Exemple #1
 def _check_access_assignation(self):
     """ Check assigned user (user_id field) has access to the document. Purpose
     is to allow assigned user to handle their activities. For that purpose
     assigned user should be able to at least read the document. We therefore
     raise an UserError if the assigned user has no access to the document. """
     for activity in self:
         model = self.env[activity.res_model].with_user(activity.user_id)
         except exceptions.AccessError:
             raise exceptions.UserError(
                 _('Assigned user %s has no access to the document and is not able to handle this activity.') %
                 target_user = activity.user_id
                 target_record = self.env[activity.res_model].browse(activity.res_id)
                 if hasattr(target_record, 'company_id') and (
                     target_record.company_id != target_user.company_id and (
                         len(target_user.sudo().company_ids) > 1)):
                     return  # in that case we skip the check, assuming it would fail because of the company
             except exceptions.AccessError:
                 raise exceptions.UserError(
                     _('Assigned user %s has no access to the document and is not able to handle this activity.') %
Exemple #2
    def check_granting(self):
        """Check the user 'uid' can grant the badge 'badge_id' and raise the appropriate exception
        if not

        Do not check for SUPERUSER_ID
        status_code = self._can_grant_badge()
        if status_code == self.CAN_GRANT:
            return True
        elif status_code == self.NOBODY_CAN_GRANT:
            raise exceptions.UserError(
                _('This badge can not be sent by users.'))
        elif status_code == self.USER_NOT_VIP:
            raise exceptions.UserError(
                _('You are not in the user allowed list.'))
        elif status_code == self.BADGE_REQUIRED:
            raise exceptions.UserError(
                _('You do not have the required badges.'))
        elif status_code == self.TOO_MANY:
            raise exceptions.UserError(
                _('You have already sent this badge too many time this month.')
            _logger.error("Unknown badge status code: %s" % status_code)
        return False
Exemple #3
    def attendance_action_change(self):
        """ Check In/Check Out action
            Check In: create a new attendance record
            Check Out: modify check_out field of appropriate attendance record
        if len(self) > 1:
            raise exceptions.UserError(
                _('Cannot perform check in or check out on multiple employees.'
        action_date = fields.Datetime.now()

        if self.attendance_state != 'checked_in':
            vals = {
                'employee_id': self.id,
                'check_in': action_date,
            return self.env['hr.attendance'].create(vals)
            attendance = self.env['hr.attendance'].search(
                [('employee_id', '=', self.id), ('check_out', '=', False)],
            if attendance:
                attendance.check_out = action_date
                raise exceptions.UserError(
                    _('Cannot perform check out on %(empl_name)s, could not find corresponding check in. '
                      'Your attendances have probably been modified manually by human resources.'
                      ) % {
                          'empl_name': self.name,
            return attendance
Exemple #4
    def _check_model_validity(self):
        """ make sure the selected field and model are usable"""
        for definition in self:
                if not (definition.model_id and definition.field_id):

                Model = self.env[definition.model_id.model]
                field = Model._fields.get(definition.field_id.name)
                if not (field and field.store):
                    raise exceptions.UserError(
                        _("The model configuration for the definition %s seems incorrect, please check it.\n\n%s not stored") % (definition.name, definition.field_id.name))
            except KeyError as e:
                raise exceptions.UserError(
                    _("The model configuration for the definition %s seems incorrect, please check it.\n\n%s not found") % (definition.name, e))
Exemple #5
 def action_send_sms(self):
     numbers = [number.strip() for number in self.numbers.split(',')]
     sanitize_res = phone_validation.phone_sanitize_numbers_w_record(
         numbers, self.env.user)
     sanitized_numbers = [
         info['sanitized'] for info in sanitize_res.values()
         if info['sanitized']
     invalid_numbers = [
         number for number, info in sanitize_res.items() if info['code']
     if invalid_numbers:
         raise exceptions.UserError(
             _('Following numbers are not correctly encoded: %s, example : "+32 495 85 85 77, +33 545 55 55 55"'
               ) % repr(invalid_numbers))
     } for number in sanitized_numbers])
     return True
Exemple #6
    def write(self, vals):
        if vals.get('user_domain'):
            users = self._get_challenger_users(ustr(vals.get('user_domain')))

