def play(): while True: player1 = HumanPlayer() player2 = Player(epsilon=0) judger = Judger(player1, player2) player2.load_policy() winner = output = sys.stdout outputfile = open('tic.txt', "w") sys.stdout = outputfile if winner == player2.symbol: print("You lose!") elif winner == player1.symbol: print("You win!") else: print("It is a tie!") outputfile.flush() f = open('tic.txt', 'r') msg = ("结果是:") title = "tic_tac_toe" text = g.codebox(msg, title, text) f.close() msg = "您希望重新开始小游戏吗?" title = "请选择" if g.ccbox(msg, title): pass else: sys.exit(0) type = sys.getfilesystemencoding() # python编码转换到系统编码输出
def _run_tblastn(self): self._get_run_id() # Organism file has to be closed to be used by the tblastn. # So we have to clean it up manually. The results file though we can # have cleaned up automatically. (orgf, orgfname) = self._createTemporaryFile(delete=False) (resf, resfname) = self._createTemporaryFile(delete=False) orglist = getOrganismsInClusterRun(self.accumulated_data['runid'], self.sqlite_cursor) orgids = [] for org in orglist: orgid = organismNameToId(org, self.sqlite_cursor) orgf.write(orgid + "\n") orgf.close() sys.stderr.write("Now running the tblastn wrapper (this could take some time...)\n") # f1 = subprocess.Popen([ "echo", self.accumulated_data['ITEP_id'] ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) # f2 = subprocess.Popen(["", "-f", orgfname, "-r", "1" ], stdin=f1.stdout, stdout=resf) # f1.stdout.close() # f2.communicate() cmd = "echo '%s' | -f %s -r 1 > %s" %(self.accumulated_data['ITEP_id'], orgfname, resfname) print cmd os.system(cmd) tblastn_results = [ line.strip("\r\n").split("\t") for line in resf ] tblastn_results.insert(0, self._tblastnHeader()) text = self._print_readable_table(tblastn_results, header=True) easygui.codebox(text=text) output_file = self._save_file_dialogs(extension="txt") if output_file is not None: self._save_text(text, output_file) self._success_dialog(output_file) # Clean up temp files os.remove(orgfname) os.remove(resfname) return True
def main(): # Check to see if we have all the information we need try: #directory = unicode(sys.argv[1]) directory = sys.argv[1] template = sys.argv[2] except IndexError: try: import easygui # get directory from user directory = None while not directory: directory = easygui.diropenbox('Where are the files?') # get template from user template = None while not template: template = easygui.choicebox('What template do you want?', choices=os.listdir(absolute_path('templates'))) except ImportError: sys.stderr.write("Usage: " + sys.argv[0] + " <directory> <template>\n") exit() root = Folder(directory) root.scan() env = Environment(loader=PackageLoader('bxt_description_generator', 'templates')) env.filters['cleanify'] = cleanify template = env.get_template(template) output = template.render(root=root).encode("utf-8") try: easygui.codebox(text=output) except NameError: print output
def load_file(filename): pd_csv = pd.read_csv(filename) # initialize list for GRB objects GRB_list = [] # run through list containing lines read from file for line in pd_csv.values: # split csv and assign to corresponding variables ID, dtX, dtO, dt, BetaX, SigmaX_u, SigmaX_l, BetaOX, SigmaOX_u, SigmaOX_l = line # create and append GRB object from file contents GRB_list.append( GRB(ID, dtX, dtO, dt, BetaX, SigmaX_u, SigmaX_l, BetaOX, SigmaOX_u, SigmaOX_l, "", "")) GRB_counter = len(GRB_list) easygui.codebox( msg="Total number of lines (or number of GRBs) read from file: " + str(len(pd_csv)) + "\nTotal number of GRBs in list: " + str(GRB_counter ), # notify user of total number of lines read from file title="File contents", text=pd_csv.to_string()) # display formatted data table # return list of GRB objects return GRB_list
def genre(): ''' This function adds all genre-matched movies to pandas dataframe, alter the dataframe for correct easygui display by dropping some columns, resetting df index, merging df's and sorting movies to display only movies rated >= 2.5 , it also casts the final df columns to lists and rearrange them in a numpy array for easygui display. ''' # append genre matched movies as dataframe object final_1 = [] for i in final: final_1.append(df_movies.loc[df_movies['genres'].isin(i)]) # reset df index, drop index columns as well as duplicate entries lst = final_1[0] lst = lst.reset_index() lst.drop('index', axis=1, inplace=True) lst.drop('title', axis=1, inplace=True) lst.drop('genres', axis=1, inplace=True) lst = lst.drop_duplicates(subset='movieId') # merge movieId with movie names, rating and genres + drop index, title and genres column df = pd.merge(lst, df_1, on='movieId', how='left') # sort movies by ratings, display only movies rated above or = 2.5 rating data = df.sort_values(by='rating', ascending=False) data.drop('movieId', axis=1, inplace=True) data = data[data['rating'] >= 2.5] heading = [] # add column names as first dataframe row for easygui display heading.insert( 0, { 'rating': 'Rating', 'title': '----------Title', 'genres': '----------Genre' }) data = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(heading), data], ignore_index=True, sort=True) # casting dataframe columns to lists rating = data['rating'].tolist() title = data['title'].tolist() genres = data['genres'].tolist() # compiling numpy array from dataframe column lists for easygui display data = np.concatenate( [np.array(i)[:, None] for i in [rating, title, genres]], axis=1) data = str(data).replace('[', '').replace(']', '') # displaying matched movies to user gui.codebox(msg='Movies filtered by genre returned from database:', text=(data), title='Movies') which_way()
def secimekrani(): try: yemek = easygui.choicebox(msg="Seçim yapın.", title="Seçim Ekranı", choices=obf.Meals.meals) except: easygui.exceptionbox() try: easygui.codebox(msg="Tarife göz atın.", title="Tarif Ekranı",[str(yemek[:4])]) except: easygui.exceptionbox()
def _get_similar_genes(self, blastn=False): blastres = getBlastResultsContainingGenes( [ self.accumulated_data['ITEP_id'] ], self.sqlite_cursor, blastn=blastn ) blastres.insert(0, self._blastHeader()) text = self._print_readable_table(blastres, header=True) easygui.codebox(text=text) output_file = self._save_file_dialogs(extension="txt") if output_file is not None: self._save_text(text, output_file) self._success_dialog(output_file) return True
def Showanswer(grid): Answer = '' for cell in range(81): if cell%9 == 0: if cell != 0: Answer += '\n' Answer += 'Line %s >> |' % (cell/9) Answer += str(grid[cell][0]) Answer += '|' gui.codebox('This should be the solution', 'Answer', Answer) exit()
def _get_cluster_blast(self): clusterid = self._getClusterId() genelist = getGenesInCluster(self.accumulated_data['runid'], clusterid, self.sqlite_cursor) blast = getBlastResultsBetweenSpecificGenes(genelist, self.sqlite_cursor) blast.insert(0, self._blastHeader()) text = self._print_readable_table(blast, header=True) easygui.codebox(text=text) output_file = self._save_file_dialogs(extension="txt") if output_file is not None: self._save_text(text, output_file) self._success_dialog(output_file) return True
def ifconfigg(): if sys.platform == "win32": a = subprocess.check_output("ipconfig /all", stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True) else: a = subprocess.check_output("ifconfig", stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True) easygui.codebox(msg="Ifconfig information", title="IFCONFIG/IPCONFIG", text=a)
def getDismiss(self): try: data = self.Fun.getTobeDismissed() result = " id name" if data: for each in data: result += "\n" + " ".join(each) else: result = "None" easygui.codebox(msg="Results:", title="Result", text=result) except: easygui.exceptionbox()
def _get_cluster_geneinfo(self): clusterid = self._getClusterId() genelist = getGenesInCluster(self.accumulated_data['runid'], clusterid, self.sqlite_cursor) geneinfo = getGeneInfo(genelist, self.sqlite_cursor) geneinfo.insert(0, self._geneInfoHeader()) text = self._print_readable_table(geneinfo, header=True) easygui.codebox(text=text) output_file = self._save_file_dialogs(extension="txt") if output_file is not None: self._save_text(text, output_file) self._success_dialog(output_file) return True
def display(header, results): """ Display header string and list of result lines """ if displayer == 'easygui': title = 'Waveform properties' easygui.codebox(header, title, '\n'.join(results)) else: print('No EasyGUI; printing output to console\n') print(header) print('-----------------') print('\n'.join(results))
