class ViewPlanForm(BaseForm): form_type = HiddenField(default="plan") action = "eNMS.viewBuilder.createPlan" name = StringField("Name", [InputRequired()]) size = IntegerField("Size", default=2000) rows = IntegerField("Number of Rows", default=100) opacity = FloatField("Opacity", default=1.0)
class GenericFileTransferForm(ServiceForm): form_type = HiddenField(default="generic_file_transfer_service") direction = SelectField(choices=(("get", "Get"), ("put", "Put"))) protocol = SelectField(choices=(("scp", "SCP"), ("sftp", "SFTP"))) source_file = StringField(validators=[InputRequired()], substitution=True) destination_file = StringField(validators=[InputRequired()], substitution=True) missing_host_key_policy = BooleanField() load_known_host_keys = BooleanField() source_file_includes_globbing = BooleanField( "Source file includes glob pattern") max_transfer_size = IntegerField(default=2**30) window_size = IntegerField(default=2**30) timeout = FloatField(default=10.0) credentials = SelectField( "Credentials", choices=( ("device", "Device Credentials"), ("user", "User Credentials"), ("custom", "Custom Credentials"), ), ) custom_username = StringField("Custom Username", substitution=True) custom_password = PasswordField("Custom Password", substitution=True) def validate(self): valid_form = super().validate() invalid_direction = ( and == "get") if invalid_direction: self.direction.errors.append( "Globbing only works with the 'PUT' direction") return valid_form and not invalid_direction
class DeviceForm(ObjectForm): form_type = HiddenField(default="device") icon = SelectField( "Icon", choices=( ("antenna", "Antenna"), ("firewall", "Firewall"), ("host", "Host"), ("optical_switch", "Optical switch"), ("regenerator", "Regenerator"), ("router", "Router"), ("server", "Server"), ("switch", "Switch"), ), ) ip_address = StringField("IP address") port = IntegerField("Port", default=22) operating_system = StringField("Operating System") os_version = StringField("OS Version") longitude = StringField("Longitude", default=0.0) latitude = StringField("Latitude", default=0.0) napalm_driver = SelectField("NAPALM Driver", choices=vs.napalm_drivers, default="ios") netmiko_driver = SelectField("Netmiko Driver", choices=vs.netmiko_drivers, default="cisco_ios") scrapli_driver = SelectField( "Scrapli Driver", choices=vs.dualize(vs.scrapli_drivers), default="cisco_iosxe", ) netconf_driver = SelectField("Netconf Driver", choices=vs.netconf_drivers, default="default")
class PingForm(ServiceForm): form_type = HiddenField(default="ping_service") protocol = SelectField(choices=(("ICMP", "ICMP Ping"), ("TCP", "TCP Ping"))) ports = StringField("Ports (TCP ping only)", default=22) count = IntegerField(default=5) timeout = IntegerField(default=2) ttl = IntegerField(default=60) packet_size = IntegerField(default=56) def validate(self): valid_form = super().validate() invalid_tcp_port = == "TCP" and not if invalid_tcp_port: self.ports.errors.append("You must enter a port for a TCP ping.") return valid_form and not invalid_tcp_port
class ServerForm(BaseForm): action = "eNMS.base.processData" form_type = HiddenField(default="server") id = HiddenField() name = StringField("Name", [InputRequired()]) description = StringField(widget=TextArea(), render_kw={"rows": 6}) ip_address = StringField("IP address") weight = IntegerField("Weigth", default=1)
class ConfigureBgpForm(NapalmForm): form_type = HiddenField(default="configure_bgp_service") local_as = IntegerField("Local AS", default=0) loopback = StringField("Loopback", default="Lo42") loopback_ip = StringField("Loopback IP") neighbor_ip = StringField("Neighbor IP") remote_as = IntegerField("Remote AS") vrf_name = StringField("VRF Name") groups = { "Main Parameters": { "commands": [ "local_as", "loopback", "loopback_ip", "neighbor_ip", "remote_as", "vrf_name", ], "default": "expanded", }, **NapalmForm.groups, }
