Exemple #1
class RestCallForm(ServiceForm, ValidationForm):
    form_type = HiddenField(default="RestCallService")
    has_targets = BooleanField("Has Target Devices")
    call_type = SelectField(choices=(
        ("GET", "GET"),
        ("POST", "POST"),
        ("PUT", "PUT"),
        ("DELETE", "DELETE"),
        ("PATCH", "PATCH"),
    rest_url = SubstitutionField()
    payload = JsonSubstitutionField()
    params = DictSubstitutionField()
    headers = DictSubstitutionField()
    verify_ssl_certificate = BooleanField("Verify SSL Certificate")
    timeout = IntegerField(default=15)
    username = StringField()
    password = PasswordField()
    groups = {
        "Main Parameters": [
        "Validation Parameters":
Exemple #2
class AnsiblePlaybookForm(ServiceForm, ValidationForm):
    form_type = HiddenField(default="AnsiblePlaybookService")
    has_targets = BooleanField("Has Target Devices")
    playbook_path = NoValidationSelectField("Playbook Path", choices=())
    arguments = SubstitutionField("Arguments (Ansible command line options)")
    pass_device_properties = BooleanField(
        "Pass Device Inventory Properties (to be used "
        "in the playbook as {{name}} or {{ip_address}})")
    options = DictSubstitutionField(
        "Options (passed to ansible as -e extra args)")
    groups = {
        "Main Parameters": [
        "Validation Parameters":

    def validate(self) -> bool:
        valid_form = super().validate()
        pass_properties_error = (self.pass_device_properties.data
                                 and not self.has_targets.data)
        if pass_properties_error:
                "'pass device properties' requires 'has device targets' to be selected."
        return valid_form and not pass_properties_error
Exemple #3
class RestCallForm(ServiceForm):
    form_type = HiddenField(default="rest_call_service")
    call_type = SelectField(choices=(
        ("GET", "GET"),
        ("POST", "POST"),
        ("PUT", "PUT"),
        ("DELETE", "DELETE"),
        ("PATCH", "PATCH"),
    rest_url = SubstitutionField()
    payload = JsonSubstitutionField()
    params = DictSubstitutionField()
    headers = DictSubstitutionField()
    verify_ssl_certificate = BooleanField("Verify SSL Certificate")
    timeout = IntegerField(default=15)
    username = StringField()
    password = PasswordField()
Exemple #4
class AnsiblePlaybookForm(ServiceForm):
    form_type = HiddenField(default="ansible_playbook_service")
    playbook_path = NoValidationSelectField("Playbook Path", choices=())
    arguments = SubstitutionField("Arguments (Ansible command line options)")
    pass_device_properties = BooleanField(
        "Pass Device Inventory Properties (to be used "
        "in the playbook as {{name}} or {{ip_address}})")
    options = DictSubstitutionField(
        "Options (passed to ansible as -e extra args)")
Exemple #5
class ValidationForm(BaseForm):
    form_type = HiddenField(default="service_validation")
    abstract_service = True
    conversion_method = SelectField(
            ("none", "No conversion"),
            ("text", "Text"),
            ("json", "Json dictionary"),
            ("xml", "XML dictionary"),
    validation_method = SelectField(
        "Validation Method",
            ("text", "Validation by text match"),
            ("dict_included", "Validation by dictionary inclusion"),
            ("dict_equal", "Validation by dictionary equality"),
    content_match = SubstitutionField(
        "Content Match", widget=TextArea(), render_kw={"rows": 8}
    content_match_regex = BooleanField("Match content with Regular Expression")
    dict_match = DictSubstitutionField("Dictionary to Match Against")
    negative_logic = BooleanField("Negative logic")
    delete_spaces_before_matching = BooleanField("Delete Spaces before Matching")
    group = {
        "commands": [
        "default": "expanded",

