Exemple #1
def test_crop_image_fails_empty_list(basic_image_tif, basic_geometry):
    """If users provide empty list as arg, crop_image fails."""
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        es.crop_image(list(), basic_geometry)
    with rio.open(basic_image_tif) as src:
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            es.crop_image(src, list())
Exemple #2
def test_crop_image_when_poly_bounds_image_extent(basic_image_tif):
    """When an image is fully contained in a larger polygon, dont crop."""
    big_polygon = Polygon([(-1, -1), (11, -1), (11, 11), (-1, 11), (-1, -1)])
    with rio.open(basic_image_tif) as src:
        img, meta = es.crop_image(src, [big_polygon])
        src_array = src.read()
    assert np.array_equal(img, src_array)
def crop_image_by_shp(imm, shp):
    currentDirectory = os.getcwd()
    crop_extent = gpd.read_file(shp)
    imm_or = rasterio.open(imm, 'r')
    metadatas_imm_or = imm_or.meta
    imm_crop, imm_crop_meta = es.crop_image(imm_or,
    with fiona.open(shp, "r") as shapefile:
        geoms = [feature["geometry"] for feature in shapefile]
    out_image, out_transform = mask(imm_or, geoms, all_touched=True, crop=True)
    imm_crop_affine = imm_crop_meta["transform"]
    # Create spatial plotting extent for the cropped layer
    #imm_extent = plotting_extent(imm_crop[0], imm_crop_affine)
        'transform': imm_crop_affine,
        'height': imm_crop.shape[1],
        'width': imm_crop.shape[2],
        'nodata': 0
    # out_image, out_transform = mask(imm_crop, geoms,invert=True)
    # wkspFldr = os.path.dirname(imm)
    base = os.path.basename(imm)
    ext = os.path.splitext(base)[1]
    name_file = os.path.splitext(base)[0]
    metadatas_imm_or['driver'] = "GTiff"
    path_out = currentDirectory + '/' + name_file + '_rep' + '.tif'
    #path_out = imm#"data/colorado-flood/spatial/outputs/lidar_chm_cropped.tif"
    #    with rio.open(path_out, 'w', **metadatas_imm_or) as ff:
    #        ff.write(out_image[0], 1)
    return out_image, metadatas_imm_or
    def _pre_crop(self, src_tif, shape_file):
        _no_data = 0

        crop_extent = gpd.read_file(shape_file)
        with rio.open(src_tif) as clim_data:
            _no_data = clim_data.nodata
            clim_data, clim_metadata = es.crop_image(clim_data, crop_extent)
        clim_data[0][clim_data[0] == _no_data] = self.no_data_default  # NOTE: set no data

        return clim_data, clim_metadata
Exemple #5
def test_crop_image_with_gdf(basic_image_tif, basic_geometry_gdf):
    """Cropping with a GeoDataFrame works when all_touched=True.

    Cropping basic_image_tif file with the basic geometry fixture returns
    all of the cells that have the value 1 in the basic_image_tif fixture

    These fixtures are described in conftest.py
    with rio.open(basic_image_tif) as src:
        img, meta = es.crop_image(src, basic_geometry_gdf, all_touched=True)
    assert np.sum(img) == 9
Exemple #6
def crop_ras_to_shpfile(raster_path, shpfile_path, output_path, no_data_val):
    shpfile = gpd.read_file(shpfile_path)
    with rio.open(raster_path) as ras:
        ras_crop, ras_crop_meta = es.crop_image(ras, shpfile)
    ras_crop_aff = ras_crop_meta["transform"]

    ras_crop_meta.update({'transform': ras_crop_aff,
                       'height': ras_crop.shape[1],
                       'width': ras_crop.shape[2],
                       'nodata': no_data_val})

    with rio.open(output_path, 'w', **ras_crop_meta) as ff:
        ff.write(ras_crop[0], 1)

    print('done cropping raster to shapefile')
Exemple #7
def test_crop_image_with_geometry(basic_image_tif, basic_geometry):
    """Cropping with a geometry works with all_touched=True."""
    with rio.open(basic_image_tif) as src:
        img, meta = es.crop_image(src, [basic_geometry], all_touched=True)
    assert np.sum(img) == 9
    crop_bound_utm13N = crop_bound.to_crs(crop_raster_profile["crs"])

# Crop Each Band
# --------------
# This step crops all of the bands one by one. It uses enumerate to implement dynamic naming
# of raster outputs. The ``i`` variable will be an integer that counts up one with every
# loop that is completed, and ``bands`` will be the raster bands in the folder.
# It crops the rasters one at a time and writes them to an output directory.

os.chdir(os.path.join(et.io.HOME, "earth-analytics"))

for i, bands in enumerate(stack_band_paths):
    outpath = "data/outputs/outputraster" + str(i)
    with rio.open(bands) as currband:
        crop, meta = es.crop_image(currband, crop_bound_utm13N)
        with rio.open(outpath, "w", **meta) as dest:

