Exemple #1
    def test_list_prs(self):
        """Test list_prs function."""
        if self.skip_github_tests:
            print("Skipping test_list_prs, no GitHub token available?")

        parameters = ('closed', 'created', 'asc')

            'pr_target_account': GITHUB_USER,
            'pr_target_repo': GITHUB_REPO

        expected = "PR #1: a pr"

        output = gh.list_prs(parameters,
        stdout = self.get_stdout()

        self.assertTrue(stdout.startswith("== Listing PRs with parameters: "))

        self.assertEqual(expected, output)
    def test_list_prs(self):
        """Test list_prs function."""
        if self.skip_github_tests:
            print "Skipping test_list_prs, no GitHub token available?"

        parameters = ('closed', 'created', 'asc')

        init_config(build_options={'pr_target_account': GITHUB_USER,
                                   'pr_target_repo': GITHUB_REPO})

        expected = "PR #1: a pr"

        output = gh.list_prs(parameters, per_page=1, github_user=GITHUB_TEST_ACCOUNT)
        stdout = self.get_stdout()

        self.assertTrue(stdout.startswith("== Listing PRs with parameters: "))

        self.assertEqual(expected, output)
def main(args=None, logfile=None, do_build=None, testing=False, modtool=None):
    Main function: parse command line options, and act accordingly.
    :param args: command line arguments to use
    :param logfile: log file to use
    :param do_build: whether or not to actually perform the build
    :param testing: enable testing mode


    # if $CDPATH is set, unset it, it'll only cause trouble...
    # see https://github.com/easybuilders/easybuild-framework/issues/2944
    if 'CDPATH' in os.environ:
        del os.environ['CDPATH']

    # purposely session state very early, to avoid modules loaded by EasyBuild meddling in
    init_session_state = session_state()

    eb_go, cfg_settings = set_up_configuration(args=args, logfile=logfile, testing=testing)
    options, orig_paths = eb_go.options, eb_go.args

    global _log
    (build_specs, _log, logfile, robot_path, search_query, eb_tmpdir, try_to_generate, tweaked_ecs_paths) = cfg_settings

    # load hook implementations (if any)
    hooks = load_hooks(options.hooks)

    run_hook(START, hooks)

    if modtool is None:
        modtool = modules_tool(testing=testing)

    # check whether any (EasyBuild-generated) modules are loaded already in the current session

    if options.last_log:
        # print location to last log file, and exit
        last_log = find_last_log(logfile) or '(none)'
        print_msg(last_log, log=_log, prefix=False)

    # check whether packaging is supported when it's being used
    if options.package:
        _log.debug("Packaging not enabled, so not checking for packaging support.")

    # search for easyconfigs, if a query is specified
    if search_query:
        search_easyconfigs(search_query, short=options.search_short, filename_only=options.search_filename,

    # GitHub options that warrant a silent cleanup & exit
    if options.check_github:

    elif options.install_github_token:
        install_github_token(options.github_user, silent=build_option('silent'))

    elif options.close_pr:
        close_pr(options.close_pr, motivation_msg=options.close_pr_msg)

    elif options.list_prs:

    elif options.merge_pr:

    elif options.review_pr:
        print(review_pr(pr=options.review_pr, colored=use_color(options.color)))

    elif options.list_installed_software:
        detailed = options.list_installed_software == 'detailed'
        print(list_software(output_format=options.output_format, detailed=detailed, only_installed=True))

    elif options.list_software:
        print(list_software(output_format=options.output_format, detailed=options.list_software == 'detailed'))

    elif options.create_index:
        print_msg("Creating index for %s..." % options.create_index, prefix=False)
        index_fp = dump_index(options.create_index, max_age_sec=options.index_max_age)
        index = load_index(options.create_index)
        print_msg("Index created at %s (%d files)" % (index_fp, len(index)), prefix=False)

    # non-verbose cleanup after handling GitHub integration stuff or printing terse info
    early_stop_options = [
    if any(early_stop_options):
        clean_exit(logfile, eb_tmpdir, testing, silent=True)

