import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import easydict import os FLAGS = easydict.EasyDict({ "img_size": 256, "load_size": 266, "batch_size": 1, "epochs": 200, "lr": 0.0002, "n_classes": 24, "in_txt_path": "D:/[1]DB/[2]third_paper_DB/[4]Age_and_gender/race_age_gender_generation/Morph_AFAD_16_63/first_fold/AFAD-M_Morph-F_16_39_40_63/train/male_16_39_train.txt", "in_img_path": "D:/[1]DB/[1]second_paper_DB/AFAD_16_69_DB/backup/fix_AFAD/", "st_txt_path": "D:/[1]DB/[2]third_paper_DB/[4]Age_and_gender/race_age_gender_generation/Morph_AFAD_16_63/first_fold/AFAD-M_Morph-F_16_39_40_63/train/female_40_63_train.txt", "st_img_path": "D:/[1]DB/[2]third_paper_DB/[4]Age_and_gender/Morph/All/female_40_63/", "train": True, "pre_checkpoint": False, "pre_checkpoint_path": "", "save_checkpoint": "", "save_images": "C:/Users/Yuhwan/Pictures/test_sample", "graphs": "" }) g_optim = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(, beta_1=0.5, beta_2=0.5) d_optim = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(, beta_1=0.5, beta_2=0.5) s_optim = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(, beta_1=0.5, beta_2=0.5)
import past_models import dataset from main_dcgan import train import easydict opt = easydict.EasyDict({ 'n_epochs': 200, 'batch_size': 128, 'lr': 0.0002, 'b1': 0.5, 'b2': 0.999, 'n_cpu': 8, 'latent_dim': 128, 'img_size': 32, 'n_critic': 1, 'clip_value': 0.01, 'sample_interval': 100, 'log_interval': 10, 'dataset': 'mnist', 'num_filters': 128, #for CNN Discriminator and Generator 'saveDir': None, 'resume': None, 'loadDir': None }) _, dataloader = dataset.makeDataloader(opt) # Initialize generator and discriminator generator = past_models.DCGANGenerator32(opt) discriminator = past_models.DCGANDiscriminator32(opt)
import torch.optim as optim from torch.distributions import Normal import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from quad_env import QuadEnv # Cart Pole # based on: # # args = parser.parse_args() args = easydict.EasyDict({ "gamma": 0.99, "seed": 203, "render": False, "log_interval": 10, "write_logger": True }) # env = gym.make('LunarLanderContinuous-v2') env = QuadEnv() # env.seed(args.seed) torch.manual_seed(args.seed) SavedAction = namedtuple('SavedAction', ['log_prob', 'value']) # state_dim = env.observation_space.shape[0] state_dim = 21 # action_dim = env.action_space.shape[0] action_dim = 4
def _forward_test(self, input): cnn_features = input arg = easydict.EasyDict({ 'clip_boxes': self.test_clip_boxes, 'nms_thresh': self.test_nms_thresh, 'max_proposals': self.test_max_proposals }) # Make sure that setImageSize has been called assert self.image_height and self.image_width and not self._called_forward_size, \ 'Must call setImageSize before each forward pass' self._called_forward_size = True rpn_out, act_reg = self.rpn.forward(cnn_features) rpn_boxes, rpn_anchors, rpn_trans, rpn_scores = rpn_out num_boxes = rpn_boxes.size(1) # Maybe clip boxes to image boundary if arg.clip_boxes: bounds = { 'x_min': 1, 'y_min': 1, 'x_max': self.image_width, 'y_max': self.image_height } rpn_boxes, valid = box_utils.clip_boxes(rpn_boxes, bounds, 'xcycwh') #print(string.format('%d/%d boxes are predicted valid', # torch.sum(valid), valid:nElement())) #Clamp parallel arrays only to valid boxes (not oob of the image) rpn_boxes = self.clamp_data(rpn_boxes, valid) rpn_anchors = self.clamp_data(rpn_anchors, valid) rpn_trans = self.clamp_data(rpn_trans, valid) rpn_scores = self.clamp_data(rpn_scores, valid) num_boxes = rpn_boxes.size(1) # Convert rpn boxes from (xc, yc, w, h) format to (x1, y1, x2, y2) rpn_boxes_x1y1x2y2 = box_utils.xcycwh_to_x1y1x2y2(rpn_boxes[0]) # Convert objectness positive / negative scores to probabilities rpn_scores_exp = torch.exp(rpn_scores) pos_exp = rpn_scores_exp[0, :, 0] neg_exp = rpn_scores_exp[0, :, 1] scores = (pos_exp + neg_exp).pow(-1) * pos_exp verbose = False if verbose: print('in LocalizationLayer forward_test') print('Before NMS there are %d boxes' % num_boxes) print('Using NMS threshold %f' % arg.nms_thresh) #Run NMS and sort by objectness score boxes_scores =, scores.view(-1, 1)), dim=1) if arg.max_proposals == -1: idx = box_utils.nms(, arg.nms_thresh) else: idx = box_utils.nms(, arg.nms_thresh, arg.max_proposals) rpn_boxes_nms = torch.squeeze(rpn_boxes)[idx] if verbose: print('After NMS there are %d boxes' % rpn_boxes_nms.size(0)) output = rpn_boxes_nms return output
FLAGS = easydict.EasyDict({"img_height": 128, "img_width": 88, "tr_txt_path": "D:/[1]DB/[4]etc_experiment/Body_age/OULP-Age/train.txt", "tr_txt_name": "D:/[1]DB/[4]etc_experiment/Body_age/OULP-Age/GEI_IDList_train.txt", "tr_img_path": "D:/[1]DB/[4]etc_experiment/Body_age/OULP-Age/GEI/", "te_txt_path": "D:/[1]DB/[4]etc_experiment/Body_age/OULP-Age/test.txt", "te_txt_name": "D:/[1]DB/[4]etc_experiment/Body_age/OULP-Age/GEI_IDList_test_fix.txt", "te_img_path": "D:/[1]DB/[4]etc_experiment/Body_age/OULP-Age/GEI/", "batch_size": 200, "epochs": 300, "num_classes": 86, "lr": 0.0001, "save_checkpoint": "", "graphs": "C:/Users/Yuhwan/Downloads/", "train": True, "pre_checkpoint": False, "pre_checkpoint_path": ""})
import wget import easydict import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import time import numpy as np import cv2 import face_embedding import argparse import os import logging parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='face model test') args = easydict.EasyDict() args["image_size"] = '112,112' args["model"] = '../models/model,0' args["gpu"] = "-1" args["det"] = 2 args["flip"] = 0 args["threshold"] = 1.24 model = face_embedding.FaceModel(args) people_list = ["victor", "zhang", "zhou"] info = [ "You have a dental appointment today at 10:30 am in Santa Clara Hospital", "Your daughter will visit you at 12 am at your home.", "Please don't forget to take pills every 8 hours from 8 am." ] print("Here are the people we recognize: {}".format(people_list)) imgs_list = [[cv2.imread("{}/{}.jpeg".format(person, i)) for i in range(1, 5)] for person in people_list]