# Stack All Bands
# ---------------
# Once the data are cropped, you are ready to create a new stack.

os.chdir(os.path.join(et.io.HOME, "earth-analytics"))

stack = glob("data/outputs/outputraster*")
cropped_array, array_raster = es.stack(stack, nodata=-9999)
crop_extent = plotting_extent(crop[0], meta["transform"])

# Plotting the cropped image
Exemple #9
def test_crop_image_swapped_args(basic_image_tif, basic_geometry):
    """If users provide a polygon instead of raster raise an error."""
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        es.crop_image(basic_geometry, basic_image_tif)
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        es.crop_image(basic_geometry, basic_geometry)
Exemple #10
def test_crop_image_fails_two_rasters(basic_image_tif, basic_geometry):
    """crop_image should raise an error if provided two rasters."""
    with rio.open(basic_image_tif) as src:
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            es.crop_image(src, src)
Exemple #11
def test_crop_image_with_1d_extent_raises_error(basic_image_tif):
    """Cropping with a horizontal or vertical line raises an error."""
    line = LineString([(1, 1), (2, 1), (3, 1)])
    with rio.open(basic_image_tif) as src:
        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="width and height must be > 0"):
            es.crop_image(src, [line])
Exemple #12
def test_crop_image_with_one_point_raises_error(basic_image_tif):
    """Cropping an image with one point should raise an error."""
    point = Point([(1, 1)])
    with rio.open(basic_image_tif) as src:
        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="width and height must be > 0"):
            es.crop_image(src, [point])
Exemple #13
    print("VECTOR INFO ")
    vector = gp.read_file(vfp)

    vector = vector.to_crs(raster.crs)

    # our crop_extent is the vector
    crop_extent = vector

    raster_crop, raster_crop_meta = es.crop_image(raster, crop_extent)
    raster_crop_affine = raster_crop_meta["transform"]

    # Create spatial plotting extent for the cropped layer
    raster_extent = plotting_extent(raster_crop[0], raster_crop_affine)





    raster_meta = raster.profile
Exemple #14
def test_crop_image_with_geojson_touch_false(basic_image_tif, basic_geometry):
    """Cropping with GeoJSON works when all_touched=False."""
    geojson = basic_geometry.__geo_interface__
    with rio.open(basic_image_tif) as src:
        img, meta = es.crop_image(src, [geojson], all_touched=False)
    assert np.sum(img) == 4
Exemple #15
        dir_crop = dir_iii + '\\crop'

        if not os.path.exists(dir_crop):

        dir_crop = dir_iii + '\\crop'

        list_iii = glob.glob('*.tif')

        # iii = list_iii[1]

        for iii in list_iii:

            with rio.open(iii) as iii_tif:
                iii_tif_crop, iii_tif_crop_meta = es.crop_image(
                    iii_tif, crop_extent)

            iii_tif_crop_affine = iii_tif_crop_meta['transform']

            # Create spatial plotting extent for the cropped layer
            iii_tif_extent = plotting_extent(iii_tif_crop[0],

            # Plot your data
                          extent = iii_tif_extent,
                          cmap = 'Greys',
                          title = "Cropped Raster Dataset",
                          scale = False)
Exemple #16
def test_crop_image_with_gdf_touch_false(basic_image_tif, basic_geometry_gdf):
    """Cropping with a GeoDataFrame works when all_touched=False."""
    with rio.open(basic_image_tif) as src:
        img, meta = es.crop_image(src, basic_geometry_gdf, all_touched=False)
    assert np.sum(img) == 4

# Crop Individual Bands
# ---------------------
# If you only need to crop one raster image, you can use EarthPy's 
# ``es.crop_image()`` function.
# This function takes a Rasterio object and crops it to the provided 
# spatial extent.

# Open Landsat image as a Rasterio object in order to crop it
os.chdir(os.path.join(et.io.HOME, "earth-analytics"))

with rio.open(stack_band_paths[0]) as src:
    single_cropped_image, single_cropped_meta = es.crop_image(
        src, crop_bound_utm13N

# Create the extent object
single_crop_extent = plotting_extent(
    single_cropped_image[0], single_cropped_meta["transform"]

# Plot the newly cropped image
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 6))
crop_bound_utm13N.boundary.plot(ax=ax, color="red", zorder=10)
    title="Single Cropped Raster and Fire Boundary",
# -------------- #
# clip files by polygon
ramsar = gpd.read_file(ramsarshp_fn)
for image_dir in os.listdir(dos_img_dir):
    # print(image_dir)
    path = os.path.join(clipped_img_dir, image_dir)
        for image_band in os.listdir(dos_img_dir + '\\' + image_dir):
            # print(os.path.join(path, image_band))
            # clip flow acc by shapefile
            with rasterio.open(
            ) as src_raster:
                cropped_raster, cropped_meta = spatial.crop_image(
                    src_raster, ramsar)

            crop_affine = cropped_meta["transform"]
                'transform': crop_affine,
                'height': cropped_raster.shape[1],
                'width': cropped_raster.shape[2],
                'nodata': -999.99
            # write tif file of clipped bit
            with rasterio.open(os.path.join(path, image_band), 'w',
                               **cropped_meta) as ff:
                ff.write(cropped_raster[0], 1)
Exemple #19
def polygonize_by_extent(bounding_polygon):
    with rasterio.open(lulc_path) as lulc:
        out_img, out_meta = es.crop_image(lulc, bounding_polygon)