def display(header, results): """ Display header string and list of result lines """ if displayer == 'easygui': title = 'Waveform properties' easygui.codebox(header, title, '\n'.join(results)) else: print 'No EasyGUI; printing output to console\n' print header print '-----------------' print '\n'.join(results)
def show_for_user(self): report_file = f'Analizator report {time.strftime("%m%d%H%M%S")}.txt' try: with open(report_file, 'w') as data_file: data_file.write( '\t*This file will be delete when you close window!*\n\n') data_file.write(self.text) os.system(f"notepad.exe {report_file}") os.remove(report_file) except: if os.path.exists(report_file): os.remove(report_file) easygui.codebox('Result', 'That is what I found', self.text)
def Choice_Run_Tabanalys(): #Run Tabanalys and clean into CSV file now = TabAnalysFile = PilotApp.Settings['EpicorDBDir'] + r'\TabAnalys.tmp' TabCSVFile = PilotApp.Settings['EpicorDBDir'] + r'\TabAnalys ' + str(now.year) + '-' + str(now.month) + '-' + str( + '.csv' easygui.msgbox('This may take a few, please be patient.') Command(PilotApp.Settings['OpenEdgeDir'] + r'\bin\proutil.bat ' + PilotApp.Settings['EpicorDBDir'] + '\\' + PilotApp.Settings['Database Name'] + ' -C tabanalys > ' + TabAnalysFile).run() #print PilotApp.Settings['OpenEdgeDir'] + '\\bin\\proutil.bat ' + PilotApp.Settings['EpicorDBDir'] + '\\' + PilotApp.Settings['Database Name'] + ' -C tabanalys > ' + TabAnalysFile tabtmp = open(TabAnalysFile) tabcontents = tabtmp.readlines() easygui.codebox('Contents','Contents',tabcontents) tabtmp.close() CleanTabAnalys(TabAnalysFile,TabCSVFile) easygui.msgbox('Saved csv (w/ headers) file to ' + TabCSVFile)
def _get_presence_absence_table(self): (pa_file, pa_fname) = self._createTemporaryFile(delete=True) cluster = self._getClusterId() cmd = ' -r %s -c %s > %s 2> /dev/null' %(self.accumulated_data['runid'], cluster, pa_fname) print cmd os.system(cmd) pa_table = [ line.strip('\r\n').split('\t') for line in pa_file ] text = self._print_readable_table(pa_table) easygui.codebox(text=text) output_file = self._save_file_dialogs(extension="txt") if output_file is not None: self._save_text(text, output_file) self._success_dialog(output_file) return True
def _make_crude_alignment(self): (aln_file, aln_fname) = self._createTemporaryFile(delete=True) cluster = self._getClusterId() cmd = ' %s %s | -m mafft_linsi -n | | -a -o > %s 2> /dev/null' \ %(self.accumulated_data['runid'], cluster, aln_fname) print cmd os.system(cmd) text = ''.join( [ line for line in aln_file ] ) easygui.codebox(text=text) output_file = self._save_file_dialogs(extension="fasta") if output_file is not None: self._save_text(text, output_file) self._success_dialog(output_file) return True
def display_req_response(sql_cmd, response, gui=False): error_sql = response['error_sql'] print_ = '' if error_sql: print_ = print_ + 'error_sql: ' + error_sql + '\n' if gui: codebox('Commande: ' + sql_cmd, 'Erreur', print_) else: print(print_) else: if gui: codebox('Commande: ' + sql_cmd, 'Résultat', print_) else: print(prettify_sql_response(response))
def _make_crude_alignment(self): (aln_file, aln_fname) = self._createTemporaryFile(delete=True) cluster = self._getClusterId() cmd = ' %s %s | -m mafft_linsi -n | | -a -o > %s 2> /dev/null' \ %(self.accumulated_data['runid'], cluster, aln_fname) print(cmd) os.system(cmd) text = ''.join([line for line in aln_file]) easygui.codebox(text=text) output_file = self._save_file_dialogs(extension="fasta") if output_file is not None: self._save_text(text, output_file) self._success_dialog(output_file) return True
def getstu(): mode = sel.get() value = key.get() try: data = self.Fun.getStuInfo(value, mode) if data: result = ' id name dept gender birthday' for each in data: result += "\n" + " ".join(each) else: result = "None" easygui.codebox(msg="Results:", title="Result", text=result) except: easygui.exceptionbox()
def friendly_failure(failure_message=None): if running_mode() == RunningMode.gui: try: yield except Exception: if failure_message is None: failure_message = "An error occurred running {0}!".format( os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])) failure_message += ( "\nThe following might be helpful to report to someone, " "or provide a clue about how to fix it:\n\n") easygui.codebox(msg=failure_message, text=traceback.format_exc()) else: yield
def encode(): global number global file global problem try: if inputt == "normal": ans = raw_input("Encode text: ") elif inputt == "gui": ans = easygui.codebox(msg="Enter text", title="Text encoding") else: problem = "Wrong mode. Check your input" help() f = open(file, "w") f.close() text = "q!!!!!!!!@@@@@@@#######%wer%t%yuio%p%as%lkd%jg%hz%m*x*n*c*b*vQWERTYUIOPAL*SK%DJFHG#ZM@XNC!BV1234567890" a = ans.split() f = open(file, "a") os.system("clear") print("\n[+] [MESSAGE]\n") time.sleep(3) for g in a: b = g.split() for p in g: for i in xrange(number): q = random.choice(text) print '\033[93m%s\033[0m' % q, f.write(q) print '\033[91m%s\033[0m' % p, f.write(p) for i in xrange(number): q2 = random.choice(text) print "\033[93m%s\033[0m" % q2, f.write(q2) f.close() l = "" if "-eb" in sys.argv[-1]: f = open(file, "r").read() f2 = base64.b64encode(f) fil = open(file, "w") fil.write(f2) fil.close() l = " -->base64" print("\n----------------------") fi = open(file, "r").read() print("\n\n[+] Saving encoded message%s\n" % l) time.sleep(3) print(str(fi)) time.sleep(2) print("\n[+] Output stored at %s" % file) print(" - Number: %d" % number) print(" - Size : %sb" % os.path.getsize(file)) print(" - Length: %d" % len(str(fi))) sys.exit() except KeyboardInterrupt: print("\nInterrupted by User") sys.exit() except OverflowError: problem = "Just too much. Please enter smaller number" help()
def getTeached(self): fieldNames = ["Student ID:"] values = [] values = easygui.multenterbox("Enter Student ID:", "get Average Score", fieldNames) try: data = self.Fun.getTeached(values[0]) result = " Tid Tname" if data: for each in data: result += "\n" + " ".join(each) else: result = "None" easygui.codebox(msg="Results:", title="Result", text=result) except: easygui.exceptionbox()
def MostrarReservas(): msg = "Bem Vindo ao Air Civil/UFSCar" title = "Air Civil UFSCar - Reserva de Assentos" text = '' for i in range(0, 10): text = text + "Fila " + str(i) + "-->" for j in range(0, 4): if (i % 2) == 0: text = text + str(j) + "(X) " else: text = text + str(j) + "( ) " if (j == 1): #corredor text = text + " " text = text + "\n" gui.codebox(msg, title, text)
def Choice_Run_Tabanalys(): #Run Tabanalys and clean into CSV file now = TabAnalysFile = PilotApp.Settings['EpicorDBDir'] + r'\TabAnalys.tmp' TabCSVFile = PilotApp.Settings['EpicorDBDir'] + r'\TabAnalys ' + str( now.year) + '-' + str(now.month) + '-' + str( + '.csv' easygui.msgbox('This may take a few, please be patient.') Command(PilotApp.Settings['OpenEdgeDir'] + r'\bin\proutil.bat ' + PilotApp.Settings['EpicorDBDir'] + '\\' + PilotApp.Settings['Database Name'] + ' -C tabanalys > ' + TabAnalysFile).run() #print PilotApp.Settings['OpenEdgeDir'] + '\\bin\\proutil.bat ' + PilotApp.Settings['EpicorDBDir'] + '\\' + PilotApp.Settings['Database Name'] + ' -C tabanalys > ' + TabAnalysFile tabtmp = open(TabAnalysFile) tabcontents = tabtmp.readlines() easygui.codebox('Contents', 'Contents', tabcontents) tabtmp.close() CleanTabAnalys(TabAnalysFile, TabCSVFile) easygui.msgbox('Saved csv (w/ headers) file to ' + TabCSVFile)
def run(): try: path_to_main = easygui.fileopenbox( 'Input full path to Main.xaml of your project') if path_to_main: main = Main(path_to_main) main.declare_config() if main.config_exist: main.config_obj = Config(main.path_to_config) try: main.config_obj.get_config(main.response) except Exception: main.config_exist = False main.check_project() main.response.show_for_user() except Exception as e: easygui.codebox('Something was wrong', 'Check exception', str(e))