physical_devices = tf.config.experimental.list_physical_devices('GPU') if len(physical_devices) > 0: tf.config.experimental.set_memory_growth(physical_devices[0], True) from absl.flags import FLAGS from tensorflow.python.saved_model import tag_constants import cv2 import numpy as np import easydict FLAGS = easydict.EasyDict( { 'framework' : 'tf', 'weights' : './checkpoints/yolov4-tiny-416', 'size' : 416, 'tiny' : True, 'model' : 'yolov4', 'iou' : 0.30, 'score' : 0.30 } ) class PeopleDetector: def __init__(self): self.input_size = FLAGS.size self.saved_model_loaded = tf.saved_model.load(FLAGS.weights, tags=[tag_constants.SERVING]) self.infer = self.saved_model_loaded.signatures['serving_default'] def detect(self, frame) -> (bool, list, list) : input_size = self.input_size infer = self.infer
from random import * model_names = sorted(name for name in models.__dict__ if name.islower() and not name.startswith("__") and callable(models.__dict__[name])) args = easydict.EasyDict({ "arch": 'resnet18', "root": "/home/diml/ddrive/dataset/deepfake_1st", "train_list": "train_list_1st.txt", "test_list": "test_list_1st.txt", "epochs": 200, "batch_size": 2, "lr": 0.01, "momentum": 0.9, "weight_decay": 5e-4, "print_freq": 100, "eval_freq": 10, "workers": 4, #"resume":"10fgsm_b7_checkpoint.pth.tar", "resume": False, "pretrained": False, "evaluate": False, "start_epoch": 0, "gpu": 0, }) best_acc1 = 0 # for fgsm image generation def fgsm_attack(model, loss, images, labels, eps):
def __init__(self, dataset, split, lr, save_path, l1_coef, l2_coef, pre_trained_gen, pre_trained_disc, val_pre_trained_gen, val_pre_trained_disc, batch_size, num_workers, epochs, dataset_paths, arrangement, sampling): with open('config.yaml', 'r') as f: # Wsteczna kompatybilnosc dla Text2ImageDataset config = yaml.safe_load(f) self.generator = torch.nn.DataParallel( gan_factory.generator_factory('gan').cuda()) self.discriminator = torch.nn.DataParallel( gan_factory.discriminator_factory('gan').cuda()) if pre_trained_disc: self.discriminator.load_state_dict(torch.load(pre_trained_disc)) else: self.discriminator.apply(Utils.weights_init) if pre_trained_gen: self.generator.load_state_dict(torch.load(pre_trained_gen)) else: self.generator.apply(Utils.weights_init) self.val_pre_trained_gen = val_pre_trained_gen self.val_pre_trained_disc = val_pre_trained_disc self.arrangement = arrangement self.sampling = sampling if dataset == 'birds': # Wsteczna kompatybilnosc dla Text2ImageDataset self.dataset = Text2ImageDataset( config['birds_dataset_path'], split=split ) # '...\Text2Image\datasets\ee285f-public\caltech_ucsd_birds\birds.hdf5' elif dataset == 'flowers': # Wsteczna kompatybilnosc dla Text2ImageDataset self.dataset = Text2ImageDataset( config['flowers_dataset_path'], split=split ) # '...\Text2Image\datasets\ee285f-public\oxford_flowers\flowers.hdf5' elif dataset == 'live': self.dataset_dict = easydict.EasyDict(dataset_paths) self.dataset = Text2ImageDataset2( datasetFile=self.dataset_dict.datasetFile, imagesDir=self.dataset_dict.imagesDir, textDir=self.dataset_dict.textDir, split=split, arrangement=arrangement, sampling=sampling) else: print('Dataset not supported.') print('Images =', len(self.dataset)) self.noise_dim = 100 self.batch_size = batch_size self.num_workers = num_workers = lr self.beta1 = 0.5 self.num_epochs = epochs self.l1_coef = l1_coef self.l2_coef = l2_coef self.data_loader = DataLoader( self.dataset, batch_size=self.batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=self.num_workers ) # shuffle=True - przetasowuje zbior danych w kazdej epoce self.optimD = torch.optim.Adam(self.discriminator.parameters(),, betas=(self.beta1, 0.999)) self.optimG = torch.optim.Adam(self.generator.parameters(),, betas=(self.beta1, 0.999)) self.checkpoints_path = 'checkpoints' self.save_path = save_path self.loss_filename_t = 'gd_loss_t.csv' self.loss_filename_v = 'gd_loss_v.csv'
def testTrainableVariables(self): inputs = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [1, 224, 224, 3]) model = TruncatedBaseNetwork( easydict.EasyDict({ 'architecture': 'resnet_v1_50', 'endpoint': 'block4/unit_3/bottleneck_v1/conv2', 'freeze_tail': False, 'use_tail': True, }) ) model(inputs) # Variables in ResNet-50: # (the order of beta and gamma depends on the TensorFlow's version) # 0 conv1/weights:0 # 1 conv1/BatchNorm/(beta|gamma):0 # 2 conv1/BatchNorm/(beta|gamma):0 # 3 block1/unit_1/bottleneck_v1/shortcut/weights:0 # (...) # 153 block4/unit_3/bottleneck_v1/conv2/weights:0 # 154 block4/unit_3/bottleneck_v1/conv2/BatchNorm/(beta|gamma):0 # 155 block4/unit_3/bottleneck_v1/conv2/BatchNorm/(beta|gamma):0 # --- endpoint --- # 156 block4/unit_3/bottleneck_v1/conv3/weights:0 # 157 block4/unit_3/bottleneck_v1/conv3/BatchNorm/(beta|gamma):0 # 158 block4/unit_3/bottleneck_v1/conv3/BatchNorm/(beta|gamma):0 # 159 logits/weights:0 # 160 logits/biases:0 trainable_vars = model.get_trainable_vars() self.assertEqual(len(trainable_vars), 156) self.assertEqual( trainable_vars[-3].name, 'truncated_base_network/resnet_v1_50/' + 'block4/unit_3/bottleneck_v1/conv2/weights:0' ) model = TruncatedBaseNetwork( easydict.EasyDict({ 'architecture': 'resnet_v1_50', 'endpoint': 'block4/unit_2/bottleneck_v1/conv2', 'fine_tune_from': 'block4/unit_2/bottleneck_v1/conv1', 'freeze_tail': False, 'use_tail': True, }) ) model(inputs) trainable_vars = model.get_trainable_vars() # Now there should be only 6 trainable vars: # 141 block4/unit_2/bottleneck_v1/conv1/weights:0 # 142 block4/unit_2/bottleneck_v1/conv1/BatchNorm/beta:0 # 143 block4/unit_2/bottleneck_v1/conv1/BatchNorm/gamma:0 # 144 block4/unit_2/bottleneck_v1/conv2/weights:0 # 145 block4/unit_2/bottleneck_v1/conv2/BatchNorm/beta:0 # 146 block4/unit_2/bottleneck_v1/conv2/BatchNorm/gamma:0 self.assertEqual(len(trainable_vars), 6) # # Check that we return no vars if fine_tune_from is after the chosen # endpoint (there is nothing to fine-tune!) and tail is frozen. # model = TruncatedBaseNetwork( easydict.EasyDict( { 'architecture': 'resnet_v1_50', 'endpoint': 'block4/unit_2/bottleneck_v1/conv1', 'fine_tune_from': 'block4/unit_2/bottleneck_v1/conv2', 'freeze_tail': True, 'use_tail': True, } ) ) model(inputs) self.assertEqual(len(model.get_trainable_vars()), 0)
