Exemple #1
def removefile(db, course_, full_path, dry_run):
    cid = canvas_id.CanvasID(full_path, course_.canvas_id)
    if cid.canvas_id:
        r = helpers.delete(FILE_PATH.format(cid.canvas_id), dry_run=dry_run)
        if r.get('upload_status') == 'success':
Exemple #2
    def remove(self, db, course_, dry_run):
        course_id = course_.canvas_id
        cid = canvas_id.CanvasID(self.filename, course_id)
        if not cid.canvas_id:
            print(f"failed to delete {self} from course {course_}")
            print("No canvas information found for the given component. If the"
                  " component still exists in Canvas we may have lost track "
                  "of it so you will have to manually delete it. Sorry!")

        # TODO: confirm they want to delete it?
        path = self.format_update_path(db, course_id, cid.canvas_id)
        resp = helpers.delete(path, dry_run=dry_run)
        err = False
        if "errors" in resp:
            print(f"canvas failed to delete the component {self}")
            for error in resp['errors']:
                if "does not exist" in error['message']:
                    print("But that's ok because you were probably just "
                          "removing the local canvas info for it.")
                    print("CANVAS ERROR:", error['message'])
                    err = True
        if err:
            print("local remove action aborted")
                "Canvas may or may not have successfully deleted the component"

        if dry_run:
            print(f"DRYRUN - deleting the canvas relationship for {self}")
Exemple #3
    def postprocess(self, db, course_, dry_run):
        course_id = course_.canvas_id
        cid = canvas_id.CanvasID(self.filename, course_id)
        if not cid.canvas_id:
            print(f"failed to add QuizQuestions to {self}, we don't "
                  "have a canvas id for it")
            print("make sure the quiz has first been pushed to Canvas")

        # delete any existing questions on the quiz
        # we'll use the local file as the source of truth and always update
        # canvas to match it
        quiz_path = QUIZ_PATH.format(course_id, cid.canvas_id)
        questions_path = quiz_path + "/questions"
        quiz_questions = helpers.get(questions_path, dry_run)
        for question in quiz_questions:
            if 'id' in question:
                path = questions_path + "/{}".format(question['id'])

        # prepare actual QuizQuestion objects to be pushed to canvas
        questions = build_questions(self.quiz_questions)

        # push the questions
        for question in questions:
            print(f"\tpushing {question} to Quiz {self}")
            question.push(db, course_, dry_run, parent_component=self)

        # once I push the questions, canvas doesn't seem to update the
        # quiz's points possible until I save the entire quiz again...
        # https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Question-Forum/Saving-Quizzes-w-API/td-p/226406
        # turns out that canvas won't do this if the quiz is unpublished when
        # you create the questions. so I'm hackily unpublishing and then
        # publishing (if the user wants to publish it)
        if self.remember_published:
            helpers.put(quiz_path, {"quiz": {"published": True}})