    def validate(self) -> bool:
        valid_form = super().validate()
        conversion_validation_mismatch = (
            self.conversion_method.data == "text"
            and "dict" in self.validation_method.data
            or self.conversion_method.data in ("xml", "json")
            and "dict" not in self.validation_method.data
        if conversion_validation_mismatch:
                f"The conversion method is set to '{self.conversion_method.data}'"
                f" and the validation method to '{self.validation_method.data}' :"
                " these do not match."
        return valid_form and not conversion_validation_mismatch
Exemple #6
class DictValidationForm(BaseForm):
    form_type = HiddenField(default="dict_service_validation")
    abstract_service = True
    validation_method = SelectField(
        "Validation Method",
            ("dict_equal", "Validation by dictionary equality"),
            ("dict_included", "Validation by dictionary inclusion"),
    dict_match = DictSubstitutionField("Dictionary to Match Against")
    negative_logic = BooleanField("Negative logic")
    group = ["validation_method", "dict_match", "negative_logic"]
Exemple #7
class ServiceForm(BaseForm):
    template = "service"
    form_type = HiddenField(default="service")
    id = HiddenField()
    name = StringField("Name")
    type = StringField("Service Type")
    shared = BooleanField("Shared Service")
    scoped_name = StringField("Scoped Name", [InputRequired()])
    description = StringField("Description")
    device_query = StringField("Device Query")
    device_query_property = SelectField("Query Property Type",
                                        choices=(("name", "Name"),
                                                 ("ip_address", "IP address")))
    devices = MultipleInstanceField("Devices")
    pools = MultipleInstanceField("Pools")
    workflows = MultipleInstanceField("Workflows")
    waiting_time = IntegerField("Waiting time (in seconds)", default=0)
    send_notification = BooleanField("Send a notification")
    send_notification_method = SelectField(
        "Notification Method",
        choices=(("mail", "Mail"), ("slack", "Slack"), ("mattermost",
    notification_header = StringField(widget=TextArea(), render_kw={"rows": 5})
    include_device_results = BooleanField("Include Device Results")
    include_link_in_summary = BooleanField("Include Result Link in Summary")
    display_only_failed_nodes = BooleanField("Display only Failed Devices")
    mail_recipient = StringField("Mail Recipients (separated by comma)")
    number_of_retries = IntegerField("Number of retries", default=0)
    time_between_retries = IntegerField("Time between retries (in seconds)",
    maximum_runs = IntegerField("Maximum number of runs", default=1)
    skip = BooleanField("Skip")
    skip_query = StringField("Skip Query (Python)")
    vendor = StringField("Vendor")
    operating_system = StringField("Operating System")
    initial_payload = DictField()
    iteration_values = StringField("Iteration Values (Python Query)")
    iteration_variable_name = StringField("Iteration Variable Name",
    iteration_devices = StringField("Iteration Devices (Python Query)")
    iteration_devices_property = SelectField(
        "Iteration Devices Property",
        choices=(("name", "Name"), ("ip_address", "IP address")),
    result_postprocessing = StringField(widget=TextArea(),
                                        render_kw={"rows": 7})
    multiprocessing = BooleanField("Multiprocessing")
    max_processes = IntegerField("Maximum number of processes", default=50)
    conversion_method = SelectField(choices=(
        ("none", "No conversion"),
        ("text", "Text"),
        ("json", "Json dictionary"),
        ("xml", "XML dictionary"),
    validation_method = SelectField(
        "Validation Method",
            ("none", "No validation"),
            ("text", "Validation by text match"),
            ("dict_included", "Validation by dictionary inclusion"),
            ("dict_equal", "Validation by dictionary equality"),
    content_match = SubstitutionField("Content Match",
                                      render_kw={"rows": 8})
    content_match_regex = BooleanField("Match content with Regular Expression")
    dict_match = DictSubstitutionField("Dictionary to Match Against")
    negative_logic = BooleanField("Negative logic")
    delete_spaces_before_matching = BooleanField(
        "Delete Spaces before Matching")
    query_fields = [

    def validate(self):
        valid_form = super().validate()
        no_recipient_error = (self.send_notification.data
                              and self.send_notification_method.data == "mail"
                              and not self.mail_recipient.data
                              and not app.config["mail"]["recipients"])
        if no_recipient_error:
                "Please add at least one recipient for the mail notification.")
        bracket_error = False
        for query_field in self.query_fields:
            field = getattr(self, query_field)
            except Exception as exc:
                bracket_error = True
                field.errors.append(f"Wrong python expression ({exc}).")
            if "{{" in field.data and "}}" in field.data:
                bracket_error = True
                    "You cannot use variable substitution "
                    "in a field expecting a python expression.")
        conversion_validation_mismatch = (
            self.conversion_method.data == "text"
            and "dict" in self.validation_method.data
            or self.conversion_method.data in ("xml", "json")
            and "dict" not in self.validation_method.data)
        if conversion_validation_mismatch:
                f"The conversion method is set to '{self.conversion_method.data}'"
                f" and the validation method to '{self.validation_method.data}' :"
                " these do not match.")
        return (valid_form and not no_recipient_error and not bracket_error
                and not conversion_validation_mismatch)