class TaskForm(BaseForm): action = "eNMS.base.processData" form_type = HiddenField(default="task") id = HiddenField() name = StringField("Name", [InputRequired()]) default_access = SelectField(choices=( ("creator", "Creator only"), ("public", "Public (all users)"), ("admin", "Admin Users only"), )) scheduling_mode = SelectField( "Scheduling Mode", choices=(("cron", "Crontab Scheduling"), ("standard", "Standard Scheduling")), ) description = StringField("Description") start_date = StringField("Start Date", type="date") end_date = StringField("End Date", type="date") frequency = IntegerField("Frequency", default=0) frequency_unit = SelectField( "Frequency Unit", choices=( ("seconds", "Seconds"), ("minutes", "Minutes"), ("hours", "Hours"), ("days", "Days"), ), ) crontab_expression = StringField("Crontab Expression") initial_payload = DictField("Payload") devices = MultipleInstanceField("Devices", model="device") pools = MultipleInstanceField("Pools", model="pool") service = InstanceField("Service", model="service") def validate(self): valid_form = super().validate() if == "Bulk Edit": return valid_form no_date = == "standard" and not if no_date: self.start_date.errors.append("A start date must be set.") no_cron_expression = ( == "cron" and not if no_cron_expression: self.crontab_expression.errors.append( "A crontab expression must be set.") no_service = not if no_service: self.service.errors.append("No service set.") return valid_form and not any( [no_date, no_cron_expression, no_service])
class NapalmTracerouteForm(NapalmForm): form_type = HiddenField(default="napalm_traceroute_service") destination_ip = StringField(substitution=True) source_ip = StringField(substitution=True) ttl = IntegerField(default=255) vrf = StringField() groups = { "Traceroute Parameters": { "commands": ["destination_ip", "source_ip", "timeout", "ttl", "vrf"], "default": "expanded", }, **NapalmForm.groups, }
class NapalmPingForm(NapalmForm): form_type = HiddenField(default="napalm_ping_service") count = IntegerField(default=5) packet_size = IntegerField(default=100) destination_ip = StringField(substitution=True) source_ip = StringField(substitution=True) timeout = IntegerField(default=2) ttl = IntegerField(default=255) vrf = StringField() groups = { "Ping Parameters": { "commands": [ "count", "packet_size", "destination_ip", "source_ip", "timeout", "ttl", "vrf", ], "default": "expanded", }, **NapalmForm.groups, }
class NapalmForm(ConnectionForm): form_type = HiddenField(default="napalm") get_request_allowed = False abstract_service = True driver = SelectField(choices=vs.napalm_drivers) use_device_driver = BooleanField( default=True, help="common/use_device_driver", ) timeout = IntegerField(default=10) optional_args = DictField() groups = { "Napalm Parameters": { "commands": ["driver", "use_device_driver", "timeout", "optional_args"], "default": "expanded", }, **ConnectionForm.groups, }
class CredentialForm(BaseForm): action = "eNMS.base.processData" form_type = HiddenField(default="credential") id = HiddenField() name = StringField("Name", [InputRequired()]) description = StringField(widget=TextArea(), render_kw={"rows": 6}) role = SelectField( "Role", choices=( ("read-write", "Read Write"), ("read-only", "Read Only"), ), ) subtype = SelectField( "Subtype", choices=(("password", "Username / Password"), ("key", "SSH Key")), ) device_pools = MultipleInstanceField("Devices", model="pool") user_pools = MultipleInstanceField("Users", model="pool") priority = IntegerField("Priority", default=1) username = StringField("Username") password = PasswordField("Password") private_key = StringField(widget=TextArea(), render_kw={"rows": 1}) enable_password = PasswordField("'Enable' Password")
