def parse(self):
        Parse the file and set options
        mandatory requirements are checked here
        if self.build_specs is None:
            arg_specs = {}
        elif isinstance(self.build_specs, dict):
            # build a new dictionary with only the expected keys, to pass as named arguments to get_config_dict()
            arg_specs = self.build_specs
            self.log.error("Specifications should be specified using a dictionary, got %s" % type(self.build_specs))
        self.log.debug("Obtained specs dict %s" % arg_specs)"Parsing easyconfig file %s with rawcontent: %s" % (self.path, self.rawtxt))
        parser = EasyConfigParser(filename=self.path, rawcontent=self.rawtxt)
        local_vars = parser.get_config_dict()
        self.log.debug("Parsed easyconfig as a dictionary: %s" % local_vars)

        # make sure all mandatory parameters are defined
        # this includes both generic mandatory parameters and software-specific parameters defined via extra_options
        missing_mandatory_keys = [key for key in self.mandatory if key not in local_vars]
        if missing_mandatory_keys:
            self.log.error("mandatory parameters not provided in %s: %s" % (self.path, missing_mandatory_keys))

        # provide suggestions for typos
        possible_typos = [(key, difflib.get_close_matches(key.lower(), self._config.keys(), 1, 0.85))
                          for key in local_vars if key not in self]

        typos = [(key, guesses[0]) for (key, guesses) in possible_typos if len(guesses) == 1]
        if typos:
            self.log.error("You may have some typos in your easyconfig file: %s" %
                            ', '.join(["%s -> %s" % typo for typo in typos]))

        # we need toolchain to be set when we call _parse_dependency
        for key in ['toolchain'] + local_vars.keys():
            # validations are skipped, just set in the config
            # do not store variables we don't need
            if key in self._config.keys():
                if key in ['builddependencies', 'dependencies']:
                    self[key] = [self._parse_dependency(dep) for dep in local_vars[key]]
                elif key in ['hiddendependencies']:
                    self[key] = [self._parse_dependency(dep, hidden=True) for dep in local_vars[key]]
                    self[key] = local_vars[key]
                tup = (key, self[key], type(self[key]))
      "setting config option %s: value %s (type: %s)" % tup)
            elif key in REPLACED_PARAMETERS:
                _log.nosupport("Easyconfig parameter '%s' is replaced by '%s'" % (key, REPLACED_PARAMETERS[key]), '2.0')

                self.log.debug("Ignoring unknown config option %s (value: %s)" % (key, local_vars[key]))

        # update templating dictionary

        # indicate that this is a parsed easyconfig
        self._config['parsed'] = [True, "This is a parsed easyconfig", "HIDDEN"]
    def parse(self):
        Parse the file and set options
        mandatory requirements are checked here
        if self.build_specs is None:
            arg_specs = {}
        elif isinstance(self.build_specs, dict):
            # build a new dictionary with only the expected keys, to pass as named arguments to get_config_dict()
            arg_specs = self.build_specs
            self.log.error("Specifications should be specified using a dictionary, got %s" % type(self.build_specs))
        self.log.debug("Obtained specs dict %s" % arg_specs)

        parser = EasyConfigParser(self.path)
        local_vars = parser.get_config_dict()
        self.log.debug("Parsed easyconfig as a dictionary: %s" % local_vars)

        # validate mandatory keys
        # TODO: remove this code. this is now (also) checked in the format (see validate_pyheader)
        missing_keys = [key for key in self.mandatory if key not in local_vars]
        if missing_keys:
            self.log.error("mandatory variables %s not provided in %s" % (missing_keys, self.path))

        # provide suggestions for typos
        possible_typos = [(key, difflib.get_close_matches(key.lower(), self._config.keys(), 1, 0.85))
                          for key in local_vars if key not in self._config]

        typos = [(key, guesses[0]) for (key, guesses) in possible_typos if len(guesses) == 1]
        if typos:
            self.log.error("You may have some typos in your easyconfig file: %s" %
                            ', '.join(["%s -> %s" % typo for typo in typos]))

        # we need toolchain to be set when we call _parse_dependency
        for key in ['toolchain'] + local_vars.keys():
            # validations are skipped, just set in the config
            # do not store variables we don't need
            if key in self._config.keys() + DEPRECATED_OPTIONS.keys():
                if key in ['builddependencies', 'dependencies']:
                    self[key] = [self._parse_dependency(dep) for dep in local_vars[key]]
                elif key in ['hiddendependencies']:
                    self[key] = [self._parse_dependency(dep, hidden=True) for dep in local_vars[key]]
                    self[key] = local_vars[key]
                tup = (key, self[key], type(self[key]))
      "setting config option %s: value %s (type: %s)" % tup)

                self.log.debug("Ignoring unknown config option %s (value: %s)" % (key, local_vars[key]))

        # update templating dictionary

        # indicate that this is a parsed easyconfig
        self._config['parsed'] = [True, "This is a parsed easyconfig", "HIDDEN"]
    def parse(self):
        Parse the file and set options
        mandatory requirements are checked here
        if self.build_specs is None:
            arg_specs = {}
        elif isinstance(self.build_specs, dict):
            # build a new dictionary with only the expected keys, to pass as named arguments to get_config_dict()
            arg_specs = self.build_specs
            self.log.error("Specifications should be specified using a dictionary, got %s" % type(self.build_specs))
        self.log.debug("Obtained specs dict %s" % arg_specs)

        parser = EasyConfigParser(self.path)
        local_vars = parser.get_config_dict()
        self.log.debug("Parsed easyconfig as a dictionary: %s" % local_vars)

        # validate mandatory keys
        # TODO: remove this code. this is now (also) checked in the format (see validate_pyheader)
        missing_keys = [key for key in self.mandatory if key not in local_vars]
        if missing_keys:
            self.log.error("mandatory variables %s not provided in %s" % (missing_keys, self.path))

        # provide suggestions for typos
        possible_typos = [(key, difflib.get_close_matches(key.lower(), self._config.keys(), 1, 0.85))
                          for key in local_vars if key not in self._config]

        typos = [(key, guesses[0]) for (key, guesses) in possible_typos if len(guesses) == 1]
        if typos:
            self.log.error("You may have some typos in your easyconfig file: %s" %
                            ', '.join(["%s -> %s" % typo for typo in typos]))

        # we need toolchain to be set when we call _parse_dependency
        for key in ['toolchain'] + local_vars.keys():
            # validations are skipped, just set in the config
            # do not store variables we don't need
            if key in self._config.keys() + DEPRECATED_OPTIONS.keys():
                if key in ['builddependencies', 'dependencies']:
                    self[key] = [self._parse_dependency(dep) for dep in local_vars[key]]
                    self[key] = local_vars[key]
                tup = (key, self[key], type(self[key]))
      "setting config option %s: value %s (type: %s)" % tup)

                self.log.debug("Ignoring unknown config option %s (value: %s)" % (key, local_vars[key]))

        # update templating dictionary

        # indicate that this is a parsed easyconfig
        self._config['parsed'] = [True, "This is a parsed easyconfig", "HIDDEN"]