elif options.mode == 1: model.sample() options = easydict.EasyDict({ 'batch': 100, 'seed': random.randint(0, 2**31 - 1), 'name': 'CGAN', 'mode': 1, 'dataset': 'linnaeus5', 'dataset_path': './gdrive/My Drive/dataset', 'checkpoints_path': './gdrive/My Drive/dataset/checkpoints', 'batch_size': 30, 'epochs': 201, 'lr': 3e-4, 'lr_decay': True, 'lr_decay_rate': 0.1, 'lr_decay_steps': 5e5, 'gpu_ids': '0', 'save': True, 'save_interval': 1200 / 30, 'sample': True, 'sample_size': 10, 'sample_interval': 1200 / 30, 'training': 0 }) os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = '0' = options.mode != 1 options.dataset_path += ('/' + options.dataset)
from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter from tqdm import tqdm, tqdm_notebook, trange from configs import getConfig from model.data_loader import kfold_data_generator from model.dataset import MSI_train_Dataset, MSI_valid_Dataset from import fpn, unet from utils import save_setting_info # arg = getConfig() arg = easydict.EasyDict({ "model_name": 'unet', "k_folds": 1, "BACKBONE": 'resnet34', "PRETRAINED": None, "epochs": 300, "BATCH_SIZE": 32, 'lr': 0.001, 'WORKERS': 0, 'Threshold': 0.7 }) # 구글스프레드시트 설정 scope = [ '', '', ] json_file_name = 'money-check-260910-c217b2d4ba6a.json' credentials = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name(
import torch.optim as optim import as data import torchvision import torch.nn.functional as F from torchvision import models, transforms # - torch.manual_seed(1234) np.random.seed(1234) random.seed(1234) args = easydict.EasyDict({ "train_root_dir": "../data/main/train", "val_root_dir": "../data/main/val", "batch_size": 4, "size": (480, 640), "num_worker": 1, "lr": 1e-4, "start_epoch": 1, "result_path": './results_AODNet', }) device_str = "cuda:3" device = torch.device(device_str if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") class HazeDataset(data.Dataset): def __init__(self, root_dir, size=(480, 640)): self.root_dir, _, self.files = next(os.walk(root_dir)) self.size = size def __len__(self):
def main(): args = easydict.EasyDict({ "dataroot": "/mnt/gold/users/s18150/mywork/pytorch/data/gan", "save_dir": "./", "prefix": "minibach_feature", "workers": 8, "batch_size": 128, "image_size": 64, "nc": 3, "nz": 100, "ngf": 64, "ndf": 64, "epochs": 50, "lr": 0.0002, "beta1": 0.5, "gpu": 9, "use_cuda": True, "feature_matching": True, "mini_batch": True }) manualSeed = 999 random.seed(manualSeed) torch.manual_seed(manualSeed) device = torch.device( 'cuda:{}'.format(args.gpu) if args.use_cuda else 'cpu') transform = transforms.Compose([ transforms.Resize(args.image_size), transforms.CenterCrop(args.image_size), transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize((0.5, 0.5, 0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) ]) dataset = dset.ImageFolder(root=args.dataroot, transform=transform) dataloader =, batch_size=args.batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=args.workers) # Generator用のモデルのインスタンス作成 netG = net.Generator(, args.ngf, # Generator用のモデルの初期値を設定 netG.apply(net.weights_init) # Discriminator用のモデルのインスタンス作成 netD = net.Discriminator(, args.ndf, device, args.batch_size, args.mini_batch).to(device) # Discriminator用のモデルの初期値を設定 netD.apply(net.weights_init) # BCE Loss classのインスタンスを作成 criterionD = nn.BCELoss() if args.feature_matching is True: criterionG = nn.MSELoss(reduction='elementwise_mean') else: criterionG = nn.BCELoss() # Generatorに入力するノイズをバッチごとに作成 (バッチ数は64) # これはGeneratorの結果を描画するために使用する fixed_noise = torch.randn(64,, 1, 1, device=device) # 最適化関数のインスタンスを作成 optimizerD = optim.Adam(netD.parameters(),, betas=(args.beta1, 0.999)) optimizerG = optim.Adam(netG.parameters(),, betas=(args.beta1, 0.999)) r = run.NNRun(netD, netG, optimizerD, optimizerG, criterionD, criterionG, device, fixed_noise, args) # 学習 r.train(dataloader)
def GlowCS(args): if args.init_norms == None: args.init_norms = [None] * len(args.m) else: assert args.init_strategy == "random_fixed_norm", "init_strategy should be random_fixed_norm if init_norms is used" assert len(args.m) == len(args.gamma) == len( args.init_norms ), "length of either m, gamma or init_norms are not same" loopOver = zip(args.m, args.gamma, args.init_norms) for m, gamma, init_norm in loopOver: skip_to_next = False # flag to skip to next loop if recovery is fails due to instability n = args.size * args.size * 3 modeldir = "./trained_models/%s/glow" % args.model test_folder = "./test_images/%s" % args.dataset save_path = "./results/%s/%s" % (args.dataset, args.experiment) # loading dataset trans = transforms.Compose( [transforms.Resize((args.size, args.size)), transforms.ToTensor()]) test_dataset = datasets.ImageFolder(test_folder, transform=trans) test_dataloader = test_dataset, batch_size=args.batchsize, drop_last=False, shuffle=False) # loading glow configurations config_path = modeldir + "/configs.json" with open(config_path, 'r') as f: configs = json.load(f) # sensing matrix A = np.random.normal(0, 1 / np.sqrt(m), size=(n, m)) A = torch.tensor(A, dtype=torch.float, requires_grad=False, device=args.device) # regularizor gamma = torch.tensor(gamma, requires_grad=True, dtype=torch.float, device=args.device) # adding noise if args.noise == "random_bora": noise = np.random.normal(0, 1, size=(args.batchsize, m)) noise = noise * 0.1 / np.sqrt(m) noise = torch.tensor(noise, dtype=torch.float, requires_grad=False, device=args.device) else: noise = np.random.normal(0, 1, size=(args.batchsize, m)) noise = noise / (np.linalg.norm(noise, 2, axis=-1, keepdims=True)) * float(args.noise) noise = torch.tensor(noise, dtype=torch.float, requires_grad=False, device=args.device) # start solving over batches Original = [] Recovered = [] Z_Recovered = [] Residual_Curve = [] Recorded_Z = [] for i, data in enumerate(test_dataloader): x_test = data[0] x_test = x_test.clone().to(device=args.device) n_test = x_test.size()[0] assert n_test == args.batchsize, "please make sure that no. of images are evenly divided by batchsize" # loading glow model glow = Glow((3, args.size, args.size), K=configs["K"], L=configs["L"], coupling=configs["coupling"], n_bits_x=configs["n_bits_x"], nn_init_last_zeros=configs["last_zeros"], device=args.device) glow.load_state_dict(torch.load(modeldir + "/")) glow.eval() # making a forward to record shapes of z's for reverse pass _ = glow(glow.preprocess(torch.zeros_like(x_test))) # initializing z from Gaussian with std equal to init_std if args.init_strategy == "random": z_sampled = np.random.normal(0, args.init_std, [n_test, n]) z_sampled = torch.tensor(z_sampled, requires_grad=True, dtype=torch.float, device=args.device) # intializing z from Gaussian and scaling its norm to init_norm elif args.init_strategy == "random_fixed_norm": z_sampled = np.random.normal(0, 1, [n_test, n]) z_sampled = z_sampled / np.linalg.norm( z_sampled, axis=-1, keepdims=True) z_sampled = z_sampled * init_norm z_sampled = torch.tensor(z_sampled, requires_grad=True, dtype=torch.float, device=args.device) print("z intialized with a norm equal to = %0.1f" % init_norm) # initializing z from pseudo inverse elif args.init_strategy == "pseudo_inverse": x_test_flat = x_test.view([-1, n]) y_true = torch.matmul(x_test_flat, A) + noise A_pinv = torch.pinverse(A) x_pinv = torch.matmul(y_true, A_pinv) x_pinv = x_pinv.view([-1, 3, args.size, args.size]) x_pinv = torch.clamp(x_pinv, 0, 1) z, _, _ = glow(glow.preprocess(x_pinv * 255, clone=True)) z = glow.flatten_z(z).clone().detach() z_sampled = torch.tensor(z, requires_grad=True, dtype=torch.float, device=args.device) # initializing z from a solution of lasso-wavelet elif args.init_strategy == "lasso_wavelet": new_args = { "batch_size": n_test, "lmbd": 0.01, "lasso_solver": "sklearn" } new_args = easydict.EasyDict(new_args) estimator = celebA_estimators.lasso_wavelet_estimator(new_args) x_ch_last = x_test.permute(0, 2, 3, 1) x_ch_last = x_ch_last.contiguous().view([-1, n]) y_true = torch.matmul(x_ch_last, A) + noise x_lasso = estimator( np.sqrt(2 * m) *, np.sqrt(2 * m) *, new_args) x_lasso = np.array(x_lasso) x_lasso = x_lasso.reshape(-1, 64, 64, 3) x_lasso = x_lasso.transpose(0, 3, 1, 2) x_lasso = torch.tensor(x_lasso, dtype=torch.float, device=args.device) z, _, _ = glow(x_lasso - 0.5) z = glow.flatten_z(z).clone().detach() z_sampled = torch.tensor(z, requires_grad=True, dtype=torch.float, device=args.device) print("z intialized from a solution of lasso-wavelet") # intializing z from null(A) elif args.init_strategy == "null_space": x_test_flat = x_test.view([-1, n]) x_test_flat_np = A_np = nullA = null_space(A_np.T) coeff = np.random.normal(0, 1, (args.batchsize, nullA.shape[1])) x_null = np.array([(nullA * c).sum(axis=-1) for c in coeff]) pert_norm = 5 # <-- 5 gives optimal results -- bad initialization and not too unstable x_null = x_null / np.linalg.norm(x_null, axis=1, keepdims=True) * pert_norm x_perturbed = x_test_flat_np + x_null # no clipping x_perturbed to make sure forward model is ||y-Ax|| is the same err = np.matmul(x_test_flat_np, A_np) - np.matmul( x_perturbed, A_np) assert (err**2).sum( ) < 1e-6, "null space does not satisfy ||y-A(x+x0)|| <= 1e-6" x_perturbed = x_perturbed.reshape(-1, 3, args.size, args.size) x_perturbed = torch.tensor(x_perturbed, dtype=torch.float, device=args.device) z, _, _ = glow(x_perturbed - 0.5) z = glow.flatten_z(z).clone().detach() z_sampled = torch.tensor(z, requires_grad=True, dtype=torch.float, device=args.device) print("z initialized from a point in null space of A") else: raise "Initialization strategy not defined" # selecting optimizer if args.optim == "adam": optimizer = torch.optim.Adam( [z_sampled],, ) elif args.optim == "lbfgs": optimizer = torch.optim.LBFGS( [z_sampled],, ) else: raise "optimizer not defined" # to be recorded over iteration psnr_t = torch.nn.MSELoss().to(device=args.device) residual = [] recorded_z = [] # running optimizer steps for t in range(args.steps): def closure(): optimizer.zero_grad() z_unflat = glow.unflatten_z(z_sampled, clone=False) x_gen = glow(z_unflat, reverse=True, reverse_clone=False) x_gen = glow.postprocess(x_gen, floor_clamp=False) x_test_flat = x_test.view([-1, n]) x_gen_flat = x_gen.view([-1, n]) y_true = torch.matmul(x_test_flat, A) + noise y_gen = torch.matmul(x_gen_flat, A) global residual_t residual_t = ((y_gen - y_true)**2).sum(dim=1).mean() z_reg_loss_t = gamma * z_sampled.norm(dim=1).mean() loss_t = residual_t + z_reg_loss_t psnr = psnr_t(x_test, x_gen) psnr = 10 * np.log10(1 / psnr.item()) print( "\rAt step=%0.3d|loss=%0.4f|residual=%0.4f|z_reg=%0.5f|psnr=%0.3f" % (t, loss_t.item(), residual_t.item(), z_reg_loss_t.item(), psnr), end="\r") loss_t.backward() return loss_t try: optimizer.step(closure) recorded_z.append( residual.append(residual_t.item()) except: # try may not work due to instability in the reverse direction. skip_to_next = True break if skip_to_next: break # getting recovered and true images with torch.no_grad(): x_test_np =, 2, 3, 1) z_unflat = glow.unflatten_z(z_sampled, clone=False) x_gen = glow(z_unflat, reverse=True, reverse_clone=False) x_gen = glow.postprocess(x_gen, floor_clamp=False) x_gen_np =, 2, 3, 1) x_gen_np = np.clip(x_gen_np, 0, 1) z_recov = Original.append(x_test_np) Recovered.append(x_gen_np) Z_Recovered.append(z_recov) Residual_Curve.append(residual) Recorded_Z.append(recorded_z) # freeing up memory for second loop glow.zero_grad() optimizer.zero_grad() del x_test, x_gen, optimizer, psnr_t, z_sampled, glow torch.cuda.empty_cache() print("\nbatch completed") if skip_to_next: print( "\nskipping current loop due to instability or user triggered quit" ) continue # collecting everything together Original = np.vstack(Original) Recovered = np.vstack(Recovered) Z_Recovered = np.vstack(Z_Recovered) Recorded_Z = np.vstack(Recorded_Z) psnr = [compare_psnr(x, y) for x, y in zip(Original, Recovered)] z_recov_norm = np.linalg.norm(Z_Recovered, axis=-1) # print performance analysis printout = "+-" * 10 + "%s" % args.dataset + "-+" * 10 + "\n" printout = printout + "\t n_test = %d\n" % len(Recovered) printout = printout + "\t n = %d\n" % n printout = printout + "\t m = %d\n" % m printout = printout + "\t gamma = %0.6f\n" % gamma printout = printout + "\t optimizer = %s\n" % args.optim printout = printout + "\t lr = %0.3f\n" % printout = printout + "\t steps = %0.3f\n" % args.steps printout = printout + "\t init_strategy = %s\n" % args.init_strategy printout = printout + "\t init_std = %0.3f\n" % args.init_std if init_norm is not None: printout = printout + "\t init_norm = %0.3f\n" % init_norm printout = printout + "\t z_recov_norm = %0.3f\n" % np.mean( z_recov_norm) printout = printout + "\t PSNR = %0.3f\n" % (np.mean(psnr)) print(printout) # saving printout if args.save_metrics_text: with open("%s_cs_glow_results.txt" % args.dataset, "a") as f: f.write('\n' + printout) # setting folder to save results in if args.save_results: gamma = gamma.item() file_names = [ name[0].split("/")[-1] for name in test_dataset.samples ] if args.init_strategy == "random": save_path_template = save_path + "/cs_m_%d_gamma_%0.6f_steps_%d_lr_%0.3f_init_std_%0.2f_optim_%s" save_path = save_path_template % ( m, gamma, args.steps,, args.init_std, args.optim) elif args.init_strategy == "random_fixed_norm": save_path_template = save_path + "/cs_m_%d_gamma_%0.6f_steps_%d_lr_%0.3f_init_%s_%0.3f_optim_%s" save_path = save_path_template % (m, gamma, args.steps,, args.init_strategy, init_norm, args.optim) else: save_path_template = save_path + "/cs_m_%d_gamma_%0.6f_steps_%d_lr_%0.3f_init_%s_optim_%s" save_path = save_path_template % (m, gamma, args.steps,, args.init_strategy, args.optim) if not os.path.exists(save_path): os.makedirs(save_path) else: save_path_1 = save_path + "_1" if not os.path.exists(save_path_1): os.makedirs(save_path_1) save_path = save_path_1 else: save_path_2 = save_path + "_2" if not os.path.exists(save_path_2): os.makedirs(save_path_2) save_path = save_path_2 # saving results now _ = [ sio.imsave(save_path + "/" + name, x) for x, name in zip(Recovered, file_names) ] Residual_Curve = np.array(Residual_Curve).mean(axis=0) + "/original.npy", Original) + "/recovered.npy", Recovered) + "/z_recovered.npy", Z_Recovered) + "/residual_curve.npy", Residual_Curve) if init_norm is not None: + "/Recorded_Z_init_norm_%d.npy" % init_norm, Recorded_Z) torch.cuda.empty_cache()
import easydict import torchtext import as data import torchtext.datasets as datasets import datetime import pickle import dill import re import timeit import operator args = easydict.EasyDict({ "embed_num": 3257, "embed_dim": 128, "kernel_num": 100, "class_num": 3 }) FOOD_QM = "data/food/MEM data/QM.txt" SHOPPING_QM = "data/shopping/MEM data/QM.txt" WEATHER_QM = "data/weather/MEM data/QM.txt" FOOD_POS = "data/food/MEM data/positive_org.txt" FOOD_NEG = "data/food/MEM data/negative_org.txt" SHOPPING_POS = "data/shopping/MEM data/positive_org.txt" SHOPPING_NEG = "data/shopping/MEM data/negative_org.txt" WEATHER_POS = "data/weather/MEM data/positive_org.txt" WEATHER_NEG = "data/weather/MEM data/negative_org.txt" if torch.cuda.is_available():
def DCTCS(args): loopOver = zip(args.m, args.gamma) for m, gamma in loopOver: n = args.size * args.size * 3 test_folder = "./test_images/%s/imgs" % args.dataset save_path = "./results/%s/%s" % (args.dataset, args.experiment) divide_by = 255 # "max" or 255 or None # loading test images x_test = [ for p in glob(test_folder + "/*")] file_names = [name.split("/")[-1] for name in glob(test_folder + "/*")] x_test = [ img.resize((args.size, args.size), PIL.Image.BILINEAR) if (img.size[0] != 64) else img for img in x_test ] x_test = [np.array(img) for img in x_test] x_test = np.array(x_test) # normalizing images if divide_by == "max": x_test = x_test / x_test.max(axis=(1, 2, 3), keepdims=True) elif divide_by == 255: x_test = x_test / 255 elif divide_by == None: pass n_test = x_test.shape[0] # arg parser to pass to solver methods new_args = { "batch_size": n_test, "lmbd": gamma, "lasso_solver": "sklearn" } new_args = easydict.EasyDict(new_args) estimator = celebA_estimators.lasso_dct_estimator(new_args) A = np.random.normal(0, 1 / np.sqrt(m), size=(n, m)) # adding noise if args.noise == "random_bora": noise = np.random.normal(0, 1, size=(n_test, m)) noise = noise * 0.1 / np.sqrt(m) else: noise = np.random.normal(0, 1, size=(n_test, m)) noise = noise / (np.linalg.norm(noise, 2, axis=-1, keepdims=True)) * float(args.noise) y_true = np.matmul(x_test.reshape(n_test, -1), A) + noise x_hat = estimator( np.sqrt(2 * m) * A, np.sqrt(2 * m) * y_true, new_args) x_hat = np.array(x_hat) x_hat = x_hat.reshape(-1, 64, 64, 3) x_hat = np.clip(x_hat, 0, 1) psnr = [compare_psnr(x, xhat) for x, xhat in zip(x_test, x_hat)] # print performance analysis printout = "+-" * 10 + "%s" % args.dataset + "-+" * 10 + "\n" printout = printout + "\t n_test = %d\n" % len(x_hat) printout = printout + "\t n = %d\n" % n printout = printout + "\t m = %d\n" % m printout = printout + "\t solver = lasso_dct\n" printout = printout + "\t gamma = %0.8f\n" % gamma printout = printout + "\t PSNR = %0.3f \n" % np.mean(psnr) print(printout) if args.save_metrics_text: with open("%s_cs_dct_results.txt" % args.dataset, "a") as f: f.write('\n' + printout) # saving images if args.save_results: save_path_template = save_path + "/cs_m_%d_lasso_dct_gamma_%0.8f" save_path = save_path_template % (m, gamma) if not os.path.exists(save_path): os.makedirs(save_path) else: save_path_1 = save_path + "_1" if not os.path.exists(save_path_1): os.makedirs(save_path_1) save_path = save_path_1 else: save_path_2 = save_path + "_2" if not os.path.exists(save_path_2): os.makedirs(save_path_2) save_path = save_path_2 _ = [ sio.imsave(save_path + "/" + name, x) for x, name in zip(x_hat, file_names) ] # _ = [sio.imsave(save_path+"/"+name.split(".")[0]+".jpg", x, quality=100) for x,name in zip(x_hat,file_names)] + "/original.npy", x_test) + "/recovered.npy", x_hat)
args = easydict.EasyDict({ "src_font": 'C:/Users/1-16/python/neural-fonts-master/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf', "dst_font": 'C:/Users/1-16/python/neural-fonts-master/fonts/NanumGothic.ttf', "filter": 0, "shuffle": 0, "char_size": 80, "canvas_size": 128, "x_offset": 27, "y_offset": 16, "sample_count": 1000, "sample_dir": 'C:/Users/1-16/python/neural-fonts-master/sample_dir', "label": 0, "fixed_sample": 0, "all_sample": 0, "handwriting_dir": 'C:/Users/1-16/python/neural-fonts-master/dst_dir' }) if __name__ == "__main__":
