def main(node, subscriber, org_surface_pose=[0.65, 0.4, 0.15, np.pi, 0.0, 0.0], new_surface_pose=[0.25, 0.85, 0.15, np.pi, 0.0, 0.0]): """Main loop.""" # Create node rospy.init_node(node) # Initialize robot and arm. eb.enable_robot() limb = eb.Arm("left") # Initialize physics engine and environment. p.connect(p.GUI) p.configureDebugVisualizer(p.COV_ENABLE_GUI, 0) p.resetDebugVisualizerCamera(3, 0, -89.99, [0, 0, 0]) # Load surface to physics engine s_name = "surface" s_path = URDF_DIR + "{}.urdf".format(s_name) s_id = p.loadURDF(s_path, useFixedBase=True, globalScaling=10) p.changeVisualShape(s_id, -1, rgbaColor=[1, 0.992, 0.816, 1]) rate = rospy.Rate(10) loaded_body_ids = [] while not rospy.is_shutdown(): # Get readings from camera arrangement = obtain_arrangement(subscriber) # Get body ids from physics engine and the dictionary of the original objs for i in loaded_body_ids: p.removeBody(i) loaded_body_ids = sim(arrangement) # Get input from user char = eb.get_char(5) if char in ['\x1b', '\x03']: p.disconnect() rospy.signal_shutdown("Shutting down.") # Go to main surface if char == 'o': limb.move_to_pose(org_surface_pose) # Go to secondary surface if char == 'n': limb.move_to_pose(new_surface_pose) rate.sleep()
PARSER.add_argument( "--theta_offset", "-t", help= "Theta offset from camera-detection frame to end-effector frame in m.", default=np.pi / 2, type=float) ARGS = PARSER.parse_args() # Create node rospy.init_node(ARGS.node) # Initialize robot and move selected arm to correct pose. eb.enable_robot() arm = eb.Arm(ARGS.arm) # First from primary surface to secondary surface surface_to_surface(ARGS.subscriber, surface1_pose=[0.65, 0.4, 0.15, np.pi, 0.0, 0.0], surface2_pose=[0.25, 0.85, 0.15, np.pi, 0.0, 0.0], arm=arm, gripper_height=ARGS.gripper_height, x_offset=ARGS.x_offset, y_offset=ARGS.y_offset, theta_offset=ARGS.theta_offset) # Then from secondary surface to primary surface surface_to_surface(ARGS.subscriber, surface1_pose=[0.25, 0.85, 0.15, np.pi, 0.0, 0.0], surface2_pose=[0.65, 0.4, 0.15, np.pi, 0.0, 0.0],
num = -total_length - num res = num * 1.0 # Make all numbers float, to be consistent return res # Create node rospy.init_node('test_pnp') # Define camera poses org_surface_pose = [0.65, 0.4, 0.15, np.pi, 0.0, 0.0] new_surface_pose = [0.25, 0.85, 0.15, np.pi, 0.0, 0.0] # Initialize robot and move left arm to initial pose. eb.enable_robot() limb = eb.Arm("left") plan = pd.read_csv("my_plan.csv") plan.poseFrom = plan.poseFrom.apply(ast.literal_eval) plan.poseTo = plan.poseTo.apply(ast.literal_eval) scene = PlanningSceneInterface() box_pose = PoseStamped() box_pose.header.frame_id = "world" box_pose.pose.position.x = 0 box_pose.pose.position.y = 10 box_pose.pose.position.z = 0 box_pose.pose.orientation.x = 0 box_pose.pose.orientation.y = 0 box_pose.pose.orientation.z = 0 box_pose.pose.orientation.w = 1
def main(node, arm, initial_pose, prismatic_increment, rotational_increment): """Executes the ROS node""" print 'Initializing; please wait.' rospy.init_node(node) eb.enable_robot() limb = eb.Arm(arm) if not initial_pose: pass else: limb.move_to_pose(initial_pose) print "You are now in control; press h for help and Esc to quit." while not rospy.is_shutdown(): char = eb.get_char() if char: # Esc or ctrl-c to exit if char in ['\x1b', '\x03']: rospy.signal_shutdown("Example finished.") # Prismatic motion elif char in ['w', 'W']: limb.move_by_increment('x', prismatic_increment) elif char in ['s', 'S']: limb.move_by_increment('x', -prismatic_increment) elif char in ['a', 'A']: limb.move_by_increment('y', prismatic_increment) elif char in ['d', 'D']: limb.move_by_increment('y', -prismatic_increment) elif char in ['z', 'Z']: limb.move_by_increment('z', prismatic_increment) elif char in ['x', 'X']: limb.move_by_increment('z', -prismatic_increment) # Rotational motion elif char in ['i', 'I']: limb.move_by_increment('roll', rotational_increment) elif char in ['k', 'K']: limb.move_by_increment('roll', -rotational_increment) elif char in ['j', 'J']: limb.move_by_increment('pitch', rotational_increment) elif char in ['l', 'L']: limb.move_by_increment('pitch', -rotational_increment) elif char in ['n', 'N']: limb.move_by_increment('yaw', rotational_increment) elif char in ['m', 'M']: limb.move_by_increment('yaw', -rotational_increment) # Gripper actions elif char in ['o', 'O']: elif char in ['c', 'C']: limb.grip.close() # Info elif char in ['p', 'P']: print limb.get_pose() # Help elif char in ['h', 'H']: print_help()