def ethcontr(self): # Set parameters for input box msg = "Enter details for connection to another computer" title = "Ethernet Controller" fieldNames = ["Computer IP", "User"] fieldValues = [] fieldValues = easygui.multenterbox(msg, title, fieldNames) if fieldValues == None: return reply = easygui.passwordbox("Enter password") if reply == None: return # Connect through SSH ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) if (fieldValues[0] == "" or fieldValues[1] == ""): return ssh.connect(fieldValues[0], username=fieldValues[1], password=reply) while True: # Set parameters for query msg2 = "Enter command to run" title2 = "Connected to " + fieldValues[1] + "@" + fieldValues[0] fieldNames2 = ["Command"] fieldValues2 = [] fieldValues2 = easygui.multenterbox(msg2, title2, fieldNames2) if (fieldValues2 == None or fieldValues2[0] == ""): break if cmp(fieldValues2[0], 'exit') == 0: break stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(fieldValues2[0]) # Compose output output = "" for line in stdout: output = output + "\n" + line if output != "": easygui.codebox("Command result", "Show result", output)
def main(): forfun = os.getcwd() while 1 == 1: try: reply = easygui.enterbox(msg='Enter a word \nLowercase only!', title='Anti Adverb', strip=True) if reply in alist: easygui.msgbox(msg=reply + " is an adverb!", title='Yes', image='images/yes.png') elif reply == "": print("Error: Nothing Entered") # restarts loop elif reply == "AntiAdverb": easygui.msgbox( msg="Anti Adverb is a creation of the great SupaFresh! \n " "Find me at \n Happy Writing! \n \n Version 1.0 \n 11/1/2018", title="About Anti Adverb", ok_button="That's Nice") elif reply == "killdata": sys.exit() # closes program elif reply == "helptips": filename = forfun + "/TipsAndTricks.txt" f = open(filename, "r") text = f.readlines() f.close() easygui.codebox(filename, "Tips and Tricks", text) elif reply == "easygui": easygui.abouteasygui() # Checks easygui version else: easygui.msgbox(msg=reply + " is NOT an adverb!", title='No', image='images/no.png') except Exception: # Clicking cancel on enterbox exception/freezing sys.exit(1) # solved by closing program silently on exception
def isolate_ID(GRB_list, parsed_filename, user_defined_ID): # create list for GRB objects with user's ID of interest user_defined_ID_list = [] # initialize counter for number of GRBs with user's ID of interest interest_counter = 0 # run through list of GRB objects for a in GRB_list: # check if ID from full list of GRB objects matches the user's ID of interest if user_defined_ID == a.ID: # append GRB to list of GRB objects with user's ID of interest user_defined_ID_list.append(a) # check if no data point with user's ID of interest exists if len(user_defined_ID_list) > 0: # print out GRB object attributes for each GRB object in list of GRB objects with user's ID of interest easygui.codebox( msg= f"Found {len(user_defined_ID_list)} data points matching {user_defined_ID}.", title="Selected GRB data", text=pd.DataFrame([[ l.ID, l.dtX, l.dtO, l.del_t, l.BetaX, l.upper_sigmaX, l.lower_sigmaX, l.BetaOX, l.upper_sigmaOX, l.lower_sigmaOX ] for l in user_defined_ID_list], columns=[ "ID Number", "\u0394t\u2093 [hr]", "\u0394t\u2092 [hr]", "\u0394t [hr]", "\u03B2\u2093", "\u03C3\u2093_Up", "\u03C3\u2093_Low", "\u03B2\u2092\u2093", "\u03C3\u2092\u2093_Up", "\u03C3\u2092\u2093_Low" ]).to_string()) else: # notify user that no data point exists for ID of interest easygui.msgbox("\nThere is no data point with GRB ID " + user_defined_ID + " in file " + parsed_filename + ".csv. " + "Please try again.\n") # return list of optically dark bursts return user_defined_ID_list
def decode(): foto = easygui.fileopenbox(msg="Seleziona foto") f = open(foto, "rb").read() c = base64.encodebytes(f) o = easygui.codebox(c) os = easygui.textbox(o) scr = open("fll.txt", "w") #crea doc.txt scr.write(str(os)) scr.close() salva(scr)
def main(args): """ main entry point """ # set environment var for valid CA SSL cert if not OS.startswith('linux'): os.environ["REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE"] = os.path.join(get_script_dir(), "cacert.pem") mypath = getMyFile() if OS == "win32": toaster = win10toast.ToastNotifier() toaster.show_toast( "SciComp SSH Tester", "Testing ssh...", icon_path=mypath, duration=3, threaded=True) test = ssh_exec_gss([], ['srun hostname']) for t,std in test.items(): easygui.codebox(' Output of command "%s":' % t,'Show Slurm Output',"\n".join(std[0].readlines()))
def msgStage2(offer, msg): """ Genere un msg associé aux offres dans un codebox """ text = "" L = offer # Parcours les élements du dictionnaire for i in L: # La clée text += i + "\n" # Les valeurs if offer[i] is None: text += "None\n\n" else: text += offer[i] + "\n\n" # On affiche tout codebox(msg, "Stable Roommates Problem", text) return None
def readme(): """Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- readmepg Gui object containing README information """ rdmsg = "py-decom Readme" rdtitle = "py-decom" rdtext = """ py-decom What this program does: 1. Looks at all of the approved and under consideration Decommissioning [PDF] programmes on the OGA site. 2. Saves them all to hard drive. 3. Converts them to a fully searchable format. 4. Searches them with user input search terms and outputs a results file. 5. Opens all the search files on user request. 6. Searches all the downloaded files for recorded well numbers. Instructions: 1. Download all the current Decom Programmes using the 'Download Programmes' button. 2. Convert the files to searchable [.txt] format using the 'Convert Files' button. 3. Search the Programme Files with term of your choice using 'Search Programmes'. 4. Open the returned files with the 'Open Files' button [will open all associated search PDFs]. 5. Use 'Well Search' to return a list of all Well references in the Programmes. The program will save and time/date-stamp all term & well searches in a .txt format. All Programmes and converted files are stored in C:\OGA\Programmes All Term Search data is stored in C:\OGA\Reports All Well Search data is stored in C:\OGA\Wells The program is written with an easygui interface. For support contact [email protected]""" readmepg = gui.codebox(rdmsg, rdtitle, rdtext)
def act(self): self.time += 1 #人类玩家每下一个子之前画出棋盘 if self.time == 1: image = 'tic.png' g.msgbox("您将进入井字棋游戏", image) msg = "选择您要下棋的位置" title = "井字棋游戏" image = 'tic.png' choices = ['q', 'w', 'e', 'a', 's', 'd', 'z', 'x', 'c'] self.key = g.buttonbox(msg, title, choices, image) data = self.keys.index(self.key) i = data // int(BOARD_COLS) j = data % BOARD_COLS return (i, j, self.symbol) else: output = sys.stdout outputfile = open('tic.txt', "w") sys.stdout = outputfile self.state.print_state() outputfile.flush() # sys.stdout = outputfile type = sys.getfilesystemencoding() # python编码转换到系统编码输出 f = open('tic.txt', 'r') msg = ("您的选择是" + str(self.key), "结果") title = "tic_tac_toe" text = g.codebox(msg, title, text) f.close() msg = "选择您要下棋的位置" title = "井字棋游戏" image = 'tic.png' choices = ['q', 'w', 'e', 'a', 's', 'd', 'z', 'x', 'c'] self.key = g.buttonbox(msg, title, choices, image) data = self.keys.index(self.key) i = data // int(BOARD_COLS) j = data % BOARD_COLS return (i, j, self.symbol)
def msgStage(D, msg): """ Genere un msg associé à un dictionnaire des preferences dans un codebox """ text = "" L = sorted(D.keys()) # Parcours les élements du dictionnaire for i in L: # La clée text += i + "\n" # Les valeurs if D[i] is None: text += "None\n\n" else: for j in range(len(D[i]) - 1): text += D[i][j] + " - " text += D[i][-1] text += "\n\n" # On affiche tout codebox(msg, "Stable Roommates Problem", text) return None
def askQueryCode(): #Prompts the user to enter the query as code msg = "Columns, Operators and SearchTerms have to be encapsulated in quotes \"\". Numbers do not.\nLogical operators : $and $not $or $nor\nFind query code example : { \"Column\" : { \"$queryType\" : \"searchTerm\" }}" while 1: queryCode = eg.codebox(msg, title) if queryCode is None: quit() elif, queryCode): eg.msgbox( "ISODates are not supported in typed queries. Please refer to the examples." ) elif re.match(queryRegex, queryCode): break eg.msgbox( "An improper query has been entered.\nPlease modify the query.") return queryCode
def exportthem(maxrp, maxrc): global allpokedata allpokedata+="\n" if (not gui): print allpokedata dec = raw_input("\nExport Pokémon to Files? (y/n): ").lower() else: dec = easygui.codebox("Displaying Pokémon Data:","Rare Candy",allpokedata) if dec in yes: maxr = 0 if (maxrp!=None): PartyToPkm(maxrp,True) maxr+=maxrp if (maxrc!=None): PartyToPkm(maxrc,False) maxr+=maxrc print "\nAll",maxr,"Pokémon Successfully Exported!"