    # update session state
    eb_config = eb_go.generate_cmd_line(add_default=True)
    modlist = modtool.list()  # build options must be initialized first before 'module list' works
    init_session_state.update({'easybuild_configuration': eb_config})
    init_session_state.update({'module_list': modlist})
    _log.debug("Initial session state: %s" % init_session_state)

    # determine easybuild-easyconfigs package install path
    easyconfigs_pkg_paths = get_paths_for(subdir=EASYCONFIGS_PKG_SUBDIR)
    if not easyconfigs_pkg_paths:
        _log.warning("Failed to determine install path for easybuild-easyconfigs package.")

    if options.install_latest_eb_release:
        if orig_paths:
            raise EasyBuildError("Installing the latest EasyBuild release can not be combined with installing "
                                 "other easyconfigs")
            eb_file = find_easybuild_easyconfig()

    if len(orig_paths) == 1:
        # if only one easyconfig file is specified, use current directory as target directory
        target_path = os.getcwd()
    elif orig_paths:
        # last path is target when --copy-ec is used, so remove that from the list
        target_path = orig_paths.pop() if options.copy_ec else None

    categorized_paths = categorize_files_by_type(orig_paths)

    # command line options that do not require any easyconfigs to be specified
    pr_options = options.new_branch_github or options.new_pr or options.new_pr_from_branch or options.preview_pr
    pr_options = pr_options or options.sync_branch_with_develop or options.sync_pr_with_develop
    pr_options = pr_options or options.update_branch_github or options.update_pr
    no_ec_opts = [options.aggregate_regtest, options.regtest, pr_options, search_query]

    # determine paths to easyconfigs
    determined_paths = det_easyconfig_paths(categorized_paths['easyconfigs'])

    if (options.copy_ec and not tweaked_ecs_paths) or options.fix_deprecated_easyconfigs or options.show_ec:

        if options.copy_ec:
            if len(determined_paths) == 1:
                copy_file(determined_paths[0], target_path)
                print_msg("%s copied to %s" % (os.path.basename(determined_paths[0]), target_path), prefix=False)
            elif len(determined_paths) > 1:
                copy_files(determined_paths, target_path)
                print_msg("%d file(s) copied to %s" % (len(determined_paths), target_path), prefix=False)
                raise EasyBuildError("One of more files to copy should be specified!")

        elif options.fix_deprecated_easyconfigs:

        elif options.show_ec:
            for path in determined_paths:
                print_msg("Contents of %s:" % path)
                print_msg(read_file(path), prefix=False)

        clean_exit(logfile, eb_tmpdir, testing)

    if determined_paths:
        # transform paths into tuples, use 'False' to indicate the corresponding easyconfig files were not generated
        paths = [(p, False) for p in determined_paths]
    elif 'name' in build_specs:
        # try to obtain or generate an easyconfig file via build specifications if a software name is provided
        paths = find_easyconfigs_by_specs(build_specs, robot_path, try_to_generate, testing=testing)
    elif any(no_ec_opts):
        paths = determined_paths
        print_error("Please provide one or multiple easyconfig files, or use software build " +
                    "options to make EasyBuild search for easyconfigs",
                    log=_log, opt_parser=eb_go.parser, exit_on_error=not testing)
    _log.debug("Paths: %s", paths)

    # run regtest
    if options.regtest or options.aggregate_regtest:
        _log.info("Running regression test")
        # fallback: easybuild-easyconfigs install path
        regtest_ok = regtest([path[0] for path in paths] or easyconfigs_pkg_paths, modtool)
        if not regtest_ok:
            _log.info("Regression test failed (partially)!")
            sys.exit(31)  # exit -> 3x1t -> 31

    # read easyconfig files
    easyconfigs, generated_ecs = parse_easyconfigs(paths, validate=not options.inject_checksums)

    # handle --check-contrib & --check-style options
    if run_contrib_style_checks([ec['ec'] for ec in easyconfigs], options.check_contrib, options.check_style):
        clean_exit(logfile, eb_tmpdir, testing)

    # verify easyconfig filenames, if desired
    if options.verify_easyconfig_filenames:
        _log.info("Verifying easyconfig filenames...")
        for easyconfig in easyconfigs:
            verify_easyconfig_filename(easyconfig['spec'], easyconfig['ec'], parsed_ec=easyconfig['ec'])