hypothesis, weights=(0.33, 0.33, 0.33, 0)) bleu_4 = corpus_bleu(references, hypothesis) print('BLEU-1: {}, BLEU-2: {}, BLEU-3: {}, BLEU-4: {}'.format( bleu_1, bleu_2, bleu_3, bleu_4)) print("val_loss is: {}".format(teller_val_losses.avg)) # Plot the BLEU Score and Validation Loss if visualizer is not None: visualizer.plot("BLEU_4", "val", iteration, bleu_4 * 100) visualizer.plot("BLEU_3", "val", iteration, bleu_3 * 100) visualizer.plot("BLEU_2", "val", iteration, bleu_2 * 100) visualizer.plot("BLEU_1", "val", iteration, bleu_1 * 100) print(type(teller_val_losses.avg.item())) visualizer.plot("Teller Decoder Val Loss", 'val', iteration, teller_val_losses.avg.item(), total=self.iterations) self.model.predict(batch) if __name__ == "__main__": config_file = "example_args/gandraw_teller_args.json" with open(config_file, 'r') as f: cfg = json.load(f) cfg = easydict.EasyDict(cfg) tester = TellerTester(cfg, test_eval=True) tester.test()
def main(): num_episodes = 300 replay_memory_init_size = 500 replay_memory_size = 50000 replay_step_limit = 100 batch_size = 128 discount_factor = 0.99 max_step = 200 replay_repeat = 5 update_target_per_steps = 100 tau = 0.0003 display = True Transition = namedtuple("Transition", "state action reward next_state done") replay_memory = ReplayQueue(replay_memory_size) env = gym.make('Pendulum-v0') status_dim = env.observation_space.shape action_dim = env.action_space.shape if display: env.reset() env.render() naf_cfg = easydict.EasyDict( dict(status_dim=status_dim, action_dim=action_dim, hidden_dim=200, learning_rate=0.0003, l2_reg=0.0003, is_training=True)) tf.reset_default_graph() sess = tf.InteractiveSession() date_str ="%m%d_%H%M%S") summaries_dir = os.path.abspath("./summary/naf/" + date_str) q_estimator = NAF(naf_cfg, scope="q", summaries_dir=summaries_dir) target_estimator = NAF(naf_cfg, sess=sess, scope="target") copy_params(sess, q_estimator, target_estimator, 1) saver = tf.train.Saver() checkpoint_dir = os.path.abspath("./checkpoints/naf/" + date_str) if not os.path.exists(checkpoint_dir): os.makedirs(checkpoint_dir) checkpoint_path = os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, "model") # saver.restore(sess, "checkpoints/naf/XXXX_XXXXXX/model") state = env.reset() k = 0 for _ in range(replay_memory_init_size): action = env.action_space.sample() next_state, reward, done, _ = env.step(action) replay_memory.push(Transition(state, action, reward, next_state, done)) if done or k >= replay_step_limit: k = 0 state = env.reset() else: k += 1 state = next_state for i_episode in range(1, num_episodes + 1): state = env.reset() episode_reward = 0 if display: env.render() for i_step in itertools.count(1): action = q_estimator.predict(np.expand_dims(state, 0))[0] action += np.random.randn(action_dim[0]) / i_episode # TODO action = np.minimum(env.action_space.high, np.maximum(env.action_space.low, action)) next_state, reward, done, _ = env.step(action) if display: env.render() episode_reward += reward replay_memory.push( Transition(state, action, reward, next_state, done)) for _ in range(replay_repeat): samples = replay_memory.sample(batch_size) states_batch, action_batch, reward_batch, next_states_batch, done_batch =\ map(np.array, zip(*samples)) target_values = target_estimator.values(next_states_batch) target_batch = reward_batch + ( 1 - done_batch) * discount_factor * target_values loss = q_estimator.update(states_batch, action_batch, target_batch) print( "\rEpisode {}/{} step {} action {:.3f} reward {:.3f} loss {:.6f}" .format(i_episode, num_episodes, i_step, action[0], episode_reward, loss), end='', flush=True) if i_step % update_target_per_steps == 0: copy_params(sess, q_estimator, target_estimator, tau * update_target_per_steps) if done or i_step >= max_step: print() break state = next_state if i_episode % 50 == 0: print('Saved!'), checkpoint_path) if q_estimator.summary_writer: episode_summary = tf.Summary() episode_summary.value.add(simple_value=episode_reward, node_name="episode_reward", tag="episode_reward") q_estimator.summary_writer.add_summary(episode_summary, i_episode) q_estimator.summary_writer.flush(), checkpoint_path) sess.close()
def __init__(self, opt): super(LocalizationLayer, self).__init__() self.opt = easydict.EasyDict() self.opt.input_dim = utils.getopt(opt, 'input_dim') self.opt.output_size = utils.getopt(opt, 'output_size') # list x0, y0, sx, sy self.opt.field_centers = utils.getopt(opt, 'field_centers') self.opt.mid_box_reg_weight = utils.getopt(opt, 'mid_box_reg_weight') self.opt.mid_objectness_weight = utils.getopt(opt, 'mid_objectness_weight') self.opt.rpn_filter_size = utils.getopt(opt, 'rpn_filter_size', 3) self.opt.rpn_num_filters = utils.getopt(opt, 'rpn_num_filters', 256) self.opt.zero_box_conv = utils.getopt(opt, 'zero_box_conv', True) self.opt.std = utils.getopt(opt, 'std', 0.01) self.opt.anchor_scale = utils.getopt(opt, 'anchor_scale', 1.0) self.opt.anchors = utils.getopt(opt, 'anchors', 'original') self.opt.sampler_batch_size = utils.getopt(opt, 'sampler_batch_size', 256) self.opt.sampler_high_thresh = utils.getopt(opt, 'sampler_high_thresh', 0.75) self.opt.sampler_low_thresh = utils.getopt(opt, 'sampler_low_thresh', 0.4) self.opt.train_remove_outbounds_boxes = utils.getopt( opt, 'train_remove_outbounds_boxes', 1) self.opt.box_reg_decay = utils.getopt(opt, 'box_reg_decay', 5e-5) self.opt.tunable_anchors = utils.getopt(opt, 'tunable_anchors', False) self.opt.backprop_rpn_anchors = utils.getopt(opt, 'backprop_rpn_anchors', False) self.box_loss = utils.getopt(opt, 'wordness_loss') self.opt.contrastive_loss = utils.getopt(opt, 'contrastive_loss') self.stats = easydict.EasyDict() self.stats.losses = easydict.EasyDict() self.stats.vars = easydict.EasyDict() self.dtp_train = utils.getopt(opt, 'dtp_train', False) if self.dtp_train: self.opt.sampler_batch_size /= 2 sampler_opt = { 'batch_size': self.opt.sampler_batch_size, 'low_thresh': self.opt.sampler_low_thresh, 'high_thresh': self.opt.sampler_high_thresh, 'contrastive_loss': self.opt.contrastive_loss } debug_sampler = utils.getopt(opt, 'box_sampler', False) if debug_sampler != False: sampler_opt['box_sampler'] = debug_sampler self.rpn = RPN(self.opt) self.box_sampler_helper = BoxSamplerHelper(sampler_opt) self.roi_pooling = BilinearRoiPooling(self.opt.output_size[0], self.opt.output_size[1]) self.invert_box_transform = InvertBoxTransform() # Construct criterions if self.opt.backprop_rpn_anchors: self.box_reg_loss = BoxRegressionCriterion( self.opt.mid_box_reg_weight) else: self.box_reg_loss = nn.SmoothL1Loss() # for RPN box regression self.box_scoring_loss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() self.image_height = None self.image_width = None self._called_forward_size = False self._called_backward_size = False