def main(): global parser (options, args) = parser.parse_args() # Check to see if we have all the information we need directory = None; template = None try: directory = args[0] template = args[1] except IndexError: try: import easygui # get directory from user while not directory: directory = easygui.diropenbox("Where are the files?") # get template from user while not template: template = easygui.choicebox( "What template do you want?", choices=os.listdir(absolute_path("templates"))) except ImportError: sys.stderr.write("Usage: " + sys.argv[0] + " <directory> <template>\n") return 1 scans = {} albums = {} metafiles = {} for branch, dirs, files in os.walk(directory): for filename in files: if filename == ".albuminfo": add_metafile(branch, filename, metafiles) continue extension = os.path.splitext(filename)[1][1:] if extension in ignoreFileExtensions: continue elif extension in imageFileExtensions: add_scan(branch, filename, scans) else: add_track(Track(os.path.join(branch, filename)), albums) if options.album_info: filepath = os.path.join(directory, ".albuminfo") album_index = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() for album in albums: if album not in metafiles: sys.stdout.write("++ {0}\n".format(album)) ripper = raw_input("Ripper: ") catalog_no = raw_input("Catalog #: ") album_art = raw_input("Album art URL: ") try: album_index.add_section(album) album_index.set(album, "ripper", ripper) album_index.set(album, "catalog_no", catalog_no) album_index.set(album, "album_art", album_art) except DuplicateSectionError: # We've got 2 albums with the same name... pass fp = open(filepath, "rw+") album_index.write(fp) fp.close() add_metafile(directory, ".albuminfo", metafiles) merge_metafiles(albums, metafiles) merge_scans(albums, scans) root_node = albums.values() root_node.sort(natural_sort) for album in root_node: album.tidy() env = Environment(loader=PackageLoader("bxt_description_generator", "templates")) env.filters["cleanify"] = cleanify env.filters["pretty_time"] = pretty_time template = env.get_template(template) output = template.render(albums=root_node).encode("utf-8") try: if options.outfile: f = open(options.outfile,"wb") else: f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix=".htm") f.write(output) f.close() except IOError: sys.stderr.write("Unable to write to {0}".format(options.outfile)) return 1 else: try: easygui.codebox(text=output) except NameError: sys.stdout.write(output) return 0
import easygui as eg import socket import sys reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8') PORT=50000 HOST=eg.enterbox("What is your server IP") while(True): #data=" ".join(sys.argv[1:]) #data=raw_input("Please input your instruction:") msg = "Enter your HTTP instruction.The server support 'ls' 'add' 'delete' 'modify' " title = "GchHTTP Network communication" fieldNames = ["Instruction","StudentID","StudentName","StudentPicture"] fieldValues = [] # we start with blanks for the values fieldValues = eg.multenterbox(msg,title, fieldNames) data=fieldValues[0]+' '+fieldValues[1]+' '+fieldValues[2]+' '+fieldValues[3] sock=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM) try: sock.connect((HOST,PORT)) sock.sendall(data) received=sock.recv(1024) finally: sock.close() #print "Sent: {}".format(data) #print "Received: {}".format(received) eg.codebox("Received from server:" , "GchHTTP response", received) #if data=="quit":
def dialog_text(message = "Press OK to continue", title = "Text Box", text = ""): """ Show a dialog with prompt `message`, title `title`, and text content `text`. """ easygui.codebox(str(message), str(title), str(text))
def process(PA): global ActiveWindow, Shapes, Word, TRs_all, xl, Visio global RESULTS # Bien gérer les erreurs try: # ouvrir le fichier excel et faire les initialisations de coutume xl = CreateObject("Excel.application") xl.Visible = False xl.DisplayAlerts = False PA_wb = xl.Workbooks.Open(PA) PA_wb.Sheets("synoptique-bilan µmodules").Select() # dans la sheet visée, détecter tout les objets OLE (qui seront # normalement tous des déssins visio) OLEObjects = PA_wb.Sheets("synoptique-bilan µmodules").OLEObjects() # pour chaque déssin ... for OLEObject in OLEObjects: # l'ouvrir dans Visio OLEObject.Verb(2) # prendre la main sur la fenêtre visio ouverte Visio = GetActiveObject("Visio.Application") # Visio.Visible = False Visio.DisplayAlerts = False ActiveWindow = Visio.ActiveWindow Page = ActiveWindow.Page Shapes = Page.Shapes # Ceci est pour les déssins plutôt compliqués, après chaque sélection des PB, le script # les affichera et demandra de confirmer si c'est bon ou non msg = "Voulez confirmer le nombre de PBs après chaque sélection?\n" \ + "(si c'est plan assez complexe mieux vaut répondre par oui)" yn = ynbox(msg) # allons-y! # On extrait d'abord les infos d'entête for shape in Shapes: text = shape.Text if text.startswith('NRO'): bloc_NRO = text elif text.startswith('PT'): # certaines shapes buguent je ne sais pas pourquoi, elles n'ont pas d'utilité try: blocs_PT.append(shape) except: blocs_PT = [shape] elif text.startswith('PA'): bloc_PA = text # On extrait la position x du PA pour prendre toutes les TR qui sont à droite PA_posx = get_XY(shape)[0] # Les deux blocs FI et PA tout deux commencent par PT, celui de PA est plus à gauche # on les différenciera par leur position if get_XY(blocs_PT[0])[0] < get_XY(blocs_PT[1])[0]: FI_bloc = blocs_PT[0] PA_bloc = blocs_PT[1] else: FI_bloc = blocs_PT[1] PA_bloc = blocs_PT[0] PA_PT = PA_bloc.Text.rsplit('\n')[0].replace('PT: ', '') PMZ_PT = FI_bloc.Text.rsplit('\n')[0].replace('PT: ', '') CH = PA_bloc.Text.rsplit('\n')[2].replace('CH: ', '') NRO = extract('NRO/PMZ/PA', bloc_NRO, 'NRO') ADRESSE1 = ' '.join(PA_bloc.Text.rsplit('\n')[3:5])\ .replace('Adresse: ', '') ADRESSE2 = ADRESSE1.rsplit('-')[0] # Les TRs du déssin courant TRs = {} # là ça va barder! for shape in Shapes: if shape.Text.startswith('TR'): # Seulement ceux qui sont plus à droite de PA if get_XY(shape)[0] > PA_posx: # Le text est un peu bizarre, il est vraiment en texte mais paraît être un # bytes! On doit le nettoyer TR_TXT = str(shape.Text.encode()).replace("b'", '').replace("'", '') # Extraire ne TR TR = TR_TXT.rsplit('FO')[0] \ .replace('\\n', ' ') + 'FO' # Si ce n'est pas un TR valide, passer if not re.match(r'TR\s+\d{2}\s+\d{4}\s+\d+FO', TR): continue # Si ce TR n'a pas encore été enregistré dans la liste TRs, l'enregistrer ## Initialiser la longueur à 0 ## Mettre le shape courant dans la liste "shapes" ## Initialiser une liste vide pour les CH ou IMB ou AP qui vont avec ## Initialiser une liste vide pour les PTs qui vont avec (pour le nommage) ## Et initialiser une variable "0" pour le PT qui est maximum (pour le nommage) if TR not in TRs: TRs[TR] = { 'LONG': 0, 'SHAPES': [shape.ID], 'CH/IMB/AP': [], 'PTs': [], 'maxPT': 0 } # Sinon si le TR est déjà dans TRs, ajouter le shape courant à "SHAPES" else: TRs[TR]['SHAPES'].append(shape.ID) # Essayer d'extraire la longueur du TR courant try: TR_LONG = int(TR_TXT.rsplit('\\xe2\\x80\\x93 ')[1] \ .replace('m', '')) except: TR_LONG = 0 # Et incrémenter la longueur du TR global corréspondant à cette ligne TRs[TR]['LONG'] = TRs[TR]['LONG'] + TR_LONG # Message pour que l'utilisateur sélectionner les blocs PB pour chaque TR title1 = 'Sélectionnez les bloc' title2 = 'Confirmez la sélection' # Pour chaque TR dans TRs for TR in TRs: # Python n'a pas de "REDO", on hack avec un "WHILE" while True: # Sélectionner toutes les shapes de cette ligne de TR SelectShapes(TRs[TR]['SHAPES']) # Demander lui de sélectionner, quand il confirme continuer... if ccbox(TR, title1): # Une liste vide pour tout les PB dans ce TR CH_OR_IMB_OR_AP_all = [] # Une liste vide pour tout les PTs dans ce TR PTs = [] # Une liste vide pour tout les PBs dans ce TR PBs = [] # Un message au cas où l'utilisateur aurait choisit une confirmation msg = "Pour " + TR + "\nVous avez sélectionné:\n" # Le nombre de PBs sélectionnées (pour affichage dans la confirmation) selected_PBs = 0 # Au cas où il n'y aurait pas de PB valide, pas la peine de mettre une # fenêtre de confirmation, supposer tout de même qu'il y'en a ... yn_yes = True # Pour chaque fenêtre sélectionnée for selected in ActiveWindow.Selection: # (certains shapes n'aiment pas qu'on appelle leur .Text!!!!) try: TEXT = str(selected.Text) # Prendre seulement les blocs qui commencent par "PB" if not TEXT.startswith('PB'): continue # Incrémenter le nombre de PBs trouvés par +1 selected_PBs = selected_PBs + 1 # Enregister le PB, PT, l'adresse, et le text qui peut être un: ## Ch.XXXXX ## IMB/XXXXX/XXXX ## AP XXXX PB = TEXT.rsplit('\n')[0].rstrip() PT = TEXT.rsplit('\n')[2] ADR = TEXT.rsplit('\n')[3] CH_OR_IMB_OR_AP = TEXT.rsplit('\n')[4] # Si l'un de ces lignes ne se trouve pas à la bonne place if (not CH_OR_IMB_OR_AP.startswith('AP ') and not CH_OR_IMB_OR_AP.startswith('Ch.') and not CH_OR_IMB_OR_AP.startswith('IMB')): # Resélectionner les sélectionnés (pfff sert à rien ça!) SelectShapes([selected.ID]) # Et dire qu'il y a un truc qui cloche! msgbox("T'as surement encore fais une connerie dans tes" + "déssins, regarde ce bloc dans la ligne PT!\n" + "Je devrais trouver Ch.XXXX ou AP XXXX" + "ou IMB/XXXX/XXX mais j'ai trouvé\n" + CH_OR_IMB_OR_AP + "\n" + "Quand t'auras détécté l'erreur click sur OK") # Continuer ou quitter! cont = boolbox("Dois-je continuer ou fermer?", "Que faire?", ['Continuer?', 'Fermer?']) if not cont: exit(0) else: pass else: # Sinon, préparer le message de confirmation msg = msg + "- " + CH_OR_IMB_OR_AP + "\n" # Et ajouter le CH/IMB/AP à la liste CH_OR_IMB_OR_AP_all.append([ADR, CH_OR_IMB_OR_AP]) # Ajouter le PT de ce bloc à la liste PTs PTs.append(int(PT.replace('PT', ''))) # Ajouter le PB de ce bloc à la liste PBs PBs.append(PB) except: # Si quelque chose cloche, trouver une porte de sortie!!: SelectShapes([selected.ID]) msgbox("T'as surement encore fais une connerie dans tes" + "déssins, regarde ce bloc dans la ligne PT!\n" + "Quand t'auras détécté l'erreur click sur OK") cont = boolbox("Dois-je continuer ou fermer?", "Que faire?", ['Continuer?', 'Fermer?']) # Vraiment je ne sais pas à quoi sert ce que j'ai écrit dans les # 8 prochaines lignes!!!! if not cont: exit(0) else: msg = msg + "(RIEN!)" CH_OR_IMB_OR_AP_all = [] PTs = [] PBs = [] yn_yes = False # S'il n'a rien sélectionné if not selected_PBs: cont = boolbox("Tu n'as rien sélectionné! Tu confirmes" + " que ce n'est pas une connerie?", "Sélection vide!", ['Oui vas-y', 'Comme d\'hab! Une connerie']) # Soit on quitte! if cont: break # Soit c'est délibéré et on continue else: continue # Si l'utilisateur avait demandé une confirmation, la montrer # (S'il y a eu une erreur, yn_yes est False, et pas la peine de montrer la # confirmation) if yn and yn_yes: msg = msg + "(" + str(selected_PBs) + " sélectionnés)" conf = boolbox(msg, title2, ['Confirmer?', 'Refaire?']) if conf: # Si c'est confirmé, stocher ces données pour le shape TRs[TR]['CH/IMB/AP'] = CH_OR_IMB_OR_AP_all TRs[TR]['PTs'] = PTs TRs[TR]['PBs'] = PBs break else: pass # Sinon s'il n'avait pas demandé de confirmation, stocker ces données # directement pour le shape else: TRs[TR]['CH/IMB/AP'] = CH_OR_IMB_OR_AP_all TRs[TR]['PTs'] = PTs TRs[TR]['PBs'] = PBs break # En cas d'erreur sortir :-( else: exit(0) # Il doit y avoir au moins un PT pour créer un fichier doc et xls avec le max des TRs if len(TRs[TR]['PTs']): TRs[TR]['DE_filename'] = 'DE_PT%06d' % max(TRs[TR]['PTs']) + '.doc' TRs[TR]['AR_filename'] = 'AR_PT%06d' % max(TRs[TR]['PTs']) + '.xls' # Les fichiers avec ce nom ne devront jamais voir le jour! else: TRs[TR]['DE_filename'] = 'je_ne_suis_pas_cense_exister.doc' TRs[TR]['AR_filename'] = 'je_ne_suis_pas_cense_exister.xls' # Un cas très particulier m'a forcé à ajourer la ligne suivant! TRs[TR]['PBs'] = [] # Si je n'ai trouvé aucun TR, montrer un message if TRs == {}: msgbox("il n'y pas de TR valide sur ce déssin") # Ajouter ces TRs à TR_all TRs_all.append(TRs) # Cacher le déssin Visio Visio.Visible = False # Demander qui est le client xl.Visible = True msg = "Quel est le client pour cette fiche PA?" choices = ["Circet","Engie"] client = buttonbox(msg, choices=choices) # Résultat globaux pour cette fiche PA RESULTS[PA] = { 'PA_REF': bloc_PA, 'client': client, 'TRs_all': TRs_all, 'NRO': NRO, 'PMZ_PT': PMZ_PT, 'PA_PT': PA_PT, 'CH': CH, 'ADRESSE1': ADRESSE1, 'ADRESSE2': ADRESSE2, 'DATE': DATE } # Quitter excel et passer à la prochaine fiche PA xl.Quit() return except: # En cas d'erreur innatendue! print(format_exc()) codebox("t'as encore fais une connerie! Fais moi un screen de malheur!", "Erreur", format_exc()) going()
break id = int(fieldValues[0]) start_addr = int(fieldValues[1]) reg_quantity = int(fieldValues[2]) byte_count = int(fieldValues[3]) reg_value = fieldValues[4].split(' ') length = 7 + 2 * reg_quantity send_multiple = struct.pack("!h", tx_id) + "\x00\x00" + struct.pack("!h", length) + struct.pack("B", id) + "\x10" + struct.pack("!h",start_addr) + struct.pack("!h", reg_quantity) + struct.pack("B", byte_count) #corrregit estructura pquete for value in range(0, reg_quantity): send_multiple = send_multiple + struct.pack("!H", int(reg_value[value])) write_multiple_values_tcp(send_multiple) tx_id += 1 sys.stdout = open ('output', 'r') easygui.codebox(msg, title, sys.stdout.readlines()) else : print "Connection TIMEOUT" sys.stdout = open ('output', 'r') easygui.codebox(msg, title, sys.stdout.readlines()) elif reply == "Serial Port": ser = serial.Serial() sys.stdout = open('output', 'w') ports = list( msg = "Select the port to use" title = "Selecting Serial Port" choices = [] for port in ports:
def hexview_data (data, msg='', title='ezhexviewer', length=16, startindex=0): hex = hexdump3(data, length=length, startindex=startindex) easygui.codebox(msg=msg, title=title, text=hex)
def pdfViewStreams(pyew, doprint=True, stream_id=-1, gui=False): """ Show decoded streams """ streams_filters, buf = pdfStreams(pyew, doprint=False, get_buf=True) streams = 0 while 1: pos = buf.find("stream") if pos == -1: break streams += 1 pos2 = buf.find("endstream") # -8 means -len("stream") #tmp = buf[pos+8:pos2-1] tmp = buf[pos+6:pos2] tmp = tmp.lstrip(" ") failed = False dones = [] if stream_id == -1 or streams == stream_id: if streams_filters.has_key(streams): for filter in streams_filters[streams]: try: print "Applying Filter %s ..." % filter if filter in dones: print pyew.hexdump(tmp, pyew.hexcolumns) msg = "The filter %s is already applied, it seems to be a PDF Bomb." msg += os.linesep + "Do you want to apply it? " ret = raw_input(msg % filter) if ret != "y": continue else: dones.append(filter) if filter == "FlateDecode": tmp = zlib.decompress(tmp.strip("\r").strip("\n")) elif filter == "ASCIIHexDecode": tmp = binascii.unhexlify(tmp.replace("\r", "").replace("\n", "").replace(" ", "").strip("<").strip(">")) elif filter == "ASCII85Decode": tmp = ASCII85Decode(tmp.strip("\r").strip("\n")) elif filter == "RunLengthDecode": tmp = RunLengthDecode(tmp) elif filter == "LZWDecode": tmp = LZWDecode(tmp) except: failed = True print "Error applying filter %s" % filter, sys.exc_info()[1] print "Encoded Stream %d" % streams else: print "Stream %d" % streams if not gui: print "-"*80 if tmp.find("\x00") == -1: print tmp else: print pyew.hexdump(tmp, pyew.hexcolumns) print "-"*80 else: if tmp.find("\x00") == -1: textbox("Stream %d" % streams, "Stream", tmp) else: codebox("Stream %d" % streams, "Stream", pyew.hexdump(tmp, pyew.hexcolumns)) if tmp.find("\x00") > -1 and not failed and not gui: res = raw_input("Show disassembly (y/n)? [n]: ") if res == "y": print pyew.disassemble(tmp) buf = buf[pos2+11:] if buf.find("stream") == -1: break if stream_id == -1: try: if not gui: res = raw_input("Continue? ") if res in ["q", "n"]: break else: if not ccbox("Do you want to continue?", "Streams Viewer"): break except: break elif stream_id == streams: break
def process(PA): global ActiveWindow, Shapes, Word, TRs_all, xl, Visio global RESULTS try: # ouvrir le fichier excel et faire les initialisations de coutume xl = CreateObject("Excel.application") xl.Visible = False xl.DisplayAlerts = False wb = xl.Workbooks.Open(PA) wb.Sheets("synoptique-bilan µmodules").Select() # dans la sheet visée, détecter tout les objets OLE (qui seront # normalement tous des déssins visio) OLEObjects = wb.Sheets("synoptique-bilan µmodules").OLEObjects() # pour chaque déssin ... for OLEObject in OLEObjects: # l'ouvrir dans Visio OLEObject.Verb(2) # prendre la main sur la fenêtre visio ouverte Visio = GetActiveObject("Visio.Application") # Visio.Visible = False Visio.DisplayAlerts = False ActiveWindow = Visio.ActiveWindow Page = ActiveWindow.Page Shapes = Page.Shapes msg = "Voulez confirmer le nombre de PBs après chaque sélection?\n" \ + "(si c'est plan assez complexe mieux vaut répondre par oui)" yn = ynbox(msg) # allons-y! # On extrait d'abord les infos d'entête for shape in Shapes: text = shape.Text if text.startswith('NRO'): bloc_NRO = text elif text.startswith('PT'): try: blocs_PT.append(shape) except: blocs_PT = [shape] elif text.startswith('PA'): PA_posx = get_XY(shape)[0] if get_XY(blocs_PT[0])[0] > get_XY(blocs_PT[1])[0]: FI_bloc = blocs_PT[0] PA_bloc = blocs_PT[1] else: PA_bloc = blocs_PT[1] FI_bloc = blocs_PT[0] PA_PT = PA_bloc.Text.rsplit('\n')[0].replace('PT: ', '') PMZ_PT = FI_bloc.Text.rsplit('\n')[0].replace('PT: ', '') CH = PA_bloc.Text.rsplit('\n')[2].replace('CH: ', '') NRO = extract('NRO/PMZ/PA', bloc_NRO, 'NRO') ADRESSE1 = ' '.join(PA_bloc.Text.rsplit('\n')[3:5])\ .replace('Adresse: ', '') ADRESSE2 = ADRESSE1.rsplit('-')[0] TRs = {} empty_TRs = [] # là ça va barder! for shape in Shapes: if shape.Text.startswith('TR'): if get_XY(shape)[0] > PA_posx: TR_TXT = str(shape.Text.encode()).replace("b'", '').replace("'", '') TR = TR_TXT.rsplit('FO')[0] \ .replace('\\n', ' ') + 'FO' if not re.match(r'TR\s+\d{2}\s+\d{4}\s+\d+FO', TR): empty_TRs.append(shape.ID) continue if TR not in TRs: TRs[TR] = { 'LONG': 0, 'SHAPES': [shape.ID], 'CH/IMB/AP': [], 'PTs': [], 'maxPT': 0 } else: TRs[TR]['SHAPES'].append(shape.ID) try: TR_LONG = int(TR_TXT.rsplit('\\xe2\\x80\\x93 ')[1] \ .replace('m', '')) except: TR_LONG = 0 TRs[TR]['LONG'] = TRs[TR]['LONG'] + TR_LONG title1 = 'Sélectionnez les bloc' title2 = 'Confirmez la sélection' for TR in TRs: while True: SelectShapes(TRs[TR]['SHAPES']) if ccbox(TR, title1): CH_OR_IMB_OR_AP_all = [] PTs = [] msg = "Pour " + TR + "\nVous avez sélectionné:\n" selected_PBs = 0 yn_yes = True for selected in ActiveWindow.Selection: try: TEXT = str(selected.Text) if not TEXT.startswith('PB'): continue selected_PBs = selected_PBs + 1 PT = TEXT.rsplit('\n')[2] ADR = TEXT.rsplit('\n')[3] CH_OR_IMB_OR_AP = TEXT.rsplit('\n')[4] if (not CH_OR_IMB_OR_AP.startswith('AP ') and not CH_OR_IMB_OR_AP.startswith('Ch.') and not CH_OR_IMB_OR_AP.startswith('IMB')): SelectShapes([selected.ID]) msgbox("T'as surement encore fais une connerie dans tes" + "déssins, regarde ce bloc dans la ligne PT!\n" + "Je devrais trouver Ch.XXXX ou AP XXXX" + "ou IMB/XXXX/XXX mais j'ai trouvé\n" + CH_OR_IMB_OR_AP + "\n" + "Quand t'auras détécté l'erreur click sur OK") cont = boolbox("Dois-je continuer ou fermer?", "Que faire?", ['Continuer?', 'Fermer?']) if not cont: exit(0) else: pass else: msg = msg + "- " + CH_OR_IMB_OR_AP + "\n" CH_OR_IMB_OR_AP_all.append([ADR, CH_OR_IMB_OR_AP]) PTs.append(int(PT.replace('PT', ''))) except: SelectShapes([selected.ID]) msgbox("T'as surement encore fais une connerie dans tes" + "déssins, regarde ce bloc dans la ligne PT!\n" + "Quand t'auras détécté l'erreur click sur OK") cont = boolbox("Dois-je continuer ou fermer?", "Que faire?", ['Continuer?', 'Fermer?']) if not cont: exit(0) else: msg = msg + "(RIEN!)" CH_OR_IMB_OR_AP_all = [] PTs = [] yn_yes = False if not selected_PBs: cont = boolbox("Tu n'as rien sélectionné! Tu confirmes" + " que ce n'est pas une connerie?", "Sélection vide!", ['Oui vas-y', 'Comme d\'hab! Une connerie']) if cont: break else: continue if yn and yn_yes: msg = msg + "(" + str(selected_PBs) + " sélectionnés)" conf = boolbox(msg, title2, ['Confirmer?', 'Refaire?']) if conf: TRs[TR]['CH/IMB/AP'] = CH_OR_IMB_OR_AP_all TRs[TR]['PTs'] = PTs break else: pass else: TRs[TR]['CH/IMB/AP'] = CH_OR_IMB_OR_AP_all TRs[TR]['PTs'] = PTs break else: exit(0) if len(TRs[TR]['PTs']): TRs[TR]['maxPT'] = 'DE_PT%06d' % max(TRs[TR]['PTs']) + '.doc' else: TRs[TR]['maxPT'] = 'je_ne_suis_pas_cense_exister.doc' if TRs == {}: msgbox("il n'y pas de TR valide sur ce déssin") TRs_all.append(TRs) Visio.Visible = False RESULTS[PA] = { 'TRs_all': TRs_all, 'NRO': NRO, 'PMZ_PT': PMZ_PT, 'PA_PT': PA_PT, 'CH': CH, 'ADRESSE1': ADRESSE1, 'ADRESSE2': ADRESSE2, 'DATE': DATE } xl.Quit() return except: print(format_exc()) codebox("t'as encore fais une connerie! Fais moi un screen de malheur!", "Erreur", format_exc()) going()