    # tweak obtained easyconfig files, if requested
    # don't try and tweak anything if easyconfigs were generated, since building a full dep graph will fail
    # if easyconfig files for the dependencies are not available
    if try_to_generate and build_specs and not generated_ecs:
        easyconfigs = tweak(easyconfigs, build_specs, modtool, targetdirs=tweaked_ecs_paths)

    if options.containerize:
        # if --containerize/-C create a container recipe (and optionally container image), and stop
        clean_exit(logfile, eb_tmpdir, testing)

    forced = options.force or options.rebuild
    dry_run_mode = options.dry_run or options.dry_run_short or options.missing_modules

    # skip modules that are already installed unless forced, or unless an option is used that warrants not skipping
    if not (forced or dry_run_mode or options.extended_dry_run or pr_options or options.inject_checksums):
        retained_ecs = skip_available(easyconfigs, modtool)
        if not testing:
            for skipped_ec in [ec for ec in easyconfigs if ec not in retained_ecs]:
                print_msg("%s is already installed (module found), skipping" % skipped_ec['full_mod_name'])
        easyconfigs = retained_ecs

    # keep track for which easyconfigs we should set the corresponding module as default
    if options.set_default_module:
        for easyconfig in easyconfigs:
            easyconfig['ec'].set_default_module = True

    # determine an order that will allow all specs in the set to build
    if len(easyconfigs) > 0:
        # resolve dependencies if robot is enabled, except in dry run mode
        # one exception: deps *are* resolved with --new-pr or --update-pr when dry run mode is enabled
        if options.robot and (not dry_run_mode or pr_options):
            print_msg("resolving dependencies ...", log=_log, silent=testing)
            ordered_ecs = resolve_dependencies(easyconfigs, modtool)
            ordered_ecs = easyconfigs
    elif pr_options:
        ordered_ecs = None
        print_msg("No easyconfigs left to be built.", log=_log, silent=testing)
        ordered_ecs = []

    if options.copy_ec and tweaked_ecs_paths:
        all_specs = [spec['spec'] for spec in
                     resolve_dependencies(easyconfigs, modtool, retain_all_deps=True, raise_error_missing_ecs=False)]
        tweaked_ecs_in_all_ecs = [path for path in all_specs if
                                  any(tweaked_ecs_path in path for tweaked_ecs_path in tweaked_ecs_paths)]
        if tweaked_ecs_in_all_ecs:
            # Clean them, then copy them
            copy_files(tweaked_ecs_in_all_ecs, target_path)
            print_msg("%d file(s) copied to %s" % (len(tweaked_ecs_in_all_ecs), target_path), prefix=False)

    # creating/updating PRs
    if pr_options:
        if options.new_pr:
            new_pr(categorized_paths, ordered_ecs)
        elif options.new_branch_github:
            new_branch_github(categorized_paths, ordered_ecs)
        elif options.new_pr_from_branch:
        elif options.preview_pr:
            print(review_pr(paths=determined_paths, colored=use_color(options.color)))
        elif options.sync_branch_with_develop:
        elif options.sync_pr_with_develop:
        elif options.update_branch_github:
            update_branch(options.update_branch_github, categorized_paths, ordered_ecs)
        elif options.update_pr:
            update_pr(options.update_pr, categorized_paths, ordered_ecs)
            raise EasyBuildError("Unknown PR option!")

    # dry_run: print all easyconfigs and dependencies, and whether they are already built
    elif dry_run_mode:
        if options.missing_modules:
            txt = missing_deps(easyconfigs, modtool)
            txt = dry_run(easyconfigs, modtool, short=not options.dry_run)
        print_msg(txt, log=_log, silent=testing, prefix=False)

    elif options.check_conflicts:
        if check_conflicts(easyconfigs, modtool):
            print_error("One or more conflicts detected!")
            print_msg("\nNo conflicts detected!\n", prefix=False)

    # dump source script to set up build environment
    elif options.dump_env_script:

    elif options.inject_checksums:
        inject_checksums(ordered_ecs, options.inject_checksums)

