def ez_auth():
        global auth_token
        response = eazyml.ez_auth(username, password=None, api_key=api_key)
        auth_token = response["token"]
    except Exception as e:
        print('The function ez_auth was not executed properly', e)
Exemple #2
def ez_auth():
    This function calls the API which allows the user to authenticate with EazyML and returns a token
        global auth_token

        #Calling the eazyml library function for authentication
        response = eazyml.ez_auth(username, api_key=api_key)
        auth_token = response["token"]
        print("Output of ez_auth function is", response)
    except Exception as e:
        print('The function ez_auth was not executed properly', e)
Exemple #3
import eazyml
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

#to start the program, make sure you change the last number
#in the second row to the id of the county you which to check

#authentication to use api
username = '******'
password = '******'
train_file_path = 'dataset.csv'

resp = eazyml.ez_auth(username, None, password)
auth_token = resp["token"]

options = {
    "id": "ID",
    "impute": "yes",
    "outlier": "yes",
    "discard": "null",
    "accelerate": "yes",
    "outcome": "Major Incident"

ez_model_config = {
    "model_type": "predictive",
    "derive_text": "no",
    "derive_numeric": "no",
    "accelerate": "yes"
def main_function(county_name):
    big_df = pd.read_csv("webserver\\big_data.csv")
    dates = big_df["Date"]
    county_column = big_df[county_name]

    average = sum(list(big_df[county_name])) / 310

    result = pd.concat([dates, county_column], axis=1)
    result.to_csv("webserver\\dataset.csv", index=False)

    #authentication to use api
    username = '******'
    password = '******'
    train_file_path = 'webserver\\dataset.csv'

    resp = eazyml.ez_auth(username, None, password)
    auth_token = resp["token"]

    options = {
        "id": "null",
        "impute": "yes",
        "outlier": "yes",
        "discard": "null",
        "accelerate": "yes",
        "shuffle": "no",
        "outcome": county_name

    ez_model_config = {
        "model_type": "timeseries",
        "derive_text": "no",
        "derive_numeric": "no",
        "accelerate": "yes",
        "date_time_column": "Date"

    #loading the training data
    resp = eazyml.ez_load(auth_token, train_file_path, options)
    dataset_id = resp["dataset_id"]

    #building the model
    resp = eazyml.ez_init_model(auth_token, dataset_id, ez_model_config)
    resp = eazyml.ez_get_models(auth_token)
    model_id = resp["dataframe"]["data"][0][4]

    prediction_df = pd.DataFrame({
        'Date': ["6/30/2020", "12/31/2020"],
        'Monmouth': ["", ""]
    prediction_df.to_csv("webserver\\prediction.csv", index=False)
    #getting final response with answers and displaying to user
    response = eazyml.ez_predict(auth_token, model_id,
    half_year = float(response["predictions"]["data"][0][2])
    if half_year > average:
        half_year_statement = True
        half_year_statement = False
    full_year = float(response["predictions"]["data"][1][2])
    if full_year > average:
        full_year_statement = True
        full_year_statement = False
    return half_year, half_year_statement, full_year, full_year_statement
Exemple #5
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8

# In[1]:

import json
import csv
import eazyml as ez

# In[2]:

username = '******'
api_key = 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJqdGkiOiJhYjgyOWQyYi00MGZhLTQ0ZmEtYTVjMy1lODcxOGY2ZThiMmYiLCJleHAiOjE2MDUyNTE5MzgsImZyZXNoIjpmYWxzZSwiaWF0IjoxNjA1MTY1NTM4LCJ0eXBlIjoiYWNjZXNzIiwibmJmIjoxNjA1MTY1NTM4LCJpZGVudGl0eSI6IlJhanZhcmRoYW4gUmF2YXQifQ.936LvLzRPLzekkc14x4N6w4lMMUGZnZmDODJJESgaqQ'
file_path = 'California_Wildfire_Data.csv'

token = ez.ez_auth(username, None, api_key)["token"]

# In[3]:

def train_data(token, file_path):
    options = {
        "discard": [
            "started", "extinguished", "counties", "latitude", "longitude",
            "acresBurned", "visibility", "uvIndex"