def main(): """Main program to demonstrate the easygui module.""" # The most basic message box displays a message with an OK button. easygui.msgbox( "Your software installation is complete.\n\n" + "This and the following dialogs are a\ndemonstration of the easygui module.\n\n" + "Your responses to each dialog are\nprinted in the console window.\n\n" + "You may find this module useful\nthroughout the semester." ) # A default Yes/No box asks "Shall I continue?", shows Yes and No buttons, # and returns True if Yes is clicked, False if No is clicked. response = easygui.ynbox() print( type( response ), response ) # The message/question and dialog title can be specified. response = easygui.ynbox( msg="Is your squad the best at USAFA?", title="Best Squad?" ) print( type( response ), response ) # The more generic Bool box allows different text in the Yes/No buttons. response = easygui.boolbox( msg="Is your squad the best at USAFA?", title="Best Squad?", choices=[ "Hooah!", "Form 10" ] ) # This is how you might use the response from a Yes/No or Bool box. # Note the variable 'response' is already True or False, so there is no # need to compare it to anything (i.e., response == True is not necessary). if response: # The message box displays a message and a button to close the box. easygui.msgbox( msg="Of course my squad is best!", title="Best Squad", ok_button="Hooah!" ) else: # If not specified, the button says "OK", as you would expect. easygui.msgbox( msg="My squad improves every day.", title="Best Squad" ) # A button box allows more than two choices. response = easygui.buttonbox( msg="Who is your favorite turtle?", title="Select", choices=[ "Leonardo", "Michelangelo", "Raphael", "Donatello" ] ) print( type( response ), response ) # The enter box returns a string and allows specification of the default value. response = easygui.enterbox( msg="Enter your favorite baseball team:", title="Go Cubs!", default="Chicago Cubs" ) print( type( response ), response ) # The integer box returns an int and allows specification of lower and upper bounds. response = easygui.integerbox( msg="What is the answer?", title="Input", default="42", lowerbound=0, upperbound=100 ) print( type( response ), response ) # The file open box is a standard file chooser dialog and returns the file name as a string. filename = easygui.fileopenbox( msg="Open file...", filetypes=[ "*.txt", "*.py" ] ) print( type( filename ), filename ) # Here is a simple way to read the entire contents of a file into a single string. with open( filename, "r" ) as data_file: data = # A code box displays editable text in a monospaced font and does not wrap lines; # (not shown here, but a textbox would use a proportional font and wrap lines). edited_data = easygui.codebox( msg=filename, title="Code Box", text=data ) # The text in the code box is returned as a single string when the window is closed. if data == edited_data: easygui.msgbox( msg="No changes made to text." ) else: # The file save box asks to confirm before overwriting an existing file. filename = easygui.filesavebox( msg="Save file...", filetypes=[ "*.txt", "*.py" ] ) # The file name will be None if the user clicks Cancel. if filename is not None: # Here is a simple way to write the entire contents of a string to a file. # Note: If the filename already exists, it will be completely overwritten!! with open( filename, "w" ) as data_file: data_file.write( edited_data )
def out(text): eg.codebox(msg='Speed Results', title='Web Page Speed Results', text='%s' % (text)) eg.msgbox("%s" %text)
def LogGui(self, title="Alert", msg="Alert", arq="Essa_test.log"): filename = os.path.normcase("{}{}".format(_globals.pathLog,arq)) f = open(filename, "r") text = f.readlines() f.close() return codebox(msg=msg + filename, title=title, text=text)
#1 (with extra stuff) :) import easygui easygui.msgbox ("This program converts Fahrenheit to Celcius.") user=easygui.integerbox("Type in the temperature in fahrenheit:") girl=float(user) celcius= (girl-32)*5.0/9 easygui.msgbox("The temperture in celcius is " + str(celcius)) girl=easygui.buttonbox ("Isn't this program great?", choices= ['YES','NO']) if girl== 'YES': easygui.msgbox ("Great! I thought so too! It makes converting temperature easier.") else: easygui.msgbox ("Really? I thought it was helpful!") extra=easygui.codebox ("Type in your reply", title= 'Your reply....') easygui.msgbox('Oh...good point. I will look into that. Thanks for the reply..... ' + str(extra)) #2 easygui.msgbox("This program will help setup your adress and name in mail-style.") name= easygui.enterbox ("What is your first name and your last name?") street= easygui.enterbox ("What is your number and what is your street?") live= easygui.enterbox ("What town do you live in, and what state or country?") zip_code= easygui.enterbox ("What is your zip code?") easygui.msgbox ( name + "\n" + street + "\n" + live + "\n" + zip_code)
minval, maxval=ask_for_minmax_values(min(x),max(x)) results += "NON FILTERED RESULTS"+"\n\r" results += regression_figure(evenPlotRegression, evenlySpacedXArray,evenlySpacedYArray, weightSubPlot, x,y,minval,maxval, dbfilename,sampleNumber) #weightFilteredSubPlot=fig.add_subplot(6,2,4) #results2 = regression_figure(weightFilteredSubPlot,fx,fy,minval,maxval,dbfilename,sampleNumber) #results += "FILTERED RESULTS "+ filterFlag+"\n\r" #results += results2+"\n\r" easygui.codebox(msg=None, title='Results ', text=results) test="" #plt.plot(xArray,ap_valueArray,'+') msg = "What would you like to do?" choices = ["Try Again","Next Sample","Quit"] reply = easygui.buttonbox(msg,image=None,choices=choices) if reply=="Next Sample": plt.clf() sampleNumber += 1 break
