Exemple #1
    def test_metadataTags(self):
        # saving in id3_23 should be different than saving in id3_24
        import filecmp
        tmpdirsl = self.tmpdir + '/'
        shutil.copy(tmpdirsl + 'mp3_avgb128.mp3', tmpdirsl + 'mp3_id3_23.mp3')
        shutil.copy(tmpdirsl + 'mp3_avgb128.mp3', tmpdirsl + 'mp3_id3_24.mp3')
        self.assertTrue(filecmp.cmp(tmpdirsl + 'mp3_id3_23.mp3', tmpdirsl + 'mp3_id3_24.mp3', shallow=False))
        o23 = EasyPythonMutagen(tmpdirsl + 'mp3_id3_23.mp3', True)
        o23.set('title', 'test')
        o24 = EasyPythonMutagen(tmpdirsl + 'mp3_id3_24.mp3', False)
        o24.set('title', 'test')
        self.assertFalse(filecmp.cmp(tmpdirsl + 'mp3_id3_23.mp3', tmpdirsl + 'mp3_id3_24.mp3', shallow=False))
        # unsupported extensions
        self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, 'unsupported', lambda: EasyPythonMutagen('missing_extension'))
        self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, 'unsupported', lambda: EasyPythonMutagen('unsupported.mp3.extension.mp5'))
        # test reading and writing
        for file in os.listdir(self.tmpdir):
            if 'id3' in file:
            fields = dict(album=1, comment=1, artist=1, title=1,
                composer=1, discnumber=1, tracknumber=1, albumartist=1, website=1)
            obj = EasyPythonMutagen(tmpdirsl + file)
            self.assertRaises(KeyError, lambda: obj.get('composer'))
            if not file.endswith('.mp3'):
                fields['description'] = 1
            # we shouldn't be able to set invalid fields
            if '.m4a' in file:
                # workaround for mutagen bug easymp4.py,
                # line 183,  __getitem__ when it fails to raise EasyMP4KeyError("%r is not a valid key" % key)
                self.assertRaisesRegexp(Exception, '(not a valid key)|(object is not callable)', lambda: obj.set('aartist', 'test'))
                self.assertRaisesRegexp(Exception, '(not a valid key)|(object is not callable)', lambda: obj.get('aartist'))
                self.assertRaises(KeyError, lambda: obj.set('aartist', 'test'))
                self.assertRaises(KeyError, lambda: obj.get('aartist'))
            for field in fields:
                # first, all fields should be empty
                self.assertEqual(None, obj.get_or_default(field, None))
                # then, put data into the field
                if field == 'tracknumber':
                    val = 14
                elif field == 'discnumber':
                    val = 7
                elif field == 'website':
                    val = 'http://website' + field
                    val = u'test\u0107test\u1101' + field
                fields[field] = val
                obj.set(field, val)
                self.assertEqual(unicode(fields[field]), obj.get(field))
            # verify data was saved
            obj = EasyPythonMutagen(tmpdirsl + file)
            for field in fields:
                self.assertEqual(unicode(fields[field]), obj.get(field))
            # append data to each text field
            for field in fields:
                if not isinstance(fields[field], int):
                    obj.set(field, unicode(fields[field]) + 'appended')

            # verify data was saved
            obj = EasyPythonMutagen(tmpdirsl + file)
            for field in fields:
                if not isinstance(fields[field], int):
                    self.assertEqual(unicode(fields[field]) + 'appended', obj.get(field))
 def set(self, fieldname, val):
     fieldname = self.normalizeFieldname(fieldname)
     if isinstance(val, int):
         val = str(val)
     EasyPythonMutagen.set(self, fieldname, val)