackEvents = 0 for i in xrange(numRuns): header.GetEntry(i) numEvents += header.NumEvents numHitEvents += header.NumHitEvents numTrackEvents += header.NumTrackEvents self.__StatDict['num_runs'] = numRuns self.__StatDict['num_events'] = numEvents self.__StatDict['num_hit_events'] = numHitEvents self.__StatDict['num_track_events'] = numTrackEvents header.setupArrays() header.setupTreeFormulae() header.doSummaryPlots() for _plot in header.plots(): _canvas = E3Canvas(self.canvasName(_plot.GetName())) _plot.Draw() _canvas.annotate(0.1, 0.94, self.__Label) _canvas.Update() if self.__OutputFolder is not None: self.__ObjectList.append(_plot.GetName()) self.__ObjectList.append(None) # Plots from the trending tree. trending = E3DstTrendingChain(self.__InputFilePath) trending.setupArrays() trending.setupTreeFormulae() trending.doSummaryPlots() for _plot in trending.plots(): _canvas = E3Canvas(self.canvasName(_plot.GetName())) _plot.Draw('al') _canvas.annotate(0.1, 0.94, self.__Label) _canvas.Update() if self.__OutputFolder is not None: self.__ObjectList.append(_plot.GetName()) # And now the summary plots. _canvas = E3Canvas(self.canvasName('RateSummary')) g1 = header.plot('AverageRate') g2 = trending.plot('RateHitEvents') g3 = trending.plot('RateTrackEvents') ymax = max([g1.GetY()[i] for i in range(g1.GetN())]) ymin = min([g3.GetY()[i] for i in range(g3.GetN())]) yrange = ymax - ymin ymax += yrange ymin -= yrange if ymin < 0: ymin = 0. g1.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(ymin, ymax) g1.GetYaxis().SetTitle('Rate [Hz]') g2.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlue) g3.SetLineColor(ROOT.kRed) g1.Draw('al') g2.Draw('lsame') g3.Draw('lsame') legend = E3Legend(entries = [g1, g2, g3]) legend.Draw() _canvas.annotate(0.1, 0.94, self.__Label) _canvas.Update() if self.__OutputFolder is not None: _canvas = E3Canvas(self.canvasName('WeatherSummary')) _canvas.SetRightMargin(0.15) _canvas.SetTicky(0) # Weather quantities. weather = E3DstWeatherChain(self.__InputFilePath) g1 = weather.indoorTemperature() g2 = weather.outdoorTemperature() g3 = weather.pressure() store(g1) store(g2) store(g3) ymax = max([g1.GetY()[i] for i in range(g1.GetN())] +\ [g2.GetY()[i] for i in range(g2.GetN())]) ymin = min([g1.GetY()[i] for i in range(g1.GetN())] +\ [g2.GetY()[i] for i in range(g2.GetN())]) yrange = ymax - ymin if yrange == 0: yrange = 5. ymax += yrange ymin -= yrange if ymin < 0: ymin = 0. yrange = ymax - ymin g1.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(ymin, ymax) g1.GetYaxis().SetTitle('Temperature [#circ C]') g1.SetLineColor(ROOT.kRed) g2.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlue) setupTimeDisplay(g1) g1.Draw('al') g2.Draw('lsame') # Now put the pressure, with a right axis. pmin = min([g3.GetY()[i] for i in range(g3.GetN())]) pmax = max([g3.GetY()[i] for i in range(g3.GetN())]) pmin -= 20 pmax += 20 prange = pmax - pmin xmax = g1.GetXaxis().GetXmax() rightAxis = ROOT.TGaxis(xmax, ymin, xmax, ymax, pmin, pmax, 410, 'L+') rightAxis.SetTitle('Pressure [hPa]') rightAxis.SetLabelFont(TEXT_FONT) rightAxis.SetLabelSize(LABEL_TEXT_SIZE) rightAxis.SetTitleFont(TEXT_FONT) rightAxis.SetTitleSize(TEXT_SIZE) rightAxis.SetTitleOffset(1.2) store(rightAxis) rightAxis.Draw() g4 = g3.Clone('PressureScaled') store(g4) g4.Draw('lsame') x = ROOT.Double() y = ROOT.Double() for i in xrange(g4.GetN()): g4.GetPoint(i, x, y) _x = float(x) _y = (float(y) - pmin)/prange*yrange + ymin g4.SetPoint(i, _x, _y) legend = E3Legend(entries = [g1, g2, g4]) legend.Draw() _canvas.annotate(0.1, 0.94, self.__Label) _canvas.Update() if self.__OutputFolder is not None: self.createReport() self.createSummary()
try: E3PIPE_DQM_BASE = os.environ['E3PIPE_DQM_BASE'] except KeyError: E3PIPE_DQM_BASE = '/dqm' """ Base folder for the output dqm reports. TODO: need to ask Francesco to link /reports, here. """ try: E3PIPE_DQM_REPORT_BASE = os.environ['E3PIPE_DQM_REPORT_BASE'] except KeyError: E3PIPE_DQM_REPORT_BASE = '/dqmreport' """ Base folder for the log files. """ E3PIPE_LOG_BASE = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join('~', 'eeelog')) __utils__.createFolder(E3PIPE_LOG_BASE) """ Base folder to keep track of the failed runs. """ try: E3PIPE_LOCK_BASE = os.environ['E3PIPE_LOCK_BASE'] except KeyError: E3PIPE_LOCK_BASE = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join('~', 'eeelock')) __utils__.createFolder(E3PIPE_LOCK_BASE) """ Temporary folder we run the reconstruction in. Note this is user-specific, and we do cleanup the folder after the reconstruction has run. We also do create the folder on the fly (if it does not exists) when the module is imported. """
""" Base folder for the output dqm reports. TODO: need to ask Francesco to link /reports, here. """ try: E3PIPE_DQM_REPORT_BASE = os.environ['E3PIPE_DQM_REPORT_BASE2'] except KeyError: E3PIPE_DQM_REPORT_BASE = '/dqmreport2' """ Base folder for the log files. """ E3PIPE_LOG_BASE = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join('~', 'eeelog2')) __utils__.createFolder(E3PIPE_LOG_BASE) """ Base folder to keep track of the failed runs. """ try: E3PIPE_LOCK_BASE = os.environ['E3PIPE_LOCK_BASE'] except KeyError: E3PIPE_LOCK_BASE = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join('~', 'eeelock2')) __utils__.createFolder(E3PIPE_LOCK_BASE) """ Temporary folder we run the reconstruction in. Note this is user-specific, and we do cleanup the folder after the reconstruction has run.