    # cleanup and exit after dry run, searching easyconfigs or submitting regression test
    stop_options = [options.check_conflicts, dry_run_mode, options.dump_env_script, options.inject_checksums]
    if any(no_ec_opts) or any(stop_options):
        clean_exit(logfile, eb_tmpdir, testing)

    # create dependency graph and exit
    if options.dep_graph:
        _log.info("Creating dependency graph %s" % options.dep_graph)
        dep_graph(options.dep_graph, ordered_ecs)
        clean_exit(logfile, eb_tmpdir, testing, silent=True)

    # submit build as job(s), clean up and exit
    if options.job:
        submit_jobs(ordered_ecs, eb_go.generate_cmd_line(), testing=testing)
        if not testing:
            print_msg("Submitted parallel build jobs, exiting now")
            clean_exit(logfile, eb_tmpdir, testing)

    # build software, will exit when errors occurs (except when testing)
    if not testing or (testing and do_build):
        exit_on_failure = not (options.dump_test_report or options.upload_test_report)

        ecs_with_res = build_and_install_software(ordered_ecs, init_session_state, exit_on_failure=exit_on_failure)
        ecs_with_res = [(ec, {}) for ec in ordered_ecs]

    correct_builds_cnt = len([ec_res for (_, ec_res) in ecs_with_res if ec_res.get('success', False)])
    overall_success = correct_builds_cnt == len(ordered_ecs)
    success_msg = "Build succeeded for %s out of %s" % (correct_builds_cnt, len(ordered_ecs))

    repo = init_repository(get_repository(), get_repositorypath())

    # dump/upload overall test report
    test_report_msg = overall_test_report(ecs_with_res, len(paths), overall_success, success_msg, init_session_state)
    if test_report_msg is not None:

    print_msg(success_msg, log=_log, silent=testing)

    # cleanup and spec files
    for ec in easyconfigs:
        if 'original_spec' in ec and os.path.isfile(ec['spec']):

    run_hook(END, hooks)

    # stop logging and cleanup tmp log file, unless one build failed (individual logs are located in eb_tmpdir)
    stop_logging(logfile, logtostdout=options.logtostdout)
    if overall_success:
        cleanup(logfile, eb_tmpdir, testing)
Exemple #4
def main(args=None, logfile=None, do_build=None, testing=False, modtool=None):
    Main function: parse command line options, and act accordingly.
    :param args: command line arguments to use
    :param logfile: log file to use
    :param do_build: whether or not to actually perform the build
    :param testing: enable testing mode
    # purposely session state very early, to avoid modules loaded by EasyBuild meddling in
    init_session_state = session_state()

    eb_go, cfg_settings = set_up_configuration(args=args, logfile=logfile, testing=testing)
    options, orig_paths = eb_go.options, eb_go.args

    global _log
    (build_specs, _log, logfile, robot_path, search_query, eb_tmpdir, try_to_generate, tweaked_ecs_paths) = cfg_settings

    # load hook implementations (if any)
    hooks = load_hooks(options.hooks)

    run_hook(START, hooks)

    if modtool is None:
        modtool = modules_tool(testing=testing)

    # check whether any (EasyBuild-generated) modules are loaded already in the current session

    if options.last_log:
        # print location to last log file, and exit
        last_log = find_last_log(logfile) or '(none)'
        print_msg(last_log, log=_log, prefix=False)

    # check whether packaging is supported when it's being used
    if options.package:
        _log.debug("Packaging not enabled, so not checking for packaging support.")

    # search for easyconfigs, if a query is specified
    if search_query:
        search_easyconfigs(search_query, short=options.search_short, filename_only=options.search_filename,

    # GitHub options that warrant a silent cleanup & exit
    if options.check_github:

    elif options.install_github_token:
        install_github_token(options.github_user, silent=build_option('silent'))

    elif options.close_pr:
        close_pr(options.close_pr, motivation_msg=options.close_pr_msg)

    elif options.list_prs:

    elif options.merge_pr:

    elif options.review_pr:
        print(review_pr(pr=options.review_pr, colored=use_color(options.color)))

    elif options.list_installed_software:
        detailed = options.list_installed_software == 'detailed'
        print(list_software(output_format=options.output_format, detailed=detailed, only_installed=True))

    elif options.list_software:
        print(list_software(output_format=options.output_format, detailed=options.list_software == 'detailed'))