class ServiceForm(BaseForm): template = "service" form_type = HiddenField(default="service") get_request_allowed = False id = HiddenField() name = StringField("Name") type = StringField("Service Type") access_groups = StringField("Groups") shared = BooleanField("Shared") scoped_name = StringField("Scoped Name", [InputRequired()]) description = StringField("Description") device_query = StringField("Device Query", python=True, widget=TextArea(), render_kw={"rows": 2}) device_query_property = SelectField("Query Property Type", choices=(("name", "Name"), ("ip_address", "IP address"))) target_devices = MultipleInstanceField("Devices", model="device") disable_result_creation = BooleanField("Save only failed results") target_pools = MultipleInstanceField("Pools", model="pool") update_target_pools = BooleanField("Update target pools before running") update_pools_after_running = BooleanField("Update pools after running") workflows = MultipleInstanceField("Workflows", model="workflow") owners = MultipleInstanceField("Owners", model="user") owners_access = SelectMultipleStringField( "Owners Access", choices=[("run", "Run"), ("edit", "Edit")], ) waiting_time = IntegerField( "Time to Wait before next service is started (in seconds)", default=0) priority = IntegerField("Priority", default=1) send_notification = BooleanField("Send a notification") send_notification_method = SelectField( "Notification Method", choices=(("mail", "Mail"), ("slack", "Slack"), ("mattermost", "Mattermost")), ) notification_header = StringField(widget=TextArea(), render_kw={"rows": 5}, substitution=True) include_device_results = BooleanField("Include Device Results") include_link_in_summary = BooleanField("Include Result Link in Summary") display_only_failed_nodes = BooleanField("Display only Failed Devices") mail_recipient = StringField("Mail Recipients (separated by comma)") reply_to = StringField("Reply-to Email Address") number_of_retries = IntegerField("Number of retries", default=0) time_between_retries = IntegerField("Time between retries (in seconds)", default=10) max_number_of_retries = IntegerField("Maximum number of retries", default=100) credential_type = SelectField( "Type of Credentials", choices=( ("any", "Any"), ("read-write", "Read Write"), ("read-only", "Read Only"), ), ) maximum_runs = IntegerField("Maximum number of runs", default=1) skip_query = StringField("Skip Query (Python)", python=True, widget=TextArea(), render_kw={"rows": 2}) skip_value = SelectField( "Skip Value", choices=( ("success", "Success"), ("failure", "Failure"), ("discard", "Discard"), ), ) vendor = StringField("Vendor") operating_system = StringField("Operating System") iteration_values = StringField("Iteration Values", python=True) initial_payload = DictField() mandatory_parametrization = BooleanField("Parameterized Form is Mandatory") parameterized_form = StringField( type="code", python=True, widget=TextArea(), default="\n".join(vs.automation["parameterized_form"]), ) iteration_variable_name = StringField("Iteration Variable Name", default="iteration_value") iteration_devices = StringField("Iteration Devices", python=True) iteration_devices_property = SelectField( "Iteration Devices Property", choices=(("name", "Name"), ("ip_address", "IP address")), ) preprocessing = StringField(type="code", python=True, widget=TextArea()) postprocessing = StringField(type="code", python=True, widget=TextArea()) postprocessing_mode = SelectField(choices=( ("success", "Run on success only"), ("failure", "Run on failure only"), ("always", "Always run"), )) default_access = SelectField(choices=( ("creator", "Role Based (Creator)"), ("public", "Public (All users)"), ("admin", "Admin (Admins only"), )) log_level = SelectField( "Logging", choices=((0, "Disable logging"), *enumerate(vs.log_levels, 1)), default=1, ) multiprocessing = BooleanField("Multiprocessing") max_processes = IntegerField("Maximum number of processes", default=15) validation_condition = SelectField(choices=( ("none", "No validation"), ("success", "Run on success only"), ("failure", "Run on failure only"), ("always", "Always run"), )) conversion_method = SelectField(choices=( ("none", "No conversion"), ("text", "Text"), ("json", "Json dictionary"), ("xml", "XML dictionary"), )) validation_method = SelectField( "Validation Method", choices=( ("text", "Validation by text match"), ("dict_included", "Validation by dictionary