Exemple #1
# Scaling for reconstruction loss
__C.REC_LOSS_SCALE = 0.0005  # 0.0005*32*32=0.512  # 0.0005*784=0.392

# -------------------------------------------
# Transfer Learning

# Transfer learning mode
__C.TRANSFER_LEARNING = None  # 'encode'  # None

# Transfer learning model
# 'vgg16', 'vgg19', 'resnet50', 'inceptionv3', 'xception'
__C.TL_MODEL = 'xception'

# Pooling method: 'avg', None

# ===========================================
# #         Training Configurations         #
# ===========================================

# Display step
# Set None to not display details
__C.DISPLAY_STEP = None  # batches

# Save summary step
# Set None to not save summaries
__C.SAVE_LOG_STEP = 100  # batches

# Save reconstructed images
# Set None to not save images