    # non-verbose cleanup after handling GitHub integration stuff or printing terse info
    early_stop_options = [
    if any(early_stop_options):
        clean_exit(logfile, eb_tmpdir, testing, silent=True)

    # update session state
    eb_config = eb_go.generate_cmd_line(add_default=True)
    modlist = modtool.list()  # build options must be initialized first before 'module list' works
    init_session_state.update({'easybuild_configuration': eb_config})
    init_session_state.update({'module_list': modlist})
    _log.debug("Initial session state: %s" % init_session_state)

    # determine easybuild-easyconfigs package install path
    easyconfigs_pkg_paths = get_paths_for(subdir=EASYCONFIGS_PKG_SUBDIR)
    if not easyconfigs_pkg_paths:
        _log.warning("Failed to determine install path for easybuild-easyconfigs package.")

    if options.install_latest_eb_release:
        if orig_paths:
            raise EasyBuildError("Installing the latest EasyBuild release can not be combined with installing "
                                 "other easyconfigs")
            eb_file = find_easybuild_easyconfig()

    categorized_paths = categorize_files_by_type(orig_paths)

    # command line options that do not require any easyconfigs to be specified
    new_update_preview_pr = options.new_pr or options.update_pr or options.preview_pr
    no_ec_opts = [options.aggregate_regtest, options.regtest, search_query, new_update_preview_pr]

    # determine paths to easyconfigs
    determined_paths = det_easyconfig_paths(categorized_paths['easyconfigs'])
    if determined_paths:
        # transform paths into tuples, use 'False' to indicate the corresponding easyconfig files were not generated
        paths = [(p, False) for p in determined_paths]
        if 'name' in build_specs:
            # try to obtain or generate an easyconfig file via build specifications if a software name is provided
            paths = find_easyconfigs_by_specs(build_specs, robot_path, try_to_generate, testing=testing)
        elif any(no_ec_opts):
            paths = determined_paths
            print_error(("Please provide one or multiple easyconfig files, or use software build "
                         "options to make EasyBuild search for easyconfigs"),
                        log=_log, opt_parser=eb_go.parser, exit_on_error=not testing)
    _log.debug("Paths: %s" % paths)

    # run regtest
    if options.regtest or options.aggregate_regtest:
        _log.info("Running regression test")
        # fallback: easybuild-easyconfigs install path
        regtest_ok = regtest([path[0] for path in paths] or easyconfigs_pkg_paths, modtool)
        if not regtest_ok:
            _log.info("Regression test failed (partially)!")
            sys.exit(31)  # exit -> 3x1t -> 31

    # read easyconfig files
    easyconfigs, generated_ecs = parse_easyconfigs(paths, validate=not options.inject_checksums)

    # handle --check-contrib & --check-style options
    if run_contrib_style_checks([ec['ec'] for ec in easyconfigs], options.check_contrib, options.check_style):
        clean_exit(logfile, eb_tmpdir, testing)

    # verify easyconfig filenames, if desired
    if options.verify_easyconfig_filenames:
        _log.info("Verifying easyconfig filenames...")
        for easyconfig in easyconfigs:
            verify_easyconfig_filename(easyconfig['spec'], easyconfig['ec'], parsed_ec=easyconfig['ec'])

    # tweak obtained easyconfig files, if requested
    # don't try and tweak anything if easyconfigs were generated, since building a full dep graph will fail
    # if easyconfig files for the dependencies are not available
    if try_to_generate and build_specs and not generated_ecs:
        easyconfigs = tweak(easyconfigs, build_specs, modtool, targetdirs=tweaked_ecs_paths)

    if options.containerize:
        # if --containerize/-C create a container recipe (and optionally container image), and stop
        clean_exit(logfile, eb_tmpdir, testing)

    forced = options.force or options.rebuild
    dry_run_mode = options.dry_run or options.dry_run_short