inclusion"), ("dict_equal", "Validation by dictionary equality"), ), ) validation_section = StringField("Section to Validate", default="results['result']") content_match = StringField("Content Match", widget=TextArea(), render_kw={"rows": 8}, substitution=True) content_match_regex = BooleanField( '"Content Match" is a regular expression') dict_match = DictField("Dictionary to Match Against", substitution=True) negative_logic = BooleanField("Negative logic") delete_spaces_before_matching = BooleanField( "Delete Spaces before Matching") run_method = SelectField( "Run Method", choices=( ("per_device", "Run the service once per device"), ("once", "Run the service once"), ), ) def validate(self): valid_form = super().validate() no_recipient_error = ( and == "mail" and not if no_recipient_error: self.mail_recipient.errors.append( "Please add at least one recipient for the mail notification.") forbidden_name_error = in ("Start", "End", "Placeholder") if forbidden_name_error:"This name is not allowed.") conversion_validation_mismatch = != "none" and ( == "text" and "dict" in or in ("xml", "json") and "dict" not in if conversion_validation_mismatch: self.conversion_method.errors.append( f"The conversion method is set to {}" f" and the validation method to {} :" " these do not match.") empty_validation = != "none" and ( == "text" and not or == "dict_included" and == "{}") if empty_validation: self.content_match.errors.append( f"The validation method is set to '{}'" f" and the matching value is empty: these do no match.") too_many_threads_error = ( > vs.settings["automation"]["max_process"]) if too_many_threads_error: self.max_processes.errors.append( "The number of threads used for multiprocessing must be " f"less than {vs.settings['automation']['max_process']}.") shared_service_error = not and len( > 1 if shared_service_error: self.shared.errors.append( "The 'shared' property is unticked, but the service belongs" " to more than one workflow: this is incompatible.") return (valid_form and not conversion_validation_mismatch and not empty_validation and not forbidden_name_error and not no_recipient_error and not shared_service_error and not too_many_threads_error)
class ExampleForm(ServiceForm): # Each service model must have an corresponding form. # The purpose of a form is twofold: # - Define how the service is displayed in the UI # - Check for each field that the user input is valid. # A service cannot be created/updated until all fields are validated. # The following line is mandatory: the default value must point # to the service. form_type = HiddenField(default="example_service") # string1 is defined as a "SelectField": it will be displayed as a # drop-down list in the UI. string1 = SelectField( choices=[("cisco", "Cisco"), ("juniper", "Juniper"), ("arista", "Arista")] ) # String2 is a StringField, which is displayed as a standard textbox. # The "InputRequired" validator is used: this field is mandatory. string2 = StringField("String 2 (required)", [InputRequired()]) # The main address length must be comprised between 7 and 25 characters mail_address = StringField("Mail address", [Length(min=7, max=25)]) # This IP address validator will ensure the user input is a valid IPv4 address. # If it isn't, you can set the error message to be displayed in the GUI. ip_address = StringField( "IP address", [ IPAddress( ipv4=True, message="Please enter an IPv4 address for the IP address field", ) ], ) # MAC address validator mac_address = StringField("MAC address", [MacAddress()]) # The NumberRange validator will ensure the user input is an integer # between 3 and 8. number_in_range = IntegerField("Number in range", [NumberRange(min=3, max=8)]) # The Regexp field will ensure the user input matches the regular expression. regex = StringField("Regular expression", [Regexp(r".