def graph_forward(self, opt, batch, training=False): var = easydict.EasyDict() [var.image, var.points_GT] = [ for v in batch] var.points_pred =, var.image) return var
def get_config(config): with open(config, 'r') as stream: return easydict.EasyDict(yaml.load(stream))
def main(): os.environ["MXNET_CUDNN_AUTOTUNE_DEFAULT"] = "0" os.environ["MXNET_GPU_MEM_POOL_TYPE"] = "Round" args = parse_args() setattr(mobula.config, "NVCC", args.nvcc) config = easydict.EasyDict() config.gpus = [int(x) for x in str(args.gpus).split(',')] config.dataset = easydict.EasyDict() config.dataset.NUM_CLASSES = args.num_classes config.dataset.dataset_type = args.dataset_type config.dataset.dataset_path = args.dataset_root config.retinanet = easydict.EasyDict() = easydict.EasyDict() = [8, 16, 32, 64, 128] = [(32, 32), (64, 64), (128, 128), (256, 256), (512, 512)] = [2**0, 2**(1 / 2), 2**(2 / 3)] = [1 / 2, 1, 2] = [0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2] config.TRAIN = easydict.EasyDict() config.TRAIN.batch_size = 2 * len(config.gpus) = 0.01 * config.TRAIN.batch_size / 16 config.TRAIN.warmup_lr = config.TRAIN.warmup_step = 1000 config.TRAIN.wd = 1e-4 config.TRAIN.momentum = .9 config.TRAIN.log_path = "output/{}/RetinaNet-hflip".format( config.dataset.dataset_type, config.TRAIN.log_interval = 100 config.TRAIN.cls_focal_loss_alpha = .25 config.TRAIN.cls_focal_loss_gamma = 2 config.TRAIN.image_short_size = 600 config.TRAIN.image_max_long_size = 1333 config.TRAIN.aspect_grouping = True # if aspect_grouping is set to False, all images will be pad to (PAD_H, PAD_W) config.TRAIN.PAD_H = 768 config.TRAIN.PAD_W = 768 config.TRAIN.begin_epoch = 0 config.TRAIN.end_epoch = 28 config.TRAIN.lr_step = [6, 8] config.TRAIN.FLIP = True config.TRAIN.resume = None config.TRAIN.trainer_resume = None = easydict.EasyDict() = [] = True = False if else True = False config.val = easydict.EasyDict() if args.demo: config.val.params_file = args.demo_params config.val.viz = args.viz demo_net(config) else: os.makedirs(config.TRAIN.log_path, exist_ok=True) log_init(filename=os.path.join(config.TRAIN.log_path, "train_{}.log".format(time.time()))) msg = pprint.pformat(config) train_net(config)
""" """ import easydict config = easydict.EasyDict() config.tv_weight = 10 config.generator_g_lr = 1e-4 config.generator_f_lr = 1e-4 config.discriminator_c_lr = 1e-4 config.discriminator_t_lr = 1e-4 config.model_path = ''
def resultControl(): if(request.method == 'POST'): # 클라이언트에서 sentenceId & wav file 받아옴 wav = request.files['receiveFile'] filename = request.form['fileName'] sentenceId = request.form['sentenceId'] # upload 디렉터리에 저장 + secure_filename(wav.filename)) ##### upload 디렉터리에 있는 파일을 STT로 변한 # 임시 path args = easydict.EasyDict({"local_file_path": "./uploadFile/"+filename}) # TODO Credential Error # print(sample_recognize(args.local_file_path)) # sentenceId를 통해 DB에서 표준 발음 텍스트 가져옴 Pick_sentence = db_session.query(Sentence).filter(Sentence.sentenceId == sentenceId).first() receiveSTTData = sample_recognize(args.local_file_path) receiveData = similaritySentence(receiveSTTData, Pick_sentence.standard) #receiveData = "날시가 참 말따" print("STT result : ", receiveData) # print(Pick_sentence) ##### 분석 알고리즘 hannanum = Hannanum() StandardSentence = Pick_sentence.standard sentenceData = Pick_sentence.sentenceData # 공백 인덱스 리스트 생성 # 공백 개수는 일치 userBlankList = [i for i, value in enumerate(receiveData) if value == " "] standardBlankList = [i for i, value in enumerate(StandardSentence) if value == " "] # print(BlankList) # 문자열 길이가 다르거나 공백 개수가 다르면 # 재시도 요청 if (len(receiveData) != len(StandardSentence) or len(userBlankList) != len(standardBlankList)): os.remove("./uploadFile/"+filename) return jsonify( status="failure", resultData=receiveData, errorMessage="repeat", ) # 공백 제거 UserSentence = receiveData.replace(" ", "") StandardSentence = StandardSentence.replace(" ", "") sentenceData = sentenceData.replace(" ", "") # print(UserSentence) # print(StandardSentence) Total_pho = 0 # 총 음소 개수 Wrong_total_pho = 0 # 틀린 음소 개수 Wrong_word_index_list = [] # 틀린 글자 데이터가 들어있는 리스트 Wrong_word_list = [] # 틀린 단어 데이터가 들어있는 리스트 Wrong_pho_dict = {'u' : {}, 'm' : {}, # 틀린 음소가 저장되는 딕셔너리 'b' : {}} # u : 자음, m : 모음, b : 받침 for index, standard in enumerate(StandardSentence): StandPho = phonemeConvert(standard) # 글자가 일치하는 경우 if(UserSentence[index] == standard): if(StandPho[2] == ' '): Total_pho += 2 else: Total_pho += 3 # 글자가 일치하지 않는 경우 # 음소 분해 else: Wrong_word_index_list.append(index) UserPho = phonemeConvert(UserSentence[index]) SentencePho = phonemeConvert(sentenceData[index]) if(UserPho[2] == ' ' and StandPho[2] == ' '): Total_pho += 2 else: Total_pho += 3 if(UserPho[2] != StandPho[2]): Wrong_total_pho += 1 if StandPho[2] != ' ': if StandPho[2] in Wrong_pho_dict['b']: Wrong_pho_dict['b'][SentencePho[2]] += 1 else: Wrong_pho_dict['b'][SentencePho[2]] = 1 if (UserPho[0] != StandPho[0]): Wrong_total_pho += 1 if StandPho[0] in Wrong_pho_dict['u']: Wrong_pho_dict['u'][SentencePho[0]] += 1 else: Wrong_pho_dict['u'][SentencePho[0]] = 1 if (UserPho[1] != StandPho[1]): Wrong_total_pho += 1 if StandPho[1] in Wrong_pho_dict['m']: Wrong_pho_dict['m'][SentencePho[1]] += 1 else: Wrong_pho_dict['m'][SentencePho[1]] = 1 # print(Wrong_pho_dict) ######### 틀린 음소 record 테이블에 count 올림 -> TEST SUCCESS for type in Wrong_pho_dict: for pho in Wrong_pho_dict[type]: # print(pho) updateData = db_session.query(Record).filter(Record.recordType == type)\ .filter(Record.recordData == pho).first() # print(updateData.type, updateData.recordData) updateData.count += Wrong_pho_dict[type][pho] db_session.commit() # 일치율 Correct_rate = round(1 - (Wrong_total_pho / Total_pho), 4) """ # 일치율 100%인 경우 if Correct_rate == 1: os.remove("./uploadFile/" + filename) return jsonify( status="perfect", resultData=receiveData, score=Correct_rate, ) """ # print(Wrong_word_list) # 변경 후 # print(Wrong_word_index_list) sentenceData_split = Pick_sentence.sentenceData.split() # print(sentenceData_split) # 틀린 인덱스가 포함된 단어 선택 word_start_point = 0 for sentence_word in sentenceData_split: word_end_point = word_start_point + len(sentence_word)-1 # print(word_start_point, word_end_point) for wrong_index in Wrong_word_index_list: if word_start_point <= wrong_index and word_end_point >= wrong_index: word_to_pos = hannanum.pos(sentence_word) # print(word_to_pos) wrong_word_pho_list = phonemeConvert(sentenceData[wrong_index]) # print(wrong_word_pho_list) for pos in word_to_pos: #TODO 틀린 단어에 N이나 P가 여러개 들어있으면?? if pos[1] == 'N' or pos[1] == 'P': for pos_word in pos[0]: pos_word_pho_list = phonemeConvert(pos_word) # print(pos_word_pho_list) if wrong_word_pho_list[0] == pos_word_pho_list[0]: Wrong_word_list.append(pos) break word_start_point += len(sentence_word) print(Wrong_word_list) # 틀린 글자 인덱스를 원래 문장을 기준으로 변경 for i in userBlankList: for index, j in enumerate(Wrong_word_index_list): if(j >= i): Wrong_word_index_list[index] += 1 # print(Wrong_word_index) ######## result 테이블에 결과값 저장 -> TEST SUCCESS resultData = Result(stid=sentenceId, rsdata=receiveData, score=Correct_rate) db_session.add(resultData) db_session.commit() # 일치율 100%인 경우 if Correct_rate == 1: os.remove("./uploadFile/" + filename) return jsonify( status="perfect", resultData=receiveData, score=Correct_rate, ) ######## 가장 많이 틀린 단어에 대한 추천 문장 1개 recommend_OtoD = dict(sentenceId=-1, sentenceData="", standard="") recommend_word = "" # 틀린 단어 리스트에 단어가 존재할 경우 if Wrong_word_list: random.shuffle(Wrong_word_list) for random_select_word in Wrong_word_list: Word_query = db_session.query(Word).filter(Word.wordData == random_select_word[0])\ .filter(Word.wordType == random_select_word[1]).filter(Word.sentenceId != sentenceId) Word_entry = [pq.sentenceId for pq in Word_query] if Word_entry: recommend_word = random_select_word[0] if random_select_word[1] == 'P': recommend_word += '다' random_select_setencdId = random.choice(Word_entry) Recommend_sentence = db_session.query(Sentence).filter(Sentence.sentenceId == random_select_setencdId).first() recommend_OtoD['sentenceId'] = Recommend_sentence.sentenceId recommend_OtoD['sentenceData'] = Recommend_sentence.sentenceData recommend_OtoD['standard'] = Recommend_sentence.standard break os.remove("./uploadFile/" + filename) # response해줄 틀린 단어 리스트 wordList = [] for w in Wrong_word_list: if w[1] == "P": wordList.append(w[0]+"다") else: wordList.append(w[0]) # 결과 데이터를 모두 json으로 묶음 return jsonify( status = "success", score = Correct_rate, wordList = wordList, userBlank = userBlankList, standardBlank = standardBlankList, wrongIndex = Wrong_word_index_list, resultData = receiveData )
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # author:平手友梨奈ii # e-mail:[email protected] # datetime:1993/12/01 # # software: PyCharm import easydict CONFIG = easydict.EasyDict() # mAP evaluation CONFIG.DETECT = easydict.EasyDict() CONFIG.DETECT.SCORE = 0.3 CONFIG.DETECT.IOU = 0.5 CONFIG.DETECT.RESOLUTION = (416, 416) CONFIG.DETECT.mAP_THRES = 0.5 # prediction CONFIG.PREDICT = easydict.EasyDict() CONFIG.PREDICT.WEIGHTS = 'logs/yolo4_tiny_weight.h5' CONFIG.PREDICT.ANCHOR_PATH = 'model_data/yolo4_tiny_anchors.txt' CONFIG.PREDICT.CLASS_PATH = 'model_data/coco_classes.txt' CONFIG.PREDICT.SCORE = 0.2 CONFIG.PREDICT.IOU = 0.3 CONFIG.PREDICT.RESOLUTION = (416, 416) CONFIG.PREDICT.MAX_BOXES = 40 # train CONFIG.TRAIN = easydict.EasyDict()
import multiResData import PoseTools as pt import easydict res = pt.pickle_load(res_file)[0] ims,locs,info = multiResData.read_and_decode_without_session(db,5,()) ims = np.array(ims) locs = np.array(locs) pred = res[-1][0] dd = np.sqrt(np.sum((res[-1][0]-res[-1][1])**2,axis=-1)) gg = np.percentile(dd,[50,75,90,96],axis=0) pt.show_result_hist(ims[0,...],locs[0,...],gg) ndx = np.random.choice(ims.shape[0],6) pt.show_result(ims,ndx,locs,pred) conf = easydict.EasyDict() conf.adjust_contrast = True conf.clahe_grid_size = 20 cims = pt.adjust_contrast(ims,conf) pt.show_result(cims,ndx,locs,pred) ## Original DLC and Leap Training import run_apt_expts as rae dtypes = ['alice','stephen'] for dd in dtypes: reload(rae) rae.setup(dd) rae.train_deepcut_orig() rae.train_leap_orig()
# In[ ]: import argparse from PIL import Image #This may not be used import os ##This may not be used import easydict args = easydict.EasyDict({ 'type': 'gan', 'lr': 0.0002, 'l1_coef': 50, 'l2_coef': 100, 'cls': True, 'save_path': './flowers_cls_test', 'inference': True, 'pre_trained_disc': 'checkpoints/flowers_cls/disc_190.pth', 'pre_trained_gen': 'checkpoints/flowers_cls/gen_190.pth', 'dataset': 'flowers', 'split': 2, 'batch_size': 64, 'num_workers': 8, 'epochs': 200 }) trainer = Trainer(type=args.type, dataset=args.dataset, split=args.split,, save_path=args.save_path, l1_coef=args.l1_coef, l2_coef=args.l2_coef,
"wifi_funny_special": dummy_handler, "network_percent_data": dummy_handler, "battery_mean_usage": dummy_handler } user_achievement_handlers = { "count_based": count_based_badge, "procent_based": proc_based_badge, "time_based": time_based_badge, "wifi_security_special": wifi_security_special_badge, "wifi_funny_special": wifi_funny_special_badge, "network_percent_data": network_percent_data_badge, "battery_mean_usage": battery_mean_usage_badge } user_ranking_handlers = { "count_based": count_based_place, "procent_based": proc_based_place, "time_based": time_based_place, "wifi_security_special": dummy_handler, "wifi_funny_special": dummy_handler, "network_percent_data": dummy_handler, "battery_mean_usage": dummy_handler } handlers = easydict.EasyDict({}) handlers.ranking = ranking_handlers handlers.user = {} handlers.user.achievements = user_achievement_handlers handlers.user.ranking = user_ranking_handlers