            if not vals.get('user_ids'):
                vals['user_ids'] = []
            vals['user_ids'].extend((4, user.id) for user in users)

        write_res = super(Challenge, self).write(vals)

        if vals.get('report_message_frequency', 'never') != 'never':
            # _recompute_challenge_users do not set users for challenges with no reports, subscribing them now
            for challenge in self:
                challenge.message_subscribe([user.partner_id.id for user in challenge.user_ids])

        if vals.get('state') == 'inprogress':

        elif vals.get('state') == 'done':

        elif vals.get('state') == 'draft':
            # resetting progress
            if self.env['gamification.goal'].search([('challenge_id', 'in', self.ids), ('state', '=', 'inprogress')], limit=1):
                raise exceptions.UserError(_("You can not reset a challenge with unfinished goals."))

        return write_res
 def unblock(self):
     if self.working_state != 'blocked':
         raise exceptions.UserError(_("It has already been unblocked."))
     times = self.env['mrp.workcenter.productivity'].search([
         ('workcenter_id', '=', self.id), ('date_end', '=', False)
     times.write({'date_end': fields.Datetime.now()})
     return {'type': 'ir.actions.client', 'tag': 'reload'}
Exemple #8
 def _check_access(self):
     if not self.mail_message_id or not self.mail_message_id.model or not self.mail_message_id.res_id:
         raise exceptions.UserError(
             _('You do not have access to the message and/or related document.'
     record = self.env[self.mail_message_id.model].browse(
Exemple #9
 def poll(self, channels, last, options=None):
     if options is None:
         options = {}
     if not dispatch:
         raise Exception("bus.Bus unavailable")
     if [c for c in channels if not isinstance(c, str)]:
         raise Exception("bus.Bus only string channels are allowed.")
     if request.registry.in_test_mode():
         raise exceptions.UserError(_("bus.Bus not available in test mode"))
     return self._poll(request.db, channels, last, options)
Exemple #10
 def unlink(self):
     types = self.env.ref('issue_education.schoolwork_issue_type_master')
     types |= self.env.ref('issue_education.comes_late_issue_type_master')
     types |= self.env.ref('issue_education.assistance_issue_type_master')
     types |= self.env.ref('issue_education.uniformed_issue_type_master')
     types |= self.env.ref('issue_education.small_fault_issue_type_master')
     if any(self.filtered(lambda t: t.id in types.ids)):
         raise exceptions.UserError(
             _('You cannot delete an issue type created by the system.'))
     return super(SchoolIssueType, self).unlink()
Exemple #11
 def _signup_retrieve_partner(self,
     """ find the partner corresponding to a token, and possibly check its validity
         :param token: the token to resolve
         :param check_validity: if True, also check validity
         :param raise_exception: if True, raise exception instead of returning False
         :return: partner (browse record) or False (if raise_exception is False)
     partner = self.search([('signup_token', '=', token)], limit=1)
     if not partner:
         if raise_exception:
             raise exceptions.UserError(
                 _("Signup token '%s' is not valid") % token)
         return False
     if check_validity and not partner.signup_valid:
         if raise_exception:
             raise exceptions.UserError(
                 _("Signup token '%s' is no longer valid") % token)
         return False
     return partner
Exemple #12
    def _open_connection(self, raise_on_error=False):
        connection = False
            connection = cups.Connection(host=self.address, port=self.port)
            message = _("Failed to connect to the CUPS server on %s:%s. "
                        "Check that the CUPS server is running and that "
                        "you can reach it from the Eagle server.") % (
                            self.address, self.port)
            if raise_on_error:
                raise exceptions.UserError(message)

        return connection
Exemple #13
    def write(self, vals):
        """Overwrite the write method to update the last_update field to today