*")]) # URL validation, with or without TLD. url = StringField( "URL", [ URL( require_tld=True, message="An URL with TLD is required for the url field", ) ], ) # The NoneOf validator lets you define forbidden value for a field. exclusion_field = StringField( "Exclusion field", [ NoneOf( ("a", "b", "c"), message=( "'a', 'b', and 'c' are not valid " "inputs for the exclusion field" ), ) ], ) an_integer = IntegerField() a_float = FloatField() # If validator the user input is more complex, you can create a python function # to implement the validation mechanism. # Here, the custom_integer field will be validated by the "validate_custom_integer" # function below. # That function will check that the custom integer value is superior to the product # of "an_integer" and "a_float". # You must raise a "ValidationError" when the validation fails. custom_integer = IntegerField("Custom Integer") # A SelectMultipleField will be displayed as a drop-down list that allows # multiple selection. a_list = SelectMultipleField( choices=[("value1", "Value 1"), ("value2", "Value 2"), ("value3", "Value 3")] ) a_dict = DictField() # A BooleanField is displayed as a check box. boolean1 = BooleanField() boolean2 = BooleanField("Boolean N°1") def validate_custom_integer(self, field): product = * if > product: raise ValidationError( "Custom integer must be less than the " "product of 'An integer' and 'A float'" )
class NetconfForm(ConnectionForm): form_type = HiddenField(default="netconf_service") nc_type = SelectField( choices=( ("get_config", "Get Full Config"), ("get_filtered_config", "Get"), ("push_config", "Edit Config"), ("copy_config", "Copy Config"), ("rpc", "Dispatch"), ), label="NETCONF Operation", ) xml_filter = StringField(label="XML Filter", widget=TextArea(), render_kw={"rows": 5}, substitution=True) target = SelectField( choices=( ("running", "Running"), ("candidate", "Candidate"), ("startup", "Startup"), ), label="Target Config", ) default_operation = SelectField( choices=( ("merge", "Merge"), ("replace", "Replace"), ("None", "None"), ), label="Default config operation", validate_choice=False, ) test_option = SelectField( choices=( ("test-then-set", "Test, then set"), ("set", "Set"), ("None", "None"), ), label="Config test option", validate_choice=False, ) error_option = SelectField( choices=( ("stop-on-error", "Stop on error"), ("continue-on-error", "Continue on error"), ("rollback-on-error", "Rollback on error"), ("None", "None"), ), label="Error option", validate_choice=False, ) lock = BooleanField(label="Lock target") unlock = BooleanField(label="Unlock target") copy_source = SelectField( choices=( ("running", "Running"), ("candidate", "Candidate"), ("startup", "Startup"), ("source_url", "Source URL"), ), label="Copy Source", validate_choice=False, ) source_url = StringField( label="Copy source URL", widget=TextArea(), render_kw={"rows": 1}, substitution=True, ) copy_destination = SelectField( choices=( ("running", "Running"), ("candidate", "Candidate"), ("startup", "Startup"), ("destination_url", "Destination URL"), ), label="Copy Destination", validate_choice=False, ) destination_url = StringField( label="Copy destination URL", widget=TextArea(), render_kw={"rows": 1}, substitution=True, ) commit_conf = BooleanField(label="Commit") timeout = IntegerField(default=15) xml_conversion = BooleanField(label="Convert XML result to dictionary", default=True) @classmethod def form_init(cls): parameters = { "get_config": ["target", "xml_conversion"], "get_filtered_config": [ "target", "xml_filter", "xml_conversion", ], "push_config": [ "target", "xml_filter", "default_operation", "test_option", "error_option", "lock", "unlock", "commit_conf", "xml_conversion", ], "copy_config": [ "copy_source", "source_url", "copy_destination", "destination_url", "commit_conf", "xml_conversion", ], "rpc": ["xml_filter", "xml_conversion"], } list_parameters = list(set(sum(parameters.values(), []))) cls.groups = { "NETCONF Parameters": { "commands": ["nc_type"] + list_parameters, "default": "expanded", }, **ConnectionForm.groups, } cls.input_data = HiddenField( "", default=dumps({ "fields": list_parameters, "netconf_type": parameters }), )