        features_gen = (
                'properties': {
                    'DN': v,
                    'feature_name': features[v]["name"],
                    'feature_color': features[v]["color"],
                    'feature_type': 'land cover',
                    'feature_desc': 'N/A',
                    'feature_date': ''
                    #                 'feature_area':calculate_area(s) / 10000
                'geometry': s
            } for i, (s, v) in enumerate(
                    out_img, None, transform=out_meta["transform"])))

        geometries = list(features_gen)

    with rasterio.open(settlements_path) as path:
        out_img, out_meta = es.crop_image(path, bounding_polygon)

        features_gen = (
                'properties': {
                    'DN': v,
                    'feature_name': "Building Cluster",
                    'feature_color': "#000",
                    'feature_type': 'Settlement Density',
                    'feature_desc': 'N/A',
                    'feature_date': ''
                    #                 'feature_area':calculate_area(s) / 10000
                'geometry': s
            } for i, (s, v) in enumerate(
                    out_img, None, transform=out_meta["transform"])))

        geometries = geometries + list(features_gen)

    bounds = list(bounding_polygon.bounds.values[0])
    possible_matches_index = list(osm_land_use_idx.intersection(bounds))
    possible_matches = osm_land_use.loc[possible_matches_index]
    features_gen = ({
        'properties': {
            'DN': v["code"],
            'feature_name': v["fclass"],
            'feature_color': "#ccc",
            'feature_type': 'Land Use',
            'feature_desc': 'N/A',
            'feature_date': ''
        'geometry': v["geometry"]
    } for i, v in possible_matches.iterrows())

    geometries = geometries + list(features_gen)

    possible_matches_index = list(osm_roads_idx.intersection(bounds))
    possible_matches = osm_roads.loc[possible_matches_index]
    features_gen = ({
        'properties': {
            'DN': v["code"],
            'feature_name': v["fclass"],
            'feature_color': "#f00",
            'feature_type': 'Terrain',
            'feature_desc': 'N/A',
            'feature_date': ''
        'geometry': v["geometry"]
    } for i, v in possible_matches.iterrows())

    geometries = geometries + list(features_gen)

    possible_matches_index = list(osm_waterways_idx.intersection(bounds))
    possible_matches = osm_waterways.loc[possible_matches_index]
    features_gen = ({
        'properties': {
            'DN': v["code"],
            'feature_name': v["fclass"],
            'feature_color': "#00f",
            'feature_type': 'Water Way',
            'feature_desc': 'N/A',
            'feature_date': ''
        'geometry': v["geometry"]
    } for i, v in possible_matches.iterrows())

    geometries = geometries + list(features_gen)

    possible_matches_index = list(osm_water_idx.intersection(bounds))
    possible_matches = osm_water.loc[possible_matches_index]
    features_gen = ({
        'properties': {
            'DN': v["code"],
            'feature_name': v["fclass"],
            'feature_color': "#00002f",
            'feature_type': 'Water Body',
            'feature_desc': 'N/A',
            'feature_date': ''
        'geometry': v["geometry"]
    } for i, v in possible_matches.iterrows())

    geometries = geometries + list(features_gen)

    possible_matches_index = list(osm_transport_idx.intersection(bounds))
    possible_matches = osm_transport.loc[possible_matches_index]
    features_gen = ({
        'properties': {
            'DN': v["code"],
            'feature_name': v["fclass"],
            'feature_color': "#34ff5c",
            'feature_type': 'Public Transport',
            'feature_desc': 'N/A',
            'feature_date': ''
        'geometry': v["geometry"]
    } for i, v in possible_matches.iterrows())

    geometries = geometries + list(features_gen)

    possible_matches_index = list(osm_traffic_idx.intersection(bounds))
    possible_matches = osm_traffic.loc[possible_matches_index]
    features_gen = ({
        'properties': {
            'DN': v["code"],
            'feature_name': v["fclass"],
            'feature_color': "#003ccc",
            'feature_type': 'Urban Traffic',
            'feature_desc': 'N/A',
            'feature_date': ''
        'geometry': v["geometry"]
    } for i, v in possible_matches.iterrows())

    geometries = geometries + list(features_gen)

    possible_matches_index = list(acled_idx.intersection(bounds))
    possible_matches = acled.loc[possible_matches_index]
    #     print(list(possible_matches))
    features_gen = ({
        'properties': {
            'DN': v["EVENT_ID_C"],
            'feature_name': v["SUB_EVENT_"],
            'feature_color': "#ffccee",
            'feature_type': 'OSINT Event',
            'feature_desc': v["NOTES"],
            'feature_date': v["EVENT_DATE"]
        'geometry': v["geometry"]
    } for i, v in possible_matches.iterrows())

    geometries = geometries + list(features_gen)

    polygonized_features = gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_features(geometries)

    return polygonized_features