        If the current value is changed and the report frequency is set to On
        change, a report is generated
        vals['last_update'] = fields.Date.today()
        result = super(Goal, self).write(vals)
        for goal in self:
            if goal.state != "draft" and ('definition_id' in vals or 'user_id' in vals):
                # avoid drag&drop in kanban view
                raise exceptions.UserError(_('Can not modify the configuration of a started goal'))

            if vals.get('current') and 'no_remind_goal' not in self.env.context:
                if goal.challenge_id.report_message_frequency == 'onchange':
        return result
Exemple #14
    def _check_domain_validity(self):
        # take admin as should always be present
        for definition in self:
            if definition.computation_mode not in ('count', 'sum'):

            Obj = self.env[definition.model_id.model]
                domain = safe_eval(definition.domain, {
                    'user': self.env.user.sudo(self.env.user)
                # dummy search to make sure the domain is valid
            except (ValueError, SyntaxError) as e:
                msg = e
                if isinstance(e, SyntaxError):
                    msg = (e.msg + '\n' + e.text)
                raise exceptions.UserError(_("The domain for the definition %s seems incorrect, please check it.\n\n%s") % (definition.name, msg))
        return True
Exemple #15
    def action_grant_badge(self):
        """Wizard action for sending a badge to a chosen user"""

        BadgeUser = self.env['gamification.badge.user']

        uid = self.env.uid
        for wiz in self:
            if uid == wiz.user_id.id:
                raise exceptions.UserError(_('You can not grant a badge to yourself.'))

            #create the badge
                'user_id': wiz.user_id.id,
                'sender_id': uid,
                'badge_id': wiz.badge_id.id,
                'comment': wiz.comment,

        return True
Exemple #16
 def unlink(self):
     sites = self.env.ref('issue_education.classroom_school_issue_site')
     if any(self.filtered(lambda s: s.id in sites.ids)):
         raise exceptions.UserError(
             _('You cannot delete an issue site created by the system.'))
     return super(SchoolIssueSite, self).unlink()
 def read_group(self, domain, fields, groupby, offset=0, limit=None, orderby=False, lazy=True):
     if not self.user_has_groups('hr_holidays.group_hr_holidays_user') and 'name' in groupby:
         raise exceptions.UserError(_('Such grouping is not allowed.'))
     return super(LeaveReport, self).read_group(domain, fields, groupby, offset=offset, limit=limit, orderby=orderby, lazy=lazy)
Exemple #18
 def _action_cancel(self):
     if any(move.quantity_done and (move.raw_material_production_id or move.production_id) for move in self):
         raise exceptions.UserError(_('You cannot cancel a manufacturing order if you have already consumed material.\
          If you want to cancel this MO, please change the consumed quantities to 0.'))
     return super(StockMove, self)._action_cancel()
Exemple #19
 def read_group(self, domain, fields, groupby, offset=0, limit=None, orderby=False, lazy=True):
     if 'pin' in groupby or 'pin' in self.env.context.get('group_by', '') or self.env.context.get('no_group_by'):
         raise exceptions.UserError(_('Such grouping is not allowed.'))
     return super(HrEmployeeBase, self).read_group(domain, fields, groupby, offset=offset, limit=limit, orderby=orderby, lazy=lazy)
Exemple #20
 def _check_capacity(self):
     if any(workcenter.capacity <= 0.0 for workcenter in self):
         raise exceptions.UserError(
             _('The capacity must be strictly positive.'))
Exemple #21
    def _get_serialized_challenge_lines(self, user=(), restrict_goals=(), restrict_top=0):
        """Return a serialised version of the goals information if the user has not completed every goal

        :param user: user retrieving progress (False if no distinction,
                     only for ranking challenges)
        :param restrict_goals: compute only the results for this subset of
                               gamification.goal ids, if False retrieve every
                               goal of current running challenge
        :param int restrict_top: for challenge lines where visibility_mode is
                                 ``ranking``, retrieve only the best
                                 ``restrict_top`` results and itself, if 0
                                 retrieve all restrict_goal_ids has priority
                                 over restrict_top