import easygui as eg import subprocess import os import re source = eg.buttonbox(msg="How would you like to get the album?", title="Album Splitter", choices=("Youtube", "File")) if source == "File": link = "-mp3 \"" + os.path.abspath(eg.fileopenbox(msg="Select mp3 file", title="Album Splitter", default='*', filetypes="\*.mp3") + "\"") else: link = "-yt \"" + eg.enterbox(msg="Enter Youtube link", title="Album Splitter", default="", strip=True, image=None, root=None) + "\"" format = eg.choicebox(msg="Select format", title="Album Splitter", choices=("<start time> - <title>", "<start time> <title>")) #More formats can be added tracks = eg.codebox(msg="Paste track list:", title="Album Splitter", text="") #More formats can be added if format == "<start time> - <title>": with open("tracks.txt", 'w') as t: t.write(tracks) if format == "<start time> <title>": tracks = tracks.split('\n') regex = re.compile("(\d*\s\-\s)*(?P<start>\S+)\s*(?P<title>.+)") for i in range(len(tracks)): if tracks[i] != "": m = regex.match(tracks[i]) tStart ='start').strip() tTitle ='title').strip() tracks[i] = tStart + " - " + tTitle with open("tracks.txt", "w") as t:
summer_holiday_last_ture = summer_holiday_last+1 #暑假还剩下多少天(正确) summer_holiday_last_baifenbi = (((now_time - summer_holiday_start).days)/53)*100 #计算百分比 summer_holiday_last_baifenbi_ture = math.floor(summer_holiday_last_baifenbi) #换成整数 bfb = open("/home/redapple/.holiday/bfb.txt", "w") #打开百分比的写入文件(请按自己实际情况更改) bfb.write(str(summer_holiday_last_baifenbi_ture)) #写入百分比 bfb.close() #关闭文件 os.system("rm /home/redapple/.holiday/jdt.txt") #删除jdt文件 os.system("python3 /home/redapple/.holiday/ >> /home/redapple/.holiday/jdt.txt") #把另外一个py程序输出的百分比进度条写入到文件里(路径自己修改)比 file = open("/home/redapple/.holiday/homework.txt", "r") #打开作业列表(自己修改路径) jdt = open("/home/redapple/.holiday/jdt.txt", "r").read() #打开进度条文件(自己修改路径) summer_holiday_homework_monitor = open("/home/redapple/.holiday/homework.txt", "r").read() mark = re.compile('`') #设定要查找的内容(注意在作业前要加`) find = re.findall(mark, summer_holiday_homework_monitor) #查找 find_mount = len(find) #显示有多少个 finish_homework = 14-find_mount #用作业总数减去得到的结果(自己改作业总数) calc = math.floor((finish_homework/15)*100) #计算 homework_baifenbi = open("/home/redapple/.holiday/homework_bfb.txt", "w") #打开一个百分比文件 homework_baifenbi.write(str(calc)) #写入计算的百分比 homework_baifenbi.close() os.system("rm /home/redapple/.holiday/homework_jdt.txt") #删掉已有的文件(自己改路径) os.system('python3 /home/redapple/.holiday/ > /home/redapple/.holiday/homework_jdt.txt') #把进度条写入文件 homework_jindutiao = open("/home/redapple/.holiday/homework_jdt.txt", "r").read() #读取文件 tips = "今天是" + str(today) + "\n" + "距离暑假结束还有" + str(summer_holiday_last_ture) + "天" + "\n" + "暑假已经过去了" + str(jdt) + "\n" + "暑假作业已经完成了" + str(homework_jindutiao) #配置窗口要显示的内容 tips_finally = easygui.codebox(tips,"倒计时小程序",file) #显示窗口 file.close() #关闭文件 if tips_finally == None: #如果用户按了关闭或取消 break #退出程序 else: #反之 file = open("/home/redapple/.holiday/homework.txt", "w") #打开homework文档(自己修改路径) file.write(tips_finally) #写入用户输入新的内容 file.close() #关闭文件
def setup(): msg = ("Welcome to the new employee notification tool.\n" "The tool allows you to send customized automated emails " "that contain information about all ActiveDirectory users " "created within the last 24h.\n" "You will be asked several questions and config filters. " "Searches may take a few seconds to complete.\n" ) msg2 = ("\nPlease create a new filter or load an existing filter " "which you can then modify." ) cfgs = os.listdir(cfgdir) if len(cfgs)==0: msg2 = '' easygui.msgbox(msg,__app__) pick='New Config' else: pick = easygui.buttonbox(msg+msg2, __app__, ['New Config','Load Existing', 'Cancel']) if pick == 'Cancel': return False if pick != 'New Config': config = easygui.choicebox("Select an existing config:",__app__,cfgs) if not config: return False cfg = Settings(os.path.join(cfgdir,config)) cfg.restore else: config='' while config == '': config = easygui.enterbox('Saving this filter. Please enter a name for this notification.', __app__) if not config: sys.exit() config=config.replace(' ','_') if not config.endswith('.txt'): config=config+'.txt' cfg = Settings(os.path.join(cfgdir,config)) # persist the settings msg = ("Please select employee information you would like to filter.\n" "For example if you want to know about new staff in specific departments " "please pick 'Departments'. If you want to know about new users " "reporting to specific managers please pick 'Managers'. " "If you'd like to check for new users in specific Divisions and optionally " "filter by certain job titles please pick 'Divisions/Jobtitles'" ) choi = [ "Departments", "Managers", "Divisions/Jobtitles" ] choival = [ "department", "manager", "division" ] pick = easygui.buttonbox(msg, __app__, choi) if not pick: return False idx = choi.index(pick) cfg.filter1=getUserAttrList (choival[idx]) cfg.filter1_attr=choival[idx] cfg.filter1=easygui.multchoicebox(msg,"Select values from %s" % pick,cfg.filter1) if cfg.filter1_attr == 'division': alist=getUserAttrList ('title') filter2_attr='title' filter2=easygui.multchoicebox(msg,"Select values from 'Jobtitile'",alist) else: cfg.filter2_attr='' cfg.filter2='' msg = ("Please enter one or multiple email addresses (separated by comma) " "to which you want to send a notification when new users arrive" ) = easygui.enterbox(msg, __app__, msg = ("Please enter the email body you want to use for your notification " "email. A list of new users will be added below this text." ) cfg.mailbody = easygui.textbox(msg, __app__, cfg.mailbody, codebox=False) msg = ("Optional: Please enter the command line of a script including full path " "and command options. This script will be executed when new users arrive.\n" "(Please leave this line empty to not execute anything.)" ) = easygui.enterbox(msg, __app__, # persist the settings testdate='' out='' while True: if easygui.boolbox('Do you want to test this configuration (again) ?', __app__, ('Yes', 'No')): msg = ("If you want to test this config, please enter the creation date " "(format: YYYYMMDD) you would like to test." ) testdate = easygui.enterbox(msg, __app__,testdate) if not testdate: break if testdate != '': exe=getMyFile() try: out=subprocess.check_output( '"%s" --debug --search-date %s %s' % (exe,testdate,config), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True) except : print "likely subproces CalledProcessError.output " easygui.codebox('Please see debugging output below:', __app__, out) else: break cmdline = '%s %s' % (getMyFile(),config) easygui.codebox('Please activate this command via cron:' , __app__,cmdline)