    # skip modules that are already installed unless forced, or unless an option is used that warrants not skipping
    if not (forced or dry_run_mode or options.extended_dry_run or new_update_preview_pr or options.inject_checksums):
        retained_ecs = skip_available(easyconfigs, modtool)
        if not testing:
            for skipped_ec in [ec for ec in easyconfigs if ec not in retained_ecs]:
                print_msg("%s is already installed (module found), skipping" % skipped_ec['full_mod_name'])
        easyconfigs = retained_ecs

    # determine an order that will allow all specs in the set to build
    if len(easyconfigs) > 0:
        # resolve dependencies if robot is enabled, except in dry run mode
        # one exception: deps *are* resolved with --new-pr or --update-pr when dry run mode is enabled
        if options.robot and (not dry_run_mode or new_update_preview_pr):
            print_msg("resolving dependencies ...", log=_log, silent=testing)
            ordered_ecs = resolve_dependencies(easyconfigs, modtool)
            ordered_ecs = easyconfigs
    elif new_update_preview_pr:
        ordered_ecs = None
        print_msg("No easyconfigs left to be built.", log=_log, silent=testing)
        ordered_ecs = []

    # creating/updating PRs
    if new_update_preview_pr:
        if options.new_pr:
            new_pr(categorized_paths, ordered_ecs, title=options.pr_title, descr=options.pr_descr,
        elif options.preview_pr:
            print(review_pr(paths=determined_paths, colored=use_color(options.color)))
            update_pr(options.update_pr, categorized_paths, ordered_ecs, commit_msg=options.pr_commit_msg)

    # dry_run: print all easyconfigs and dependencies, and whether they are already built
    elif dry_run_mode:
        txt = dry_run(easyconfigs, modtool, short=not options.dry_run)
        print_msg(txt, log=_log, silent=testing, prefix=False)

    elif options.check_conflicts:
        if check_conflicts(easyconfigs, modtool):
            print_error("One or more conflicts detected!")
            print_msg("\nNo conflicts detected!\n", prefix=False)

    # dump source script to set up build environment
    elif options.dump_env_script:

    elif options.inject_checksums:
        inject_checksums(ordered_ecs, options.inject_checksums)

    # cleanup and exit after dry run, searching easyconfigs or submitting regression test
    stop_options = [options.check_conflicts, dry_run_mode, options.dump_env_script, options.inject_checksums]
    if any(no_ec_opts) or any(stop_options):
        clean_exit(logfile, eb_tmpdir, testing)

    # create dependency graph and exit
    if options.dep_graph:
        _log.info("Creating dependency graph %s" % options.dep_graph)
        dep_graph(options.dep_graph, ordered_ecs)
        clean_exit(logfile, eb_tmpdir, testing, silent=True)

    # submit build as job(s), clean up and exit
    if options.job:
        submit_jobs(ordered_ecs, eb_go.generate_cmd_line(), testing=testing)
        if not testing:
            print_msg("Submitted parallel build jobs, exiting now")
            clean_exit(logfile, eb_tmpdir, testing)

    # build software, will exit when errors occurs (except when testing)
    if not testing or (testing and do_build):
        exit_on_failure = not (options.dump_test_report or options.upload_test_report)

        ecs_with_res = build_and_install_software(ordered_ecs, init_session_state, exit_on_failure=exit_on_failure)
        ecs_with_res = [(ec, {}) for ec in ordered_ecs]

    correct_builds_cnt = len([ec_res for (_, ec_res) in ecs_with_res if ec_res.get('success', False)])
    overall_success = correct_builds_cnt == len(ordered_ecs)
    success_msg = "Build succeeded for %s out of %s" % (correct_builds_cnt, len(ordered_ecs))

    repo = init_repository(get_repository(), get_repositorypath())

    # dump/upload overall test report
    test_report_msg = overall_test_report(ecs_with_res, len(paths), overall_success, success_msg, init_session_state)
    if test_report_msg is not None:

    print_msg(success_msg, log=_log, silent=testing)

    # cleanup and spec files
    for ec in easyconfigs:
        if 'original_spec' in ec and os.path.isfile(ec['spec']):

    run_hook(END, hooks)

    # stop logging and cleanup tmp log file, unless one build failed (individual logs are located in eb_tmpdir)
    stop_logging(logfile, logtostdout=options.logtostdout)
    if overall_success:
        cleanup(logfile, eb_tmpdir, testing)