        format list
        # if visibility_mode == 'ranking'
            'name': <gamification.goal.description name>,
            'description': <gamification.goal.description description>,
            'condition': <reach condition {lower,higher}>,
            'computation_mode': <target computation {manually,count,sum,python}>,
            'monetary': <{True,False}>,
            'suffix': <value suffix>,
            'action': <{True,False}>,
            'display_mode': <{progress,boolean}>,
            'target': <challenge line target>,
            'own_goal_id': <gamification.goal id where user_id == uid>,
            'goals': [
                    'id': <gamification.goal id>,
                    'rank': <user ranking>,
                    'user_id': <res.users id>,
                    'name': <res.users name>,
                    'state': <gamification.goal state {draft,inprogress,reached,failed,canceled}>,
                    'completeness': <percentage>,
                    'current': <current value>,
        # if visibility_mode == 'personal'
            'id': <gamification.goal id>,
            'name': <gamification.goal.description name>,
            'description': <gamification.goal.description description>,
            'condition': <reach condition {lower,higher}>,
            'computation_mode': <target computation {manually,count,sum,python}>,
            'monetary': <{True,False}>,
            'suffix': <value suffix>,
            'action': <{True,False}>,
            'display_mode': <{progress,boolean}>,
            'target': <challenge line target>,
            'state': <gamification.goal state {draft,inprogress,reached,failed,canceled}>,                                
            'completeness': <percentage>,
            'current': <current value>,
        Goals = self.env['gamification.goal']
        (start_date, end_date) = start_end_date_for_period(self.period)

        res_lines = []
        for line in self.line_ids:
            line_data = {
                'name': line.definition_id.name,
                'description': line.definition_id.description,
                'condition': line.definition_id.condition,
                'computation_mode': line.definition_id.computation_mode,
                'monetary': line.definition_id.monetary,
                'suffix': line.definition_id.suffix,
                'action': True if line.definition_id.action_id else False,
                'display_mode': line.definition_id.display_mode,
                'target': line.target_goal,
            domain = [
                ('line_id', '=', line.id),
                ('state', '!=', 'draft'),
            if restrict_goals:
                domain.append(('ids', 'in', restrict_goals.ids))
                # if no subset goals, use the dates for restriction
                if start_date:
                    domain.append(('start_date', '=', start_date))
                if end_date:
                    domain.append(('end_date', '=', end_date))

            if self.visibility_mode == 'personal':
                if not user:
                    raise exceptions.UserError(_("Retrieving progress for personal challenge without user information"))

                domain.append(('user_id', '=', user.id))

                goal = Goals.search(domain, limit=1)
                if not goal:

                if goal.state != 'reached':
                    return []
                line_data.update(goal.read(['id', 'current', 'completeness', 'state'])[0])

            line_data['own_goal_id'] = False,
            line_data['goals'] = []
            if line.condition=='higher':
                goals = Goals.search(domain, order="completeness desc, current desc")
                goals = Goals.search(domain, order="completeness desc, current asc")
            if not goals:

            for ranking, goal in enumerate(goals):
                if user and goal.user_id == user:
                    line_data['own_goal_id'] = goal.id
                elif restrict_top and ranking > restrict_top:
                    # not own goal and too low to be in top

                    'id': goal.id,
                    'user_id': goal.user_id.id,
                    'name': goal.user_id.name,
                    'rank': ranking,
                    'current': goal.current,
                    'completeness': goal.completeness,
                    'state': goal.state,
            if len(goals) < 3:
                # display at least the top 3 in the results
                missing = 3 - len(goals)
                for ranking, mock_goal in enumerate([{'id': False,
                                                      'user_id': False,
                                                      'name': '',
                                                      'current': 0,
                                                      'completeness': 0,
                                                      'state': False}] * missing,
                    mock_goal['rank'] = ranking

        return res_lines
 def copy(self):
     raise exceptions.UserError(_('You cannot duplicate an attendance.'))
Exemple #23
 def write(self, values):
     if any(rec.provider == 'test' for rec in self) and 'state' in values and values.get('state') not in ('test', 'disabled'):
         raise exceptions.UserError(_('This acquirer should not be used for other purposes than testing.'))
     return super(PaymentAcquirerTest, self).write(values)