def get_query(node, subscriber, interactive=True): """Creates a simulation of the arrangement detected by the robot and uses it to find an optimal arrangement of more bodies.""" # Create node rospy.init_node(node) # Display project info pkg_path = rospkg.RosPack().get_path('experiment') eb.display_image(pkg_path + '/share/images/main.png') # Define camera poses org_surface_pose = [0.65, 0.4, 0.15, np.pi, 0.0, 0.0] new_surface_pose = [0.25, 0.85, 0.15, np.pi, 0.0, 0.0] # Initialize robot and move left arm to initial pose. eb.enable_robot() limb = eb.Arm("left") limb.move_to_pose(org_surface_pose) eb.display_image(pkg_path + '/share/images/step1.png') # Begin constructing query dic s_name = "surface" s_path = URDF_DIR + "{}.urdf".format(s_name) s_info = { "path": s_path, "pose": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "z offset": 0.05, "area": 0.0855 } overall_config = {s_name: s_info, "obstacles": {}} if interactive: # Initialize physics engine and environment. p.connect(p.GUI) p.configureDebugVisualizer(p.COV_ENABLE_GUI, 0) p.resetDebugVisualizerCamera(3, 0, -89.99, [0, 0, 0]) # Load surface to physics engine s_id = p.loadURDF(s_path, useFixedBase=True, globalScaling=10) p.changeVisualShape(s_id, -1, rgbaColor=[1, 0.992, 0.816, 1]) # Get readings from camera arrangement = obtain_arrangement(subscriber) # Get body ids from physics engine and the dictionary of the original objs loaded_body_ids, config_dic = extract_query(arrangement, interactive) rate = rospy.Rate(10) org_flag = False new_flag = False moved = False while not rospy.is_shutdown(): char = eb.get_char(5) if char in ['\x1b', '\x03']: p.disconnect() rospy.signal_shutdown("Shutting down.") # Signal satisfaction with detected org config if char == 'o': org_flag = True # Signal satisfaction with detected new config if char == 'n': new_flag = True # Get readings of org config from camera again if not org_flag: arrangement = obtain_arrangement(subscriber) for i in loaded_body_ids: p.removeBody(i) loaded_body_ids, config_dic = extract_query(arrangement, interactive=True) # Get readings of new config from camera (again) elif org_flag and not new_flag: if not moved: limb.move_to_pose(new_surface_pose) moved = True overall_config.update({"originals": config_dic}) arrangement = obtain_arrangement(subscriber) for i in loaded_body_ids: p.removeBody(i) loaded_body_ids, config_dic = extract_query(arrangement, interactive=True, new=True) elif org_flag and new_flag: # dump the json overall_config.update({"news": config_dic}) # shutdown and exit p.disconnect() my_query = json.dumps(overall_config) placement = generate_placement(my_query, algo='middle', cam_dist=3, verbose=False) ans_json = placement.dump_json() with open("my_ans.json", "wb") as f: json.dump(ans_json, f) rospy.signal_shutdown("Shutting down.") rate.sleep() else: # Get configuration of the main surface rospy.sleep(5) arrangement = obtain_arrangement(subscriber) _, overall_config = extract_query(arrangement, overall_config, interactive=False) # Get configuration of the surface with new objects limb.move_to_pose(new_surface_pose) rospy.sleep(5) arrangement = obtain_arrangement(subscriber) _, overall_config = extract_query(arrangement, overall_config, interactive=False, new=True) # Create the query from the configurations detected and save it query_json = json.dumps(overall_config, sort_keys=True, indent=4) with open("my_query.json", "wb") as f: f.write(query_json) # Find a solution for the placement problem and save it eb.display_image(pkg_path + '/share/images/step2.png') placement = generate_placement(json.loads(query_json)) ans_json = placement.dump_json() with open("my_placement.json", "wb") as f: f.write(ans_json) # Find a solution for the planning problem and save it eb.display_image(pkg_path + '/share/images/step3.png') plan = generate_plan(placement, new=False) plan.to_csv("my_plan.csv") # Execute the rearrangement process eb.display_image(pkg_path + '/share/images/step4.png') gripper_height = 0.172 x_offset = 0.055 y_offset = -0.005 theta_offset = np.pi / 2 for index, step in plan.iterrows(): pick_x = (step["poseFrom"][1] / 10.0) + new_surface_pose[0] + x_offset pick_y = (step["poseFrom"][0] / 10.0) + new_surface_pose[1] + y_offset pick_theta = normalize(step["poseFrom"][2] + theta_offset) pick_pose = [ pick_x, pick_y, new_surface_pose[2] - gripper_height, np.pi, 0.0, pick_theta ] place_x = (step["poseTo"][1] / 10.0) + org_surface_pose[0] + x_offset place_y = (step["poseTo"][0] / 10.0) + org_surface_pose[1] + y_offset place_theta = normalize(step["poseTo"][2] + theta_offset) place_pose = [ place_x, place_y, org_surface_pose[2] - gripper_height + 0.01, np.pi, 0.0, place_theta ] limb.pick_and_place(pick_pose, place_pose) # Go back to initial image and exit eb.display_image(pkg_path + '/share/images/main.png') rospy.signal_shutdown("Shutting down.")